The present study is the first attempt to make recommendations that enhance e-business deployment in Iran. In this paper, studying 19 countries and four regions, 339 recommendations for e-business development are extracted. Then, using content analysis, 32 recommendations are selected and categorised into four groups of 'e-infrastructure', 'human resource', 'security' and 'policies and plans'. Countries selected for extracting their recommendations are those whose circumstances resemble Iran's. Therefore, these recommendations seem to be able to be exploited by developing countries, in particular, by Middle East countries. Finally, a survey is conducted and using statistical tests, the recommendations that are compatible with Iran's internal circumstances are proposed. These recommendations are prioritised and categorised in three groups based on the criteria of the degree of importance in experts' opinions, country's experience and whether or not the recommendations have been implemented in Iran. The proposed recommendations are also ranked according to experts' opinions.