NaF, a bone formation stimulating agent, is used for the treatment of
osteoporosis. Controversy exists concerning the quality of the newly
formed bone and the antifracture effectiveness(I). We report about a 70
years old woman, who had received 50 mg NaF/d for about 6 years.
Calcium or Vit D supplements had not been prescribed. She presented a
history of pain in her legs with recurrent character. Spontaneous fractures
of the metatarsal bones II and III of the left foot had occurred 6 month
before the first clinical visit in our institution. Besides mild anemia and
leukocytosis the routine laboratory tests were normal. Ionized Ca was
decreased, 25-OH-Vit D3 was slightly elevated. Radiographs of the
skeleton and bone scintigraphy showed degenerative osteoathritis. DXA
revealed: L2-L4 1.12; neck 0.65; Ward's triangle 0.51; trochanteric region
0.53 g/cm 2 (all within 1 S.D. of normal range). Due to clinical suspicion of
skeletal fluorosis with lower leg syndrome, a transiliacal bone biopsy was
taken. Histomorphometry revealed a bulky trabecular architecture, high
osteoblastic activity and an increased amount of osteoid The Goldner- and
calcium salt-stainings displayed abnormal patchy areas. Undecalcified
plastic embedded 100 µm thick ground sections were examined by BSEI
and SAXS(1). BSEI of trabecular and compact bone showed irregularly
shaped and pathologically mineralized bone areas, known as mottled
bone. SAXS in these areas revealed abnormally large mineral crystals (in all
dimensions larger than 50 nm), which from their size can only be
extrafibrillarly located. These findings correspond well to observations in
fluorosis(1). The severe deterioration of the collagen/mineral compound
and the nearly complete lack of normal "old" bone suggest biomechanical
incompetence and explain the pathological fractures.
In this patient after 6 years treatment with 50 m 9 NaF/d skeletal
fluorosis caused pain, disturbed gait and atraumatic fractures. Interestingly,
laboratory findings, skeletal radiographs and bone densitometry, gave no
indication for abnormalities of bone metabolism or mineralization. Without
bone biopsy we would have failed the correct diagnosis. Careful clinical
follow up , therefore, is undispensible whenever NaF is used for the
treatment of osteoporosis. Invasive investigation of the skeleton (bone
biopsy, histomorphometry, BSEI plus SAXS) is the only diagnostic tool,
when skeletal fluorosis is suspected.
(1) P Fratzl et al., J. Bone Miner. Res (1994) 9: 1541-1549.