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O. Al-Dakkak*, N. Ghneim*, M. Abou Zliekha** and S. Al-Moubayed**
P.O. Box 31983, Damascus, SYRIA
phone: + (963-11) 5120547, fax: + (963-11) 2237710.
email: ; email:
**Damascus University/Faculty of Information Technology
email: ; email:
Many attempts have been conducted to add emotions to
synthesized speech [1]. Few are done for the Arabic lan-
guage. In the present paper, we introduce a work done to
incorporate emotions: anger, joy, sadness, fear and sur-
prise, in an educational Arabic text-to-speech system. Af-
ter an introduction about emotions, we give a short para-
graph of our text-to-speech system, then we discuss our
methodology to extract rules for emotion generation, and
finally we present the results we had and try to draw con-
When compared with human speech, synthetic speech is
in general less intelligible, and less expressive [2]. These
are drawbacks for conversational computer systems or for
reading machines. The role of emotions in speech is to
provide the context in which speech should be interpreted
and signal speaker intentions, and this is essential in syn-
thesized speech.
Synthesis systems have to simulate emotions if they want
to produce them. There are two ways to perceive emo-
tions: (1) Generative (speaker) model, which depends on
the mental and physical states of the speaker, and the
syntax and semantic of the utterance, (2) acoustic (lis-
tener) model, which describes the acoustic signal parame-
ters as perceived by the listener [2], [3] which we have
adopted in our work.
In the present article, we are merely concerned with the
production of emotions in Arabic, and the incorporation of
these emotions in synthetic speech produced by an Arabic
TTS system.
We intend to build a complete system of standard spoken
Arabic with a high speech quality. The steps to achieve
this goal were (1) the definition of the phonemes' set used
in standard Arabic including the open /E/ and /O/ [4], (2)
the establishment of the Arabic text-to-phonemes rules by
using the TOPH (Orthographic-PHonetic Transliteration)
system [5] after its adaptation to Arabic Language [6], and
(3) the definition of the acoustic units; the semi-syllables,
and the corpus from which these units are to be extracted,
and in parallel, (4) recording the corpus and extracting the
acoustic units prior to analyzing them using PSOLA tech-
niques [7], and in parallel (5) the incorporation of pro-
sodic features in the syntactic speech.
The first three steps are already done. As we intend to use
more phonemes than MBROLA systems [4], [8], we de-
cided to choose the MBROLA system to perform prelimi-
nary text-to-speech. In fact, Arabic is rather a syllabic
language, and semi-syllables are more appropriate for the
synthesis [9], [10]. Our corpus is already decided and is in
the recording phase.
The output of our third step is converted according to
MBROLA transcription. MBROLA system allows control
on pitch contour and duration for each phoneme. That
enabled us to test our prosody and emotion synthesis. We
recall works previously done in the field of general pros-
ody generation for Arabic TTS, such as the ones in [11],
In the present paper we focus on the incorporation of
emotions in the system.
3.1 Methodology
The most crucial acoustic parameters to consider for emo-
tion synthesis are the prosodic parameters: pitch, duration
and intensity [2], [3]. The variations of each of these pa-
rameters are described through the following other sub-
parameters [13], [2], [14], [15]:
F0 Parameter:
• F0 Range (difference between F0max
and F0min)
• Variability (degree of variability: high,
• Average F0
• Contour slope (shape of contour slope)
• Jitter (irregularities between successive
glottal pulses)
• Pitch variation according to phoneme
Duration Parameter
• Speech rate
• Silence rate
• Duration variation according to pho-
neme class
• Duration variation according to pitch
Intensity Parameter
• Intensity variation according to pitch
Our methodology was to (1) record a corpus of sentences
emotionless and with different emotions, (2) analyze these
sentences to extract the various parameters and sub-
parameters, and extract rules, (3) synthesize emotions
according to these rules, and finally test the results and
apply tuning on the rules when necessary.
3.2 Recording, analysis and rules extraction
Twenty sentences were chosen for each emotion. Each
sentence was recorded twice, one emotionless and the
other with the intended emotion. All these sentences were
analyzed using PRAAT system to find the prosodic pa-
rameters. A statistical study followed to find the relevant
changes between the pairs of sentences for each emotion.
The following results were found (Table 1):
Emotion Prosodic Rules
Anger F0 mean: + 40%-75%
F0 range: + 50%-100%
F0 at vowels and semi-vowels: + 30%
F0 slope: +
Speech rate: +
Silence rate: -
Duration of vowels and semi-vowels: +
Intensity mean: +
Intensity monotonous with F0
Others: F0 variability: +, F0 jitter: +
joy F0 mean: + 30%-50%
F0 range: + 50%-100%
F0 at vowels and semi-vowels: + 30%
F0 slope: -
Speech rate: -
Duration of vowels and semi-vowels: +
Intensity mean: +
Intensity monotonous with F0
Others: F0 variability: +, F0 jitter: +
sadness F0 mean: + 40%-70%
F0 range: + 180%-220%
F0 at vowels and semi-vowels: +
Speech rate: -
Silence rate: +
Duration of vowels and semi-vowels: +
Intensity mean: +
fear F0 mean: + 50%-100%
F0 range: +100%-150%
F0 at vowels, semi-vowels, nasals and frica-
tives: +
Speech rate: +
Silence rate: -
Duration of vowels and semi-vowels: +
Intensity mean: +
Intensity monotonous with F0
Others: F0 variability: +, F0 jitter: +
surprise F0 mean: + 50%-80%
F0 range: + 150%-200%
F0 at vowels and semi-vowels: +
Speech rate: +
Silence rate: -
Duration of vowels and semi-vowels: +
Others: F0 variability: +
Table 1: Results on natural speech
3.3 Emotion synthesis
To test the above rules, we have developed a tool linked to
our TTS system, to control emotional parameters over the
Arabic text automatically. The inherent synthetic prosody
(emotionless), built in the system is rather coarse, thus the
application of the above rules did not give always the de-
sired emotion perception. We had to tune those rules to
cope with the synthesizer. The final experimental emo-
tional rules are given below (Table 2):
Emotion Prosodic Rules
Anger F0 mean: + 30%
F0 range: + 30%
F0 at vowels and semi-vowels: + 100%
Speech rate: + 75%-80%
Duration of vowels and semi-vowels: + 30%
Duration of fricatives: + 20%
joy F0 mean: + 50%
F0 range: + 50%
F0 at vowels and semi-vowels: + 30%
F0 at fricative: + 30%
Speech rate: + 75%-80%
Duration of vowels and semi-vowels: + 30%
Duration of last vowel phonemes: + 20%
Others: F0 variability: +40%
sadness F0 range: + 130%
F0 at vowels and semi-vowels: + 120%
F0 at fricative: + 120%
Speech rate: - 130%
fear F0 mean: + 40%
F0 range: + 40%
F0 at vowels, semi-vowels, nasals and frica-
tives: +30%
Speech rate: - 75%-80%
Others: F0 variability: +60%, F0 jitter: +3%
surprise F0 mean: + 220%
F0 at vowels and semi-vowels: +150%
Speech rate: - 110%
Duration of vowels: +200%
Duration of semi-vowels: +150%
Others: F0 variability: +60%
Table 2: Results on synthetic speech
The following five figures show F0 contours for each emo-
tional type sentence with its corresponding emotionless
Figure 1: Anger emotion and emotionless /؟ﻚﺴﻔﻧ ﻦﻈﺗ ﻦﻣ/
“who do you think you are?”
Figure 2: Joy emotion and emotionless /ءﺎﻤﺴﻟا ﻦﻣ مﻮﻴﻐﻟا ﺖﻟاز/
“No more clouds in the sky”
Figure 3: Sadness emotion and emotionless / ًا ﺪ ﺟ ﻦیﺰﺣ ﺎﻧأ
مﻮﻴﻟا/ “I am so sad today!”
Figure 4: Fear emotion and emotionless / ﺮﻈﻨﻤﻟا اﺬه ﺎﻣ ﻲﻬﻟإ ﺎی
ﻒﻴﺨﻤﻟا / “God! What a scary scene!”
Figure 5: Surprise emotion and emotionless / ﺮﻈﻨﻣ ﻦﻣ ﻪﻟ ﺎی
ﻞﻴﻤﺟ /! “What a beautiful scene!”
Using the experimental rules, five sentences for each emo-
tion were synthesized and listened by 10 people. Each in-
dividual was asked to give the perceived emotion for each
sentence. Table 3 shows the results of this test.
Table 3: Emotion recognition rates
Some people believed that some tested sentences have
more than one emotion.
An automated tool has been developed for emotional Ara-
bic synthesis. The new prosodic model, proposed and
tested in this work proved to be successful, especially
when applied in conversational contexts.
A further work will follow to incorporate other emotions
like disgust, and annoyance.
The quality of the TTS System with its prosody plays a
crucial role in emotion synthesis. We intend to refine our
prosodic model; the emotional rules have to be revalidated
to cope with it.
[1] M. Schroder, “Emotional speech synthesis: A re-
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[2] J. Cahn “The generation of affect in synthesized
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[3] O. Pierre-Yves, “The production and recognition of
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[4] O. Al dakkak, N. Ghneim, “Towards Man-Machine
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[5] V. Aubergé, "La Synthèse de La parole: des Règles
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[6] N. Ghneim, H. Habash, “Text-to-Phonemes in Ara-
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[7] E. Moulines and J. Laroche, “Non-parametric tech-
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[8] T. Dutoit, V. Pagel, N. Pierret, F. Bataille and O. van
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[11] S. Nasser Eldin, H. Abdel Nour and A. Rajouani “En-
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Synthesis by Introducing a Prosodic Model”, ACL/EACL
2001 workshop, Toulouse-France 2001.
[12] S. Baloul, M. Alissali, M. Baudry and P. Boula de
Mareuil “Interface syntaxe-prosodie dans un système de
synthèse de la parole à partir du texte en arabe”, XXIVie-
mes Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole, CNRS/Université
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[13] F. Zotter, “Emotional speech”, at URL:
[14] I. R. Murray, M. D. Edgington, D. Campion, and J.
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[15] J.M. Montero, J. Gutiérrez-Arriola, J. Colás,
E.Enríquez and J.M.Pardo, “Analysis and modelling of
emotional speech in Spanich”, at URL: