
Manpower Strategies for Flexible Organisation

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... The remaining indicators were the basis for further examination within the Delphi process, ultimately to be used for constructing the components and conceptualizing "flexible human resource management." Adjusting the number of employees (such as temporary or contingent workers) to quickly and effectively adapt to workload and demand changes (Atkinson, 1984;De La Lastra et al., 2014;Huang & Cullen, 2001;Roca-Puig et al., 2008;Takeuchi, 2009;Volberda, 1999;Zhu, 2005) 10 5 ...
... Making rapid and continuous changes in HR activities to keep up with work demands Adjusting workload with flexible working hours or part-time employees (Atkinson, 1984;De La Lastra et al., 2014;Kang, 2023;Martínez-Sánchez et al., 2011;Takeuchi, 2009) 5 10 Encouraging employees to share information and learn from each other (Atkinson, 1984;De La Lastra et al., 2014;Jia & Wang, 2012;Santos et al., 2009 ...
... Making rapid and continuous changes in HR activities to keep up with work demands Adjusting workload with flexible working hours or part-time employees (Atkinson, 1984;De La Lastra et al., 2014;Kang, 2023;Martínez-Sánchez et al., 2011;Takeuchi, 2009) 5 10 Encouraging employees to share information and learn from each other (Atkinson, 1984;De La Lastra et al., 2014;Jia & Wang, 2012;Santos et al., 2009 ...
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Objective: The main objective of the present study was to provide a localized model of flexible human resource management for manufacturing companies in Iraq and to examine the impact of this variable on the operational performance of these companies. Methodology: Therefore, the present research is developmental and was conducted using an exploratory-analytical approach. In the qualitative section, this study utilized the Delphi strategy, and in the quantitative section, it employed the survey strategy. The qualitative section's tool was a systematic review of the literature, and field data in the quantitative section were obtained using a questionnaire. Human resource management experts in Iraq were considered the statistical population for the first section, while human resource managers and experts in the manufacturing sector of this country were regarded as the statistical population for the second section. Findings: Analysis of the opinions from a 20-member expert panel in the qualitative section led to the identification of six components of flexibility: operational, individual, skill, behavioral, temporal, and relational, for the concept of flexible human resource management. Additionally, the analysis of survey data obtained from a sample of 238 individuals confirmed the validity of this conceptual construct, and structural equation modeling demonstrated its significant impact on operational performance. Furthermore, the results of hierarchical regression analysis showed that organizational ambidexterity significantly moderates the effect of flexible human resource management on operational performance. Conclusion: it is suggested to establish direct connections between organizational units like the research and development unit, which engage with the organization's learning capabilities, and the human resource unit. This way, the interaction between flexibility and learning will increase the organization's ability to explore and exploit innovation.
... Fixed-term employment is an instrument of external flexibility. 38 This means that the flexibility needs of the company are met by using resources from outside the company (Atkinson 1984). ...
... In contrast to fixed-term employment, part-time work is an instrument of internal flexibility, since companies use firm internal resources for enhancing flexibility (Atkinson 1984). Employees working under part-time contracts usually have the same amount of employment protection as employees working under full-time, permanent jobs (Giesecke 2009). ...
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Der deutsche öffentliche Dienst galt lange Zeit als Modellarbeitgeber, der die Arbeitsstandards maßgeblich beeinflusste und mit seinem distinkten Beschäftigungssystem eine Vorbildrolle für die Privatwirtschaft einnahm (Bach/Kessler 2007, Keller 2008). In einem marktwirtschaftlichen Beschäftigungssystem war der öffentliche Dienst weniger durch wirtschaftliche Zwänge, Gewinnstreben und eine Marktorientierung und stärker durch eine Orientierung am Gemeinwohl geprägt. Basierend auf der Art der produzierten Güter, seiner bürokratischen Funktionslogik, stark ausgeprägten industriellen Beziehungen und besonderen gesetzlichen Grundlagen entstand ein Beschäftigungssystem mit Regelungen, die den öffentlichen Dienst stärker von kurzfristigem wirtschaftlichem Kostendruck und Wettbewerb entkoppelten und das Entstehen von vorteilhaften Beschäftigungsbedingungen begünstigten, die das Potential boten, sich positiv auf zentrale Lebensbereiche wie die Familiengründung oder die Jobzufriedenheit auszuwirken (Becker 1993; Czerwick 2010; Gallie 2007; Gottschall et al. 2015; Sauer et al. 2022; Scherer 2005; Tepe/Kroos 2010). Inwieweit der deutsche öffentliche Dienst diese Sonderrolle noch einnimmt, ist nahezu unerforscht. Ab den 1990er Jahren geriet der öffentliche Dienst aufgrund wiederholt auftretender Wirtschaftskrisen, der Wiedervereinigung und zunehmenden Staatsdefiziten unter Druck (Kalleberg 2012; Kronauer/Linne 2005; Balfour/Grupps 2000; Kilian/Schneider 2003). Im deutschen öffentlichen Dienst wurde sich, wie in vielen europäischen Ländern, an den Ideen des New Public Management (NPM) orientiert (Pollitt et al. 2007). Das NPM hat das Idealbild eines „Minimalstaates“, der sich auf die Wahrung der inneren und äußeren Sicherheit konzentriert und lediglich die Erfüllung von Aufgaben garantiert, anstatt sie selbst zu vollbringen (Czerwick 2007). Markfähige Güter und Dienstleistungen sollten fortan auch vom Markt produziert werden. Für die verbleibenden Tätigkeiten sollte ein Wechsel – weg von einer bürokratischen hin zu einer kapitalistischen Leistungs- und Verwertungslogik – vollzogen werden. Der öffentliche Dienst sollte wie ein privatwirtschaftliches Unternehmen agieren, um Kosten zu senken und die Produktivität zu erhöhen (Czerwick 2007; Sauer et al. 2019). Der NPM-Ansatz biete das Potential das Beschäftigungssystems des öffentlichen Dienstes beutend zu verändern (Demmke 2011; Sauer et al. 2022; Wilson et al. 2015). Deutschland galt jedoch bei der Umsetzung der Reformen als Nachzügler (Keller 2011; Pollitt/Bouckaert 2011), mit strukturellen Besonderheiten gegenüber anderen europäischen Ländern, die eine gesonderte Betrachtung von Umsetzung und Konsequenzen der Reformen erfordern (Gottschall et al. 2015). Die diskutierten Konsequenzen reichen dennoch von einem Verschwinden der Position als Modellarbeitgeber mit distinktem Beschäftigungssystem durch eine Angleichung an die Bedingungen der Privatwirtschaft einhergehend mit Gefahren für die gesamtgesellschaftliche soziale Integration (Gallie 2007; Gottschall et al. 2015; Keller 2008; Keller 2010), über eine Polarisierung bei der die bisherigen, universal vorteilhaften Bedingungen zunehmend nur noch für die Beamten gelten, während für die Arbeitnehmer*innen eine immer stärkere Annäherung an die Privatwirtschaft stattfindet (Czerwick 2007; Gottschall et al. 2015; Henneberger 1997; Hohendanner et al. 2015; Keller/Seifert 2014), bis zu einer weitestgehend stabilen Distinktion des Beschäftigungssystems und zentraler Beschäftigungsbedingungen zur Privatwirtschaft (Bogumil/Jann 2009; Briken et al. 2014; Ellguth/Kohaut 2011; Keller 2011), sodass der öffentliche Dienst weiterhin die Beschäftigten vor zunehmenden Marktkräften schützen, die Funktionsfähigkeit des Staates erhöhen und die gesellschaftlichen Spaltungen reduzieren könnte (Balfour/Grupps 2000; Becker 1993; Gallie 2007; Keller/Seifert 2013; Streeck 2009). Die bestehende Forschung fokussiert sich entweder auf eine intensive theoretische Diskussion des strukturellen Wandels aus verwaltungswissenschaftlicher Sicht (Bogumil/Jann 2009; Czerwick 2007; Keller 2006), bei der die empirische Analyse der Konsequenzen für den Arbeitsmarkt in den Hintergrund tritt. Andere Studien bieten detaillierte Analysen der Konsequenzen und betrachten dabei in Fallanalysen ausschließlich einzelne Arbeitsbereiche, wie die kommunalen Verwaltungen, die Polizei oder die Abfallentsorgung (Bogumil et al. 2007; Gottschall et al. 2015; Schultheis et al. 2014). Die umfassenden Untersuchungen, die sowohl Strukturen als auch Konsequenzen aus einer soziologischen Perspektive für den gesamten öffentlichen Dienst in den Blick nehmen, liegen entweder weit zurück und erforschen die Phase des Ausbaus des öffentlichen Dienstes (Becker 1993), beziehen sich ausschließlich auf den Anfang der Reformphase (Henneberger 1997) oder konzentrieren sich nur auf einzelne Jahre der Reformperiode (Keller/Seifert 2014). Die vorliegende Arbeit erweitert den Forschungstand zu einem öffentlichen Dienst im Wandel, durch die Untersuchung von zwei Forschungsfragen in vier Artikeln. (1) Wie hat sich der deutsche öffentlichen Dienst über die vergangenen drei Dekaden entwickelt und welche Auswirkungen hatte dies für das distinkte Beschäftigungssystem und die vorteilhaften Bedingungen? Diese Frage wird in Artikel 1 und 2 unter Berücksichtigung von zentralen strukturellen und soziostrukturellen Merkmalen untersucht. Die zweite Forschungsfrage wird in Artikel 3 und 4 bearbeitet und baut auf den Ergebnissen aus den Analysen in Artikel 1 und 2 auf. Es wird erstmals sehr detailliert in umfangreichen Mediations- und Moderationsanalysen untersucht, ob die bestehenden Unterschiede zwischen öffentlichem Dienst und Privatwirtschaft ausreichen, um einen relevanten Einfluss auf die individuell und gesellschaftlich bedeutende Lebensverlaufsereignisse des Erwerbseinstieges und der Familiengründung zu nehmen: (2) Wie beeinflussen die Beschäftigungsbedingungen im öffentlichen Dienst zentrale Lebensereignisse?
... It forced firms to quickly develop strategic responses (Wenzel et al., 2020) that relied on different forms of flexibility. In our analysis, we distinguish working time flexibility as well as spatial flexibility beyond the dichotomy between numerical and functional flexibility proposed by Atkinson (1984). Building on these theoretical frameworks, we construct some hypotheses on the relationship between HR strategies chosen by firms in response to the Covid crisis and their preexisting practices or resources. ...
... Expanding Atkinson's seminal work (Atkinson, 1984), the literature on firm-level flexibility exhibits a second typology of responses in the case of economic turmoil. Four different types of flexibility in labor and human resources are emphasized: numerical, working time, functional, and spatial. ...
This research connects the literature on crisis management and on firm flexibility to investigate human resource (HR) strategies in response to unexpected crises such as the Covid‐19 pandemic. Leveraging data from French workplaces we identify five main types of strategies implemented during the first lockdown, which go beyond the massive use of teleworking or the use of short‐time work. The analysis demonstrates that a combination of preexisting HR practices (teleworking agreements, wage levels, risk exposure, and health and safety committees) and public policies (short‐time programs, legislation on short‐time contracts, and temps) influences which of these five strategies firms adopt.
... However, as "HR differentiation research would benefit from a greater integration of multiple theoretical perspectives" (Krausert, 2017, p. 448), we amalgamate various theories and models, including the flexible firm model (Atkinson, 1984) and social capital theory (Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998). Our argument posits that differentiated HR practices exert both direct and indirect effects on creativity, contingent on the level of analysis. ...
... These theoretical frameworks suggest that HRM adapts to the business environment and collaborates with other HR systems to exert influence on creativity across different organizational levels. Atkinson (1984) introduced the notion of the 'flexible firm' in his groundbreaking research on manpower strategies tailored for flexible organizations. Atkinson's work was driven by the recognition that market pressures compel firms to consider a wide array of employment practices. ...
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In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, creativity is a crucial factor in driving success. Numerous studies have looked at the connection between human resource systems and creativity, but they frequently consider workers as a homogeneous group, disregarding the unique differences between individuals in an organization. To address this limitation, we provide a conceptual framework that demonstrates how ‘differentiated’ human resource systems can effectively promote creativity across various hierarchical levels of an organization. This work clarifies the multifaceted nature of human resources’ involvement in nurturing creativity and may pave the way for future research in this field.
... İşgücü piyasasında işverenlere bir alan yaratarak, çalışma hayatında yer alan normları yumuşatma anlamına gelen esneklik çok farklı şekillerde sınıflandırılabilmektedir. Atkinson (1984) firmalarda gerçekte üç tür esnekliğin uygulanması gerekliliğini ifade etmektedir. Bunlar: Sayısal esneklik, fonksiyonel (işlevsel) esneklik ve finansal (ücret) esnekliğidir. ...
... İşletmeler yasalarda yer alan istihdam güvencesinin aksine daha rahat hareket etmek istemektedirler. İstihdam politikalarının daha kolay uygulanabileceği veya işe almanın, yönetici ile işçi arasında daha gevşek bir sözleşme ilişkisine yol açabileceği anlamına gelebilir (Atkinson, 1984). ...
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İşgücü piyasasının esnekleştirilmesi.
... En cuanto a los tipos de flexibilidad laboral, desde la década de los ochenta existen posturas que apoyan a una construcción del conocimiento de las formas laborales (Ovado & Rodríguez, 2013;Cañibano, 2011;Grobler & de Bruyn, 2011;Kossek & Michel, 2010;Ibarra & González, 2009;Rimbau, 2006;Laborda, 2005;Tsui & Wu, 2005;Palacio & Álvarez, 2004;Volberda, 1999;Bouzas & De la Garza, 1998;Atkinson, 1984). De ellas, consideramos como una de las posturas más exhaustivas la de Ibarra y González (2009), la cual está caracterizada en tres tipos: 1) La «flexibilidad externa (numérica o cuantitativa)», ahí encontramos la subcontratación, el trabajo temporal, contratos de formación y aprendizaje y [12] la movilidad geográfica; 2) La «flexibilidad interna (funcional o cualitativa)», en donde se habla de una polivalencia, rotación de personal, horas extras, modificación de las jornadas laborales, etc.; y 3) La «flexibilidad salarial», referente a las políticas de moderación salarial, eliminación de salarios mínimos, eliminación de prestaciones por desempleo y modificación de escalas salariales. ...
... This is based on the 'flexible firm' approach in which employers can treat some parts of the organizational workforce differently and, in doing so, increase their flexibility in how they carry out their work functions (Atkinson & Meager, 1986). In their seminal article on the topic, the authors considered that new pressures obliged organizations and their employees to consider various approaches to getting tasks done (Atkinson, 1984). This was prompted by a marketplace that was facing market stagnation, workers losing their jobs, the introduction of new technologies and a significant reduction in working hours, contributing to a view among employers that any further significant reduction in work time could be supported only by restructuring work and offering their workers more flexibility in the way they work. ...
This research study explores the experiences of those who transitioned from working within a traditional office setting to working from home (WFH) during the COVID-19 pandemic. To explore the factors individuals consider critical to successfully WFH during the pandemic, this investigation draws inferences from Herzberg's two-factor theory (1959) and the job demands-resources (JD-R) model and their underlying components. Data were collected from 294 participants through the distribution of a qualitative survey during the first phases of the COVID-19 lockdowns. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse the data. Our findings identified four factors necessary for successful WFH. These four themes presented as a working-from-home framework are: (a) the home office environment; (b) technical setup ; (c) social capital and (d) the new reality. This framework illustrates that implementing long-term successful WFH is a balancing act, and that organizations must consider not only the hygiene factors and motivators of Herzberg's theory but also the positive and negative indications and outcomes of an employee's well-being as set out in the JD-R model. Consequently, Herzberg's theory and the JD-R model must be considered equally when developing a long-term working-from-home strategy. Understanding and addressing these factors will support organizations in unlocking the full potential of WFH to enhance employee productivity, satisfaction and well-being. As data were gathered during the first phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, this research also provides unique insights into workers' experiences transitioning from office work to WFH during COVID-19.
... Generally, it is quite common for the managerial policy to differ between standard workers and freelancers. The former are given substantial employment security and are treated as core workforce members, while the latter are considered peripheral workers (Atkinson, 1984). However, as will be shown, many Japanese animators work as freelancers and precarious working conditions are caused by these working contracts. ...
While it is known that many of the animators in the Japanese animation industry work as freelancers, there has not been sufficient discussion on how they cope with precarious situations. This paper draws on studio ethnography to reveal the individual and collective coping strategies animators use to deal with risks they face in their daily work. In particular, this paper focuses on animators’ portfolio work perspective, which examines how workers combine multiple jobs. Animators were often exposed to the risk of no income for which they were not responsible. Still, veteran animators coped by securing short-term work in anticipation of when this risk would become apparent. Younger animators sometimes found it difficult to cope with such a situation, and in such cases, they obtained work with the support of the studio. This meant that animators who were freelancers were also subject to the organisational control. Still, this control was based on the assumption that the animators’ intentions regarding the production of their work were respected. These findings show the significance of freelance work and can help discuss the labour problems in the Japanese animation industry.
... This paper contributes to the literature by investigating adjustments of employment and wages simultaneously, paying attention to their heterogeneity across types of employment contracts. 4 Our study contributes to the literature by providing supportive evidence for the micro-dual labor market (Atkinson, 1984;Cappelli and Neumark, 2001;Kalleberg, 2003). The literature argues that firms use workers on standard contracts to secure internal flexibility to attain a flexible allocation of workers across jobs, to design an incentive scheme to induce workers' effort, and to encourage firm-specific skill accumulation in the long term. ...
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While firms in many developed countries increasingly rely on workers with nonstandard contracts, the underlying economic factor distinguishing workers on standard contracts from those on nonstandard contracts is poorly understood. Thus, we explore the asymmetric employment and wage adjustments of these two groups to examine whether differences in the importance of firm-worker relation specificity between the two types of workers is a fundamental source of the heterogeneity. We use unique firm-level panel data that records the number of dispatched workers from temporary help agencies, matched with payroll records. Leveraging the exogenous shock that stems from exchange rate fluctuation and heterogeneous trade exposure among firms, we find that firms absorb temporary shocks by adjusting the number of dispatched workers while refraining from changing the employment of in-house workers. Instead, firms opt to change the wages of in-house workers by adjusting their yearly bonuses, rather than their monthly wages.
... Zusätzlich können nach OECD (1986) quantitative, das heißt eine Anpassung der mengen-/zahlenmäßigen Arbeitskraftkapazität, von qualitativen Dimensionen der Flexibilisierung, das heißt einer Anpassung der Leistungsfähigkeit/-bereitschaft des Arbeitskraftpotenzials, unterschieden werden. Aufbauend auf diese Klassifizierung und auf Arbeiten von Atkinson (1984) sowie Keller und Seifert (2006) lassen sich fünf Formen der Arbeitsflexibilisierung unterscheiden (. Tab. ...
Die Arbeitswelt befindet sich in einem ständigen Wandel, geprägt durch technologische Entwicklungen und die zunehmende Integration von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien. Diese Veränderungen haben die Arbeitsorganisation nachhaltig beeinflusst, weg von traditionellen Normalarbeitsverhältnissen hin zu flexibilisierten Arbeitsformen. Diese Flexibilisierung führt oft zu einer Verdichtung der Arbeitsanforderungen und einer Intensivierung der Arbeit, was sowohl Stressoren als auch Lernanforderungen erhöht. Gleichzeitig bieten neue Arbeitsformen mehr persönliche Kontrolle und Flexibilität, bergen jedoch Risiken wie Arbeitsentgrenzung und negative Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheit. Angesichts der fortschreitenden digitalen Transformation müssen Unternehmen diesen Wandel hin zu „New Work“ aktiv und reflektiert gestalten. Dies erfordert eine Anpassung an veränderte Wertevorstellungen und die Implementierung vertrauensbasierter Organisations- und Führungskulturen, die Selbstorganisation und Partizipation fördern. Der folgende Artikel beleuchtet den Begriff „New Work“, untersucht die Auswirkungen flexibilisierter Arbeit auf die Gesundheit von Beschäftigten und stellt Anforderungen an eine gesundheitsförderliche Arbeitsgestaltung vor.
... This idea of non-standard workers being (treated as) inferior or peripheral workers is present in several theories. Theories of labour market use, such as the Flexible Firm Model (Atkinson 1984), Internal Labour Market Theory (Doeringer and Piore 1971), Human Capital Theory (Becker 1993) and Segmentation Theory (Amuedo-Dorantes 2000), suggest that temporary workers are considered peripheral workers in whom employers are unlikely to invest, which may contribute to job strain and, in turn, may lead to poor well-being (De Cuyper et al. 2008). A growing division between 'good jobs' and 'bad jobs' in a neoliberal capitalist society in which 'work' is presented as a central facet of life feeds the feeling that having a 'bad job' -often NSE -is inferior. ...
... An employable workforce was a means to achieve this flexibility (Murphy, 1985). This manifested in the notion of the so-called flexible firm (Atkinson, 1984), in which employees were categorized as core (permanent), periphery (temporary), and external (free agents). These categories and associated responsibilities and investments were intended to distinguish employees' respective roles in increasing employers' flexibility. ...
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Employability, which is commonly conceptualized as one's ability to realize job opportunities within and between employers over time, has attracted considerable attention from diverse academic disciplines for decades. Research in these disciplines has largely evolved independent of other fields, thus limiting the accumulation , validation, advancement, and utility of employability. Two central stakeholders in much of this research are employers and employees, yet the vast majority of studies since the year 2000 have failed to explicitly consider this interdependence, instead being characterized by an overwhelming emphasis on the employee and individual agency. Conversely, the comparatively limited research examining the employer perspective has often excluded consideration of the employee. Our review highlights these characteristics, along with outlining other common critical issues and recommendations for overcoming them. We also articulate how social exchange theory can serve as an underlying mechanism to integrate research within and between disciplines, and we present the strategic employ-ability architecture framework based on strategic human resource management to facilitate integration of employer and employee perspectives.
... Zagórska, 2023). To zróżnicowanie znacząco wpływa na typ poszukiwanych przez pracodawców pracownic i pracowników 1 , na przykład pracownic i pracowników kluczowych, mających odpowiednie kwalifikacje i doświadczenie oraz pracownic i pracowników peryferyjnych, których można szybko przeszkolić do pracy (Atkinson, 1984). Ponadto zróżnicowanie wpływa na warunki zatrudnienia oraz na kulturę organizacyjną w poszczególnych segmentach branży. ...
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Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie organizacji i warunków pracy w „małej gastronomii”, skupiając się na prekaryzacji pracy oraz jej cielesnym doświadczaniu przez pracownice/pracowników. Artykuł powstał na podstawie studium przypadku dwóch małych pod względem zatrudnionych osób, prywatnie zarządzanych lokali znajdujących się w Warszawie i Wiedniu. Jakościowe badania terenowe zostały przeprowadzone w 2022 i 2023 roku. Jak z nich wynika, praca w „małej gastronomii” cechuje się dużą elastycznością oraz prekaryzacją pracy, jednak oznaczają one co innego dla zatrudnionych w Warszawie niż w Wiedniu. Ponadto zarobkowanie w gastronomii okazuje się pracą spełniającą ważne potrzeby i wartości postfordystycznych pracownic/pracowników. W artykule przeanalizowano także wpływ pandemii koronawirusa na doświadczenia osób zatrudnionych w badanych lokalach.
... Unlike the first typology, which are part-timers with the same working conditions and social protection as full-time workers but who would like or need to work more hours, the other two typologies are part-time jobs marked by bad or terrible working conditions. While in the primary labour market good part-time work responds to a need to attract and retain core workers who for some reason cannot or will not enter in a full-time contract (see, e.g., Tilly, 1996;Blossfeld & Hakim, 1997;Webber & Williams, 2008), in the secondary labour market part-time jobs are offered with poorer conditions to increase the numerical and financial flexibility firms require to perform in the market (Atkinson, 1984;Tilly, 1996). This type of part-time employment is characterised by low-quality working conditions and social protection, and often by an exceptionally low number of contracted hours (Blossfeld & Hakim, 1997;O'Reilly & Fagan, 1998). ...
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Over the last two decades, involuntary part-time (IPT) employment has become a more and more pressing issue in Europe, especially in the southern countries, where IPT today constitutes most part-time employment. Using INAPP-PLUS data and different discrete choice model estimations, this paper aims to shed light on the factors that explain the IPT growth in Italy, focusing on what influences the IPT status at the individual, household and labour market levels. The main hypothesis is that what influences the IPT work derive from a combination of workers’ individual, household, and job characteristics which may engender limited power during the bargaining process. The empirical results, based on gender-specific models, highlight that characteristics associated with the IPT status significantly changed over time, reporting a convergent path between the gender profiles of IPT employment. However, IPT employment for women still appears to be mainly originated from the gendered division of domestic and care tasks, while this phenomenon seems to be mainly driven by the labour demand side for men.
... Onderzoek naar human resource management (HRM) suggereert dat complexiteit van de taken die een werknemer uitvoert een rol zou kunnen spelen (Goldthorpe, 2007;Lepak and Snell, 1999;Matusik and Hill, 1998). Een bekend model dat dit beschrijft, is het coreperiphery model van Atkinson (1984). Hoewel er veel kritiek mogelijk is op dit model (Kalleberg, 2001), biedt het een goede startpositie om na te denken over hoe werkgevers flexibele contracten verschillend kunnen gebruiken voor werknemers met verschillende taken. ...
... Forms of labor flexibility began to be used as early as the 70s. In 1984, Atkinson argued in his research that companies view flexibility from three points of view: a) functional, which refers to the possibility of employers to move and adapt to other compartments of the organization and to retrain in work; b) numerical, refers to the possibility to hire or dismiss staff so that the organization permanently has the optimal number of employees and c) financial flexibility, refers to differentiated remuneration based on employee evaluation [5][6]. ...
... As long ago as 1984, John Atkinson posited a core/periphery model to provide an organisation with functional, numerical and financial flexibility. With the addition of much more enabling technology, the model is uncannily representative of how businesses and government agencies intend to utilise labour over the next two decades (Atkinson, 1984;Willcocks, 2021). Overall, we will, in the author's view, see accelerating, more strategic moves towards what has already been done on this in the last 35 years. ...
Purpose The study aims to provide a critical review of the extent to which digital technologies are likely to replace human labour, the exponential rise in the amount of work to be done and how far distinctively human skills are future-proofed and therefore likely to be in short supply. It reviews the evidence for a permanent switch to home and remote working enabled by emerging technologies. It assesses the business, digital and labour strategies of work organisations and the promise and challenges from a dominant trend towards a digitally enabled flexible labour model. Design/methodology/approach A critical review of 1020 plus case studies and the extant literature was carried out. Findings The relationship between emerging technologies and work is widely misunderstood, and there are major qualifiers to the idea of an overwhelming tsunami of technology drastically reducing headcounts globally. Distinctive human skills remain valuable, the amount of work to be done is increasing exponentially and automation is becoming more a coping than a labour replacement mechanism. Moves to a hybrid digitalised flexible labour model are promising but not if short-term, and if the challenges they represent are not managed well. Research limitations/implications The main limitation is that we are making projections into the future, though we are drawing on a lot of different sources and evidence and past data projected into the future. Practical implications The problem is not labour displacement but large skills shortages that will slow down the speed of technology adoption. Skills development is vital, as is the taking of long-term perspectives towards the management of hybrid, flexible working based on human-machine interactions. Social implications Organisations need to revitalise their training and development and labour management models. Governments and intermediary institutions need to manage transition states if the skills required to gain economic growth are to be available, and to ensure that large labour pools do not get bypassed from not having requisite skills. Originality/value The study offers a more subtle and complex perspective on the emerging evidence about the future of technology and work.
... The third is time flexibility, which allows companies to adopt more flexible working hours and duration of labor to improve their adaptability to market changes. The final one is wage flexibility, which means that wages can take the form of hourly, daily, weekly or monthly that can be adjusted quickly in response to changes in demand (Atkinson, 1984). Precarious work is the product of adapting to this shift in the elasticity of capital accumulation, which significantly reduces the cost of employers and managers (Fligstein and Shin, 2007). ...
... Our research is based on the dual market theory, where the main object of attention is the secondary segment of the labor market, which is considered in the works of D. Gordon, A. Atkinson, and V. Pulkka. (Gordon, 1972;Atkinson, 1984;. ...
Purpose: To determine the factors affecting non-standard employment in the Republic of Kazakhstan and their quantitative characteristics using the SmartPLS software.Methods: Over the course of research we have been using the methods of sociological survey, structural equations modeling (SEM) based on SmartPLS, and partial least squares (PLS).Results: We have hypothesized and tested the influence of such factors as education, social security, the human factor and digitalization on non-standard employment. We have assessed all test tasks and the suitability of the test entity. Using the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, we have tested the internal consistency of the test questions and measured the effect of each question on the latent variable. Most of the indicators have high indicators, with the exception of the “Digitalization” factor. The low value of this factor is justified by the heterogeneity of the test responses. We have calculated average variance extraction (AVE) and reliability (Composite Reliability) coefficients of the model. We have checked the model variables for multicollinearity and calculated the determination coefficient.Conclusions: Results of the analysis show that today the major issue is the lack or low accumulation of human capital among non-standard employees. The value of the R-square determination coefficient for the dependent variable “Non-Standard Employment” has a high value (0.75), which indicates that the factors included in the model describe well and have a high degree of influence on it. In general, the structural analysis has shown that the resulting model is adequate and built fairly well. Path Coefficients, reliability and validity coefficients are high enough to assess and analyze non-standard employment.
... According the Atkinson (1984), in the early to mid-1980s many firms were responding to a variety of factors by developing employment plans which provided significant flexibility. Market stagnation, job loss, economic uncertainty, increasing pace and decreasing cost of new technology, and continued reduction in basic working hours, all have combined to put pressure on firms to find more flexible patterns of employment as a matter of policy, rather than responding merely in pragmatic terms. ...
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This conference paper presented a critique of the then-recently introduced, purportedly competence-based national qualifications for managers, part of the UK Government's 'reform' of vocational qualifications. The paper described the background to, and context within in which, this has taken place. The claims made for these new qualifications are subject to critique.
... Die plurale Netzwerkorganisation kann zur Krisenresilienz beitragen. Die für sie cha rakteristische, simultane Mischung von netzwerkartiger, marktlicher und hierarchischer Koordination erzeugt durch numerische sowie funktionale Flexibilität (Atkinson, 1984) eine initiale Robustheit, vor allem für die in solches Netzwerk führende fokale Unter nehmung. Die plurale Netzwerkorganisation kann vor allem interorganisationale Fle xibilitätspotenziale mobilisieren, die sowohl einer schnellen Krisenreaktion als auch einer Wiederherstellung des Status quo nach einer Krise zugutekommt. ...
Even in normal times, plural network organisations pose a challenge for the actors and the institutions of industrial relations. But how does this play out in times of crisis? On the one hand, there are arguments in favour of plural network organisation and co-determination being mutually supportive, especially in a crisis situation, as they can contribute to a greater resilience in the coordination of economic activities. On the other hand, there are also arguments against a complementary relationship between network organisation and co-determination, especially if network-related labour politics that accompanies network formation are lacking. In our qualitative longitudinal study of a logistics service provider over a period of 30 years, informed by structuration theory, we show that practices of co-determined network formation were initially developed to support integration of the networked firms. However, integration is replaced by fragmentation, particularly through conflict-oriented management practices that weaken, divide and de-legitimize the representation of interests in the firm and the industry. Integrative practices of interest representation turned into the formation of parallel worlds of labour politics. The burden of adjustment in and of the network organisation became increasingly fragmented. As a consequence, the adjustments differed according to the vulnerability of the groups of employees. However, this also reduces the crisis resilience of the plural network organisation itself. Against this background, it is recommended to act more conflictive in labour relations from a position of strength when management changes its practices.
... Considering the value chain, the relationship between digitalisation and the different stages of the production process, such as development, creation, management and commercialisation (Porter, 1985;Huws et al., 2008), was investigated, paying particular attention to the processes of labour flexibilisation and outsourcing (Atkinson, 1984;Kalleberg, 2001) and to the different opportunities -and inequalities -that arise between central and marginal actors along the production networks with regard to all the factors that define the quality of work (Di Nunzio et al., 2009). ...
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Bilgi çağı olarak adlandırılan içinde bulunduğumuz çağda teknoloji, yaşamın her alanında kullanılmaktadır. Teknolojik gelişmeler ile birlikte çalışma hayatı da değişmekte esnek çalışma düzenlemeleri yaygınlaşmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı bilişim teknolojileri ve esnek çalışma düzenlemeleri ilişkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Sağlık Bakanlığı Ana Hizmet Birimlerinde görevli 401 sağlık çalışanına pandemi sürecinde anket uygulanmış, toplanan veriler, tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve yapısal eşitlik modeli ile analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma neticesinde bilişim teknolojilerine yönelik tutumda; cinsiyet, iş yerindeki pozisyon, yaş ve eğitim durumu değişkenlerinde, esnek çalışma düzenlemelerine yönelik tutumda ise; cinsiyet, iş yerindeki pozisyon, yaş ve çalışma süresi değişkenlerinde anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur. Bilişim teknolojileri tutum ile esnek çalışma düzenlemeleri tutum arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişkinin olduğu gözlenmiştir.
Purpose We aim to elucidate the relationship between fixed-term employment and firm productivity by examining workers’ skills and considering how firm-level conversion rates influence this relationship. Design/methodology/approach We use longitudinal employer-employee data between 2011 and 2017 in the Netherlands to estimate a nonlinear regression derived from a production function proposed by Addessi (2014) and Castellani et al . (2020). Findings The contribution of fixed-term contracts to firm-level productivity is less than that of permanent contracts. However, this contribution is greater when firms exhibit a high conversion rate from fixed-term to permanent positions. The effect of the conversion rate is more substantial for high-skilled fixed-term workers than for low-skilled ones. Originality/value Our results suggest the extent to which firms benefit from fixed-term contracts when these are used for screening high-skilled workers for permanent employment.
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The aim of the study is to identify the factors that determine the female labor participation rate. Due to the absence of holistic established theory regarding the determination of this ratio in the literature, the research has adopted the method of exploratory factor analysis. In the absence of theory, exploratory factor analysis is a very suitable method, at least for a limited understanding of events. This method provides the researcher with an opportunity to engage their creativity and capacity for philosophical interpretation. It is therefore very useful in situations where the need for theory creation arises. This study is the first research that examines women's labor force participation using the method of exploratory factor analysis. Furthermore, by incorporating previously unutilized variables into the analysis, in addition to the observational variables used in the literature, this study presents comprehensive findings regarding the determination of the aforementioned ratio. The obtained independent factors from the exploratory factor analysis were labeled and interpreted. The coefficients of these factors were then estimated in a regression model where the female's labor force participation rate was set as the dependent variable. In the interpretation of these values, causality was not claimed, and assessments were made regarding the co-variation of the variables. The analyzes of the research were carried out with data of 20 observational variables belonging to 87 countries. In order to include more countries and observational variables in the analysis due to missing data, the average of the 2015-2019 period was taken based on the structural size of most of the variables in question. Consequently, the results should be interpreted solely within the corresponding time frame. In light of the obtained findings, the level of development of countries, their reliance on agriculture as a traditional mode of production, their dependence on strategic natural resources, and the amount of renewable energy consumption have been identified as independent factors determining female's labor force participation rate. Subsequently, through regression analysis involving the factors mentioned, it has been determined that the level of development of countries and their orientation towards traditional agricultural-based production exhibit a positive correlation with female labor force participation, while the reliance on strategic natural resources shows an inverse relationship with female labor force participation. However, the quantitative value of renewable energy consumption is not statistically significant.
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Emerging challenges and opportunities from business environments keep organizations embedded in volatility and unpredictability. Acknowledging the increasing need for organization flexibility, this study examined the influence of human resource flexibility on the performance of selected deposit money banks in Nigeria. To achieve this objective, the variables were operationalized, and models specified. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Data were gathered from primary sources, and study hypotheses were tested using the Multiple Regression Technique. The findings showed that all the factors used to proxy functional flexibility, except relational flexibility, had a significant effect on customer loyalty; and that functional flexibility significantly affects customer loyalty. The study also found numerical flexibility to influence service innovation positively and significantly in the selected Banks. Based on these findings, the study recommended that in order to achieve a higher level of flexibility in these banks, managers should put in place coordination mechanisms towards generating new forms of collective human capital through the combination of individual capabilities of employees, in addition to maintaining other aspects of their employees' functional flexibility; and that managers should minimize the application of fixed-term contract employments and focus more on contracting external specialists who will introduce fresh ideas.
This paper is focused with an aim to investigate the challenges and difficulties faced by the rural tourism stakeholders to brand their resorts in a structural manner keeping the rural essence involving rural community participation. The current research also talks about the required human resource skills for the effective branding and upselling of their rural products. Nodoubt rural tourism is a result of the unique type of demand which focuses on the grass root level of operations and all agro-based experience. Rural tourism must be considered as a complete package as it offers rural life, local art & culture, heritage and the traditions of the rural destination. In the recent past special interest tourism, especially rural tourism is developing and carving its niche in the domestic and in international market both. Rural tourism especially for Maharashtra and Himachal has shown a great potential in attracting the domestic tourists and the trend has increased mostly post Covid-19. Over the period of time rural tourism has also helped in creating job opportunities, livelihood development & entrepreneurial skills development in rural destinations of Maharashtra and Himachal. However Caalders (2003), have clearly argued that although marketers and entrepreneurs have realized the scope and market opportunities and have adopted many effective strategies to promote rural tourism. In spite of that marketers and entrepreneurs many times have also highlighted the lack of formal structure to channelize local participation which makes this study very feasible and highlights the need for the further scope of the quality research work. The current research is Qualitative in nature and in order to highlight the theoretical and methodological reflections the paper used two case studies of two different rural resorts of India which are based in two different states i.e. Maharashtra and Himachal. This paper concludes by highlighting the need for specific skills and talents for the effective rural marketing and branding of the rural products of Himachal and Maharashtra and the role of local community and their active participation for the success of the rural tourism.
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Labour studies have always been concerned with power, so how do concepts of power inform an understanding of the future of work today? Luke’s Three Dimensions of Power reveals how past contests over the normative outcomes and policy choices of future labour also present for platform capitalism. But while modern conceptions of power capture the realignment of productivist power relations under rentier capital, they fall short in explaining the legacy of colonial capital on the future of work. Drawing on a wide range of post-colonial and post human literatures, structural power is shown to forget the futures of many exploited, dispossessed and subaltern workers where productive alliances may be formed. Understanding power in these terms also shows how power relations can be confronted and challenged in a post-productivist agenda that could inform new ways of understanding the future of labour.
In the second decade of this century work, and its posited futures, has been through a fraught period. From mid-2020 we witnessed the pandemic-induced shifts to remote and home working, by 2023 more than twice as prevalent than before COVID-19. By that date some 76% of companies had adopted hybrid working, though many were still not sure of the optimal home-office work balance to adopt.
In this article, we honour David Marsden's most important contribution: his Theory of Employment Systems ( ToES ). Grounded in standard economic analysis, ToES sets out to explain how a relatively small number of employment systems solve fundamental problems associated with open‐ended employment relationships (flexibility and opportunism). In the period since its publication, the employment relationship remains the dominant form of engaging workers; however, employment arrangements in the UK and elsewhere have been transformed, and employment systems in many settings more closely resemble configurations of rules that ToES predicted would prove unstable. While ToES does not explicitly integrate a number of important dimensions that define all aspects of employment systems, we show why Marsden's core theoretical insights retain analytical purchase as an explanatory framework. That said, taking a more sociologically and historically informed approach to understanding contemporary employment systems is required to comprehend the diversity of employment systems and how they evolve in the twenty‐first century.
This paper argues that employee retention remains a key priority for many employers, even as they become less likely to offer stable employment. In the face of increased job insecurity, researchers have shown that workers have adopted personalized career progression strategies that emphasize inter-firm mobility. Such strategies heighten employer concerns about employee turnover. The paper argues that the industrial relations literature would gain from closer study of organizational practices that restrict employee mobility, i.e., “worker capture strategies.” Such practices stand out from other mobility-reducing ones because they are unilateral and aim to reduce turnover without necessarily fostering a sense of commitment or loyalty among employees. Summary The literature on precarious work has focused on the higher frequency of layoffs and downsizing and the shift away from the standard employment relationship over the past few decades. This paper argues that employee retention remains nonetheless a key priority for many employers, even as they become less likely to offer stable employment. In the face of increased job insecurity, researchers have shown that workers have adopted individualized career progression strategies in which inter-firm mobility plays a great role. Such strategies heighten employer concerns about employee turnover. This paper reviews the state of the literature on organizational practices that address employer concerns about employee retention. It then argues that this literature would gain from closer study of organizational practices that restrict employee mobility, which it labels “worker capture strategies.” They include non-compete and non-solicitation clauses in employment contracts, no-poaching agreements between firms, and TRAP clauses. Such practices stand out from others because of their one-sided nature and their use as a turnover reduction strategy that does not necessarily drive a sense of commitment or loyalty among employees.
Cet article interprète les nombreuses données empiriques sur la croissance, puis la stagnation des « modes de flexibilité » à l’aide de la théorie du procès de travail, en particulier en ce qui concerne le contrôle et la résistance. Dans un « cycle de risque », la direction saisit d’abord une occasion de réduire les coûts en transférant le risque du capital au travail par le biais d’un certain mode de flexibilité. Le mode choisi est de plus en plus utilisé jusqu’à ce que l’expansion soit bloquée par la nécessité de vaincre la résistance, d’obtenir le consentement et/ou d’exercer un contrôle. La direction cherche alors un nouveau mode. Le cycle de risque est cohérent avec les données de l’OCDE sur l’« emploi temporaire » et les données australiennes sur l’« emploi occasionnel ». Les implications pour l’économie à la demande et l’avenir du travail sont abordées. Sommaire Pour comprendre l’avenir du travail, nous devons intégrer deux aspects de la théorie et de la recherche en matière de relations industrielles : 1) les enquêtes empiriques approfondies sur la croissance de la précarité de l’emploi; et 2) le rôle du contrôle et de la résistance dans la théorie du procès de travail. Le « cycle du risque » est au coeur de cette intégration. Dans un « cycle de risque », la direction saisit d’abord une occasion de réduire les coûts en transférant le risque du capital au travail par le biais d’un certain « mode de flexibilité ». Le mode choisi est de plus en plus utilisé jusqu’à ce que l’expansion soit bloquée par la nécessité de vaincre la résistance, d’obtenir le consentement et/ou d’exercer un contrôle. Alors que la volonté de transférer les risques et de réduire les coûts est toujours présente, le succès de la direction est variable. Lorsque chaque mode atteint sa limite, la direction recherche un nouveau mode, qui peut être une version modernisée d’un ancien mode. Cet article examine les tendances internationales en matière d’emploi temporaire. Selon les données de l’OCDE, le taux d’emploi temporaire n’augmente pas inexorablement. Au contraire, dans la plupart des pays, il atteint un sommet puis diminue, ou présente d’autres caractéristiques plus complexes. Dans la majorité des pays de l’OCDE, il a culminé bien avant la fin des années 2010, le niveau le plus élevé étant le plus souvent atteint en 2011. Les modèles de cycles de risques varient d’une industrie à l’autre et d’une entreprise à l’autre reflétant les circonstances spécifiques de chaque situation. En Australie, une autre mesure, l’emploi occasionnel, a augmenté au cours des années 1980 et 1990, puis s’est stabilisée à partir du début des années 2000. La précarisation a suivi des trajectoires très différentes pour les travailleurs à temps plein et à temps partiel, ce qui reflète les pratiques des employeurs dans les différents secteurs. L’avenir du travail peut être analysé sous cet angle. L’économie à la demande basée sur les applications a permis de réduire les coûts pour les entreprises - de nombreuses personnes se définissant comme des entrepreneurs indépendants - et d’exercer un meilleur contrôle grâce aux applications. Toutefois, elle se heurte à la résistance des travailleurs et de l’État, et le problème du contrôle n’a pas été entièrement résolu. Si la technologie des applications peut déplacer la frontière du contrôle, il est peu probable que la relation contractuelle commerciale en vienne à dominer la relation d’emploi.
This paper interprets extensive empirical data on the growth and then stagnation of “modes of flexibility” by using labour process theory, specifically with respect to control and resistance. In a “risk cycle,” management initially seizes an opportunity to reduce costs by transferring risk from capital to labour through some mode of flexibility. The chosen mode is used more and more until further expansion is blocked by the need to overcome resistance, to obtain consent and/or to exercise control. Management then seeks a new mode. The risk cycle is consistent with OECD data on “temporary employment,” and Australian data on “casual employment.” Implications for the gig economy and the future of work are discussed. Summary To understand the future of work, we need to integrate two aspects of industrial relations theory and research: 1) the extensive empirical investigations into the growth of job precarity; and 2) the role of control and resistance in labour process theory. Central to such integration is the “risk cycle.” In a risk cycle, management initially seizes an opportunity to reduce costs by transferring risk from capital to labour through some “mode of flexibility.” The chosen mode is used more and more until further expansion is blocked by the need to overcome resistance, to obtain consent and/or to exercise control. While the urge to transfer risk and reduce costs is ever present, management’s success waxes and wanes. As each mode reaches its limit, management seeks a new mode, which may be a modernized version of an old one. This article examines cross-national trends in temporary employment. In the OECD data, the temporary employment rate does not inexorably rise. Instead, in most countries, it peaks and then falls, or exhibits some other more complex pattern. In the majority of OECD countries, it peaked well before the late 2010s, with the highest level being most commonly reached in 2011. The patterns of risk cycles vary between industries and firms, reflecting the specific circumstances of each situation. In Australia, another measure, casual employment, rose during the 1980s and 1990s, and plateaued from the early 2000s. Casualization has followed quite different trajectories for full-time and part-time workers, a reflection of employer practices in different industries. The future of work can be analyzed through this lens. The app-based gig economy has reduced costs for corporations, with many people being defined as contractors, and greater app-enabled control. However, it is meeting with resistance from workers and the state, and the control problem has not been fully overcome. While app technology may shift the frontier of control, it is unlikely that contracting could ever come to dominate the employment relationship.
Le présent article soutient que la rétention du personnel demeure une priorité essentielle pour de nombreux employeurs, même si ces derniers deviennent de moins en moins enclins à offrir des emplois stables. La recherche a montré que, face à cette précarité croissante de l’emploi, les travailleurs adoptent des stratégies individuelles de progression professionnelle axées sur la mobilité entre entreprises, lesquelles viennent renforcer les inquiétudes des employeurs en ce qui concerne le roulement du personnel. Cet article défend l’importance pour les chercheurs en relations industrielles d’étudier de plus près les pratiques organisationnelles qui restreignent la mobilité des employés, c’est-à-dire les « stratégies de capture des travailleurs ». Celles-ci se distinguent des autres pratiques en matière de mobilité du fait qu’elles sont unilatérales et qu’elles visent une réduction du roulement du personnel sans nécessairement chercher à favoriser un sentiment d’engagement ou de loyauté chez les employés. Résumé La littérature sur le travail précaire s’est jusqu’ici concentrée sur la fréquence accrue des licenciements et des mises à pied, ainsi que sur la transformation du rapport salarial au cours des dernières décennies. Cet article soutient toutefois que la rétention des employés reste une priorité essentielle pour de nombreux employeurs, même si ceux-ci offrent de moins en moins d’emplois stables. La recherche a montré que, face à cette insécurité croissante, les travailleurs adoptent des stratégies individuelles de progression professionnelle axées sur leur mobilité entre entreprises, lesquelles viennent renforcer les inquiétudes des employeurs en ce qui concerne le roulement du personnel. Cet article passe donc d’abord en revue l’état de la littérature sur les pratiques organisationnelles qui répondent à ces préoccupations des employeurs en matière de rétention du personnel. Il défend ensuite l’importance pour les chercheurs d’étudier de plus près les pratiques organisationnelles qui restreignent la mobilité, nommées ici « stratégies de capture des travailleurs ». Ces stratégies se traduisent notamment par des clauses de non-concurrence et de non-sollicitation dans les contrats de travail, par des accords de non-débauchage entre entreprises et par des clauses « TRAP ». Ces pratiques en matière de mobilité se distinguent par le fait qu’elles semblent profiter unilatéralement aux employeurs et qu’elles visent une réduction du roulement du personnel sans nécessairement chercher à favoriser un sentiment d’engagement ou de loyauté chez les employés.
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The relevance of the study is conditioned by the dynamic development of the freelance market and the prospects for cooperation between freelancers and corporations, considering the specifics of taxation of such labour relations. The paper examines the essence of the concepts of “freelancer” and “freelance exchange” and substantiates the reasons for the establishment and popularisation of freelancing in modern conditions. The freelance markets of the countries of the Balkan Peninsula and Ukraine were analysed in terms of supply and demand, the number of vacant projects, the cost that the customer is willing to pay for the completed project. The purpose of this study is to analyse the actual performance indicators of existing freelance exchanges and assess the prospects for cooperation between corporations and freelance employees in the context of the possibility of optimising the taxation of legal entities. The methodological basis of the study was the use of system analysis in evaluating the results of freelance exchanges and attracting and cooperating with corporate clients, theoretical data on further prospects for using online labour exchanges by enterprises to attract the contractor of project work were highlighted. The advantages and disadvantages of cooperation in the customer-contractor field on the online labour exchange in the context of financial aspects are summarised. The relevance of the further study of the development processes of freelance exchanges, due to their growing popularity among employers, is substantiated. The study results and the conclusions formulated on their basis are of significant importance for the management level of companies, since based on the conducted research and already existing analytical information, the effectiveness of attracting freelance employees through freelance exchanges, the possibility of reducing the company’s labour costs and optimising the tax burden in terms of paying taxes for an employee has been confirmed
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Background & Purpose: The agility paradigm has been proposed to improve the ability to succeed in dynamic and unpredictable environments at modern organizations. Out of various prerequisites to organizational agility improvement, this study analyzed the effect of human resources flexibility. Methodology: This is an applied descriptive field study, in which a questionnaire was used as the data collection tool. The statistical population included the employees working at Bank Mellat, Bank Tejarat, Bank Saderat, and Bank Maskan in Tabriz. The random sampling method was employed to select 262 employees as the statistical sample, and the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique was used for data analysis in AMOS. Findings: Task, competence, and behavior flexibility components had the greatest roles in explaining organizational agility. These components were also strongly correlated with each other. Conclusion: Having a strategic attitude towards human resources flexibility, organizations improve their intellectual and subjective abilities to accomplish their missions in today's competitive environment and meet the prerequisites to organizational agility.
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Emerging challenges and opportunities from business environments keep organizations embedded in volatility and unpredictability. Acknowledging the increasing need for organization flexibility, this study examined the influence of human resource flexibility on the performance of selected deposit money banks in Nigeria. To achieve this objective, the variables were operationalized, and models specified. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Data were gathered from primary sources, and study hypotheses were tested using the Multiple Regression Technique. The findings showed that all the factors used to proxy functional flexibility, except relational flexibility, had a significant effect on customer loyalty; and that functional flexibility significantly affects customer loyalty. The study also found numerical flexibility to influence service innovation positively and significantly in the selected Banks. Based on these findings, the study recommended that in order to achieve a higher level of flexibility in these banks, managers should put in place coordination mechanisms towards generating new forms of collective human capital through the combination of individual capabilities of employees, in addition to maintaining other aspects of their employees' functional flexibility; and that managers should minimize the application of fixed-term contract employments and focus more on contracting external specialists who will introduce fresh ideas.
The Law and Development Institute’s 2003 Law and Development Conference on “Law and Development Post the Pandemic” inadvertently exposes the limits of ‘rule of law’ as a conceptual device for linking law and development. As will be explored, the developmental implications of that crisis highlighted geographic aspects of law and development that more conventional foci on economic development obscure. This is because these more conventional foci overlook spatial and geographical aspects of both rule of law and ‘development’ that are much more salient when focusing on the developmental import of the pandemic. This article will explore what those aspects are.
The control-based HRM theory aims to capture the diversity of HRM configurations in small organizations as an integral part of business capacities and context. The key premise of the theory is that the control of workers and work is the core task of any organization to achieve its goals, no matter its size. Configurations of control styles can serve as the analytical starting point for HRM in a broad diversity of small businesses. In this chapter, we compare systems of HRM practices of eight small glasshouse horticulture employers to the dimensions of the control-based HRM configurations theory. Three cases illustrate the nature and causes of diverse control-based HRM configurations, and highlight the outcomes for organizational effectiveness and worker wellbeing. This highlights temporal stability, due to shared presenting issues on sectoral level, as well as firm-level challenges that shape HRM in each organization in a unique way.
İçinde bulunulan ekonomik, kültürel, siyasi koşullar işgücü piyasasının özelliklerini belirlemektedir. Endüstri sonrası dönem, emeğin yaşadığı değişim nedeniyle birçok alanda araştırma konusu olan ve önemi noktasında hemfikre varılan bir niteliğe sahiptir. Çevre ve çekirdek işgücü kavramları, küreselleşmenin emek piyasası üzerindeki etkisi ile işgücünün parçalanma sürecinin eserleridir. Çalışmanın amacı, çevre ve çekirdek işgücünün çalışma koşullarını incelemek; çalışma şekli, gelir ve sosyal güvenlik durumu, işyerinin özellikleri, kariyer durumu konularında benzer yönlerini ve farklılıklarını ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma koşullarının işgücü tarafından değerlendirilmesi, çıkan sonuçların literatürle uyumluluk noktası teori ve pratiğin ilişkisi açısından önem arz eder. Araştırmanın kapsamı; İstanbul ilinde, imalat sanayiinde, tekstil/hazır giyim alanında istihdam edilen ücretli çalışanlardır. Araştırmaya katılan çalışanların demografik özellikleri ve çalışma koşullarına ilişkin verdikleri cevapların (bulguların) dağılımının net biçimde görülebilmesi için frekans analizi uygulanmış ve yüzde değerlerini gösteren frekans tabloları oluşturulmuştur. Çalışmada, çevre ve çekirdek işgücünün, çalışma koşulları, eğitim, nitelik açısından birbirinden farklı özelliklere sahip olduğu, literatür başlığında belirtilen tanımlama ve açıklamalara paralel özelliklere sahip olduğu sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır.
We derive a typology of firms regarding how they use non‐standard contracts, using register data. We find that 58% of firms fit the core‐periphery model. They use non‐standard contracts differently for low‐skilled and high‐skilled employees. The other firms use non‐standard contracts similarly for different groups of employees.
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