Introduction Regular, moderate consumption of red wine is linked to a reduced risk of coronary heart disease and to lower overall mortality, but the relative contribution of wine's alcohol and polyphenol components to these effects is unclear. The aim of our study was to assess whether there is an association between daily red wine intake and sexual function in a sample of Italian women, living in Chianti (Tuscany) region, not complaining of any sexual disorder. Methods A sample of 841 women completed an anonymous questionnaires to assess sexual function (Female Sexual Function Index [FSFI]); and reported data on different type of alcohol consumption. The FSFI is a brief multidimensional scale for assessing sexual function in women that includes 19 questions compiled in 6-domains, which included desire, subjective arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and pain with a total range between 1,2-36. Results Complete data were available for 798 (94,8%) women. Participants who reported daily moderate (1-2 glass) red wine intake were 89 (17%) (group 1) vs 275 (34,5%) (group 2) teetotal. Participants in Group 1 had significantly higher total (p = 0.001) and desire and lubrification domains (p = 0.01) FSFI scores than participants in Group 2. No differences between the two groups were observed concerning sexual arousal, satisfaction, pain and orgasm. Conclusions Our data shows that women who reported drinking 1-2 glass of red wine daily have higher FSFI scores for both sexual desire, lubrification and overall sexual function.