Using the dual Youla parametrizations of controllerbased coprime factor plant perturbations and plantbased coprime factor controller perturbations, we characterize the set of all plants that have the same optimal LQG or MV controller. 1 Introduction Consider that you have some initial plant, P 0 , and some controller, C 0 , that stabilizes P 0 . Using stable proper coprime factor descriptions of
... [Show full abstract] P 0 and C 0 , and the Youla parametrizations, one can then characterize both the set C of all controllers stabilizing P 0 , and the set P of all plants that are stabilized by C 0 . The first set is parametrized in terms of coprime factors of P 0 and C 0 and an arbitrary proper stable transfer function S, i.e. C = fC(S)g. The transfer function S is often called the Youla parameter and its norm indicates the size of the perturbation away from C 0 . The second (dual) set is parametrized in terms of coprime factors of P 0 and C 0 and an arbitrary proper stable transfer function Q, i.e. P = fP...