
Methodology Review: Assessing Unidimensionality of Tests and Items

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Various methods for determining unidimensionality are reviewed and the rationale of these methods is as sessed. Indices based on answer patterns, reliability, components and factor analysis, and latent traits are reviewed. It is shown that many of the indices lack a rationale, and that many are adjustments of a previous index to take into account some criticisms of it. After reviewing many indices, it is suggested that those based on the size of residuals after fitting a two- or three-parameter latent trait model may be the most useful to detect unidimensionality. An attempt is made to clarify the term unidimensional, and it is shown how it differs from other terms often used inter changeably such as reliability, internal consistency, and homogeneity. Reliability is defined as the ratio of true score variance to observed score variance. Inter nal consistency denotes a group of methods that are intended to estimate reliability, are based on the vari ances and the covariances of test items, and depend on only one administration of a test. Homogeneity seems to refer more specifically to the similarity of the item correlations, but the term is often used as a synonym for unidimensionality. The usefulness of the terms in ternal consistency and homogeneity is questioned. Uni dimensionality is defined as the existence of one latent trait underlying the data.

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... Özdeğerler incelenirken de sıralı özdeğerler birbiri ile kıyaslanmaktadır. Birinci özdeğerin ikincisine olan oranı (λ1/λ2), ikinci özdeğerin üçüncüsüne olan oranının (λ2/λ3) en az üç katı ise tek boyutluluktan bahsedilebilmektedir (Hattie, 1985;Lord, 1980). Maddelere ait faktör yük değerleri maddenin hangi faktör ile tanımlanabileceğini ve ilişkinin büyüklüğünü gösterir. ...
... When examining the eigenvalues, ordered eigenvalues are compared with each other. If the ratio of the first eigenvalue to the second (λ1/λ2) is at least three times the ratio of the second eigenvalue to the third (λ2/λ3), unidimensionality can be mentioned (Hattie, 1985;Lord, 1980). The factor loading values of the items indicate which factor the item can be defined with and the magnitude of the relationship. ...
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Araştırmanın amacı Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Esnek Düşünme Ölçeği'nin güvenirlik ve geçerliliğinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmada genel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini 2020-2021 eğitim öğretim yılında Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı okullara devam eden 60-96 aylık çocukların ebeveynleri oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu uygun örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 573 çocuğun ebeveynlerinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında veriler iki aşamada (deneme ve esas uygulama) toplanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen 'Erken Çocuklukta Esnek Düşünme Ölçeği' ve 'Kişisel Bilgi Formu' kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda üç alt boyuttan (bilişsel esneklik, duygusal esneklik, sosyal esneklik) ve 99 maddeden oluşan 'Erken Çocuklukta Esnek Düşünme Ölçeği'nin geçerli, güvenilir ve cinsiyete dayalı ölçme değişmezliğine sahip bir ölçüm aracı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
... The results of the eigenvalue analysis indicate that the first eigenvalue is 5.86, the second eigenvalue is 1.28, and the former is more than four times the latter. The first extracted factor accounts for 38.2% of the variance, which exceeds the 20% threshold [17]. Moreover, the results of the CFA corroborated the unidimensional structure of PSWQ-C (CFI = 0.942; TLI = 0.932; RMSEA = 0.062). ...
... When the eigenvalue of the first factor is significantly larger than the other factors and is four times or greater than the second factor, it provide support for the single-factor structure of the scale [30]. Moreover, when the first factor accounts for more than 20% of the variance, it also supports the single-factor outcome [17]. In the context of CFA, the presence of both CFI and TLI values exceeding 0.90 [3], along with an RMSEA value below 0.08 [7], serves to reinforce the single-factor structure of the scale. ...
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The PSWQ-C is a widely used international scale to measure worry traits in children and adolescents. It has been translated into several versions for use in different countries. The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric characteristics of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children (PSWQ-C) particularly three reverse-scored items, and to develop a shorter version of the PSWQ-C based on Item Response Theory (IRT) methods. 903 children and adolescents of different ages from China participated in the study. This study used the Graded Response Model (GRM) to fit the data and examined the IRT parameters of each item, Item Characteristic Curve, Item Information Functions, and Differential Item Functioning. Eight items with undesirable functioning were removed, while six items with good functioning were retained, resulting in a simplified version of the PSWQ-C. The abbreviated version of the PSWQ-C was subsequently validated for its reliability and validity. The results confirmed that the abbreviated scale is reliable and effective, with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.84, indicating good reliability. Regarding validity, the abbreviated version of the PSWQ-C demonstrated significant correlations with IUS-12 and MASC, both exceeding 0.60, which closely resembles the correlation of the original PSWQ-C with these two scales. Furthermore, the correlation between the two versions was 0.96, indicating that the abbreviated PSWQ-C can effectively replace the original version and has a broader range of applications.
... Bu amaçla çalışmada kullanılan her bir ölçeğin Cronbach Alfa Katsayısı hesaplanmıştır. Birden fazla bileşenden oluşan ölçümlerin güvenirlik düzeylerinin hesaplanmasında Cronbach alfa katsayısı 1'e yaklaştıkça ölçekteki maddelerin iç tutarlılık düzeyinin yüksek olduğu sonucuna varılmaktadır (Hattie, 1985). ...
Son yıllarda hemen her alanda kullanılmaya başlayan dijitalleşme, finansal ürün ve hizmetlerin de zamanla değişim ve dönüşüme uğramasına neden olmuştur. Dijital finansal okuryazarlık kavramı finansal işlemler için finansal teknolojiye dayalı ürün ve hizmetleri kullanan kişilerin risk algısını ve yatırım kararlarını etkileyebilecek potansiyele sahiptir. Çalışmanın hazırlanma gerekçesi finansal teknolojinin Türkiye’deki yatırımcılar arasında bilinirliğini araştırarak dijital finansal okuryazarlığın yatırım kararlarına etkisini incelemektir. Çalışmaya finansal kararlarda dijital dünyanın ne derece etkili olduğunu araştırmak ve Türkiye piyasasında faaliyet gösteren yatırımcıların dijital okuryazarlık seviyelerini görmek amacıyla ihtiyaç duyulmuştur. Yatırımcıların finansal işlemlerde teknoloji kullanımı konusundaki farkındalıkları ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu kapsamda finans piyasalarında aktif yatırımı bulunan 307 kişiden anket yöntemiyle elde edilen bilgiler derlenerek regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırma için tümü internet erişimi yoluyla olmak üzere 500 bireysel yatırımcıya anket formu gönderilmiş, bunlardan 307 geçerli anket analize dahil edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre yatırımcıların dijital finansal okuryazarlıkları geliştikçe finansal teknolojiye dayalı yatırım ürünlerini tercih etme eğilimlerinin artacağı ortaya konulmuştur.
... Unidimensionality is defined as the presence of a single latent trait underlying the data (Hattie, 1985). This assumption posits that variability in item responses is attributable to a single latent variable. ...
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The purpose of this study is to provide a step-by-step demonstration of item recovery for the Multidimensional Graded Response Model (MGRM) in R. Within this scope, a sample simulation design was constructed where the test lengths were set to 20 and 40, the interdimensional correlations were varied as 0.3 and 0.7, and the sample size was fixed at 2000. Parameter estimates were derived from the generated datasets for the 3-dimensional GRM, and bias and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values were calculated and visualized. In line with the aim of the study, R codes for all these steps were presented along with detailed explanations, enabling researchers to replicate and adapt the procedures for their own analyses. This study is expected to contribute to the literature by serving as a practical guide for implementing item recovery in the MGRM. In addition, the methods presented, including data generation, parameter estimation, and result visualization, are anticipated to benefit researchers even if they are not directly engaged in item recovery.
... A visual inspection of the screen plot suggested a one-factor solution. We retained a single factor supported by the fact that the quotient resulting from dividing the difference between the first and the second factors' eigenvalue by the difference between the second and the third factor was >3 (Hattie, 1985). ...
Official statistics and data from police and judicial systems consistently show that intimate partner violence (IPV) is a worldwide problem predominantly affecting women perpetrated by male partners. Yet, certain behavioral checklists yield similar IPV rates for both genders, sparking the gender symmetry/asymmetry debate. Some possible explanations for this discrepancy reside in (a) considering or not the consequences of violence, (b) possible inadequacies of the instructions given to participants when answering checklists, and (c) considering or not certain behaviors typically asymmetrical (e.g., economic violence). In order to test these three hypotheses, we conducted two studies in the Spanish context using the Partner Victimization Scale (PVS). In Study 1, participants ( n = 449) answered a Spanish version of the PVS (with the instructions “Not including horseplay or joking around”) and reported consequences of violence on their self-esteem and health. In Study 2 ( n = 172), we experimentally manipulated the instructions given to participants when answering the PVS (including those of Study 1 or not) and also added some items of typically asymmetrical violence. Other measures of consequences of violence were assessed. Results of Study 1 replicated the original PVSs factor structure and showed gender asymmetry (more female than male victimization) in four of five items, and the victimization rates were related to consequences of violence, providing construct validity to this version of the scale. Results of Study 2 underlined the relevance of the instructions and of the addition of certain types of violence in the symmetry/asymmetry rates informed. Additionally, the IPV reported was associated with worse consequences for women than for men. Our findings suggest that the detection of IPV increases when the instructions are clarified, when certain items are added, and when the consequences of IPV are considered.
... Each subdomain, comprising a different number of skills, was loaded on a single-factor CFA with its variance fixed to unity for identification purposes. These single-factor models assess the local independence of items relative to the single latent trait and will indicate poor fit if this independence is violated, thus serving as a rigorous test of unidimensionality [74]. Additionally, these models provide information on the factorial validity of each subdomain when treated as a unitary construct. ...
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The role of non-cognitive skills in academic achievement has garnered increasing attention in educational research. This study explores the impact of non-cognitive skills on academic achievement in STEM and non-STEM subjects in secondary education. Survey data from 795 teachers and 12,965 students across 20 STEM schools in Kazakhstan were analyzed to examine the impact of 26 non-cognitive skills on performance in math, physics, first language, and history. Regression and mediation analyses were conducted to investigate how students' self-assessment of non-cognitive skills directly affects academic achievement and how these effects are mediated by teachers' assessments. The findings indicate that non-cognitive skills exhibit varying direct and total effects, with mediated effects showing greater consistency across different subjects. In math and physics, information processing skill and grit show the strongest direct and total effects on academic achievement. In first language and history, responsibility management and teamwork skill are most influential. Except for capacity for optimism and growth mindset, all skills demonstrated mediated effects across the four subjects. This research informs curriculum development and equitable policies by showing how non-cognitive skills impact academic performance across subjects. It studies the case of Kazakhstan, adding to global education discourse and offering valuable insights for enhancing STEM education.
... One of the issues that should not be overlooked while defining a concept is to determine whether the concept to be measured shows a unidimensional or multidimensional structure (Netemeyer et al., 2003). While developing the scale, dimensionality is defined theoretically at the first stage, then it is tested empirically in the stages where the psychometric properties of the scale are examined (Hattie, 1985). In this study, the concept of school adjustment was limited to two dimensions: social adjustment (Estell et al., 2007;Li & Grineva, 2016;Wentzel, 2002Wentzel, , 2003 and academic adjustment (Estell et al., 2007;Kuperminc et al., 2008;Li & Grineva, 2016;Wentzel, 2003). ...
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Although research has consistently highlighted the importance of school adjustment for high school students, validated tools for assessing this construct are currently lacking. To address this gap, our study aimed to develop and validate a scale to measure school adjustment among high school students. Employing a two‐stage approach, we first examined the concept of adjustment and generated scale items. Subsequently, we surveyed 1121 high school students, and randomly split the data into two groups for subsequent analyses. Through exploratory in the first stage and confirmatory factor analyses in the second stage, we identified two higher‐order factors within the scale: social adjustment and academic adjustment, with academic adjustment consisting of two sub‐factors, academic performance and, academic engagement. The results indicated that the scale has an excellent model fit, as well as adequate reliability and high construct validity. Overall, our study provides a valuable tool for assessing school adjustment in high school students.
... (Linn, 1989;Hattie, 1985) .‫املوضعي‬ ...
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الأهداف: هدفت الدراسة إلى مقارنة فاعلية طرائق التعامل مع القيم المفقودة في دقة تقدير دالة معلومات الاختبار وتحقق افتراضي أُحادية البعد والاستقلال الموضعي الخاصة بنظرية الاستجابة للفقرة، من خلال مقارنة فعالية خمس طرائق للتعامل مع البيانات المفقودة هي: حذف الحالة الكاملة، واعتبار الإجابات المفقودة إجابات خاطئة، والتعويض المتعدد، وتعظيم التوقعات، ودالة الاستجابة للفقرة. المنهجية: لتحقيق هدف الدراسة استخدمت بيانات حقيقية تضمنت قيم مفقودة (الكراسة التاسعة) من قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بالنتائج على اختبار التميس (TIMSS) الدولي للرياضيات، الذي جرى تطبيقه على طلبة الصف الثامن للعام الدراسي (2019)، وتمت مطابقة الأفراد والفقرات للنماذج الأحادي والثنائي والثلاثي المَعْلَمة، وجرى التحقق من افتراض أُحادية البعد، وتقدير معاملات ثبات الاتساق الداخلي باستخدام معادلة كرونباخ ألفا، واستخراج نتائج التحليل العاملي التوكيدي بعد معالجة القيم المفقودة بالطرائق الخمس للكشف عن البنية العاملية للاختبار، والتحقق من الاستقلال الموضعي، ثم تقدير دالة معلومات الاختبار. النتيجة: أظهرت النتائج عدم وجود فروق بين معاملات ثبات الاتساق الداخلي باختلاف طريقة معالجة البيانات المفقودة، وعدم اختلاف البنية العاملية باختلاف طريقة معالجة القيم المفقودة. كما أظهرت النتائج عدم اختلاف تحقق افتراض الاستقلال الموضعي باختلاف طريقة معالجة القيم المفقودة، ووجود اختلاف دقة تقدير كمية دالة معلومات الاختبار باختلاف النموذج اللوجستي، وطريقة التعامل مع القيم المفقودة، لصالح النموذج اللوجستي الثنائي يليها النموذج الأحادي ثم النموذج الثُلاثي، ولصالح طريقة دالة الاستجابة في النموذج الثنائي المعلمة، وحذف الحالة الكاملة، واعتبار الإجابة المفقودة إجابة خاطئة في النموذج الأحادي المعلمة، والتعويض المتعدد في النموذج الثلاثي المعلمة. الخلاصة: تحقق افتراضي أحادية البعد والاستقلال الموضعي عند اعتماد أي من طرائق معالجة القيم المفقودة، واعتماد طريقة دالة الاستجابة والنموذج الثنائي المعلمة في دقة تقدير كمية دالة معلومات الاختبار.
... We acknowledge that there are multiple adaptations of the CETSCALE -in terms of both the number of items and their wording -that could be used to assess -Guerrero et al., 2014). We are also aware that some scholars have raised concerns regarding the unidimensionality of the CETSCALE, defined by Hattie (1985) as the ability of a scale to explain a single latent trait or construct (Jim� enez-Guerrero et al., 2014). Furthermore, we recognize the CETSCALE has been criticized for its inability to assess varying levels of ethnocentrism, as opposed to merely identifying whether a consumer exhibits ethnocentric tendencies or not (Bawa, 2004). ...
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The main objective of this study is to analyze consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for country-of-origin (COO) labels of two processed food products, disentangling the value of information (VOI) that consumers place on COO information from the value they place on specific countries of origin. A convenience sample of 96 university students completed a face-to-face experiment that included a multiple price list and a discrete choice experiment. Data are analyzed employing interval censored regressions, and random parameter logit models. Our results indicate that, on average, consumers place a higher value on origin information when a country name is explicitly mentioned. Furthermore, COO information is, on average, more relevant to consumers for products with low involvement than for products with high involvement. Finally, the effect of ethnocentrism is heterogeneous across product categories. Mandatory COO labeling may or may not reinforce domestic bias, depending on the rationale behind consumer support. If consumers are driven by blind ethnocentrism, it may lead to market inefficiencies. However, if they use COO as a cue to align their stated preferences with their choices, it will not. For this alignment to occur, consumers must be fully informed about product attributes, which requires new and smart methods of communicating product attributes.
... To assess it, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was executed with the fa function in the psych package (Revelle, 2016) prior to carrying out IRT analyses (Acevedo-Mesa et al., 2021;Eichenbaum et al., 2019). If the first factor accounts for more than 20% of the variance, the scale can be said to be unidimensional (Hattie, 1985;Reckase, 1979). ...
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The Couples Satisfaction Index (CSI) is one of the most widely used instruments to assess intimate relationship satisfaction and status. However, its performance in the Chinese population has yet to be validated, including investigation of potential differential item functioning (DIF). To verify the performance of the adapted Chinese CSI, data were collected from 740 participants (235 males and 505 females). Under the item response theory (IRT) framework, the graded response (GR) model was fit. Key assumptions and model fit were checked first, followed by a DIF analysis. Category response curves and information functions were also examined. Results showed that the two IRT assumptions—unidimensionality and local independence—were generally satisfied. The GR model fit the data well. Moreover, the items from the CSI scale performed very well in assessing and differentiating among participants of differing levels of intimate relationship satisfaction. Meanwhile, high test information distributed across a wide range of latent ability ensured that the CSI was reliable and accurate. Moreover, there was no significant DIF for all CSI items, which supported its equity and fairness when administered to different gender groups. Overall, the CSI shows good psychometric characteristics, has no systematic DIF between genders, and holds promise to facilitate further research on intimate relationship satisfaction.
... Even Multiple Intelligences Scale, aimed to measure distinctive interests and attitudes rather than intelligence, was found to consist of one dominant factor. According to Item Response Theory (IRT), a scale is required to be one-dimensional (dominant factor) as a precondition for the analysis (Hattie, 1985;Sünbül & Erkuş, 2013). ...
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The aim of this study is to gather evidence that the existing emotional and multiple intelligence scales measure self-assessment and so self-esteem rather than intelligence, based on the inappropriateness of item-response structures of these scales. For this purpose, relationships among the emotional intelligence, the multiple intelligence, and the self-esteem scales and factor structures of the scales were investigated. Data were collected from 246 individuals over 18 years of age in using the snowball sampling method, through face-to-face communication or reaching out to the researchers' acquaintances via the internet due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) revealed that the emotional intelligence, the multiple intelligence, and the self-esteem scales indicated one dominant factor, although these scales were presented as more than one factor in literature. The single-factor structure in double, triple, and all scale combinations was investigated through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). So, it was found that the single factor structure indicates a good or acceptable fit for all the combinations. In addition, with the help of One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), it was revealed that scores obtained from the emotional or the multiple scales increase as self-liking level increases. Based on these findings, it was concluded that the emotional and the multiple intelligence scales mainly measure "self-liking" (self-esteem) levels due to item-response styles of the scales as self-evaluation.
... Por otro lado, se tuvo en cuenta el criterio de Carmines que plantea que si la varianza explicada por el primer factor es de 40% o más, la estructura es unifactorial (13) . También consideramos el criterio de Lord que plantea que el cociente entre la diferencia del primer eigenvalue y el segundo eigenvalue, y la diferencia entre el segundo y tercer eigenvalue debe ser importante y con un valor mayor a 3. (14), (15) . Y por último se evaluó el criterio de Gorsuch, que consiste en tomar en cuenta sólo los factores que tengan un eigenvalue mayor de 1,41 (16) . ...
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El cuestionario ADCT (Atopic Dermatitis Control Tool) permite objetivar en forma breve y autoadministrada la repercusión de la dermatitis atópica (DA) sobre la vida cotidiana de quien la padece. OBJETIVOS: Obtener una versión validarla en una población de adultos con DA. METODOLOGIA: 1) Traducción al español y adaptación transcultural del cuestionario a partir de la versión original en inglés, a través de un proceso de siete pasos. 2) Evaluación de la unidimensionalidad de la escala resultante mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE), de su confiabilidad mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, y de su validez mediante la evaluación de la correlación de su puntaje con los de los cuestionarios POEM y DLQI (criterios externos de referencia). RESULTADOS: La versión resultante del proceso de traducción y adaptación transcultural fue bien comprendida por la población blanco. El AFE de los 66 cuestionarios documentó la unidimensionalidad de la escala a partir del cumplimiento de todos los criterios utilizados para su verificación. Su confiabilidad fue excelente (Alfa de Cronbach: 0,917) y su puntaje tuvo muy alta correlación con los criterios de referencia externos (POEM: Spearman’s Rho 0,85; p < 0,0001; DLQI Spearman’s Rho = 0,81; p < 0,0001). CONCLUSION: La versión traducida al español y adaptada transculturación del cuestionario ADCT tiene características psicométricas apropiadas, lo que contribuirá a optimizar los procesos de cuidado de pacientes de habla hispana.
... According to Gavíria Soto (1988), Hattie (1984;1985), Keeling (2000), Nandakumar (1994) and Andriola (2002), although there is a huge diversity of methods for determining the factorial structure of a set of data -among which the following can be highlighted: Bejar's procedure; Gustaffson's contrast; McDonald's method; Van den Wollenberg's Q1 and Q2 contrast; modified precedence analysis; Hattie's method for comparing real and simulated eigenvalues; the regression equation method -most authors still recommend the use of Factor Analysis (FA), whose mathematical formulation is: Xi = aiF1 + aiF2 + ... + akFk + uiDi, where: ...
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Este artigo científico investigou os fatores associados à retenção e à evasão no curso de Engenharia Elétrica da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), utilizando a abordagem da Educometria. A análise da estrutura curricular revelou uma complexa rede de pré-requisitos entre disciplinas, destacando a necessidade de construção de um Grafo para visualização mais clara dessa dependência. Os resultados apontaram que disciplinas pré-requisito do primeiro ano exercem impacto significativo na trajetória acadêmica, evidenciando-se uma distribuição desfavorável dessas disciplinas ao longo do curso. A pandemia de COVID-19 emergiu como um elemento disruptivo, alterando significativamente o padrão de progressão dos estudantes. A falta de pré-requisitos em disciplinas do 8º semestre foi identificada, sugerindo a possibilidade de redistribuição para aliviar a carga inicial dos alunos. Caminhos acadêmicos críticos foram delineados, destacando áreas de potencial retenção e evasão. As considerações finais enfatizaram a necessidade de assistência social, psicológica e pedagógica aos estudantes, especialmente os ingressantes. Em síntese, a pesquisa revelou nuances complexas na estrutura curricular do curso de Engenharia Elétrica da UFC, fornecendo ideias valiosas para gestores acadêmicos e delineando áreas de intervenção para aprimorar a progressão e diminuir a retenção dos estudantes ao longo do curso. O estudo sugere como trabalho futuro: investigações, incluindo a análise conjunta de matrizes e a exploração do impacto do ensino remoto e desigualdades de acesso à internet.
The present study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a counseling program based on thought-stopping among female students suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and compulsive hoarding disorder (CHD). The sample consisted of 40 students distributed equally and randomly to the treatment and control groups. OCD and CHD scales and a program based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in thought-stopping were applied. The program began with discussion, thought-stopping exercises, homework, and evaluation at the end of the session. The experimental design was employed. Both the treatment group and control group received pretests, posttest, and follow-up of OCD and CHD scales. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the paired sample t-test were used to address the study hypotheses. The results showed that there were significant differences between the treatment and control group in OCD and CHD in favor of the treatment group on the posttest, with high effects, respectively, of 30% and 26%. Results also showed the program's effectiveness of thought-stopping on the follow-up test, a month after program termination. Thought-stopping training of cognitive behavioral therapy method contributes effectively to reducing OCD and HCD among female students in the school environment, we recommend applying this technique to improve adjustment and lifestyle. Therefore, CBT is a highly effective treatment in reducing cognitive distortions and irrational thoughts and effectively deals with OCD and HCD caused by negative and maladaptive thoughts.
Introduction Despite the health benefits of performing regular muscle-strengthening exercise (MSE), prevalence rates of meeting the public health guidelines for MSE remain low. Understanding barriers to MSE participation may aid in health promotion efforts and intervention design. Thus, the purpose of this study was to develop and test the psychometric properties of the Perceived Environment and Muscle Strengthening Exercise Questionnaire (PEMSE-Q), a tool that measures environmental effects on MSE. Methods The questionnaire included 77 items measuring physical environment, home MSE equipment accessibility, and MSE social support. This study was conducted in a combined national sample of two independent groups using an online research participant recruitment tool, Prolific: 1) healthy adults ( n = 237 (female: n = 125; male: n = 111; intersex: n = 1), mean age ± standard deviation (SD) = 36.1 ± 10.7 yr) and 2) type 2 diabetes (T2D) ( n = 221 (female: n = 122; male: n = 99), mean age ± SD = 46.5 ± 10.9 yr). The factor structure, internal consistency, test–retest reliability, criterion validity, construct validity, and concurrent validity of PEMSE-Q were determined using exploratory factor analyses, Cronbach’s alpha, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), regression analyses, chi-square tests of association and logistic regression, and Pearson correlation and logistic regression, respectively. Results PEMSE-Q had good to excellent test–retest reliability (ICC = 0.83–0.94), acceptable criterion validity evidence (all P values <0.001, standard error = 0.033–12.043), moderate concurrent validity ( r = 0.449–0.469), and apparent construct validity for public MSE facilities ( χ ² = 5.991, P = 0.01). Conclusion PEMSE-Q is a valid and reliable tool for assessing MSE home equipment and accessibility, convenient public MSE facilities, and social support. This tool could be used by researchers, public health professionals, and clinicians to aid in identifying barriers and facilitators to MSE participation.
In this paper, the validity and reliability of the Comprehensive Quality of Life Scale-A5 (ComQoL-A5) was evaluated on a sample of 761 employees in production and service activities in the City of Niš. The research was carried out using the Cronbach α internal consistency coefficient of all components (domains) of the questionnaire scales in order to analyze the reliability of the quality of life scales. In addition, the correlation analysis assessed the interdependence between the values of individual domains within the scales for assessing the quality of life, while Spearman's rank correlation coefficient - r was calculated between the individual domains of the scales for the objective and subjective quality of life. The results of the research confirm the high reliability of the scales for assessing the subjective quality of life (0.823) in the general population of employees, while the reliability of the scale for assessing the objective quality of life is in accordance with the values of the Cronbach α coefficients in the tests of the objective quality of life in a large number of studies during the initial testing of the questionnaire by the author himself (0.39 vs. 0.49). It was confirmed that the application of a standardized generic questionnaire for quality of life (ComQoL-A5) is a suitable and reliable instrument for future research on quality of life in the general population and for the working population.
The process of labour migrants’ destination selection is a multifaceted journey, intricately shaped by a myriad of interconnected factors. In the Indian context, competitive federalism has amplified the pull factors that attract migrants to new destinations. While Maharashtra, Delhi and Gujarat continue to attract large interstate migration, new corridors are emerging in traditionally less migrant-reliant regions. This study explores how destination location attributes influence migrant workers’ choices when they have multiple options for destination places. Using primary data from Surat in Gujarat and Kochi in Kerala, we offer a comparative analysis employing exploratory factor analysis and qualitative methods to examine key destination attributes. The findings reveal that Gujarat attracts migrants primarily for its abundant job opportunities and ease of employment, whereas Kerala attracts migrant labour with higher wages. These variations stem from the distinct demographics, economic structures and cultural contexts of Surat and Kochi.
The lack of a valid and interpretable score to track early child development over time is a primary reason for neglecting child development in policymaking. Many instruments exist, but there is no accepted method for comparing their scores across different ages, samples, and instruments. This paper aims (1) to enhance the Development Score (D-score), a unidimensional scale for early child development, to compare measurements across ages, samples, and instruments, (2) to develop a conversion key that enables the transformation of measurements obtained from existing instruments into a D-score, and (3) to investigate two new measures designed to optimize the quantification of the D-score. Study 1 gathered data from 51 sources in 32 countries among 66,075 children using 18 instruments with 2,211 items. Subject matter experts used the output of the Study-1 true score equating model to create the Global Scales for Early Development Short Form (GSED SF) and Long Form (GSED LF). Study 2 collected additional data on the GSED LF and GSED SF in three countries among 4,374 children. The Study-2 model enables the conversion of measurements into a D-score for 20 different instruments. We propose the D-score as a unifying evaluation unit to reduce fragmentation, simplify measurement, and enhance comparability.
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الأهداف: هدفت الدراسة إلى فحص مدى فاعلية برنامج دعم نفسي اجتماعي في رفع مستوى التمكين القانوني لدى اللاجئين في الأردن. المنهجية: تكونت عينة الدراسة من (38) لاجئًا في محافظة إربد تم تعيينهنّ بشكل عشوائي إلى مجوعتين متساويتين: المجموعة التجريبية، وشاركت في برنامج الدعم النفسي الاجتماعي، والمجموعة الضابطة التي لم تشارك في أي برنامج تدخل. تم استخدام مقياس التمكين القانوني لجمع بيانات الدراسة في الاختبارات القبلية والبعدية لمجموعتي الدراسة، وفي الاختبار التتبعي مع أفراد المجموعة التجريبية فقط، بالإضافة إلى برنامج الدعم النفسي الاجتماعي. النتائج: أظهرت نتائج الدراسة وجود فروق دالة إحصائيًا بين المجموعتين التجريبية (3.57 ± .2250) والضابطة (2.23 ± .3240) في متوسطات الدرجات على مقياس التمكين القانوني في الاختبار البعدي لصالح المجموعة التجريبية. وأظهرت النتائج وجود فروق دالة إحصائيًا بين متوسطات القياسين البعدي (3.57 ± .2250) والتتبعي (3.75 ± .2060)، في مقياس التمكين القانوني. الخلاصة: تشير هذه النتائج إلى فاعلية برنامج الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي في تحسين التمكين القانوني. كما تشير إلى استمرار أثر البرنامج من خلال توفير المادة التدريبية.
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This study aimed at constructing a scale to measure the 10th grade student attitudes toward vocational work. to achieve the objectives of the study ,an initial pool of 96 items was constructed using a 5- point likert scale. The scale was first administered to a pilot sample of student and then reviewed by a jury of experts. The number of the resulting items was 68. the scale was then administered to a sample of 536 male and female students. The result revealed that 46 items obey the assumptions of the rating scale model model derived from Rasch model (one of the Item Response Theory Models Which is suitable for the scale used ). The result also showed that the 46-item scale in its final from was unidimensional and characterized by appropriate psychometric properties; the value of the reliability coefficients were 0.98 and 0.93 for the persons and for the items of the scale respectively. In addition ,the scale provides large amount of information about individuals with medium ability (0=b) which fits the assumptions of the model.
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This study aimed at constructing life skills scale for University students according to the Rating Scale Model. To achieve the objectives of the study a preliminary Likert Scale of (102) items was constructed. The scale was applied to a randomly selected sample of (712) students. The results indicated that (48) items fit the assumptions of the Rating Scale Model as one of the response theory models that are sitable to the scale usedand the scale is featured with Suitable Psychometric Properties with a reliability Coefficient of (0.98). The scale also has several validity indicators. The results showed that the scale presents maximum amount of information at the mean of thresholds values. By that, these results conformed to expected values by the model (RSM).
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هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن أثر طريقة تقدير القدرة وحجم العينة في خصائص توزيعات مؤشري مطابقة الفرد ونسب أنماط الاستجابة غير المطابقة التي يكشف عنها هذان المؤشران على الاختبارات مختلطة الشكل، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة قام الباحثان باختيار عينات عشوائية بأعداد (5000,2000,1000) طالباً من طلبة الصف الثامن الذين قاموا بالإجابة على فقرات الرياضيات في الكراسة الاختبارية الأولى من اختبار (TIMSS) الدولي لعام 2015، واستخدم الباحثان ثلاث طرق لتقدير قدرات الطلاب هي: (MAP,WLE,MLE). وقد أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن نسب الكشف عن أنماط الاستجابة غير المطابقة للمؤشرين تزداد، كما أن توزيع المؤشرين يزداد قرباً من التوزيع الطبيعي عند استخدام طريقة (WLE) لتقدير القدرة في عينات الدراسة المختلفة، وأظهرت النتائج أيضًا أن نسب الكشف عن أنماط الاستجابة غير المطابقة للمؤشرين تزداد، كما أن توزيع المؤشرين يزداد قرباً من التوزيع الطبيعي بزيادة حجم العينة في الطرق المختلفة لتقدير القدرة، وكانت نسب الأنماط غير المطابقة التي كشف عنها مؤشر أعلى من النسب التي كشف عنها مؤشر وكان توزيع مؤشر أقرب للتوزيع الطبيعي من مؤشر في الطرق المختلفة لتقدير القدرة وفي جميع العينات. وفي ضوء ما توصلت إليه الدراسة من نتائج يوصي الباحثان باستخدام مؤشر وطريقة (WLE) لتقدير القدرة، للكشف عن أنماط الاستجابة غير المطابقة في الاختبارات مختلطة الشكل.
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هدفت الدراسة إل ى بناء اختبار لقياس القدرة على التفكير المج  رد باستخدام نظرية استجابة الفقرة، ولتحقيق هدف الدراسة، تم بناء الصورة الأولية للاختبار من 62 فقرة من نوع الاختيار من متعدد. وقد طبق الاختبا ر على عينة مكونة من 1015 طالبا وطالبة، وتم التحقق من افتراض أحادية البعد والاستقلال الموضعي في البيانات، وبينت النتائج مطابقة 40 فقرة لافتراضات النموذج ثلاثي المعلمات، كأحد نماذج نظرية الاستجابة للفقرة، وتضمن الاختبار بصورته النهائية 40 فقرة بخصائص سيكومترية مناسب ة؛ إذ بلغ ت قيمة معامل الثبات النظري والتجريبي للمقياس 0.91 و 0.89 على التوالي، كما تمتع الاختبار بدلالات متعددة للصد ق. وأظهرت نتائج التحليل تمتع معالم الفقرات (الصعوبة، والتمييز، والتخمين) بمؤشرات جيدة ومقبولة في القياس النفسي. وأظهرت النتائج وجود لا تغير تكوين ي (شكل ي)، ولا تغير متري، و لا تغير عددي في القياس باختلاف الجنس، وذلك با لإستناد إل ى التحليل العاملي التوكيدي متعدد المجموعات، مما يؤكد صدق الاختبا ر. وجاءت نتائجة مؤكدة لم ا تم التوصل إليه في نظرية الاستجابة للفقرة.
Background Multiple-choice item (MCI) assessments are burdensome for instructors to develop. Artificial intelligence (AI, e.g., ChatGPT) can streamline the process without sacrificing quality. The quality of AI-generated MCIs and human experts is comparable. However, whether the quality of AI-generated MCIs is equally good across various domain- and task-specific prompts remains to be determined. Therefore, we ask whether AI can generate high-quality MCIs to assess learning outcomes from a psychology textbook chapter reading. Objective In an exploratory study, we enlist Item Response Theory analysis and expert reviewers to assess MCIs generated by ChatGPT-4 from a psychology textbook chapter. Method We submitted a prompt and textbook chapter to ChatGPT-4 requesting 20 MCIs. One hundred ninety undergraduate participants read the chapter before responding to the MCIs. Expert reviewers assessed the MCIs for learning outcome alignment and quality. Results ChatGPT-4-generated MCIs were low in difficulty and high in discrimination. Expert reviewers found that nearly all items were logically sound, aligned with learning objectives, and met prevailing standards of MCI quality. Conclusion When carefully prompted, ChatGPT-4 can rapidly generate high-quality MCIs to test comprehension of a psychology textbook chapter. However, due to the uniformly low difficulty of the items, we recommend enlisting ChatGPT-4 to write MCIs for formative, but not summative, assessments.
Bu çalışmanın amacı ölçme biliminde önemli bir kavram olan tekboyutluluk kavramının incelenmesi ve KTK çerçevesinde tekboyutluluk incelemelerinde kullanılan KR-20, Omega ve Özdeğer Oranı indekslerinin incelenmesi ve değerlendirilmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda çeşitli faktörlere (örneklem büyüklüğü, madde sayısı, boyutlar arası korelasyon ve faktör yük ortalaması) göre veri üretimi yapılmıştır. Veri üretimi ve analizi R Programı 4.2.3. versiyonu kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Üretilmiş veriler üzerinde KR-20, Omega ve Özdeğer Oranı ortalama indekslerine göre inceleme yapılmış ve elde edilen sonuçlara ilişkin oranlar tablolaştırılıp, çok yüzeyli grafikleme ile görselleştirilmiştir. Analiz ve grafikleme işlemleri araştırmacı tarafından yazılmış olan program aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Farklı değişimleme ölçütlerine göre KR-20, Omega ve Özdeğer Oranı katsayılarının ortalama değerleri hesaplanıp karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. Tekboyutluluk incelemesi için güvenirliğe dayalı yöntemlerden olan KR-20 ve faktör analizine dayalı yöntemlerden biri olan Omega indekslerinin ortalama değerleri tüm değişimlemelerde birbirlerine çok yakın değerler almışlardır. Değişimlenen koşullardan en çok Özdeğer Oranı ortalama değeri etkilenmiştir. Tekboyutluluk için değişen koşullarda daha hassas sonuçlar elde edilmek istenildiğinde temel bileşenlere dayalı bir indeks olan Özdeğer Oranı indeksi kullanılması önerilebilir.
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يهدف البحث الحالي إلى استخدام نموذج سلم التقدير (Rating Scale Model - RSM) أحد امتدادات نموذج راش آحادي المعلم في تطوير مقياس التشوه المعرفي لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية. ولتحقيق هذا الهدف, فقد اعتمد الباحث (قائمة التشوه المعرفي- CDI) ليوركا ودي توماسو Yurica & DiTomaso, 2001, التي كيفها (مختار والسعداوي, 2014) للبيئة المحلية, وتتكون هذه القائمة من (69) فقرة من نوع التقرير الذاتي خماسية التدريج. وتم تعيين عينة طبقية عشوائية بلغت (300) طالباً وطالبة من (طلبة الإعدادية الدوام الصباحي في مديرية العامة لتربية محافظة كركوك). وقد تم التحقق من افتراضات نظرية الاستجابة للفقرة اللوغارتيمية وأهمها اقتراض أحادية البعد من خلال إجراءات التحليل ألعاملي للمقياس بطريقة المكونات الأساسية، حيث تم الحصول على عامل واحد ذي معنى مفسر للمقياس، واعتمد العامل نفسه على الحدود الدنيا لـ(جتمان) الذي يعد العامل دالاً إحصائيا حينما يكون الجذر الكامن الذي يمكن تفسيره يساوي أو يزيد عن (1)، واعتماد محك (بيرت – بانكس) لنسبة تشبع فقرات المقياس بالعامل العام، وكما اعتمد الباحث أسلوباً آخر لتحقق أحادية القياس هو استخراج معامل الارتباط بيرسون (علاقة درجة الفقرة بالدرجة الكلية للمقياس) كمؤشر للتناسق الداخلي بين فقرات المقياس وبأنها تتجه لقياس سمة واحدة حيث تراوحت قمية معامل الارتباط ما بين (0,71) و (0,38) . أما بالنسبة للتحقق من افتراض الاستقلال المحلي أجرى الباحث التحليل ألعاملي للمقياس بطريقة (التحقق من مصفوفة الاعتمادية للفقرات). ولتحليل بيانات فقرات المقياس اعتمد الباحث على نموذج سلم التقدير، وباستخدام البرنامج المحوسب (ConstructMap-4.6). وقد أظهرت نتائج التحليل الإحصائي بأن مدى تقديرات صعوبة (موقع) الفقرات بلغ من (2,862) الى (-2,109), بمتوسط تقدير الخطأ المعياري (0,037) وذلك بعد حذف (3) فقرات, وإما قيمة تاو () لتدريجات الاستجابة فقد بلغت (-2,391, -1,008, 0,671, 1,945) وعلى التتالي من اقل تدريج. وبلغ مدى قدرة الأفراد من (1,986) إلى (-2,416). وبالنسبة لثبات المعلومات فقد بلغ (0,91), وبلغ ثبات تقدير فقرات المقياس (0,75) وثبات تقدير القدرة بلغ (0,90). وبهذه النتائج تبين للباحث فعالية النموذج في تطوير (قائمة التشوه المعرفي- CDI).
خلفية الدراسة ومشكلتها: تُعدّ الصحة النفسية مؤشرًا مهمًا لدى معظم سكان العالم، فكانت اضطرابات القلق والاكتئاب الأكثر شيوعًا، ومن أكثر وسائل تقييم الصحة النفسية هو مقياس الصحة العامة، والذي يقيس (الصحة النفسجسمية، والقلق والأرق، والاكتئاب الشديد، وفاعلية الوظائف الاجتماعية). الأهداف: الكشف عن البنية العاملية والتحقق من صدق مقياس الصحة النفسية وثباته، وذلك باستخدام مقياس الصحة العامة (GHQ-28) والذي يتكون من (28) فقرة. الطرق المستخدمة: استخدام المنهج الوصفي الارتباطي التحليلي، وطبّق المقياس على عيّنة من 800 مستجيب (327 ذكرًا و473 أنثى) و(644 من الأردنيين و156 من غير الأردنيين) من السكان والمقيمين في الأردن، وتم التحقق من الصدق البنائي للأداة، فتراوحت معاملات الارتباط بين الفقرة والدرجة الكلية على المقياس (0.355 – 0.713)، فيما بلغت قيمة معامل ثبات كرونباخ ألفا (0.913). النتائج: توصلت نتائج (EFA) لقياس المقياس أحادي البعد، وتوزّعت فقراته في أربعة عوامل (الاكتئاب الشديد، والأرق والقلق، والصحة النفس جسدية، وفاعلية الوظائف الاجتماعية). و توصلت نتائج (CFA) لمطابقة جميع المؤشرات (الدلالة الإحصائية، χ2/df، NFI, IFI, TLI, CFI, RMSEA, AIC, BCC)، كما فسرت فقرات عامل الاكتئاب الشديد من التباين (59.889 %)، وفقرات عامل الأرق والقلق (42.128 %)، وفقرات عامل الصحة النفس جسدية (46.934 %)، وفقرات عامل فاعلية الوظائف الاجتماعية (49.324 %)، توصلت النتائج لوجود علاقة طردية بين فاعلية الوظائف الاجتماعية و(الاكتئاب الشديد، والأرق والقلق، والصحة النفس جسدية)، وبين الصحة النفس جسدية و(الاكتئاب الشديد والأرق والقلق)، وبين الاكتئاب الشديد والأرق والقلق. الاستنتاجات (التوصيات والمساهمة): توصي الدراسة بإجراء دراسات باستخدام المقياس وربطها بعدة متغيّرات مختلفة، واستكشاف الفروق بين فئات المجتمع المختلفة.
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How humans connect with nature impacts the well‐being of both people and ecosystems. Being disconnected from nature can lead to attitudes and behaviours that ultimately damage our physical and mental health and cause irreparable harm to the planet. To measure the human‐nature connection, measurements with good psychometric properties are warranted. By synthesizing the existing instruments, we suggested the distinctive advantages of the Extended Inclusion of Nature in Self scale (EINS), such as using multiple graphical spatial metaphors. Based on the back‐translation method, we translated the EINS into a Chinese version (EINS‐C). Then, using the Rasch model and the classical test theory, we elaborately examined the psychometric properties of the scale with a sample of 786 Chinese adults. Exploratory factor analysis, principal components analysis of Rasch residuals, and confirmative factor analysis together provided robust evidence for the one‐factor structure of the EINS‐C. Category probability curves showed the satisfying functioning of the rating scale. The scale further exhibited high criterion validity, convergent validity, internal consistency and test–retest reliability. The Rasch model fit statistics were also substantial for items. Each item presented a moderate difficulty, suggesting high discrimination power for levels of self‐nature connection. Scores on the scale could be meaningfully compared across genders, as no substantial differential item functioning was found. The EINS‐C consequently demonstrated generally robust psychometric properties, which could be applied to the Chinese‐speaking community, approximately 16 per cent of the world's population. This high‐quality and convenient tool for evaluating and monitoring the relationship between humans and nature lays a foundation for and might facilitate conservation‐related research and policy formulation. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
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This study uses exploratory factor analysis and item response theory (IRT) to analyze the psychometric qualities of the Arabic version of the Scale of Coronavirus Anxiety (CAS) (EFA). 1188 participants, chosen by convenience sampling, are from six Arab nations: (391 participants from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), (257 from Egypt), (305) from Jordan, (135) from Bahrain, and 100 from the Sultanate of Oman. Of these, (389) participants are men and (799) are women. According to the EFA models, the data is represented by a one-dimensional structure that is dependable and invariant between genders. Similarly, CAS is more informative for high levels of COVID-19 anxiety, according to IRT data. The CAS in Arabic has adequate psychometric properties is a short measure to be used for COVID-19 anxiety.
Purpose: To evaluate the psychometric properties of a Fall Concerns Scale for people who use Wheelchairs and Scooters (FCS-WC/S). Materials and methods: Developed by fall prevention experts, FCS-WC/S underwent refinement through interdisciplinary reviews and focus groups with researchers, clinicians, and individuals who use WC/S full-time. The psychometric evaluation involved adults who used WC/S for ≥1 year and had ≥1 fall in the previous 3 years, recruited between April and September 2022. Results: The FCS-WC/S evaluates fall concerns among people with various health conditions who use WC/S full-time across 33 daily activities. One hundred and twenty-four participants responded to the baseline survey. A subgroup of 63 people repeated the FCS-WC/S a week later. The FCS-WC/S demonstrated excellent internal and good test-retest reliability (α ≥ 0.90, ICC = 0.86-0.9), as well as concurrent validity (Spearman's rho = 0.72) with the Spinal Cord Injury Falls Concern Scale (SCI-FCS). It effectively differentiated fear of falling levels from an established measure (ORs 4.1, 25.8, 46.7). Factor and parallel analysis revealed three factors, two of which were retained for further analysis. Conclusions: Preliminary findings support FCS-WC/S validity and reliability for assessing fall concerns among individuals with various conditions who use WC/S. Further scale construction analysis is recommended.
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تهدف الدّراسة إلى بناء مقياس تنظيمي يتوافق مع بيئة الاعمال السعودية لقياس أربعة مُتغيّراتٍ مستمدةٍ من شبكة العلاقات بين متغيّرات الفرض الأول من نظرية القواعد المتصارعة، وهي: الفعل السلطوي التقدمي لرؤية ٢٠٣٠، والقواعد البنائية الشفهية الحيوية، والقواعد البنائية الشفهية الروحية، والقواعد البنائية الشفهية الفكرية الثقافية. وللتحقق من هذا الهدف، قام الباحثون ببناء الصورة الأولية لمقياس الفعل السلطوي التقدمي من ٢١ فقرةً، تغطي الأبعاد العشرة للمقياس، ومقياس القواعد البنائية الشفهية الحيوية من ١٦ فقرةً تغطي أبعاد المقياس الثمانية، ومقياس القواعد البنائية الشفهية الروحي من ١٠ فقرات تغطي الخمس أبعاد للمقياس، ومقياس القواعد البنائية الشفهية الفكرية الثقافية من ٨ فقرات تغطي أبعاد المقياس الأربعة، ولتتغير فقرات الاستبيان من ٥٥ فقرة إلى ٤٩ فقرة بعد تحكيمها من قبل عددٍ من المختصين، وبعد ذلك تمَّ توزيع الاستبيان لغرض التحقق من الارتباط والصدق والثبات على عينةٍ مبدئيةٍ بلغت ٤٠ مشاركاً، كما تم استبعاد عبارة واحدة من مقياس القواعد البنائية الشفهية الحيوية، و٤ عبارات من القواعد البنائية الشفهية الروحية، وعبارة واحدة من مقياس القواعد البنائية الشفهية الفكرية الثقافية؛ بسبب معاملات الارتباط المنخفضة، وبعد حذف العبارات تمَّ توزيع الاستبانة على عدد (٤١٧) مستجيباً من الموظفين والموظفات الذين يعملون فd بيئة عمل مشتركة في مدينة الرياض، وكان معامل كرونباخ ألفا للفعل التقدمي (٠.٩١١) بمعامل صدق (٠.٩٥٤)، ومعامل كرونباخ ألفا للبناء التفاعلي المشترك للقواعد البنائية الشفهية الحيوية والروحية والفكرية الثقافية بلغ (٠.٩٤٨) ومعامل صدق (٠.٩٧٤)، وهذه قيم معامل ثبات مرتفعة جداً، وذلك يدل على صلاحية الأداة وملاءَمتها لأغراض الدراسة. في حين بينت نتائج التحليل العاملي لفقرات المقياس أن المقياس أحادي البعد؛ حيث يفسر الجذر الكامن للعامل الأول (١٦.٥٩٩) وأنه فسرَ ما نسبته (٣٨.٦٠٣%) من التباين، وهي أعلى نسبة تباين مفسر، حيث تمَّ استبعاد أربعة عبارات غير ملائمة للنموذج المستخدم؛ لكونها أقل معلومات عند جميع مستويات السمة، مما يشير إلى عدم تمييزها، كما بينت النتائج أن بقية فقرات المقياس لديها قدرةً تمييزيةً.
هدفت الدراسة إلى بناء مقياس للرضا الوظيفي من وجهة نظر األكاديميين وفق نظرية االستجابة للفقرة، حيث تألف مجتمع الدراسة من جميع األكاديميين في جامعة عمان األهلية للعام )2018 / 2017 ،)والبالغ عددهم ما يقارب )257 ) ً أكاديميا، فيما تكونت العينة من )154 ) ً عضوا، شكلوا )60 ) ً من مجتمع الدراسة األصلي، والتي أخذت عشوائيا منهم )92 ) ً ذكرا و)62 )أنثى، وقد صممت وبنيت أداة الدراسة من خالل االطالع على األدب النظري والمقاييس المتعلقة بقياس الرضا الوظيفي في الجامعات، حيث تألفت أداة الدراسة من )59 )فقرة وزعت في خمسة مجاالت باستخدام التدريج الخماسي لليكرت، وقد تم التحقق من الصدق الظاهري والبنائي، كما بلغت قيمة معامل الثبات )954.0.) وقد أشارت النتائج إلى أن مقياس الرضا الوظيفي أحادي البعد مكون من )5 )مجاالت، وقيم معلمة التمييز للفقرات مناسبة، وقيم العتبات الفارقة تؤشر على دقة تقديرها لفقرات المقياس وفق نموذج االستجابة المتدرجة، كما طابق مقياس الرضا الوظيفي ككل النموذج بدرجة كبيرة، كما لوحظ أن جميع فقرات المقياس مطابقة للنموذج في مؤشر أو أكثر من مؤشرات المطابقة، حيث لم يتم استبعاد أي فقرة لعدم وجود أي من الفقرات غير مطابقة على جميع مؤشرات المطابقة.
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The current study aimed to identify the extent of practicing psychological first aid (PFA) skills among counselors working with refugees. A scale was built by the researchers to collect data from )122( participants. The main findings showed that the level of (PFA) skills was very high in general, as well as the sub-dimensions: (of effective communication and social support), but the dimension of )guiding and practical assistance( appeared high. The results also indicated no statistically significant differences due to the variable of scientific degree (Bachelor, Master, or Ph.D.), while it indicated statistically significant differences attributed to the variables of gender in favor of males, also on the duration of experience in favor of counselors from the experience more than 10 years. The researchers recommended intensifying )PFA( training for junior counselors, as well as integrating them with field experience to refine psychological first-aid skills in an applied manner.
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The study aims to explore the effectiveness of realistic therapy (RT) to reduce the social networking site addiction and enhancing social self-efficacy among male adolescents. The sample of the study consisted of 30 male students in the eighth and ninth grades at a public school in Irbid Governorate, Jordan. In this study, a social networking site addiction scale, consisted of 18 items, and a social self-efficacy scale, consisted of 6 items were used. The participants were selected based on their high scores on the social networking site addiction scale and low scores on the social self-efficacy scale. They were randomly assigned into two groups: experimental group included (15) male adolescents, who received a program of (RT) consisted of (12) sessions; and a control group consisted of (15) male adolescents, who did not receive the counseling program. The post-test results showed that there were significant differences between the two groups regarding the level of social networking site addiction and social self-efficacy in favor of experimental group.
يهدف البحث الحالي إلى الاستفادة من نموذج أندريش، بوصفه أحد نماذج الاستجابة المتعددة التدريج لنظرية القياس المعاصرة. حيث ركز الباحث على قياس الأداء التفاضلي استنادا للقدرة على استخدام استراتيجيات الحكمة الاختبارية. ولتحقيق هذا الهدف اعتمدت الباحث على مقياس الحكمة الاختبارية والمعد من قبل (حمد، 2010). لذلك تم اختيار عينة عشوائية طبقية قوامها (447) طالباً وطالبة من الصفوف العاشر والحادي عشر والثاني عشر الإعدادي، وتم التحقق من فرضيات نظرية الاستجابة للفقرة (IRT)، بما في ذلك فرضية البعد الواحد، وذلك من خلال التحليل العاملي. لفقرات الاختبار باستخدام طريقة تحليل المكونات الرئيسية (PCA) لاستجابات الأفراد لفقرات الاختبار، وذلك بحساب قيمة الجذر الكامن ونسبة التباين المفسر،وكـذلك التبـاين المفسـر التراكمي لكل عامل من العوامل، ومن خلال هذا الافتراض تم تأكيد فرضية الاستقلال المحلي أيضاً. ولتحليل بيانات فقرات المقياس استخدم الباحث نموذج أندريش، وباستخدام برنامج الحاسوب (ConstructMap-4.6) حيث أشارت قيم موقع الفقرة المقدرة على السمة الكامنة إلى أنها تراوحت من (2.55) إلى (2.71) لوغاريتم، بمتوسط (0.027) لوغاريتم. وهذا يشير إلى أن المقياس يغطي نطاقًا واسعًا من السمة المقاسة، من الأقل إلى الأعلى كما بلغ الخطأ المعياري لمتوسط تقديرات صعوبة الفقرة (0.032)، وهي قيمة منخفضة قريبة من الصفر، مما يدل على دقة تقديرات موقع الفقرة على سمة الحكمة الكامنة خلف الاستجابة للاختبار
This indispensable sourcebook covers conceptual and practical issues in research design in the field of social and personality psychology. Key experts address specific methods and areas of research, contributing to a comprehensive overview of contemporary practice. This updated and expanded second edition offers current commentary on social and personality psychology, reflecting the rapid development of this dynamic area of research over the past decade. With the help of this up-to-date text, both seasoned and beginning social psychologists will be able to explore the various tools and methods available to them in their research as they craft experiments and imagine new methodological possibilities.
This indispensable sourcebook covers conceptual and practical issues in research design in the field of social and personality psychology. Key experts address specific methods and areas of research, contributing to a comprehensive overview of contemporary practice. This updated and expanded second edition offers current commentary on social and personality psychology, reflecting the rapid development of this dynamic area of research over the past decade. With the help of this up-to-date text, both seasoned and beginning social psychologists will be able to explore the various tools and methods available to them in their research as they craft experiments and imagine new methodological possibilities.
This indispensable sourcebook covers conceptual and practical issues in research design in the field of social and personality psychology. Key experts address specific methods and areas of research, contributing to a comprehensive overview of contemporary practice. This updated and expanded second edition offers current commentary on social and personality psychology, reflecting the rapid development of this dynamic area of research over the past decade. With the help of this up-to-date text, both seasoned and beginning social psychologists will be able to explore the various tools and methods available to them in their research as they craft experiments and imagine new methodological possibilities.
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الأهداف: هدفت الدراسة التعرف إلى أساليب الحياة وعلاقتها بأعراض اضطراب الشخصية الهستيرية. المنهجية: استخدم المنهج الوصفي الارتباطي ، وقد تم تطوير مقياسي: أساليب الحياة، وأعراض اضطراب الشخصية الهستيرية طبق على عينة الدراسة من (717) طالبًا وطالبة، والذين اختيروا بالطريقة المتيسرة. النتائج : أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن أسلوب الحياة السائد لدى طلبة جامعة اليرموك (المفيد اجتماعيًا)، وأن درجة توافر أعراض اضطراب الشخصية الهستيرية لدى طلبة جامعة اليرموك متوسطة، كما أظهرت النتائج وجود علاقة ارتباطية موجبة دالة إحصائيًا لأساليب الحياة (المسيطر، المستحوذ، المتجنب اجتماعيًا) على الدرجة الكلية لأعراض اضطراب الشخصية الهستيرية، وعدم وجود علاقة ارتباطية لأسلوب الحياة (المفيد اجتماعيًا) مع الدرجة الكلية لأعراض اضطراب الشخصية الهستيرية. الخلاصة: تتيح هذه النتائج فهمًا أفضل للتفاعلات بين أساليب الحياة واضطرابات الشخصية الهستيرية، مما يسهم في تحسين الفحص والتشخيص والتدخلات العلاجية لهذه الاضطرابات، ويشير الاكتساب المستفاد من هذه الدراسة إلى أهمية توجيه الاهتمام نحو تطوير برامج تدخل وتوعية تستهدف تحسين أساليب الحياة لدى الشباب الجامعي، مع التركيز بشكل خاص على تقديم أدوات واستراتيجيات لتعزيز الصحة النفسية وتقليل احتمالية تطوير أعراض اضطراب الشخصية الهستيرية، وفي ضوء هذه النتائج، توصي الباحثة بعقد المؤتمرات والندوات والورش التدريبية الجامعية التي تعزز أساليب الحياة الإيجابية للطلبة وتبصيريهم بأعراض اضطراب الشخصية الهستيرية.
Neuroscientific research on emotion has developed dramatically over the past decade. The cognitive neuroscience of human emotion, which has emerged as the new and thriving area of 'affective neuroscience', is rapidly rendering existing overviews of the field obsolete. This handbook provides a comprehensive, up-to-date and authoritative survey of knowledge and topics investigated in this cutting-edge field. It covers a range of topics, from face and voice perception to pain and music, as well as social behaviors and decision making. The book considers and interrogates multiple research methods, among them brain imaging and physiology measurements, as well as methods used to evaluate behavior and genetics. Editors Jorge Armony and Patrik Vuilleumier have enlisted well-known and active researchers from more than twenty institutions across three continents, bringing geographic as well as methodological breadth to the collection. This timely volume will become a key reference work for researchers and students in the growing field of neuroscience.
Neuroscientific research on emotion has developed dramatically over the past decade. The cognitive neuroscience of human emotion, which has emerged as the new and thriving area of 'affective neuroscience', is rapidly rendering existing overviews of the field obsolete. This handbook provides a comprehensive, up-to-date and authoritative survey of knowledge and topics investigated in this cutting-edge field. It covers a range of topics, from face and voice perception to pain and music, as well as social behaviors and decision making. The book considers and interrogates multiple research methods, among them brain imaging and physiology measurements, as well as methods used to evaluate behavior and genetics. Editors Jorge Armony and Patrik Vuilleumier have enlisted well-known and active researchers from more than twenty institutions across three continents, bringing geographic as well as methodological breadth to the collection. This timely volume will become a key reference work for researchers and students in the growing field of neuroscience.
Neuroscientific research on emotion has developed dramatically over the past decade. The cognitive neuroscience of human emotion, which has emerged as the new and thriving area of 'affective neuroscience', is rapidly rendering existing overviews of the field obsolete. This handbook provides a comprehensive, up-to-date and authoritative survey of knowledge and topics investigated in this cutting-edge field. It covers a range of topics, from face and voice perception to pain and music, as well as social behaviors and decision making. The book considers and interrogates multiple research methods, among them brain imaging and physiology measurements, as well as methods used to evaluate behavior and genetics. Editors Jorge Armony and Patrik Vuilleumier have enlisted well-known and active researchers from more than twenty institutions across three continents, bringing geographic as well as methodological breadth to the collection. This timely volume will become a key reference work for researchers and students in the growing field of neuroscience.
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The study aimed to identify the levels of friendship skills and its relationship to hope among bachelor's students of Ajloun national university. To achieve the aims of the study a sample from bachelor students in Ajloun national university was chosen by simple random sample which consisted of 100 students. The two scales were developed: The Hope scale and friendship skills scale, and then their psychometric properties were verified. The results of the study concluded that there was a high level of hope and friendship Skills among students, and there was a positive relationship between the hope and friendship skills. Also, there were no statistical differences in the levels of hope and friendship skills due to gender. Based on the results of the study, some recommendations were made, including; Benefiting from the interrelated relationship between friendship skills and the hope, as increasing one of them contributes to increasing the other and conducting more educational and counselling studies for other categories of university students, such as graduate students, tofind out the level of friendship and hope skills they have.
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In order to extend the use of latent trait models across the full spectrum of mental testing, the applicability of the models to multivariate data must be determined. Since all of the commonly used models assume a unidimensional test, the applicability of the procedures to obviously multidimensional tests, such as achievement tests, is questionable. This paper presents the results of the application of latent trait analyses to a series of tests that vary in factorial complexity. The purpose is to determine what characteristics are estimated by the models for these tests, while at the same time determining the relationship of latent trait parameters to traditional item analysis and factor analysis indices.
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Four stages in factor analyzing behavioral do mains are outlined using a measure of mental well- being or self-actualization, the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI), as an example. The stages are (1) exploratory analysis to assess the number of fac tors ; (2) developing viable factor names that are based on theoretical arguments and ensuring that each factor consists of subscales that many re searchers agree appropriately load on the factor; (3) assessing the goodness of fit using confirmatory fac tor analysis; and (4) cross-validating the hypothesis on new data sets. After such an analysis it is claimed that the latent structure of the POI relates to the factors Sensitivity to Self and to Others, Per ception of Reality, Acceptance of Present Self, and Strongly Principled Yet Flexible When Confronting Others.
For forming a scale through factor analysis and evaluating it with Heise and Bohrnstedt's validity index rho, the factor analysis should include the indicators of only one construct. If these variables are optimally weighted through least-squares regression, rho is the multiple correlation of the factor with the measured variables. An often tenuous assumption underlies the use of rho to correct a scale's correlations for invalidity and error. Although useful, rho is not a substitute for external validation. Maximizing rho is a better criterion for selecting weights of variables than is maximizing Heise and Bohrn-stedt's reliability index.
When populations are cross-classified with respect to two or more classifications or polytomies, questions often arise about the degree of association existing between the several polytomies. Most of the traditional measures or indices of association are based upon the standard chi-square statistic or on an assumption of underlying joint normality. In this paper a number of alternative measures are considered, almost all based upon a probabilistic model for activity to which the cross-classification may typically lead. Only the case in which the population is completely known is considered, so no question of sampling or measurement error appears. We hope, however, to publish before long some approximate distributions for sample estimators of the measures we propose, and approximate tests of hypotheses. Our major theme is that the measures of association used by an empirical investigator should not be blindly chosen because of tradition and convention only, although these factors may properly be given some weight, but should be constructed in a manner having operational meaning within the context of the particular problem.
In this paper a new item analysis index, e, is derived as a function of difficulty and discrimination to represent item efficiency. It is demonstrated algebraically that the maximum discriminating power of an item may be determined from its difficulty and then item efficiency is defined as the ratio of observed discrimination to maximum discrimination. The magnitude of the e-index will range from zero to unity and will provide additional information for item analyses.
The rationale for Heise and Bohrnstedt's index of reliability, omega, is restated in terms of the models of classical measurement theory and factor analysis. Although omega is the best available internal-consistency estimate of reliability, its value is generally lower than a composite scale's true reliability in the classical measurement model. Under quite foreseeable circumstances, it may be appreciably lower. Some implications for forming indexes through factor analysis are discussed.
A broad framework for examining the class of unidimensional and multidimensional models for item responses is provided by nonlinear factor analysis, with a classification of models as strictly linear, linear in their coefficients, or strictly nonlinear. These groups of models are compared and constrasted with respect to the associated problems of estimation, testing fit, and scoring an examinee. The invariance of item parameters is related to the congruence of common factors in linear theory.
This study assessed the claims of unidimensionality for a measure of oral communication apprehension (Personal Report of Communication Apprehension). Eighteen independent samples, drawn from Australian and United States sources were used; and comparisons were made between the samples. Although similarities were found among the data sets with respect to internal consistency, frequency distributions, and item-total correlations, the claim of unidimensionality in the measure was rejected. It was also found that there were no overall differences between Australian and United States samples, no sex differences, and no age differences.
Previous research has not shown a clear relationship between order analytic and factor analytic approaches to assessing the dimensionality of binary data. This study compared factor analysis with three order analy sis procedures. Comparisons were based on eight data sets with known dimensionality and two multidimen sional sets of mathematics data. Two of the order analysis procedures fared poorly in reproducing the factor structure of the datasets. The third procedure re produced the factors for datasets with orthogonal fac tors but failed to reproduce the factors for datasets containing oblique factors. Reasons for the differences between these procedures are discussed.
Analysis of the responses of 562 Australian university students to the Biggs Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ) showed the scales to reflect only moderate internal consistency reliability and to lack uni dimensionality. However, factor analysis of the scales revealed a similar structure to that reported by Biggs (1978) and lent support to Biggs' proposed model of the study process complex.
Cliff (1977) suggests a series of indices, intended for a testing context, that establish a relation between dominance matrices and classical measurement. Cliff's index c derived from an item dominance matrix is utilized in a clustering approach (termed ERGO) to isolate Guttman-type item hierarchies. A comparison of factor analysis to the ERGO is made on social distance data involving multiple ethnic groups. The ERGO procedure surpassed the factor analysis by satisfactorily identifying both the number of hypothetical item hierarchies as well as the developmental order within each hierarchy.
Confusion in the literature between the concepts of internal consistency and homogeneity has led to a misuse of coefficient alpha as an index of item homogeneity. Coefficient alpha is actually a complexly determined test statistic, item homogeneity only being one influence on its magnitude. The related statistic, the average intercorrelation, has similar difficulties. Several indices of item homogeneity derived from the model of common factor analysis are offered as alternatives.
It is shown that two major principles and two minor principles serve to generate a large number of multivariate models. A general treatment based on asymptotic properties of the likelihood ratio yields solutions to problems of local identifiability, estimation, and hypothesis-testing.
A method of estimating the parameters of the normal ogive model for dichotomously scored item-responses by maximum likelihood is demonstrated. Although the procedure requires numerical integration in order to evaluate the likelihood equations, a computer implemented Newton-Raphson solution is shown to be straightforward in other respects. Empirical tests of the procedure show that the resulting estimates are very similar to those based on a conventional analysis of item difficulties and first factor loadings obtained from the matrix of tetrachoric correlation coefficients. Problems of testing the fit of the model, and of obtaining invariant parameters are discussed.
Many social science variables are composites of number of component variables. For example, a social class measure may be obtained as a sum of occupation, income, dwelling area, and education measures. Generally, the components represent different aspects or facets of an attribute. A special case occurs when the components presumably measure the same aspects of an attribute; this is the well-known case of reliability. We obtain an index of the quality of the composite, as indicated by the internal consistency among the components. The more highly interrelated the components are, the more adequately the composite represents the components. We make some rather natural assumptions and derive a lower-bound index, called coefficient theta, for the internal consistency of the composite. Theta provides a better lower bound for the measurement of internal consistency than a typically-used index, coefficient alpha, although it is more difficult to compute. We present a significance test to determine whether θ = 0 in the population. Finally, a number of examples are presented. In an appendix we prove that θ ≥ α.
Explains how social scientists can evaluate the reliability and validity of empirical measurements, discussing the three basic types of validity: criterion related, content, and construct. In addition, the paper shows how reliability is assessed by the retest method, alternative-forms procedure, split-halves approach, and internal consistency method.
An alternative derivation was given of Gaylord's formulas showing the relationships among the average item intercorrelation, the average item-test correlation, and test reliability. Certain parallels were also noted in analysis of variance and principal component analysis.
Following a review of indices proposed to assess the unidimensionality of a set of items, Hattie (Note 1) identified 87 indices. The purpose of the present paper is to describe a simulation that determines the adequacy of various indices as decision criteria for assessing unidimensionality. A three-parameter, multivariate, logistic latent-trait model was used to generate item responses. Levels of difficulty, guessing, and discrimination, as well as the number of factors underlying the data, were varied. Many of the indices evaluated were highly intercorrelated. Some resulted in estimates outside their theoretical bounds, and most were particularly sensitive to the intercorrelations between factors. Indices based on answer patterns, reliability, component analysis, linear and nonlinear factor analysis, and on the one-parameter latent trait model were ineffective. Using the sum of absolute residuals from the twoparameter latent trait model, indices were obtained that were able to discriminate between cases with one latent trait and cases with more than one latent trait.
A simple method is introduced to test the dimensionality axiom in the Rasch model. The method consists of a suitable partitioning of the data set. This partitioning is based on the responses to some of the items being investigated. The items used for this purpose are called the external criterion items. data are presented indicating the effectiveness of the method in instances where the traditional test procedures fail.
The appropriateness of the use of the standardized residual (SR) to assess congruence between sample test item responses and the one parameter latent trait (Rasch) item characteristic curve is investigated. Latent trait theory is reviewed, as well as theory of the SR, the apparent error in calculating the expected distribution of the SR, and implications of using the SR for item analysis. Empirical results using actual data are presented to support the theoretical anlaysis, as well as a demonstration of the practical implications of the failure to reject items which do not fit the model. Conclusions based on the findings include: (1) discriminations of all the items in a test must be very similar in order for Rasch model analyses to work in practice; (2) the SR mean square fit statistic does not detect unacceptable variation in discrimination; and (3) item discrimination needs to be monitored and controlled using more exact tests of fit than the residual mean square. Finally, an alternate linear model is described which may provide a practical solution to problems encountered in the construction of item banks and tailored testing. (RL)
The results of this study suggest that for purposes of estimating ability by latent trait methods, the Rasch model compares favorably with the three-parameter logistic model. Using estimated parameters to make predictions about 25 actual number-correct score distributions with samples of 1,000 cases each, those predicted by the Rasch model fit the observed distribution of number-correct scores as well as the distributions predicted by the three-parameter model. This suggests that the Rasch model is quite robust to violations of its underlying assumptions and can therefore be applied in a wide variety of situations. The single model assumption related to fit was that of unidimensionality. Not only was fit for multidimensional tests quite poor, but it was also difficult to obtain parameter estimates on such tests. Other research indicates that the three-parameter model may be preferable for test development, test equating, and studies of item bias, but for estimating ability, this study shows that the Rasch model produces estimates of ability that rival those produced by the three-parameter model. Further, the study demonstrates that Rasch parameter estimates are obtained at costs significantly reduced rom from those of the three-parameter estimates. (Author/CTM)
On the assumption that principle component scores are to be computed by what is known as the direct solution (in contrast to estimation procedures), the weighted internal consistancy reliability coefficient for a component is reduced to a form so that it easily can be seen that when a latent root becomes as small as 1.0, the reliability becomes zero (as indicated in Kaiser-Caffrey alpha factor analysis). If the root becomes less than 1.0, the internal consistency becomes negative. These findings are extended to common-factor analysis under an assumption that the observed scores are approximated by their common-factor parts; it is seen that the internal consistency for a common factor will become zero when the common variance for the factor becomes as small as 1.0. It is recognized that the model for simple structure factor analysis implies that only a few from among all variables of a set will have nonrandom relationships to a given factor. It follows that to calculate the internal consistency for a simple structure factor by means of the procedures outlined above is rather like calculating the reliability for a composite formed by adding relatively many random variables to relatively few indicators of an attribute. The implication is that if one really wants to estimate the internal consistency of simple structure factors—perhaps as a basis for determining when to stop factoring—he should first rotate the factors and then use only salient variables in calculating a reliability coefficient. The criterion for size of the internal consistency coefficient would then be set in accordance with the psychometric standards applied generally to variables in a particular substantive area.
By introducing more basic concepts, the miscellany of validities and reliabilities is reducible. Validity has 3 parameters—direct to circumstantial, concrete to conceptual, and natural to artifactual—generating 2 3 types. Factor (conceptual) validity is distinguishable by formula from factor trueness. Consistency, as a generic term, covers reliability, homogeneity, and transferability, respectively, across time, items, and people in the covariation chart. Reliability, formulable like validity in direct or indirect forms, gives a series of coefficients according to error sources controlled. Homogeneity likewise has several formulas distinguishing, e.g., test and factor homogeneity. Transferability, like other consistencies, requires both a correlation and an index of variance. Ideal tests have highest validity, reliability rivaling stability, but homogeneity at whatever lowly value maximizes validity and transferability. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)