Making News: A Study in the Construction of Reality
... These technologies had profound influence on cultural values and social realities across the world and thus were inextricably linked with circulations of global power. Scholarship in media and cultural studies [14,47] provides theoretical and methodological frameworks to study how these power inequities shape media representations. In this paper, we adapt one such representational concept to LLMs: cultural erasure [14,47]. ...
... Scholarship in media and cultural studies [14,47] provides theoretical and methodological frameworks to study how these power inequities shape media representations. In this paper, we adapt one such representational concept to LLMs: cultural erasure [14,47]. ...
... Consequently, simplified representations of the cultural world are normalized. Tuchman [47] equates erasure in media to 'symbolic annihilation' for a community, and that is why we focus on erasure as an evaluative principle. If language models are uncritically embedded into our global knowledge systems of discovery and production, we risk algorithmically scaling up these existing cycles of invisibility and misrepresentation. ...
Large language models are increasingly being integrated into applications that shape the production and discovery of societal knowledge such as search, online education, and travel planning. As a result, language models will shape how people learn about, perceive and interact with global cultures making it important to consider whose knowledge systems and perspectives are represented in models. Recognizing this importance, increasingly work in Machine Learning and NLP has focused on evaluating gaps in global cultural representational distribution within outputs. However, more work is needed on developing benchmarks for cross-cultural impacts of language models that stem from a nuanced sociologically-aware conceptualization of cultural impact or harm. We join this line of work arguing for the need of metricizable evaluations of language technologies that interrogate and account for historical power inequities and differential impacts of representation on global cultures, particularly for cultures already under-represented in the digital corpora. We look at two concepts of erasure: omission: where cultures are not represented at all and simplification i.e. when cultural complexity is erased by presenting one-dimensional views of a rich culture. The former focuses on whether something is represented, and the latter on how it is represented. We focus our analysis on two task contexts with the potential to influence global cultural production. First, we probe representations that a language model produces about different places around the world when asked to describe these contexts. Second, we analyze the cultures represented in the travel recommendations produced by a set of language model applications. Our study shows ways in which the NLP community and application developers can begin to operationalize complex socio-cultural considerations into standard evaluations and benchmarks.
... No contexto da esfera pública idealizada por Habermas (1984), o jornalismo pode ser um aliado na promoção do debate racional e informado e um dos principais meios de acesso a esse espaço, afinal, como defendem Boczkowski e Mitchelstein (2013), o jornalismo é uma das principais fontes de informação para o público em geral e tem um papel fundamental na formação da opinião pública, consoante argumentos já anunciados por Tuchman (1978), que destacou a importância dos meios de comunicação como mediadores entre a sociedade e os acontecimentos, influenciando a percepção pública dos eventos e contribuindo para a formação de opiniões. ...
Este artigo analisa 53 artigos publicados nos jornais portugueses Público e Expresso sobre o ChatGPT. Os artigos foram categorizados como artigos de opinião e artigos informativos, e foram aplicadas uma análise de conteúdo, uma análise de sentimento e uma classificação geral de polaridade (positiva, negativa ou neutra) sobre os textos. Os resultados mostram que houve correlação entre textos de Opinião e os sentimentos de raiva e medo, apontando que, enquanto o noticiário vê o fenômeno da inteligência artificial generativa como algo positivo ou neutro, os comentadores desses jornais são reticentes frente à tecnologia.
... By adopting the frames of the powerful elite and accepting the "boundaries, values, and ideological rules" )Shoemaker & Reese, 2014, p. 84( latent in the frames, "the media work to legitimate elite positions" )Shoemaker & Reese, 2014, p. 76(. As many media sociologists ) Gans, 1979;Tuchman, 1978b( have asserted, this often happens through hegemonic influence but also through indexing ) Entman, 2003(, or when news is predicated on the ideas, frames, and speech acts from official sources. Social institutions explicitly or implicitly index news to the authoritativeness of politicians and military, government, and law enforcement officials. ...
This monograph investigates the visual construction of migration on the U.S. southern border by the U.S. news industry. This study employs a quantitative (N = 1,050) and qualitative (N = 21) social semiotic analysis to illuminate the pervasive patterns of visual representation by three news agencies: The Associated Press, Getty Images, and Reuters. The analysis reveals levels of symbolic annihilation, social separation, and asymmetrical power dynamics that contribute to the symbolic othering of migrants. In-depth interviews with 21 photojournalists and field observation of an additional five photojournalists on the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas were conducted to analyze the factors that influence the production of images. Photojournalists are subject to myriad physical, social, and ideological influences from politicians, law enforcement, news organizations, non-governmental organizations, drug cartels, and border residents that constrain the depiction of migration. These complex conditions of production are marked by a scarcity of time, money, and autonomy that ultimately result in conventionalized imagery. The findings suggest that more comprehensive, nuanced, and humanizing accounts of migration can occur when external entities do not intercede in the interaction between photographers and migrants. Unconventional imagery, however, is no guarantee of empathetic reception from audiences who are steeped in hegemonic migration discourses produced by institutions that profoundly profit from a perpetual migration "crisis." مفتاحية كلمات السيميائية، الصحفي، التصوير اإلخبارية، الصور اإلعالمي، االجتماع علم الصحفية، الممارسة الهجرة، المرئية الصحافة إنتاج 摘要 本专题论文调查了美国新闻业对美国南部边境移民的视觉建构。本研究首先采 用定量(N=1,050)和定性(N=21)社会符号学分析来阐明三家新闻机构:美 联社、盖蒂图片社和路透社的视觉表现的普遍模式。分析揭示了象征性湮灭、 社会分离和不对称权力动态的程度,这些因素导致了移民的象征性他者化。 随后,本研究通过对21名摄影记者的深度访谈以及对德克萨斯州和墨西哥边境 另外5名摄影记者的实地观察来分析影响图像制作的因素。摄影记者们受到来 自政治家、执法部门、新闻机构、非政府组织、贩毒集团和边境居民的无数有 形、社会和意识形态的影响,这些影响限制了拍摄移民的方式。这些复杂的生 产条件以时间、金钱和自主权的稀缺为特征,最终导致了常规化的图像。研究 结果表明,当外部实体不干预摄影师和移民之间的互动时,就会出现更全面、 更细致和更人性化的对移民的描述。然而,非常规图像并不能保证观众会产生 同理心,因为他们沉浸在从永久移民"危机"中获利的机构所产生的霸权移民话 语中。 关键词 移民、新闻实践、媒体社会学、移民、新闻图像、新闻摄影、符号学、视觉新 闻制作 178 Journalism & Communication Monographs 26(3) Résumé Cette monographie étudie la construction visuelle de la migration à la frontière sud des États-Unis par l'industrie de l'actualité américaine. Cette étude utilise tout d'abord une analyse sémiotique sociale quantitative (N=1 050) et qualitative (N=21) pour mettre en lumière les modèles omniprésents de représentation visuelle par trois agences de presse: Associated Press, Getty Images et Reuters. L'analyse révèle des niveaux d'annihilation symbolique, de séparation sociale et de dynamique de pouvoir asymétrique qui contribuent à l'aliénation symbolique des migrants. Cette étude s'appuie ensuite sur des entretiens approfondis avec 21 photojournalistes et sur l'observation sur le terrain de cinq autres photojournalistes à la frontière entre le Texas et le Mexique pour analyser les facteurs qui influencent la production d'images. Les photojournalistes sont soumis à une myriade d'influences physiques, sociales et idéologiques de la part des politiciens, des forces de l'ordre, des organismes de presse, des organisations non gouvernementales, des cartels de la drogue et des résidents frontaliers, qui limitent la manière dont les migrations peuvent être photographiées. Ces conditions de production complexes sont marquées par un manque de temps, d'argent et d'autonomie qui aboutit finalement à une imagerie conventionnelle. Les résultats suggèrent que des comptes rendus plus complets, plus nuancés et plus humains de la migration peuvent être produits lorsque des entités externes n'interviennent pas dans l'interaction entre les photographes et les migrants. Les images non conventionnelles ne garantissent cependant pas une réception empathique de la part d'un public imprégné de discours hégémoniques sur la migration produits par des institutions qui tirent profit d'une "crise" migratoire perpétuelle.
... Photographs have provided vital evidence corroborating reports of war crimes and social devastation, from World War II through the Vietnam and Yugoslav wars to US military transgressions at Abu Ghraib (Brennen 2012;Butler 2005;Lowe 2022). However, Tuchman (1978) observed that journalists' "acceptance of representational conventions as facticity makes reality vulnerable to manipulation" (109). Like military embedding, news visuals can legitimise certain interpretive frames over others, thereby justifying colossal loss of life (Butler 2005;Messaris and Abraham 2001). ...
... A reposta: trata-se de uma "ocupação" ou de uma "manifestação" coloca a identidade do acontecimento. (Tuchman, 1978). e separado do seu meio ambiente, mas é motor da nossa curiosidade e pode surpreender-nos. ...
Propõe-se uma abordagem de uma ação de “ocupação” por parte de jovens estudantes ativistas, associados à Greve Climática Estudantil, como acontecimento que irrompe no espaço público, provocando surpresa, descontinuidade e um novo estado de coisas. A partir deste acontecimento, questiona-se em que medida a ação de acampar num espaço físico é precedida do uso dos dispositivos individuais eletrónicos de comunicação e das redes digitais sociais. Mostra-se como a copresença física e a comunicação online convivem, revelando como modalidades de ativismo físico se miscigenam com modalidades de ativismo online. Por último, interroga-se sobre a formação de uma causa comum.
... Research in journalism studies, however, has been slower in realizing the interpretive potentials of IPA in drawing out nuances of social reality and lived experience. (Larkin & Flowers, 2021;Tuchman, 1978) Research and inquiry in the field of journalism traditionally focused on quantitative research on mass communication, politics, and society (see Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly). In the last two decades the leading academic journals in the field of journalism has largely been focused on "critical discussion of journalism" (Journalism Studies), "social, economic, political, cultural and practical understanding of journalism" and "current developments and historical within in journalism" (Journalism), and more recently, focusing on technology and journalism (Digital Journalism) as well as reflective and critical studies on the professional practice of journalism (Journalism Practice). ...
Despite the field’s interdisciplinary nature, academic specialization and the academic norm of in-field referencing have limited the scope of possibility that journalism studies may draw upon fields not part of its interdisciplinary repertoire. This paper invites readers to explore Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), a rich analytical tradition from qualitative psychology and health studies and demonstrates its applicability in journalism research. By analyzing in-depth interviews with journalists at the cusps of two epochal ages of digital disruption in journalism—the rise of user-generated content (UGC) and social network sites around 2010, and the current explosion of generative AI—we show how IPA can serve as a powerful approach for journalism researchers. Paying tribute to the journalist as ‘expert’ of their own occupational lived experience, IPA provides a nuanced understanding of how journalists negotiate technological transformations in their occupational spaces. Through a triple hermeneutic analysis, where researchers attempt to make sense of journalists critically making sense of UGC and AI as a journalistic tool while reflectively engaging in sense-making of what it means to be a journalist in the age of social media and the age of AI, we explore the profound implications of these digital disruptions. Thematic findings reveal occupational identity crises, ethical dilemmas, and organizational challenges, all within the context of methodological reflection. This study underscores the value of IPA in capturing the depth and reflexivity of journalists’ sense-making during significant technological transformations, advocating for a reflective turn in journalism research.
O artigo realiza uma análise documental de duas revistas semanais e 21 jornais brasileiros que circularam entre 1985 e 1988, período anterior à promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988. Com abordagem descritiva e qualitativa, apresenta os resultados de pesquisa que analisa os assuntos selecionados pela mídia para informar sobre a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte, utilizando como base o acervo digital do ex-Centro Pró-Memória da Constituinte, mantido pelo Museu da República. O objetivo central é destacar os enquadramentos jornalísticos, os critérios de noticiabilidade e o papel do jornalismo na construção da chamada “Notícia Cidadã”. A análise de 557 recortes de jornais revelou uma diversidade temática significativa, com 53 temas diferentes identificados, sendo dois centrais: 1) participação popular e redemocratização e 2) cobertura do processo eleitoral e movimentos inovadores. A pesquisa visa a contribuir para uma compreensão das interações entre a mídia, a política e a sociedade, destacando a importância das fontes jornalísticas como testemunhas e agentes da história nacional.
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