
The Role of Positivity and Connectivity in the Performance of Business TeamsA Nonlinear Dynamics Model

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Connectivity, the control parameter in a nonlinear dynamics model of team performance is mathematically linked to the ratio of positivity to negativity (P/N) in team interaction. By knowing the P/N ratio it is possible to run the nonlinear dynamics model that will portray what types of dynamics are possible for a team. These dynamics are of three types: point attractor, limit cycle, and complexor (complex order, or “chaotic” in the mathematical sense). Low performance teams end up in point attractor dynamics, medium perfomance teams in limit cycle dynamics, and high performance teams in complexor dynamics.

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... Studies of compassion and forgiveness-two of the early studies in the POS literature (Cameron & Caza, 2002;Dutton, Worline, Frost, & Lilius, 2006)-diverged from mainstream organizational science. Similarly, certain kinds of organizational processes-for example, generative dynamics-remained largely un-investigated, including high-quality connections (Dutton & Heaphy, 2003), thriving (Spreitzer, Sutcliffe, Dutton, Sonenshein, & Grant, 2005), connectivity (Losada & Heaphy, 2004), and positive energy networks (Baker, Cross, & Wooten, 2003). ...
... Abundant empirical evidence suggests that exposure to positive phenomena is, literally, life-enhancing in that it strengthens and enhances this second form of energy (Cooperrider & Srivastra, 1987;Diener, 2009;Loeb & Northrup, 1917;Northrop & Loeb, 1923). Adopting an affirmative bias, therefore, enhances positive energy in organizations (Cameron, 2012(Cameron, , 2013, and increases the capacity of organizations to effectively address difficult challenges and negative events (Clifton & Harter, 2003;Losada & Heaphy, 2004;Worline & Quinn, 2003). ...
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Positive organizational scholarship (POS) is the study of that which is positive, flourishing, and life-giving in organizations. It considers the processes and dynamics that occur in and through organizations, in contrast to a focus on individual attitudes and emotions. Positive organizational scholarship has rarely been investigated in institutions of higher education, and this chapter provides two case studies that illustrate its relevance in that setting. The chapter first provides a discussion of the unique characteristics of POS compared to, for example, positive psychology and other approaches to the positive, and it highlights the importance of positive organizational dynamics in accounting for high levels of performance in organizations. The chapter describes how these dynamics have been successfully applied within two institutions of higher education to benefit not only traditional markers of success such as student achievement and wellbeing, but also the collective performance of the overall institution. The specific practices that led to extraordinarily successful outcomes are discussed, and they provide evidence that, in addition to the effects of positive psychology on individuals—especially students—the outcomes of entire institutions can be substantially affected in positive directions by adopting positive practices.
... The collective bias of students and researchers was that feedback is for coaching, but this is evidently not always true. Indeed, this sentiment is reinforced by existing research that shows the ideal ratio of positive to constructive feedback is 5.6 to 1 [27]. Groups struggled between feeling that appreciative feedback was helpful and that it was counter-productive to forward movement, but appreciative feedback is known to promote confidence and personal growth in low-performing students [9]. ...
... Emosi positif dapat membantu individu untuk bangkit kembali dari pengalaman negatif (Tugade & Fredrickson, 2004). Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya juga telah menunjukkan bahwa emosi positif yang dirasakan individu telah banyak dikaitkan pada beberapa variabel penelitian dan memperoleh hasil yang signifikan, seperti tingkat kepuasan kerja yang lebih tinggi, kepuasan hidup yang lebih tinggi dan motivasi akademik yang lebih baik (Cohn et al., 2009;Losada & Heaphy, 2004;Low et al., 2016). ...
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Article history: Third-year students at Vocational High School must meet many academic demands towards the end of their study period. These include fieldwork practices, report writing, attending sessions, taking tests, and preparing for exams and higher education. Such demands can affect their emotions and resilience, leading to a study being conducted to assess the impact of achievement emotions on their resilience. The research method employed in this study was quantitative, using a simple linear regression analysis technique. The research sample consisted of 183 third-grade students from SMK Muhammadiyah in Bandung, selected using a cluster random sampling technique. The study utilized two measuring tools: the achievement emotions scale and the resilience scale. The data collection method was a questionnaire, which was conducted both online and offline (paper-based). The results indicated that positive and negative emotions simultaneously influence the resilience of grade 3 vocational school students. Positive emotions play a significant positive role in increasing resilience, while negative emotions can reduce it. Educators and parents can focus on nurturing positive emotions in their students to create a positive learning environment. Cognitive restructuring may be the intervention strategy to change students' appraisal of learning situations so that they evoke enjoyment and relief and then eliminate boredom, making students more resilient. ABSTRAK Siswa kelas tiga SMK harus memenuhi banyak tuntutan akademik menjelang akhir masa studinya. Ini termasuk praktik kerja lapangan, penulisan laporan, menghadiri sesi, mengikuti tes, dan mempersiapkan ujian dan pendidikan tinggi. Tuntutan seperti itu dapat memengaruhi emosi dan resiliensi mereka, sehingga dilakukan penelitian untuk menilai dampak emosi prestasi terhadap resiliensi mereka. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linier sederhana. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 183 siswa kelas III SMK Muhammadiyah di Kota Bandung yang dipilih menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua alat ukur yaitu kuesioner emosi prestasi dan kuesioner resiliensi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yang dilakukan secara online dan offline (self-report). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa emosi positif dan negatif secara simultan memengaruhi resiliensi siswa kelas 3 SMK. Emosi positif berperan positif signifikan terhadap peningkatan resiliensi, sedangkan emosi negatif dapat menurunkan resiliensi siswa kelas 3 SMK. Dengan demikian, untuk meningkatkan resiliensi siswa, pendidik dan orang tua dapat fokus dalam memupuk emosi positif pada anak-anaknya. Restrukturisasi kognitif dapat menjadi strategi intervensi untuk mengubah penilaian siswa terhadap situasi belajar agar memunculkan emosi rasa senang dan lega, serta menghilangkan rasa bosan agar siswa lebih resilien. Kata kunci: emosi prestasi, resiliensi, siswa This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.
... Attention was also directed toward previous writings in appreciative inquiry (Bushe, 2009(Bushe, , 2010(Bushe, , 2013Bushe & Kassam, 2005;Cooperrider & Srivastva, 1987;Cooperrider et al., 1995;Cooperrider et al., 2009;Watkins & Mohr, 2001). In addition, writings in positive organizational psychology (Fredrickson, 2003;Linley et al., 2009;Lopez & Gallagher, 2009;Losada & Heaphy, 2004;Peterson, 2008) were reviewed and the concept of generativity was defined and clarified. ...
Like most organizations, a university needs to plan for its success. The environment in which universities operate continues to shift and change consequent to economic realities, changing demographics, changes in technology, and most recently a global pandemic. Planning in higher education must be creative and responsive to address multifaceted demands. To sustain post-secondary education, institutional leaders need to develop skill sets that promote effective dialogue, group work, and generativity within internal organizations. Concepts of leadership for the 21st century shift focus away from the previous approaches of making incremental improvements to already existing processes toward discovering possibilities, exploring potential innovations, and generating actions (Burgess & Newton, 2015; Webber, 2016). Building on existing frameworks for understanding generativity in group work and planning, this study sought to understand generative processes and conversations that compel people to act upon thoughts and feelings arising from social interactions. A descriptive study design was utilized to explore and summarize the experiences of faculty involved in three different group planning processes: brainstorming (Osborn 1953, 1957, 1963), a force field analysis (Lewin, 1947), and a variation of an appreciative inquiry process (Cooperrider & Srivastva, 1987). The development of a generative conversations survey tool focused on how the faculty participants perceived the qualities of their experiences. A key outcome of the research was the creation of a set of recommendations for thinking about the design of group sessions and meetings that can transmethodologically enhance chances for generative results.
... highlight, wellbeing support systems are most effective when the many stakeholders (athletes, coaches, administrators, and managers, etc.) of highperformance environments exhibit attributes (attitudes and behaviors) which work as facilitators of that system. Put simply by Gulliver et al. (2012, p. 12), facilitators involve "positive attitudes from peers, and positive relationships with providers" and this, according to O'Connor and Cavanagh (2013), informs how positive and negative attitudes, opinions, and behaviors toward wellbeing are predictive of athletes' flourishing or languishing at the individual level (Fredrickson & Losada, 2005;Waugh & Fredrickson, 2006), dyadic level (Gottman & Levenson, 1992) and team or group level (Losada & Heaphy, 2004). Importantly, as Henriksen and Stambulova (2017, p. 279) argue, interventions designed to increase "facilitators" must be implemented, with the view of improving sporting cultures holistically across all levels. ...
... The team leader's, open communication style, honesty and support are highly associated with trust.Employees felt trust for their leaders when the letters showed support, shared information openly and have been honest with them. And trust in its turn is widely believed to foster creativity(Losada and Heaphy, 2004).According to the research findings, the leader's ability to challenge is another solid determinant of creativity. Employees became eager to open their creative potential when they were engaged in challenging and complex tasks(Oldham & Cummings, 1996). ...
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In the competitive conditions of entrepreneurship, recruitment of employees with creative abilities and their motivation is extremely coming important. Leaders are trying to find ways to develop employee creativity and how to support creative work style among employees. The article presents the authors' interpretations of creativity, simultaneously revealing the features of management of behavioral appearances of creativity of employees.
... Teacher feedback includes both positive and negative feedback; researchers have defined positive feedback as the expression of support, encouragement, or appreciation and negative feedback as the expression of disapproval [64]. We therefore used teacher praise and teacher criticism to represent teacher feedback. ...
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Unmonitored internet use and depression are difficulties that adolescents experience. Efforts to promote healthy adolescent development tend to focus on reducing these two risk outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine how three important school-related factors (teachers, peers, and academics) affect adolescents' levels of unmonitored internet use and depression. For this study, a cross-sectional data analysis was conducted. The sample included 9297 students who participated in two waves of the China Education Panel Survey (CEPS). Structural equation modeling (SEM) was performed using LISREL 8.80 to analyze the data. Monte Carlo resampling was then performed using R to confirm the significance of the mediating effects. Teacher criticism and negative peers can increase unmonitored internet use and depression in adolescents, while academic stress can exacerbate depression. In contrast, teacher praise and positive peers can reduce those risk outcomes. Academic self-efficacy serves as a key mediator of the impacts of teachers, peers, and academics on adolescents' levels of unmonitored internet use and depression. We advocate that schools should establish a positive school climate, provide teacher feedback training and design physical activity programs to improve academic self-efficacy, thereby reducing the risk of unmonitored internet use and depression among adolescents, effectively preventing possible subsequent internet addiction and promoting the mental health of adolescents.
... Um modelo que se enquadra como não-linear é o modelo psicomatemático desenvolvido e validado empiricamente por Marcial Losada (Losada, 1999(Losada, , 2008aLosada e Heaphy, 2004;Fredrickson e Losada, 2005), denominado de modelo Meta Learning (ML). Esse modelo, proposto para avaliar as interações entre equipes de trabalho e entre indivíduos serve para identificar seus comportamentos ou padrões de forma tal a auxiliar na predição de seus desempenhos. ...
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Este trabajo presenta un indicador de aprendizaje fundamentado en métricas no-lineales (Factor ?) oriundo de un modelo de soporte y gerencia a la evaluación en Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje (AVA) denominado Learning Vectors (LV). El desarrollo de los LV envuelve el concepto de vector y se vale de sus componentes bidimensionales para asociar el cuantitativo y el cualitativo de aprendizaje al establecer medidas de juicio de valor a las actividades colaborativas e individuales desarrolladas por medio de las herramientas de interacción disponibles en los AVA. La metodología fundamentada en la interacción y en la mediación por iconos es complementada por un coeficiente quali-cuantitativo denominado Factor ?, que semejantemente al modelo psicológico-matemático Meta Learning, búsqueda en la dinámica no-lineal y en variables críticas bipolares, como Positividad/Negatividad (Tasa P/N), asociar el desempeño del alumno relativamente a su participación en el conjunto de actividades. El modelo propuesto, implementado como una extensión de las herramientas síncronas y asíncronicas del Moodle confiere al Profesor/Tutor un recurso cualitativo para acompañar, evaluar y mediar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje.Palabras clave: Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje, evaluación formativa, modelo de Meta-aprendizaje, métricas no lineales, modelo de Learning Vectors. This paper presents a supporting model and management and assessment in virtual learning environments (VLE). It discusses the methodology and technology solution, since its conception, modeling and implementation. Its development involves the concept of vector and takes advantage of its two-dimensional components to assign quality and quantity of learning on establishing measures of value judgments to the individual and collaborative activities developed through the interaction tools available in VLE. Its action also extends to monitoring the activities and the classroom management of student’s attendance. The methodology based on interaction and mediation by icons is complemented by a qualitative and quantitative coefficient called Factor ?. Based on nonlinear dynamics model of psychological and mathematical Meta Learning, which relates the bipolar critical variables. Factor ? sought in the positive/negative variable (Rate P/N) involving the student’s performance for his/her participation in all activities. The proposed model, called Learning Vectors (LV), gives the Tutor a qualitative feature to mediate the teaching-learning process in courses that make use of VLE. This model was implemented as an extension of synchronous and asynchronous tools in Moodle the model was evaluated in its real context of use when applied to UAB students. The results of its use were analyzed revealing the user’s satisfaction regarding to the applicability of the LV and its potential to assist the activities of academic control, as it enables the automation of the entire process of releasing the school grades and presented properly to the specific course.Keywords: Virtual Learning Environments, Formative assessment, Meta Learning Model, Non-linear metrics, Learning Vectors Tool.
... Having a good balance between the positive and negative experiences is important for an individual's overall psychological functioning and wellbeing in everyday life. Looking at the ratio between positive and negative emotions can be an important indicator as to whether an individual is flourishing in their life or their work (Page & Vella-Brodrick, 2009;Fredrickson & Losada, 2005;Catalino & Fredrickson, 2011;Shrira, Bodner, & Palgi, 2016;Losada & Heaphy, 2004). Having a higher ratio of positivity to negative emotions (positivity ratio) seems to indicate whether an individual is flourishing. ...
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Firefighters who engage in emergency responding play an essential role in public safety and this role seems to take a heavy toll on their mental health. Aside from that, a current review of the Fire and Emergency NZ organisation suggests a culture of serious bullying and harassment, adding further to the stress firefighters’ experience (Adams, Asiasiga, McManus,& Dickinson, 2018. Although this review is crucial, it did not investigate any wider aspects of a firefighter’s job such as the positive emotions they may experience and positive psychological resources they may have access to (psychological capital: self-efficacy,optimism, hope, and resilience). For this study, thirty-one Hamilton (NZ) firefighters were asked to engage in an online survey assessing their positivity ratio (positive to negative emotions) and psychological capital in their different work settings (operational and non-operational). The results indicated a positive relationship between positivity ratios and levels of psychological capital. Levels of psychological capital were significantly higher in the operational setting than the non-operational. Further results indicated that higher levels of optimism predict increased levels of firefighters’ positivity ratios in operational settings in a similar way as higher levels of hope did in non-operational settings. The results of this study might have implications for managers of the Fire and Emergency NZ organisations in regards to the psychological benefits in firefighters when building on optimism in operational settings and hope in non-operational settings, ensuring they are responding to emergencies most effectively and collaborating at a high level during their station duties.
... Third is positive communication, seen through collaboration and emphasis on individuals' strengths and contributions. Losada and Heaphy (2004) (also see Box et al., 2021) demonstrated that the most important factor in predicting organizational performance was the ratio of positive statements to negative statements by leaders and employees. Positive statements were defined as those that expressed appreciation, support, helpfulness, approval, or compliments. ...
This article describes a training course grounded in positive leadership theory for experienced online doctoral mentoring faculty. It includes theoretical underpinning as well as a description of required readings and weekly assignments.
... In fact, as claimed by Cameron et al. (2011, p.7, "[e]vidence exists that positivity and organizational outcomes are related" ( e.g. Cameron, Bright, & Caza, 2004;Losada & Heaphy, 2004). Not surprisingly therefore, interests in positive aspects of organizational behaviour gradually gain popularity within a research circle especially where it relates with positive leadership and organizational growth and sustainability in challenging times. ...
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This book attempts to illustrate the leadership qualities that are essential for better leadership behaviour by focusing on how leaders should grow and develop. It aims at raising awareness on the need to promote conducive environmental and organizational support for employee engagement to flourish. It challenges leaders to explore on their current way of thinking and doing that may stifle the progressive nature of their organization.
... In fact, as claimed by Cameron et al. (2011, p.7, "[e]vidence exists that positivity and organizational outcomes are related" ( e.g. Cameron, Bright, & Caza, 2004;Losada & Heaphy, 2004). Not surprisingly therefore, interests in positive aspects of organizational behaviour gradually gain popularity within a research circle especially where it relates with positive leadership and organizational growth and sustainability in challenging times. ...
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... Shared recognition and understanding of this positive core can be transformative by shifting the identity or qualitative state of being of the system (Bushe 2005a) as well as by creating new models and (lay) theories to perceive the old with a new lens (Cooperrider and Srivastava 1987). The empirically established benefits of generativity are many such as creativity and increased psychological and physical well-being at an individual level (Fredrickson 2004; mutual support and performance at the team level (Losada and Heaphy 2004); and momentum for change and long-term sustainability (Bushe 2005a) at the organizational level. ...
Experts consider green construction and the social, institutional, and cultural changes associated with it, through a sociological and organizational lens. Buildings are the nation's greatest energy consumers. Forty percent of all our energy is used for heating, cooling, lighting, and powering machines and devices in buildings. And despite decades of investment in green construction technologies, residential and commercial buildings remain stubbornly energy inefficient. This book looks beyond the technological and material aspects of green construction to examine the cultural, social, and organizational shifts that sustainable building requires, examining the fundamental challenge to centuries-long traditions in design and construction that green building represents. The contributors consider the changes associated with green building through a sociological and organizational lens. They discuss shifts in professional expertise created by new social concerns about green building, including evolving boundaries of professional jurisdictions; changing industry strategies and structures, including the roles of ownership, supply firms, and market niches; new operational, organizational, and cultural arrangements, including the mainstreaming of environmental concerns; narratives and frames that influence the perception of green building; and future directions for the theory and practice of sustainable construction. The essays offer uniquely multidisciplinary insights into the transformative potential of green building and the obstacles that must be overcome to make it the norm. ContributorsLauren Barhydt, Clayton Bartczak, Lyn Bartram, Olivier Berthod, Nicole Woolsey Biggart, Lenora Bohren, Bertien Broekhans, William Browning, Zinta S. Byrne, Michael Conger, Jennifer E. Cross, David Deal, Beth M. Duckles, Brian Dunbar, Robert Eccles, Amy Edmondson, Bill Franzen, Ronald Fry, Rebecca L. Henn, Jock Herron, Stephen Hockley, Andrew J. Hoffman, Kathryn B. Janda, Nitin Joglekar, Gavin Killip, Alison G. Kwok, Larissa Larsen, Michelle A. Meyer, Christine Mondor, Monica Ponce de Leon, Nicholas B. Rajkovich, Stuart Reeve, Johnny Rodgers, Garima Sharma, Geoffrey Thün, Ellen van Bueren, Kathy Velikov, Rohit Verma, Robert Woodbury, Jeffrey G. York, Jie Zhang
... We speculate that the pattern shown in the literature on marital interactions may be insightful here. The popular marriage researcher John Gottman and his colleagues (1998) found that the ratio of positive to negative interactions may make a marked difference in terms of marital happiness, and at least one study suggests that positive/negative interaction ratios may also matter in workspaces (Losada and Heaphy 2004). We ponder whether a similar theme may be at play when it comes to interactions with supervisors at work: feeling respected only some of the time may not be enough to associate with mental health benefits. ...
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The growing field of mattering has established that a sense that we matter is crucial to well-being and that it is informed by interactions with close others. However, few studies investigate how mattering may be shaped by our work relationships. Since many adults spend much of their time performing paid work, addressing this research gap may provide insights for enhancing employee well-being. This study uses data from the 2021 Baylor Religion Survey, collected during the early months of 2021, and a sample of employed U.S. adults ( n = 564) to test how a worker’s perceived respect from their employer and their closeness to coworkers relate to their general sense of mattering, as well as whether mattering may act as a mediator between work relationships and psychological distress (assessed as symptoms of depression and anxiety). Results indicate that feeling highly respected by one’s employer and one’s perceived closeness to coworkers are positively linked with mattering among workers. Additional analyses also imply that mattering mediates a portion of the relationship between workplace relations and psychological distress. In total, this study suggests that further research into work relationships and mattering is warranted, especially since both factors seem tied to workers’ mental health.
... At the same time, negative expressions, critique, disappointment, and dislike are minimal. Organizations with managers or leaders who adopt this approach are found to positively affect organizational performance (Losada & Heaphy, 2004). ...
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Coping with unexpected and unprecedented challenges, particularly in managing change, is part of a leader’s function. Change often presents problems and tensions between the parties involved, which can derail the achievement of their objectives. For change to be successful, leaders need to build morale, unify individual and departmental aspirations, and positively influence such change. This study explores positive communication models that can facilitate leaders in managing change. By reviewing the literature of positive communication in the areas of a positive organization, particularly involving the integrative approach and constructive interaction, this study found the certain ways of communication that can encourage effective change agents while reducing the resistance of the individual change target. This work reveals that the constructive and integrative dimension of positive communication may facilitate the change agent to be more internally directed and purpose oriented. On the other hand, questioning and discovery emphasize the affection aspects and will lessen the resistance and make change target those who are more open and eager to collaborate. .
... In addition to positively deviant outcomes, other POS research has focused on previously unexamined positive factors that help explain eVectiveness. Losada and Heaphy (2004), for example, reported research in which sixty Wrms were categorized as high, medium, and low performing based on indicators such as productivity, proWtability, and associates' ratings of the eVectiveness of the top management team. A senior executive team in each organization was observed for a day as they interacted in a goal setting, budgeting, and strategic planning session. ...
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the process of theory development. Theory provides the base for knowledge and understanding of important relationships in various disciplines. Theory development is highly important in the discipline of management and organizations as it is a relatively young Weld of study, in comparison to many other social science disciplines. As a young Weld of study, new theory provides important and unique insights that can advance the Weld’s understanding of management phenomena. In fact, much of the theory used in management and organizational research has been derived from the social science disciplines of economics, psychology, and sociology; although new distinctive management theory has been developed, these theories are still in a developmental stage. Many of the most prominent theories used in the Weld of management and organizations are examined in this handbook
... For an ordinary group, we need approximately twice as many positive as negative statements. In a dysfunctional group, only a third of the communication statements are positive (Losada, 2004) To connect and communicate effectively, use of humour can be very helpful because it activates positive emotions and brings feelings of relatedness. To communicate using humour, you must have the ability to appreciate jokes and describe things in an amusing manner. ...
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UPRIGHT is a scientifically tested psychoeducational resilience intervention based in schools, designed to promote the mental wellbeing and prevent mental disorders of adolescents. It uses a whole-school approach, involving adolescents, their families and the entire school community. The intervention consists of two programmes called WELL-BEING FOR US and WELL-BEING FOR ALL. Each programme is described in its corresponding Manual. This file contains the WELL-BEING FOR US-TEACHERS manual. This manual includes the instructions to apply the programme at the educational centre by the teachers, and the theory and practice information for all resilience skills. The WELL-BEING FOR US programme provides teachers with a variety of materials to conduct student training on resilience. This document is part of a project ( that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 754919. The information reflects only the authors´ view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains This document is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 754919. The information reflects only the authors´ view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains
Positive communication and its importance to organizations has become a popular topic of research among organizational scholars. However, there remains a paucity of work exploring nonlinearities in the role of positivity in communication effectiveness, with little research examining whether there can be too much of a good thing when it comes to communication positivity. To address these gaps in the literature on positive communication, I tested the hypothesis that work-related workplace communication will exhibit an inverted U-shaped curvilinear relationship with positive emotion. This relationship is hypothesized to result from a tradeoff between total workplace communication and the proportion of total workplace communication that is explicitly work-related as communication positivity increases. The results of this study generally support the hypothesized relationship and, save for some minor caveats, the hypothesized mechanisms underlying it. Enclosed are discussions on these caveats and the implications of this study’s findings for both organizational researchers and practitioners.
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Este artículo presenta un abordaje generativo para comprender y trabajar en organizaciones. Este abordaje utiliza los recursos de las personas y organizaciones, sus valores y habilidades para afrontar dificultades y/o desafíos e innovar. Ayuda a las organizaciones a desplazarse desde una mirada centrada en los problemas hacia otra que atiende a la posibilidad, se aleja del déficit y trabaja con un marco positivo basado en los recursos, el aprendizaje y la creatividad. Este artículo presenta la perspectiva, la base teórica y la metateoría desarrolladas por el modelo generativo y ofrece herramientas prácticas que utilizan el diálogo y el aprendizaje como medios para construir recursos, alternativas e innovaciones en acciones específicas. Se focaliza en aspectos del liderazgo y la dinámica de equipos, y presenta cuatro tipos de procedimientos generativos de utilidad para las organizaciones: la facilitación de diálogos generativos, la adquisición de competencias para llevar adelante conversaciones productivas, las habilidades para sostener la relación con otras organizaciones y coordinar nuevas relaciones, y la innovación como un fin en sí misma.
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Este trabalho dedicou-se a entender o uso e a percepção dos alunos de um curso de especialização participantes dos fóruns, identificando o grau e a relevância da atuação dos professores e tutores nesses ambientes a fim de descrever o grau de interação dos estudantes e o tipo de respostas que eram postadas. Os dados foram obtidos com um questionário oferecido a todos os estudantes do curso; e a análise de conteúdo de todos os fóruns que um aluno (o primeiro autor) teve acesso durante sua trajetória pelo curso. Os critérios de análise dos conteúdos foram divididos em três eixos: Grau de interação entre os alunos nos fóruns, tipo de resposta do aluno e a qualidade da resposta/interação. Os dados indicam que os alunos se motivam mais quando os enunciados dos fóruns incitavam trocas de experiências e indicações de técnicas em detrimento de discussões mais epistemológicas. Porém, a maioria dos fóruns solicitava respostas de cunho mais conteudista. Apesar de nenhum aluno sugerir a exclusão dos fóruns no curso, a satisfação com a obrigatoriedade em se responder não foi unânime, indicando que a troca por notas ainda é um paradigma na educação, mesmo online. A maioria dos fóruns analisados mostrou interação com envolvimento dos alunos e as respostas foram argumentativas e de concordância, com menor índice de respostas de questionamento e discordância, indicando que os professores podem modular melhor os enunciados, caso queiram trabalhar outras habilidades. Com isso, os fóruns mostram-se como importantes ferramentas dentro da Educação a Distância, com possibilidades diversas para se criar um ambiente de aprendizagem coletivo significativo, mas o docente é central nesse processo, tendo que participar ativamente das discussões e modular o tipo de resposta que ele quer receber do estudante. Palavras-chave: Interatividade. Aprendizagem cooperativa. Comunidades Virtuais de Aprendizagem. Metodologia pedagógica.
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Tämän hallintotieteen ja johtamisen psykologiaan sijoittuvan väitöstutkimuksen aiheena on positiivisen johtamisen ymmärtämisen lisääminen. Positiivisuuskonseptin alati läsnä oleva näkyvyys etenkin johtamiseen liitettynä tai päälle liimattuna ilmiönä kuvaa vahvasti nykyhetken työelämää. Positiivinen johtaminen on ollut itse asiassa ajankohtainen konsepti tieteen kentällä jo muutaman vuosikymmenen ja työelämän käytännöissä melkein yhtä kauan. Positiivisuuteen ja täten myös positiiviseen johtamiseen liittyy kuitenkin paljon itsestään selvinä pidettyjä tulkintoja ja tästä johtuvaa epäselvyyttä siitä, mitä positiivinen johtaminen todella on. Positiivisen johtamisen tutkimuskenttää ovat hallinneet positivistisen perinteen mukailemana psykometriikan työkalut hypoteeseista positiivisen johtamisen ja toisten muuttujien välisiin korrelaatioihin. Tämä on selittänyt pitkälti muuttujien yhteyksiä, mutta ei niinkään muuttujia itseään, mukaan lukien positiivista johtamista. Nyt väitöstutkimuksen tarkoituksena on pyrkiä lisäämään positiivisen johtamisen ymmärrystä kokemuksen tutkimuksen lähestymistapoja hyödyntäen. Tutkimuksessa kysyn, mikä merkitys kokemuksen tutkimuksella on positiivisen johtamisen ymmärtämiselle ja miten kokemuksen tutkimusta voidaan hyödyntää positiivisen johtamisen käytännöissä. Väitöstutkimukseni on artikkelimuotoinen ja sisältää neljä vertaisarvioitua osajulkaisua ja yhteenveto-osan. Osajulkaisuista kolme on alkuperäistutkimuksia ja yksi on teoreettinen. Kolmen alkuperäistutkimuksen aineistot olen kerännyt vuosien 2010 ja 2015 välillä. Aineistot kerättiin hyödyntäen sähköposti- ja kirjekyselyä, yksilöhaastatteluita sekä ohjattua fokusryhmäkeskustelua. Sähköposti- ja kirjekyselyyn vastasivat johtajat ja aineisto analysoitiin hyödyntäen fenomenografiaa. Yksilöhaastatteluissa oli sekä johtajia että työntekijöitä ja aineisto analysoitiin hyödyntäen fenomenologista metodia, EKA-mallia. Ohjatussa fokusryhmäkeskustelussa oli mukana vain johtajia, ja aineiston analyysissä hyödynnettiin integroivaa diskurssianalyysiä. Teoreettisen osajulkaisun panos näyttäytyy teoreettisessa taustoituksessa. Väitöstutkimuksessa on hyödynnetty aineistojen analyysissa uusia metodeja. Fenomenologisen metodin EKA-mallia hyödynnettiin ensimmäisen kerran tässä tutkimuksessa. Siinä tarkoituksena on tutkia kokemusten sijaan kokemuslaatuja, jotka ovat tunne, tieto ja oletus. Integroiva diskurssianalyysi perustuu puolestaan diskursiivisen psykologian ja kriittisen diskurssianalyysin muodostamaan yhdistelmään, jossa tarkoituksena on tutkia vuorovaikutusta neljän kerroksellisen tason välityksellä. Nämä tasot tuottavat tietoa vuorovaikutuksessa ilmenevistä merkityksistä, merkitysten perusteluista, esitettyjen merkitysten vaikutuksista osapuolen asemaan ja positioihin sekä yhteyksistä organisaatioin toimintatapoihin ja valtaan. Perinteisen fenomenografisen analyysin fokus on erilaisten positiivisen johtamiseen liitettyjen käsitysten vaihtelussa. Väitöstutkimuksen tulokset luovat ymmärrystä positiiviseen johtamiseen kolmen eri lähestymistavan kautta. Fenomenologisen metodin EKA-malli tuotti positiivisen johtamisen kokemuksia kolmen kokemuslaadun, tunne, tieto ja oletus, muodossa. Yleisin kokemuslaatu oli tieto, ja sen jälkeen tunne ja oletus, tässä järjestyksessä. Toinen merkittävä ulottuvuus, joka tutkimuksessa selvisi, oli positiivisen johtamisen kolme kokemusmaailmaa: johtajan ja työntekijöiden erillinen sekä molempien yhteinen kokemusmaailma. Työntekijöiden kokemusmaailma näyttäytyi monipuolisempana kuin johtajien, eli se sisälsi enemmän erilaisia kokemuksia. Johtajien ja työntekijöiden yhteinen kokemusmaailma oli yllättävän laaja. Fenomenografinen analyysi puolestaan tuotti kolme kuvauskategoriaa, jotka kuvaavat osaltaan positiivisen johtamisen kokonaiskuvaa. Tärkeänä osana ovat myös kuvauskategorioihin sisälletyt merkityskategoriat, jotka antavat puolestaan yksityiskohtaisempaa kuvaa positiivisen johtamiseen liittyvästä vaihtelusta. Tämä vaihtelu näkyi kuvauskategorioiden välityksellä ja kertoi roolivaihtelusta eli siitä, että positiivista johtamista tuottavat muutkin kuin johtaja, kuten työntekijät. Merkityskategorioiden kautta tuli näkyväksi positiivisen johtamisen toimintatapoja ja etenkin epätavallisia toimintatapoja. Integroiva diskurssianalyysi tuotti analyysin pohjalta jokaiselle neljälle tasolle positiivisen johtamisen sisältöjä, jotka syntyivät johtajien keskinäisessä keskustelussa kielellisen vuorovaikutuksen välityksellä. Tulokset tuovat esiin sen, että työyhteisön vuorovaikutuksessa on nyansseja, joita ei itse vuorovaikutustilanteessa välttämättä edes huomaa. Tarkemmin tarkasteluna vuorovaikutuksesta löytyy erilaisia tapoja puhua positiivisesta johtamisesta, hallitsevia merkityksiä, haastavia vastanäkökulmia, erilaisia näkökulmien perusteluja, tiettyjä toimijoiden positioita ja niiden mahdollisia siirtoja, yhteyksiä organisaation toimintatapoihin ja huomaamattomia valtataisteluita, joilla kaikilla on omat seuraamuksensa positiivisen johtamisen tilaan työyhteisössä. Tulosten pohjalta syntyi neljä johtopäätösaluetta: 1) kokemuksen tutkimus auttaa ymmärtämään positiivista johtamista tilannesidonnaisena ilmiönä, 2) kokemuksen tutkimus auttaa näkemään positiivisen johtamisen roolivaihtelut ja epätavalliset toimintatavat, 3) kokemuksen tutkimus auttaa tuomaan ilmi positiivisen johtamisen määritelmälliset haasteet ja 4) väitöstutkimus rikastuttaa kokemuksen tutkimuksen metodiikkaa kokemuslaatujen analyyttisella ulottuvuudella. Väitöstutkimuksen panos positiivisen johtamisen tieteenkentälle näkyy tilannesidonnaisuuden huomioimisena, joka on jäänyt aiemmin pitkälti vähemmälle huomiolle positiivisen johtamisen tutkimuksissa. Samoin positiivisen johtamisen roolivaihtelut auttavat näkemään ilmiön eri valossa. Lisäksi on tärkeää pyrkiä tarkemmin määrittelemään sekä positiivisuus johtamisen kontekstissa että kokemus, sillä ne auttavat hahmottamaan tarkemmin, mitä ja miten esimerkiksi positiivisia tunteita koetaan. Käytännön sovellusten näkökulmasta positiivinen johtaminen hyötyy huomioimalla eri tilanteet niihin sopivalla tavalla. Näissä eri tilanteissa työntekijöiden eri kokemuslaatujen ja merkitysten tunnistaminen korostuu, jotta positiivinen johtaminen voidaan räätälöidä sopivaksi. Konkreettisen osaamisen lisääminen myös eri kokemuslaatujen tunnistamiseen voi työyhteisössä auttaa positiivisen johtamisen tilanteita. Positiivista johtamista voivat toteuttaa myös muut kuin johtaja ja tämä on merkityksellistä positiivisuuden leviämisessä työyhteisössä. Lopulta positiivisen määritteleminen työyhteisössä on hyvä rakentaa mahdollisimman paikallisesti pohjaamalla työyhteisön arkeen ja johtajan ja työntekijöiden kokemuksiin.
While emergent pedagogies offer potentially high impact, the risks in using such pedagogies can be significant when not handled carefully. This article explores the cautions and limitations of emergent‐based pedagogies such as case‐in‐point, intentional emergence, and group relations. Leadership educators who use emergent‐based approaches need to be well‐versed in how to hold the heat in the classroom, even when the heat may be directed at them. The learning and impact from the pedagogy may sometimes take months or even years to be felt. As such, considerations like administration buy‐in are necessary in addition to the adequate development of the facilitator. This article explores resources to develop educators in their use of emergent pedagogies, including hallmark readings and trainings that are available to those interested in learning more.
Transparency is an essential part of developing and maintaining an ethical culture and a safety culture. We found two practices that significantly contributed to both - capitalizing on teachable moments that stemmed from safety incidents and the active provision of detailed positive feedback on laboratory inspections. When we applied these concepts to instances of evaluating performance, we found that they facilitated communication and supported the inquiry necessary to develop and sustain openness. While enforcement, an alternative approach, may evoke rapid compliance, it may also tend to reduce discussion. By contrast, we found that considering the vulnerability of those in non-compliance tended to ease the exchange and support the robust relations needed to create and maintain safe conditions. Appreciation for the state of intense interest and hunger for information characteristic of these teachable moments led to providing specific guidance that recipients were ready to use immediately. In addition, reinforcement of existing desirable practices via specific positive comments gave recipients the guidance necessary to build on their existing foundation of skills, knowledge, and strengths. This chapter combines research in behavioral psychology, principles of management and evaluation, and our own observations to illustrate how performance evaluations and incident reports can be leveraged to achieve an ethically responsive culture.
Significance In a lecture attended by this article’s author in 2017, Dr Martin Seligman, Director of the University of Pennsylvania Positive Psychology Center, shared his belief that the absence of illness is not necessarily wellness. Seligman argues that well-being is not simply the absence of suffering, but the presence of at least five essential psychological elements: positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning, and achievement (PERMA) [3]. Seligman’s PERMA model has spurred, among Cultivating acceptance and value Onboarding is a critical time in a team member's journey with an organization. The onboarding experience can impact integration into the team and organizational culture. Some surveys have found that team members who rate their onboarding experience as excellent may be nearly 70% more likely to remain with the organization 3 years later [30]. Research has found that in organizations where a formalized new-employee support program is in place, outcomes like organizational commitment are Being a part of something One veterinary practice utilizes a unique culture assimilation program. The interview process for all positions is a group effort. Multiple members of the team are included in all interviews and are prompted to identify the “must-have” qualities in all potential new hires. When a decision is made to add someone to the team, each interviewer is asked by management to share their answer to this question: “What is the one thing about this person that made you feel they absolutely had to be a part Performing together Achieving things together in meaningful ways may be helpful in instilling a sense of belonging among teams. This path to belonging can manifest in a variety of ways from shared activities both inside and outside the workplace to accomplishing meaningful goals together. It can also come from a team member’s belief that they are involved in important workplace decisions. Team building through shared activities outside of work may be a valuable endeavor for building a sense of collective Behavioral modeling Veterinary team members tend to look to their leads, supervisors, managers, directors, and other leadership roles for examples of behaviors that are encouraged or accepted. That is to say, leaders are tone-setters for cultural norms. In the case of organizational trust and open communication, it behooves leaders to define these terms for themselves, consider the observable outcomes of a culture in which those definitions are being lived out, and to adopt intentional behaviors likely to nurture Inviting voice It can be suggested that veterinary team members desire a workplace with high trust and candid communication because they value a healthy, productive form of dissent called “intellectual tension”. That is, veterinary team members are likely driven to learn and develop skills and practices so that they may deliver high-quality medical care. However, when trust is low, communication manifests in unhealthy ways. Low trust in a candid environment tends to appear as rumination, complaining, Productive response In teams seeking to develop a culture of trust and candid communication, psychological safety is a necessary condition. Psychological safety is cultivated through interpersonal interaction and is heavily influenced by how individuals feel during and after these interactions. In a work environment, speaking up, productively challenging, admitting mistakes or shortcomings, and the like are interpersonally risking actions because we have no control over the response of others. Leaders can minimize Discussion and future investigation Workplace well-being and employee outcomes such as burnout, psychological distress, and turnover intention, appear to be influenced both by individual variables and the workplace climate. Recent studies support this assertion in the veterinary profession, suggesting that a veterinary professional’s experience in the practice environment may be a primary driver of these outcomes for them. Throughout the literature, we find that workplace leadership is highly influential when it comes to Clinics care points • Leadership practices influence workplace climate and employee experience in veterinary settings. • To enable belongingness in their workplaces, leaders can cultivate acceptance, build up employee self-worth, instill cultural norms, and craft opportunities for collaborative and inclusive work. • To build trust and encourage candid, open communication, leaders can build a culture of psychological safety with behavioral modeling, inviting employee voice, and productive interpersonal response.
Objectives: There are several definitions of strengths within psychology, united by a common theme: strengths are what people do best and most easily. Research shows that actively using strengths provides a range of benefits, and suggests that strengths-based coaching is a valuable approach. This study’s purpose was to investigate strengths-based coaching using qualitative methods, concentrating on the experience of the coachee. Design: The study explored what happened when six women in financial services practised using their strengths at work, through a coaching intervention and the VIA strengths inventory. Through three semi-structured interviews centred around a coaching intervention, participants described their experience using strengths, and the effects of greater awareness and practice of strengths. Methods: The data was analysed using grounded theory. The value of strengths emerged as the central phenomenon, consisting of eight sub-themes: positive emotion, inspiring action, attention to the positive, feeling authentic, awareness of own value, valuing difference, sense of achievement and positive reflections from others. Results: The study found that all participants derived value from using strengths. This appeared to lead to a ‘virtuous circle’: this positive benefit reduced the intervening factors that previously impeded using strengths. The virtuous circle was not identical for each participant, but all experienced it. Conclusions: The study finds ways in which women may use strengths and gain value from using strengths in the workplace. This has practical implications for those wishing to improve their workplace experience and increase engagement with work, and for those who coach and employ them.
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Az iskolai kudarcnak (school failure) igen sok értelmezése vált ismertté az elmúlt évtizedekben, melyek nemcsak bővítették e kudarcélmény okainak eredetileg szűk körét, hanem lehetővé tették személyes (kognitív és nem kognitív) és környezeti (családi és iskolai) dimenziók szerinti értelmezését, illetve ezen dimenziók egymásra gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálatát is. A kutatások eredményei rámutattak arra, hogy egy igen komplex jelenségről van szó, melynek egyéni és rendszerszintű kezelése kizárólag e komplexitás figyelembevételével lehet hatékony és eredményes (pl. Berliner, 2009; Herbert, 1996; Keddie, 1973; Petridou & Karagiorgi, 2016;Paksi et al., 2020; Turkheimer et al., 2003).Az elméleti tanulmány célja bemutatni az iskolai kudarc főbb értelmezési kereteit, kiemel-ten azokat, amelyek a társas kontextusban jelentkező kognitív pszichológiai jellemzők mellett hangsúlyosabban foglalkoznak a nem kognitív jellemzőkkel, hiszen egyre több vizsgálati eredmény (pl. Heckman & Rubinstein, 2001; Ibabe, 2016; Paksi et al., 2020) hívja fel a figyelmet e jellemzők kudarcélményben és iskolai lemorzsolódásban (dropping out) játszott szerepére. A tanulmányban ismertetjük az ezen megközelítések mentén általunk kialakított kutatási modellt is, mely alapját képezi egy 2021–2025 között megvalósítandó négyéves longitudinális kutatásnak és fejlesztési munkának általános iskolai (7–14 éves) tanulók és pedagógusaik körében.
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The need for SME owner/managers to engage in building and maintaining collaborative business relationships is paramount for their success and the resilience of these relationships can be viewed as a crucial factor in successful supply chain management for SMEs. The present study investigates the relationship between the social intelligence of the SME owner/manager and relationship resilience between firms with which they do business. The objective of this study is to explore the relationship between four components of social intelligence (situational awareness, situational response, cognitive empathy, and social skills) of small to medium sized business owners/managers on the resilience of their supply chain relationships. A survey was conducted, and responses gathered from small business owner/managers and the data was analyzed using structural equation modeling. The study provided evidence that the four components of social intelligence are positively associated with relationship resilience.
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Objectives:. This study tests the null hypotheses that overall sentiment and gendered words in verbal feedback and resident operative autonomy relative to performance are similar for female and male residents. Background:. Female and male surgical residents may experience training differently, affecting the quality of learning and graduated autonomy. Methods:. A longitudinal, observational study using a Society for Improving Medical Professional Learning collaborative dataset describing resident and attending evaluations of resident operative performance and autonomy and recordings of verbal feedback from attendings from surgical procedures performed at 54 US general surgery residency training programs from 2016 to 2021. Overall sentiment, adjectives, and gendered words in verbal feedback were quantified by natural language processing. Resident operative autonomy and performance, as evaluated by attendings, were reported on 5-point ordinal scales. Performance-adjusted autonomy was calculated as autonomy minus performance. Results:. The final dataset included objective assessments and dictated feedback for 2683 surgical procedures. Sentiment scores were higher for female residents (95 [interquartile range (IQR), 4–100] vs 86 [IQR 2–100]; P < 0.001). Gendered words were present in a greater proportion of dictations for female residents (29% vs 25%; P = 0.04) due to male attendings disproportionately using male-associated words in feedback for female residents (28% vs 23%; P = 0.01). Overall, attendings reported that male residents received greater performance-adjusted autonomy compared with female residents (P < 0.001). Conclusions:. Sentiment and gendered words in verbal feedback and performance-adjusted operative autonomy differed for female and male general surgery residents. These findings suggest a need to ensure that trainees are given appropriate and equitable operative autonomy and feedback.
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O estudo se torna relevante pela busca das abordagens mais apropriadas para o desenvolvimento pedagógico dos novos recursos da tecnologia da informação, aplicáveis ao ensino interativo de música - por exemplo, ensinar a tocar um instrumento musical com o uso de um programa de computador. O objetivo do estudo é considerar a interatividade, a interação em rede e a implementação de funções educacionais como principais recursos das tecnologias de computador da música (MCT). Essas tecnologias podem ajudar a desenvolver uma metodologia eficaz para treinamento apropriado e novos sistemas de software e hardware com os quais os alunos podem aprender três dos componentes mais importantes da habilidade musical: o teclado de um instrumento específico, notação musical e teoria musical. Os autores concluem que o MCT pode e deve atuar como um ambiente educacional de rede interativa, e é necessário preparar uma lista de repertórios para o processo educacional nessas condições, bem como buscar formas organizacionais legais dessa atividade.
Objectives: Executive coaches are often involved in working with executive managers. The objective of this study is to investigate whether teams are more engaged and productive when led by an optimistic manager. Furthermore, we hypothesise that optimistic managers embody positive leadership – employing a strengths-based approach, maintaining a positive perspective, and frequently providing recognition and encouragement – which increases the engagement and productivity of their employees. Design: The study used a cross-sectional survey design at two time points. Method: The researchers developed a survey to measure this concept of positive leadership. In addition, two measures were used: the Life Orientation Test Revised (LOT-R) to measure optimism and the Gallup Organisation’s Q ¹² to measure engagement. Results: In a cross-sectional study of 86 employees and 17 managers in an Information Technology (IT) organisation, positive leadership correlated with employee optimism, engagement, and project performance. When we looked at a subset of this data prospectively, with 39 employees and 14 managers, manager optimism predicted project performance. Conclusions: Our data support the claim that positive leadership is correlated with employee engagement and performance, and further extends the importance of optimism in the workplace. Coaching implications are also discussed, in terms of exploring how coaching psychologists can work with executives to develop their managerial style.
Coaching is increasingly being used in the health sector, with staff and patients. Despite this increase there is only a small body of empirical evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness of coaching in health care settings. Objectives: This study evaluated the effectiveness of a workplace coaching programme (WCP) aimed at enhancing the work behaviours and well-being of 17 managers in a large Australian teaching hospital. Design: A within-group, pre-post test study design was used. Methods: The WCP consisted of needs-based workshops and group and individual coaching over a six-month period. Positive social science provided the theoretical underpinning for the WCP, and this was applied through an integrated solution-focused, cognitive-behavioural methodology. A questionnaire was used to collect data at two time points. Data was analysed using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test. Results: Participation in coaching was associated with significantly enhanced proactivity, core performance, goal-attainment, self-insight, motivation, positive affect, and autonomy. Significant effects on self-reflection, negative affect and psychological well-being were not found. Conclusion: The study provides preliminary evidence in favour of workplace coaching as an effective approach for facilitating work effectiveness. Further research utilising larger sample sizes and controlled study designs is warranted.
Purpose This study investigates whether the artificial neural network approach, when used on a large organizational soft HR performance dataset, results in a better (R ² /RMSE) model compared to the linear regression. With the use of predictive modelling, a more informed base for managerial decision making within soft HR performance management is offered. Design/methodology/approach The study builds on a dataset (n > 43 k) stemming from an annual employee MNC survey. It covers several soft HR performance drivers and outcomes (such as engagement, satisfaction and others) that either have evidence of a dual-role nature or non-linear relationships. This study applies the framework for artificial neural network analysis in organization research (Scarborough and Somers, 2006). Findings The analysis reveals a substantial artificial neural network model performance (R ² > 0.75) with an excellent fit statistic (nRMSE <0.10) and all drivers have the same relative importance (RMI [0.102; 0.125]). This predictive analysis revealed that the organization has to increase six of the drivers, keep two on the same level and decrease one. Originality/value Up to date, this study uses the largest dataset in soft HR performance management. Additionally, the predictive results reveal that specific target values lay below the current levels to achieve optimal performance.
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본 연구의 목적은 주관적 경력성공을 매개로 하여, 성장지향성이 삶의 만족에 미치는 영향을 검증하는데 목적이 있다. 구체적으로 첫째, 성장지향성과 주관적 경력성공 및 삶의 만족 간의 관계를 살펴보았다. 둘째, 성장지향성이 삶의 만족에 영향을 미치는데 있어 주관적 경력성공의 매개효과를 확인하였다. 셋째, 성장지향성과 주관적 경력성공 간의 관계에서 긍정리더십의 조절효과를 검증하였다. 마지막으로 성장지향성이 삶의 만족에 영향을 미치는 과정에서 긍정리더십의 조절된 매개효과를 검증하였다. 이를 위해, 20-60대 직장인 255명(남 124명, 여 131명)을 대상으로 성장지향성, 삶의 만족, 주관적 경력성공, 긍정리더십의 정도를 묻는 온라인 설문조사를 실시하였고, 수집된 자료는 SPSS 23.0와 PROCESS macro v3.0, AMOS 23.0으로 분석하였다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 주관적 경력성공은 성장지향성과 삶의 만족 간에 관계를 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 성장지향성과 주관적 경력성공 간의 관계를 상사의 긍정리더십이 유의하게 조절하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 상사의 긍정리더십 수준이 높을수록 성장지향성이 주관적 경력성공을 통해 삶의 만족에 미치는 정적관계가 더 강하게 나타나 조절된 매개효과가 유의한 것으로 검증되었다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 연구의 의의와 제한점 및 실무적 시사점, 한계점 및 추후연구에 대해 제언하였다.
This chapter deals with the leader’s own mindset. How to recognize the factors that have influenced a person/leader throughout his/her life, that made him/her become and think the way he/she does now. Leaders are invited to reflect and dig into their own mindsets, and as thoughts, attitudes and perceptions can be changed, so can every person that wants to dig a bit deeper into their own existing mindsets. Numerous tools and techniques to be used at the workplace are being presented here and in most chapters of this book. For instance, techniques on how to increase your own levels of positive emotions, build your own resilience and how to grow a growth-mindset and -perspective. The reader will also receive a research-based presentation about how authentic leadership increases employees work engagement. As in every chapter, concrete techniques from positive psychology are given.
What is this new science of positive psychology really about, and how can we – and why should we – apply it in the workplace? What are the characteristics of organizations and teams that have highly motivated employees scoring high in well-being and perform at their best? And what are some of the techniques that successful businesses like Google, Disney and Microsoft are using to build and develop their work cultures? The science of positive psychology gives the reader knowledge about how to identify and implement factors that contribute to positive cultural transformation and increased performance at work. This first chapter starts with presenting the foundations of positive psychology and sets it into the organizational scene. The focus is on teams, work culture, leadership and organizational development. Positive psychology is thereafter presented and compared with some of the existing organizational and motivational theories and put into the big picture of organizational theories. Results and examples from Google, Disney and Microsoft are presented.
In this chapter, five important elements in the leader’s executive leadership tasks are presented. For instance the element of communication and how our words are creating our realities. Research results from how positive communication leads to higher levels of performance is presented along with concrete techniques on how to work with the culture of communication.The leader is also given an overview of and a description on how to do a SOAR, SWOT, Appreciative Inquiry analysis as well as an organizational analysis in his/her own organization. The leader is hired to lead the culture at the workplace, and as the leader one must continue to build, strengthen, live it out, protect and fight for it. In this chapter the leader gets ideas on how to motivate, inspire and build culture at his/her workplace. Throughout the whole book, as well as in this chapter, the concrete positive psychology techniques a leader can implement in his/her own organization are presented. All from how to do job crafting, build collective optimism, how to reframe situations, learn active-constructive responding and create a culture of appreciation.
With the development of the digital age, enterprises have invested a lot of financial and material resources to develop information systems to survive industry competition. Innovative work behaviour and job performance are important for enterprises to develop their core competitiveness and ensure survival. Therefore, based on the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions and the system to value chain framework, this study explores the influence of end-user computing satisfaction on job performance through high-activated positive emotions and innovative work behaviour. The study demonstrates the positive effect of information systems on employees and provides a basis for decision-making in enterprises to improve the performance and innovation of their employees. Ultimately, enterprises can enhance their core competitiveness and adapt to changes in the digital age.
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There has long been interest in describing emotional experience in terms of underlying dimensions, but traditionally only two dimensions, pleasantness and arousal, have been reliably found. The reasons for these findings are reviewed, and integrating this review with two recent theories of emotions (Roseman, 1984; Scherer, 1982), we propose eight cognitive appraisal dimensions to differentiate emotional experience. In an investigation of this model, subjects recalled past experiences associated with each of 15 emotions, and rated them along the proposed dimensions. Six orthogonal dimensions, pleasantness, anticipated effort, certainty, attentional activity, self-other responsibility/control, and situational control, were recovered, and the emotions varied systematically along each of these dimensions, indicating a strong relation between the appraisal of one’s circumstances and one’s emotional state. The patterns of appraisal for the different emotions, and the role of each of the dimensions in differentiating emotional experience are discussed.
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In this article, the author describes a new theoretical perspective on positive emotions and situates this new perspective within the emerging field of positive psychology. The broaden-and-build theory posits that experiences of positive emotions broaden people's momentary thought-action repertoires, which in turn serves to build their enduring personal resources, ranging from physical and intellectual resources to social and psychological resources. Preliminary empirical evidence supporting the broaden-and-build theory is reviewed, and open empirical questions that remain to be tested are identified. The theory and findings suggest that the capacity to experience positive emotions may be a fundamental human strength central to the study of human flourishing.
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Many authors have stressed the existence of continuous processes of convergence and divergence, stability and instability, evolution and revolution in every organization. This article argues that these processes are embedded in organizational characteristics and in the way organizations are managed. Organizations are presented as nonlinear dynamic systems subject to forces of stability and forces of instability which push them toward chaos. When in a chaotic domain, organizations are likely to exhibit the qualitative properties of chaotic systems. Several of these properties—sensitivity to initial conditions, discreteness of change, attraction to specific configurations, structural invariance at different scales and irreversibility—are used to establish six propositions. First, because of the coupling of counteracting forces, organizations are potentially chaotic. Second, the path from organizational stability to chaos follows a discrete process of change. Third, when the organization is in the chaotic domain, small changes can have big consequences that cannot be predicted in the long term. Fourth, from chaos, new stabilities emerge—the strange attractors—which are assimilated to organizational configurations. Fifth, similar patterns should be found at different scales. Finally, during one single organizational life span or between two different organizations similar actions should never lead to the same result.
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This study provides a comparative test of two psychological theories concerning the relationship between affect and performance. Managerial simulations are used to test whether people who are positive in disposition perform better or worse on both decisional and interpersonal tasks. Results are consistent in supporting the happier-and-smarter as opposed to the sadder-but-wiser hypothesis, since they show positive relationships between dispositional affect and performance. The results are discussed in terms of their relevance to both the older literature on links between satisfaction and performance and the more recent controversy over the dispositional approach to job attitudes.
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Posted 3/2000. This commentary adopts a dialectical systems perspective on creativity and presents a critique of key points in B. L. Fredrickson's (see record 2000-03082-001) article on positive emotions. Fredrickson links the building of new skills primarily to the expansive or "broadening" properties of positive emotions. The connection of positive emotions to such divergent thought processes is not disputed; however, other theoretical frameworks are introduced to illustrate how the "narrowing" functions of negative emotions can also play an important role in the creative process. In other words, the creative, skill-building process is thought to be a complex or dialectical one that broadens and narrows information depending on the task at hand and the specific point in time. The commentary concludes by discussing the relative advantages of developing more integrative models and avoiding positive-negative dichotomies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Reviews research in psychology, sociology, and organizational behavior to develop a conceptual framework that specifies how positive emotion (PE) helps employees obtain favorable outcomes at work. It is proposed that feeling and expressing PEs on the job have favorable consequences on (1) employees, independent of their relationships with others (e.g., greater persistence); (2) reactions of others to employees (e.g., "halo," or overgeneralization to other desirable traits); and (3) reactions of employees to others (e.g., helping others). Results from an 18-mo study of 272 employees indicate that PE on the job at Time 1 is associated with evidence of work achievement (more favorable supervisor evaluations and higher pay) and a supportive social context (more support from supervisors and coworkers) at Time 2. PE at Time 1 is not significantly associated with job enrichment at Time 2. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Positive emotions are hypothesized to undo the cardiovascular aftereffects of negative emotions. Study 1 tests this undoing effect. Participants (n = 170) experiencing anxiety-induced cardiovascular reactivity viewed a film that elicited (a) contentment, (b) amusement, (c) neutrality, or (d) sadness. Contentment-eliciting and amusing films produced faster cardiovascular recovery than neutral or sad films did. Participants in Study 2 (n = 185) viewed these same films following a neutral state. Results disconfirm the alternative explanation that the undoing effect reflects a simple replacement process. Findings are contextualized by Fredrickson's broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions (B. L. Fredrickson, 1998).
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The greater power of bad events over good ones is found in everyday events, major life events (e.g., trauma), close relationship outcomes, social network patterns, interpersonal interactions, and learning processes. Bad emotions, bad parents, and bad feedback have more impact than good ones, and bad information is processed more thoroughly than good. The self is more motivated to avoid bad self-definitions than to pursue good ones. Bad impressions and bad stereotypes are quicker to form and more resistant to disconfirmation than good ones. Various explanations such as diagnosticity and salience help explain some findings, but the greater power of bad events is still found when such variables are controlled. Hardly any exceptions (indicating greater power of good) can be found. Taken together, these findings suggest that bad is stronger than good, as a general principle across a broad range of psychological phenomena.
Emotional processes influence a wide range of mental and physical systems, which makes them difficult to understand from a single perspective. In this special issue of the Review of General Psychology, contributing authors present 4 articles that draw from several areas within psychology in the service of understanding a topic relevant to emotion. In this overview, the authors argue that the long neglect of the scientific study of complex processes such as emotion might be linked, in part, to the fractionation of the field into specialized subdisciplines. Just as emotions were of central concern in the early years of psychology (which was a generalist's era), as psychology moves toward more integration in the late 20th century broad phenomena such as emotions are once again central interests. The 4 articles of this special issue are briefly reviewed as exemplars of an integrated approach to understanding emotional phenomena.
Previous research has identified nonobvious, cognitive indexes of including other in the self (self-other overlap) that differentiate close from nonclose relationships. These indexes include a reaction time measure and a measure focusing on attributional perspective. This study demonstrated for the first time that these cognitive indices differentiated among romantic relationships of varying degrees of closeness, suggesting that self-other overlap is not an either-or phenomenon. Further, the degree of self-other overlap was associated with subjective feelings of closeness, but little if at all with amount and diversity of interaction, suggesting that cognitive self-other overlap is not a direct product of behavioral interaction. Finally, these indexes predicted relationship maintenance and other variables over 3 months and correlated with self-reports of love, suggesting a broad linkage of cognitive self-other overlap to other aspects of relational experience.
In this article, the author describes a new theoretical perspective on positive emotions and situates this new perspective within the emerging field of positive psychology. The broaden-and-build theory posits that experiences of positive emotions broaden people's momentary thought-action repertoires, which in turn serves to build their enduring personal resources, ranging from physical and intellectual resources to social and psychological resources. Preliminary empirical evidence supporting the broaden-and-build theory is reviewed, and open empirical questions that remain to be tested are identified. The theory and findings suggest that the capacity to experience positive emotions may be a fundamental human strength central to the study of human flourishing.
Based on concomitant time-series analyses, the results of this study support distinct social interaction correlates for the mood dimensions of negative affect (NA) and positive affect (PA). Participants (N = 25) completed structured diaries three times daily for 4 weeks assessing their PA, NA, and participation in five types of social interaction. A significant number of participants' data series evidenced significant positive correlations between PA and fun/active and necessary/informational types of social interaction, and between NA and arguing/confronting and receiving help/support, during synchronous diary periods. Providing help/support was not related to NA or PA. No hypothesized time-lagged relations between mood and social interaction variables were present suggesting that, if these associations exist, they may be at intervals shorter than the one third day recording frequency used in this study. Results are discussed in the context of research on mood, social interaction, and time-series analysis.
Posted 3/2000. This commentary adopts a dialectical systems perspective on creativity and presents a critique of key points in B. L. Fredrickson's (see record 2000-03082-001) article on positive emotions. Fredrickson links the building of new skills primarily to the expansive or "broadening" properties of positive emotions. The connection of positive emotions to such divergent thought processes is not disputed; however, other theoretical frameworks are introduced to illustrate how the "narrowing" functions of negative emotions can also play an important role in the creative process. In other words, the creative, skill-building process is thought to be a complex or dialectical one that broadens and narrows information depending on the task at hand and the specific point in time. The commentary concludes by discussing the relative advantages of developing more integrative models and avoiding positive-negative dichotomies.
This book, based on lectures given at the Accademia dei Lincei, is an accessible and leisurely account of systems that display a chaotic time evolution. This behaviour, though deterministic, has features more characteristic of stochastic systems. The analysis here is based on a statistical technique known as time series analysis and so avoids complex mathematics, yet provides a good understanding of the fundamentals. Professor Ruelle is one of the world's authorities on chaos and dynamical systems and his account here will be welcomed by scientists in physics, engineering, biology, chemistry and economics who encounter nonlinear systems in their research.
The connectivity of a team is highly correlated with its performance. Connectivity is measured by the strength and number of cross-correlations among time series of the coded speech acts of meeting participants. Connectivity is used as a control parameter in a nonlinear dynamical model derived from the observed time series. Different types of attractors occur in phase space depending on the team's connectivity and performance level: low performance teams show point attractors, medium performance teams show limit cycles, and high performance teams show low-dimensional chaotic attractors.
BACK COVER: Traditional approaches to social psychology have proven highly successful in identifying causal mechanisms underlying human thought and behavior. Now, with the advent of the dynamical approach, it is possible to assemble sets of such mechanisms into coherent systems. Grounded in classic and contemporary theories of social psychology, this book uses innovative concepts and tools to illuminate the processes by which individuals, groups, and societies evolve and change in a systemic, self-sustaining manner, at times seemingly independent of external influences.
The purpose of this chapter is to review briefly the most valued traits of personhood recognized in our culture as well as in others. We shall claim that the trait of psychological complexity meets the specifications for the central dimension of personhood. Then we shall examine how complexity unfolds through the life cycle, beginning with its manifestations in old age. By starting at the end of the life span and working our way back to childhood, it will be easier to recognize the patterns that are more likely to result in a successful unfolding of the potentialities for personhood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
presents some of the findings regarding the impact of mild positive affect on thinking and motivation / explores the processes underlying them and the circumstances under which they are likely to be observed / focus is on decision making, but in order to understand affect's influence on decisions, it is helpful to consider its impact on cognitive organization (or the way material is thought about and related to other material) and on motivation (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
discuss several promises as well as potential problems with the circumplex model of emotion / while this model promises to organize much of what we know about emotion, it is nevertheless open to misinterpretation / before detailing these particular strengths and weaknesses, we begin by describing how a circumplex model is applied in the emotion domain / by advocating the circumplex model, a claim is made that the majority of emotional experience can be captured by two affect dimensions [positive affect and negative affect] despite the promise a circumplex model holds for aiding our understanding of emotion, a number of problems need to be understood / one set of problems relates to specific interpretational issues concerning the emotion circumplex: are there basic dimensions in the circumplex and how should the dimensions be named / the second set of problems is broader: what does the circumplex fail to do in describing and explaining the relationships between emotions, and what are the shortcomings of the extant data / we will consider first the interpretational issues and, after that, the broader issues (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Conference Paper
We analyzed group collaborative behavior by detecting patterns of interactive sequences in meetings using time series analysis. This is in contrast to previous work in which frequency counts of interactions were analyzed. Researchers have reported a decrease of these interaction frequencies associated with the use of computer-supported collaborative technology [Appl86, McGu87, Sieg86, Wats88]. We found that if group process feedback is given to people participating in a computer-supported collaborative technology meeting, the number of socio-emotional interactive sequences increases significantly above the expected level determined by log-linear analysis. In contrast, when using collaborative computer technology alone (no feedback), there is a substantial reduction in the number of socio-emotional interactive sequences below the expected level. These findings have implications for the efficient use of computer technology in terms of maximizing its collaborative potential.
In contrast to the punctuated equilibrium model of change, this inductive study of multiple-product innovation in six firms in the computer industry examines how organizations engage in continuous change. Comparisons of successful and less-successful firms show, first, that successful multiple-product innovation blends limited structure around responsibilities and priorities with extensive communication and design freedom to create improvisation within current projects. This combination is neither so structured that change cannot occur nor so unstructured that chaos ensues. Second, successful firms rely on a wide variety of low-cost probes into the future, including experimental products, futurists, and strategic alliances. Neither planning nor reacting is as effective. Third, successful firms link the present and future together through rhythmic, time-paced transition processes. We develop the ideas of "semistructures," "links in time," and "sequenced steps" to crystallize the key properties of these continuously changing organizations and to extend thinking about complexity theory, time-paced evolution, and the nature of core capabilities.
Two studies tested the hypothesis that certain positive emotions speed recovery from the cardiovascular sequelae of negative emotions. In Study 1, 60 subjects (Ss) viewed an initial fear-eliciting film, and were randomly assigned to view a secondary film that elicited: (a) contentment; (b) amusement; (c) neutrality; or (d) sadness. Compared to Ss who viewed the neutral and sad secondary films, those who viewed the positive films exhibited more rapid returns to pre-film levels of cardiovascular activation. In Study 2, 72 Ss viewed a film known to elicit sadness. Fifty Ss spontaneously smiled at least once while viewing this film. Compared to Ss who did not smile, those who smiled exhibited more rapid returns to pre-film levels of cardiovascular activation. We discuss these findings in terms of emotion theory and possible health-promoting functions of positive emotions.
This article opens by noting that positive emotions do not fit existing models of emotions. Consequently, a new model is advanced to describe the form and function of a subset of positive emotions, including joy, interest, contentment, and love. This new model posits that these positive emotions serve to broaden an individual's momentary thought-action repertoire, which in turn has the effect of building that individual's physical, intellectual, and social resources. Empirical evidence to support this broaden-and-build model of positive emotions is reviewed, and implications for emotion regulation and health promotion are discussed.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
Los autores plantean una propuesta de proceso para facilitar la formulación e implementación de una planeación estratégica, que permita imprimir la visión de la firma dentro de toda la organización.
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