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Values in action scale and the big 5: An empirical indication of structure. Journal of Research in Personality, 42(4), 787-799


Abstract and Figures

Within this study we used self-report measures completed by 123 undergraduate students from an Australian university to investigate the validity of Peterson and Seligman’s [Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P (2004). Character strengths and virtues. New York: Oxford.] classification system of 24 character strengths and six virtues. We also looked at how the 24 character strengths relate to the Five Factor Model of personality and to a measure of social desirability. Using a second order factor analysis of the 24 character strengths, we found that these 24 character strengths did not produce a factor structure consistent with the six higher order virtues as proposed by Peterson and Seligman [Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P (2004). Character strengths and virtues. New York: Oxford.]. Instead, the 24 character strengths were well represented by both a one and four factor solution. Patterns of significant relationships between each of the 24 character strengths, the one and four factor solutions and the Five Factor Model of personality were found. The results have implications for [Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P (2004). Character strengths and virtues. New York: Oxford.] classification.
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Values in action scale and the Big 5:
An empirical indication of structure
Craig Macdonald, Miles Bore
, Don Munro
School of Psychology, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
Available online 4 December 2007
Within this study we used self-report measures completed by 123 undergraduate students from an Australian university
to investigate the validity of Peterson and Seligman’s [Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P (2004). Character strengths and
virtues. New York: Oxford.] classification system of 24 character strengths and six virtues. We also looked at how the 24
character strengths relate to the Five Factor Model of personality and to a measure of social desirability. Using a second
order factor analysis of the 24 character strengths, we found that these 24 character strengths did not produce a factor
structure consistent with the six higher order virtues as proposed by Peterson and Seligman [Peterson, C., & Seligman,
M. E. P (2004). Character strengths and virtues. New York: Oxford.]. Instead, the 24 character strengths were well repre-
sented by both a one and four factor solution. Patterns of significant relationships between each of the 24 character
strengths, the one and four factor solutions and the Five Factor Model of personality were found. The results have impli-
cations for [Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P (2004). Character strengths and virtues. New York: Oxford.] classification.
Crown copyright !2007 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Values; VIA scale; Big 5; Five Factor Model
1. Introduction
The field of positive psychology has the goal of helping people achieve an above normal or optimal level
of functioning, leading to a happier existence (Gable & Haidt, 2005; Wallis, 2005). Wallis (2005) suggests
that this is because much of psychological practice and theory has focused on helping people to recover
from a diminished level of functioning, and has largely neglected helping people achieve a higher level
of functioning.
Two of the main proponents of positive psychology are Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi (2000), who see
positive psychology encompassing subjective experience, individual traits, and societal interactions. With
regard to the area of individual dierences, Peterson and Seligman (2004) have developed a hierarchy of posi-
tive psychological character strengths. The hierarchy consists of 24 specific character strengths that are seen as
0092-6566/$ - see front matter Crown copyright !2007 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Fax: +61 2 49216906.
E-mail address: (M. Bore).
Available online at
Journal of Research in Personality 42 (2008) 787–799
Author's personal copy
the psychological ingredients that make up six ‘‘virtues. These virtues are situated at a higher level of abstrac-
tion than character strengths, and are likened to constructs proposed by philosophers and religious figures
over many centuries. These six virtues and their associated character strengths are displayed in Table 1.
Peterson and Seligman (2004) analysed dierent religious, cultural and legal texts from around the world in
an attempt to achieve a universal classification for character strengths, and only included character strengths
and virtues that were found to be ubiquitous (Dahlsgaard, Peterson, & Seligman, 2005).
To measure and assess the 24 character strengths, Peterson and Seligman (2004) also developed the Virtues
In Action Scale (VIA). The VIA is a self-assessment measure of character strength requiring respondents to
rate how likely they are to participate in certain behaviours that are representative of the dierent character
strengths. It is important to note that the scale does not directly measure the six virtues they describe; these are
only linked conceptually to the character strengths by Peterson and Seligman (2004).
In addition to developing their classification system, Peterson and Seligman (2004) have also suggested how
their classification of character strengths and virtues is related to, but distinct from, already established the-
ories of values. For example, Peterson and Seligman (2004) see their classification of character strengths and
virtues as being related to Maslow’s (1973) idea of self-actualised individuals, the Five Factor Model (FFM) of
personality (McCrae & John, 1992; Costa & McCrae, 1994), Cawley’s virtue factors (Cawley, Martin, & John-
son, 2000), Buss’ evolutionary ideas about what is attractive in a mate [i.e. what character traits are essential
for survival and propagation, (Botwin, Buss, & Shackelford, 1997; Shackelford, Schmitt, & Buss, 2005)], and
Schwartz’s (1992) Universal Values.
Some research into establishing the validity of these claims has begun. Haslam, Bain, and Neal (2004)
found that both Schwartz’s (1992) Universal Values and the Five Factor Model (FFM) of personality were
conceptually linked to the 24 character strengths. However, as these constructs were defined and subsequently
measured by only one or two terms that were ranked and grouped together by participants on the basis of
conceptual likeness, more thorough research is needed before we can draw any firm conclusions.
Peterson and Seligman (2004) acknowledge that there are some clear correspondences between their
classification and the FFM. For example, Neuroticism could be seen as the conceptual opposite of Hope,
Table 1
Peterson and Seligman’s (2004) classification of character strengths and virtues
Virtue Character strengths
Wisdom and Knowledge Creativity
Love of Learning
Courage Bravery
Humanity Love
Social Intelligence
Justice Citizenship
Temperance Forgiveness and Mercy
Transcendence Appreciation of Beauty
Adapted from Table 1.1 in Peterson and Seligman (2004), pp 29–30.
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and Extroversion could be a key to Leadership (Peterson & Seligman, 2004). They also show how their clas-
sification system as a whole corresponds to the FFM, by conceptually equating a factor analysis of their 24
character strengths to the five factors, although the FFM does not account for all of their classification
(see Table 2).
It is important to note that Peterson and Seligman (2004) did not empirically correlate their value strength
factors with the five factors of the FFM but only make these links conceptually. They also acknowledge that
the five factors found in their factor analysis of the VIA do not exactly reflect their hypothesized hierarchical
classification of the six virtues. Moreover, it is also interesting to note that only 19 of the 24 character strengths
are reported, raising the question of where the other five would load. This ambiguity brings into doubt both
the hierarchical link between the 24 character strengths and six virtues and the conceptual links between the
FFM and the character strengths. The proposed relationships are further brought into doubt when one
reviews other research into character strengths and the FFM. This research suggests that some of the character
strengths are related to combinations of FFM traits and not individual traits. For instance, creative people
have been shown to be high in Openness (O) and low in Agreeableness [A (King, Walker, & Broyles,
1996)]; honest and humble people have been found to be high in Agreeableness (Ashton & Lee, 2005) and also
high in Conscientiousness [C (Paunonen, 2003)]; Brose, Rye, Lutz-Zois, and Ross (2005) found forgiveness to
be both negatively correlated with Neuroticism (N) and positively correlated with Agreeableness and some-
times Extroversion (E). Also, a meta-analysis of a number of dierent studies by Suroglou (2000) found that
religiosity was related to high A, C and (to some extent) E.
Although most of the theoretical correlates predicted by Peterson and Seligman (2004) are reflected in this
research, there are often multiple predictors present as shown in the studies above. Our research pursues this
idea by investigating which combinations of FFM traits, rather than a single trait, are best related to each of
the 24 character strengths found within Peterson and Seligman’s (2004) classification.
In consideration of the factor analysis carried out by Peterson and Seligman (2004) it is important to reit-
erate that their results did not support their theory of particular combinations of character strengths as being
represented as the higher order virtues. Consequently, this issue is also examined, with the expectation that a
factor analysis of the 24 character strengths will not produce the six virtues proposed by Peterson and Selig-
man (2004).
A further area of interest we considered was whether the VIA is eected by social desirability. Peterson and
Seligman (2004) state that the 24 character strengths are socially desirable constructs themselves and as a
result the VIA should not be aected by social desirability. We take this to mean that the VIA will not be
aected by individual dierences in socially desirable responding. Although this may be true, the opposing
argument could also be made: as the 24 character strengths are socially desirable constructs, the VIA will
be highly aected by social desirability.
To summarise, the aim of this study is to further the understanding of Peterson and Seligman’s (2004) clas-
sification of 24 character strengths by examining the relationships between the character strengths themselves
and their relationship to the Five Factor Model of personality. To achieve this, the 24 character strengths are
Table 2
Factors found in the virtues in action scale and their correlates
Character strengths contained within the factor Name given to
Reflected virtue Theoretical FFM correlate
Fairness, Humility, Mercy, Prudence Strengths of
Temperance Conscientiousness
Creativity, Curiosity, Love of Learning,
Appreciation of Beauty
Wisdom and
Kindness, Love, Leadership, Teamwork,
Humanity and
Bravery, Hope, Self-control, Zest Emotional
Courage Opposite of Neuroticism (Emotional
Gratitude, Spirituality Theological
Transcendence No FFM correlate
Constructed from information found in Peterson and Seligman (2004), pp. 632–633.
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first factor analysed with the expectation that the extracted factors will not neatly represent the six virtues pro-
posed by Peterson and Seligman (2004). The 24 character strengths will then be compared to the FFM in order
to investigate the relationships between them. It is hypothesized that there will not be a one-to-one relation-
ship between for the majority of the character strengths and the FFM personality traits. Rather it is expected
that most of the character strengths will show relationships to more than one of the FFM constructs. Follow-
ing Peterson and Seligman’s (2004) view, we expect that the VIA will not be influenced by socially desirable
2. Method
2.1. Participants
The participants for this study were 123 first year psychology students enrolled in an Australian university.
There were 28 males and 86 females, with 9 participants not indicating their gender. Ages ranged from 18 to 57
years, with a mean of 21.51 years and a standard deviation of 6.57 years. All participants volunteered to take
part in the study and were given course credit for doing so.
2.2. Materials
The materials used were question booklets containing a battery of ten psychometric tests and answer book-
lets. Four versions of the question booklets were used with the questionnaires presented in dierent orders in
each version to account for any possible order eects. The psychometric tests not relevant to the current
research will be reported elsewhere.
To measure the 24 character strengths, Peterson and Seligman’s (2004) Virtues In Action Scale (VIA) was
used. This test uses a five-point Likert scale (A = very much like me, B = like me, C = neutral, D = unlike me,
E = very much unlike me) to measure how frequently one perceives oneself as exhibiting certain behaviours.
These behaviours are representative of the 24 individual character strengths. The actual VIA scale used was a
213-item edition obtained from the IPIP web site (International Personality Item Pool, 2001). Items were com-
piled in the test booklet pseudo-randomly to ensure that items representing individual character strengths and
positively and negatively worded items were distributed evenly throughout the questionnaire. Using data
obtained from over 150,000 adult respondents completing the VIA over the Internet, the measure was found
to have acceptable internal reliability (all alphas >.7) and temporal reliability (test/retest >.7) (Peterson &
Seligman, 2004).
The measure of the Five Factor Model of Personality was Goldberg’s (1999) Big Five scale obtained from
the IPIP web site (International Personality Item Pool, 2001). This measure has 20 self-report items per scale
and participants respond using a four-point Likert scale (F = definitely false, f = false on the whole, t = true
on the whole, T = definitely true). This instrument has been found to be both a reliable and valid measure of
the FFM (see Goldberg, 1999; Goldberg et al., 2006).
The 20 item Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability scale (Strahan & Gerbasi, 1972) was also included in the
battery in order to examine and potentially account for social desirability eects. Strahan and Gerbasi
reported internal reliabilities ranging from.73 to.83 for the 20 item short-form of the scale. The scale uses a
true/false response option for each question. The scale is balance with half the items being reverse scored.
2.3. Procedure
Testing was done in multiple testing sessions. Upon entering the testing room the participants were ran-
domly given one of the four dierently ordered questionnaire booklets and its accompanying answer booklet.
Participants sat where they chose and were instructed to complete all the tests presented the question booklet
in the order they appeared. They were also told that all information recorded was confidential. All tests were
answered in a separate answer booklet using either a pen or pencil. Both booklets were collected and partic-
ipants were allowed to leave when they had finished. The time taken to complete the entire battery was
between 90 and 120 min.
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3. Results
Each questionnaire was first assessed for missing data; 18 item non-responses from the VIA scale and 17
from the FFM scale were replaced with the middle response of their corresponding Likert scale. Two VIA
respondents and one FFM scale respondent were removed for not responding correctly. Each measure was
scored and descriptive statistics and histograms were generated. These were then inspected for normality
and were all found to be within acceptable limits. T-tests were calculated between mean scores for each
FFM scale and norms derived by the second author (MB) from data collected for teaching purposes from
undergraduate psychology students (n= 565). No significant dierences were found (p> .05). VIA norms
have not been published therefore no comparison was possible. In addition, t-tests were calculated to assess
dierences in age and gender; and all tests conducted were non-significant. Order eects possibly resulting
from the dierent presentation order of the tests were also found to be non-significant.
Internal reliabilities for all the measures were then assessed via the generation of Cronbach Alpha coe-
cients. These were compared to alpha coecients reported in the literature for each of the individual measures
(see Table 3).
The alpha coecient for all 213 VIA scale items taken together (reverse scored where appropriate) was .96.
This showed that the behaviours related to the character strengths were responded to in a highly consistent
Table 3
Alpha coecients for the VIA scale, the IPIP FFM scale, and the social desirability scale compared to the expected alpha coecients
obtained from published findings
Character strength Our sample Previously reported No. items
Appreciation of Beauty .70 .77 8
Capacity for Love .68 .70 9
Citizenship/Teamwork .62 .78 9
Curiosity .83 .78 10
Equity/Fairness .80 .70 9
Forgiveness/Mercy .85 .76 9
Gratitude .76 .79 8
Hope/Optimism .58 .73 8
Humor/Playfulness .86 .84 9
Industry/Perseverance/Persistence .83 .81 8
Integrity/Honesty/Authenticity .56 .72 9
Judgment/Open-mindedness .80 .80 9
Kindness/Generosity .75 .72 10
Leadership .43 .77 7
Love of Learning .74 .77 10
Modesty/Humility .68 .70 9
Originality/Creativity .83 .85 8
Perspective/Wisdom .76 .75 9
Prudence .57 .73 9
Self-regulation/Self-control .68 .75 11
Social/Personal/Emotional Intel .75 .76 7
Spirituality/Religiousness .89 .91 7
Valor/Bravery/Courage .61 .75 10
Zest/Enthusiasm/Vitality .80 .78 9
Total character strength .96 n.a 213
IPIP Big 5
Agreeableness .88 .91 20
Conscientiousness .90 .88 20
Extroversion .92 .88 20
Neuroticism .91 .91 20
Openness .87 .90 20
Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability .74 .73 to .83 20
Notes: For published alpha reliabilities see: VIA, Peterson and Seligman (2004); IPIP Big 5, Goldberg et al. (2006); Marlowe-Crowne
Social Desirability, Strahan and Gerbasi (1972).
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fashion regardless of the separate scales with which they are theoretically associated. This overall measure was
included in subsequent analyses as a variable called Total Character Strength.
A second order factor analysis of the 24 character strengths derived from the VIA scale was then carried out
using a Principle Components analysis with a Varimax rotation. An initial extraction revealed five compo-
nents with an eigenvalue >1, however, the scree plot (shown in Fig. 1) indicated that three components might
also yield a simple solution.
The loadings of the character strengths in the five factor solution were not easily interpretable and many
high cross-loadings between the factors were evident. This was also observed when using an oblique (Direct
Oblimin) rotation. A four factor solution was then generated (see Table 4) and found to be more interpretable.
The four factors were tentatively labeled Positivity, Intellect, Conscientiousness and Niceness. The only nota-
ble reduction in communality between the five and four factor solutions was with the variable of Spirituality/
Religiosity. This four factor structure also had the clearest pattern of correlations with the FFM constructs
(see Table 4).
Social Desirability scores were correlated with each of the VIA character strength scores and the five factor
scores (also shown in Table 4). The correlations indicated that the factors were dierentially related to Social
Desirability. Factors 2 and 3 (Intellect and Conscientiousness) were not significantly related to Social Desir-
ability scores, however, Factor 1 (Positivity) was weakly and positively related to Social Desirability and Fac-
tor 3 (Niceness) moderately positively related. The correlations between Social Desirability and each of the 24
character strengths reflect this pattern, with the six character strengths that loaded on Factor 4 (Niceness) all
correlating significantly with Social Desirability.
The two and three factor solutions were also run but were found to produce pronounced high cross-load-
ings and disjointed relationships to the FFM scales. Therefore these solutions were not considered further. A
single component solution was produced on which all the character strengths except Modesty and Prudence
loaded strongly (Table 5). However, eight variables showed very low communalities (<.3) and are therefore
not well represented by this solution.
Given the significant correlations between Social Desirability and several of the VIA character strength
scores, the data was reanalysed after ‘centering’ the 24 character strength scores for each participant. This
was done by dividing each character strength score by the number of items that made up each score, calcu-
lating the mean score for each participant across all 24 character strengths and then subtracting this mean
from each participant’s score for each character strength. The eect of centering is to remove the influence
of mean response set dierences between participants (but not individual variability); in this case, individual
dierences in the tendency to agree more strongly with socially desirable items.
Fig. 1. Scree plot for the 24 character strength raw scores.
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A second order Principle Components factor analysis of the centered scores of the 24 character strengths
derived from the VIA scale was conducted. The initial extraction revealed nine factors with an eigenvalue >1
(see Fig. 2). Several solutions were examined, but none were clearly interpretable. Given the elbow in the Scree
Plot at factor 6 a five factor solution is presented here as an example (see Table 6). We could arrive at no
meaningful interpretation of this factor structure, particularly with regard to some of the negative loadings
observed. The correlations observed between social desirability and each of the centred character strength
scores appeared to be systematically reduced compared to the same correlations with character strength
raw scores reported above. Thus, the technique of centering reduced but did not eliminate the influence of
social desirability.
Stepwise regression analyses were conducted with the FFM traits and social desirability as predictor vari-
ables and the raw and the centralised character strength scores as criterion variables. After adjustment to
account for family-wise error a working significance level of p6.01 was used. Only values for the constructs
that had a pvalue 601 are presented in the results of this analysis (see Table 7).
Table 4
Varimax rotated four factor solution of 24 character strength scores and correlations with social desirability and Big 5 scores
Variable Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Communality SocDes correlation
Citizenship/Teamwork .78 .64 .13
Capacity for Love .74 .58 .19
Hope/Optimism .73 .68 .26
Humor/Playfulness .63 !.43 .60 .18
Zest/Enthusiasm/Vitality .62 !.40 !.48 .77 .28
Leadership .50 !.44 .38 .58 .15
Originality/Creativity !.78 .69 .02
Appreciation of Beauty !.72 .55 .15
Curiosity .49 !.61 .69 .32
Love of Learning !.60 !.43 .61 .15
Social/Personal/Emotional Intel .55 !.58 .67 .23
Perspective/Wisdom .35 !.53 !.47 .65 .12
Valor/Bravery/Courage .42 !.44 .46 .22
Self-regulation/Self-control !.75 .62 .12
Industry/Perseverance/Persist !.73 .66 .17
Judgment/Open-mindedness !.59 .34 .58 !.05
Integrity/Honesty/Authenticity !.58 .39 .57 .33
Prudence !.53 .50 .60 .16
Modesty/Humility .75 .72 .28
Equity/Fairness .36 !.31 .64 .68 .53
Kindness/Generosity .35 .64 .65 .45
Forgiveness/Mercy .35 .62 .53 .55
Spirituality/Religiousness .50 .34 .25
Gratitude .42 !.41 .45 .59 .29
Proportion of Variance .19 .16 .13 .13 .61
Factor correlations
Social Desirability .24
!.04 !.06 .46
Agreeableness .20
!.08 .14 .57
Conscientiousness .12 .14 .71
.15 .18
Extraversion .71
!.06 !.10 .20
Neuroticism !.50
!.17 !.12 !.30 !.27
Openness .03 .68
.11 .04 .16
Notes: Loadings <.3 not shown. SocDes = Social Desirability.
For correlations: "p< .05; ""p< .01; """p< .001.
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Table 5
One factor solution of 24 character strength scores and correlations with social desirability and Big 5 scores
Character strength Factor 1 Communality
Zest/Enthusiasm/Vitality .81 .65
Curiosity .79 .63
Perspective/Wisdom .76 .57
Social/Personal/Emotional Intelligence .75 .56
Gratitude .74 .55
Hope/Optimism .74 .54
Equity/Fairness .72 .52
Kindness/Generosity .70 .49
Humor/Playfulness .68 .46
Leadership .68 .46
Industry/Perseverance/Persistence .63 .39
Integrity/Honesty/Authenticity .63 .39
Valor/Bravery/Courage .63 .39
Capacity for Love .57 .32
Citizenship/Teamwork .57 .33
Originality/Creativity .56 .31
Love of Learning .54 .29
Forgiveness/Mercy .53 .28
Appreciation of Beauty .52 .27
Self-regulation/Self-control .49 .24
Judgment/Open-mindedness .45 .20
Spirituality/Religiousness .39 .16
Prudence .24 .06
Modesty/Humility .19 .04
Proportion of Variance .38 .38
Factor correlations
Social Desirability .37
Agreeableness .37
Conscientiousness .52
Extroversion .51
Neuroticism !.45
Openness .45
Notes: For correlations "p< .05; ""p< .01; """p< .001.
Fig. 2. Scree plot for the 24 character strengths centred scores.
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The results of this analysis found that no consistent pattern of predictors was evident. For example, in the
raw score analysis, Neuroticism was only predictive of Hope/Optimism and Valour/Bravery/Courage while
Spirituality/Religiosity was only weakly predicted by Agreeableness. Social Desirability was found to be a sig-
nificant predictor of just 3 of the 24 character traits. Conducting the stepwise regression analysis on the char-
acter strength centred scores did produce somewhat dierent predictor patterns but no consistency in the
pattern of predictors was apparent.
4. Discussion
As hypothesised, the results of a second order Principal Components factor analysis of the 24 character
strengths were not consistent with Peterson and Seligman’s (2004) theory of how they relate to the six virtues.
For their theory to have been supported the 24 character strengths needed to have produced a clean six com-
ponent solution, whereas only five components with eigenvalues greater than one were found. At first glance
the five component solution appears to be similar to the five factor solution obtained by Peterson and Selig-
man (2004), but it is apparent on closer inspection that they are made up of dierent clusters of character
Table 6
Varimax rotated four component solution of centred scores and correlations with social desirability and Big 5 scores
Variable Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Communality SocDes correlation
Curiosity .75 .65 .12
Prudence !.70 !.36 .64 .09
Zest/Enthusiasm/Vitality .67 .31 !.32 .67 .08
Modesty/Humility !.59 !.47 !.30 .66 .03
Judgment/Open-mindedness !.59 .32 .54 !.32
Hope/Optimism .55 !.41 .50 .01
Forgiveness/Mercy !.72 .54 .44
Equity/Fairness !.72 .54 .43
Kindness/Generosity !.55 .38 .27
Perspective/Wisdom .47 .30 !.20
Social/Personal/Emotional Intel .62 .47 !.04
Leadership .58 !.31 .53 !.21
Self-regulation/Self-control !.57 .46 !.13
Industry/Perseverance/Persist .43 !.56 .51 !.04
Humor/Playfulness .51 !.30 .48 !.04
Originality/Creativity .36 .44 .35 !.40 .67 !.21
Citizenship/Teamwork !.75 .59 !.17
Love of Learning .66 .47 !.10
Capacity for Love !.63 .43 !.06
Appreciation of Beauty .30 .39 .34 !.06
Gratitude .70 .55 .09
Spirituality/Religiousness .69 .50 .12
Integrity/Honesty/Authenticity !.34 !.42 .42 .05
Valor/Bravery/Courage !.38 .21 !.07
Proportion Of Variance .12 .11 .10 .10 .07 .50
Factor Correlations
Social Desirability .25
!.09 .06 .14
Agreeableness .16 !.57
.04 .11
Conscientiousness .10 .18
.17 .06
Extroversion .49
.14 .28
Neuroticism !.49
.04 .04 .13 .07
Openness .31
.09 .24
Notes: Loadings <.3 not shown. SocDes = Social Desirability.
For correlations: "p< .05; ""p< .01; """p< .001.
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strengths (compare Table 2 with Table 4). Furthermore, none of the clusters of character strengths contained
within the components were completely representative of the clusters needed to make up any of the six virtues,
thus providing additional evidence against Peterson and Seligman’s (2004) theoretical relationships.
Many of the VIA character strengths loaded strongly on multiple components making interpretability ques-
tionable. Similar problems of cross-loading may have been the reason that Peterson and Seligman (2004) orig-
inally left out five of the character strengths when reporting the results of their factor analysis. Even so, they
must have found cross-loadings dierent to those contained in our component solution, because many of the
character strengths remaining in Peterson and Seligman’s (2004) solution showed cross-loadings in ours.
In an attempt to find a solution that was representative of independent higher order constructs, two, three
and four component solutions of the 24 character strengths were produced. Each of these solutions also had
multiple character strengths cross-loading on dierent factors. The two and three factor solutions were unin-
terpretable, whereas the four-factor solution made conceptual sense and is discussed below. An oblique rota-
tion was also carried out to allow the factors to correlate more strongly with each other, but the results did not
dramatically enhance the interpretability of the solution.
Lastly a single component solution was generated. Only two character strengths did not load strongly: Pru-
dence and Modesty. Several others were also poorly represented, as indicated by the squared loadings. How-
Table 7
Stepwise regression analysis with FFM scales and social desirability as predictor variables of raw and centred character strength scores
Character strength Proportion of raw score accounted for Proportion of centred score accounted for
A C E N O Soc
A C E N O Soc
Appreciation of Beauty — — — — 27.6
— 4.41
— — — 10.1
Capacity for Love 24.97
— — — 8.01
— 4.79
Citizenship/Teamwork — 34.7
— — — 7.53
— 13.59
Curiosity — 5.06
— 11.28
— — — — 5.62
Equity/Fairness 30.46
— — — — 5.52
— — 5.17
— 3.79
Forgiveness/Mercy 44.89
— — — — 2.66
Gratitude — 11.24
Hope/Optimism — — 3.21
— — — — — 18.18
Humour/Playfulness — 34.73
— 4.22
— — 8.22
— 58.67
— — — — — 37.66
— 3.7
— 17.28
— — — 6.44
— — 5.28
— 22.83
— 4.58
— — 6.82
— — 7.11
Kindness/Generosity 20.67
— 3.79
— — — 6.98
— — 7.34
Leadership — — 19.75
— — — 6.95
Love of Learning 9.22
— — 25.67
— — 12.04
— 8.01
Modesty/Humility 22.85
— 17.79
— — — 11.39
— 32.12
— 6.35
Originality/Creativity 34.2
— — — — — 10.97
— — — 17.8
Perspective/Wisdom — 21.82
— — 13.5
— 7.13
— — — 5.07
Prudence — 18.8
— — — 4.72
Self-control — 29.02
— — — — 5.82
Emotional Intel
— — 32.9
— 6.46
— — 15.46
— — — 16.59
— 6.96
— — 6.77
— 25.99
— — — 5.37
Total Character
— 29.56
— 12.08
Note: ""p< .001, "p6.01.
796 C. Macdonald et al. / Journal of Research in Personality 42 (2008) 787–799
Author's personal copy
ever, the idea that the character strengths are best represented by one overarching factor was further sup-
ported by the very high Cronbach Alpha coecient of .96 that was obtained for the Total Character Strength
score. Although this variable is not the one suggested for the VIA scale by Peterson and Seligman (2004), it
may provide a useful addition to a theory of character.
In order to further investigate the VIA structure we centered the data and again conducted factor analyses.
None of the resulting factor solutions were supportive of the proposed relationship between the 24 character
strengths and the six virtues. Therefore, regardless of which factor solution might be considered most appro-
priate from these results, none of them supports at the next level of abstraction the six virtues as proposed by
Peterson and Seligman (2004). But that does not mean that these six virtues are meaningless. Like the 24 char-
acter strengths, they were originally found ubiquitously in cross-cultural and cross-generational literature. The
interpretation of the virtues as higher order representations of a large number of character strengths was
purely theoretical. The results of the factor analyses within this study, and even the results of Peterson and
Seligman’s (2004) own factor analyses, reveals that their theory does not hold up under empirical investiga-
tion. The question now open for consideration is what to do with the six virtues Peterson and Seligman
(2004) found to be ubiquitous in various forms of literature. Potentially the six virtues could be better dealt
with as a stand-alone classification with a separate instrument needing to be developed to measure them, or
simply treated as additional character strengths themselves that could be added to Peterson and Seligman’s
classification of character strengths.
Another question raised by the factor analyses is how to interpret the overarching factor that was found in
the raw data factor structure but not found (or minimized) in the centered scores factor structure. Centering
the data appeared to removed the influence of the large first factor. This then raises the question of what this
factor was representing. Centering is generally thought to remove the influence of socially desirable respond-
ing. However, one suggestion we make here is that social desirability in this instance is itself a character
strength (rather than a response set) with anti-social tendencies being its antithesis. As such, it would seem
inappropriate to remove a critical aspect of the construct the VIA sets out to measure.
The most simple interpretation might be that this factor is representing some sort of ‘‘goodnessas a
whole, thus raising the question of whether a person possessing large amounts of one character strength is
also likely to possess large amounts of multiple character strengths. Another interpretation may be that
because these character strengths are measured via self-assessment they might be subject to self-enhancing
halo eects. Therefore, self-perception of one’s overall character might be what is being measured by this
The correlations between the Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability scores and the character strengths and
factor scores partly support these suggestions. However, Social Desirability was found to be significantly
related to some character strengths but not all character strengths. This clearly does not support Peterson
and Seligman’s (2004) assertion that the VIA is free of social desirability eects because all the items of the
VIA are socially desirable. Rather the dierential relationships observed suggest that some character strengths
are more socially desirable than others. Perhaps not surprisingly all the character traits that loaded on the fac-
tor of Niceness were all significantly related to social desirability scores.
A further complication is that centering the character strength scores reduced but did not remove the influ-
ence of social desirability. This finding, together with the dierential relationships between social desirability
scores and the character strengths and factor scores, and the presence of a possible single overriding factor,
strongly suggest that research into the predictive validity of the VIA is required. Findings from such research
might be able to indicate which scores are predictive of positive behaviour: raw character strength scores, cen-
tered scores or scores with social desirability partialed out.
Within considering various factor analyses of the VIA it is important not to lose sight of the individual
character strengths. Given that the majority of the 24 constructs had alpha coecients over .6 (as shown in
Table 3) and that they are all highly recognized constructs within society, one should not ignore them as indi-
vidual constructs. The only character strength with very low internal consistency was Leadership. The reason
for this may have been the young age of the majority of participants and their lack of opportunities to exhibit
leadership. Prudence, Integrity and Hope also had reliabilities of less than .60. One may argue, for example,
that Prudence is not a concept that is familiar to the current generation of younger people. This leads to the
suggestion that the cultural context of character needs to be considered.
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Author's personal copy
As hypothesised, some of the predictors of the character strengths consisted of more than one FFM con-
struct, which brings into doubt Peterson and Seligman’s (2004) idea that each character strength should be
represented by one FFM construct. Furthermore, some FFM scales were only weakly related to the character
strengths. In particular, Neuroticism was only predictive (negatively) of Hope/Optimism and Valour/Bravery/
Courage. A similar trend was seen with the regressions conducted on the centralized data. Within this, some
dierences in predictors were seen between the two analyses although the stronger predictors remained con-
stant between the two data sets. Moreover, changes between the data sets did not show any consistent pattern,
with some FFM traits increasing in predictiveness when moving from the original to the centralized data sets,
whereas others decreased. A better understanding of what latent construct is being removed when centering
the data is needed before this can be discussed further. What is evident from both of these data sets is that
as hypothesized, for a majority of the character strengths there was more than one FFM predictor.
None of the factor analyses were entirely ‘clean’ in terms of cross-loadings. The cross-loadings suggest that
such character strengths might be positioned in factor space between two orthogonal factors or between two
(or more) of the FFM traits as suggested in the AB5C personality model (Hofstee, de Raad, & Goldberg,
1992). Other strengths, such as spirituality, might be related to a sixth ‘big trait’ (e.g., see Piedmont,
Another way of relating the FFM to character strength is to look at how the FFM relates to the fac-
tors obtained in each solution attempted. When this was done with the four factor solution of the character
strength scores (not centered) one could tentatively interpret the factors as representing higher traits such as
Positivity, Intellect, Conscientiousness and Niceness. The first component was positively correlated with
Extroversion and negatively with Neuroticism, with the character strengths reflecting the idea of being positive
(or engaged) and active in life (and the workplace). The second component reflects character strengths mainly
related to the activity of the mind (except Valour/Bravery/Courage) and was positively correlated with Open-
ness. The third component was highly positively correlated with Conscientiousness and reflected self-regula-
tion of one’s attitudes and actions. The fourth component (Niceness) was highly positively correlated with
Agreeableness and the individual character strengths are all related to interaction between individuals.
A limitation of our research was the small sample size. It would be interesting to see how the 213 individual
items of the VIA scale factored together as opposed to the 24 character strengths analysed here. To do this,
over 1000 participants would be needed to allow for at least five participants per item. From this analysis one
could further investigate the influence of the overarching factor. Furthermore it is important that relationships
between the VIA and other psychological constructs continue to be investigated in order to elaborate the con-
struct validity of the character strengths themselves. Peer ratings of character strength could also be used in
future research to provide some validation for the VIA. In our study, both a single factor and a four factor
solution of the non-centered VIA character strength scores were most interpretable perhaps suggesting that
the latter represents the influence of the Big 5 on character strengths whereas the former may represent some
other global influence.
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... Results highlight potential inconsistencies that merit attention. According to these studies, solutions with three factors (Brdar & Kashdan, 2010;Duan & Bu, 2017;Shryack et al., 2010), four factors (Macdonald et al., 2008;McGrath, 2015;McGrath & Walker, 2016;Park & Peterson, 2006;Shryack et al., 2010), five factors (Azañedo et al., 2021;McGrath, 2015;Park & Peterson, 2006;Peterson et al., 2008;Ruch et al., 2010), six factors (Furnham & Lester, 2012;Leontopoulou & Triliva, 2012;Ng et al., 2017;Ruch & Proyer, 2015;Ruch et al., 2010), and seven factors (Furnham & Lester, 2012) are equally possible. ...
... In summary, the results of the EFA differed from the theoretical expectations (Peterson & Seligman, 2004). However, the EFA corroborated other empirical studies (Dahlsgaard, 2005;Macdonald et al., 2008;McGrath, 2015;McGrath & Walker, 2016;Park & Peterson, 2006;Brdar & Kashdan, 2010;Shryack et al., 2010), which, like ours, also revealed a fourfactor structure to be the best fit (see Table 3, row 2). ...
Introduction: Several studies have shown the inconsistent factorial structures of the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths between cultures. Aims: This paper describes an adapted Hungarian version of the 24-item Values in Action Inventory of Strengths for adults. Methods: Participants in three online self-report questionnaire-based crosssectional studies (Sn = 10,911) filled in the 24-item Values in Action Inventory of Strengths, the Global Well-being Scale, Huppert’s and Diener’s Flourishing Scales, and the Positivity Scale. Results: The exploratory factor analyses provided evidence for four factors: Wisdom and Knowledge; Humanity; Temperance; and Spirituality and Transcendence. The scales showed excellent internal consistency values in each study. The confirmatory factor analyses of the subsamples also showed a good fit. Low discriminant but excellent content validity was proved. Participants rated themselves highest on Humanity and lowest on Temperance. Women reported significantly higher values on both the Humanity and the Spirituality and Transcendence virtue scales than did men. The Wisdom and Knowledge virtue showed a positive correlation with education level. Among those living alone, Humanity was significantly lower, while the level of Humanity among married people stood significantly higher than in any other group. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the Hungarian version of the 24-item Values in Action Inventory of Strengths for adults serves as a suitable measure for assessing character strengths and virtues.
... Research indicates that endorsing these 24 character strengths is associated with higher levels of thriving, including subjective, social, and psychological wellbeing [19][20][21][22]. Peterson and Seligman (2004) proposed that their classification of the 24 character strengths and virtues is related to the five-factor model (FFM) of personality [23,24], a connection supported by research [25]. However, fewer research efforts have been directed toward studies investigating the role of these strengths in the second half of life [17]. ...
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Objectives: Aging may challenge life and even affect individuals’ wellbeing and flourishing. This includes the challenges of diminished social connections and the experience of solitude in later life while seeking to leverage personal strengths. The current study examines two important personal resources, i.e., the skill of positive solitude and the 24 character strengths, which may be associated with flourishing in old age. Methods: A convenience sample of 1085 community-dwelling adults (M = 57.20, SD = 6.24, range = 50–87) completed an online survey with demographic measures and scales measuring personal strengths, the skill of positive solitude, and flourishing. Results: As hypothesized, the 24 character strengths and positive solitude were each associated with flourishing, and positive solitude moderated the relationships between the 24 character strengths and flourishing. The relationship between the 24 character strengths and flourishing was stronger among participants with lower levels of positive solitude. Conclusions: These findings highlight the way in which, despite the decrease in social relations which often characterizes old age, the skill of positive solitude serves as a valuable resource for flourishing in the later stages of life.
... • Example: Macdonald, Bore, and Munro (2008) analysis, and genomics. These advancements promise to revolutionize how personality is studied and applied across various domains, from human resources and education to clinical psychology and marketing. ...
The Big Five Trait Theory stands out for its empirical robustness, practical applications, and cross-cultural relevance. This book aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the Big Five Trait Theory, delving into its foundations, empirical evidence, applications, and implications. The journey of writing this book has been both intellectually stimulating and profoundly enlightening. It began with a deep curiosity about the underpinnings of human behavior and an appreciation for the diverse approaches to studying personality. As the research unfolded, the Big Five Trait Theory emerged as a particularly compelling framework, offering insights not only into individual differences but also into the broader patterns that characterize human personality across various contexts and cultures. This book is structured to cater to a wide audience, including students, researchers, educators, clinicians, and anyone interested in the science of personality. Part I lays the theoretical groundwork, tracing the historical development of the Big Five and detailing each of the five major traits. Part II presents the wealth of empirical research supporting the theory, highlighting studies from diverse cultural and methodological backgrounds. Part III focuses on the practical applications of the Big Five in areas such as workplace dynamics, education, and interpersonal relationships. Part IV expands on the broader implications of the theory for health, well-being, and societal functioning. Finally, Part V addresses advances, criticisms, and future directions in personality research. The writing of this book has benefited greatly from the contributions of many individuals. I am deeply grateful to my colleagues and mentors for their invaluable insights and feedback, which have significantly enriched the content and scope of this work. Special thanks go to Miss Kavita Roy and the faculty of the Etech Research Association (US) for their guidance and support. I also wish to acknowledge the inspiration drawn from the pioneering work of researchers in the field of personality psychology, whose dedication and scholarship have laid the foundation for this book. In creating this comprehensive resource on the Big Five Trait Theory, my hope is to provide readers with a thorough understanding of this influential model, inspiring further inquiry and application in both academic and practical realms. Personality traits profoundly influence our lives, shaping our actions, relationships, and overall well-being. By understanding these traits, we can better appreciate the complexities of human behavior and foster environments that promote personal growth and harmony. I invite you to explore the following chapters with an open mind and a critical eye, as we embark on this journey through the fascinating landscape of personality psychology. May this book serve as a valuable resource and a catalyst for continued exploration and discovery in the field of personality research.
... Using an Australian sample, a second-order factor analysis of the 24 character strengths produced both a one and four-factor solution (Macdonald et al., 2008). Using EFA, a five-factor solution was a more comprehensive and better representative of the resultant factor loadings upon analyzing the data in India (Singh & Choubisa, 2010). ...
NEW PUBLICATION بفضل الله ومعاونه الأخ الأستاذ الفاضل الدكتور وليد مسعود تم نشر عمل علمى مشترك بمعاونة مجموعه متميزه من الأساتذه بعدد من الدول العربيه تحياتى View of Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths Reduced Set for Nine Arab Countries
... For strengths it can be attributed to few numbers of them. However, it has to be noticed that even English original format of Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) was psychometrically questioned insome studies (18). ...
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This study aimed to examine the relation of being student at an Iranian university and changes of character strengths; also, the relation of character strengths and academic performance. 374 university students completed a 48-items form of the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths and also 13-items Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale. After statistical control of social desirability, character strengths of students in different years of education and different fields have not considerable differences. However, preservation and teamwork could predict students' academic performance. The findings indicated although the probable effects of character strengths on academic performance, higher education in Iran cannot promote character strengths.
... It has been shown that the character strengths correspond to the five factors of personality. For example, it has been shown that intellectual strength corresponds to openness, temperance strength to conscientiousness, and interpersonal strength to agreeableness (Macdonald et al., 2008). Thus (4a), it was hypothesized that correlation between the interpersonal strength of the BSS-12 and agreeableness on the five-factor model would be stronger than the correlation existing between the interpersonal strength of the BSS-12 and the other factors of the five-factor model. ...
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The goal of this study was to examine the factorial structure, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, criterion validity, convergent validity, and discriminant validity of the Brief Strengths Scale-12 (BSS-12) in Korean population. The Korean sample comprised 288 college students (68.1% were female), ranging in age 19 to 30 years (mean age = 21.65 years, SD = 1.98). Results showed that a three-factor model with exploratory structural equation modeling provided a better model fit than the other competing models. Indices of internal consistency reliability, criterion validity, convergent validity, and discriminant validity of the BSS-12 were acceptable. These results suggest that the BSS-12 can be used as an effective tool for measuring character strengths in Korean population.
... Así, en el primer análisis factorial de la validez de constructo de las puntuaciones obtenidas por el inventario VIA-IS, no se corroboró una estructura de seis factores, sino que se encontraron cinco factores que conformaron las categorías de fortalezas de restricción, intelectuales, interpersonales, emocionales y teológicas . Y análisis posteriores arrojaron taxonomías con diferente número de factores (Brdar & Kashdan, 2010;Macdonald et al., 2008;Martínez-Martí et al., 2020;Partsch et al., 2022;Shryack et al., 2010;Singh & Choubisa, 2010), que podrían corresponder a diferentes miradas dentro de un modelo 3D circunflejo de fortalezas de carácter (Stahlmann et al., 2023). Ruch y Proyer (2015) propusieron el reajuste de la clasificación de seis conjuntos de virtudes para comprender mejor las relaciones entre las distintas fortalezas y su marco conceptual, y de este modo, evaluar si es posible que el entrenamiento dirigido a una determinada fortaleza, afecta la expresión de otras fortalezas. ...
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La evidencia actual respecto a la efectividad de las intervenciones basadas en las fortalezas de carácter apunta a señalar el gran potencial que poseen para fomentar el bienestar y reducir la sintomatología depresiva. Sin embargo, aún existen cuestionamientos que es necesario abordar para desarrollar la investigación en curso acerca de este tema. En esta revisión narrativa se evalúan algunos aspectos que pueden orientar esta indagación científica, tales como el papel que tienen las intervenciones personalizadas y sus diferencias con las intervenciones genéricas, las fortalezas correlacionadas con el bienestar, las fortalezas distintivas y los contextos en los que se puede justificar dicho estudio. Se concluye que, pese a las contribuciones al fomento del bienestar a partir de la implementación de este tipo de intervenciones, las evidencias sobre su efectividad aún tienen algunas aristas por explorar que permitirán una mejoría en los efectos obtenidos, tales como los mecanismos y aportaciones que cada una de las fortalezas otorga a otros aspectos del bienestar y al funcionamiento psicológico en diferentes áreas de la vida.
The present study aimed to examine the relation between resilience and posttraumatic growth among young Ukrainian refugees. The sample comprised 102 Ukrainian students who fled the war in their country and found shelter in Romania. They were enrolled in Romanian universities. They filled out self-reported scales measuring resilience, posttraumatic growth, and hope two years after the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine started. Results indicated positive associations between resilience, posttraumatic growth, and hope. The link between resilience and posttraumatic growth was fully mediated by hope. We discuss these findings considering their practical implications for fostering the well-being of vulnerable youth, such as Ukrainian refugees.
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Objectives: Aging may challenge life and even affect individuals' well-being and flourishing. This includes challenges of shrinking social relations and being by yourself in old age while using your personal strengths. The current study examines two important personal resources, i.e., the skill of positive solitude and the 24 character-strengths, that may be associated with flourishing in old age. Methods: A convenience sample of 1085 community-dwelling adults (M = 57.20, SD = 6.24, range = 50-87), completed an online self-report survey with demographic measures and scales measuring personal strengths, the skill of positive solitude, and flourishing. Results: As hypothesized, the 24 character-strengths and positive solitude, were each associated with flourishing, and positive solitude moderated the relationships between the 24 character-strengths and flourishing. The 24 character-strengths and flourishing relationship was stronger among participants with lower levels of positive solitude. Conclusion: These findings highlight that despite the decrease in social relations which often characterizes old age, the skill of positive solitude serves as a valuable resource for flourishing in the later stages of life.
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This study reports on the development of the Spiritual Transcendence Scale, a measure designed to capture aspects of the individual that are independent of the qualities contained in the Five-Factor Model of Personality (FFM). Using 2 separate samples of undergraduate students including both self-report ( Ns = 379 and 356) and observer data ( N = 279), it was shown that Spiritual Transcendence: (a) was independent of measures of the FFM; (b) evidenced good cross-observer convergence; and (c) predicted a wide range of psychologically salient outcomes, even after controlling for the predictive effects of personality. Given the long theoretical pedigree of Transcendence in the psychological literature, it was argued that Spiritual Transcendence represents a broad-based motivational domain of comparable breadth to those constructs contained in the FFM and ought to be considered a potential sixth major dimension of personality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Most UK medical schools use aptitude tests during student selection, but large-scale studies of predictive validity are rare. This study assesses the United Kingdom Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT), and its four sub-scales, along with measures of educational attainment, individual and contextual socio-economic background factors, as predictors of performance in the first year of medical school training. A prospective study of 4,811 students in 12 UK medical schools taking the UKCAT from 2006 to 2008 as a part of the medical school application, for whom first year medical school examination results were available in 2008 to 2010. UKCAT scores and educational attainment measures (General Certificate of Education (GCE): A-levels, and so on; or Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA): Scottish Highers, and so on) were significant predictors of outcome. UKCAT predicted outcome better in female students than male students, and better in mature than non-mature students. Incremental validity of UKCAT taking educational attainment into account was significant, but small. Medical school performance was also affected by sex (male students performing less well), ethnicity (non-White students performing less well), and a contextual measure of secondary schooling, students from secondary schools with greater average attainment at A-level (irrespective of public or private sector) performing less well. Multilevel modeling showed no differences between medical schools in predictive ability of the various measures. UKCAT sub-scales predicted similarly, except that Verbal Reasoning correlated positively with performance on Theory examinations, but negatively with Skills assessments. This collaborative study in 12 medical schools shows the power of large-scale studies of medical education for answering previously unanswerable but important questions about medical student selection, education and training. UKCAT has predictive validity as a predictor of medical school outcome, particularly in mature applicants to medical school. UKCAT offers small but significant incremental validity which is operationally valuable where medical schools are making selection decisions based on incomplete measures of educational attainment. The study confirms the validity of using all the existing measures of educational attainment in full at the time of selection decision-making. Contextual measures provide little additional predictive value, except that students from high attaining secondary schools perform less well, an effect previously shown for UK universities in general.
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Measures used for medical student selection should predict future performance during training. A problem for any selection study is that predictor-outcome correlations are known only in those who have been selected, whereas selectors need to know how measures would predict in the entire pool of applicants. That problem of interpretation can be solved by calculating construct-level predictive validity, an estimate of true predictor-outcome correlation across the range of applicant abilities. Construct-level predictive validities were calculated in six cohort studies of medical student selection and training (student entry, 1972 to 2009) for a range of predictors, including A-levels, General Certificates of Secondary Education (GCSEs)/O-levels, and aptitude tests (AH5 and UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT)). Outcomes included undergraduate basic medical science and finals assessments, as well as postgraduate measures of Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom (MRCP(UK)) performance and entry in the Specialist Register. Construct-level predictive validity was calculated with the method of Hunter, Schmidt and Le (2006), adapted to correct for right-censorship of examination results due to grade inflation. Meta-regression analyzed 57 separate predictor-outcome correlations (POCs) and construct-level predictive validities (CLPVs). Mean CLPVs are substantially higher (.450) than mean POCs (.171). Mean CLPVs for first-year examinations, were high for A-levels (.809; CI: .501 to .935), and lower for GCSEs/O-levels (.332; CI: .024 to .583) and UKCAT (mean = .245; CI: .207 to .276). A-levels had higher CLPVs for all undergraduate and postgraduate assessments than did GCSEs/O-levels and intellectual aptitude tests. CLPVs of educational attainment measures decline somewhat during training, but continue to predict postgraduate performance. Intellectual aptitude tests have lower CLPVs than A-levels or GCSEs/O-levels. Educational attainment has strong CLPVs for undergraduate and postgraduate performance, accounting for perhaps 65% of true variance in first year performance. Such CLPVs justify the use of educational attainment measure in selection, but also raise a key theoretical question concerning the remaining 35% of variance (and measurement error, range restriction and right-censorship have been taken into account). Just as in astrophysics, 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' are posited to balance various theoretical equations, so medical student selection must also have its 'dark variance', whose nature is not yet properly characterized, but explains a third of the variation in performance during training. Some variance probably relates to factors which are unpredictable at selection, such as illness or other life events, but some is probably also associated with factors such as personality, motivation or study skills.
Industry has seen massive changes in the field of management and employee labor relations during the past century -from a period of strikes and confrontation to the evolution of labor law that includes workers' rights and safety considerations. To meet the challenges for continued performance improvement, leaders seek further improvement in management of employee relations and commitment. With the evolution of positive psychology, enlightened leaders are seeking a better understanding of what positive mindsets can have on the organization and a better understanding of motivation.
Comments on W. J. Camara and D. L. Schneider's (see record 1994-23870-001) summary of reports on integrity tests (ITs). It is argued that the construct of honesty or integrity remains vague and ill-defined. Evidence for the criterion validation of ITs is not very compelling. It seems unlikely that the present applications of ITs will ever meet established American Psychological Association ethical standards.
In this article, we seek to summarize current practice concerning situational judgment tests in personnel selection. We begin by describing the manner in which situational judgment tests are developed and examining the diverse ways in which situational items are presented and scored. We then offer speculation concerning constructs assessed by situational judgment tests as well as discuss the legal aspect of situational judgment measures. We also review meta-analytic evidence concerning the construct validity of situational judgment tests and offer several new meta-analytic findings. Situational judgment tests are shown to be typically correlated moderately with general mental ability. Their primary personality correlates are emotional stability, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. Situational test scores also tend to increase with increasing years of job experience. The article concludes with a list of areas that need addressed in future research.
Recent lexical studies of personality structure suggest that there are 6, not just 5, basic dimensions of human personality variation. The most distinguishing feature of this new 6-dimensional Structure, known as the HEXACO model, is the addition of a new factor named Honesty-Humility. We demonstrate that this new dimension has important implications in personnel psychology. Specifically, the HEXACO model substantially outperformed the Five-factor model (FFM) in predicting workplace delinquency based on samples obtained in 3 different countries, namely, Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands. In addition, the HEXACO model substantially outperformed the FFM in predicting scores on an overt integrity test, due to the inclusion of the Honesty-Humility dimension.