... Expert design is often approached in design management (Acklin, 2013;Borja de Mozota, 2011;Bruce, et al, 1999;Chiva & Alegre, 2009;Jevnaker, 2000;Mortati, et al, 2014) and policy (Maffei, et al, 2014), organisational studies (Boland and Collopy, 2004;Michlewski, 2008), product development and engineering (Baxter, 1998;Pugh, 1991;Ulrich & Eppinger, 1995), service design (Morelli, et al, 2021). Participatory design and co-design capabilities are found in participatory design (Huybrechts, et al, 2018;Sanoff, 2007), co-design (Sanders & Stappers, 2008), service design (Morelli, et al, 2021), social innovation (Murray, et al, 2010), design for policy (Bason, 2014;Julier, 2017;Junginger, 2014;Mortati, et al, 2016) and business fields (Brand, 2017;van der Pjil, et al, 2016). ...