
K-W-L: A Teaching Model That Develops Active Reading of Expository Text

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... Epçaçan (2009) tarafından belirtildiği üzere, paket halinde sunulan stratejiler, çeşitli stratejileri içerdiği için okuduğunu anlama becerilerinin gelişimine çok yönlü katkı sağlayabilir. Bu stratejilerden biri olan KWL Stratejisi, Ogle (1986) tarafından geliştirilmiş olup okuma öncesi, sırası ve sonrasında bilgiyi bağlama ve anlama sürecini destekleme amacı taşır. Bu stratejinin üç sütunu vardır: K (Ne biliyorum?) ...
... Bu bulgular, KWL Stratejisinin hafif zihinsel yetersizliği olan bireylerin okuduğunu anlama becerisi üzerine yapılan araştırmalarda elde edilen sonuçlarla paralellik gösterdiğini göstermektedir. Bu bağlamda, Hill ve arkadaşları (1998), Jared (1997), Michael (1998 ve Ogle (1986) tarafından yapılan çalışmalarla benzerlikler bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma, KWL Stratejisinin hafif zihinsel yetersizliği olan öğrenciler için etkili bir okuduğunu anlama yöntemi olabileceğini göstermektedir. ...
... Üç farklı denek üzerinde yapılan bu izleme oturumlarında her biri, sorulan 8 sorunun tamamına doğru cevap vererek %100 başarı oranına ulaşmıştır. Bu sonuçlar, strateji öğretiminin kalıcılığını sağlamaya yönelik çalışmaların, daha önceki çalışmaların kalıcılıkla ilgili bulgularıyla uyumlu olduğunu göstermektedir (Doğanay Bilgi, 2009;Güldenoğlu ve Kargın, 2012;Hill vd., 1998;Jared, 1997;Michael, 1998;Ogle, 1986;Özak, 2017;Tokgöz ve Isık, 2020). Bu bulgular, KWL Stratejisinin öğretiminin hafif zihinsel yetersizliği olan bireylerin okuduğunu anlama becerilerinde kalıcı bir etki bıraktığını göstermektedir. ...
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Bu araştırmada, hafif düzeyde zihin yetersizliği olan öğrencilere oku-duğunu anlama becerisi kazandırmada KWL Strateji Öğretimi’nin etkisi incelenmiştir. Aynı zamanda, öğrencilerin bu becerileri farklı ortamlara ve kişilere genelleyebilme düzeyleri ile öğretimden bir, üç ve dört hafta sonra-sındaki beceri sürdürülebilirlikleri de değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmaya, hafif düzeyde zihinsel yetersizliği olan ikisi kız, biri erkek olmak üzere üç öğrenci katılmıştır. Araştırmada tek denekli desenlerden "Denekler Arası Çoklu Yok-lama Modeli" kullanılmıştır. KWL Stratejilerinin etkisini ölçmek amacıyla, öğretim öncesi ve sonrasında öğrencilere okuma parçalarına ilişkin doğru cevap sayıları değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma, başlama düzeyi, öğretim süre-ci, öğretim sonu değerlendirme, izleme ve genelleme aşamalarından oluş-maktadır. Araştırma sürecinde elde edilen veriler, veri kayıt formlarına kaydedilerek grafiksel analiz yoluyla analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, KWL Stra-tejisinin hafif düzeyde zihin yetersizliği olan üç öğrencide de etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca, öğretim sonrası yapılan genelleme oturumları ile bir, üç ve dört hafta sonraki izleme oturumlarında kazanılan becerilerin sürdürül-düğü görülmüştür.
... Bu uyarlamayla, öğrencilerin matematik problemindeki sözel ifadeleri anlamalarını ve analiz etmelerini kolaylaştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla okuduğunu anlama stratejisi olarak, Ogle (1986) tarafından geliştirilen KWL (What do I know?/ Ne biliyorum?, What do I want to learn?/Ne öğrenmek istiyorum?, What is my learning?/ ...
... Uyarlanmış KMTÖ paketini, KMTÖ'den ve şemaya dayalı yöntemlerden ayıran en belirgin diğer özelliği ise; stratejinin "Problemdeki önemli bilgileri bul" bilişsel basamağında Ogle (1986) tarafından geliştirilen okuduğunu anlama (KWL) stratejisine yer verilmiş olmasıdır. Bu sayede öğrencilerin okuduğunu anlamadan kaynaklı problem çözme süreçlerinde zorluk yaşamalarının önüne geçilmesi hedeflenmiştir. ...
... To this end, a modification of the KWL (What do I know?, What do I want to learn?, What is my learning?) strategy developed by Ogle (1986) was included as a reading comprehension strategy. In this modifictaion, the questions in the KWL strategy were arranged as follows: "What are the keywords?", ...
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Introduction: Word problem-solving skills require the correct and appropriate use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies. Individuals with specific learning disabilities (SLD) use these strategies less than their peers and experience significant difficulties employing the strategies they have in appropriate contexts and choosing the right strategy. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to determine the effect of Modified Conceptual Model-Based Problem-Solving (COMPS) on the word problem-solving skills of students with specific learning disabilities. Method: The study used the multiple probe design with probe trials across subjects, one of the single-subject research methods. Three students aged 10-11 years who were diagnosed with learning disabilities and studying in the fourth and fifth grades constituted the study subjects. Findings: The findings showed that Modified COMPS was effective in improving the performance of students with learning disabilities in comparison word problems including one-step addition or subtraction and the subjects maintained their performance two, four, and six weeks after the instruction was completed and could generalize this performance and the strategies they employed to the real classroom environment. Furthermore, the students could generalize the strategy they learned to part-whole, separating, and joining word problems including one-step addition or subtraction. The data obtained from the think-aloud protocols demonstrated that the cognitive and metacognitive strategies the students used before the instruction increased and diversified significantly for all problem types after the instruction. According to the social validity findings, the students, their teachers, and parents expressed positive opinions about the study. Discussion: The findings of the current study, which taught different cognitive and metacognitive strategies to students with learning disabilities, support and generalize the findings of the research conducted with students with special needs in the literature.
... To address the challenges of sourcing accurate information and leveraging existing knowledge, integrating the KWL method with the Internet Reciprocal Teaching Method could offer additional support for young readers. The KWL strategy, sharing similarities with the Internet Reciprocal Teaching method, is advantageous for group learning, activating all students in the classroom, and promoting active reading and writing skills (Ogle, 1986). Critically, it aids in structuring information, particularly from poorly organized texts often encountered online. ...
... The synergy created by activating prior knowledge through KWL and fostering interactive engagement via IRT enables students to connect personally with the material, potentially leading to sustained motivation and engagement. The observed trend aligns with theoretical assumptions proposed by Ogle (1986), highlighting the importance of prior knowledge activation and interactive learning in boosting student engagement. ...
... Ena najbolj uporabljanih je strategija VŽN (Ogle, 1986), katere cilj je, da učenci študijsko gradivo preberejo, ga razumejo in si ga po potrebi tudi zapomnijo, pri čemer daje posebno pozornost predznanju, skupinskemu učenju ter sodelovanju vseh učencev pri pisanju. V osnovi jo opredeljuje razpredelnica s tremi stolpci, temelji pa na šestih stopnjah oz. ...
Conference Paper
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The primary goal of the conference is to promote further international cooperation between scientists from different disciplines involved in the study of Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Modelling in Education. The overall aim of the conference is to create integrated models and connect education to contemporary research findings from the fields of the Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, Psychology, Education, Neuroscience, Cognitive Modelling, and Artificial Intelligence.
... Students' feedback was obtained before and after the module by using the Know-Want-Learn (KWL) strategy developed by Ogle in 1986. The focus of this strategy is identifying what students already know ("Know"), what they want to learn ("Want"), and what they have learned from the module ("Learned") [11]. ...
... For the qualitative feedback, we used the KWL strategy to collect qualitative data [11]. Before the module, we gathered what students already knew (Know) and what they wanted to know (Want). ...
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Background Taiwan enacted the Hospice Palliative Care Act in 2000 and the Patient Autonomy Act in 2016. However, medical education has emphasized palliative care skills over ethical and legal integration. This study developed a curriculum for pre-clinical students, focusing on applying these issues in end of life care. Methods The participants were fourth-year medical students enrolled in a 1-credit medical ethics and law course at a medical school in Taiwan. The study employed a two-stage design, combining quantitative pretests and posttests with qualitative data obtained through the Know-Want-Learn strategy. The curriculum, called the video-triggered expert-led debrief module, included a video scenario on end of life care, insights shared by three interprofessional experts, and students debrief. In 2021, 168 students participated, and a quantitative questionnaire using a pretest-posttest design was applied to assess the curriculum’s impact on students’ knowledge and attitudes toward end of life care. In 2022, 157 students participated, and the survey used open-ended questionnaires (the Know-Want-Learn strategy) to evaluate what students already knew and what they wanted to know before the module, as well as what they had learned afterward. Results In 2021, we collected 166 (98.8%) valid responses in the quantitative questionnaire. Seven of the eight knowledge-based questions and four of the seven learning motivation items showed significant improvement in the posttest (P < 0.05). In 2022, 81 (51.6%) valid responses were obtained from the qualitative questionnaire. Before the module, students’ understanding was superficial and focused on literal meanings. Three themes emerged in what they wanted to know: medical decision-making, ethics and laws, and empathetic communication, with eight subthemes. After the module, three themes and six subthemes were identified in the “what I learned” section. Students reported gaining knowledge related to ethics and laws, and empathetic communication. Conclusions The video-triggered expert-led debrief module can effectively teach the application of medical ethics and laws in end of life care. This approach has shown positive results among young medical students. It enhances students’ learning motivation, deepens their understanding of ethics and laws, and empathetic communication. It further encourages them to reflect deeply on the meaning of healthcare.
... -Alegerea metodologiei didactice (modele de instruire, forme de organizare, strategii, metode, procedee, tehnici). În proiectarea activităților didactice la nivel preuniversitar și universitar, profesorii pot utiliza diverse modele de instruire: modelul tradițional; modelul învățării secvențiale a cunoștințelor în lecție (ISC) (Gagné, 1968); modelul "Evocare -Realizarea sensului -Reflecție" (ERR) (Meredith & Steele, 1995); modelul "Știu -Vreau să știu -Am învățat" (SVsI) (Ogle, 1986); modelul "învățării prin explorare și descoperire" (IED) (Martin et al., 1998); modelul "învățării directe sau explicite" (IDE) (Giasson, 1990); modelul clasei inversate (Veres, Muntean, 2021) și alte modele în care se utilizează fotografii sau filme de animație (Dulamă et al., 2021). ...
... (4) Modelul interactiv de instruire. În acest capitol, prezentăm mai multe exemple de activități structurate după modelele: "Evocare -Realizarea sensului -Reflecție" (ERR) (Meredith & Steele, 1995); "Știu -Vreau să știu -Am învățat" (SVsI) (Ogle, 1986); "Previzionare-Vizionare-Revizionare" (Dulamă et al., 2021); "Prelectură-Lectură-Postlectură sau Relectură" (Pamfil, 2009). Aceste modele au la bază teoriile constructiviste ale predării și învățării, învățarea activă, învățarea prin cooperare. ...
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În capitolul al treilea, ”Pregătirea unor activități didactice desfășurate on-line”, autoarea sumarizează câteva aspecte esențiale privind proiectarea activităților on-line, pe baza comparației cu activitățile organizate față în față și a propriei expertize. Pentru a asigura o bună bază teoretică și metodologică profesorilor, autoarea oferă o serie de informații și exemple privitoare la proiectarea materialelor suport pentru activitățile desfășurate on-line la nivel universitar și preuniversitar. A doua serie de informații și de exemple se referă la tipurile de activități de învățare și la modelele de instruire care pot fi realizate on-line. Pe baza literaturii și a propriei expertize, autoarea analizează mai multe modele de instruire care pot fi aplicate pe platformele de instruire: Modelul ilustrativ de instruire; Modelul expozitiv de instruire; Modelul de instruire clasă inversată (The flipped classroom); Modele interactive de instruire (Evocare – Realizarea sensului – Reflecţie”; „Ştiu – Vreau să ştiu – Am învăţat”; „Previzionare-Vizionare-Revizionare”; „Prelectură-Lectură-Postlectură sau Relectură”); Modele de instruire prin descoperire (modelul învăţării prin explorare şi descoperire; modelul de instruire prin descoperire pe baza filmului de animație; modelul 5E: implicare, explorare, explicație, elaborare, evaluare). Autoarea evidențiază aspectele esențiale ale acestor modele de instruire și le exemplifică utilizând conținuturi care facilitează înțelegerea și transferul facil în activitatea didactică de către profesor.
... Ena najbolj uporabljanih je strategija VŽN (Ogle, 1986), katere cilj je, da učenci študijsko gradivo preberejo, ga razumejo in si ga po potrebi tudi zapomnijo, pri čemer daje posebno pozornost predznanju, skupinskemu učenju ter sodelovanju vseh učencev pri pisanju. V osnovi jo opredeljuje razpredelnica s tremi stolpci, temelji pa na šestih stopnjah oz. ...
... V raziskavi smo preizkusili prenos strategije VŽN v spletno okolje z učenci 4. razreda na primeru okoljevarstvene tematike. Rezultati so pokazali, da lahko kombinacija metod VŽN in recipročnega učenja na spletu uspešno poveča motivacijo in aktivnost učencev ter izboljša njihove digitalne in metakognitivne spretnosti (Pivac, 1995;Peklaj et al., 2009;Marentič Požarnik, 2019;Pečjak in Gradišar, 2015;Ogle, 1986;Brown & Palinscar, 1989;Kiili & Leu, 2019). Že ob začetku raziskave smo se zavedali, da je slabša opremljenost razreda z digitalnimi mediji slabost, a se je ta izkazala kot nepričakovana prednost. ...
Conference Paper
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The article presents an activity involving fourth-grade students who explored the topic of environmental education online, in accordance with the curriculum. The students addressed the topic using the reciprocal teaching method online, further supported by the KWL strategy. In the first step, they focused on their prior knowledge (What I know), then they set their learning goals (What I want to know). The research included seeking answers to their questions and exploring the topic in small groups, using worksheets to track their progress. The main task was to write what they learned in the third column at the end of the research, and additionally, where they could find answers to any unanswered questions. The students were successful in their research, answering the questions posed or identifying where they could find answers to unresolved questions, and explored the topic in greater depth. The KWL strategy provided both students and the teacher with an effective framework for exploration, making learning meaningful and comprehensive. This approach not only deepened their understanding of environmental issues but also encouraged critical thinking and research skills, demonstrating the effectiveness of the KWL strategy in a structured online learning environment.
... AR is a reading-learning strategy often used in reading classes. It encourages learners to activate their existing knowledge and experience and relate them to new information to make sense of the written text (Ogle, 1986;Spivey, 1987). This pedagogical strategy is based on constructivist theories, with the concept of a student-centered, active learning approach (Cheek, 1992;Fosnot & Perry, 1996;Spivey, 1987;Yager & Lutz, 1994). ...
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This study proposes a novel pedagogical approach to applying active reading (AR) strategies and the learning analytics dashboard to program comprehension (PC) in programming courses. The objective was to visualize the code-reading behaviors of novice programming learners using learning logs and promote code comprehension. The strategy was applied to students in computer science classes at a liberal arts college in India. The results show that the utilization of the dashboard positively influenced students’ learning behaviors outside the classroom. It was recognized as an effective means of supporting PC, highlighting the need to elaborate on how to adopt dashboards in code reading tasks. The study confirms that reflecting on learning using the dashboard can promote learners’ metacognitive skills, regardless of subject or language. It contributes to AR research by demonstrating new practical benefits of AR strategies for PC.
... Engaging in IBL cultivates creative thinking, systematic problem-solving, and the application of critical thinking skills in analyzing situations [14]. Furthermore, IBL fosters critical thinking ability by offering students meaningful experiences and involving them in the creation of knowledge [15]. Throughout the learning process, students have opportunities to cultivate higher-order thinking skills [16]. ...
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Purpose of the Study: The objectives of this research were threefold: (1) to evaluate the analytical thinking ability of Grade 8 students following exposure to the inquiry-based 7E learning model, (2) to assess the academic achievements of these students both before and after engaging in 7E learning, and (3) to explore the students' satisfaction with their learning experience under the 7E framework. Methodology: The study involved 39 Grade 8 students from a school in Kalasin province, selected via Cluster Random Sampling during the first semester of the 2023 academic year. The research utilized a pre-experimental One Group Pretest-Posttest Design, with a classroom as the sampling unit. Data were gathered through pretests, posttests, and satisfaction surveys, with a focus on measuring analytical thinking and academic achievement. Main Findings: The study revealed three key outcomes: (1) Students' critical thinking abilities improved significantly after learning with the 7E model, with results showing a statistically significant difference at the .05 level. (2) Academic achievement post-7E learning was recorded at 70.17%, indicating a notable improvement from the pretest scores. (3) Students reported high satisfaction with the 7E learning experience, emphasizing its positive impact on learning and engagement. Novelty/Originality of this Study: This research contributes uniquely by demonstrating the effectiveness of the 7E inquiry-based learning model in enhancing critical thinking, a vital 21st-century skill. The study also shows how the 7E model boosts student engagement and academic performance, offering an innovative approach to fostering deeper cognitive skills and academic success in a rapidly evolving educational landscape.
... The KWL chart proved to be a simple but effective tool. Ogle (1986) explained that the KWL chart includes three sections. The first section documents what the students know about the subject (K). ...
Traditional approaches that prepare students for research writing oft en focus on the mastery of skills such as paraphrasing, citing sources, and creating outlines. While these skills are important, they are oft en practiced at the expense of involving students in a meaningful examination of content. Project work is off ered as an alternative approach that is uniquely suited to the diff erent needs of English as a second language (ESL) students. It allows for a cross-curricular approach in which students can demonstrate what they have learned through art, drama, and music without being encumbered by their still-developing reading and writing skills. A 10-week project on plant life, conducted with 12 ESL students at Northeast Middle School in Kansas City, Missouri, is given as an example of how project work can prepare ESL students with the skills needed to begin research writing.
... K-W-L Yöntemi: Öğrenme stratejileri arasında yer alan bu yöntem üç aşamadan oluşmaktadır (Ogle, 1986). "K-Ne Biliyorum?" ...
Bilim ve teknolojideki ilerleme, bilgiye ulaşma paradigmalarını farklılaştırarak ortaya yeni öğretim modellerinin çıkması sağlamıştır. Bu modellerden bir tanesi de Flipped Classroom Modeli’dir. Geleneksel eğitim modelinin aksine Flipped Clasroom modelinde öğretmen sınıfta anlatıcı rolünde değil, aktif olarak kendi hızında öğrenen öğrenciye yol gösteren ve sınıfta farklı öğrenme ortamlarını öğrenciye sunan koordinatör rolündedir. Okul sınırları dışında öğrenilen bilgiler; okul sınırları içerisinde pratik ve uygulama ile desteklenmektedir. Eğitimde mekân sınırlarını ortadan kaldırarak öğrencinin kendi hızında üst düzey düşünme becerilerinin harmanlanmasına olanak sağlayan yeni bir eğitim modelidir. Dijital yeterlilik ve becerilerin geliştirilmesine, teknoloji entegrasyonunun kapsayıcı ve sürdürülebilir bir ağ çerçevesi içerisinde öğrenme ve öğretme sürecine olanak sağlamaktadır. Disiplinler arası bir temele dayanan müzik ve çalgı eğitimi, tüm bu teknolojik gelişmelerden çok yönlü ve çok boyutlu olarak etkilenmektedir. Alanyazın tarama yöntemi kullanılarak yapılan bu araştırmanın amacı; müzik ve çalgı eğitiminde ters yüz edilmiş sınıf modelinin kullanımına ilişkin çalışmaları inceleyerek, teknik ve uygulamadaki gerekli ön bilgilerin kazandırılmasını sağlamaktır. Ayrıca dijital teknopedagojik müzik eğitimi alanını nitelik ve nicelik yönünden beslemesi, müzik ve çalgı eğitiminde uygulamaya yönelik çalışmaların yeniden yapılanması adına önem arz etmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Flipped Clasroom, Müzik Eğitimi, Çalgı Eğitimi, Ters Yüz Edilmiş Sınıf Modeli.
... The selected teacher-centred strategies are the KWL chart, think-pairshare, jigsaw and WebQuests. The KWL chart, created by Ogle in 1986(Hamdan, 2017, is an instructional strategy based on what students know (K), what they want to learn (W) and what they have learned (L). While there are variants, KWL charts encourage brainstorming, thinking to generate questions and reflection upon what was learnt, thus allowing student engagement in a lesson. ...
... L: Recalling what I did Learn -Das gelernte Wissen abrufen (Ogle, 1986). ...
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»Selbstgeteuertes Lernen neu denken« vereint die akademische Theorie mit der realen Praxis. Das Buch integriert Kognition, Motivation und Emotion, bewusstes und unbewusstes Lernen. Klaus Konrad richtet das Augenmerk auf vier Schwerpunkte: 1. Aktuelle Theorien des selbstgesteuerten Lernens (z. B. Erkenntnisse der Gehirnforschung und Theorien der Selbstregulation) 2. Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Selbststeuerung (z. B. problemlösendes und forschendes Lernen) 3. Der Umgang mit guten und schlechten Gewohnheiten 4. Empfehlungen zur Überwindung der Kluft zwischen Wissen und Handeln – die Lücke zwischen dem, was wir wollen, und dem, was wir tun.
... K-W-L (Ogle, 1986), öğrencilere bir metin boyunca rehberlik etmek için kullanılan bir öğretim okuma stratejisidir. İlgili teknik üç harf içeren üç sütun herhangi bir çalışma sayfasını yansıtan yalnızca üç aşamadan oluşur: ...
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z: Harmanlanmış öğrenmenin önemli bir alanı olan ters-yüz sınıf modeli, günümüzde araştırmacılar ve eğitimciler arasında büyük ilgi uyandırmaktadır. Ters-yüz sınıfın modeli, sınıf etkinliklerinin ve ev ödevlerinin ters çevrildiği eğitim sürecinin böyle düzenlenmesini gerektirir. Bu çalışmada, ters-yüz sınıf modeline genel bir bakış sunulmuş olup, modelin uygulanmasında kullanılan modern yöntem ve teknikler hakkında bilgi sunulmuştur. Çalışma, tanımlanan modelin yabancı dil öğretiminde önemini göstermektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Eğitim, metot, yöntem, ters-yüz modeli, yabancı dil, Türkçe. Usage of Modern Methods and Techniques in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language: The Flipped Classroom Abstract: The flipped classroom as a key component of blended learning arouses great interest among researchers and educators nowadays. The flipped classroom model requires such an organization of the educational process in which classroom activities and homework assignments are reversed. This paper provides an overview of the flipped classroom model as well as information about modern methods and techniques used in this kind of classroom. In addition, this paper discusses the importance of the flipped classroom technology in teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language. Giriş Günümüzde, harmanlanmış öğrenme, yükseköğrenim kurumlarındaki eğitim sürecini organize etmek için yeni bir model olarak dünyadaki birçok araştırmacı ve eğitimcinin ilgisini çekmektedir. Bu model karma öğrenme, yüz yüze öğrenme ve öğretme deneyimlerinin çevrimiçi 'online' görevler ve etkinliklerle birleştirildiği bir fenomen olarak anlaşılır (Graham, 2006). Harmanlanmış öğrenime yönelik artan ilgi, öğretici ve öğrenci gereksinimlerini etkileyen toplumda toplumsal ve ekonomik değişikliklere neden olan modern koşullarla belirlenir. Günümüzde kişisel gelişime gösterilen önem tartışılmazdır. Dolayısıyla, öğretmenlerden teorik materyalleri kullanmak yerine bunları kişisel gelişim kapsamında uygulamalı olarak değerlendirmeleri beklenmektedir. Öğrencilerin, ömür boyunca belleklerinin sadece bilgi ile "dolması" gerekmez, ancak ihtiyaç duyduklarında yeni bilgiler öğrenilmeli, bunlar analiz edilmelidirler. Başka bir deyişle, "yaşam boyu eğitim" den "ömür boyu öğrenme" ye geçiş söz konusudur; bu, mesleki ya da kişisel olmak üzere farklı amaçlar için bilginin sürekli ve kendi kendine güdülenmesinin bir araştırması
... Of course, correlation does not equal causation, meaning that the inability to read doesn't cause poverty and criminality, however, it does make the child vulnerable and at risk. For this reason, teachers and homeschooling parents should highly appreciate the value of reading comprehension in the educational, professional, and personal aspects of one's life and find out how they can help students with reading comprehension difficulties [6]. Methods This article employs a multidisciplinary approach, integrating linguistic analysis, and comparative teaching methods. ...
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Reading can be challenging for children when most of the academic material they encounter in school is new, unfamiliar, technical, and a lot more complex than picture books. There are a variety of different issues when it comes to learning how to read. Kids who recognize and understand the meaning of words separately but have trouble linking them together into a meaningful coherence have reading comprehension problems. Learning how to help students with reading comprehension problems is the main goal of this article. Reading comprehension is the essence of the development of children’s reading skills in general, which translates to the ability to obtain an education. After long years of research and analysis, it has been concluded that there are three major factors influencing the development of reading comprehension. These are vocabulary knowledge, text comprehension instruction, and teacher preparation and comprehension strategies. It’s no surprise that teachers who are prepared and have the right resources figure as a significant factor in the development of reading comprehension skills. They need to be knowledgeable in the content, as well as the strategies they employ, recognize which strategies are efficient for which students, adjust their model to meet students’ needs and inspire them to work hard.
... • Orientation: inspired by the KWL chart of Ogle, (1986), the students were guided through three questions that aimed to recover previous knowledge, work on metacognition, and develop inquiry skills respectively: What do we know about the topic? / What more do we need to know? / How and where can we find that information? ...
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This article examines how technology-enhanced inquiry-based learning (IBL) affected students’ language acquisition and the evolution of motivation in the subject of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Furthermore, this study presents a proposal for the collaboration of the subjects of Spanish and English, using translanguaging to establish connections between students’ L1 and L2 and reducing curricular duplications. EFL presents itself as an opportunity for learners to engage with a broader scope of authentic resources, using Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) as the main driving force of problem-solving situations. Thus, the investigation used Tolkien’s literary world as the main theme and topic of research, and robotics (Ozobot), IBL and a gamified learning management system (Classcraft) as the main methodologies. Through a series of diagnostic and proficiency tests (which included a robotic-supported storytelling activity and an ARCS motivation test), quantitative data were gathered concerning the two analysed variables. Results indicated improved language acquisition and motivation in all four parameters. Furthermore, Ozobot showed to have a quick adaptation period for student use at basic levels of functioning, as well as aiding in creative storytelling. Results will contribute to closing the knowledge gap detected in EFL learning since has been mostly used for scientific learning.
... On the other hand, she found that practices with little or no research base for effectiveness with young students are used widely. Among these practices are the K-W-L procedure (Ogle, 1986) and picture walks (Fountas & Pinnell, 1996). K-W-L was designed to enable teachers to access students' prior knowledge and to help them develop their own purposes for reading expository text. ...
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The purpose of this booklet is to examine what research tells us about factors that affect reading comprehension and about what instruction must contain and what it must do to help students become proficient comprehenders.
... Active Reading (AR) is a strategy that can foster and develop learners' reading performance and skills. It activates the reader's prior knowledge and experience gained in the past and relates them to new information to facilitate understanding of the content of the written text (Ogle, 1986;Spivery, 1987). One well-known strategy is SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read, Record, Recite, and Review) (Khusniyah & Lustyantie, 2017). ...
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Language teaching has a rich research history. A research discipline of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) has focused on technology integration in that practice. However, integrating the learning logs to create a data-driven workflow for the teachers and students is still limited. We design a technology framework called LEAF (Learning and Evidence Analytics Framework) to integrate daily evidence-based educational practices. The data-driven learning tools integrated into LEAF were implemented in actual live classrooms across multiple universities and schools within Japan. In this paper, we discussed the teaching and learning practices with the LEAF system in a language learning context and its impact. We highlight how to use LEAF for active reading, recommendation-based vocabulary learning, self-directed language learning approaches, and group work for language learning and teaching, specifically in English classes. Moving ahead, we aim to have an evidence-driven approach where the technology can continuously support and update best practices by analyzing the log data gathered continuously from the real-world educational setting.
... It is evident that academic listening skills do not develop automatically. Academic listening needs to be promoted through explicit and comprehensive education (O'Malley & Chamot, 1990;Swan, 2011). Flowerdew (1995cited in Melanlıoğlu, 2019, s. 323) and Richard (1983) have pointed out that while communicative listening in everyday life does not often require the use of listening strategies, academic listening necessitates the use of these strategies. ...
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Çalışmanın amacı, Bil-İste-Öğren (BİÖ) stratejisinin Türkçe öğretmeni adaylarının akademik dinleme becerisine etkisini incelemektir. Çalışmada karma yöntem araştırma desenlerinden iç içe karma (gömülü) desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel aşamasında ön test-son test kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Nitel aşamada ise yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla deney grubuyla görüşme yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın katılımcıları, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Türkçe Öğretmenliği Programı üçüncü sınıf öğrencileridir (n=24). Veri toplama aracı olarak Akademik Dinleme Başarı Testi ve BİÖ Stratejisi Görüşme Formu kullanılmıştır. Nicel verilerin analizi için SPSS25 programından yararlanılmıştır. Nitel veriler içerik analiziyle çözümlenmiştir. Bulgulara göre son testte BİÖ stratejisiyle uygulama yapılan deney grubu lehine anlamlı düzeyde fark olduğu belirlenmiştir. İçerik analizi sonucunda da deney grubu; BİÖ stratejisiyle ilgili olarak zihinsel aktiflik sağlama, dinleme becerilerini geliştirme, yeni bilgiler öğrenmeyi sağlama, dikkat geliştirme, ön bilgileri harekete geçirme, sınıf ortamına katkı sağlama bakımından olumlu görüş bildirmişlerdir. Ayrıca Türkçe öğretmeni adaylarının çoğu BİÖ stratejisini meslek hayatlarında kullanmayı düşündüğünü belirtmiştir.
... The students were observed during the activities, and detailed notes were taken. The study also used the "Know, Want, Learned" (KWL) technique, which was developed by Ogle (1986). The KWL technique is a constructivist strategy that enables learners to assess their prior knowledge, identify what they want to learn and reflect on what they have learned through research. ...
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This study investigates how 7th-grade students engaged in mathematics education in outdoor learning environments and how these experiences influenced their perception of mathematics. The research employed a qualitative approach with a case study design and involved 21 students in the 7th-grade middle school. Structured interview forms, student diaries, and unstructured observation notes were used as data collection tools. The data collected was analyzed using content analysis, resulting in the identification of themes and codes. The study examined the students' expectations for the activities to be carried out in outdoor learning environments. They expressed the highest positive expectations about learning problem-solving techniques and study methods for mathematics. Additionally, the students expressed a desire to learn mathematics enjoyably, overcome their prejudices against mathematics, and understand its logic. Before the research, the students knew that mathematics is used in real-life situations, primarily in calculations and transactions. However, after the study, it was observed that students not only had their expectations met but also gained awareness of the more diverse applications of mathematics in real-life contexts. Additionally, a positive change was observed in their attitudes toward mathematics, and they gained the awareness that mathematics goes beyond being just a subject learned in school and has many real-life applications. Consequently, it was concluded that outdoor learning environments can contribute to mathematics education and positively influence students' perception of mathematics. These findings provide an important perspective for evaluating different learning environments and experiences in mathematics education.
... The KWL procedure has three steps required and presented in a KWL table developed by Ogle (1986), consisting of three columns format that to be filled by the students. In the first column "K" (what I Know), students begin by giving an idea about what they know about the topic, in this first step can build students' prior knowledge. ...
Reading comprehension challenges the students’ understanding the meaning of the text. This study aim to exploring students’ behavioral engagement through KWL strategy in reading comprehension. The research method used in this study is descriptive case study with a qualitative approach. This research was conducted with limited to 4 students at eighth grade. The results showed that the KWL strategy gives students a better reading experience by enabling them to understand English text more quickly. The KWL strategy can make students more focused in learning reading comprehension. The KWL technique can also has encouraged students’ participation to learn more actively in analyzing the reading comprehension with peers and teacher. Finally, the KWL strategy can give teaching that builds students’ enthusiasm for developing their ability to reading comprehension; almost all students feel this enthusiasm after implementing the KWL strategy. This research suggest that teachers should expand or develop their teaching strategies to produce better learning experiences.
This study utilized an eclectic blended method with CALL application, combining flipped, brain-targeted teaching, and Know-Want to Know-Learn (KWL) to cater to diverse student learning styles. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the eclectic method as a teaching strategy, the difference in students’ reading motivation before and after using the eclectic blended method with the CALL application, the difference between high and low motivation students taught by the eclectic blended method with the CALL application, and the interaction between the eclectic method as a teaching strategy and students’ reading motivation level toward students’ critical reading achievement. A 2 x 2 factorial research design was conducted in some colleges of English Education Department students in Indonesia. The data were collected using motivation-level questionnaires and critical reading tests. The experimental and control classes were conducted with 30 students in each class as the sample. The study used two-way ANOVA to analyze data, revealing significant differences between the experimental class taught using the eclectic blended with CALL application and the control class taught using conventional methods. The results also revealed differences in students’ reading motivation and the interaction between the teaching strategy and their reading motivation level toward critical reading achievement. The Eclectic Blended Method with Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Application is an innovative approach for Indonesian EFL college students, combining multiple teaching strategies and technology to cater to different motivation levels in a critical reading course. This approach is inclusive, flexible, and allows personalized learning, boosting students’ motivation and engagement in the course. The study suggests that educators can improve students’ reading achievement and motivation through an eclectic blended method and recommends further research on this combination with technology instruction.
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The paper reflects current issues in reading and studies the peculiarities of reading comprehension, particularly delving deeper into teaching reading strategies and methods in teaching Business English. Reviewing different definitions of reading and various approaches to reading comprehension, new trends, and methodology are represented and reviewed. Some issues and challenges related to decoding the content through reading, acquiring information encoded in the text, and learning are highlighted. Teaching Business English as a second language requires a multifaceted approach, consequently, socio-affective factors such as building motivation, selfperceptions, emotional attitudes toward reading, and interest in specific topics have also been considered.
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This book offers a comprehensive exploration of the complex landscape of assessing young people, examining both traditional and innovative approaches. It delves into the theoretical underpinnings of assessment, highlighting the importance of understanding developmental stages and individual differences. The book provides a practical guide to various assessment methods, including standardized tests, observations, and portfolio assessments, discussing their strengths, limitations, and appropriate applications. It also addresses ethical considerations and cultural sensitivity in assessment practices, emphasizing the need for fairness and exclusivity. By examining real-world case studies, this book empowers educators and professionals to make informed decisions about assessment, promoting the holistic development and well-being of young people.
Online-merge-offline (OMO) learning in a hybrid learning space is becoming a popular pedagogy to enhance students’ blended learning using appropriate technology. This investigation delves into the impact of OMO learning on developing physics problem-solving skills among high school students. A ten-week intervention employing OMO learning is implemented with 34 participants in both the experimental and control groups at a high school in Hangzhou, China. The efficacy of OMO learning is assessed through a quasi-experimental design encompassing pre- and post assessments. The findings of this inquiry reveal: (1) The experimental group’s physics problem solving abilities are significantly impacted by OMO learning; (2) the use of cognitive tools rationally, the integration of online and offline collaborative learning, rich learning resources, and heuristic teaching all help students become more adept at solving physics problems; and (3) the cognitive load, students’ lack of prior knowledge, poor self-regulation, and lack of help seeking techniques all work against the improvement of students’ physics problem-solving abilities. Suggestions are made in line with the research results and aims.
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p>This research was aimed to find out the impact of using Know-Want-Learned strategy in improving the students’ reading comprehension. The subject of this research was the ninth grade students of MTsS Insan Cita Medan in academic year of 2020/2021 which consisted of 44 students. This research was conducted by using classroom action research, which used two cycles. Each of them consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data were obtained through quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data was obtained from tests including pre-test, post-test I, and post-test II. While qualitative data was obtained from interview and observation sheet. The result of the data analysis showed that there was an improvement on the students’ reading achievement from each cycle. It was shown from the students’ mean score in pre-test was 57,8 increased to 70,4 in post-test I and increased to 80,5 in post-test II. In the pre-test there were 18,2% (8 of 44 students) who got score > 75. In the post-test I, there were 45,4% (20 of 44 students) who got score > 75. In the post-test II, there were 88,6% (39 of 44 students) who got score > 75. For the hypothesis testing used t-test formula, the result of t-test was tobserved (10,30) > ttable (2,018). Thus, alternative hypothesis (Ha) could be accepted. Based on the finding, alternative hypothesis (Ha) saying that K-W-L strategy could improve the students’ reading comprehension in narrative text.</p
High-quality narrative and informational texts can provide young adolescents with mirrors which reflect their lived experiences and windows into the lives of those with whom they are less familiar. These texts can connect with the social-emotional learning (SEL) competencies of self-awareness and social awareness. Connections between SEL programs and integration with literacy practices are described. Literacy approaches grounded in reader response theory and critical literacy theory provide the basis for reading and understanding diverse texts and support the development of SEL competencies. The chapter presents criteria for selecting high-quality literature, 13 text recommendations for self-awareness and social awareness, and ideas for activities and discussion.
Many professions require evidence of an ability to reflect. Many educators, supervisors or mentors are not sure how to help their students, novice professionals or mentees to develop the professional skills of reflective practice. Reflective practice is constituted of two elements, reflection and practice, and their interaction. Metacognitive skills are important. In the pre-employment phase, it is sometimes difficult to provide ‘action’ on which to reflect. Scaffolds can be helpful for embedding metacognition, action and reflection. This chapter presents practical examples of coursework activities and assessment tasks with some sort of embedded ‘action’ on which to reflect, to aid in the development of habits of reflection.
Various efforts to scaffold improving reading performance and skills have been investigated, yet there have been no efforts to visualize the active reading (AR) process using logs, verify the effects on learning behavior and performance, and further deepen reading comprehension in a data-driven manner. To this end, an Active Reading Dashboard (AR-D) was specifically designed to visualize students’ reading behavior, such as annotations and artifacts created during AR. The dashboard provides individual feedback, allowing students to reflect on the information from the whole class. Such approaches are difficult when conducting AR with paper-based materials. A quasi-experimental study was conducted in high school English classes to examine the differences in the effects of including AR-D reflections (experimental group: AR-D) and only following the AR process (control group: AR). The results indicated that AR-D promoted participants’ learning behaviors during AR. However, regarding students’ vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension performance, both groups increased in the post-test without any significant difference from the AR-D group. Our findings suggest that using the dashboard during the English AR activity promoted desired student behaviors in attempting answers in English. The visualized data in AR-D can be a scaffold to decide on the next step toward improvement, which is one of the main objectives of integrating Learning Analytics (LA) in practice. We discuss how the LA dashboard can be used in a learning environment as effective means for learners and teachers.
This chapter explores a concrete, layered planning process for integrating literacy arenas into lesson designs that leads to both self- and collective efficacies for preservice and inservice educators within all disciplines. Learning transfer theories and current research on expertise are included as these are essential constructs related to efficacy and building early educator capacity for making instructional decisions. A specific literacy integration decision-mapping model, implemented within a content area reading course, will be presented and discussed. Because implementation with this model is in the early stages, opportunities for continued discourse, research, extended application, and permutations are anticipated. Examples, recommendations, and implications are discussed within the chapter.
Knowledge activation and knowledge building are essential for reading comprehension. Yet, how can teachers support students in accessing and applying their existing knowledge and experiences during reading? This article provides six evidence‐based principles to consider during literacy instruction, which are drawn from a recent systematic literature review that examined prior knowledge activation instructional scaffolds. These principles are: (a) activate knowledge before, during, and after reading; (b) activate knowledge collaboratively; (c) support students in understanding connections between concepts; (d) support students in recognizing discrepancies between their knowledge and the text; (e) address misunderstandings; and (f) consider the amount of topic‐specific knowledge that students have. These principles have the potential to shift how teachers think about the role of knowledge activation throughout the reading process.
Aday Öğretmenlerin Matematiğe Yönelik Tutumlarının Etkinlik Temelli Matematik Öğretimine Yönelik Görüşlerine Etkisi Yeliz ÇELEN Öğretmenlerin Matematiğe Yönelik Tutumları Yeliz ÇELEN Diskalkuli Nedir? What is Dyscalculia? Yasemin KUBANÇ Diskalkuli Nasıl Tespit Edilebilir? How is dyscalculia detected? Yasemin KUBANÇ Öğretmen Adaylarının Fen Metinlerini Okumaya Yönelik Tutumlarının Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi Canan DİLEK EREN Öğretim Teknolojileri Destekli Fen Öğretimi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme Gizem SAYGILI Fen Bilgisi/Fizik Öğretmenlerinin Gelişimi: Öğretmenlerin Yeni Rolleri ve Sürekli Gelişmeleri Yaşar ERSOY Aytekin ERDEM Argümantasyon Tabanlı Öğrenme Sürecinin Toplumbilimsel Konuların Öğrenilmesindeki Etkisi Gonca Gül DOMAÇ Ali GÜL Matematik Öğretiminde Grafik Örgütleyicilerin Kullanımı: KWL Ve KNWS Mevhibe KOBAK DEMİR
This chapter explores strategies for fostering a conducive inclusive teaching and learning (CITAL) environment, focusing on the challenges posed by integrating learners with special needs (LWSN) into mainstream classrooms. It addresses three key questions: 1) What strategies enhance CITAL in the classroom?; 2) How does a CITAL environment differ from a non-inclusive one?; and 3) Why do teachers in a conducive inclusive classroom reflect on their practice? Crucial factors include the teacher's understanding and application of teaching paradigms and learning theories, pre-class preparation considering Universal Design and Universal Design Learning, and employing assessment for inclusion aligned with cognitive demands. Graphic organizers enhance LWSN learning, and reflection on practice leads to innovative improvements. The chapter advocates for a paradigm shift and capacity-building programs, such as Progressive Professional Development Programs, to ensure successful CITAL implementation, fostering ongoing teacher development.
This chapter focuses on the purpose of assessment and presents the main characteristics of formative and summative evaluation, emphasizing that these are complementary, and both are necessary to carry out a correct follow-up of student learning. The main tensions between summative and formative assessment are discussed, ending with suggestions that constitute good practices, resources and instruments that teachers can use in their classrooms to integrate formative and summative assessment into their assessment practices.
The authors define Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a student-centered, formative, pedagogical approach in which pupils acquire critical and design thinking skills along with content knowledge. The problem focus is similar to cases found in Case-Based Learning (CBL) that has been commonplace for decades in many academic domains. Most of what is found in the literature about PBL tends to be descriptive in nature, whereas little can be found that assists with identifying the process of identifying root causes for those problems and with sustaining the strategy in the classroom. This chapter presents a case for integrating story and design thinking to develop causal analysis and to add rigor through formative conjecture modeling.
In its 2021 report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emphasised the need to build more resilient communities, calling for “rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society”.
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Socrative as one of educational technologies provides the students an ease to learn language through reading activities. They can practice reading on screen as the students in global era have commonly familiarized with. However, the teacher can apply certain reading strategies for students’ understandings on materials when trying to integrate technology for reading. Thus, this research proposes to investigate the effectiveness of Socrative and Moodle in reading classrooms that employ Kow-Want to Know-Learned (KWL) strategy. By using causal comparative study, seventy students of English Department at one of Islamic state universities in East Java Indonesia who are in the third semester are divided into intervention and control groups. The previous group is directed to read by using Moodle and do quiz with Socrative, while the latter read and do the quiz in Moodle. Here, KWL strategy is integrated with both technologies. The results of study exemplify that there is no significance difference between the students in the intervention and the control group. However, the mean scores of posttest on the intervention group increased better than the control group.
This study explored how continuous diverse reflective exercises embedded in a Community Service Learning chemistry lab support science students' meaningful learning. The findings of this study are intended for those involved in teaching natural science in higher education, as well as those interested in Community Service Learning, self-directed learning, and reflective strategies. Fourteen students in a second-year Analytical Chemistry II lab participated in this study. Reflective exercises representing multiple modes of reflection were purposefully designed and embedded across the lab curriculum. Qualitative content analysis of data from reflective writings, scrapbook reflections, and reflective discussions demonstrates that students were able to articulate their self-directed learning from the perspective of academic enhancement, personal growth, and civic engagement in the different reflective exercises. Students indicated a high level of satisfaction, agreed that the integration of diverse continuous reflective strategies can enhance their transformative learning practice in an engaging way, and would like to continue this practice for other science laboratory courses.
College undergraduates read a story about two boys playing hooky from school from the perspective of either a burglar or a person interested in buying a home. After recalling the story once, subjects were directed to shift perspectives and then recall the story again. In two experiments, subjects produced on the second recall significantly more information important to the second perspective that had been unimportant to the first. They also recalled less information unimportant to the second perspective which had been important to the first. These data clearly show the operation of retrieval processes independent from encoding processes. An analysis of interview protocols suggested that the instruction to take a new perspective led subjects to invoke a schema that provided implicit cues for different categories of story information.