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Temporal trends in the use of adjuvant systemic therapy in breast cancer - A population based study in Sweden 1976-2005



Both adjuvant therapy and mammography screening can decrease breast cancer mortality and there is a need of knowing to what extent those two modalities are used in the population. Screening coverage is well documented but there is a scarcity of population-based data on use of systemic adjuvant treatment. To describe the introduction, and trends in the use of adjuvant systemic therapy for breast cancer in two of six public health regions in Sweden. Population-based data on use of adjuvant therapy were available from databases with documented high quality and high coverage data for Stockholm (1976-2005) and North Sweden (1980-2003, and 2005). The use of systemic treatment was infrequent before the late 1980s in both regions, but increased during the 1990s. In 2005, the proportion of operable breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant endocrine therapy in the ages 40-59 was around 60 to 80%. The proportion adjuvant chemotherapy was less than 15% for the ages 70-74. For the north region the use of endocrine therapy increased successively over time, with an exception for age group 40-49 were a more rapidly increase occurred in the late 1990s. In Stockholm the increment was higher and more rapidly. There was no clear difference in chemotherapy use between the regions, and the use increased from the mid 1980s in age group 40-49, and in the early 1990s for women aged 50-59. In age group's 60-69 and 70-74 the use was relatively infrequent. Trends in, and levels of the use of adjuvant systemic therapy for breast cancer varied over time in the two study regions, particularly for endocrine therapy. We consider that the differences between the regions mainly reflect different interpretations of new scientific evidence. We stress the importance of a good documentation of all new treatment protocols.
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Acta Oncologica
ISSN: 0284-186X (Print) 1651-226X (Online) Journal homepage:
Temporal trends in the use of adjuvant systemic
therapy in breast cancer – a population based
study in Sweden 1976–2005
Levent Kemetli, Lars Erik Rutqvist, Håkan Jonsson, Lennarth Nyström, Per
Lenner & Sven Törnberg
To cite this article: Levent Kemetli, Lars Erik Rutqvist, Håkan Jonsson, Lennarth Nyström, Per
Lenner & Sven Törnberg (2009) Temporal trends in the use of adjuvant systemic therapy in
breast cancer – a population based study in Sweden 1976–2005, Acta Oncologica, 48:1, 59-66
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Published online: 08 Jul 2009.
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Temporal trends in the use of adjuvant systemic therapy in breast
a population based study in Sweden 1976
Oncologic Centre of Stockholm-Gotland, Karolinska University Hospital & Institute, Stockholm, Sweden,
Department of
Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden,
Department of Radiation Sciences, Oncology, Umea
University Hospital, Umea
, Sweden and
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Epidemiology and Public
Health Sciences, Umea
University Hospital, Umea
, Sweden
Background. Both adjuvant therapy and mammography screening can decrease breast cancer mortality and there is a need of
knowing to what extent those two modalities are used in the population. Screening coverage is well documented but there is
a scarcity of population-based data on use of systemic adjuvant treatment. Aim. To describe the introduction, and trends in
the use of adjuvant systemic therapy for breast cancer in two of six public health regions in Sweden. Material & methods.
Population-based data on use of adjuvant therapy were available from databases with documented high quality and high
coverage data for Stockholm (19762005) and North Sweden (19802003, and 2005). Results. The use of systemic
treatment was infrequent before the late 1980s in both regions, but increased during the 1990s. In 2005, the proportion of
operable breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant endocrine therapy in the ages 4059 was around 60 to 80%. The
proportion adjuvant chemotherapy was less than 15% for the ages 7074. For the north region the use of endocrine therapy
increased successively over time, with an exception for age group 4049 were a more rapidly increase occurred in the late
1990s. In Stockholm the increment was higher and more rapidly. There was no clear difference in chemotherapy use
between the regions, and the use increased from the mid 1980s in age group 4049, and in the early 1990s for women aged
5059. In age group’s 6069 and 7074 the use was relatively infrequent. Conclusions. Trends in, and levels of the use of
adjuvant systemic therapy for breast cancer varied over time in the two study regions, particularly for endocrine therapy. We
consider that the differences between the regions mainly reflect different interpretations of new scientific evidence. We stress
the importance of a good documentation of all new treatment protocols.
The secular trend for age-adjusted breast cancer
mortality has shifted in several western countries
during the 1990s. The trend is now distinctly
downward in, for instance, the UK and the US,
despite continuing increases in the breast cancer
incidence, except for the last 23 years [1]. There
has been considerable controversy regarding the
extent to which preventive measures such as early
diagnosis and widespread use of routine adjuvant
systemic therapy has contributed to the decreasing
trend in breast cancer mortality. Over the years
several randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and
overviews and meta-analyses of such trials have
convincingly demonstrated that both mammography
screening and adjuvant systemic therapy can de-
crease breast cancer mortality and case fatality
In Sweden, breast cancer mortality has been stable
or slightly downward during past decades while at
the same time breast cancer incidence has increased
substantially. This has been explained by the intro-
duction of population-based mammography screen-
ing as well as the increasing use of systemic adjuvant
therapy. The population-based screening program
with mammography in Sweden is well documented
in several studies [811]. However, as in many other
countries, there are limited data on time trends in
the use of adjuvant systemic therapy. The time
Correspondence: Levent Kemetli, Cancer Screening Unit, Oncologic Centre M8, Karolinska University Hospital, 171 76 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: 46 8 517
733 64. Fax: 46 8 32 77 60. E-mail:
Acta Oncologica, 2009; 48: 5966
(Received 3 April 2008; accepted 16 June 2008)
ISSN 0284-186X print/ISSN 1651-226X online # 2009 Informa UK Ltd. (Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis AS)
DOI: 10.1080/02841860802277471
Downloaded by [] at 15:15 25 January 2016
trends in adjuvant therapy has so far only been
reported from the Netherlands (19731997) [6],
southeast England (19962003) [12], and from the
US (19751999) [13], where all authors expressed
problems in obtaining high quality and high coverage
data on adjuvant therapy.
Both mammography screening and adjuvant sys-
temic therapy were introduced as part of routine
health care in many countries during roughly the same
time period, i.e., adjuvant systemic therapy in the late
1970s and mammography screening in the late 1980s
through the early 1990s. The aim of the present study
was to analyse secular trends in the use of adjuvant
systemic therapy among patients with breast cancer,
in two of six public health care regions in Sweden
(Stockholm and North Sweden) 19762005.
Material and methods
Cancer care in Sweden is coordinated by central
units organised at a regional level in the six different
public health care regions. Despite a nationwide
common view of what would be the golden standard
and national recommendations and guidelines in
breast cancer treatment, the different regions may
have their guidelines adjusted for regional differ-
ences. Data in the present study derives from the two
regions, Stockholm and North Sweden.
Study area. Stockholm is a mainly urban area with a
population of about 1.8 million. The annual number
of incident cases of invasive breast cancer increased
from about 800 in the late 1970s to about 1 500 in
the year 2005 [14].
Breast cancer care program. Breast cancer care in the
region is coordinated through a comprehensive
breast cancer care program initiated in the mid
1970s. The program is organised by the multi-
disciplinary Stockholm Breast Cancer Study Group
(SBCSG) and includes clinical practice guidelines
implemented at the five breast cancer detection and
treatment centres. Over the years, the SBCSG has
initiated several RCTs on adjuvant therapy.
Breast cancer care database. A clinical database was
initiated in 1976 aiming at prospectively include all
women with primary breast cancer diagnosed in the
region. It is based on reports from all clinicians
collaborating with the SBCSG. The data registered
include information on stage of disease at primary
diagnosis, type of surgery, postoperative treatment
(including adjuvant systemic therapy), histopatholo-
gical data, hormone receptor status and follow-up
data. The completeness of the registers is checked
through record linkage with data from the Regional
Cancer Registry in the Stockholm-Gotland region
which reports to the nationwide Swedish Cancer
Registry. The completeness of the register at the
National Cancer Registry has been estimated at
96% [15].
The breast cancer database includes prospectively
collected information on the use of adjuvant sys-
temic treatment among individual patients. Report-
ing was based on forms filled out by the responsible
clinician in conjunction with the multidisciplinary,
postoperative clinical conference. The recom-
mended treatment was then discussed with the
patient at the out-patient clinic a few days later.
This implied that the treatment actually received by
the patient may have deviated from the intended
treatment reported on the form sent to the SBCSG
secretariat. However, such inconsistencies have been
found to be rare. For instance, among patients who
were recommended treatment with tamoxifen, 96%
were found to have initiated such treatment, and
among those not recommended such treatment, only
1% actually received the drug [16]. Non-compliance
to a recommendation of adjuvant chemotherapy was
in 19761984 found to be about 6 and 10% among
pre- and post menopausal patients, respectively [17].
Breast cancer care guidelines. The clinical practice
guidelines issued by the SBCSG are intended to be
evidence-based. Consequently, they have been con-
tinuously updated to comply with the increase of
evidence from the RCTs on adjuvant systemic
therapy and overviews of such RCTs. Routine
adjuvant systemic therapy was not recommended
until 1990. At that time, the survival benefits
observed in the Oxford overviews with both cytotoxic
chemotherapy and adjuvant endocrine therapy were
considered mature and clinically worthwhile [2,3].
North Sweden
Study area. North Sweden is a mainly rural area. It
covers about half of Sweden but the population is only
0.9 million. The annual number of incident cases of
invasive breast cancer increased from about 400 in
the late 1970s to about 600 in the year 2005 [14].
Breast cancer care program. As in Stockholm breast
cancer care in the region is coordinated through a
comprehensive breast cancer program. The program
was initiated in 1980 and is organised by the multi-
disciplinary North Sweden Breast Cancer Group
(NSBG). Similar to the SBCSG the NSBG has
60 L. Kemetli et al.
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initiated several RCTs on adjuvant therapy as part of
the program.
Breast cancer care database. As part of the regional
breast cancer program a clinical database was
initiated in 1980 aiming at prospectively include
women with primary breast cancer diagnosed in the
region. The format of the database is similar to that
in Stockholm. The completeness of registration is
checked through record linkage with data from the
Regional Cancer Registry, also delivering the regio-
nal data to the National Cancer Registry.
In North Sweden, registered data were also based
on forms filled out by the responsible clinician.
However, all information on adjuvant systemic
treatment has prospectively been checked for accu-
racy by data managers who have compared the
registered information with clinical records. This
routine has been implemented since September
1987 when the database was changed. The regis-
tered information from 1988 and onwards thus
concerns the type of adjuvant systemic therapy that
was actually initiated in a patient. However, before
that year, information about treatment mostly con-
cerned the treatment allocated to patients included
in the RCTs. As adjuvant systemic therapy during
this time was rarely used outside the trials, it was
assumed that patients for whom data were unavail-
able had not received adjuvant systemic therapy.
During 19801987 the county of Ja
mtland, which
then constituted 15% of the female population in the
region did not belong to the region and were not
included in the clinical breast cancer database.
Therefore, Ja
mtland was excluded from the analysis
during that period. The registration in the breast
cancer care database for the year 2004 was not yet
complete and could therefore not be included in the
Breast cancer care guidelines. In North Sweden the
regional clinical practice guidelines issued by the
NSBG have been continuously updated. Routine
adjuvant systemic therapy in selected patient groups
was recommended first in 1987.
Adjuvant therapy
Study population/period. For this study we selected
women aged 4074 years who were reported to the
breast cancer database 19762005 in Stockholm
and 19802005 in North Sweden with a uni- or
bilateral, primary, invasive breast cancer, and who
were considered to have operable disease. Adjuvant
treatment with tamoxifen, megestrol acetate, me-
droxyprogesterone acetate, and goserelin or oophor-
ectomy among pre menopausal patients, was
recorded as ‘adjuvant endocrine therapy’ irrespective
of whether they also were treated with adjuvant
chemotherapy. Adjuvant therapy with cytotoxic
drugs (typically CMF-type regimens during the
1970s and early 1980s, and anthracycline-containing
regimens during the late 1980s and 1990s) was
recorded as ‘adjuvant chemotherapy’ irrespective of
whether the patient also received adjuvant endocrine
therapy. Patients receiving both treatment modal-
ities, either in combination or sequentially were
recorded as having had ‘adjuvant chemo-hormonal
The study was approved by the Karolinska In-
stitute’s Research Ethics Committee (KI Dnr: 03-
630). The approval was valid for both regions.
Coverage of the breast cancer care databases
During the study period 19762005, 23 156 invasive
breast cancer cases aged 4074 years were reported
to the Regional Cancer Registry in Stockholm and
out of these, 21 639 were notified in the breast
cancer care database, thus giving registration cover-
age of 93%. The coverage was lower during the first
three years (in the late 70s), but remained at a high
and stable level thereafter. A total of 92% had
undergone primary surgery, and among them in-
formation on adjuvant systemic therapy was avail-
able in 98% of the patients between the years 1991
and 2005.
During the period 1976 to 1990 the registration of
the data variable no adjuvant therapy given’ could
not be separated from the variable adjuvant therapy
unknown’. This explains why the curve in Figure 1 is
at a lower level before 1991. There is no reason
to believe that the registration was less complete
before 1990, therefore the level shown would likely
be false too low. The proportion of operable cases
with information on adjuvant therapy remained high
and stable during the entire period (Figure 1).
In North Sweden 8 714 invasive breast cancer
cases aged 4074 years were reported to the Regional
Cancer Registry 19802005 (2004 excluded) com-
pared to 8 543 in the breast cancer care database
(98% coverage). The proportion of cases that under-
went primary surgery was 91%. As in Stockholm this
proportion did not change substantially during the
study period (Figure 1). Data on adjuvant systemic
therapy was available in 96% of the patients for the
period 1988 to 2005, but during 1980 to 1987 data
were available only for patients included in RCTs.
However, the vast majority of the patients treated
outside the trials did not receive adjuvant therapy as
Trends in the use of adjuvant breast cancer therapy 61
Downloaded by [] at 15:15 25 January 2016
it was not recommended in routine practice at the
Ages 4049 years
Before 1990 few patients in Stockholm below the age
of 50 years were treated with adjuvant endocrine
therapy (Figure 2) whereas 1020% received adju-
vant chemotherapy (Figure 3). In Northern Sweden
1525% received endocrine treatment during the
1980s whereas the use of chemotherapy was less
prevalent, 510%.
During the 1990s the use of both adjuvant endo-
crine and cytotoxic therapy increased substantially in
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Number of cases
North Sweden
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Cancer register
Breast cancer register
Information about adjuvant therapy
Figure 1. The annual number of invasive breast cancer cases in Stockholm county 19762005 (Stockholm), and in North Sweden 1980
2005 (North Sweden), in the ages 4074: 1) reported to the Swedish Cancer Registry, 2) included in the regional breast cancer database,
3) registered as operable, and 4) with information on adjuvant therapy.
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
North Sweden
Figure 2. The proportion of operable breast cancer cases aged 4049, 5059, 6069 and 7074 years treated with adjuvant endocrine
therapy according to year of diagnosis and region.
62 L. Kemetli et al.
Downloaded by [] at 15:15 25 January 2016
both regions. The proportion who received che-
motherapy was about the same in Stockholm and
North Sweden, and about 50% received such therapy
in the year 2005. The use of adjuvant endocrine
therapy increased markedly in Stockholm during the
early 1990s to about 5060%. In approximately 40%
of these cases the treatment was given in conjunction
with chemotherapy (Figure 4). A similar sharp
increase in the use of adjuvant endocrine therapy
was observed in North Sweden but not until the late
1990s. About half, to two-thirds of the patients
received chemo-hormonal therapy.
Ages 5059 years
During the late 1970s and 1980s the use of adjuvant
endocrine therapy in both regions was fairly stable
and covered 2030% of the patients (Figure 2).
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Figure 3. The proportion of operable breast cancer cases aged 4049, 5059, 6069 and 7074 years treated with adjuvant chemotherapy
according to year of diagnosis and region.
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
North Sweden
Figure 4. The proportion of operable breast cancer cases aged 4049 and 5059 years treated with adjuvant endocrine therapy and
chemotherapy according to year of diagnosis and region.
Trends in the use of adjuvant breast cancer therapy 63
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However, during the early 1990s the use increased
sharply in Stockholm up to 7080%, and remained
stable during the remaining study period. No similar
sharp upward trend was observed in North Sweden
although there was a small increase in the use of
endocrine therapy in the late 1990s and a continuing
increment up to 55% in 2005.
The use of adjuvant chemotherapy was 1015%
until the mid 1990s in both regions and increased
gradually to approximately 35% the year 2005
(Figure 3). About half of the therapy was combined
chemo-hormonal therapy (Figure 4).
Ages 6069 years
In Stockholm the trend in the use of endocrine
therapy in age group 6069 was similar to that
observed in the women aged 5059 (Figure 2). In
contrast, only a small increase was observed in
North Sweden.
Adjuvant chemotherapy was rarely used in this age
group during most of the study period (Figure 3).
The trends were not substantially different between
the two regions. During the 1980s only 510% of the
cases received such treatment and the time trends
were actually slightly downward. However, since the
late 1990s there appeared to be some increase in
usage. In the year 2005, 1530% of the women
received adjuvant chemotherapy in both regions.
Because of the infrequent use of chemotherapy in
this age group, rates for combined chemo-hormonal
therapy were also low (data not shown).
Ages 7074 years
Trends in the use of endocrine therapy in this age
group were roughly similar to those observed at ages
5059 years and 6069 years: i.e. relatively stable
around 1020% until the late 1980s thereafter it
increased sharply in Stockholm to about 80%
(Figure 2). In North Sweden use increased to
some extent also during late 1980s to early 1990s,
but levelled off at 4050% during the 1990s. In the
year 2005 the proportion was under 40%.
Only few patients in this age group received
adjuvant chemotherapy during the study period
(Figure 3).
Before conducting this study we had an assumption
that new scientific evidence on systemic breast
cancer therapy would have an immediate impact
on treatment regimens, however, that assumption
could not be confirmed.
Already in the mid 1970s preliminary results from
controlled trials suggested significant and clinically
worthwhile treatment benefits with adjuvant che-
motherapy in early stage breast cancer [18,19]. A
few years later encouraging results were also re-
ported from trials of adjuvant endocrine therapy
with tamoxifen [20,21]. Against this background one
would perhaps have expected upward trends in use
of adjuvant systemic therapy starting already in the
late 1970s to early 1980s. It would also seem
reasonable to assume that such upward trends were
accentuated after 1985 following the recommenda-
tions of the National Institutes of Health/National
Cancer Institute (NIH/NCI) Consensus Develop-
ment Conference about routine use of adjuvant
chemotherapy and adjuvant tamoxifen [22]. Despite
the availability of such guidelines there is evidence
that adherence to and implementation of treatment
recommendations is less than optimal. This has also
been described by other authors [23]. The present
study shows that all types of adjuvant systemic
therapy were used relatively infrequently before the
late 1980s. Upward trends in the use of adjuvant
therapy did not occur before the early 1990s.
However a pattern in the use of adjuvant therapy
reflecting a high degree of compliance to the regional
practice guidelines who did not recommend adju-
vant systemic therapy as a routine treatment before
1987 in North Sweden, and before 1990 in Stock-
holm were also seen in this study. In Stockholm, the
correlation between regional guidelines and endo-
crine therapy is striking. This is most obvious in the
youngest age group where endocrine therapy was not
recommended to pre menopausal women before
1990. However, after 1990 a large increase was
seen in all the age groups. After 1996 a slight change
in the curves is seen due to a revision version of the
guidelines. In the north region the changes in the
curves were not as large and instantaneous as in
Stockholm. Another difference between the two
regions was the larger variability in North Sweden,
which could be due to the lower number of cases
there, in comparison to Stockholm.
We also studied the pTNM stage, and oestrogen
receptor (ER) status distributions for the two regions
in order to search explanation for the differences in
adjuvant systemic therapy between the two regions.
However, both the stage distribution and the dis-
tribution of ER were rather similar between the
regions (data not shown), and none of them could
explain the differences between the regions.
In the present study the figures of systemic
adjuvant therapy is presented as a proportion of
operable breast cancer cases. The reason for using
this proportion instead of all breast cancer cases as
the denominator used in other studies [6,12,13] was
64 L. Kemetli et al.
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the fact that inoperable cases would not benefit from
receiving adjuvant therapy. The disadvantage with
this proportion is that it is not easily compared with
other studies, the advantage of this proportion is that
it is more refined and should better be related to the
outcome. In this study 84 to 93% of the breast
cancer cases where operated throughout the study
The trend in North Sweden and Stockholm
concerning adjuvant chemotherapy was similar to
that in the south east of the Netherlands [6]. Despite
similar health care organisation and access to region
wide cancer statistics in Sweden and in the Nether-
lands, the proportion of women below 50, treated
with chemotherapy in the Netherlands was higher
than in Sweden before the 1990. In that age group
the percentage of women treated with tamoxifen was
around 5% at maximum for the whole period, which
was completely different from what was seen in the
two Swedish regions.
Data reported from the southeast England [12],
was not divided into age groups which obstruct the
comparability with the present study. Tataru et al.
reported a relatively steep decrease in hormone
therapy during the late 1990s and early 2000s, which
was not seen in the two Swedish regions. For
chemotherapy the differences were not as striking
as for hormonal therapy. It’s reasonable to believe
that the differences seen on hormonal therapy are
due to stricter treatment criteria in England during
this period. In Sweden, also pre menopausal women
with ER positive breast cancers have been treated
with tamoxifen, where in England, only post meno-
pausal women receive tamoxifen.
Trends in adjuvant therapy in the US were
reported from eight population-based registries
[13], for a time period similar to the present study.
The health care organisation in the United States is
more privately based allowing physicians to act more
freely in the decision on type of treatment to
recommend the individual patient. This makes data
from that study difficult to compare with ours. The
US data was presented by stage: still a very sharp
increase in hormonal therapy was seen a couple of
years before the increase occur in Stockholm. This
could probably be due to the already mentioned
difference in health care organisation where in the
US, new methods and recommendations was
adopted earlier than in more centralised health care
The study had several strengths. It was based on
almost three decades of population-based clinical
data of diagnosed breast cancer cases, covering a
third of the Swedish population. Prospectively col-
lected data were available from the late 1970s until
the mid 2000s. Initially adjuvant systemic therapy
was only used in selected patients included in
controlled clinical trials. Later, it was routinely
used in a larger proportion of all the cases.
It might be seen as a limitation that we did not
analyse the trends in more detail. Such an approach
would have been necessary if the aim of this study
had included assessing the extent to which the
treatment offered to the patients adhered to the
clinical practice guidelines issued by the regional
breast cancer groups. North Sweden reported ad-
juvant therapy as ‘actually initiated’ to the patient
whereas in Stockholm treatment was reported as
‘recommended to the patient. However, in reality
the possible differences between the regions in
whether the patients had received treatment or not
are probably small because previous experience
from Stockholm indicated that the patients’ com-
pliance to recommended treatment was high, parti-
cularly in the case of adjuvant endocrine therapy.
There is therefore no reason to assume any differ-
ences between the two regions in the percentages
of patients having received complete treatment
[16,17]. Nevertheless, we can not exclude that this
circumstance may cause a small overestimate of the
reported proportions treated patients in Stockholm
in comparison to North Sweden.
The upward trends in use of adjuvant systemic
therapy in the early 1990s occurred roughly simul-
taneously with the introduction of population-based
mammography screening. The screening program in
Stockholm started 1989 (age 5069) and the first
round was completed in 1991. In North Sweden
screening started 19891990 (age 4074) in two
of the counties (59% of the total population).
Their first round was completed in early 1992.
The remaining two counties in the northern region
started mammography screening in the mid 1990s
(age 5069), and in 1998 all women in the target
group in the region had been screened at least once.
This implies that service screening was introduced in
both regions concurrently with a more widespread
use of adjuvant systemic therapy. In fact the intro-
duction of screening which is believed to result in
a down staging of the diagnosed breast cancers
[24], may also have had an influence on both type
and amount of therapy that has been given there-
The trends in adjuvant systemic therapy in the
North Sweden and Stockholm, reported in the
present study have to our knowledge not been
shown before. Actually given adjuvant systemic
therapy varied between the regions, particularly
for endocrine therapy. We consider that these
differences between the regions were mainly due
to different interpretations of new scientific evi-
dence. However, we were unable to verify this with
Trends in the use of adjuvant breast cancer therapy 65
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information back in time when new treatment
protocols had been issued. In order to maximise
the use of individual data registers for evaluation of
treatment effects we would emphasize the need of
a systemic documentation of when, and for which
patient groups new treatment regimens are agreed
and issued.
This study was supported by a grant from the
Swedish Cancer Society.
None of the authors have declared any conflict of
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... 9 Published studies largely provided snapshots of use of endocrine therapies without examining or comparing longitudinal trends. A study in Sweden showed that the use of endocrine therapy in women with operable breast cancer increased over time and, in 2005, was 60-80% in women aged between 40 and 59. 10 Although a review of breast cancer care in 18 countries included a snapshot of endocrine therapy use in 2008, it did not compare longitudinal trends in use and did not provide details on sampling strategies and the national representativeness of the IMS health data. 11 The aim of this study was to compare the utilization patterns of endocrine therapy in nine countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) over the last decade. ...
... Differences between countries may also be explained by variations in adherence and discontinuation rates of oral hormonal therapies which have been shown to range from 45% to 96% and 12-73%, respectively, in a recent review of the literature. 10 Furthermore, the optimal total duration of endocrine therapy is still debated with recent data supporting the extended use of tamoxifen or AI after 5 years of treatment with endocrine therapy. 26,30 Therefore, different usage differences between countries may reflect different interpretations of the scientific evidence. ...
... Prevalence of use of endocrine therapy has also been shown to vary with age. 10 Without individual consumption data, we were not able to adjust for potential differences in adherence to endocrine therapy, duration of use and age. Secondly, the different durations of data availability between countries made comparisons of the longitudinal trends difficult. ...
What is known and objective: Endocrine therapy is an effective treatment for post-menopausal women with 'oestrogen receptor-positive' invasive breast cancers. There are two main types of endocrine therapies: selective oestrogen receptor modulators (tamoxifen) and aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole, letrozole and exemestane). The aim of this study was to compare the patterns of use of endocrine therapies for breast cancer in women between nine developed countries. Methods: A longitudinal, cross-national drug utilization study was conducted. The endocrine therapies included were tamoxifen and the aromatase inhibitors: anastrozole, letrozole and exemestane. Annual drug utilization data were collected from Australia, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden over the period 2001-2012. Utilization was measured in DDD/1000 inhabitants/day and was also adjusted for breast cancer incidence and female population statistics. Results and discussion: Total use of endocrine therapies either increased or remained steady in all countries. Total endocrine therapy usage was consistently highest in England and France. Norway showed the lowest usage of endocrine therapies overall, using only 1.80 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day in 2012. Downward trends in tamoxifen use and upward trends in aromatase inhibitors were seen across all countries over the study period. By 2012, aromatase inhibitors represented over half of total endocrine therapy use in all countries, and as high as 74% and 80% in France and Denmark, respectively. What is new and conclusion: Our analysis found a shift in use of endocrine therapy from tamoxifen to aromatase inhibitors. This trend is consistent with major clinical guidelines endorsing preferential use of aromatase inhibitors in post-menopausal women. Stabilization or small increase in tamoxifen use in the recent years may reflect the recognition of tamoxifen as still an appropriate first-line treatment. The similarity in utilization patterns may be due to the relatively comparable healthcare systems in the countries, namely universal health insurance and pharmaceutical coverage. Differences in utilization observed could be due to differences in breast cancer incidence, prescribing behaviours, interpretation of new trial evidence, and timing of drug marketing approval and reimbursement between countries.
... This observed incidence increase has been considered to be caused by the lifestyle changes women have undergone in the recent decades [95,101,102,114,126,127,204,205] and national mammography service screening [206]. The subsequent decrease in CBC incidence is considered to be caused by the introduction of adjuvant therapy with TAM [207] and AIs [163]. One factor that is an established risk factor for CBC is an early age at first breast cancer diagnosis. ...
... The most plausible explanation to why the incidence of MBBC in the first 5-year period decreased in women who were diagnosed with their first breast cancer after the 1980s, is the introduction of adjuvant treatment with TAM in the late 1970s [207] and AIs in the 2000s [163]. In addition, during all decades, the SBBC incidence was significantly higher than the MBBC incidence in each following year. ...
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Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in Sweden, as well as worldwide. In Sweden, 8,288 women were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2019, out of whom approximately 1.5% were younger than 35 years of age. Although breast cancer is relatively uncommon in young women, they tend to be diagnosed with more aggressive tumors at a more advanced stage, and have a poorer prognosis compared with older women. Young patients are also more likely to harbor a strong genetic predisposition for breast cancer. In paper I–III, women who were diagnosed with breast cancer at an age of 35 years or younger in the South Swedish Health Care Region were studied. In paper I, the concordance between self- and register-reported information regarding first-degree family history of cancer was evaluated. Almost perfect agreement between reports of family history of breast and ovarian cancers, but lesser agreement for other types of cancer, was observed. In addition, the frequencies of carriers and noncarriers of pathogenic variants and tumor characteristics for each of these group were described. Pathogenic variants were identified in BRCA1 (19%), BRCA2 (7%), and other genes, i.e., TP53, CHEK2, and PALB2 (4.5%). Compared with other groups, women with pathogenic variants in BRCA1 were more likely to be diagnosed with high grade, estrogen receptor-, progesterone receptor-, and triple-negative tumors. We also noted that even though all included women fulfilled the criteria for consideration of genetic counseling and testing, many had not been referred to the Oncogenetic Clinic in Lund. In paper II, we subsequently observed that both place of residence at breast cancer diagnosis and treating hospital were associated with the probability for a referral for genetic counseling and testing, and in paper III, most women stated that the main reason for not undergoing genetic testing when they were first diagnosed with breast cancer was that they had not received any information about genetic counseling and testing from their treating physicians. Among women who have previously been diagnosed with breast cancer, both young age and the identification of a pathogenic variant are associated with an increased risk for the development of a new primary breast cancer. The second breast cancer can occur ipsilaterally, i.e., in the same breast, but most occur in the contralateral breast. In paper IV, we evaluated how the incidence of contralateral breast cancer (CBC) has evolved in Sweden since the 1960s. A statistically significant increase in CBC incidence, within ten years from the first breast cancer diagnosis between the 1960s and 1980s, was observed. This increase was seen throughout all age groups, with the steepest increase in women younger than 40 years. However, a subsequent significant decrease in the incidence of invasive CBCs after the 1980s was also seen, in contrast to in situ CBCs, where the incidence stabilized in the years after. In paper III, a Traceback approach, i.e., a retrospective genetic outreach activity, was also evaluated by inviting all the women diagnosed with early-onset breast cancer, who had not previously been referred for genetic counseling, to an analysis of breast cancer predisposing genes. Pathogenic variants were identified in BRCA1 (n=2), CHEK2 (n=1), and ATM (n=1), i.e., in four (14%) of the participants. The Traceback pilot study procedure, with written pre-test information and genetic testing, followed by in-person counseling for carriers of pathogenic variants only, was well accepted. Based on these results, we will initiate an enlarged Traceback study were all previously untested women diagnosed with breast cancer between the ages of 36 and 40 years will be invited.
... Literature on AST prescription trends in early breast cancer patients in recent years is scarce. AST trends on a population-based scale have been reported for the Netherlands [16], the South of the Netherlands (1990)(1991)(1992)(1993)(1994)(1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2006) [17], South East England (1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003) [18], the US (1975-1999 and 1987-2000) [2,19], and Sweden [20]. All of these studies report the increased use of AST in breast cancer patients over time as a result of the expansion of the indication area in clinical guidelines with some international differences [21]. ...
... All of these studies report the increased use of AST in breast cancer patients over time as a result of the expansion of the indication area in clinical guidelines with some international differences [21]. Actual guideline adherence was not addressed by any of these authors, although some stress a need for a more effective practical implementation of AST guidelines [20][21][22]. In summary, between 1990 and 2012, indications for AST have expanded substantially resulting in a drastic increase in AST administration in the Netherlands. ...
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Over recent years, adjuvant systemic treatment guidelines (AST) for early-stage breast cancer have changed considerably. We aimed to assess the impact of these guideline changes on the administration of AST in early-stage breast cancer patients and to what extent these guidelines are adhered to at a nation-wide level. We used Netherlands Cancer Registry data to describe trends in AST prescription, adherence to AST guidelines, and to identify clinicopathological determinants of nonadherence. Between 1990 and 2012, 231,648 Dutch patients were diagnosed with early breast cancer, of whom 124,472 received AST. Adjuvant endocrine treatment (ET) use increased from 23 % of patients (1990) to 56 % (2012), and chemotherapy from 11 to 44 %. In 2009–2012, 8 % of patients received ET and 3 % received chemotherapy without guideline indication. Conversely, 10–29 % of patients did not receive ET and chemotherapy, respectively, despite a guideline indication. Unfavorable clinicopathological characteristics generally decreased the chance of undertreatment and increased the chance for overtreatment. Remarkable was the increased chance of ET undertreatment in younger women (RR < 35 vs 60–69 years 1.79; 95 % CI 1.30–2.47) and in women with HER2+ disease (RR 1.64; 95 % CI 1.46–1.85). Over the years, AST guidelines expanded resulting in much more Dutch early breast cancer patients receiving AST. In the majority of cases, AST administration was guideline concordant, but the high frequency of chemotherapy undertreatment in some subgroups suggests limited AST guideline support in these patients.
... In early stage cancer, adjuvant treatment has improved in recent years to reduce recurrence and mortality [2]. Hence, issues concerning quality of life (QoL) during and after cancer treatment have become increasingly important. ...
Purpose Despite the burgeoning geriatric population with cancer and the importance of understanding how age may be related to mental adjustment and quality of life so far, differences in coping strategies and psychological harm between the elderly and adults are hardly being taken into account to modify the approach to this population. The aim of this prospective study is to describe the differences in psychological characteristics between older and adult cancer patients and examine dissimilarities in their psychological evolution during adjuvant chemotherapy. Methods Adults (18–69 years old) and older patients (≥ 70) with newly diagnosed non-metastatic resected cancer admitted to receive adjuvant chemotherapy were recruited. Patients completed the following questionnaires: mini-mental adjustment to cancer, brief symptom inventory, shared decision-making questionnaire–patient’s version, multidimensional scale of perceived social support, EORTC quality-of-life instrument, life orientation test-revised, and satisfaction with life scale. Results 500 cancer patients (394 adults and 106 older) were evaluated. The impact of the diagnosis was less negative among older patients, with no differences in coping strategies, quality of life, or search for support. Regarding psychological changes from the beginning to the end of the adjuvant treatment, both age groups reported more somatic symptoms, increased psychological difficulty, reduced coping strategies, and a significant decrease in quality of life at the end of postoperative chemotherapy. Conclusion Although there were clear psychological differences between adults and senior cancer patients, their evolution during adjuvant chemotherapy was similar, with deterioration in quality of life and coping. This negative psychological impact of adjuvant chemotherapy should be taken into account when considering interventions. Keywords Cancer Coping, Elderly, Psychological adaptation, Quality of life, Shared decision-making
... Improved diagnostic and screening techniques enable ever more cancers to be detected in localized stages [1]. Systemic adjuvant treatments are being used with growing frequency and effectiveness following surgery on these early tumors to reduce relapse and mortality rates [2,3]. However, the increasing complexity of these treatments and their administration to vulnerable people has had a negative impact on patient quality of life, due to adverse effect. ...
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Shared Decision-Making Questionnaire-Physician version (SDM-Q-Doc) in a sample of medical oncologists who provide adjuvant treatment to patients with non-metastatic resected cancer and the correlations between the total SDM-Q-Doc score and physician satisfaction with the information provided. Methods: Prospective, observational and multicenter study in which 32 medical oncologists and 520 patients were recruited. The psychometric properties, dimensionality, and factor structure of the SDM-Q-Doc were assessed. Results: Exploratory factor analyses suggested that the most likely solution was two-dimensional, with two correlated factors: one factor regarding information and another one about treatment. Confirmatory factor analysis based on cross-validation showed that the fitted two-dimensional solution provided the best fit to the data. Reliability analyses revealed good accuracy for the derived scores, both total and sub-scale, with estimates ranging from 0.81 to 0.89. The results revealed significant correlations between the total SDM-Q-Doc score and physician satisfaction with the information provided (p < 0.01); between information sub-scale scores (factor 1) and satisfaction (p < 0.01), and between treatment sub-scale scores (factor 2) and satisfaction (p < 0.01). Medical oncologists of older age and those with more years of experience showed more interest in the patient preferences (p = 0.026 and p = 0.020, respectively). Patient age negatively correlated with SDM information (p < 0.01) and physicians appear to provide more information to young patients. Conclusion: SDM-Q-Doc showed good psychometric properties and could be a helpful tool that examines physician's perspective of SDM and as an indicator of quality and satisfaction in patients with cancer.
... Improved diagnostic and screening techniques enable ever more cancers to be detected in localized stages [1]. Systemic adjuvant treatments are being used with growing frequency and effectiveness following surgery on these early tumors to reduce relapse and mortality rates [2,3]. However, the increasing complexity of these treatments and their administration to vulnerable people has had a negative impact on patient quality of life, due to adverse effect. ...
Conference Paper
Objetivo El cambio de paradigma en la relación médico-paciente ha permitido una mayor implicación del paciente en la toma de decisiones durante el proceso de su enfermedad, favoreciendo un incremento en la satisfacción de médico y paciente. Herramientas específicas como el SDM-Q-9 (versión paciente) y el SDM-Q-doc (versión médico) permiten evaluar dicha relación. El objetivo del estudio es la adaptación al castellano de ambas escalas y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. Métodos Los participantes fueron pacientes (n=111) con cáncer no metastásico y sus médicos (n=24) de 11 centros españoles (proyecto-NEOCOPING). Las variables consideradas en el estudio fueron: sociodemográficas, clínico-patológicas, personales y sociales. La satisfacción con la toma de decisión compartida se evaluó con: Shared Decision-Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q) versión paciente y versión médico. Resultado La edad media fue 57.8 años (SD=12.7), un 56% eran mujeres. Principalmente fueron: cáncer de mama (35%), colon (35%) y estómago (15,3%), estadio I-II (50%). Los resultados indican que la versión en castellano del SDM-Q-9 (α=0.86) y SDM-Q-doc (α=0.91) tiene buenas propiedades psicométricas. El análisis de la estructura factorial mediante el estadístico Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin y la prueba de esfericidad de Barlett indican que ambas escalas presentan buenas propiedades. Tanto paciente como médico estuvieron satisfechos con la toma de decisión compartida (85% y 82%, respectivamente) y no se hallaron diferencias significativas según sexo, pero sí en función del tumor. Los médicos con paciente con cáncer de colon estuvieron más satisfechos en la toma de decisión compartida que los médicos con pacientes con cáncer de mama (p=.006). Conclusiones Estos resultados sugieren que la utilización conjunta de ambas versiones del SDM-Q pueden ser un instrumento fiable y válido para evaluar la satisfacción con la toma de decisión compartida.
... Of patients diagnosed in 2003-2004 in the Netherlands, 37% received chemotherapy and 42% hormonal therapy. Similar rates were observed in Australia 32 and Sweden 36 . ...
Previous studies suggest that hormone therapy may play an important role in the development of meningioma. However, it is unclear whether medication with tamoxifen can prevent meningioma. Our study cohort included all women who were diagnosed with breast cancer between 1961 and 2010, and a total of 227 535 women were identified with breast cancer with a median age at diagnosis of 63 years. Women diagnosed with breast cancer after 1987 were defined as tamoxifen exposed; those diagnosed with breast cancer before or during 1987 were defined as not exposed to tamoxifen. Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) were used to calculate the risk of subsequent meningioma. Of these women, 223 developed meningioma. For women without tamoxifen exposure, the risk of meningioma was significantly increased, with an SIR of 1.54 (95% confidence interval 1.30-1.81); the risk was not increased in those with tamoxifen exposure (SIR=1.06, 95% confidence interval 0.84-1.32). The increased risk of meningioma in women without tamoxifen exposure persisted during 10 years of follow-up. In this historical cohort study, we found that women diagnosed with breast cancer but not treated with tamoxifen had an increased incidence of meningioma, whereas the incidence was close to that of the general population in patients treated with tamoxifen. This suggests that tamoxifen may prevent the development of meningioma.
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Background: In an earlier publication, our evaluation of data from breast cancer screening programs in seven Swedish counties suggested a 40% reduction in incidence-based breast cancer mortality among women actually screened. In the current study, we expand the previous analysis from seven counties to 13 large areas within nine counties, including six of the original counties and seven additional areas, examine a longer period of follow-up (20-44 years), apply new analytic methods for the evaluation of incidence-based breast cancer mortality, and estimate the number needed to screen to save one life. Methods: Data from six of the original counties (one being excluded as it does not yet have 10 years of follow-up after the initiation of screening), with increased follow-up, and seven additional large areas, within three counties, representing approximately 45% of Swedish women, provide information about age at diagnosis, age at death, and screening history for 542,187 women in the prescreening and 566,423 women in the screening epochs. Regardless of year of diagnosis, there were a total of 6,231 deaths due to breast cancer in the period of study as a whole. Of these, 4,778 were incidence-based deaths in the two epochs, i.e., death among cases diagnosed within either the prescreening or screening period. Data were analyzed using Poisson regression and adjusted, when necessary, for self-selection bias, contemporaneous changes in incidence, and changes in mortality independent of screening. Results: Attendance was uniformly high, averaging 75% in the screening epochs. Recall rates for assessment varied from 4% to 5% at the first round of screening and approximately 3% at later rounds. Detection rates averaged five breast cancers per 1,000 women screened in the first round, and four breast cancers per 1,000 women screened in subsequent rounds. There was a significant 45% reduction in incidence-based breast cancer mortality among screened women in the screening epoch relative to incidence-based breast cancer mortality in the prescreening epoch (relative risk, 0.55; 95% confidence intervals, 0.51-0.59). After adjusting for self-selection bias, there still was a significant 43% reduction in incidence-based breast cancer mortality associated with screening (relative risk, 0.57; 95% confidence intervals, 0.53-0.62). Conclusions: These results indicate a reduction in breast cancer mortality of between 40% and 45% in association with screening, after adjustment for self-selection bias. These results were obtained with modest human costs: the number needed to screen to save one life was estimated as 472.
Background: In our companion article, incidence-based mortality analysis of data from breast cancer screening programs in 13 areas in Sweden indicated a 40% to 45% reduction in incidence-based breast cancer mortality among women actually screened. In this article, we apply new analytic methods for the evaluation of breast cancer mortality, using all breast cancer deaths in the period under study. Methods: Data were available from 13 areas on breast cancer mortality by year of diagnosis, year of death, and screening exposure. The period of study varied by area, the overall range of year of diagnosis being 1968 to 2001. We had data on 6,231 deaths and an average population of 555,676 women ages 40 to 69 years. Analysis of the effect of being screened was conducted using an alternative statistical analysis applied to all breast cancer deaths in the period of study, in addition to the incidence-based mortality analysis in our companion article. Data were analyzed using Poisson regression and adjusted for self-selection bias, contemporaneous changes in incidence, and changes in mortality independent of screening. Results: Using all deaths in the period of observation, a significant 42% reduction in breast cancer mortality was observed, adjusting for contemporaneous changes independent of screening [relative risk (RR), 0.58; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 0.53-0.62]. After further adjustment for self-selection bias, the mortality reduction was 39% (RR, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.55-0.68), also highly significant. Conclusions: These results indicate a reduction in breast cancer mortality of 39% in association with screening, after adjustment for contemporaneous changes and self-selection bias. These results confirm previous conclusions arrived at using incidence-based mortality analyses.