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Productive and qualitative traits of pea fodder and grain depending on nitrogen nutrition

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... It increases crop yield through improving soil fertility (by its capacity to fix nitrogen) [3,22,23]. Field pea is appropriate for alternation arrangements to diminish the undesirable influences of mono-cropping on cereal-based farming [3,11,12,17,[24][25][26]. Field pea is also used as a means of income generation for small holder farmers and alien exchange for the nation [3,11,[27][28][29]. ...
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For improvement of field pea production, agricultural research centers have released many varieties. However, productivity of field pea is low due to insufficient demonstration of released and adapted varieties at farmers’ level. Hence, demonstration of released and improved varieties is the key approval for large scale production of field pea. Therefore, this experiment was exhibited at three highlands to estimate profitability and evaluate the yield of shiro kind field pea varieties. The Bilalo variety was demonstrated with local varieties by 12 farmers during the year 2022. Yield and costs of production were collected. The data was analyzed through cost benefit analysis and descriptive statistics. The result indicated that the Bilalo variety gave a better yield (25.92 Qt/ha) compared to the local variety (18.33 Qt/ha). Cost benefit analysis indicated that the Bilalo variety gave better returns (108672 ETB/ha) compared to the local variety (54022 ETB/ha). Farmers prefer the Bilalo variety because it provides a higher harvest, is more disease tolerant and has high market value over the local variety. The use of the improved shiro field pea variety is significant for yield increment and profit growth. Thus, the Bilalo variety should be used for shiro type field pea production in highland areas. Additional research is desirable to promote the Bilalo variety through scaling up in the highland and similar agro-ecologies of the Guji zone.
... It is the most important food legumes with a valuable and cheap source of protein having essential amino acids (23-26%) which is mainly consumed by resource poor households (Kapila et al. 2012). The crop plays a significant role in soil fertility restoration as a suitable rotation crop that fixes atmospheric nitrogen which considered as minimization of fertilizer cost for the low income farmers (Stenvovic et al. 2005;Keneni et al. 2013). It also used as sources of income for the farmers and foreign currency for the country (Shahidur et al. 2010). ...
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Type: Research Full Text: PDF, HTML, PHP, EPUB The aim of this study was to evaluate on-farm and select farmer's preferred varieties comparing with agronomic performance of field pea varieties. The experiment was conducted both at on-station and on-farm in Western Shewa, Ethiopia. The on-station experiment was carried out at Ambo Agricultural Research Center using RCBD with three replications. Five improved varieties were evaluated by comparing with one local variety and selected for desirable attributes. Participatory variety evaluation and selection trials involving farmers were conducted at on-farm in the districts of Ambo, Dandi, and Wonchi during 2020 and 2021 main seasons, When the farmer's fields considered as replications. In addition to agronomic data such as days to flowering, plant height, pods per plant, seed per pod, farmers used different criteria to assess field pea varieties starting from emergence to maturity and after harvest of the crop. The major farmers' selection criteria were growth habit, yield performance, disease and pest resistance, marketability, and suitability for diet. Based on selection criteria, most of the farmers were highly select the variety of Bilalo followed by Burkitu. The result from agronomic data also confirmed that the farmers' preferred varieties were selected for their good performance in most tested traits. Accordingly, the combined analysis showed Bilalo was the best yielder with grain yield 2850 kg/ha followed by Burkitu (2800 kg/ha), whereas Bursa (2416.7 kg/ha), Gume (2333.3 kg/ha), Adi (2016.7 kg/ha), and local variety (1816.7 kg/ha). These results indicated that farmers had deep knowledge to select and make decision of the preferred superior varieties compared to the inferior varieties.
... It is the most significant food legume, a valuable and affordable source of protein with necessary amino acids (23-26%), and it is primarily consumed by homes with limited resources (Kapila, 2012;Olusesi & Joshua, 2022;Owhe-Ureghe et al., 2022). The crop is an important rotation crop for restoring soil fertility because it fixes atmospheric nitrogen, reducing the need for fertilizer for low-income farmers (Stenvovic, 2005;Keneni, 2013). Additionally, it serves as a source of revenue for farmers and a source of foreign exchange for the nation (Girma, 2003;Shahidur, 2010). ...
In the main cropping season of 2021, a field experiment was carried out in the Bore, Dama, and Anna Sora districts of the Guji Zone on stations and farmers’ fields. The experiment’s goal was to compare agronomic traits with farmer input to evaluate on-farm varieties, choose farmers’ favorite varieties, and then recommend the best performing varieties for the Guji Highland field pea production regions. At the Bore Agricultural Research Center, an on-station experiment was conducted utilizing RCBD with three replications. Ten enhanced kinds that were introduced both nationally and regionally were tested and chosen based on their desirable characteristics. From each district, two farmer’s fields were used, and the farmer’s fields were replicated. Farmers employed a variety of factors in addition to agronomic information, such as days to blooming, plant height, pods per plant, and seed per pod, to evaluate field pea varieties. Growth habits, production performance, disease and insect resistance, marketability, and diet compatibility were the main selection criteria used by farmers. The majority of farmers chose the Burkitu variety, followed by the Bamo variety, based on the selection criteria. The analysis of the agronomic data also showed that the selected varieties for the farmers were chosen for their high yielding and other assessed qualities. Bilalo had the highest seed yield (4167 kg/ha), followed by Bamo (3312 kg/ha), and Adi (3104 kg/ha), according to the results of the combined analysis.Due to its excellent grain output, appealing seed color, large seed size, and overall preferable field performance, the Burkitu variety was chosen. These findings suggested that farmers had a thorough understanding of how to choose and decide on the chosen better varieties in comparison to the inferior types. Keywords: Farmers’ Criteria: kik-Type: Participatory Selection: Ethiopia
... It is the major food legumes with valuable and cheap sources of protein having extended essential amino acid (21-26%) that have high nutritional values for resource poor households [2,3]. The crop has important ecological and economic advantages in in the highland of Ethiopia, as it plays a signi icant role in soil fertility restoration and serves as a break crop suitable for rotation to minimize the negative impacts of cereals based on mono cropping [4][5][6]. It also used as sources of income for the farmers and foreign currency for the country [7,8]. ...
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Field pea is one of the grain food legumes contributing an enormous amount of protein to the human diet in Arsi zone. It is a long time ago that fi eld pea crop improvement started in which more than 16 new varieties released those are selected primarily for yield potential, but there is a trait left considered as a very import by majority of farmers. The current study intended to identify traits that farmers consider most important when deciding which varieties to grow. The study was conducted at south eastern Arsi of Ethiopia, representing fi ve major fi eld pea producing location, in one growing season, using a participatory variety selection approach. A total of nine improved and one local check fi eld pea varieties are used. Majority of farmers’ were found around fourteen traits that can infl uence the selected varieties across all locations. There are also some traits those are more sensitive to gender diff erence. Among fourteen traits, nine were considered particularly important in one or all the location in a growing season. Unfortunately, there are preferred traits that are not given high priority by the current fi eld pea breeding program in Ethiopian. This study indicated that there is no fi eld pea variety possesses all desirable characteristics that meet the diverse farmers’ selection criteria that adapted to varied location and a growing season. It is better if farmers’ preference traits would be considered in breeding program for a country Ethiopia where the crop is consumed as a stable food.
... sativum) is a coolseason legume crop which is an important source of protein for humans in the developing world and a major fodder crop in developed countries. It also plays a key role in soil fertility due to its nitrogen fixing ability (Stenvovic et al. 2005). The main field pea producing countries include Canada, Russia, China, India and France. ...
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Field pea (Pisum sativum L. subsp. sativum) is an important agricultural crop worldwide, as a main source of protein in human diet and as animal fodder. In Ethiopia, it is the second most important legume crop next to faba bean (Vicia faba L.). However, the production is threatened by pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum L.), which is a rapidly spreading insect pest throughout the country. During June–October 2011, a total of 602 pea accessions from Ethiopia were screened for pea weevil resistance at three field sites in Ethiopia. From this trial, accessions with relatively low mean percent seed damage (PSD) were selected and evaluated during June-October 2012 in replicated trials. Some genotypes from the selected accessions were also studied under greenhouse conditions for up to three generations. Both in the field and greenhouse trials, a significant level of variation in PSD were observed among accessions/genotypes. However, a few of them showed relatively consistent results across sites and years. The gene bank accessions 32454 and 235002 had consistently <40 % PSD. These accessions had 17 and 33 % PSD, respectively, at a site where the highest and overall mean PSD were 92 and 75 %, respectively. Also, promising genotypes with consistently low levels of seed damage were identified in accessions 226037 and 32410. The incorporation of such promising accessions/genotypes into pea breeding programs may lead to the development of field pea varieties with enhanced resistance against pea weevil and consequently contribute to sustainable field pea production in Ethiopia and beyond.
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The objectives of this study were to estimate usage possibilities of semi-leafless winter pea type in voluminous feed production in mixture with cereals and to evaluate its quality in relation to standard leafed cultivars. Difference in average yields of green mass between two pea types was not significant. Significant differences were found within combinations types, ranged from 38.63 to 54.67 t ha-1 for combinations with standard leaf type and from 40.51 to 51.09 t ha-1 for combinations with semi-leafless pea type. In average, semi-leafless combinations were achieved digestive proteins yield of 1026 kg ha-1, what ensured 17101 L of milk ha-1 and 49807 MJ ha-1 of energy production, sufficient to hold norm of dairy cow and milk yield of 15712 L ha-1.
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