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Money and Happiness: Income and Subjective Well-Being Across Nations

... This subjective reality can only be broken out of once individuals have satisfied their materialistic needs. Although a general increase in income leads to greater satisfaction (Diener & Oishi, 2000), it can also be concluded that marginal utility decreases with each additional unit of money (Kahneman & Deaton, 2010). If this need for growth in materialistic freedom is satisfied, the basic conditions are created for individuals to create a new level of perception. ...
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The aim of this work is to show more consciously and tangibly how and under which conditions we can optimally develop our inner potential in today's world. The work defines a theoretical mathematical model that is intended to show the dynamics of individuation a priori on the individual and collective level and describes the associated variables with this mathematical model in detail. The work gives insights on how and why information in today's world transmit by the construction of memory traces and emotionally charged stimuli. Moreover, it introduces ideas about the role of quantum physical processes in the emergence of consciousness and intrinsic mobilization of energy. Three hypothetical courses are described: under which conditions an individual grows, regresses over time and how a natural course looks like. The work concludes with an ethical dilemma about what it means to be and remain a human being who can control his or her animal instincts and what we should normatively align our human progress with throughout our lives. Furthermore, the work explores implications based on the decision of the two options artificial intelligences choose in the ethical dilemma. The work is intended to derive insights and new ideas for change on the individual and collective level to be able to progress productively and responsibly. The work is a conglomerate of well-founded research, observations, social analyses and speculations with the best of conscience and should nevertheless always be viewed with a critical eye and healthy doubt true to the motto: "sápere aúde".
... Typically, having greater subjective well-being stands as the most important goal for many people around the globe (10). Greater subjective well-being is not only feeling better, but it also holds practical values (11). ...
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Objective This research aimed to investigate whether subjective general health mediated the relationship between social networks and subjective well-being and whether the perception of fair payment moderated the mediating effect of subjective general health on subjective well-being. Methods Data were drawn from round 9 of the European Social Survey (ESS), involving 3,843 respondents from 19 countries, with ages ranging from 65 to 90 years (Meanage = 73.88 ± 6.61 years). The participants completed self-reported measures assessing subjective well-being, social networks, subjective general health, and perception of fair payment. Results Subjective general health played a mediating role in the relationship between social networks and subjective well-being. The perception of fair payment emerged as a moderator in the mediating effect of subjective general health on the association between social networks and subjective well-being. Conclusion This study suggests that the impact of social networks on both subjective general health and subjective well-being is contingent upon individuals’ perceptions of fair payment. These results highlight the significance of social networks in fostering social connections and promoting overall subjective well-being.
... However, wealth does not always correlate with more happiness. Diener and Oishi (2000) found that the average industrialized nation has not experienced significant increases in subjective well-being (SWB) over the years. SWB in poorer nations increased with economies prospering, suggesting that stable SWB may be due to desires to outstrip economic development. ...
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This is my graduation thesis from Hitotsubashi University as Doctor of Business Administration. This thesis comprises three chapters that explore the moderating role of individualism versus collectivism, in influencing the relationship between various job-related factors. These factors include the correlation between income and job satisfaction, the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic job characteristics on job satisfaction, the relationship between organizational commitment and turnover intention, and the effect of perceived employability on turnover intention.
... Helliwell et al., 2024;срв. с Diener, 2000;Diener, Helliwell, Kahneman (eds.), 2010;Layard, 2005;Frey, Stutzer, 2001;Diener, Oishi, 2000;Седларски, 2020b;2018a;Райън, 2022). ...
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This article summarizes the main concepts in Barry Schwartz's book 'The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less' in the context of the latest insights in happiness economics, the discussion of social status and the cultural dimension of individualism-collectivism in economic literature. It highlights the author's ideas related to current analytical results in behavioral and institutional research.
... This subjective reality can only be broken out of once individuals have satisfied their materialistic needs. Although a general increase in income leads to greater satisfaction (Diener & Oishi, 2000), it can also be concluded that marginal utility decreases with each additional unit of money (Kahneman & Deaton, 2010). If this need for growth in materialistic freedom is satisfied, the basic conditions are created for individuals to create a new level of perception. ...
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The aim of this work is to show more consciously and tangibly how and under which conditions we can optimally develop our inner potential in today's world. The work defines a theoretical mathematical model that is intended to show the dynamics of individuation a priori on the individual and collective level and describes the associated variables with this mathematical model in detail. The work gives insights on how and why information in today’s world transmit by the construction of memory traces and emotionally charged stimuli. Moreover, it introduces ideas about the role of quantum physical processes in the emergence of consciousness and intrinsic mobilization of energy. Three hypothetical courses are described: under which conditions an individual grows, regresses over time and how a natural course looks like. The work concludes with an ethical dilemma about what it means to be and remain a human being who can control his or her animal instincts and what we should normatively align our human progress with throughout our lives. Furthermore, the work explores implications based on the decision of the two options artificial intelligences choose in the ethical dilemma. The work is intended to derive insights and new ideas for change on the individual and collective level to be able to progress productively and responsibly. The work is a conglomerate of well–founded research, observations, social analyses and speculations with the best of conscience and should nevertheless 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 be viewed with a critical eye and healthy doubt true to the motto: “𝑠á𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎ú𝑑𝑒”.
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Current research has established a relationship between older adults' subjective well-being and factors extending beyond their economic status to encompass various non-monetary elements. While most studies in this domain focus on factors within a single country, our analysis utilizes international longitudinal surveys to explore older adults' well-being at both the national and global scale. This comprehensive analysis considers micro- and macro-level determinants of retirement well-being, revealing consistent variations in happiness levels across countries. Our study specifically suggests a compelling positively relationship between ago and subjective well-being within the United States. This finding presents a contrast with the negative association observed in European countries. Our global analysis further indicates a positive relationship between age and subjective well-being. This study not only contributes to greater understanding of the complexities related to aging and well-being but also provide significant implications for financial services professionals and public policymakers that aim to improve the well-being of elderly populations.
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Streszczenie Cel-Artykuł wpisuje się w problematykę dotyczącą nadmiaru w konsumpcji. Rozważania odnoszą się do roli i skutków konsumpcjonizmu w funkcjonowaniu współczesnych gospodarek, społeczeństw oraz w życiu każdego człowieka/konsumenta i dążą do odpowiedzi na pytanie: Czy za pieniądze można kupić szczęście? Metoda badań-W pracy zastosowano metodę analizy literatury przedmiotu. Ze względu na podjętą problematykę praca ma charakter opisowy i zawiera przegląd teoretycznych aspektów dotyczących szczęścia, wartości w życiu człowieka, konsumpcjonizmu, zależności między wzrostem gospodarczym a szczęściem. Wnioski-Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy wskazują, że konsumpcjonizm, czyli nadmiar nieokiełznanej konsumpcji, będącej przejawem hedonizmu, skutkuje kryzysem osobistych wartości życiowych oraz kryzysami gospodarczymi. Problem konsumpcjonizmu należy do kluczowych problemów współczesnego świata w wielu wymiarach, a przez degradację systemu wartości stanowi ogromne zagrożenia dla przyszłości człowieka. Oryginalność / wartość / implikacje / rekomendacje-Rozważania na temat konsumpcjonizmu mają charakter filozoficzno-społeczny z elementami wiedzy o ekonomii. Takie ujęcie tematu stanowi wartość dodaną w aspekcie ekonomicznym. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje ponadto nowe kierunki potencjalnie interesujących badań dotyczących zrównoważonej konsumpcji. W poszukiwaniu implikacji kryzysów osobistych wartości życiowych warto zwrócić szczególną uwagę na rolę kryzysów gospodarczych. Słowa kluczowe: konsumpcjonizm, kryzys osobistych wartości życiowych, szczęście, pieniądze, ekonomia szczęścia, kryzysy gospodarcze, Keynes 1 Publikacja jest efektem projektu realizowanego przez Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, finansowanego ze środków MNiE w ramach programu "Doskonała nauka-wsparcie konferencji naukowych", numer umowy DNK/SP/549102/2022.
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The new approach in positive psychology is growing rich with the acceptance of life in all aspects and with views on the optimal use of human potential; it is being shaped by a new perspective that can be accepted as a full explanation of not only positive emotion but also of sources and motives of positive emotion, and respect for human. One of the predictors of positive emotion is personality traits. Within this scope, this research aimed at exploring the relationship between personality and eudaimonic well-being. A total of 316 undergraduates participated in the study. The data were collected online through the Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Well-Being and The Big Five Inventory. The findings showed that stability involving agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism significantly affected undergraduates’ eudaimonic well-being. However, plasticity involving extraversion and openness had no significant effect.
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