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The Advantages and Challenges of Working Here



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... Existente desde os anos oitenta do século xx, a investigação realizada desde então permite perceber que o teletrabalho comporta benefícios, mas também os riscos e desafios a nível individual, organizacional e social a nível individual, organizacional e até social (Felstead & Jewson, 2000). Sobre os benefícios, sabe-se que com a implementação do teletrabalho os níveis de absentismo tendem a ser menores, o trabalho implica menor desgaste mental e pode também contribuir para a retenção dos trabalhadores na organização onde trabalham estando associado também a satisfação com várias dimensões do trabalho Kurland & Bailey, 1999). Contudo, os estudos realizados até à pandemia já indicavam que o teletrabalho podia também acarretar consequências negativas para os indivíduos e para as organizações. ...
... Contudo, os estudos realizados até à pandemia já indicavam que o teletrabalho podia também acarretar consequências negativas para os indivíduos e para as organizações. Com efeito, alguns estudos apontavam já para os efeitos do isolamento social em relação aos membros dos grupos de trabalho, maiores dificuldades em comunicar, menor capacidade de estabelecer sinergias nas equipas de trabalho, redução na partilha de conhecimento, mas também alterações na cultura organizacional dada as dificuldades na socialização organizacional e partilha de valores comuns (Kurland & Bailey, 1999). ...
... Durante a pandemia, os trabalhadores sentiram, no entanto, de forma mais aguda a sobrecarga de papéis e tarefas profissionais e domésticas. Com efeito, estudos que incidiram durante do período da pandemia já tinham permitido perceber os problemas de saúde mental que não se fazia sentir antes da pandemia Kurland & Bailey, 1999). Um aspeto novo é perceber que essa sobrecarga não surge tão associada a esses problemas, no período pós-pandemia, o que deixa perceber que regressar a algumas práticas presenciais permite contrariar esses efeitos negativos. ...
... Existente desde os anos oitenta do século xx, a investigação realizada desde então permite perceber que o teletrabalho comporta benefícios, mas também os riscos e desafios a nível individual, organizacional e social a nível individual, organizacional e até social (Felstead & Jewson, 2000). Sobre os benefícios, sabe-se que com a implementação do teletrabalho os níveis de absentismo tendem a ser menores, o trabalho implica menor desgaste mental e pode também contribuir para a retenção dos trabalhadores na organização onde trabalham estando associado também a satisfação com várias dimensões do trabalho Kurland & Bailey, 1999). Contudo, os estudos realizados até à pandemia já indicavam que o teletrabalho podia também acarretar consequências negativas para os indivíduos e para as organizações. ...
... Contudo, os estudos realizados até à pandemia já indicavam que o teletrabalho podia também acarretar consequências negativas para os indivíduos e para as organizações. Com efeito, alguns estudos apontavam já para os efeitos do isolamento social em relação aos membros dos grupos de trabalho, maiores dificuldades em comunicar, menor capacidade de estabelecer sinergias nas equipas de trabalho, redução na partilha de conhecimento, mas também alterações na cultura organizacional dada as dificuldades na socialização organizacional e partilha de valores comuns (Kurland & Bailey, 1999). ...
... Durante a pandemia, os trabalhadores sentiram, no entanto, de forma mais aguda a sobrecarga de papéis e tarefas profissionais e domésticas. Com efeito, estudos que incidiram durante do período da pandemia já tinham permitido perceber os problemas de saúde mental que não se fazia sentir antes da pandemia Kurland & Bailey, 1999). Um aspeto novo é perceber que essa sobrecarga não surge tão associada a esses problemas, no período pós-pandemia, o que deixa perceber que regressar a algumas práticas presenciais permite contrariar esses efeitos negativos. ...
... A swift shift in work methods, without proper organizational support for adaptation to the new working mode, appears to harm employee wellbeing and performance. This can lead to increased burnout [19], difficulty in main-taining work-life balance [20,21,36], intense feelings of loneliness, isolation, disconnection and remorse [41][42]) due to the lack of face-to-face interaction [12,27]. ...
... It is worth noting the difference between the terms "loneliness" and "isolation", which refers to social isolation. Given the definition-among others-from its social aspect, it "emphasizes the emotional distress that results when inherent needs for intimacy and companionship are not met [20]".The aforementioned, gives a feeling of being disconnected from peers, lower life satisfaction [22], discontentment, a lack of self-efficacy and self-confidence [2]. Additionally, studies have shown a rise in emotional exhaustion among employees [23,24,25,26], which can ultimately impact their well-being, affect their life balance [38] and work performance [18,30]. ...
Conference Paper
This research investigates the impact a remote working setting on soft-ware engineers' (SEs') well-being, as well as explores the potential of Positive Psychol-ogy to manage challenges and enhance their overall well-being. Software engineers (SEs) face various challenges in their daily routine, among which are to meet deadlines, fix coding problems creatively and on time, deal with non-coding related tasks, be as productive as possible, and deal with clients. All these provoke a high amount of pressure, leading to high rates of stress, anxiety and self-doubt, which consequently reduce their motivation and affect their overall perfor-mance. The recent and abrupt shift to a Work-From-Home (WFH) model, due to COVID-19 restrictions, accentuated these challenges. Meanwhile, it introduced ap-prehension related to the adaptation to the new work setting while managing isolation and sustaining productivity. Despite the available research on SEs’ well-being on a traditional work setting, there seems to be limited research on the specific challenges as well as promising in-terventions for their overall well-being and resilience while working remotely. This study, aims to address the gap and explore the potential of Positive Psychology In-tervention as a tool that could positively contribute to their productivity, motivation, resilience, personal and professional balance and their overall well-being, while work-ing from home. The Systematic Literature Review examines the challenges Software Engineers face daily while WFH, in terms of performance, productivity, motivation, and well-being. Following the aforementioned WFH challenges, this study explores the poten-tial applications of Positive Psychology Interventions, as well as organizational prac-tices to enhance their overall well-being and performance.
... Several studies report that telework contributes positively to well-being, including lower stress (Hill, Ferris & Märtinson, 2003;Kurland & Bailey, 1999), daily scheduled flexibility (Bloom, Liang, Roberts & Ying, 2014).), greater life control (Sardeshmukh, Sharma & Golden, 2012) and control over environmental conditions at home (Montreuil & Lippel, 2003). ...
... Sociology and social psychology theories have benefited researchers and practitioners in the application and impact of telework; however, research on telework behaviours and attitudes has been limited (Zhang, Moeckel, Moreno, Shuai & Gao, 2020). Several scholars have argued that telework does not result in work-life balance, highlighting work-family conflict (Kurland & Bailey, 1999) family-work conflict (Golden, 2006) and can diminish homes' recuperative effects (Hartig, Kylin & Johansson, 2007). However, conversely, studies found that telework improves worklife balance, with research suggesting improvements in job satisfaction (Maruyama, Hopkinson & James, 2009), leisure time (Wheatley, 2012), reduced work-family conflict (Gajendran & Harrisson, 2007) and increased well-being (Chung & van der Horst, 2018 ). ...
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The working world has changed significantly over the last several years, with telework becoming a more sustained work practice for millions of workers. Objective: The present study investigated teleworker work-life well-being to determine if there are (i) differences in work-life well-being between full-time and hybrid teleworkers; (ii) a relationship between age and teleworker work-life well-being; (iii) a relationship between the Big Five personality traits and teleworker work-life well-being; (iv) if age and personality traits extraversion and neuroticism predictive teleworker work-life well-being. Study Design: Quantitative. Non- experimental. Cross-sectional. Participants: Teleworkers (n = 182); 54% Full-Time teleworkers and 46% Hybrid teleworkers. Mean age 45.98 years, 66.5% male and 33.5% female, age range 23 years – 66 years old. Method: Participants completed the E-Work Life Scale (EWL) and Big Five personality inventory (BFI-10). Results: The study results present limited support for the moderating role of the Big Five personality traits on teleworker work-life well-being, with neuroticism as the only predictor for work-life well-being in the expected direction. Conclusion: Future studies should consider personality traits associated with voluntary teleworker decisions. Future study recommendations and insights based on the current study findings are discussed. Future research is warranted.
... The need to find a way to transition and secure long-term sustainability while maintaining social distancing and other safety measures urged WFH set-up to become one of the most preeminent strategies in ensuring productive employment and decent work during the pandemic (ILO, 2020).WFH came from the concept of "telecommuting" or "telework," which simply means performing work outside traditional offices or work settings wherever the worker chooses (Parris, 2018;Kurland & Bailey, 2000). Alternative workplaces include designated sites, executive suites, coffee shops, homes, or anywhere with a reliable internet source (Spinuzzi, 2012). ...
... While WFH enables support from families and friends, the latter can also become a source of distraction. For instance, failure to adequately address family issues and conflicts at home might negatively affect the productivity of homeworkers (Kurland & Bailey, 2000). During this pandemic, WFH ...
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The COVID 19 epidemic has wreaked havoc on economies worldwide, forcing the Philippines into lockdown for almost a year and a half. This compelled commercial and public sector employers to adopt strategic work-from-home (WFH) arrangements to guarantee productive and dignified work during the epidemic. This study looks into the situation of teleworkers in the Philippines in light of the following variables: (1) WFH frequency, (2) physical work area, (3) social context, and (5) amenability to WFH. A piloted, self-constructed questionnaire was used to poll 363 WFH respondents situated in Metro Manila. The approach is exploratory and does not use triangulation. Teleworkers have sophisticated technology and use tools like Email, Zoom, Viber, and Messenger to communicate. The most popular WFH schedules are five times a week, daily, and twice a week. Because many people live in tiny dwellings, the most frequent WFH setup is in the bedroom rather than the living room. In a social environment, no teleworker lives alone. Moreover, half live with 2-4 people, then 5-7 people, and finally one person. They also don't have in-laws, live with a senior, and just a handful have a housekeeper. Teleworkers are generally open to WFH, especially those without children or elderly relatives. This research advises governments and companies to examine their WFH arrangements.
... Evden çalışma hem örgütler hem de bireyler açısından çeşitli faydalar sağlamaktadır. Örgütler açısından faydalarına bakıldığında evden çalışma uygulamasında genel giderler ve devamsızlık azalmakta, işten ayrılma eğilimi düşmekte, çalışma daha az bölünmekte ve üretkenlik artmaktadır (Kurland ve Bailey, 1999;Mann ve Holdsworth, 2003). Ayrıca evden çalışma olanağı sağlayan örgütler çalışılmak için daha cazip görülmekte (Yavuz, 1995) ve ofise gelemeyecek olan iyi çalışanları işe almak ve çalışanların devamlılığını Psikoloji Çalışmaları -Studies in Psychology Cilt/Volume: 43, Sayı/Issue: 3, 2023 sağlamak mümkün hale gelmektedir (Hill ve ark., 2003). ...
... Ayrıca evden çalışma olanağı sağlayan örgütler çalışılmak için daha cazip görülmekte (Yavuz, 1995) ve ofise gelemeyecek olan iyi çalışanları işe almak ve çalışanların devamlılığını Psikoloji Çalışmaları -Studies in Psychology Cilt/Volume: 43, Sayı/Issue: 3, 2023 sağlamak mümkün hale gelmektedir (Hill ve ark., 2003). Bireyler için sağladığı faydalar arasında işe gidip gelme süresinin azalması, ulaşım maliyetlerinden tasarruf, daha fazla otonomi ve çalışma programında esneklik sağlaması, dikkat dağıtıcı uyaranların daha az olması, daha az stres yaratması, iş ve aile arasında denge kurmaya olanak sağlaması ve genel çalışma hayatı kalitesini artırarak çalışanları daha memnun kılması yer almaktadır (Kurland ve Bailey, 1999). Diğer yandan, evden çalışmanın olumsuz sonuçlarını ortaya koyan araştırmalar da mevcuttur. ...
... However, the physical separation inherent in hybrid work can make these elements more difficult to sustain. Research indicates that remote work can lead to feelings of isolation and decreased communication, which can impede teamwork (Kurland & Bailey, 1999). Hybrid models, by allowing periodic in-office interactions, seek to mitigate these issues. ...
The adoption of a hybrid working model, especially in the post-pandemic era, has garnered significant attention in the business world. This research study delves into the Hybrid Working Model practices and its consequences on employee performance and productivity. The study's objectives encompass an analysis of the Hybrid Working Model practices, the examination of job satisfaction, communication, and collaboration levels, and the assessment of its impact on employee performance and productivity. This descriptive research has collected responses from 145 employees using random sampling Technique through questionnaire and data were analysed using ANOVA, Correlation, Regression Analysis along with percentage analysis and descriptive statistics. The results indicate that the Hybrid Working Model significantly affects employee performance, underscoring the model's impact. The correlation analysis reveals a positive relationship between job satisfaction and performance, as well as communication and collaboration levels in the Hybrid Working Model.
... However, managing remote employees requires a different approach. Managers must set clear expectations, maintain communication, and provide support to remote workers (Bailey and Kurland, 1999;Hartmann and Lussier, 2020;Newman and Ford, 2021;. Consequently, remote work has become an indispensable part of talent sourcing and retention for many companies going forward (Agarwal et al, 2022). ...
This chapter delves into the comprehensive examination of upskilling and motivating a multigenerational workforce in the post-pandemic era, marked by remote work and increased technology adoption. It underscores the importance of comprehending the unique values and work habits exhibited by diverse generational cohorts, presenting a comparative analysis of each generation's characteristics. The chapter also delves into the far-reaching effects of the pandemic on remote work and emphasizes the necessity for customized training programs to cater to different segments of the workforce. Furthermore, it explores the integration of technology in human resource management (HRM) and delves into the ethical implications arising from AI and machine learning. Lastly, the chapter underscores the significance of managing employee well-being, particularly within the pandemic context, and proposes strategies to foster physical and psychological health. Ultimately, the chapter establishes a foundation for further exploration of employee motivation and how to use HRM practices in the new era.
... Bititci (2006) states it is the organisational capabilities and culture that determine how employees interact with processes that deliver performance. Physically the embedment is more plausible; remotely this can be difficult but not impossible; if mechanisms are put in place to drive performance then culture will be strengthened (Kurland, Bailey, 2014). ...
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The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically changed how organisations oper- ate, receiving attention by many. Remote working entails new norms, which subsequently transform organisational culture that is central to organisational performance. This research explores how this change shapes organisational values that underpins organisational culture, and its effect on employees’ performance. Using a case study of a SME architectural firm in Bradford, UK, qualitative data was gathered through interviews and secondary data, where data was analysed using thematic analysis method. Synthesis suggests, to preserve the existing values, employers should seek to constantly engage with employees through frequent communications, demonstrate actions in favour of the values and reenforce them through reward and recognition. However, new mechanisms to implement this should be identified, given the new working environment (virtual) and different factors affecting employees’ motivation.
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Głównym celem artykułu jest zidentyfikowanie i zaprezentowanie, jak kształtował się poziom dobrostanu pracowników polskiej branży IT pracujących zdalnie. Opracowanie dostarcza praktycznych implikacji do budowania marki pracodawcy i zarządzania zespołami zdalnymi w postcovidowej rzeczywistości. Przeprowadzone badania skupiają się na branży IT jako niezwykle konkurencyjnej pod względem utrzymania zaangażowania i motywacji pracowników. Badanie ilościowe zostało przeprowadzone we wrześniu 2021 r. na grupie 1889 respondentów – pracowników pracujących zdalnie w siedmiu polskich oddziałach międzynarodowej korporacji, która jest jednym z największych pracodawców w branży IT w Polsce. Chociaż większość przedsiębiorstw z branży IT w Polsce nie wdraża strategii zarządzania dobrostanem pracowników, przeprowadzone badania wskazują, że ogólny poziom dobrostanu pracowników jest wysoki.
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