
Real-Time Case Method: Analysis of a Second Implementation

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Education For Business
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In 2005, M. Hopkins and J. Theroux implemented the second example of an experimental case study, at 11 business schools in the United States and Canada. The new type of case study, named the real-time case (RTC) study, uses the Internet to bring business reality to business courses and to facilitate communication among faculty, students, and the case company. In the present study, data from student surveys provided an assessment of RTC. The author's analysis suggests that the RTC concept engages and satisfies students at a higher level than do average courses and presents a more realistic and integrated view of business decision making. However, the level of satisfaction declined in comparison with the first iteration of RTC in 2001 (S. House & J. Theroux). In the present study, the author presents student feedback to explain the difference.

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... Case-based teaching also uses the real world as a vantage point. Cases can be brought into the classroom via guest lectures, (gamebased) simulations, and portfolios of source materials that inform the definition of a real-world case as the basis for case-based teaching (Farashahi & Tajeddin, 2018;Sachau & Naas, 2010;Theroux, 2009). ...
... It is about invoking a joint process between students and teachers, whereby they start to consecutively recognise and fully acknowledge the messiness of management problems in the real world. Bringing the real world into the classroom serves as an experiential alternative to the soloistic teacher's act of boiling this complexity down into a neatly ordered theoretical-conceptual problem in classical management education (Druckman & Ebner, 2018;Rosenthal, 2016;Theroux, 2009). It depends on a process of co-creation of the problem definition by both students and teachers. ...
... The level of these courses is advanced, and the goal is for students to develop a scientific research report that is useful for practice and relevant for academia. This project-based education involving real-world cases and internships can best be seen as real-time cases, whereby teachers can make use of the real-time case method (Theroux, 2009), which provides students with a more realistic and integrated view of business processes. However, this method creates vulnerabilities in programmes. ...
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Science and technology-based entrepreneurship education (SBEE) is crucial for the valorisation of newly developed fundamental knowledge and innovative technology in science faculties. This is an important factor in enabling science to respond to societal challenges related to sustainability. However, its didactics are currently underdeveloped. Experiential learning plays an important role in SBEE. Against this background, the current study addresses the following research question: What are the specifications of experiential learning for further developing the didactics of SBEE, as identified through systematic assessment? The study reveals that significant improvement is possible when systematic attention is paid to the implementation of four core activities of experiential learning: bringing real-worldness into the learning setting, recognising the ill-defined nature of management problems and entrepreneurial challenges, encouraging involvement in the execution of management interventions, and highlighting the importance of reflection. Furthermore, we draw upon the literature stating that for a transformative experiential learning effect, the sole focus on a business logic in current SBEE needs to be transcended to enable such entrepreneurship and sustainability education to contribute to the kind of out-of-the-box technological innovation solutions required for the current, pressing sustainability challenges that society faces. This study provides the first evidence that dedicated attention to critical reflection is a crucial component in the design of the experiential learning process for science- and technology-based entrepreneurship and sustainability education.
... (ii) The uses of technology in the learning of mathematics. On one hand, the collection of data and the measurement of the resource impact in the cognitive process: development of LMS platforms and real-time feedback interfaces [18]. On the other hand, the use of the aforementioned harvested information to improve the learning process [7]: targeted problem sets and training tests [2], identification of favorable pedagogical approaches and learning patterns/styles [14], identification of fortitudes and weaknesses, assessment of study exercise vs skills building [14], problem solving approaches, platforms for interaction between students through the learning process [10]. ...
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... In an evaluation of this experiment, students affirmed that they liked this new teaching approach and would like to see more of it at their schools as they found it very applicable to real life (Theroux, 2009). ...
... That pertains to all learning delivery modes that add "real world" business methods to traditional course instruction. Classroom practicum activity includes client-based projects, where business professionals guide students, as well as case studies, scenariobased approaches, simulations, and field data research, or consulting based on direct market contact (Xu and Yang, 2010;Sciglimpaglia and Toole, 2009;Theroux, 2009;Callanan and Perri, 2006). Most notably, the rise in entrepreneurship courses and programs (Shinnar et al., 2009;Hazeldine and Miles, 2007;Levenburg et al., 2006) constitutes a curricular transition from traditional pedagogy to business education practicum. ...
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This study introduces a collaborative business education curricular design known as whole person learning. The post-financial crisis market environment requires business education to encompass curricular, commercial and community skills. Drawing on the Toronto based National Mentoring Program (NMP), whole person learning develops business leadership ethics competency within a personal experience context. Exposure to mentorship institutions imparts an awareness of macro societal patterns, while experience with mentorship interaction instills an aptitude for micro skill performance. Therefore, whole person learning enables business curricula to connect academic scholarship, application strategy, and aspiration service outcomes.
... In an evaluation of this experiment, students affirmed that they liked this new teaching approach and would like to see more of it at their schools as they found it very applicable to real life (Theroux, 2009). ...
... In an evaluation of this experiment, students affirmed that they liked this new teaching approach and would like to see more of it at their schools as they found it very applicable to real life (Theroux, 2009). ...
... Research by James Theroux of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst found that embedded assessment "engages and satisfies students at a higher level than do average courses and presents a more realistic and integrated view of business decision making." [2]. A clear majority of pupils preferred the online over a traditional approach and felt the course materials were very applicable to real life. ...
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In recent years, the education sector has vied to cope with volume, variety, and velocity of data that is created within their own enterprise and across the education system. A new emergence of Big Data technologies is proving highly improved in operation than the existing data warehousing, although Big Data is heavily unstructured, voluminous and stream rapidly. The challenges of education in the current time anticipate for a complete explore that can make available the function and efficiency of big data in education system technology. However, the good thing is that Big Data can individualize instruction, particularly within the e-learning industry. The use of big data analytics can construct a novel system for improving teaching and discovering the prospect for valuable research, evaluation, and accountability through technology integration like data analytics, web dashboards and data mining in education. In this paper, we will depict a design and implementation of the basic structure that will contribute unitedly the tools. A preparation of super-high-speed email technology for real-time, which will render learners and organizations to have speedy access to streaming data capture and monitoring and the data to offer access to investigators in the area of advanced education institutional research.
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The purpose of this study was to comprehend the effectiveness of an training intervention. Trainees’ direct reactions to training provide organizations with enough feedback concerning their current training and development efforts. The research hypotheses focused on the efficacy gap between the expectations of trainees before training and their experiences after it was conducted. A purposive sample of 45 participants attending a selling skills training course completed a survey adapted from Chimote (2010). The repeated measures test indicated that experiences did not fulfill expectations. The Chi-square test revealed that age and education did not significantly affect the responses of participants. The results are discussed in addition to future research directions and practical implications.
Through the methodology of auto-ethnographical case study, this research includes a review of the entrepreneurial nature of the current U.S. workforce and explores the experiences and insights of a micro-entrepreneur to identify challenges faced by many freelance, gig workers, and other micro-entrepreneurs in the current economy. The study consolidates the challenges faced by the micro-entrepreneur into four key areas: formulating and executing strategy, constructing a value web, utilizing mentors and negotiating ambiguity in business. These unique challenges center on the start-up, development and operation of a small business, and are used to provide curricular and pedagogical recommendations for higher education to better serve this burgeoning sector of the workforce.
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Abstract— Big data is one of the most popular research trends in the current time. Popularity and usability of Big Data make it most promising research area in past decade. Learning analytics using Big Data is the emerging field and most of the areas are taking use of these results and outcomes as a yield of this analytics. It becomes important to learn and understand the learning analytics and outcome of the Big Data. Increasing data and demand in versatility in results have created new challenges in almost every field. Higher education institutions are also one of them as they have to face new challenges to maintain their reputation and students’ growth. Institutes have responded by adopting analytics based approach to empower organizational and educational effectiveness. Making analytics actionable in the field of IT becomes mandatory for the higher educational institutes. This paper has identified different areas of education which can take advent use of such analytics and higher education can sense their growth in terms of quantity and quality. Quality assurance is the motive of the research paper so that we can put the results of analytics actionable. Keywords: Education, Big Data, Learning Analytics, Academic Analytics
This paper augments existing knowledge about the influence of instructional methods for case study methodology available to improve students' learning outcomes. The employment of case study analysis as a teaching tool is respected in the management community. A case study sets the stage in a factual manner, the events and organisational circumstances surrounding a particular managerial or leadership situation. Management practices, financial and economic direction as well as company's experiences provide a rich avenue of information. In most management courses students use case studies about specific companies to practice strategic analysis and to gain some experience in the tasks of crafting and implementing strategy to lead their organisation to economic success. The purpose of this paper is to look at how case studies are utilised in an educational atmosphere and present specific directives for using them.
Over the last century, the case method has been a key teaching tool in management education. This article takes stock of the main characteristics of the case method, clarifies its learning goals, and exposes the relationships between these goals and supporting learning theories, in particular active-learning theory and experiential learning. It then examines the multiple variations of the case method that have developed over the years and discusses arguments against the case method. Finally, four proposals are made in view of strengthening the case method's value: extend case variety, moderate the case method's ambition to foster experiential learning, conduct empirical research about the case method's learning impacts, and emphasize the close relationship between case research and case teaching. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Au cours du dernier siècle, la méthode des cas a été un outil d'enseignement essentiel dans la formation en gestion. Le présent article fait le point sur les caractéristiques principales de la méthode, explicite ses objectifs d'apprentissage et met en exergue les relations entre ces objectifs et les théories d'apprentissage connexes, notamment la théorie de l'apprentissage actif et l'apprentissage expérientiel. Par la suite, il examine les différentes variations que la méthode des cas a connues au cours des années et analyse les arguments invoqués contre elle. Il s'achève par quatre suggestions visant à renforcer la valeur de la méthode des cas, à savoir: augmenter la variété des cas, revoir à la baisse l'ambition de la méthode des cas dans l'apprentissage expérientiel, mener des études empiriques sur l'impact que la méthode des cas a sur l'apprentissage et souligner le lien entre les cas de recherche et les cas pédagogiques. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The case study method, popularly used by top business schools to challenge students with real-world problem analysis and decisionmaking, offers many benefits to marketing management students. This article introduces an innovative and comprehensive method for using case study analyses in a team-based, marketing classroom. All details of the pedagogy are discussed, including preliminary organization, format of the class session, and specific grading criteria. The merits and limitations of the proposed pedagogy are examined.
Internships provide opportunities for business students to learn about life in the “real world” without the commitment of a full-time position. Although much attention has been directed to the benefits of internships to students, business schools, and employers, there has been little discussion of the legal ramifications. This study examined legal issues that may be of concern to both employers and business schools.