... In order to cover all possibly relevant actions, a coding dictionary was created, based on several previous studies of serial rape and sexual assault (Alison & Stein, 2001;Bootsma & Eshof, 2006;Canter et al., 2003;Dale, Davies, & Wei, 1997;Davies, 1992;Goodwill & Alison, 2007;Grubin, Kelly, & Ayis, 1997;Häkkänen et al., 2004;Lundrigan, Czarnomski, & Wilson, 2010;Park, Schlesinger, Pinizzotto, & Davis, 2008;Santtila et al., 2005;Scott, Lambie, Henwood, & Lamb, 2006;Woodhams, Grant, & Price, 2007;Woodhams et al., 2008). Initially, the coding dictionary comprised 70 offender-and victimrelated behaviors within the following four broad categories: approach-related behaviors, verbal behaviors, physical behaviors, and sexual behaviors. ...