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Self-regulated learning (SRL) has become a pivotal construct in contemporary accounts of effective academic learning. I examine several areas of theory and empirical research, which are not prominently cited in educational psychology's research into SRL, that reveal new details of what SRL is and how students develop productive SRL. I interpret findings from these investigations to suggest that nondeliberative, knowledge-based elements are inherent in the processes of SRL, and in learning more generally. Several topics for future research are sketched based on an assumption that learning effectively by oneself will remain a goal of education and can be an especially revealing context in which to research SRL.
... Como nos argumenta MEIRIEU As seis características enumeradas que distinguem "estudando de aprendendo" em geral., descreve circunstâncias que essencialmente levam o estudante a engajarem-se no complexo efervescentes de objetivos dirigidos de processos cognitivos e motivacionais que "dar conta do estudo" envolve. Nós vimos essas efervescências como instancias de poder metacognitivo e auto-regulação da aprendizagem (WINNE, 1995a(WINNE, , 1995b(WINNE, , 1996 19 . ...
... Então, nós usamos esta tipologia para caracterizar quatro estágios distintos sucessivos de estudo: a definição da tarefa (1), a definição de objetivos e planejamentos (2), desempenhando táticas e estratégias de estudo(3), e adaptando metacognitivamente ao estudo (4). Devolvemos a caracterização de uma tipologia de estudo de modelos de monitoramento cognitivo, controle cognitivo, e auto regulação da aprendizagem (BUTLER e WINNE, 1995;WINNE, 1995aWINNE, , 1995b NELSON e NARENS, 1994;WINNE, 1995aWINNE, , 1995bWINNE, , 1996 Durante o processo de "aprender a aprender" acreditamos que atividades em grupo, podem oportunizar aos alunos e alunas o uso conjunto e mútuo de suas linguagens. O trabalho em grupo permite a presença conjunta de diferentes estratégias, com as quais não se confrontariam sozinhos (GARNIER, 1996, p. 42). ...
... Então, nós usamos esta tipologia para caracterizar quatro estágios distintos sucessivos de estudo: a definição da tarefa (1), a definição de objetivos e planejamentos (2), desempenhando táticas e estratégias de estudo(3), e adaptando metacognitivamente ao estudo (4). Devolvemos a caracterização de uma tipologia de estudo de modelos de monitoramento cognitivo, controle cognitivo, e auto regulação da aprendizagem (BUTLER e WINNE, 1995;WINNE, 1995aWINNE, , 1995b NELSON e NARENS, 1994;WINNE, 1995aWINNE, , 1995bWINNE, , 1996 Durante o processo de "aprender a aprender" acreditamos que atividades em grupo, podem oportunizar aos alunos e alunas o uso conjunto e mútuo de suas linguagens. O trabalho em grupo permite a presença conjunta de diferentes estratégias, com as quais não se confrontariam sozinhos (GARNIER, 1996, p. 42). ...
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Este artigo resume os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos que podem embasar uma proposta pedagógico-educacional de ensino mais inclusiva e foi elaborado a partir dos resultados teóricos das pesquisas Metacognição como proposta pedagógica e Metacognição em sala de aula: um estudo sobre os processos de construção do conhecimento na perspectiva do jovem infrator no Estado do Rio de Janeiro (convênio Universidade de do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Uerj e Departamento Geral de Ações Socioeducativas - Degase). As pesquisas investigaram processos de aquisição de conhecimentos metacognitivos de modo a entender o desempenho de alunas e alunos e, desta forma, propor processos de ensino que partam do entendimento do sujeito como agente do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Neste artigo foi mapeada analiticamente a prática pedagógica proposta nas instituições pesquisadas, uma escola pública municipal e as escolas administradas pelo Degase, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Acredita-se que, por meio da ação dialógica, da escuta atenta ao sujeito da aprendizagem, é possível elaborar políticas públicas de inclusão mais realísticas e menos alienantes, que sejam construídas a partir do diálogo e da colaboração do sujeito que vive a realidade da exclusão. Este artigo busca, ao ouvir alunos e alunas, e a partir da sua perspectiva, propor ações educativas mais inclusivas para a educação pública.
... Behalve op de vier bovengenoemde vaardigheden is het pakket gericht op het vaststellen en remediëren van eventuele problemen en blokkades met betrekking tot de werkhouding van de leerling. Belangrijke aspecten van zelfregulerend leren zijn daarbij aandachtig werken (Winne, 1995), gemotiveerd werken en werken zonder gedragsproblematiek (Boekaerts, 1996(Boekaerts, , 1997. ...
... Deze eerste factor benoemen we dan ook als de vaardigheid Oriënteren, voorbereiden en plannen. Dat Oriëntatie en Voorbereiden en plannen één factor vormen, lijkt overigens niet zo vreemd als men bedenkt dat beide vaardigheden aan de uitvoering vooraf gaan, conceptueel nauw verwant zijn en in veel modellen van Leren leren op één hoop gegooid worden (Butler, 1996;Butler & Winne, 1995;Carver & Scheier, 1990;Pintrich & Zusho, 2002;2002;Winne, 1995;Zimmerman, 1990;Zumbrun, Tadlock & Roberts, 2011). • De tweede factor wordt zoals verwacht in hoofdzaak bepaald door aspecten van de vaardigheid Uitvoeren. ...
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Samen met de uitgave zelf en de bijbehorende gebruikershandleiding (Cito, 2015) bevat deze verantwoording de informatie die nodig is voor een eerste beoordeling van de kwaliteit van het pakket Leren leren. In het vervolg van deze verantwoording beschrijven en verantwoorden we het pakket op de volgende aspecten: • meetpretentie, doelgroep en gebruiksdoel; • de keuze van de vaardigheden van Leren leren (zowel theoretisch als onderwijskundig); • de uitgangspunten en achtergronden van testconstructie (met speciale aandacht voor dynamic assessment); • de constructieprocedures; • de praktische opdrachten, varianten, beoordelingsformulieren en handreikingen voor de docent; • de uitvoerbaarheid van de aanwijzingen voor de afname, beoordeling en rapportage; • enkele aspecten van betrouwbaarheid en validiteit. Het materiaal is ontwikkeld volgens de principes van dynamic assessment, een vorm van toetsend leren waarbij toetsen, onderwijzen en leren volledig geïntegreerd zijn (Lidz, 1987, 1991; Tzuriel, 2001). Dynamic assessment is een nog vrij onbekende toetsvorm die Cito nog niet eerder heeft toegepast, maar die bij uitstek geschikt is voor leerlingen in het voortgezet speciaal onderwijs.
... Factors and Antecedents of SRL: Stemming from social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1986), SRL research focuses largely on cognitive and motivational factors (Winne, 1995;Zimmerman, 1986) before Boekaerts (1996) provided a closer examination into the affective domain (see Panadero, 2017). Amongst the existing SRL models, Pintrich's (2000) model provides arguably the most organised list of factors, grouped into four areas of regulation: (a) cognition, (b) motivation/affect, (c) behaviour, and (d) context. ...
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In the context of a changing economic landscape, perpetual learning is essential for career advancement. This study introduces an integrated framework termed Self-Directed & Regulated Learning in Professional Development (SDRL-PD), which synthesises the principles of Self-Directed Learning (SDL) with those of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL). While both constructs address ownership and agency in learning, this framework calls for the complementation of SDL’s emphasis on learners’ exercised control over learning trajectory with SRL’s focus on the management of specific tasks to improve learning outcomes. This paper provides a review of the existing literature relating to SDRL-PD, which includes an examination of the processes and the identification of factors that influence SDL and SRL. It proposes a need for a conceptualisation that ties SDL’s macro-level focus on learning trajectory with SRL’s micro-level focus on learning processes. Three directions for future research were highlighted: a deeper examination of existing SDL and SRL models, the integration of learning constructs relating to PD, and the development of validated measurement tools. Such advancements will foster a greater understanding of SDRL-PD, ultimately promoting more effective professional development practices.
... The results support the previous six SRL models proposed by scholars (e.g., Zimmerman, 1986;Winne, 1995;Winne & Hadwin, 1998;Pintrich, 2000;Efklides, 2011;Hadwin, Oshige, Gress, & Winne, 2010). The results also support Zhang and Zhang (2019), who indicated that metacognition and SRL are closely interconnected. ...
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Although self-regulated language learning (SRLL) has attracted much attention recently, few studies have investigated how this variable contributes to learners' language proficiency. In addition, previous studies have not compared the relationships between SRLL and LP with language learning strategies (LLS) and LP. The present study examined the correlation between SRLL, LLS, and LP among 313 Iranian high school English language learners. Participants completed the SRLL questionnaire developed by Salehi and Jafari (2015), the translated version of the EFL version of the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), which was translated and validated by Tahmasebi (1999), and a self-assessment form. To achieve the study's objectives, a correlational analysis design and convenience sampling were used. The data analysis revealed the strongest correlations between metacognitive strategies (r = .553, p < .05) and other learning strategies (LLS). Furthermore, metacognitive strategies significantly predicted SRLL, F(1, 309) = 135.932, p < .05. Additionally, the strongest correlations were found between metacognitive strategies (r = .499, p < .05), SRLL, and LP. Finally, metacognitive strategies emerged as the best predictors of LP, F(1, 308) = 92.089, p < .05. The study highlights the correlation between SRL, LLS, and LP, emphasizing the importance of incorporating SRL into the teaching and learning process for educators. The pedagogical implications of the findings and suggestions for further research are also discussed.
... Contudo, não existe uma definição consensual relativamente ao construto de autorregulação da aprendizagem, dado que as que têm sido propostas pelas diferentes orientações teóricas variam consoante o foco de interesse dos autores, desde o controle dos comportamentos externos ao controle de sistemas cognitivos (BOEKAERTS & CORNO, 2005), oferecendo um quadro conceitual i que enfatiza diferentes aspectos (aspectos cognitivos, motivacionais, volitivos, sociais e culturais) para analisar o modo como o indivíduo aprende. O que os diferencia são os componentes considerados inerentes à autorregulação da aprendizagem, desde os cognitivistas (WINNE, 1995), os que relevam as crenças motivacionais (BOEKAERTS, 1996;PINTRICH, 2000PINTRICH, , 2004ZIMMERMAN, 2000), os que referem o self como agente (MCCOMBS & MARZANO, 1990) e os que consideram a corregulação (MCCASLIN & HICKEY, 2001). ...
O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um quadro compreensivo dos processos envolvidos na autorregulação, bem como das suas funções exercidas na trajetória de ações que vão desde a formulação de uma meta pessoal até à sua obtenção. A identificação das fases cíclicas da autorregulação – desde a formulação da intenção até à autoavaliação dos comportamentos e seus resultados – acentua a dimensão temporal, o papel do contexto ambiental e social em que o indivíduo está inserido, bem como a complexidade dos processos pessoais envolvidos na mudança e sua manutenção a longo prazo. Pretendese refletir no construto da autorregulação da aprendizagem e a complexidade da sua avaliação, buscando compreender abordagens teóricas e prespetivando desafios para as práticas em contextos educativos.
... Los múltiples estudios realizados sobre esta temática han contribuido a identificar un conjunto de características que definen a las personas que autorregulan sus aprendizajes (Corno, 2001;Winne, 1995;Zimmerman, 1998Zimmerman, , 2000Zimmerman, , 2002. Entre esas particularidades, destacan especialmente: i) su capacidad para emplear estrategias cognitivas de tratamiento de la información; ii) su aptitud para planificar, controlar y dirigir los procesos hacia la consecución de ciertas metas; iii) su dominio de creencias motivacionales y emocionales adaptativas a cada tarea o situación; iv) su habilidad para planificar y controlar los factores ambientales que influyen en el aprendizaje; v) y finalmente, su capacidad para mantener la concentración, el esfuerzo y la motivación. ...
En este artículo se ofrecen los resultados de una investigación cuyo principal objetivo es contrastar si el Prácticum, de los estudios de Psicopedagogía, es una experiencia que promueve la autorregulación de los aprendizajes. Para ello, se ha contado con la participación de dieciséis estudiantes, que han cursado esta asignatura durante el curso académico 2011/12, en la Universidad de Alicante. La información que han aportado se ha recogido por medio de dos instrumentos: una entrevista semiestructurada y un cuestionario cumplimentado on-line. Se ha adoptado un enfoque metodológico de carácter cualitativo, utilizando la técnica del análisis de contenido. Para el tratamiento de la información se ha recurrido al programa informático AQUAD 6, que ha permitido confeccionar un marco de códigos y categorías que incluye los resultados más significativos. De ellos emerge la consideración del Prácticum como una oportunidad auténtica para que los estudiantes autorregulen sus aprendizajes, ya que les facilita el uso de estrategias de organización, planificación, resolución de problemas y evaluación, propicia la aplicación de los contenidos teóricos (lo que coadyuva a motivarles) y satisface sus expectativas más positivas. Por ello, se propone priorizar los enfoques pragmáticos en los estudios de Psicopedagogía, porque estimulan a que los estudiantes activen estrategias de gestión y organización de sus aprendizajes.Palabras clave: Autorregulación del aprendizaje; Prácticum; Gestión y organización del aprendizaje;Aprendizaje autónomo; Aplicación práctica.Authentic opportunities to autoregulate the learning. The case of the Practicum of the Psychopedagogy studies.AbstractThis article presents the findings of an investigation whose main objective is to contrast if the Prácticum, of Psychopedagogystudies, is an experience that provides autoregulation of learning. To do so, it counted on the participation of sixteen students, who have completed this course during the academic year 2011/12, at the University of Alicante. The information we provided has been collected through two instruments: a semi structured interview and an online questionnaire. It adopted a qualitative methodological approach, using the technique of content analysis. For the information processing it was used the computer program AQUAD 6, which made it possible to create a frame with codes and categories which includes the most significant results. From these emerges the consideration of Prácticum as a real opportunity for students to autoregulate their learning, since it facilitates the use of organizational strategies, planning, problem solving and evaluation, allows the application of the theoretical subjects (what helps to motivate) and satisfy their most positive expectations. Therefore, it is proposed to prioritize pragmatic approaches in Psychopedagogy studies, because they stimulate students to activate management and organization strategies of their learning.Keywords: Autoregulation of learning; Prácticum; Management andorganization of learning; Autonomous learning; Practical application.
... Untuk dapat melalui ketiga fase tersebut, diperlukan strategi dengan menggunakan aspek-aspek pada SRL. Aspekaspek dimaksud sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh (de Bilde, Vansteenkiste, and Lens 2011;Pintrich and De Groot 1990;Schunk and Zimmerman1994;Winne 1995) terdiri dari: pemrosesan materi pembelajaran secara kognitif, strategi metakognitif, dan determinasi. Strategi kognitif adalah metode yang digunakan peserta didik saat belajar. ...
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Technology acceptance can be a key factor influencing Self Regulated Learning capabilities. Learning Management System is present as a technological innovation that has been widely adopted in the world of education and training as an online learning medium. LMS implementation is expected to be able to improve users' SRL capabilities. However, the success of LMS implementation is very dependent on the level of acceptance of the LMS itself. This research aims to determine whether there are differences in the level of Self-Regulated Learning ability between groups of learners who have high and low levels of acceptance of the LMS. This research design uses quantitative methods with one way anova data analysis techniques. The research results found that there were differences in SRL abilities between groups of learners who had high and low levels of LMS acceptance. Abstrak Mengajarkan senyawa kimia secara menarik itu cukup menantang karena kompleksitas materi dan sulitnya mengkontekstualisasi berbagai unsur kimia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi penggunaan alat AI dan metode bercerita untuk merancang pembelajaran kimia yang menarik bagi siswa kelas sepuluh. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Bandung Alliance Intercultural School, melibatkan lima belas siswa yang membuat ebook untuk mengajarkan senyawa kimia kepada siswa kelas dua. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan penilaian rubrik. Alat AI seperti ChatGPT, Gemini, dan CanvaAI digunakan untuk mencari ide cerita, mengembangkan alur cerita, dan membuat gambar. Intervensi dari siswa diperlukan untuk memastikan kontennya sesuai usia dan menarik. Sifat kolaboratif proyek ini mendorong kepemilikan dan keterlibatan siswa. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa metode bercerita yang diperkaya dengan AI dapat membuat pelajaran kimia lebih interaktif dan relevan. Sayangnya, generalisasi hasil penelitian ini terbatas karena dilakukan di satu sekolah saja. Penelitian selanjutnya harus mereplikasi metode ini di lingkungan pendidikan yang beragam dan menggunakan desain eksperimental untuk mengukur efektivitas AI dan metode bercerita dalam pendidikan kimia.
... What is the compared pedagogical added value of huge computational work implied by adaptive systems against forcing students to make explicit learning choices at well pedagogically defined decision points? Since the seminal article of (P.H. Winne, 1995), self-regulated learning has gained momentum and become a pivotal construct in contemporary accounts of effective learning (Heargraves, 2005, p. 18;Peters, 2004;Randi & Corno, 2000). In this context, Self Regulated Learning (SRL) establishes as another facet of personalized learning that facilitates increased levels of learner empowerment. ...
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Within the iClass (Integrated Project n° 507922) and Elektra (Strep n°027986) European projects, the authors were requested to harness their pedagogical knowledge to the production of educational adaptive systems. The paper pinpoints and documents difficulties and limitations of this work as well as the possible fertility of such kind of interdisciplinary joint research. Identification of such pitfalls is a prerequisite for better interdisciplinary approaches in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and safer design of usable and useful e-learning tools.In both projects, it was assumed that e-learning technologies have a major role to play in providing such a personalised experience, the definition of personalized learning paths can possibly be left to three agents: the teacher, the learner and the machine. In this latest case, proponents of adaptive systems come usually from the technical side, they require from pedagogues that they provide rules deemed to inform this initial modelling and all aspects of the adaptive process so that the adaptation engine can determine the next step for the learning process. Unfortunately, in most cases, a systematic and automatic application of pedagogical principles turns to be disappointing, and even dangerous.For the authors, the pedagogical added-value of adaptive tools is more likely to be found in the support of human decision-making regarding autonomy development and metacognitive training than in the provision of highly-technical automatic customization devices. The paper documents four reasons underpinning this position:1. Pedagogy remains an unstructured field of problemsThose problems are characterized by an unlimited number of facts, features, and situations that produce a huge number of combinations and interactions, the effects and interplay of which on learners’ achievement and motivation is not clearly known. It means that adaptive systems are rarely self-sufficient and that the major challenge lays in their articulation with non adaptive components of the learning process. Forced to this acknowledgment, the iClass project decided finally to bend its initial automatic adaptive credo and accept that user's decision would compensate what the system could not thoughtfully decide by itself.2. Rule's transparency as a condition of acceptanceThe difficulty of creating automatic adaptive systems may not be the only reason that such systems are not found in every classroom. Legitimate resistance by teachers might be another one, underrated by adaptive systems proponents. If any teacher is to accept devolution of her teaching responsibility to a machine, she will be willing to understand how that individualisation occurs in order to accept it.3. Pedagogical return on technological investmentProducing an hour of instructional material dedicated to an Intelligent Tutoring System is estimated to take between 300 and 1000 hours. As for the return on investment, namely an educational benefit resulting from personalization of learning obtained through adaptive systems, the question stays open.4. The behaviourist tropism of the adaptive systems we experiencedOn iClass and Elektra, LabSET worked on adaptive tools based on Knowledge Space Theory (Doignon & Falmagne, 1999), namely a skills-based cognitive engineering. From a pedagogical viewpoint, it confirmed that such systems are closely linked to a behaviouristic paradigm, limited in their scope and obviously premature to cater for the educational needs in respect to full blown personal learning. Finally, the paper discusses the spectrum defined by two radical views on personalization: the "Summerhill personalization" (the student decides for everything) and the "Robocop personalization" (the student decides for nothing). It advocates for more development and research taking place in the median part of the spectrum, in the zone wherein adaptivity can support autonomy development.
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This quantitative research has been prepared to study the effect of web-based language teaching on advanced EFL learners' self-regulation and self-actualization. In doing so, 40 advanced students of both genders were chosen based on the convenience sampling method. They were approximately between eighteen to twenty-eight years of age at a private language institute in Kerman, Iran. Different instructional and testing materials, including the Oxford Placement Test, Short Index of Self Actualization Inventory, and Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire were applied to gather the required data. Results revealed a significant improvement in self-regulation and self-actualization of the students in the case group. It means E-learning had an impact on advanced EFL learners' self-regulation and self-actualization. The results of this work could be beneficial for educators, trainers, instructors, and material developers to take into account the efficacy of such instructional materials and devote greater resources to developing and implementing them.
The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between EFL learners’ use of self-regulated learning strategies (SRLS) with their speaking anxiety and speaking strategy use. To do so, the 70 Iranian male and female EFL learners were selected based on convenience sampling procedure from National Language Institute in Tehran. Three measurement instruments including self-regulated strategy use, Self-Regulated Foreign Language Learning Strategy Questionnaire (SRFLLSQ) questionnaire; Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS), and Questionnaire of Speaking Strategy Use by EFL Learners were utilized to collect the data. To analyze the gathered data, Pearson Moment Correlation analyses were conducted. The results revealed a significantly negative and strong correlation between use of self-regulated learning strategy and level of speaking anxiety among EFL learners. Furthermore, the results showed a significantly positive and strong correlation between SRSU and speaking strategy use. Finally, it was shown that there is significantly negative correlation between speaking anxiety with all the subcategories of Questionnaire of Speaking Strategy Use by EFL Learners. Based on the findings of this study, pedagogical implications will be suggested.
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The instruction of 6 teachers in a private school for bright underachievers that is characterized by a strategic teaching initiative, strong instructional leadership, ind collegiality was examined to characterize the nature of instructional dialogue. Lesson transcripts were coded for the presence and organization of 8 instructional ''moves'' often found in good strategy instruction. Results demonstrated teachers' fidelity to a particular vision of instruction. Instructional moves designed to make strategic processing specific and explicit were found in all lessons, with the majority of the lessons containing at least 7 of the 8 strategy instruction moves. Instruction was found to be transactional and process-oriented. Interactive cycles of dialogue, during which teachers were responsive to students' strategic construction of knowledge, were prevalent. Student and teacher demographic variables were considered as they related to characteristics of instruction. The transactional strategy instruction found here is likened to instruction described by Duffy and Roehler and is contrasted with a recitation model of instruction.
Moving beyond the general question of effectiveness of small group learning, this conceptual review proposes conditions under which the use of small groups in classrooms can be productive. Included in the review is recent research that manipulates various features of cooperative learning as well as studies of the relationship of interaction in small groups to outcomes. The analysis develops propositions concerning the kinds of discourse that are productive of different types of learning as well as propositions concerning how desirable kinds of interaction may be fostered. Whereas limited exchange of information and explanation are adequate for routine learning in collaborative seatwork, more open exchange and elaborated discussion are necessary for conceptual learning with group tasks and ill-structured problems. Moreover, task instructions, student preparation, and the nature of the teacher role that are eminently suitable for supporting interaction in more routine learning tasks may result in unduly constraining the discussion in less structured tasks where the objective is conceptual learning. The research reviewed also suggests that it is necessary to treat problems of status within small groups engaged in group tasks with ill-structured problems. With a focus on task and interaction, the analysis attempts to move away from the debates about intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and goal and resource interdependence that have characterized research in cooperative learning.
This chapter explains the importance of research on spatial-temporal patterns of behavior, including patterns lasting for only a second or less, and the importance of stimulus coherence as the objective characteristic of tasks and sequences that are of widest importance and of most theoretical interest. One useful way to view the higher level processes in a complex skill is by analogy with the executive routines written into computer programs. The corresponding view of lower level processes is by analogy to the loops and subroutines of such programs. The chapter presents the theoretical view of skilled performance that minimizes the role of motor behavior per se, and thus, removes the principal basis for the commonly made distinction between the verbal and motor processes. Instead, it places major emphasis on the intrinsic coherence of stimulus and response sequences and the cognitive or higher-level processes that govern behavior sequence, and suggests that important aspects of response sequences include such factors as timing, the interrelations of speed, accuracy, and uncertainty, and the limitations imposed by capacities for discrimination and memory.
Research and development of instructional computing systems (ICSs) are exploring the frontiers of knowledge in both computing and instructional sciences. While these efforts are slowly advancing knowledge, they have not yet produced practical ICSs that can be readily used in educational settings. I propose a retreat to regions where knowledge is relatively more firmly established, regions I call “merely” state-of-the-art. Specifically, a state-of-the-art ICS would be built on knowledge of computing systems and instruction that is available now rather than on knowledge in the process of being found by research at the frontier. I propose developing a state-of-the-art ICS that teaches learners how to read so that their comprehension exceeds that gained by reading a superior textbook. I sketch a theory of instruction that underlies the instructional features of a state-of-the-art ICS focussed on this objective. Then, I illustrate in “paperware” form what this ICS might look like. I conclude by describing how work at the frontier of ICSs can be advanced by using a state-of-the-art ICS to bootstrap knowledge needed.
Project-based learning is a comprehensive approach to classroom teaching and learning that is designed to engage students in investigation of authentic problems. In this article, we present an argument for why projects have the potential to help people learn; indicate factors in project design that affect motivation and thought; examine difficulties that students and teachers may encounter with projects; and describe how technology can support students and teachers as they work on projects, so that motivation and thought are sustained.
The question of how affect arises and what affect indicates is examined from a feedback-based viewpoint on self-regulation. Using the analogy of action control as the attempt to diminish distance to a goal, a second feedback system is postulated that senses and regulates the rate at which the action-guiding system is functioning. This second system is seen as responsible for affect. Implications of these assertions and issues that arise from them are addressed in the remainder of the article. Several issues relate to the emotion model itself; others concern the relation between negative emotion and disengagement from goals. Relations to 3 other emotion theories are also addressed. The authors conclude that this view on affect is a useful supplement to other theories and that the concept of emotion is easily assimilated to feedback models of self-regulation.
Some students thirst for learning. They seek challenges and overcome obstacles sometimes with persistence and sometimes with inventive problem solving. They set realistic goals and utilize a battery of resources. They approach academic tasks with confidence and purpose. This combination of positive expectations, motivation, and diverse strategies for problem solving are virtues of self-regulated learners. We seek to understand and nurture the development of these attitudes in order to prevent students from rejecting the values of education, devising shortcuts to complete assignments, and setting minimal performance goals.