
How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy

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The essence of strategy formulation is coping with competition. Yet it is easy to view competition too narrowly and too pessimistically. While one sometimes hears executives complaining to the contrary, intense competition in an industry is neither coincidence nor bad luck.

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... Higher taxes are likely to reduce profit margins and investment, whilst lower taxes may enhance growth and development opportunities (Hall, 2023). A firm's behavior is governed by the industry structure, including concentration levels, barriers to entry and degrees of product differentiation (Scherer & Ross, 1990) consistent with Michael Porter's five forces framework, which includes the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of customers, the bargaining power of suppliers, the threat of substitute products or services and the rivalry among current competitors (Leonidou, Christodoulides, Kyrgidou, & Palihawadana, 2015;Porter, 1989). Based on the structure-conductperformance (SCP) paradigm of Bain (1951Bain ( , 1956 and Mason (1939), firm performance depends on its conduct in matters such as pricing policy, research and development (R&D) and investment policy. ...
... However, the industry effect was not significantly consistent with Galbreath and Galvin's (2008) conclusion that internal resources are more important than industry structure in explaining performance variation and in line with Peteraf (1993) based on the RBV and Rumelt (1991) study, that firm (business unit) effect is more important than industry effect. Perhaps stable effects can be attributed to Porter's (1989) paradigm and the unstable effects of Grant's (1991) and the resource-based theory of competitive advantage. The result is, therefore, that IND is insignificant in influencing the variation in firm performance. ...
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Taxation revenues generated from corporations are critical in funding public infrastructure and national development, which is vital for firm performance; however, fiscal efforts to maximize taxation collection have threatened industries’ competitiveness. The study evaluates the impact of taxation structure and firm characteristics on the performance of companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange for the two years ended 31 December 2018. Taxation structure is measured using selected individual taxation heads. Firm performance is measured by the firm’s return on assets. A causal research design was applied under a theoretical framework encompassing the taxation structure, management motivations and internal resources, business operations under public scrutiny and the expectations raised on the influence of external forces, structures and relationships. The results indicate that pay as you earn, corporate income taxation and customs and excise duty hinder firm performance whereas, although value added tax and deferred taxation reduce performance, the relationships are weak. Political pressure by the industrial society appears to have failed to increase social services and infrastructural development as public income increased; political power effected through various interest groups, affluent individuals, corporations and political elites appears to have limited taxes for larger firms. Although total assets are insignificant on the whole, the result confirms the existence of unmeasured and unrecorded intangible assets that may be driving profitability, confirming the resource-based view approach on heterogeneous assets. In addition, the results indicate that liquidity is positive and significant, whilst leverage hinders performance; industry effects are insignificant. For the majority of firms, regardless of industry, liquidity has had the most significant impact on performance, in particular when coupled with effective financial relations under the resource-based view of the firm. This result may be expected in an environment characterized by inflation and currency arbitrage opportunities.Keywords: Taxation, pay-as-you-earn, customs and excise duty, liquidity, leverage, industry, development, public expenditure
... To empirically examine our Institutional BRI Theoretical Model and distinguish the institutional BRI effect on performance between these portfolios, we undertake a Difference-in-Difference (DID) analysis. Besides, to examine theorized industry view effects (Porter 1979), we test different industries' effects on performance. Finally, we examine the resource-based view (Barney 1991) by testing firm characteristics' effects on performance, completing our study of the strategy tripod. ...
... "An industry-based view, represented by Porter (1979), argues that conditions within an industry, to a large extent, determine firm strategy and performance. A resource-based view, exemplified by Barney (1991), suggests that it is firmspecific differences that drive strategy and performance. ...
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The “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) may be the greatest cooperation endeavor in the world. How do firms pursuing BRI perform? There is a scarcity of firm-level BRI studies and no empirical test of the strategy tripod, which includes institutional, industry, and resource-based views. Thus, we are motivated to test the strategy tripod on performance, employment, and business resilience. Moreover, there is no theoretical mechanism linking BRI strategy to firm outcomes. Hence, we create an institutional theory-based model with mechanisms by which BRI creates performance, CSR, and resilience. To empirically examine this novel model, we develop a portfolio of BRI firms and non-BRI competitors in which BRI is the treatment variable. Then, we undertake PSM-DID panel analyses on Chinese listed companies from 2011 to 2020. The findings demonstrate that BRI firms are more profitable, hire more people, and are more resilient than non-BRI firms. As the treatment factor for institutional theory, BRI does explain performance, CSR, and resilience. Furthermore, private control also benefits BRI firms. In particular, we find out that BRI firms in the East Coast region perform better than those from other regions. Our findings yield management decisions about whether to join BRI and policy conclusions about how to advance the BRI. We affirm that all three theories of the strategy tripod explain the performance and CSR of Chinese BRI firms. Thus, as the modern Silk Road, BRI does develop prosperity.
... In this approach, Porter identified the forces that affect a company's competitiveness and theorised the 5 competitive forces model (Porter, 1979): a tool that can be used by companies to understand the structure of the industry in which they operate, the competitiveness in it, and thereby understand the profitability of their business and their competitive advantage. The 5 forces identified by Porter are: 1. direct competition 2. the threat of new entrants 3. substitute products 4. the bargaining power of suppliers 5. the bargaining power of customers. ...
... The insight was to understand that evaluating the competitive environment enables firms to understand their competitive advantage, that is, the conditions, the mash up that enable them to achieve superior market positions to their competitors and thus better performance (Porter, 1979). ...
... Wiersema's 'Value Discipline Model' as described in their book The Discipline of Market Leader, is particularly relevant in the context of CX (Treacy & Wiersema, 1995). The premise of the model echoed the strategy framework developed by Porter (Porter, 1979) in that when firms focus on their core competencies, they will excel. Three 'value disciplines', namely: ...
... The Delta Model takes a proactive approach and adopts a customer-centric view with a number of different tactics. Rather than seeing a customer's purchasing power as a negative force in the market that a business must defend against, as Porter's Five Forces suggest (Porter, 1979), the Delta Model aims to form a bond with customers and keep them at the centre of its strategy in order to provide a compelling value proposition and differentiator. ...
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In the dynamic business landscape characterised by rapid economic fluctuations, technological advancements, and evolving consumer behaviours, Customer Experience Management (CXM)'s role as a key differentiator for sustainable competitive advantage and enhanced financial performance gained widespread recognition (Grønholdt et al., 2015; Klink et al., 2021; Holmlund et al., 2020; Homburg et al., 2017). Despite the acknowledged positive impact of CXM on differentiation and market performance, gaps in the operationalisation and measurement of CXM constructs persisted (Homburg et al., 2017; Lemon & Verhoef, 2016). This research aimed to enhance the CXM construct, deepening understanding of its effects on market and financial performance. Adopting an explanatory quantitative research design, the study surveyed over 174 senior and executive managers and CX practitioners from a broad spectrum of industries, drawn from the Customer Experience Professional Association (CXPA) and Qualtrics XM Institute panel. By applying Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), it examined essential CXM dimensions—Customer Understanding and Insight, Experience Design, and Performance Metrics & Measurement—to reveal complex relationships and latent variables within the CXM framework. The findings highlighted the collective role of Customer Data Collection (CDC) and Analysis (CDA) in driving CXM differentiation (DIF), indicating these processes alone do not guarantee competitive advantage. It also emphasised the importance of routine innovation in Customer Journey Touchpoints (CJTI) for enhancing CXM differentiation (DIF) and Financial Performance (FP). The indirect relationship between CXM-driven differentiation (DIF) and financial outcomes (FP) was mediated by market performance (MP). The introduction of two empirically validated CXM Maturity Diagnostic Instruments revealed that higher maturity levels in Customer Experience Design and related practices of the Mapping and Innovation of Customer Journey Touchpoints (CJTM and CJTI) significantly influenced market Differentiation (DIF) and Financial Performance (FP). The study advocated integrating CXM into broader business strategies, recommending the Balanced Scorecard framework and a CX-centric Strategy Map prioritising the customer perspective, thus embedding CXM into daily management practices. Through this comprehensive exploration, the research underscored the intricate relationship between essential CXM dimensions and sustained business success, bridging the gap between theoretical insights and their practical applications.
... Some managers focus directly on their competitors in order to gain market share and cause irreparable results by ignoring other factors in the competitive environment. Porter (1979) states that the five factors that determine competition are: Threat of Substitute Products or Services, Bargaining Power of Buyers, Threat of New Entrants, Bargaining Power of Suppliers, Rivalry Among Existing Competitors. In this case, it can be assumed that the global capabilities of the company can affect the intensity of competition. ...
... Companies aim to maintain or improve their current status by applying tactics such as price competition, product/service promotion and advertising competition in the intensity of competition (Estrada-Cruz et al., 2020). However, managers have to develop strategies in order to control the effect of the five competitive forces that determine the competition according to Porter (1979). In addition to the external market environment, the enterprise can use its internal resources to regulate its competitive power according to its own special situation. ...
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Purpose: In order to make a difference in a globally competitive environment, companies should analyze their competitors, which is one of the factors around them, well, do research, observe the environment and know how to adapt. For this purpose, the research examines the effects of competitive intensity and marketing and sales capabilities, together with the global capabilities of logistics companies operating internationally (third-party logistics companies (3PL)), which are examined. Design/methodology/approach: To establish and test the model, a sample of 504 participants working at senior levels in internationally operating logistics companies (third-party logistics companies (3PL)) with their headquarters in Istanbul was taken and a scale consisting of a total of 32 statements was presented to them. Analyses were performed using Jamovi and SmartPLS 3.3.5. This program was used because, in addition to estimating path models with latent variables, it also calculated standard results evaluation criteria. First, the results of factor analysis are given. After these analyses were completed, the hypotheses were tested. Findings: This research is supported by hypotheses as a result of the analysis that global capabilities are an important factor for logistics companies at the international level, and that the competitive intensity also affects the performance outputs and that marketing and sales capabilities also have an impact. Research limitations/implications: Since data are collected from logistics companies operating globally, it is necessary to pay attention when the analysis results are compared with different sectors. Because the intensity of competition may vary depending on the sector and market in which companies operate. At the same time, the data were collected from authorized white-collar employees working at a senior level in logistics companies. Because, in terms of the level of being able to answer the questions about the variables examined in the research model, data were collected from high-level officials. Practical implications: It is getting harder and harder to compete on a global scale by going beyond national borders. The results of the analysis show how important the global capabilities of logistics companies are, especially the increasing importance of logistics activities for countries. For this reason, logistics companies operating on an international scale need to attach importance to the competitive intensity and develop their marketing and sales capabilities. Originality/value: The research is original in that it examines the global capabilities of logistics companies in their international activities and the effects of competition intensity. In addition, it is important for companies in this sector to examine the effects of marketing and sales capabilities so that logistics companies can reach more customers in their international activities and be more effective in the market compared to their competitors.
... Bir endüstrideki rekabet müşteriler, tedarikçiler, potansiyel katılımcılar ve ikame ürünler, sektöre bağlı olarak az çok belirgin veya aktif olabilecek rakiplerdir. Kolektif güçler ne olursa olsun, şirket stratejistinin amacı, sektöründe şirketin bu güçlere karşı kendisini en iyi şekilde koruyabileceği veya lehine etkileyebileceği bir pozisyon aramaktır (Porter, 1989). Deregülasyon, küresel rekabet, teknolojik süreksizlikler ve değişen müşteri beklentileri gibi büyük katalizörlerin getirdiği çok çeşitli endüstrilerde temel yapısal geçişler, dünya çapındaki yöneticilere yeni baskılar dayatmaktadır. ...
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Dijital çağın büyümesi ile artık birçok işletmenin, cihazın ve hatta insanların artık birbirleriyle çeşitli şekillerde, uygun zamanlarda, uzak mesafelerde iletişime geçebildiği bir aşamaya ulaşıldı. Bu durum doğal olarak, insanların şu anda yaşadığımız gibi yaşama ihtiyacını sorgulamasına yol açtı. İşletmelerin gittikçe daha fazla faaliyet göstermesi gereken rekabetçi ortamlar, istikrar dönemlerinin giderek kısalmasıyla karakterize edilir. Bu nedenle organizasyonlar teknolojik süreksizlik ve yeni rekabetçi parametrelerin tanımlanması ile neredeyse sürekli bir yüzleşmeye mahkumdur. Endüstrilerdeki rekabetçi alanın doğasını etkileyen güçler çoktur. Bu güçler, firmaların avantaj kaynaklarını ve endüstrilerin ekonomisini yeni ve öngörülemeyen şekillerde değiştirir. Bilgi teknolojisindeki gelişmeler, ticaret ve yatırım engellerinin kaldırılması, özelleştirme, ticaret ve yatırım politikalarının deregülasyonu, uluslararası pazarlar arayan firmalara muazzam fırsatlar sağlar. İş ortamındaki bu tür değişiklikler firmaların sadece yeni pazarlara erişimini sağlamakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda operasyonlarını yeniden konumlandırarak ve dünyadaki ucuz kaynakları kullanarak maliyetleri düşürür. İşletmeleri değişime zorlayan güçleri şu şekilde sıralamak mümkündür:
... Before the rise of digitalization, manufacturing companies relied mainly on traditional factors of production, including land, capital, labor, and established technologies. These elements were essential for developing the capabilities of enterprises, allowing them to gain a competitive advantage in the market [39]. However, relying solely on these factors is no longer sufficient to overcome the weaknesses and risks of very dynamic environments in supply chain management [35]. ...
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In the rapidly changing digital economy, manufacturing companies are under growing pressure to adopt new approaches to business management by developing digital capabilities. This research explores the role of digital technologies in enabling these capabilities, using the Digital Capability Model (DCM) as a guiding framework. While previous research often focused on theoretical perspectives, this study operationalizes the DCM by identifying specific applications of digital technologies that enhance business processes. Through a multiple case study methodology, eight manufacturing companies were examined to assess how digital technologies foster the development of digital capabilities. The case studies provide practical insights into the application of these technologies and their impact on organizational resilience and competitiveness, particularly in response to global disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Our findings reveal that certain technologies are more promising than others for enhancing digital capabilities and that their strategic implementation significantly improves a company’s ability to navigate uncertainty. Embracing digital transformation not only mitigates operational risks but also ensures sustainable competitive advantages in an increasingly volatile and complex environment. This research bridges the gap between theory and practice, offering actionable insights for managers to strategically develop and leverage digital capabilities for long-term success.
... Es decir, los objetivos de un estudio de mercado tienen que ver en primer lugar con analizar las dinámicas propias de un mercado en determinada plaza (ciudad, recorte de zona o circuito dentro de esa ciudad), comprender los roles de los principales actores del sector del negocio y, especialmente, los movimientos y estrategias de la competencia actual y potencial (Porter 1979). Pero también se torna fundamental la identificación de las necesidades y deseos del público objetivo, entendiendo a qué segmentos particulares y en función de qué variables, disponiendo de números concretos que permitan sustentar la oportunidad de sustentabilidad o rentabilidad que se presenta, para definir los límites de la oportunidad de la acción concreta (Kotler & Scheff 2004). ...
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La investigación de mercado, herramienta utilizada desde el marketing y la administración en muchos sectores económicos, es también de gran utilidad para que gestores culturales diagnostiquen sus proyectos. Este artículo tiene como objetivo sistematizar recomendaciones para poner en debate formatos posibles de investigación de mercado propios del sector cultural. Con el arqueo bibliográfico y la observación directa a través de la experiencia como métodos de abordaje, este trabajo explora las posibles formas de llevar adelante una investigación de este tipo, funcional a los objetivos de un proyecto cultural. Dado que no se ha sistematizado aun un corpus propio desde la disciplina con raigambre y enfoque latinoamericano se recurre a material foráneo para generar implicaciones prácticas y propias de nuestra forma de producción simbólica. Siendo este el principal y original aporte del trabajo, se espera genere nuevos debates sobre el tema.
... Industrial Organization (IO) theory highlights that industry structure affects firm behavior and performance. Porter (1979) introduced five market forces: bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of consumers, threat of substitute products, threat of new entrants, and intensity of competition. In oligopolistic structures, entry/exit barriers and market forces often stem from structural or behavioral barriers (Porter, 1980). ...
... highly competitive yet also financially rewarding (Best, 2010). Applying Porter's Five Forces framework indicates the industry has intense rivalry among corporations, moderate barriers to new entrants, the threat of substitutes, and varied supplier and buyer power dynamics based on specific business segments (Porter M. E., 1979). This analysis will examine these structural forces shaping competition and profitability, with an emphasis on market leader The Walt Disney Company's competitive positioning (check appendix 2 to more detailed about Disney's mission & vision). ...
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This case study critically investigates global strategy, competitive positioning and international expansion approaches at The Walt Disney Company. Employing key theoretical frameworks including Porter’s Five Forces integrated with PESTEL analysis alongside Bartlett and Ghoshal’s Transnational Solution model, the assessment evaluates Disney’s adaptability across diverse international markets and assesses impacts from emerging technological and sustainability trends. Study insights inform recommendations to enhance Disney’s sustained competitive advantage and future global performance. By upholding rigorous adherence to ethical, inclusive and environmental principles fully aligned with brand identity, analysis suggests this iconic $88.9 billion media entity can continue delivering growth and magical family entertainment experiences worldwide. The investigation provides a strategic appraisal of how leveraging synergies between Disney’s stories, consumer loyalty and infrastructure can enable responsibly crafted innovations to capture opportunities in dynamic consumer preferences.
... Los planes de negocio que pretendan posicionarse con ventaja respecto a la competencia para atender de manera más ética y eficiente la relación de los consumidores con su privacidad harían bien en combinar las teorías de estrategia de negocio como las de Michael E. Porter con los derechos humanos fundamentales. Este economista desarrolló una teoría que permite reconocer las ventajas competitivas de cualquier negocio, en relación a su posición ante clientes, proveedores, la posibilidad de aumentar la competencia en el sector, de nuevos productos o soluciones, y del nivel de competencia (Porter 1979). ...
La ética, la filosofía y la ciencia han permitido a la humanidad resolver los desafíos más complejos a lo largo de su historia. La dignidad humana es el fin ulterior de una civilización, tanto el Renacimiento como la Ilustración sintetizan lo mejor de la ciencia y el pensamiento. Por la ciencia y la dignidad humana llegaron la genética, la digitalización, la neurociencia y la computación cognitiva, que trasladan hoy la civilización humana hacia la cuarta revolución industrial. En la dignidad humana se hace imperativo reconocer el legado auténtico de Adam Smith. Sus mayores críticos no han leído su teoría del sentimiento moral, y sus mayores defensores desacreditan que Smith fuera ante todo humanista, luego economista. Los directivos más avezados abrazarán un capitalismo comprometido con la dignidad humana, sin complejos. Este ensayo enlaza capitalismo y tecnología, para enaltecer la privacidad y el trabajo digno. Recibido: 30 mayo 2024 Aceptado: 07 septiembre 2024
... 징동(-7.82%) 마케팅 비용 알리바바(254억) 핀둬둬(217억) 징동( (Coff, 1999 (Balakrishnan et al., 1996) (Porter, 1979 ...
... In addition, the new managing models such as outsourcing, offshoring and joinventures in which alignment with external actors is indispensable has also increased the need for BITA measurement with the external extended organization. The external BITA measurement could be addressed by including in the models and methodologies some frameworks such as Porter's five forces, presented in [37], which can help to complement the scope of the current methods and models. ...
Since technology has been involved in the business context, Business and Information Technology Alignment (BITA) has been one of the main concerns of IT and Business executives and directors due to its importance to overall company performance, especially today in the age of digital transformation. Several models and frameworks have been developed for BITA implementation and for measuring their level of success, each one with a different approach to this desired state. The BITA measurement is one of the main decision-making tools in the strategic domain of companies. In general, the classical-internal alignment is the most measured domain and the external environment evolution alignment is the least measured. This literature review aims to characterize and analyze current research on BITA measurement with a comprehensive view of the works published over the last 15 years to identify potential gaps and future areas of research in the field.
... PESTEL analysis, however, provides only a high-level description of the macro-environment that might not explain all the complexities of individual companies or organizations. For this reason, PES-TEL is oftentimes complemented by other strategic tools such as SWOT analysis or Porter's Five Forces (Porter 1989) to create a more comprehensive view on the business environment (Gregoric 2014). Bronfenbrenner (1979) established the Ecological Systems Theory. ...
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This study explored the integration of futures studies into business strategy, focusing on the development of a nоvel theoretical framework and computational methods for forecasting future operational environments. Recognizing the critical role of anticipating technological paradigm shifts, as evidenced by the downfall of companies such as Blockbuster, Palm and Nokia, we proposed a new framework called MLPESTEL or Multilayer PESTEL. The framework combines PESTEL analysis with Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. This amalgamation aims to provide a more holistic understanding of a company's operational environment, extending from macro to micro levels. However, adapting Bronfenbrenner’s model, originally focused on children's social development, to business context presents a unique challenge.Our methodology involved employing advanced AI tools, specifically large language models (LLMs), to analyze and predict changes in various business environments. This approach marks a significant shift from traditional AI applications, which predominantly rely on numerical data, to leveraging LLMs for textual data analysis. Our goal was not to focus on specific companies but to develop and validate generic models applicable across different organizational contexts. By analyzing forecasts for several existing companies, we aimed to validate our model's reliability.
... PESTEL analysis, however, provides only a high-level description of the macro-environment that might not explain all the complexities of individual companies or organizations. For this reason, PES-TEL is oftentimes complemented by other strategic tools such as SWOT analysis or Porter's Five Forces (Porter 1989) to create a more comprehensive view on the business environment (Gregoric 2014). Bronfenbrenner (1979) established the Ecological Systems Theory. ...
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This study explored the integration of futures studies into business strategy, focusing on the development of a nоvel theoretical framework and computational methods for forecasting future operational environments. Recognizing the critical role of anticipating technological paradigm shifts, as evi-denced by the downfall of companies such as Blockbuster, Palm and Nokia, we proposed a new framework called MLPESTEL or Multilayer PESTEL. The framework combines PESTEL analysis with Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory. This amalgamation aims to provide a more holis-tic understanding of a company's operational environment, extending from macro to micro levels. However, adapting Bronfenbrenner's model, originally focused on children's social development, to a business context presents a unique challenge. Our methodology involved employing advanced AI tools, specifically large language models (LLMs), to analyze and predict changes in various business environments. This approach marks a significant shift from traditional AI applications, which predominantly rely on numerical data, to leveraging LLMs for textual data analysis. Our goal was not to focus on specific companies but to develop and validate generic models applicable across different organizational contexts. By analyzing forecasts for several existing companies, we aimed to validate our model's reliability.
... mergers, acquisitions). This is probably a function of the importance of economies of scale and due to the scope of networked businesses 6 operating in the physical and virtual worlds. The market leader (i.e. the company with the highest market share) has several advantages over its competitors, such as brand-name recognition, economies of scale, and greater bargaining power with suppliers and channels of distribution, all of which make it easier to maintain its position. ...
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Business-to-Consumer (B2C) e-commerce has become a dominant, continuously evolving force in global retail. Most consumers today make cross-border purchases in marketplaces, while enterprises have found great opportunities, and competition has become increasingly fierce. To understand B2C properties is an important endeavor. This paper achieves two goals: it develops a method to prove tendencies in a simulation and shows the oligopolistic nature of cross-border B2C e-commerce marketplaces. These achievements enhance the understanding of cross-border B2C e-commerce, by employing novel approaches: Social simulation, agent-based modeling (ABM) tools, theorem-proving techniques, and scenario analysis. The proving method began with an experimental design to explore the model's dynamics for parameters defined for specific scenarios of interest, and the agents' options were randomly selected for a significant number of runs (Monte Carlo experiment). This procedure allowed us to identify and prove the necessity of a tendency (the oligopolistic character of cross-border B2C e-commerce) and determine the factors that drive it. In the second part of the proof procedure, the persistence, independence of the agents' choices, and scaling validity of the tendency were shown by significantly increasing the number of random experiments and the number of simulated agents. The model was also validated. The developed method satisfactorily addresses some challenges of theorem-proving. In all these experiments, the variable of interest was market share. The resulting order of influence of the factors driving market share was recognition , product and service attributes of the marketplaces, and word of mouth. Surprisingly, word of mouth was the least important factor.
... The Insight into Development Trends model ( Figure 1) primarily delves into a comprehensive examination of industry trends by systematically analyzing the interplay between supply and demand within the fields of LTHRS. From the supply-side perspective, the model draws from concepts found in industry analysis, encompassing external environmental (political, environmental, social, and technical) analysis, industry dynamics, and changes in production and distribution patterns [5] as well as the application of the five forces analysis framework [6,7]. On the demand side, it places emphasis on artificial intelligence-driven online text mining to induce patterns in demand trends using secondary data sources [8]. ...
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This research applies a model-based teaching approach aimed at scrutinizing trends in the leisure, tourism, hospitality, recreation, and sport (LTHRS) field by integrating artificial intelligence (AI) along with ChatGPT, project-based learning (PBL), systems thinking, and industrial analysis tools to foster trend recognition skills. The study employs a quasi-experimental design to compare the efficacy of two instructional approaches (exploratory vs. confirmatory) concerning AI literacy and learning outcomes. Notably, the exploratory group exhibits marked improvements in AI knowledge, while the confirmatory group demonstrates enhanced trend recognition ability. Additionally, the research delves into the application effects of AI-based text mining and ChatGPT (AITM) as content analysis tools through four distinct projects (5G’s impact on tourism industries, travel trends caused by metaverse, daylily tour in Huatan Township, and Taiwanese elements in spectator sports), underscoring the substantial efficacy of AITM in capturing diverse themes, albeit with challenges in discerning subtle and subjective labels. These findings highlight the effectiveness of the model-based teaching approach and the multifaceted utility of AI and automated text mining in augmenting trend recognition skills.
... Environmental analysis highlights opportunities that a business must consider maximising or the threats that must be converted into opportunities to improve the overall performance of a particular portfolio (Kvint, 2009:110;McKeown, 2012:18). Quite often, high performing enterprises use a combination of techniques encompassing PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Ecological and Legal) analysis, SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, and Porter's (1996) fi ve forces (threats of new entrants, buyer power, threats of substitutes and supplier power) of competition analysis (MacLennan, 2011:16). ...
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In the contemporary competitive and volatile markets, effective use of corporate gifts as a marketing strategy is a prerequisite for edging out rivals. This research examines how corporate gifts are effectively used by the contemporary South African business enterprises as a marketing strategy. A mixed research method was used by triangulating the results of a meta-synthesis of the theories on corporate gifts with the interview fi ndings on the approach used by the businesses in South Africa when applying corporate gifts as a marketing strategy. Despite the wider recognition of the essence of using corporate gifts as a marketing strategy, most businesses were found to adopt more random and unsystematic approaches of using corporate gifts as a promotional tool. Such approach was found to inhibit effective understanding and mitigation of market trends and threats linked to "copying and pasting" of gifts by rivals and the "hoping" nature of customers' behaviours that often erode business values associated with corporate gifts. It also saddles the seamless blending of corporate gifts with strategies like competitive pricing and quality offerings, and the inducement of the desired sustainable positive effects on customer attraction and retention. The study postulates a new theory emphasising the essence of using corporate gifts as part of an integrated systematic marketing strategy to edify attainment of the sustainable improvement of the market performance of an enterprise.
... Businesses constantly seek to develop new products, services, and designs to distinguish themselves from their rivals and gain competitiveness (Porter, 2020). Porter (1989) noted that innovation could improve business operations and competitive advantage. More importantly, innovation supports economic growth, prosperity, quality of life, and social progress (Tidd & Bessant, 2018). ...
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This study examined the relationship between employee-driven corporate social responsibility (CSR) factors and employee innovation in U.S. medical diagnostic companies during the respiratory syndrome coronavirus (COVID) pandemic. This study examined what employee driven CSR factors affect such motivation of employees toward innovation. The research population was employees who have worked in operation, quality control, research, technical, and management departments of medical diagnostics companies in the United States of America. The investigator used a survey questionnaire for this correlation design study. Employees’ responses were analyzed based on education level, gender, and job function using descriptive analysis, t-test, and ANOVA-test. The theoretical framework consisted of the theory of corporate social responsibility and the expectancy theory of motivation. The study questions focused on nine predictors of employee-driven CSR, including employees’ rewards and recognition, empowerment, resources, engagement, and decision-making involvement, horizontal communication, vertical communication, employee job satisfaction, employee training, and leadership relationships as dependent variables and their impact on employee innovation climate as independent variables. Correlation and multiple regressions were conducted to determine the underlying relationship of the variables. The result indicated a significant relationship between employee-driven CSR and employee innovation. In addition, the study revealed that nine employee-driven CSR factors explained about 50% of the employee innovation as predictor variables. Job satisfaction had the most significant impact on employee innovation climate, followed by Horizontal communication. In conclusion, this study recognized job satisfaction as the most critical employee motivational factor to innovate through quantitative research, which was also a characteristic of employee-driven CSR. The value of employee-driven CSR factors’ influence on innovation can contribute to both theory and practice. This research may highlight how medical diagnostics business leaders foster innovation through employee-driven CSR.
... For this, as stated in the model, for the strategies to be used by enterprises, they must first understand the competitive nature of the sector and identify the forces that determine competition in the sector. Then, one of the different strategies can be chosen [79,80]. Porter's Five Forces Model is based on the threat of new entrepreneurs, the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of buyers, the bargaining power of competitors, and the threat of substitutes. ...
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Businesses may face different challenges in the realization and management of supply chain activities. To cope with these challenges and be successful in supply chain management, companies need supply chain strategies that are suitable for their product structures and objectives and strategic collaborations based on co-operation among supply chain members. In addition, to control and improve the results of the activities and strategies, the performance of logistics activities, which have a large share in the economic development of companies, should be measured and managed correctly. Therefore, supply chain strategies, supply chain integration, and logistics performance measurements have a critical importance in supply chain management, where the competition of companies is experienced and complexity is increasing day by day. In this framework, this study aims to investigate the relationship between the supply chain strategies and logistics performance of an enterprise and whether supply chain integration has a mediating role in this relationship. For this purpose, 417 data samples were collected and analyzed from the top 1000 exporter companies determined by the Turkish Exporters Assembly by a survey method, and the findings are analyzed and discussed. In the literature, there is no study that analyzes the relationship between the variables determined in this research from a mediator variable perspective. Therefore, this study presents original research in this field, and it is expected that the findings of the research will provide important benefits to companies and researchers and offer a new perspective to the literature. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that there is a significant and positive relationship between the supply chain strategies determined by companies and their logistics performance and supply chain integration. There is also a significant and positive relationship between supply chain integration and logistics performance. In addition, it has been concluded that supply chain integration plays a partial mediating role in the relationship between supply chain strategies and logistics performance. These results suggest the importance of supply chain strategies and supply chain integration in improving logistics performance. Therefore, in line with the research results, it is suggested that, to use supply chains for competitive advantage, managers should ensure supply chain integration by determining the right supply chain strategies in accordance with their objectives and product structures, and thus increase their logistics performance.
... As NIS is a large and complex organization, the stress in this research will be on one of the downstream businesses -the motor fuel retail business in Serbia. In order to understand "what the heck is going on?", it will be applied Porter's Five Forces framework [2] for the internal strategy and the PESTEL model [3] for the analysis of the external macro-environment. ...
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Naftna Industrija Srbije j.s.c. has started the transformation from a focused traditional oil and gas company to a broad energy major. This equally applies to all of its vertically integrated businesses including motor fuel retail business in Serbia. Currently, the company is dominating the Serbian motor fuel retail market due to its crude oil refining facilities, own largest network of stations, strong brands, a wide variety of products and services, and familiarity with customer's preferences. At the same time, the motor fuel retail market started experiencing pressure created by the threads of product substitutes-non-fossil fuels. Customers are increasingly attached to electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles, their number is increasing in the Serbian market. Entry into the electric vehicle charging market in Serbia with charging and battery swapping services would be a new strategic initiative of the company creating potential value for its businesses. This strategic initiative perfectly fits the company's strategy, helps to fulfill its mission and meets the value proposition "drive more miles, enjoy a drive". The strategic initiative also secures the competitive advantage of the company consisting of a combination of determinants of relatively low costs and differentiation.
... The framework for business management are Porter's works. Porter has determined the attractiveness of a market and has defined three general types of strategies that are commonly used by businesses, referring to 5 forces that determine the attractiveness of a market, [Kotler 1994, Porter 1979, Porter 1980, Treacy, Wiersma 1995. The research referred to competition strategy in Poland has provided several insights of this question. ...
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The paper presents the typology of marketing strategies for food industry companies in Poland. The aim of this article is to determine the most effective strategies for food industry sector in Poland. The results of estimation of the selected food markets attractiveness (based on Porter’s 5 forces analysis) and segmentation (based on cyclical study TGI) are the base of typology of marketing strategies. Presented typology of marketing strategies based on research conducted in the period 1998-2012. In the framework of food industry there were selected the following branches for segmentation research: dairy, meat and edible fats. The results of research allowed to determination of possibilities of implementation of marketing strategies on the selected food markets. There are possibilities of wider use of strategies of market penetration and development and strategy of influencing on purchasers. The next recommended group are strategies of cooperation with partners in the field of distribution and strategy of the cost leadership, especially for large companies, which benefit from economies of scale. Next proposal is connected with differentiation strategy recommended for producers of new-generation products.
... Porter's Five Forces framework, traditionally used to analyze competitive forces within an industry, provides a useful lens through which to view the impact of technology on competitive advantage. Porter (1979) argued that a company's success is determined by its ability to navigate competitive forces: rivalry among competitors, threat of new entrants, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, and the threat of substitutes. In the digital age, technology disrupts these forces by lowering barriers to entry, enabling new business models, and shifting power dynamics between buyers and suppliers. ...
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This literature review explores the evolving landscape of digital transformation strategy and management, emphasizing the critical role of strategic alignment and leadership in facilitating successful transformation initiatives. As organizations navigate the complexities of digital change, understanding the key drivers, barriers, and best practices becomes essential for achieving long-term competitive advantage. This review synthesizes existing research on digital transformation frameworks, management approaches, and the importance of fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration. It highlights the need for a comprehensive strategy that integrates technology investments with organizational goals, ultimately guiding firms toward effective adaptation in the digital economy. Keywords: Digital Transformation, Strategy, Management, Leadership, Innovation, Competitive Advantage.
... The most used framework for analyzing competition is Porter's Five Forces (Porter, 1979) ...
... To illustrate resilience theory and diversity in strategic management, Porter (1979) first pointed to the risk of having too few suppliers or buyers. By relying too heavily on one or a few suppliers and buyers, businesses become vulnerable to impacts related to the supplier or buyer.In order to minimize risk, companies were thus advised to maintain several suppliers and buyers. ...
... a democratização do crédito, programas educacionais e inclusão financeira, gerando impacto significativo nas comunidades em que estão inseridas. De acordo com o Banco Central do Brasil, as cooperativas de crédito têm sido o segmento com maior crescimento na concessão de crédito, especialmente para pequenos e microempreendedores (Sistema Ocb, 2024).Porter (1979) argumenta que uma forma básica de obter vantagem competitiva é a diferenciação, definindo um escopo de atuação estratégica que pode ser amplo, abrangendo vários segmentos, ou restrito, focado em um único segmento. As cooperativas de crédito se diferenciam no aspecto social e econômico ao oferecer acesso ao crédito com taxas mais justas ...
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as estratégias e tecnologias no contexto de comparação entre cooperativas de crédito, bancos comerciais tradicionais e fintechs, com ênfase nas considerações sobre o Sistema Financeiro. O estudo utiliza uma abordagem tanto quantitativa quanto qualitativa para investigar como as cooperativas de crédito podem se diferenciar em face da intensa concorrência no mercado financeiro. A pesquisa coleta dados secundários e analisa casos específicos de cooperativas de crédito, estruturando-se em cinco seções que abordam conceitos e aspectos históricos das cooperativas de crédito, dos bancos comerciais tradicionais e das fintechs no contexto financeiro. Os resultados apresentam dados comparativos e relacionais entre as instituições estudadas, revelando que as cooperativas de crédito estão expandindo significativamente sua base de clientes dentro do sistema bancário nacional. No entanto, apesar deste crescimento, elas ainda possuem um potencial considerável para expandir de maneira ainda mais rápida. Esse crescimento acelerado pode ser alcançado mantendo-se o grande investimento tecnológico já realizado e ampliando-se a divulgação dos serviços de alta qualidade prestados aos associados. Além dos serviços financeiros, as cooperativas de crédito desempenham um papel crucial no desenvolvimento local, por meio de programas sociais e educacionais que têm um impacto significativo nas comunidades onde operam. Portanto, aumentar o investimento em marketing focado nesses diferenciais é essencial para impulsionar o crescimento de maneira mais rápida e eficaz. A análise sugere que uma estratégia bem articulada, combinada com tecnologia avançada e forte presença comunitária, pode posicionar as cooperativas de crédito como líderes inovadoras no setor financeiro.
This chapter first introduces the concept of competitiveness and identifies the factors that affect a company’s competitiveness from a holistic perspective. Subsequently, supply chain competitiveness is defined and the literature on factors affecting supply chain competitiveness is reviewed. The competitiveness of semiconductor manufacturing then comes into focus. Qualitative and quantitative methods for assessing the competitiveness of semiconductor manufacturers are introduced. To illustrate these assessment methods, the impact of recent fab localization initiatives on the competitiveness of these foundries is assessed. Based on the assessment results, the competitiveness of semiconductor manufacturers in various countries are compared. The second part of this chapter introduces the concept of sustainability. A company’s short-term competitiveness is often thought to contribute to its long-term sustainability. However, some recent cases have shown that it is possible to pursue long-term sustainability at the expense of short-term competitiveness, such as the recent supply chain localization initiatives of some foundries. Nonetheless, the chapter concludes with a discussion of how to enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of semiconductor manufacturing through localization of supply chains.
The approach to economic analytics and enterprise strategy using economic and mathematical modeling and the concept of a balanced scorecard (BSC) is considered. An economic and mathematical multifactor regression model has been developed to forecast the results of an enterprise's activities, which allows assessing the relationships between key indicators, such as profitability, liquidity, asset turnover, investment in innovations, etc. in accordance with the directions of strategic management of the enterprise. The implementation of the proposed model will allow building and selecting optimal development scenarios and providing analytically substantiated practical recommendations for enterprise strategy. The results of the study can be useful for strategic planning, optimization of activities and increasing the efficiency of enterprise management.
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This dissertation quantitatively investigates the strategic significance of e-commerce and digital marketing initiatives for driving business performance and competitiveness among major UK supermarket chains. Through rigorous analysis of longitudinal data from 2019-2024, strong positive correlations were identified between e-commerce metrics (online sales, app users, loyalty program penetration) and financial performance indicators like profitability, dividend per share, and return on capital employed. However, the relationships between digital metrics and measures of competitiveness like market positioning and brand equity were relatively weaker. The quantitative findings emphasize the critical importance of strategic investments in robust e-commerce platforms and digital marketing campaigns to foster revenue growth and operational efficiency. While limitations exist in evaluating intricate competitive dynamics, the study provides valuable guidance for supermarket practitioners to optimize digital strategies, enhance customer engagement through data-driven insights, and maintain competitive advantage through strategic partnerships and alignment with evolving consumer trends. By addressing the quantitative relationships between digital metrics and performance outcomes, this research contributes novel empirical evidence guiding supermarkets' digital transformation journeys.
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O setor de saneamento básico no Brasil enfrentou desafios históricos de fragmentação regulatória, baixa eficiência e insuficiência de investimentos. A promulgação do Novo Marco Legal do Saneamento Básico (NMLS), em 2020, buscou resolver esses problemas, introduzindo mecanismos como a centralização regulatória na ANA, a obrigatoriedade de licitações públicas e a regionalização de concessões. Este artigo analisa os impactos do NMLS a partir do estudo de caso do leilão da Companhia Estadual de Águas e Esgotos (CEDAE), realizado em 2021, com arrecadação de R$ 22,7 bilhões. A pesquisa qualitativa, baseada em dados secundários, investiga as motivações para a privatização parcial, os resultados financeiros e os desafios enfrentados pelos concessionários, como o cumprimento das metas de universalização até 2033 e a resistência social e política à privatização. Observa-se que o leilão representou um avanço significativo na modernização do setor, atraindo investimentos privados e estabelecendo um modelo regulatório mais previsível. Conclui-se que, apesar dos desafios na implementação dos contratos, o NMLS oferece um caminho promissor para a universalização dos serviços de saneamento, desde que combinado com monitoramento regulatório eficaz e ajustes contínuos.
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As a consequence of a variety of dynamics that firms have to deal with, their structures are continually evolving. Some of the resulting patterns and structural properties, however, only become visible at a greater distance from the object of analysis. Thus, this paper analyzes organization structures – conceptualized as the way in which firms divide and institutionalize labor – in their long-term development and shapes the phenomenon of aggregating structural self-reference. This self-reference is decomposed into a taxonomy based on three orders of the division of labor (DoL), each with a corresponding division logic (efficiency , effectivity , and viability) and structural implementation method ( specialization, contextualization , and reflection ) that firms apply to cope with steadily-changing environmental conditions. Each of the three orders reflects a response to a distinct period of change conceptualized as different bundles of stimuli (the Taylorian , Schumpeterian , and VUCA ‘zeitgeist’) through which new orders of the division of labor emerged.
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A Controladoria Estratégica realmente desempenha um papel crucial no suporte à gestão e na melhoria da competitividade de uma organização. A implementação do Balanced Scorecard (BSC) é uma abordagem eficaz para alcançar esses objetivos, traduzindo a visão e a estratégia da empresa em indicadores de desempenho que alinham todas as partes da organização em direção a metas estratégicas comuns. Vamos explorar mais a fundo os benefícios e a aplicação dessa ferramenta, bem como o papel da Controladoria Estratégica. O Balanced Scorecard, desenvolvido por Robert Kaplan e David Norton no início da década de 1990, é uma ferramenta de gestão que considera a necessidade das organizações atenderem a um conjunto amplo de interesses e expectativas, indo além dos aspectos econômicos e financeiros. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica, com foco na controladoria, na gestão estratégica e no uso do Balanced Scorecard como ferramenta de apoio aos processos de tomada de decisão. A pesquisa ressalta a importância de uma informação sólida e do monitoramento contínuo das fases estratégicas, com base nas quatro perspectivas do BSC. O estudo abordou o conceito e a aplicação dessa ferramenta, que organiza e interliga a visão estratégica, permitindo que as empresas, diante de novas ameaças e oportunidades, possam ajustar ou reformular suas estratégias, mantendo a coerência das iniciativas e as ações propostas, bem como os objetivos da organização.
Many digital products follow an open-innovation model, wherein the open boundaries facilitate copying (forking) the codebase and creating new products, which may compete with the parents for user demand. Although a rich body of literature highlights the benefits of open source such as the availability of developers with diverse skill sets and accelerated innovation, the competition effects of forked products on the demand of their parents remain understudied. Using data from major cryptocurrencies and their forked products created between 2011 and 2021, we study how these entrants impact the demand for parent cryptocurrencies. We categorize cryptocurrencies as transaction or platform types. Transaction coins are primarily used for the exchange of goods and services, whereas platform coins offer additional capabilities such as hosting applications or third-party services. We find that parents with only transaction capabilities experience a negative impact on demand. Although popularity may shield the parents to a certain extent, the substitution effect is still dominant. However, popular coins with platform capabilities do not experience a decrease in demand when competing with forked entrants; an increase in smart contract transactions due to their compatibility with the competing forked products offsets the negative substitution effect observed for regular transactions. Our study underscores the competitive dynamics of open innovation and provides managerial insights for firms considering open models for product development. Our results highlight the importance of considering both substitution and complementarities when assessing the risks and benefits of the open-innovation model. This paper was accepted by Anindya Ghose, information systems. Supplemental Material: The online appendix and data files are available at .
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Em um mundo globalizado com aumento da produção e inúmeras preocupações ambientais, há uma demanda crescente por ferramentas que auxiliem na produção sustentável e reduzam os impactos ambientais. Consequentemente, os países têm buscado ações que abordem essas questões, especialmente após a adoção da Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a aplicação da Logística Reversa (LR) nas atividades do agronegócio, focando na importância desta ferramenta para o setor e identificando suas potenciais contribuições para o alcance de alguns dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) delineados na Agenda 2030. A metodologia empregada envolveu uma revisão bibliográfica da literatura, com informações coletadas de artigos disponíveis no Portal de Periódicos da Capes. Os achados indicam que a LR desempenha um papel fundamental no agronegócio ao facilitar a coleta, o transporte e a reciclagem de resíduos agrícolas e agroindustriais. Este processo não apenas reduz os impactos ambientais, mas também gera benefícios econômicos. Assim, o estudo conclui que a aplicação da LR no agronegócio apoia diretamente vários dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável propostos pela Agenda 2030.
This Element posits that questions are the heart of leadership. Leaders ask hard questions that spark creative solutions and new understandings. Asking by itself isn't enough - leaders must also help find answers and turn them into effective action. But the leader's work begins with questions. This Element surveys the main traditions of leadership thought; considers the nature of the group and its questions; explores how culture and bureaucracy serve to provide stable answers to the group's questions; and explores how leaders offers disruptive answers, especially in times of change and crisis. It uses the lens of questions to consider two parallel American lives, President Abraham Lincoln and General Robert E. Lee.
Due to the exponential pace of technological innovation, intellectual property is an important support for SMEs in innovation, growth and competitiveness of work. Licensing and cooperation open ways for SMEs to access complementary resources, expand their market reach, and accelerate product development. Our research consists of an analysis of 43 Slovak companies in the field of intellectual property, its licensing and the impact of IP partnerships on competitiveness and business growth. The aim was to point out the possible causes of low cooperation of companies in the field of intellectual property. The survey results provide information on opportunities to enter new markets using partnerships. These partnerships can mean a competitive advantage for SMEs, which can be achieved mainly by reducing the barriers that SMEs face when engaging in licensing agreements and cooperation in the field of intellectual property. The results lead to recommendations for successfully finding and maintaining partnerships.
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Purpose: Designing a Strategic Change Management Model in the Open Innovation System and Collaborative Space of Knowledge-Based Companies. Methodology: The research has been conducted with the qualitative method of thematic analysis, which is fundamental in terms of results and fundamental and practical in terms of purpose and based on data. The statistical population of this research includes experts and elites in the field of strategic management, managers and officials in the field of change management, which was compiled and prepared with the help of an interview protocol that was compiled and prepared with the consultation and opinion of expert professors and by conducting semi-structured interviews with the selection of 15 experts. In the area of strategic change management, data and information were collected using purposeful sampling method and using their opinions. Theoretical saturation method was used to determine the sampling volume in the number of conducted interviews. Also, the validation of the research has been evaluated based on Parker and Rafi's criteria. Findings: After selecting the interviewees in the research using purposeful sampling and conducting 15 semi-structured interviews with them, theoretical saturation occurred, and by extracting and analyzing the data, 101 open codes (initial concept), 25 basic themes, 17 organizing themes and 7 overarching themes were identified. These codes and concepts were reviewed and modified many times by the researcher and similar and identical concepts were placed in one category. Conclusion:7 overarching themes were identified, including managerial factors, supportive leadership, company structure, knowledge-oriented, strategic thinking, collaborative culture and business intelligence.
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In the current era, the influence of the ICT sector on the national economy is greater than ever before. Consequently, it is vital to gain a deeper understanding of the various factors that affect ICT companies and the ICT sector in order to ensure the continued growth and competitive advantage of the national economy. It is therefore necessary to consider, summarise, group and classify the principal determinants of influence on the development and competitiveness of information and communication technologies (at the level of ICT companies and the ICT sector as a whole) for subsequent use by the main stakeholders. The objective of this study is to identify the distinctive characteristics and classify the factors that influence the development and competitiveness of information and communication technologies (ICT) at the level of individual ICT companies and at the level of the broader ICT sector within a national economy. It is proposed that the determinants of the development and competitiveness of ICT companies be classified according to the following criteria: the Five Competitive Forces Model, the Diamond Model, the Value Chain Model, the formation environment (to take into account the internal environment of the ICT company, its external industry environment or in the national/global context), types of resources (to reflect the impact of resources on the ICT company's competitive position), impact duration (to help ICT companies prioritise their corporate strategies), strategic focus (to align corporate activities with selected competitive advantages), types of technology (to understand the specific challenges and opportunities of different technologies), and types of market factors (to understand the challenges and opportunities of target markets). Concurrently, the categorisation of determinants of development and competitiveness within the ICT sector of the national economy is constituted by a set of elements pertaining to the economic environment (for the purpose of identifying the particular economic circumstances that impact upon the ICT sector), the technological environment (for the purpose of understanding the specific technological factors and innovations that contribute to its growth and competitiveness), the social environment (for the purpose of characterising the influence of social factors on the implementation and utilisation of ICT), the regulatory environment (for the purpose of considering the impact of legislation, regulations and policies on the ICT sector) and market dynamics (for the purpose of reflecting the impact of market conditions on the ICT sector).
This study offers a comparative analysis of natural gas markets in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, and India, spanning from 2000 to 2020. Leveraging panel data and historical time series analysis, coupled with Porter's Five Forces framework, it examines industry dynamics across upstream, downstream, midstream, and upstream dimensions. Insights into competitive landscapes are derived, considering regulatory frameworks, resource availability, infrastructure development, and demand patterns. Despite Brazil's efforts to enhance domestic production, infrastructure, and regulatory reforms, challenges persist, hindering sectoral growth. Comparative studies underscore the need for policy improvements to align with investment commitments. This study contributes novel insights into the competitive positioning of natural gas markets, offering actionable recommendations for stakeholders. Identifying potential bottlenecks informs strict decision-making in the global energy landscape.
This chapter explores Internet of Things from the perspective of business model research. In order to set a cornerstone for this extensive context, the authors first introduce the origins of the business models and the levels of commonly used abstractions, including examples. Moreover, considering the dynamic character of digital technologies and their far-reaching effect on the business landscape as a whole, the basics of business model innovation are outlined. Having the foundations in place, this chapter further elaborates the impact of digitalization on business models with particular focus on IoT. Examining other integral and inseparable aspects of this topic, such as servitization, changes in competitive environment or shifts in industry structures, the authors continue by discussing the impact of IoT on business model innovation and describing the substantial differences between consumer and industrial IoT. Also, as traditional business model frameworks do not incorporate digital technologies nor take into account how these technologies can be used to generate new business value, a novel business model tool suitable for designing and mapping Internet of Things business model innovations is presented. Finally, the chapter touches upon the cross-boundary nature of data-based solutions and investigates the issue of value creation, delivery and capture in digital ecosystems.
В статті розглянуто ключові аспекти формування та функціонування агрокластерів, як важливих елементів для сталого розвитку регіонів. Обґрунтовано значення організаційно-економічних зв’язків у межах кластерних структур. Запропоновано дворівневу модель організації кластерної структури, яка на відміну від існуючих зможе слугувати основою для формування аграрного кластеру і дозволить оптимально поєднати різномасштабні бізнес-одиниці у єдиній інтегрованій господарській системі. Ґрунтуючись на засадах дворівневої моделі організації кластерної структури у агросекторі, запропоновано методичний підхід до дослідження організаційної моделі діяльності бізнес-суб’єктів у структурі аграрного кластеру, яких на відміну від існуючих дає можливість вивчати, аналізувати, оцінювати та систематизувати наявні зв’язки між підприємствами агросектору, переробних та обслуговуючих галузей та використовувати їх як базис для організації кластерного об’єднання.
In this article the author introduces the famous question, "what business are you really in?" and with it the claim that, had railroad executives seen themselves as being in the transportation business rather than the railroad business, they would have continued to grow. The article is as much about strategy as it about marketing, but it also introduced the most influential marketing ideas of the past half-century: that business will do better in the end if they concentrate on meeting customer's needs rather than on selling products
Marketing Myopia’, reprinted as an HBR Classic
  • Theodore Levitt
  • T Levitt