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Imaginary Worldplay in Childhood and Maturity
and Its Impact on Adult Creativity
Michele Root-Bernstein and Robert Root-Bernstein
Michigan State University
ABSTRACT: The childhood invention of imaginary
worlds or paracosms may prepare for creative en
deavor in adulthood. To test hypotheses concerning the
incidence of childhood worldplay and its connection to
mature work, this study queried MacArthur Fellows,
selected for their creativity, and compared them to
Michigan State University (MSU) students. Whereas
previous research declared paracosm play to be un-
common and associated with the arts, this study found
it reasonably common among MSU students
(3%–12%), about twice as frequent among MacArthur
Fellows (5%–26%), and prevalent in the backgrounds
of scientists and social scientists as well as artists. A
majority of Fellows with assessed worldplay in child-
hood reported connections between early paracosm
play and mature endeavor. Childhood worldplay de-
serves further study as early apprenticeship in creative
Ongoing discussion in the fields of psychology and cre
ativity studies concerns whether groundbreaking indi
viduals are “Jacks of all trades” or specialists (Kaufman
& Baer, 2005; Sternberg, Grigorenko, & Singer, 2004).
attention isthe role that general imaginativepreparation
in childhood may havefor morespecialized creativeen
deavor in adulthood. Over the last few hundred years in
the West, artists, scientists, inventors, and others have
observed that the creative adult recaptures in his or her
work process some aspect of child’s play
(Apostolos-Cappadona & Altschuler, 1994, pp. 101,
115; Clark, 1981, pp. 2, 15, 17; Cobb, 1977, p. 88 and
passim; Gopnik, Meltzoff, & Kuhl, 1999, pp. 12–13;
Remy, 1991/1991, p. 10;J. L. Singer,1973, p. 6). Others
have insisted that the individual’s personal history of
childhood play itself informs mature capacities. For ex
ample, the neuroanatomist and Nobel Prize winner,
Ramon y Cajal, argued:
The games of children are an absolutely essential preparation
for life; thanks to them the infantile brain hastens its develop
ment, receiving, according to the hobbies preferred and the
amusements carried on, a definite moral and intellectual
stamp upon which the future will largely depend. (as cited in
R. Root-Bernstein, 1989b, p. 314)
Taking our cue from observations such as these, we es-
sayed a study of creative play in childhood and its per-
ceived connections to adult innovation and invention
amongst MacArthur Fellows, a group of individuals
known for creative contribution within and across dis-
One of the most remarkable forms of creative play
in childhood is the invention of make-believe worlds,
often referred to in the psychological literature as
paracosms (Cohen, 1990; Cohen & MacKeith, 1991;
MacKeith, 1982–1983; Silvey, 1977; Silvey &
MacKeith, 1988; D. G. Singer & Singer, 1990, pp.
111–116; Taylor, 1999, pp. 136–141). Unlike other
forms of make-believe, worldplay, as we call it, in
volves the persistent and consistent evocation of an
imagined place (often, but not always) inhabited by
imagined people or beings. Such a world is not to be
Creativity Research Journal
2006, Vol. 18, No. 4, 405–425
Copyright © 2006 by
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Creativity Research Journal 405
The authors wish to acknowledge and thank the MacArthur Fellows
who responded to inquiries about worldplay, the students at Michi
gan State University (MSU) who did the same and the colleagues at
MSU who made that possible. This article is based in part on a pre
sentation to the American Psychological Association Symposium on
Domain-Specificity Versus Domain-Generality in Creativity, held in
August of 2004.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be sent to
Michele Root-Bernstein, 720 Gainsborough Drive, East Lansing, MI
48823. E-mail:
confused with the disturbing fantasies of some psy
chotic children and teens (Green, 1964; Lindner, 1955,
pp. 221–293), but belongs to normally developing chil
dren who distinguish between what they imagine and
what really exists (Cohen & MacKeith, 1991, p. 14;
Silvey & MacKeith, 1988, pp. 173–174). However,
whether they play in an imaginary land with several in
timates or by themselves, the make-believe does not
wisp away at the end of the day. The imagined world
organically builds over months, sometimes years; it ac
cumulates behind-the-scenes narratives, geographies,
cultures, social and political institutions, and even eco
systems. Indeed, children who create make-believe
worlds frequently do so in ways that are materially in
ventive. They document what is playfully imagined by
composing alphabets and languages, writing down sto
ries and histories, or drawing pictures and maps. Such
documentation may, in fact, be regarded as a sine qua
non for worldplay in its most recognizable guise, thus
differentiating it from other forms of creative play in
volving imaginative reenactment, imaginary friends,
or daydreams (Cohen & MacKeith, 1991, pp.
107–111; J. L. Singer, 1973, 1975; Taylor, 1999).
At present, researchers in psychology and creativ-
ity studies know a bit about childhood worldplay and
almost nothing of its bearing on creativity, whether
juvenile or adult. In 1988, Silvey (posthumous) and
MacKeith catalogued 64 paracosms described by 57
adults who had responded to Silvey’s (1977) pub-
lished appeals soliciting personal experiences with
worldplay. In the same article, they compiled a list of
15 paracosms described in published autobiographies
and memoirs. Cohen and MacKeith (1991) later
placed Silvey’s sample of paracosms in a context of
psychological and creative development. The re
searchers shed light on paracosm play in two ways:
first, by establishing its developmental profile; sec
ond, by categorizing its forms and contents.
Judging by the interview materials received from
their 57 respondents, Silvey and MacKeith (1988) and
Cohen and MacKeith (1991) argued that the invention
of imaginary worlds typically peaks around the age of
9, continues for some months or years, and then fades
by the late teenage years. They also discerned five typi
cal content categories: paracosms based on or invoking
fantasy play with (a) toys; (b) particular places and lo
cal communities; (c) imagined islands, countries, and
their peoples; (d) imagined systems, documents, and
languages; and (e) unstructured, idyllic worlds. Some
of their data appeared to indicate that as world-invent
ing children matured, their focus tended to shift from
the personal intimacy of toy families to the social inter
actions of larger establishments, thence to the increas
ingly abstract cultural, economic, and political systems
that characterize society at large. Two out of three girls
in the sample continued to focus on the personal inter
actions of characters, whereas most boys focused on
systems, bureaucracies, or histories with little emo
tional content. Therefore, although paracosms in
vented by boys and girls were nearly equal in number,
those that modeled the real world, with minimal inter
est in personal life, predominated (Silvey & MacKeith,
1988, p. 186).
The paracosm materials collected by Silvey and
MacKeith (1988) were eminently suited to characteriz
ing worldplay but not to ascertaining its incidence, re
lation to subsequent profession, or functionality as
preparation for creative work. Despite a lack of rele
vant data, the researchers nonetheless surmised that the
invention of imaginary worlds was “uncommon” in
early or late childhood and “very uncommon” in teen-
age years (Cohen & MacKeith, 1991, p. 111;
MacKeith, 1982–1983, p. 265; Silvey & MacKeith,
1988, p. 175). They also argued that the invention of
imaginary worlds appealed to “dreamy” types with an
affinity for the arts; a point seemingly confirmed by the
preponderance of well-known writers and artists on
their supplemental list of published worldplay recol-
lections. Paradoxically, the relative absence of adult
careers in the arts among their 57 paracosmists led Co
hen and MacKeith (1991) to conclude that worldplay
did not sustain or enhance creative potential in the av
erage individual, but rather steered make-believe away
from the fantasy of play toward something “more like
work” (pp. 53, 103–104). Overall, they built a case for
a fascinating, if somewhat disappointing, byway in the
development of ordinary imagination (Cohen &
MacKeith, 1991, p. 22).
These conclusions may be questioned. By their own
admissions, Silvey and MacKeith (1988) and Cohen
and MacKeith (1991) did not investigate potential rates
of worldplay in either a general or an artistic (or other
wise creative) population. Neither did they formalize
the actual distribution of adult professional activity
amongst their sample of paracosmists or discuss in any
systematic way perceived connections between imagi
native endeavors in childhood and adulthood. More
over, their assumption that worldplay often strangled
406 Creativity Research Journal
M. Root-Bernstein and R. Root-Bernstein
the imagination prematurely limited potential investi
gation of imaginative skill sets that may have been ac
quired in worldplay.
Based on our previous research on play, avocations,
and creativity (R. Root-Bernstein, Bernstein, &
Garnier, 1995; R. Root-Bernstein & Root-Bernstein,
1999, 2004), we made a number of alternative hypoth
eses concerning the incidence, appeal, and effect of
worldplay. First, we hypothesized that highly creative
individuals would be more apt to have invented worlds
in childhood than individuals in a general population;
second, individuals with childhood worldplay would
work in a diverse range of disciplines across the arts
and sciences; and third, these individuals would find
play, especially worldplay, important to adult endeavor
and would perceive connections between childhood
play and adult work. As a corollary to all three hypoth
eses, we also supposed that the long-term advantages
of childhood worldplay would involve early practice
navigating the creative process.
To testthese hypotheses, we queriedMacArthur Fel-
lows, a group of highly successful individuals selected
by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
for extraordinary originality and exceptional promise.
In a professional, private vetting process, MacArthur
Fellowsare anonymously nominated from a wide range
of disciplines in the sciences, social sciences, arts, hu-
manities, and public affairs professions. We compared
these Fellowsto a control group of students enrolled in a
variety of courses at Michigan State University (MSU).
Theentrance level forthis large,land-grant institution is
moderately difficult (on average, students score be
tween 1,040 and 1,260 [combined scores] on the Scho
lastic Achievement Test), and the student body, at least
population of individuals selected for ordinary achieve
ment. Therefore, we expected to establish rates of
paracosm invention in both a general and a creativepop
ulation, determine the subsequent career plans or paths
of those who had invented paracosms as children, and
tease out any perceived connections respondents might
entertain between childhood worldplay and adult cre
ative endeavor.
In February of 2002, we prepared a short query
about the invention of imaginary worlds to send to
MacArthur Fellows (see Appendix A). Section I asked
Fellows to briefly describe their work, their hobbies,
and any childhood play they considered relevant to ei
ther. Section II asked whether the Fellow had invented
an imaginary world in childhood. Section III asked
whether imaginary worlds in the arts, humanities, and
sciences remained important to them as adults. This
section did not suppose a childhood experience with
worldplay, although those individuals who felt they in
vented worlds both as children and as adults were addi
tionally able to address whether they saw some con
nection between the two. All surveys were to be
considered anonymous, and all remarks were kept con
fidential unless Fellows indicated otherwise.
Ninety percent of individuals given MacArthur
awards from 1981 through 2001, or 505 individuals,
were contacted by e-mail and by post. After a lapse of
some time, the process was repeated for those Fellows
who had not responded. Out of 505 contacts, 106 re
sponses made for a one-fifth response rate.
In the spring and fall of 2003, eight classrooms in
the sciences, humanities, arts, and general education
departments at MSU were also polled. Students were
given the opportunity to fill out an anonymous query
like that sent to the MacArthur Fellows; however, in-
stead of professional affiliation, they were asked to list
future career plans. Based on enrollment data, approxi-
mately 1,000 students attended the polled classrooms;
about 1 in 5, or 262, completed the questionnaire.
Certain disparities may have affected thoroughness
of response. Due to the in-class setting of the query, stu
dents had approximately 10 to 15 min to reflect and re
spond to query questions, whereas Fellows devoted
self-determined amounts of time to formulating their
answers. Age differences between the two populations
may also have affected responses. MacArthur Fellows
includedindividualsbornin eachdecade spanning 1920
to 1960; at the time of query, over one half were aged in
their 50s and 60s. In contrast, nearly all students were
born in the early 1980s; no more than a handful were
born in the 1970s or the 1960s. We considered the possi
bility that students, closer in years to childhood play,
might have had more accessible memories of early
worldplay and that Fellows, further advanced in years,
mighthavehadless accessiblerecall ofchildhood world
invention. However, the observation by previous re
searchers that childhood worldplay held long-term sig
Creativity Research Journal 407
Imaginary Worldplay and Creativity
Preliminary evaluation of responses revealed that
many of the positive reports of worldplay by MacAr
thur Fellows and MSU students were “false positives.”
This may have been due to priming by the query itself,
which had been designed to solicit from respondents a
conscious commentary on their experiences with play
as children and as adults. Respondents described play
of many sorts as involving the invention of imaginary
worlds whether or not that play fit the definition sup
plied in the query. Fellows and students described a
great deal of make-believe reverie (daydreams) and en
acted make-believe (sociodramatic) play in addition to
constructed make-believe, wherein paracosm play
might be said to typically fall, at least when it com
prises the crafting of props, models, or other docu
ments of play (Cohen & MacKeith, 1991, pp. 110–111;
Piaget, 1946/1962, pp. 110–113). Cohen and
MacKeith included some play-acting games, day
dream fantasies, and modeling games within their
paracosm sample as well as the more distinct kind of
worldplay involving the material elaboration of stories,
drawings, maps, or histories. They did so as long as
three basic criteria were met: play persisted over
weeks, months, or years; it elaborated a consistently
conceived place; and it “mattered,” that is to say, was
personally important to the child (Cohen & MacKeith,
1991, p. 14; Silvey & MacKeith, 1988, p. 174). We also
found it necessary to apply these criteria to the query
responses to assess positive self-reports for recogniz-
able (definitional) worldplay. (In addition, previous re-
searchers had required that the child distinguish be
tween imagined and real worlds, to restrict their study
to a normal imagination. We did not apply this criteria
in assessment, assuming—for the purposes of this
study—that successful adults and functioning college
students made adequate distinctions between reality,
on the one hand, and fantasy or conjecture, on the
Based on criteria established by Silvey and
MacKeith (1988) and Cohen and MacKeith (1991), we
devised a checklist or rubric (see Appendix B). We also
looked for evidence that the world in question actually
involved imaginary dimensions (i.e., imagined places
and, possibly, imagined people) beyond the “here and
now” of playacting; that those imaginary dimensions
were conceived in some detail rather than none (spe
cific vs. general notions of place or persons); and that
the play was private or intimately shared, rather than
public. In addition, we looked for evidence that respon
dents had documented their worlds with written sto
ries, maps, drawings, or other artifacts. These extended
criteria allowed distinctions to be made between
worldplay and common sociodramatic play. It also al
lowed us to accept as imaginary worlds a couple of re
ported instances of imaginary friends, when these
friends inhabited a fully conceived place. One Fellow
who “talked Jenny” with an imaginary friend eventu
ally elaborated a complete society of “woods-girls”
whose adventures she recorded in pictures and stories.
Evaluating self-reports of worldplay was not an “ei
ther–or” proposition. Imaginary worlds, as recalled
and described, were more or less persistent and more or
less consistent. Some children played “dolls,” whereas
others played “Dollyland.” Some continually repeated
invariant scenarios; others continuously returned to
evolving ones. Imaginative play rarely met all criteria
for the invention of imaginary worlds. For instance,
one imaginary town and one imaginary zoo, both rec
reated day after day and dismantled at night to make
room for family activities, were certainly persistent but
weak in consistency and specificity. The stories, char-
acters, and even the settings changed daily, although
they occupied the same imaginary play space.
Faced with this kind of polymorphous play experi-
ence, we used the rubric to establish a profile for each
self-reported world. Some traits were required; others
were corroborative. In its final form, the rubric estab-
lished a checklist for imaginary worldplay or paracosm
play that (a) required the notion of a specific “other”
place, either partly or wholly imaginary; that (b) might
include the notion of specific persons, either partly or
wholly imaginary; and that (c) must include the consis
tent repetition over some period of time of a specific
scenario, as evidenced by the naming of places and
characters or the elaboration of a continuous narrative
or other systematization. In ambiguous cases, we
looked for indication that the play had been private or
intimately shared as opposed to communally practiced.
This and other evidence of the child’s creative control
helped tip the balance toward worldplay. Internal con
sistency of assessment across the two data samples was
achieved by a repetition of review by a single evalua
tor; no attempt was made otherwise to determine the
reliability of the rubric.
In this manner, positive responses to worldplay by
MacArthur Fellows and MSU students were catego
rized into two groups: researcher-assessed worldplay
and researcher-assessed nonworldplay. Initially, a third
408 Creativity Research Journal
M. Root-Bernstein and R. Root-Bernstein
group was also included—researcher-assessed ambig
uous. We sorted the data in two ways. The first, more
stringent assortment did not include ambiguous cases;
the second, more relaxed assortment incorporated the
assignment of ambiguous cases into the other two
groups. As it turned out, both assortments generated
similar profiles for Fellows and for MSU students, es
pecially when the two sample groups were compared
to each other.
The researcher-assessed data were evaluated for in
cidence of childhood worldplay in the two sample pop
ulations and its distribution across current or intended
professional endeavors. In addition, the two sample
populations were compared using a chi-squared analy
sis (assuming the student population to represent the
“expected” distribution) to evaluate the significance of
the results. Finally, self-reported connections between
worldplay and adult creative endeavor were evaluated
to confirm and interpret the statistical findings.
To address our first hypothesis that highly creative
individuals would be more likely than others to have
invented worlds in childhood, we considered the fol-
lowing data.
Of the 106 responses, 16 Fellows declined partici-
pation; some cited personal discretion or protection of
current creative inspiration. “This cuts too close to
home,” wrote one Fellow. Another wrote, “Sacred ter
ritory, … these are subjects I prefer not to discuss for
fear of disturbing the muse the wrong way!” Others
cited lack of time or interest. Ninety applicable re
sponses remained. Of these self-reports, 39 individuals
(43%) indicated that they did invent imaginary worlds
in childhood; 51 (57%) indicated they did not (see Ta
ble 1).
The responses were reevaluated according to the ru
bric. Of the 39 self-reports of worldplay among Mac
Arthur Fellows, only 18 qualified as recognizable in
stances of imagined world invention in the first,
stringent assortment; 23 in the second, relaxed assort
ment that included ambiguous cases. In the first, strin
gent assortment, worldplay examples included the
model city, “rather Incaic in its conception,” that one
Fellow built out of small stones in the woods near his
home when he was around 9 years old. The city had in
stitutions and a history. In the second, relaxed assort
ment, acceptable examples included the genealogical
records kept by another Fellow for “a cast of imaginary
characters” whose adventures in the “real world” had
“evolving histories.”
In that second, relaxed assortment, the remaining 16
nonworldplay responses described related make-be-
lieve, typified by the ephemeral play world reported by
one Fellow who “rampaged around the woods [with a
friend] pretending to be Indians”; the book worlds de-
scribed by another Fellow as “entirely derivative of
what I was reading—voraciously—at the time—fairy
tales, Mary Poppins, ‘Greek myths,’ ‘girl nurse/detec-
tive/orphan/whatever’ stories”; the invented game
“built of elaborate models and ‘set-ups’” of World War
II scenarios with “very complex war-gaming rules” de-
scribed by yet another; and two very different forms of
imaginative play that involved animistic communion
with nature: “I felt that all things, animate and inani
mate spoke to me, if I was quiet and patient enough,”
Creativity Research Journal 409
Imaginary Worldplay and Creativity
Table 1. Survey Results for MacArthur Fellows and MSU Students
MacArthur Fellows MSU Students
Responses 106 262
Nonapplicable 16
Self-reports: Yes 39 43%
105 40%
Self-reports: No 51 157
Applicable total 90 262
Assort 1: Recognizable worldplay 18 20%
29 11%
A 1: Not worldplay 12 68
A 1: Ambiguous 9 8
Assort 2
: Recognizable worldplay 23 25.5%
32 12%
A 2
: Not worldplay 16 73
Note. MSU = Michigan State University.
Ambiguous responses distributed into “recognizable worldplay” and “not worldplay” categories.
Percentage of applicable total.
wrote a Fellow. “Especially trees, but also sticks,
clouds, rocks, any and everything, even bottle caps or
toys.” (See Table 2.)
Given the number of cases in both first and second
assortments, the invention of imaginary worlds among
the applicable sample group of 90 Fellows lay between
20% and 26%. It remains unknown whether the 400
MacArthur Fellows who did not respond to the query
invented imaginary worlds in the same, greater, or
lesser numbers. Nevertheless, we felt it possible, based
on the sample, to establish a reasonable range for the
incidence of worldplay among this group of innovative
individuals. If we assumed, on the one hand, that the
one-fifth sample fairly represented the whole, 26%
might be a maximum proportion of MacArthur Fel
lows who engaged in the childhood invention of imagi
nary worlds. If we assumed, on the other hand, that the
23 individuals represented all MacArthur Fellows with
this childhood experience, then 5% of all Fellows in
vented worlds in childhood. The reality is presumably
between 5% and 26%.
Of 262 responses received from MSU students, 105
responses (40%) answered yes to worldplay in child-
hood; 157 (60%) answered no. (See Table 1.) The
self-reported positive response rate was thus 40%,
which is similar to the 43% self-reported positive re-
sponse rate of MacArthur Fellows. (See Table 1.)
These self-reports were assessed using the rubric. Due
perhaps to the anonymous nature of the student query,
to student age, or to the lack of a cover letter or cover
introduction to worldplay in participating classrooms,
the rate of false positives was much higher among stu
dents than among Fellows.
Seventy-three positive student responses actually
described sociodramatic play, make-believe borrowed
from book and entertainment narratives, imaginary
companions, ephemeral daydreams or bedtime stories
in the absence of a consistent imagined place (a cate
gory that did not appear in the MacArthur sample), lan
guage games in the absence of an imaginary world, and
disparate and irrelevant forms of play. (See Table 2.)
Such responses reported, for example, a favorite play
space behind the sofa, play in the trees in imitation of
the Berenstain Bears™, an imaginary family that lived
in the garage, daydreams of being an alien sent to earth
(based on the television show, “Mork and Mindy”;
Marshall, 1978–1982), pretended communication with
trees and animals, and a “gorilla game” in which, by
climbing, the child “evolved from small monkey to a
chimp … to a gorilla.” None of these positive responses
involved the invention of paracosms.
Others did. These included the invented land of
“Mystica,” inhabited by people and other creatures and
replete with maps and histories. They also included a
“rainbow house” where the child “lived with imaginary
animals and cartoons I loved” and bed stories woven
around people who “lived in the clouds and at night
would come into your dreams.” In the first, stringent
assortment, 29 students provided evidence of such rec-
ognizable worldplay, with 8 students providing ambig-
uous evidence. In the second, relaxed assortment, 3 of
those ambiguous play experiences were reassigned to
recognizable worldplay. Therefore, at a maximum, 32
students had invented imaginary worlds in childhood.
The incidence range of researcher-assessed worldplay
in the student responders was thus 11% to 12%. (See
Table 1.) Once again, if we assume that responders are
typical of all students, then 11% to 12% represents the
maximum rate of worldplay in that general population.
If we assume that all students who participated in
410 Creativity Research Journal
M. Root-Bernstein and R. Root-Bernstein
Table 2. Types of Play in Positive Responses Assessed as Other Than Worldplay (Second Assortment) Among MacArthur
Fellows and MSU Students
MacArthur Fellows MSU Students
General play worlds 10 37
Book, film, or TV worlds 1 6
Imaginary companions 2 9
Daydreams/bedtime stories 3
Invented games 1
Language games 4
Other 2 14
Total 16 73
Note. MSU = Michigan State University.
worldplay responded to the questionnaire, then the rate
for all students in the sample is a minimum of 3%.
A comparison of incidence rates for the MacArthur
and student samples reveals an obvious discrepancy
between the two populations. Although students and
Fellows self-reported worldplay at a similar rate, the
actual incidence of researcher-assessed worldplay
amongst Fellows (5%–26%) was about twice that
amongst students (3%–12%), whether stringent or re
laxed criteria, minimum or maximum data were used.
As a means of addressing our second hypothesis,
that individuals who invented imagined worlds in
childhood would be apt to work in a wide range of pro
fessions, we also looked at what kind of professions
occupied worldplaying MacArthur Fellows in their
maturity and compared these to the professions that
MSU students who invented worlds in childhood fore
saw for themselves. Innovative individuals often cross
disciplinary boundaries in their work (Feist, 2004, p.
74; Hjerter, 1986; Plucker & Beghetto, 2004, pp.
161–163; R. Root-Bernstein, 2003; R. Root-Bernstein
& Root-Bernstein, 2004, pp. 127–151). MacArthur
Fellows are no exception to the rule. In the interests of
simplicity, however, we utilized the disciplinary cate-
gorization of Fellows employed by the MacArthur
Foundation. The Foundation organizes its appoint-
ments in five groups: arts, humanities, public issues,
social sciences, and sciences. As expected, the arts in-
clude choreography, music, visual and performing arts,
and creative writing. The humanities include the schol-
arly study of history, musicology, and philosophy of
science as well as the writing of biography or transla
tion. The social sciences cover disciplinary work as far
afield as economics and linguistics, archeology, and
psychology. The sciences cover some 20 fields from
biology, chemistry, and physics to agriculture, medi
cine, and computer science. The public issues category
includes diverse work in the areas of community af
fairs, education, human rights, international security
and arms control, journalism, labor, public health, and
public policy.
Over the years spanning 1981 to 2000, the MacAr
thur Foundation appointed one fourth of its Fellows in
the arts, a bit more than one fourth in the sciences, one
fifth each in the humanities and public issues profes
sions, and one tenth in the social sciences. (See Table
3.) When we looked at the professional breakdown of
our sample—Fellows appointed in the years spanning
1981 to 2000—we found that it mirrored the group as a
whole fairly closely. Twenty-six percent of the sample
worked in the arts, 12% in the humanities, 18% in pub
lic issues professions, 15% in the social sciences, and
29% in the sciences (Table 3). These proportions re
flect an almost exact match, except that we received
one third less responses from individuals in the human
ities than we might have expected and one third more
responses in the social sciences. It is not unreasonable,
therefore, to extrapolate our results to all MacArthur
More to the point, the data validated our expectation
that individuals inventing imaginary worlds in child-
hood participate as adults in a wide variety of disci-
plines. When we looked with both stringent and re-
laxed criteria at sampled Fellows with assessed
worldplay, the distribution crossed all professional cat-
egories. In the second assortment, the distribution
ranged from 19% for sampled Fellows in the public is
sues professions and the sciences to 46% of Fellows in
the social sciences. (See Table 4.)
The disciplinary distribution of childhood
worldplay among MacArthur Fellows proved signifi
cantly different from the same distribution in the con
Creativity Research Journal 411
Imaginary Worldplay and Creativity
Table 3. Breakdown of MacArthur Fellows by Professional Fields: Sample Compared to Pool
Arts Humanities Public Issues
Sciences Sciences
n % n % n % n % n % Total
23 26 12 13 16 18 13 14 26 29 90
Pool 1981–2000 154 26 98 17 107 18 57 10 171 29 587
Sample drawn from MacArthur Fellows Directory, 2000–2001, compiled by the Jefferson Institute, which included 507 out of 587 appointed
Fellows (attrition due to death or disinterest).
trol population. The intended professions of MSU stu
dents were fit within the categories established by the
MacArthur Foundation. This meant adding careers in
landscape design or theater management to the arts; ca
reers as translators or ministers to the humanities; and
careers in various technologies, medicine, and nursing
to the sciences. Students who indicated criminology,
social work, or business as career choices were placed
in the social sciences because these professions repre-
sented practical application of scholarly fields in this
category. Students who planned to become lawyers,
teachers, journalists, and politicians were placed for
similar reasons in the public issues category.
Unlike the MacArthur Fellows, the students sam-
pled at MSU did not fall as evenly across professions.
Because so many intended careers in law, business, and
education, the public issues and social sciences catego
ries together represented more than one half of all stu
dents. The arts and sciences claimed almost evenly an
other one third of students. Six percent of students had
not yet made a career choice. When we determined the
incidence of worldplay in each category, we found that
students in the humanities, arts, and public issues pro
fessions were more likely than students in social sci-
ences or sciences to have invented imaginary worlds by
a factor of two or more. (Stringent and relaxed assort-
ments differed little from one another. See Table 5.)
We observed two gross differences between our two
populations: Worldplay is more common among Mac-
Arthur Fellows than among MSU students, and it ap-
pears among Fellows working in the social sciences
and the sciences much more frequently than would be
predicted from the student responses. These differ-
ences, as presented in Figure 1 for the first, stringent
assortment of sample respondents and Figure 2 for the
second, relaxed assortment, proved significant using
412 Creativity Research Journal
M. Root-Bernstein and R. Root-Bernstein
Table 4. Breakdown of Assessed Worldplay Among MacArthur Fellows by Professional Field
Arts Humanities Public Issues
Sciences Sciences Total
Sample No. 23 12 16 13 26 90
Positive self-reports 11 6 6 8 8 39
% worldplay by professional field 48% 50% 37.5% 61.5% 31% 43%
Assort. 1: Assessed worldplay 4 4 1 4 5 18
A 1: Not worldplay 5 0 3 2 2 12
A 1: Ambiguous 2 2 2 2 1 9
A 1: % worldplay by professional field 17% 33% 6% 31% 19% 20%
Assort. 2
: Assessed worldplay 5 4 3 6 5 23
A 2
: Not worldplay 6 2 3 2 3 16
A 2
: % worldplay by professional field 22% 33% 19% 46% 19% 26%
Ambiguous responses distributed into “assessed worldplay” and “not worldplay” categories.
Table 5. Breakdown of Assessed Worldplay Among Michigan State University Students by Intended Professional Field
Arts Humanities Public Issues
Sciences Undecided Total
Sample No. 40 9 86 62 50 15 262
Positive self-reports 19 6 33 24 19 4 105
% worldplay by intended profession 47.5% 67% 38% 39% 38% 27% 40%
Assort 1: Assessed worldplay 6 2 12 5 3 1 29
A 1: Not worldplay 12 2 17 18 16 3 68
A 1: Ambiguous 1 2 4 1 0 0 8
% worldplay by intended profession 15% 22% 14% 8% 6% 7% 11%
Assort 2
: Assessed worldplay 6 3 14 5 3 1 32
A 2
: Not worldplay 13 3 19 19 16 3 73
% worldplay by intended profession 15% 33% 16% 8% 6% 7% 12%
Includes those intending careers in law, education, and journalism.
Includes those intending careers in business.
Ambiguous responses distrib
uted into “assessed worldplay” and “not worldplay” categories.
chi-squared analysis, a measure of the discrepancy of
observed results from expected figures. (See Table 6
for statistical values for all figures.) Once again, the
first and second assortments yielded similar profiles
for the compared groups. The greater rate of worldplay
among MacArthur Fellow scientists (p < .001) and so
cial scientists (p < .0001) than among students entering
those fields is highly significant. This is less certain
when it comes to MacArthur Fellows in the humanities
(p < .01 in the first assortment) or MacArthur Fellows
in the arts (p < .05 in the second assortment). MacAr
thur Fellows in public issues professions displayed no
higher rates of worldplay than did students intending to
enter these fields.
We addressed our third hypothesis, that individuals
with childhood worldplay would find that kind of play
relevant to adult endeavor, by considering the number
and tenor of query responses to questions regarding its
importance. These responses we accepted at face
value, as indicative of respondent perceptions of con
Creativity Research Journal 413
Imaginary Worldplay and Creativity
Figure 1. Childhood worldplay (1st assortment): MacArthur Fellows and Michigan State University (MSU) students. See Table 6 for statistical
values. HUM = humanities; PUB = public issues; SOC = social sciences; SCI = sciences; TOT = total.
Figure 2. Childhood worldplay (2nd assortment): MacArthur Fellows and Michigan State University (MSU) students. See Table 6 for statistical
values. HUM = humanities; PUB = public issues; SOC = social sciences; SCI = sciences; TOT = total.
nections between childhood play and adult work. First
and foremost, we found many sampled Fellows report-
ing worldplay in adulthood—specifically, the inven-
tion of (or participation in) imaginary or possible
worlds in their vocations or avocations. In the context
of the query, it was suggested that the imaginary
worlds of adulthood might refer to the make-believe
realms of paintings, plays, films, and novels, whereas
possible worlds might refer to the hypothetical con
structs of scientists and others. Fifty-seven percent of
Fellows who responded to the survey answered that
they, in fact, did create or participate in such worlds in
adult vocation or avocation; over two thirds of these 51
individuals (39% of entire group) specified that this
worldplay involved the invention of imagined or possi
ble worlds in their vocational work. (See Figure 3.) For
purposes of comparison, MSU students were also
asked if they expected to invent or participate in imag
ined worlds in adult vocation or avocation. Fifty per
cent of all students expected to involve themselves in
some way in worldplay as adults; about one half of this
group, or 27% of all students, specified that they ex
pected to do so in their work. It is interesting to note
that recreational worldplay unrelated to work was also
specified by students (8%) and MacArthur Fellows
(1%), but far less frequently than vocational worldplay
(Figure 3).
When it came to adult worldplay at work, reports
surfaced in every discipline. (See Figure 4 and Table
6.) At the low end amongst MacArthur Fellows, 30%
of artists specified adult worldplay in their work; fol
lowed by 31% of individuals in the public issues pro
fessions, 38% of scientists, 46% of social scientists,
and 58% of those in the humanities. The professional
distribution of expected worldplay amongst MSU stu
dents provides a telling contrast. Students majoring in
science were the least likely to expect worldplay to
have vocational importance (6%), followed by those
undecided about their careers (7%), those in the hu
manities (11%), the social sciences (21%), the public
issues professions (40%), and the arts (50%). The
greater rate of reported worldplay at work amongst
MacArthur Fellows compared to expected worldplay
at work among MSU students is highly significant
with regard to the sciences and the humanities (p <
.0001) and the social sciences (p < .001). The greater
rate for students in the arts (p < .001) was also signif
414 Creativity Research Journal
M. Root-Bernstein and R. Root-Bernstein
Table 6. Statistical Values for Figures 1, 2, and 4
Expected %
Observed %
Chart 1: Childhood worldplay, first assortment
Arts 15 17 1.92 .17
Humanities 22 33 7.03 < .01
Public issues 14 6 5.27 .02
Social sciences 8 31 71.81 < .0001
Sciences 6 19 29.88 < .001
Totals 11 20 6.62 < .01
Chart 2: Childhood worldplay, second assortment
Arts 15 22 3.80 .05
Humanities 33 33 -0.02 > .99
Public issues 16 19 0.63 > .90
Social sciences 8 46 196.2 < .0001
Sciences 6 19 29.88 < .001
Totals 12 26 18.51 < .001
Chart 4: Worldplay in adult work
Arts 50 30 26.64 < .001
Humanities 11 58 225.64 < .0001
Public issues 40 31 3.36 .08
Social sciences 21 46 37.67 < .001
Sciences 6 38 181.56 < .0001
Totals 27 39 6.27 < .01
Percent expected to have worldplay based on the data from the Michigan State University student survey.
df = 2.
Among those who invented imaginary worlds as
children, many Fellows (61%) and students (72%)
saw connections between that childhood play and
their adult vocational worldplay. (See Table 7.) Far
fewer said there was no connection, did not know, or
did not answer the question. As one of the Fellows
appointed in the arts remarked, “everything links.”
Like worldplay itself, however, perceptions of con
nection varied across professional fields. (See Table
6.) MacArthur Fellow artists who invented worlds as
children were most apt to see direct connections be
tween that play and adult endeavor (100%), followed
by their peers in the humanities (75%), the social sci
ences (66%), and the sciences (40%). Fellows in the
public issues professions saw no connection between
early and mature worldplay. Among worldplaying
Creativity Research Journal 415
Imaginary Worldplay and Creativity
Figure 3. Worldplay (WP) in adult vocation or avocation: MacArthur Fellows and Michigan State University (MSU) students. V = vertical; S =
slant; H = horizontal.
Figure 4. Worldplay in adult work: MacArthur Fellows and Michigan State University (MSU) students. See Table 6 for statistical values. HUM
= humanities; PUB = public issues; SOC = social sciences; SCI = sciences; TOT = total.
students, those in the humanities were most likely to
see connections to anticipated adult worldplay at
work; followed by those in the public issues profes
sions, the arts, and the social sciences. In all four of
these professions, connections were anticipated over
three fifths of the time. In the sciences, connections
between juvenile and adult worldplay at work were
barely expected one tenth of the time.
Respondent Comments
In many cases, students and MacArthur Fellows ex-
plained on the survey form what they meant by voca-
tional worldplay, thereby opening a window on how
they understood the playful invention of imagined or
possible worlds to be akin to adult work. One student
wrote, by way of explication, “I want to write short sto-
ries”; another wanted to “mak[e] movies”; a third ex
pected to invent worlds “with every song I write”; and a
fourth was already in the habit of creating “a story to go
along with my piano pieces so I can emotionally in
volve myself in the music.” These students recognized
worldplay in their self-expressive processes. Others
saw worldplay as a strategy for success in the work
place. “I think make-believe or hypothetical worlds or
situations will be very important in teaching,” wrote
one. “My future career [in public relations] will require
that I am able to look at multiple possible situations,”
wrote another. “If I want to win cases,” wrote a future
lawyer, “I have to create the world for the jury. In every
case I will be creating a ‘possible’ world and allowing
the jury to decide its strength.” A student intending to
be a bioethicist wrote, “Biotechnology will bring what
can only be imagined today.” This last student consid
ered adult worldplay to be much more serious than
childhood worldplay (he did, by self-report and by as
sessment, invent worlds as a child). Echoing widely
held distinctions between work and play, he did not,
therefore, see a direct connection between the two ac
tivities: “I think a lot more critically in my adult worlds
where as a child it was just fun.” Nevertheless, the in
vention of possible worlds in adult work was more than
just vague metaphor for him and for many other stu
dents as well. It was part and parcel of the imaginative
projection of alternative scenarios that they expected to
guide successful professional activity.
Many MacArthur Fellows also explained or quali-
fied their responses to vocational worldplay, revealing
an understanding of adult worldplay very similar to
that of the students. For one Fellow in the arts, “work
involves creating a world with characters and a unique,
specific logic … .” For another in the social sciences,
work required constant conjecture of “possible alterna-
tive worlds by reference to existing power arrange-
ments, interest-formation patterns, etc., and that gener
ates ‘mid-range’ theorizing.” Scientists also referred to
the world-inventing aspects of theorizing, often quali
fying their imaginative invention, in the words of one
individual, as “something abstract that can then lead to
concrete hypotheses testable by experiments,” rather
than some imaginary place “not relevant to physical
nature did.” Nevertheless, for another Fellow, theoreti
cal models did involve a suspension of disbelief most
often identified with fiction:
In a real sense to do theory is to explore imagi
nary worlds because all models are simplified
versions of reality, the world. Part of the art of it
all is what gets put in and what gets left out.
However, it is “bounded imagination” in that
one’s experience, tool kit, etc. says … pay atten
tion to these features. Because lots gets left out
416 Creativity Research Journal
M. Root-Bernstein and R. Root-Bernstein
Table 7. Connections Between Childhood and Adult Worldplay: MacArthur Fellows and Michigan State University Students
Arts Humanities
Sciences Sciences Undecided Total
MacArthur’s: Assessed worldplay (second assortment) 5 4 3 6 5 23
Perceived connection child/adult worldplay 5 3 0 4 2 14
% 100% 75% 0% 67% 40% 61%
Students: Assessed worldplay (second assortment) 6 3 14 5 3 11 32
Perceived connection child/adult worldplay 4 3 12 3 0 1 23
% 67% 100% 86% 60% 0% 9% 72%
of any model, part of the art has been described
as the suspension of disbelief … I will, for a
while, believe in this simple world, even though I
know lots of ways it fails to capture nature.
Other scientists pointed to related imaginative aspects
of their work, such as reconstructing processes with the
mind’s eye, modeling interactions and empathizing
within a system, and “making up a good story that fits
the facts.”
In addition, a few Fellows spontaneously revealed
active adult fantasy lives with self-reported elements of
worldplay. These included the Fellow who thought of
the tendency to practice “my skills by debating adver
saries or giving speeches when I’m alone (in the car or
walking to the metro)” as “imagined versions of
real-life settings in which I find myself.” They also in
cluded the Fellow who confessed, “my [spouse] and I
play an elaborate imaginary world game all the time.”
And in a totally unexpected finding, another 5 MacAr
thur Fellows revealed some tendency to “still return oc-
casionally” as adults to researcher-assessed childhood
worlds. Twelve MSU students assessed for juvenile
worldplay also responded variously that they “still
[play] in this [childhood] world today”; “still slip into
parts occasionally”; “still go there today,” “but only in
my head”; or spend time in the childhood paracosm
“sometimes,” “very rarely now,” or in dreams.
It is worth noting, finally, that worldplay was not the
only childhood play deemed important to adult voca-
tion or avocation. Over one third (38%) of MacArthur
Fellows also sang the praises of other forms of imagi
native play, as well as physical and manipulative play.
One Fellow appointed in the humanities wrote:
My childhood was fairly rough and tumble, al
ways racing around the neighborhood, building
things, starting “businesses,” coming up with
new “inventions” (that never worked), launching
ourselves into outer space, saving bugs in jars,
digging holes to China—in memory, at least, all
fresh, unfettered, and teeming with possibility.
My work today is pretty much the same thing.
Others focused on prescient role playing, on hobby in
terests such as astronomy or history, or the early
learned joys of taking things apart and putting them to
gether, which they still do in their professions today.
Students at MSU pointed variously to the importance
of reading, games of make-believe, and even sports as
preparation for adult work. Wrote one:
I chose to study English because as a child I
loved to read. I loved using my imagination to vi
sualize the worlds in books. I chose law because
perhaps I can also visualize the world I would
want to be in and help make it a reality. This task
relies on the same skills of imagination and visu
alization formed through reading and games of
make believe as a child.
As a result of this study, we can begin to address no
tions about the rate, professional appeal, and perceived
connections between childhood worldplay and adult
work with somewhat more certainty than before.
Our first hypothesis concerned the frequency of
worldplay. Silvey and MacKeith (1988) and Cohen and
MacKeith (1991) argued that worldplay was uncom-
mon enough to be considered rare. However, Taylor
(1999), whose work on imaginary friends has contrib-
uted to the discovery that it is much more prevalent
than previously realized, proposed that the more re-
searchers look for the invention of imaginary worlds,
the more they will find of that imaginary play as well
(p. 139). Our results confirm her expectation. We esti-
mate the incidence of worldplay in a general popula-
tion at 3% to 12%. On the one hand, the invention of
imaginary worlds is certainly less frequent than play
with imaginary friends, which in several recent studies
has been found in anywhere from one third, to two
thirds, to three fourths of young children, as criteria for
defining that play are relaxed (Bower, 2005, p. 200;
Harris, 2000, p. 32; D. G. Singer & Singer, 1990, pp.
97–100; J. L. Singer, 1975, p. 135). On the other hand,
worldplay is far more frequent than synesthesia, an of
ten unvoiced condition of commingled, cross-modal
sensation estimated to occur anywhere from 1 person
in 2,000 to 1 in 200, again depending on definitions of
the phenomenon (Cytowic, 2002, pp. 8, 8l; Domino,
1989, p. 18; Hornik, 2001, p. 56).
By these measures, worldplay is a palpable pres
ence in the landscape of imagination and play. If it is
also silent, like synesthesia, this would appear to be
due not to rarity but to its private and personal nature.
At a minimum, the invention of imaginary worlds in a
Creativity Research Journal 417
Imaginary Worldplay and Creativity
general population represents a childhood leisure ac
tivity roughly as common as adult participation in the
United States in hobbies such as attending dance per
formances (3.6%), flying kites (3.2%), or making
models (1.7%) at least once a year (U.S. Census Bu
reau, 2004–2005). At a maximum, worldplay in the
general population approaches the frequency of pho
tography (11.4%) as an adult hobby. Moreover,
worldplay appears to be more common among a select,
creative population such as MacArthur Fellows
(5%–25%). At minimum frequency, this rate for cre
ative individuals corresponds to adult yearly participa
tion in hobbies such as chess (4.6%), drawing (6.7%),
or playing a musical instrument (7.6%); and at its max
imum to adult attendance at art museums (27%; U.S.
Census Bureau, 2004–2005).
Our second hypothesis concerned the professional
distribution of individuals who invented imaginary
worlds in childhood. Silvey and MacKeith (1988) and
Cohen and MacKeith (1991) argued that the appeal of
worldplay lies in its artistic dimensions and thus pre-
sumably grooms a child for creative work in the arts
rather than in other fields. This expectation was not
met in our analysis of either our general or our select
populations. Students and Fellows in every profession
participated in worldplay. (See Figures 1 and 2 and Ta-
bles 4 and 5.)
By and large, both general and select populations
were characterized by higher proportions of childhood
paracosmists in the humanities, followed by the arts
and sciences. (The 2 populations differently ranked the
social sciences and the public issues professions; fur
ther discussed later.) In addition, a greater percentage
of Fellows than students were likely to have worldplay
in their background in every professional cate
gory—with the exception of the public issues profes
sions in the first assortment and the humanities in the
second. Indeed, the comparison of professional rates
for students and Fellows revealed that for four of these
disciplinary categories, the social sciences and the sci
ences, and to somewhat lesser extent the humanities
and the arts, these greater numbers were significant.
(Figures 1 and 2.) In the end, it seems that scientists
and social scientists selected for their creativity are
more likely to have childhood worldplay in their back
ground than a general population of students planning
to go into these fields.
We attach a caveat to this apparent tie between
childhood worldplay and adult creativity in specific
fields or in general. Due to generational differences
between our two populations, the relative rates of
worldplay may also reflect historical changes in
childhood pastimes. Although worldplay has a docu
mented reach at least as far back as the 18th century
(Malkin, 1806/1997), certain 20th-century entertain
ment technologies, such as television and, more re
cently, personal computers and the Internet, may have
profoundly altered the landscape of imaginative play
(D. G. Singer & Singer, 2005). In particular, students
born in the 1980s may have been affected in two
ways: first, by distractions away from self-invented
(created) worldplay that television viewing may pro
vide; second, by attraction toward commercialized
(consumed) worldplay that computer simulation
games and online virtual reality games may provide.
Fellows may have invented more imaginary worlds as
children because overall they had less entertainment
options and more free time for imaginative play,
whereas students may have invented less worlds be
cause they had more entertainment options and less
free time—or simply because they had readily avail-
able commercial forms of imaginary worldplay. Even
if the observed differences between our two popula-
tions are largely generational, however, they must
give pause, for the benefits of self-invented imagina-
tive play, as reaped in adult endeavor, appear to be
Our third hypothesis concerned the importance of
worldplay to adult endeavor and awareness of connec-
tions between mature worldplay and the childhood in
vention of imaginary worlds. Thirty-nine percent of
Fellows and 27% of students responded positively to
the question of adult worldplay in their work (Figure
3). Juxtaposing these perceptions to self-reports of
childhood worldplay (Fellows, 43%; students, 40%)
indicates that more adults reported worldplay in an as
sortment of childhood make-believe than framed ma
ture work in the same way. Juxtaposing respondent
perceptions of adult worldplay to assessed rates of
childhood worldplay (Fellows, 26%; students, 12%)
indicates that it was unnecessary to explore bona fide
worldplay as a child to consider aspects of that play
valuable to adult work.
The distribution of vocational worldplay across dis
ciplines, as presented in Figure 4, reveals suggestive
differences between our two populations in these per
ceptions of value. MacArthur Fellows in the humani
ties or social sciences were more likely to report voca
418 Creativity Research Journal
M. Root-Bernstein and R. Root-Bernstein
tional worldplay than individuals in the sciences, with
individuals in the public issues professions and the arts
less likely to so do. Among students, those planning
careers in the arts and public issues professions were
more likely to anticipate adult worldplay in their work
than those planning careers in the social sciences, and
these were more likely to do so than those planning ca
reers in the humanities or sciences.
These differing professional profiles suggest inter
esting biases toward imaginative strategies in the
workplace. The student profile for anticipated adult
worldplay is very nearly the opposite of actual adult
worldplay generated by sampled Fellows. A closer
look at the public issues professions, wherein students
were more apt than their MacArthur counterparts to
anticipate vocational worldplay, offers an explanation.
Students in this disciplinary category fell into three
major career tracks: law, journalism, and education.
Whereas 14% of students heading toward law antici
pated vocational worldplay and 33% of students head
ing toward journalism and careers in writing did so, a
much larger 50% of those heading for careers as teach-
ers expected to create or participate in imaginary
worlds with the children in their classrooms. (The stu-
dent focus in this category was on early elementary ed-
ucation. Teachers of art and music were categorized in
the arts; high school teachers were categorized by dis-
cipline, e.g., science teachers in science, etc.)
Such strong recognition of the role of worldplay or,
at the very least, of imaginative play in education may
reflect the growing influence in educational practice of
Paley, Singer and Singer, and others who advocate fan
tasy play in preschool and kindergarten classrooms
(Paley, 2004; D. G. Singer & Singer, 2005; D. G.
Singer, Singer, Plaskon, & Schweder, 2003; J. L.
Singer & Lythcott, 2002). Professional coaching may
dispose education students to acknowledge more
readily the invention of imaginary worlds in their
work, especially so because the context of childhood
play remains in place.
It seems likely that similar professional prepping
may also be at work in student anticipation of voca
tional worldplay in the arts. Fifty percent of students in
this category expected to invent imaginary worlds in
their work in arts and applied arts careers (Figure 4). At
this rate, they were significantly more likely to antici
pate vocational worldplay than MacArthur Fellows in
the arts were to claim ongoing worldplay at work.
Nonetheless, the smaller group of Fellows in the arts
with assessed worldplay in childhood did provide cor
roborating evidence for this professional bias. All
(100%) saw connections between their early and ma
ture inventions of imagined worlds (Table 7). These
data strongly suggest that ties between childhood
worldplay and adult endeavor are readily recognized in
the arts, where “imaginary worlds” are similarly cre
ated in fiction, music, dance, and the visual arts.
To judge by student response to anticipated voca
tional worldplay (Figure 4), there is less institutional
expectation in the humanities and social sciences that
the reconstruction of bygone days or the projection of
future scenarios, both of which must adhere to known
facts, resemble “imagined worlds” of childhood. This
is despite the fact that individual MacArthur Fel
lows—those with assessed worldplay in childhood and
professed worldplay in adulthood—reported such con
nections between two thirds and three fourths of the
time (Table 7).
Students were even less apt to expect the theoriz
ing of “possible worlds” in the sciences to resemble
the childhood invention of imaginary worlds. Stu-
dents entering the sciences, as well as those heading
for careers in medicine, farming, or computer tech-
nology, were least likely to anticipate vocational
worldplay (6%), despite the fact that over one third
(38%) of MacArthur scientists reported such inven-
tion in their work (Figure 4) and MacArthur scientists
with childhood and vocational worldplay connected
both two-fifths of the time (Table 7). It may be that
mature worldplay is less relevant to practical careers
in the sciences than to research-oriented careers (al
though this was not the case for applied careers in the
arts). It seems more likely that students of science in
general are not adequately introduced to the imagina
tive or playful aspects of their discipline and may
therefore underestimate the creativity necessary to
succeed in it. Indeed, there is little overt acceptance
in institutionalized science of imaginative elements in
discovery and research (R. Root-Bernstein, 1989a,
1989b; R. Root-Bernstein et al., 1995; R. Root-
Bernstein & Root-Bernstein, 2004).
In addition to the many Fellowsand students who re
ported or anticipated vocational worldplay in the work
place, a handful of Fellows and students spontaneously
revealed continued play as adults in imaginary worlds
beganinchildhood.Referenceto suchcontinued play as
adults was diffident, reflecting reticence to reveal what
Creativity Research Journal 419
Imaginary Worldplay and Creativity
time. As one Fellow commented with regard to his early
rassed by the childishness of it.” The same embarrass
ment could attend private worldplay in maturity. “As
youget older,” wrote onestudent, “they[parents/others]
are less likely to think highly of it.” Social pressures of
this sort are no doubt at work in the observed decline of
juvenile worldplay by the late teens or early 20s. Silvey
and MacKeith (1988) and Cohen and MacKeith (1991)
found very few young adults clinging to old paracosms
is all the more remarkable that some MacArthur Fel
lows, well into middle and late adulthood, should con
tinue to engage in childhood worlds. Indeed, given the
private and “embarrassing” nature of such play, many
moreFellows(andstudents) maycontinue such pastime
thanis currentlyknown.J.L. Singer(1975) notedstrong
linksbetween daydreamsand originalityof thought (pp.
67, 163). MacArthur Fellows and others who extend
their childhood worldplay into adulthood maysimilarly
nurture imaginative and creative capacities.
As a corollary to our hypotheses, we proposed that
if individuals were to find long-term advantage in
childhood worldplay, that advantage would most likely
be found in the early training it provided in creative
process—rather than, or in addition to, early introduc-
tion to the crafts of writing, drawing, or other readily
recognized continuities of form. How worldplay ac-
complishes that creative preparation is the subject of a
phenomenological study currently underway. In fol-
low-up interviews, some MacArthur Fellows sug
gested an array of process connections that coalesce
around the capacity to concentrate deeply and persis
tently on a self-generated system. The experiences of
Galway Kinnell, Laura Otis, and R. Stephen Berry il
lustrate some of these points.
As a child, the poet Galway Kinnell (personal com
munication, July 3, 2003) built a little village in the
basement with older siblings and populated it with lead
soldiers. He remembers the salient feature of that play
as a kind of absorption:
I don’t know how far [my sisters] fell, but I fell all the way
into that world. That was the first time in my life that I really
experienced transcendence of consciousness … that time had
been separate from ordinary time. And then later in my life,
when I started writing, I noticed something that I connected
with that trance. When I was really involved with a poem I
entered the world of the poem.
The connection between the invention of imaginary
worlds in childhood and adulthood for Kinnell is “the
capacity to concentrate … that ability I sometimes
have to totally disappear into whatever I’m writing
about.” Importantly enough, that ability to disappear
also involved the ability to empathize—“to go out of
yourself and into other beings and write about them al
most as if from within.” Both capacities were first exer
cised in that long ago game of “Little Men.”
Similarly, the scientist-turned-literary scholar,
Laura Otis (personal communication, March 6, 2003),
likens her research to childhood worldplay because
both have involved the discovery, synthesis, and orga
nization of knowledge. When she was young, Otis
drew pictures and wrote stories about a girl named
Jenny who lived in an imagined world “purer” and
“cleaner” than the real one. “The real interest of it was
in planning things, picturing what their houses would
look like, how they would get food, how they would
make food.” Otis, who earned degrees in neuroscience
as well as comparative literature, received her MacAr-
thur for creative scholarship concerning interactions
between the world of science and the world of litera-
ture. She refers to her historical research as akin to her
childhood worldplay, “because to write a book—it
takes about five years for me to produce a book and you
have to keep going back to the same world; you have to
go back to the chess game and remember where all the
pieces were.” Moreover, she finds herself negotiating a
give-and-take between the discovered reality that co-
mes “from outside of you” and the “system that you are
organizing.” For Otis, there is a discipline to establish
ing order that binds worldplay in childhood to adult re
In a somewhat different vein, the physical chemist,
R. Stephen Berry (personal communication, March 18,
2004), allows that worldplay may have served him as
early practice in experimental modeling. As a teen dur
ing World War II, Berry created an analogue world at
war with some friends:
A few of us really loved maps and the sense that you could
have these portrayals of what was going on in the world in the
form of a map was somehow fascinating … . We would imag
ine say two or three or four countries in an imaginary conti
nent that were typically at war or would sometimes be at war
and without having definite characters we could have one
country invade another and take over a big piece of it and
you’d erase part of the map.
420 Creativity Research Journal
M. Root-Bernstein and R. Root-Bernstein
The link between this play and his science is indirect
for Berry, yet compelling:
I would be curious about the extent to which imagining a pos
sible world, but still consistent with the real world, awakened
an awareness in doing science later on [that] you could be in
ventive by doing just that kind of thing. I think that a lot of
original ideas in science come from some kind of mind play
that stays within the bounds of reality, but still asks about
something that you have never seen or known to happen.
Berry’s comments linking the theoretical models of
scientists to the invention of imagined, or possible
worlds, recalls the remarks of the Fellow, cited earlier,
on “bounded imagination.” Within the limits described
by a scattering of data, the scientist imagines a fully de
scribed reality—a task analogous to that of the histo
rian or even the poet, who, too, must stay true to reali
ties of human experience.
In a study such as this, the data have inevitably been
affected by the biases inherent in self-selection and
self-report (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996, pp. 16–19). Un-
doubtedly, the Fellows—and students, too—who re-
sponded to our queries had more time, interest, and for-
bearance for a study of play and creativity than those
who did not. Their self-reports assuredly concealed all
manner of conscious and unconscious deception about
childhood make-believe, mature imagination, and con
nections between the two. Nevertheless, self-reports
may be accepted at face value as phenomenological
data suggestive, singly, of individual experience and,
in sum, of shared human behaviors. With this caution
ary note in mind, we come to the following conclu
Worldplay is more common in both general and se
lect populations than existing literature suggests; in
deed, it appears to be more prevalent among creative
adults than among average students, although some of
the difference between these two populations may be
generational. Worldplay also figures in the childhood
of individuals at work or anticipating work in a wide
range of disciplines. Particularly in the social sciences
and sciences, creative (older) individuals were signifi
cantly more likely to have engaged in childhood
worldplay than students anticipating careers in these
fields. In addition, over one half of the study’s select
and general populations recognized an important role
for worldplay in their adult vocations and avocations.
Many perceived mature worldplay in their work; others
in their recreation. Still others continued to engage in
worlds first invented in childhood. Finally, the preva
lent perception of connection between childhood play
and adult endeavor argues that the invention of imagi
nary worlds is not some obscure form of make-believe,
but rather a phenomenon of wider cognitive import.
In fact, childhood worldplay does appear to provide
an early apprenticeship in absorption and persistence,
discovery, synthesis, and modeling. Indeed, we sug
gest that early immersion in worldplay may achieve
five outcomes of relevance to mature creativity. First,
worldplay may exercise imaginative capacities includ
ing imaging, empathizing, and modeling that we have
explored elsewhere as tools for thinking (R.
Root-Bernstein & Root-Bernstein, 1999). Second,
worldplay may exercise the capacity for continued
imaginative play, especially in older children and
teens, well after the intense exploration of make-be-
lieve in early childhood typically fades. Third,
worldplay may exercise the capacity for problem solv-
ing within a self-consistent, alternate, modeled sys-
tem—regardless of that system’s fantastical or realistic
make-believe context. Fourth, because worldplay ties
the daring, rule-breaking/rule-making effervescence of
play to the exigencies of convergent problem solving,
it may nurture both the ability and the audacity to
imagine potentially new and effective solutions to pe
rennial human challenges. Fifth, worldplay may pro
vide early training in the invention of culture by bridg
ing the gap Igor Stravinsky (1942/1970) once posed
between a virtual imagination and a creative one (pp.
60–70). The virtual imagination is one in which the
conceived idea remains personal, inarticulate, and
functionally ephemeral (although often embedded in
memory). The creative imagination instantiates the vir
tual and makes it communicable to local or global soci
ety in some durable and formal way through mediums
of culture as diverse as visual art, music, dance, experi
ment, hypothesis, and technological invention.
Implicit in this framework of outcomes is the sense
that imagination and make-believe exercise general,
not specialized, skills that are relevant to pursuits
across the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sci
ences. This understanding distinguishes our evaluation
Creativity Research Journal 421
Imaginary Worldplay and Creativity
of worldplay from that of previous researchers in the
field, who have conceived of imagination as the capac
ity for fantasy and fantasy as the capacity for fictional
narrative and associated arts. Such conflation is unnec
essarily restrictive and misleading. As some of the sci
entists queried in this study have pointed out, it is nec
essary to imagine what needs to be discovered before
discovery can be made. Indeed, recent studies have
stressed that imaginative play inherently exercises the
human capacity to consider and explore alternatives to
perceived reality, to simulate (Harris, 2000). That this
capacity is as necessary to the sciences, the social sci
ences, and the humanities as it is to the arts begs more
recognition by researchers in creativity studies. Here
we specifically argue that the playful, imaginative, and
problem-solving aspects of worldplay in childhood
and adolescence may make it an indicator of early cre
ative passion (M. Root-Bernstein, in press), a “learning
laboratory” in creative process (McGreevy, 1995), and
a potential predictor for mature creative endeavor in a
wide range of fields.
Finally, we argue that worldplay at any age and in
many guises presents a microcosm with which to ex-
plore the complex nature of creativity itself. Mature
worldplay at work, in particular, may add a nuanced
perspective to the ongoing discussion of creative indi-
viduals as generalists or as specialists. Creativity is
such that an individual must combine previously dispa-
rate elements of knowledge and action into something
novel and effective. The need to be novel, to unite hith-
erto disparate elements, presupposes unusual breadth
of experience often across very different disciplines
(M. Root-Bernstein & Root-Bernstein, 2003; R.
Root-Bernstein et al., 1995; R. Root-Bernstein &
Root-Bernstein, 2004; Sternberg, 2003, pp. 114, 126).
The need to be effective requires focus and persistence
(Ghiselin, 1954, pp. 15–20; Plucker & Beghetto, 2004,
pp. 160–161; Sternberg, 2005, p. 304). By channeling
the individual’s capacity for make-believe into the in
vention of an imagined cosmos, involving the
particularization of its many aspects, worldplay may
very well stimulate the generalist and the specialist
Questions remain. How do generational shifts in
childhood entertainment affect the landscape of imagi
native play? Why (and how) do some people retain the
childlikeability to play well intomaturity? Do theyben
efit from recognizing elements of imaginative play in
the processes and products of their work? Does their
ability to engage make-believe in the workplace (or in
leisure hours) enhance learning and knowledge mak
ing? A society that wishes to valueand promote creative
culture needs answers to the role of make-believe—and
imaginary world invention—in play and at work.
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Appendix A
Dear MacArthur Fellow:
We write to you as a fellow MacArthur Prize recipi
ent and as students of human creativity to ask if you
would take a moment to answer the enclosed query
concerning childhood worldplay.
Worldplay involves the repeated, self-consistent
elaboration of an imagined place inhabited by imag
ined people or beings. These worlds, or paracosms as
they are sometimes called, may be as impossibly fan
tastic as a land of talking toys or as plausibly realistic
as a human colony on Mars. Almost always they are
creative, in the sense of making or bringing something
new into existence. Worldplay finds its focus in the
composing of alphabets and languages, the writing of
stories and histories, the drawing of pictures and maps,
the building of models or the generating of statis
tics—all meant, in one way or another, to document the
inner imagination.
Creativity Research Journal 423
Imaginary Worldplay and Creativity
Very little is known about worldplay, the children
who indulge in it, or the connections that may exist be
tween such juvenile invention and adult creativity. To
sciences and humanities, identify those who imagined
worlds as children, and interview those willing to ex
plore how their early inventive play may (or may not)
have prepared the way for mature creative activity.
Thank you for your time and consideration. We
look forward to receiving your reply.
1. Name:
2. How do your describe your vocation(s)?
3. Do you have any avocations or hobbies? Please
list, indicating how much time you give to them.
4. Has childhood play of any kind been important
to your vocation(s) or your avocation(s)? Please ex-
Worldplay involves the repeated and self-consistent
elaboration of an imagined place inhabited by imag-
ined people or beings. This world may be fantastic or
realistic. Very often, languages are invented for these
people, as well as a culture of behaviors, technologies
and institutions.
5. Did you invent such an imagined world as a
child? Please explain. IF THE ANSWER TO THIS
6. What age were you when you first invented this
world? How many months or years did you play with
this world?
7. Did anyone play this imagined world with you?
8. Did you tell your parents or guardians about this
imagined world? What was the response?
Worldplay often finds its focus in the composing of al
phabets and languages, the writing of stories and histo
ries, the drawing of pictures and maps, the building of
models or the generating of statistics—all meant to
document the inner imagination.
9. Did you document your imagined world in some
way? Please explain.
10. Do you still have any of this documentation?
The philosopher Kendall Walton argues that games of
make-believe alter as we mature, but in no way disap
pear. “In order to understand paintings, plays, film and
novels,” he writes, “we must look first at dolls, hobby
horses, toy trucks, and teddy bears.”
11. How important to you are the imagined worlds
(fantastic or realistic) elaborated in film, literature, art,
dance, music, etc?
Francois Jacob, biochemist and Nobel prizewinner,
said that science, too, “is a game … of continually in-
venting a possible world, or a piece of a possible world,
and then comparing it with the real world.”
12. How important to you are the possible worlds
explored by humanists or scientists?
13. Do you create imagined or possible worlds in
your adult vocation(s) or avocation(s)?
14. Do you see a connection between your child
hood worldplay and your invention of, or participation
in, imagined or possible worlds as an adult?
15. Please indicate:
____ The Root-Bernsteins may attribute my re
marks in this query to me in their research and writing.
424 Creativity Research Journal
M. Root-Bernstein and R. Root-Bernstein
____ I wish my remarks in this query to remain
confidential, i.e. without name attribution.
16. Are you willing to be interviewed about your
childhood or adult worldplay? If so, please fill out pre
ferred contact information below.
17. Any comments or suggestions you’d like to
make about this query?
Appendix B. RUBRICS:
䊐 notion of specific place, either partly or wholly
䊊 “toylands”
䊊 particular, local places (such as orphan-
age, stable)
䊊 islands/countries/peoples
䊊 systems, bureaucracies, languages
䊊 idyllic daydream worlds (utopias)
䊐 notion of specific persons, either partly or
wholly imaginary
䊐 consistent repetition over some period of time
of specific scenario, e.g.
䊊 specific place (e.g. a name) and
䊊 specific persons (e.g. names, personali
ties) or
䊊 a continuous narrative or
䊊 evidence of systematization
䊐 evidence that the play mattered or matters
䊊 specificity of recall or
䊊 documentation (making of props) or
䊊 statement of value
䊐 private
䊐 notion of general place, either partly or wholly
䊐 notion of general persons, either partly or
wholly imaginary
䊐 evidence of ephemeral nature
䊊 indication that worlds changed accord
ing to whim
䊊 lack of documentation
䊊 lack of specificity of recall
䊊 lack of continuous narrative or system
䊐 enacting stories in books, radio, tv, film, video
䊊 explicit statement required
䊐 public
䊐 notion of persons, either partly or wholly imag-
䊊 explicit statement of imaginary friends
䊊 absence of imaginary place, etc
䊐 ego involvement, as center of attention etc.
䊐 changing scenarios
䊐 explicit statement
Creativity Research Journal 425
Imaginary Worldplay and Creativity