
Corporate Memory-Strategies for Knowledge Management

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... Survilaite, Tamosiuniene, and Shatrevich (2015) suggested that innovation stakeholders using shared qualitative investment analysis tools improved their technology transfer process and performance asset management capability. Scholars such as Sveiby (1997), and Brooking (1999), and Roos, Roos, Dragonetti, and Edvinson (2001) do not agree that some management strategies, identifying process interdependency and how decisions are formulated to protect innovative products or services, will be sufficient to transfer knowledge into knowledge assets. These strategies include using traditional financial accounting tools to measure intellectual capital, the use of information technology and complicated licensing agreements (Axtle-Ortiz, 2013;Al-Aali & Teece, 2013). ...
... Survilaite et al. (2015) argued that innovators using shared qualitative investment analysis tools improved the technology transfer process and performance asset management capability. Scholars such as Sveiby (1997), andBrooking (1999), and Roos et al. (2001) do not agree that some strategies will be sufficient to transfer knowledge to knowledge assets. These strategies include using traditional financial accounting tools to measure intellectual capital, the use of information technology and complicated licensing agreements (Axtle-Ortiz, 2013;Al-Aali & Teece, 2013). ...
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The research study focused on the experiences of product developers and legal representatives working in high technology industries, and how these professionals make decisions to implement protections of their intellectual property during new product development. The study included three research questions: How do innovation stakeholders and legal representatives working in new product development implement knowledge sharing? How do innovation stakeholders and legal representatives who work in new product development, develop strategies for intellectual property asset protections? And, how do innovation stakeholders and legal representatives who work in new product development regard competitive advantages because of their intellectual property management?
... Taking into account the following two criteria: the way of using knowledge (internal or external) and the source of acquiring knowledge (internal or external), analogically to network participants, a given member of an employee team can be (see Figure 2): 1. a knowledge absorber -who binds and absorbs knowledge acquired from outside (i.e., from other team members or from outside the team) in order to use it internally (independently); 2. a knowledge transformer -who processes and transfers knowledge acquired externally (i.e., from other team members or from outside the team) also externally (i.e., to other team members); 3. a knowledge creator -who creates knowledge independently for use by other team members (externally); 4. a knowledge accumulator -who accumulates the knowledge that he/ she has created in order to use it internally (independently). The process of knowledge sharing can take place through various routes: through formal networking, through informal networking, through instruction, through documents, through training, through sharing experiences in meetings (Brooking, 1999). The preference and dominance of a particular form of knowledge sharing depends on the knowledge management strategy adopted by a given organization (Hansen & Nohria, 1999). ...
... The interview questionnaire used in the study covered four main issues: internal mental mechanisms of team members, the phenomenon of knowledge sharing in the team, interpersonal relations, and trust in the team. Knowledge sharing was operationalized in terms of its following aspects: -assessment of the overall individual propensity to share knowledge using a five-point Likert scale, (2012) and Krok (2011), -attitudes towards knowledge sharing, as a nominal variable, with a single choice, operationalized based on Sopi ska (2012), -forms of knowledge sharing, as a nominal variable, with multiple choice by the respondent, operationalized based on Brooking (1999). Selected statistical methods were used in the analysis of the study results. ...
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Purpose: The aim of this article is to present the phenomenon of knowledge sharing in decision-making teams in companies representing the furniture industry in Poland. The analysis of the phenomenon included the following five aspects: assessment of the propensity to share knowledge within decision-making teams, assessment of the significance of knowledge to be shared from the perspective of the decisions taken, identification of the main motivations for sharing knowledge by members of the decision-making team, identification of dominant attitudes towards knowledge sharing, and identification of dominant forms of knowledge sharing. Design/methodology/approach: The survey was conducted in the time period March 2018 – September 2019, with the use of the CATI method. The research sample included members of decision-making teams responsible for making strategic decisions in medium-sized and large companies representing the furniture industry in Poland. Findings: The analysis of responses delivered by 123 respondents shows that decision-makers in the furniture industry in Poland display an average propensity to share knowledge, with a slightly higher propensity declared by men than women; they highly value the significance of the knowledge transferred to other team members; the main motivations prompting them to share knowledge are non-monetary motivations; the majority of them declare an attitude towards knowledge sharing labeled as ‘a knowledge transformer’ and prefer direct contact between team members as a form of knowledge sharing. Originality/value: The study contributes to the understanding of processes related to knowledge sharing, specifically in terms of sector and market specificity.
... These knowledge functions include for example, knowledge of a particular job, who knows what in a company, how to Source: Jashapara (2011, p. 14). get things done in an organization, the history and business customs, and how to approach a particular problem that is difficult to solve (Brooking, 1999). With these knowledge functions, other aspects are also important, namely human centred assets, the management of human capital and their knowledge in an organization, especially to avoid the use of outdated information and to capture tacit knowledge. ...
... This type of knowledge comes with experience and confidence that the CoP can solve the problem even if the members do not currently understand how to do so. Brooking (1999) proposes that the psychometric abilities, analytical skills, knowing what type of knowledge is valuable, leadership, self-awareness and spiritual strength of members can enable CoPs to solve wicked problems. ...
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This chapter explores the role of communities of practice (CoPs) in knowledge management (KM) and how various collaborative practices can be used to enrich the activities of CoPs in organisations. The objectives of the chapter are firstly to define and explain the role of CoPs as a form of social and team networks in KM, secondly to identify the role and importance of collaborative approaches, specifically focusing on collective learning, creativity, innovation and problem-solving in CoPs and how these impact on the KM process, and thirdly to make recommendations to enhance the collaborative approaches to ultimately enrich the activities of CoPs in a digital age in organisations. Recommendations are made that management needs to support the forming and activities of CoPs in KM strategies, and that a suitable organisational structure and culture are needed to stimulate and support collaborative approaches to enrich the activities of CoPs.
... Hafıza, belli bir zaman dilimine ait algı ve deneyimleri saklayan ve bunları ileride yeniden erişilebilir kılan yapıdır. Tıpkı insan hafızası gibi kurumsal hafıza da farklı kültürel bilgileri önce kaydeder sonra belli bir formatta kullanıma sunar (Brooking, 1998). Bu çalışmada kurumsal hafıza kavramı ile bir okulda görev yapmış tüm öğretmenlerin ve okumuş tüm öğrencilerin kolektif hafızası kastedilmektedir. ...
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Dünyada pek çok çocuk, eğitim almak amacıyla ömürlerinin en az 12 yılını okulda geçirmektedir.Uzun yıllar eğitim ve öğretim faaliyetinde bulunan bir okulda olumlu ve olumsuz pekçok şey yaşanmaktadır ve tüm yaşanmışlıklar yakın tarihe ait kültürel bir miras olarak okuldabirikmektedir ancak çoğu zaman bir okulda eğitim almaya başlayan öğrenciler, o okulungeçmişinden ve biriktirdiği kültürel mirastan kısacası içinde bulundukları eğitim kurumundakiyaşanmışlıklardan ve kültürel birikimden habersiz olmaktadır. Hâlbuki bir okul, yaşanmışlıklarıve biriktirdiği kültürel miras ile o okulda yeni okumaya başlayan öğrencilere bir ilham,ibret ve bilgi kaynağı olabilir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, bir okulda yıllar içinde oluşan kurumsalhafızayı keşfetmek ve kurumsal hafızanın o okulda yeni okumaya başlayan öğrencilere merakuyandıran ve etkili bir yolla aktarılmasının öğrenciler üzerinde oluşturduğu etkiyi incelemektir.Araştırma kapsamında belge inceleme ve derinlemesine görüşme yöntemleri kullanılarak birortaokulda geçmişte yaşanan tüm başarılar, önemli hadiseler, sarsıcı deneyimler, ilham ve ibretverici olaylar tespit edilmiştir. Ardından elde edilen veriler ışığında, okulun yakın tarihine ışıktutan, 1-3 dakika arası uzunlukta kısa tematik videolar hazırlanmıştır. Devamında, bir teknolojiktasarım süreci işletilerek, okulun içinde kolay erişilebilir bir noktaya bir teknolojik kutu yerleştirilmiştir.Teknolojik kutuda bulunan lenslere gözlerini yaklaştıran öğrencilerin, hazırlanantematik kısa videoları görüntülü ve sesli olarak izlemeleri sağlanmıştır. Bu deneyimi yaşayanöğrenciler, sistematik gözlem yoluyla izlenmiş, öğrencilerle derinlemesine görüşme ve anketyapılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları, öğrencilerin eğitim gördükleri kurumun kültürel birikimineyüksek bir ilgi ve merak duyduğunu, okullarına olan bakış açılarının değiştiğini, anlam kazandığınıve okula olan aidiyetlerinin güçlendiğini ortaya koymuştur.
... The concept of corporate emotional memory is a crucial component in increasing the productivity of businesses. Performance (organizational) can develop at the desired level in companies where corporate emotional memory is observed (Brooking, 1998). According to Bardley (2014), corporate emotional memory is considered an important process that defines how individuals and organizations learn. ...
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Task-oriented leadership has a significant impact on whether employees in organizations fulfill their duties as desired by the top management. The task-oriented leader plays an important role in the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the employees, thanks to the communication and interaction he establishes with the employees. With this relationship that task-oriented leadership has established with employees, it can be thought that both organizational emotional memory and corporate emotional memory will be positively affected. While corporate emotional memory is the transfer of the memory that has been formed within the company independently of the individuals with the effect of institutionalization, organizational emotional memory is accepted as the memory transferred by the individuals forming the organization with their own knowledge. Therefore, the effect of the taskoriented leader in the formation of organizational and corporate emotional memory, thanks to the transfer of memory in the management of the company independently from the individuals and the interaction of the individuals forming the organization with each other, is tested with hypotheses in the research. At the same time, the development of institutionalism and organizational environment can create commitment to the organization in employees. For this reason, the effects on organizational commitment are also examined in the research. In the research, data were collected from experts who have been working in banks with their headquarters in Istanbul for at least 10 years, and analyzes were made. Looking at the results of the analysis, it was supported by the hypotheses that the task oriented leadership, the organizational emotional memory and the corporate emotional memory have positive effects on the organizational commitment. Considering the limited situation of the research, it is suggested that since the data were collected from experts who have been working for at least 10 years from banks with their headquarters in Istanbul, this limited situation should be evaluated in future research.
... The presented "Konrad Report" proposed to divide the enterprise capital into two groups: financial capital and knowledge capital, later called intellectual capital (hereinafter -IC) (Hodgson 2003). Since the 1990s, the scientific community has seen a rapid growth of the topic of the "knowledge economy" and IC as the most important factor in the growth of enterprise value (Brooking, 1999). ...
... The range of this area is defined by A . Brooking (1999), especially, taking into consideration an intellectual capital . Y . ...
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In the paper, the author’s conception of building an intelligent system for predicting economic situation of enterprises is presented. This conception is captured in the form of the prediction chain (PC). A process of reasoning by analogy is performed using a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) methodology. In the paper, a model of an enterprise, concentrating on identification of the competence potential and competence gap, is shown. A protocol of an assessment of potential and assessment of competence gap in a given range, using the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), is presented. Individual elements of a system for creating the knowledge are captured in the form of an A-E-AE (Agent-Expert-Acts of Explanation). The structures of classes in the Protege editor are shown. At the end, a coordination diagram in the UML language is depicted. This diagram makes up a diagram of the interface between an expert and a CBR system.
... Toiseksi, sillä on oltava erilaisia muistitoimintoja, joiden avulla organisaatioon kerätty tieto saa-daan taltioiduksi ja jotka myös auttavat työntekijöitä heille tarpeellisen tiedon löytämisessä (ks. kollektiivisesta muistamisesta Orr, 1990;Brooking, 1999;Kasvi & Vartiainen, 2000;Wertsch, 2002). Organisaation pitää siis muistaa ne asiat, jotka se on oppinut. ...
Yksilön asiantuntijuus, yhteinen tieto ja yhdessä osaaminen ovat aiheena tutkimuksessa, joka on osa SITRA:n rahoittamaa “Innovaatioverkostot”-hanketta. Käsillä oleva artikkeli haarukoi tutkimuksen yhtä lohkoa. Kohteena ovat mm. sidoksiltaan vahvat ja sidoksiltaan heikot verkostot. Vahvat linkit toimivat osaamisen kasvualustana, mutta heikkojen linkkienavulla osaamisen ja tiedon on mahdollista uudistua ja kasvaa. Tieto välittyy tyypillisesti sisäkkäin rakentuneiden suhteiden välittämänä. Esimerkiksi vuorovaikutussuhteita on enemmän ryhmittymien sisällä kuin niiden välillä. Siksi verkostoon kuuluvat ovat eriarvoisessa asemassa: tiedosta pääsevät hyötymään eniten ne, jotka saavat sen aikaisemmin tai kuulevat sen monesta eri näkökulmasta esitettynä.
... Stewart (1997) de¯nes IC concept as a collective sum of intellectual materials and mental energies that involve an organization's culture, work structure, use of information technologies and brand image that collectively enable market competitiveness. Brooking (1998) views IC as intangible assets consisting of acquired human skills and abilities, physical infrastructure, intellectual property and other accumulated stock of knowledge. These aggregated knowledge assets translate into IC only when these are capable enough to successfully generate pro¯ts (Petrides, 2004;Bchini, 2015). ...
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The ever-increasing market turbulence has turned today’s corporate landscape more competitive and complex. Particularly during the last two decades, the increased utilization of Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) globally transformed the services sector in terms of ease of business processes and improved client service delivery. However, in the current knowledge-based era, these tools & technologies would only be meaningful if these are appropriately utilized by a knowledgeable workforce. In other words, this knowledge age has changed the success mantra of business competitiveness by re-shifting the focus from ICT-based transformations to knowledge-based transformations, though the availability of ICT systems has further augmented the organizational capabilities. Moreover, truly capitalizing on these warrants a knowledge-enabled work culture and recognizing as such the strategic significance of in-house Intellectual Capital (IC) that serves as a prime mover of achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. However, the maximum potential of IC for deriving multi-stakeholder value has not been fully achieved. Therefore, by administering 12 face-to-face semi-structured interviews at Australian Professional Service Firms (PSFs), this research offers a novel perspective on IC valuation by presenting the concept of ‘Triple Value Bottomline’ coupled with ‘IC Best Practices for PSFs’. These collectively offer IC evaluation, measurement and management mechanisms. Overall, the findings reveal immense potential of IC for achieving diverse value outcomes for multi-stakeholders in PSFs.
... transferencia de conocimiento unidireccional de los académicos a las partes interesadas externas que se benefician del uso del referido conocimiento para sus propios objetivos (Rossi y Rosli, 2014;Roux et al., 2006). La transferencia del conocimiento a partir de los avances tecnológicos y las políticas de difusión de las empresas que lo determinan (A. B. Brooking, 1999), ha permitido generar condiciones que garantizan la accesibilidad, visibilidad y usabilidad del conocimiento. Entre las ventajas del proceso de transferencia, se destacan la importancia de las interacciones con la academia, lo cual genera valor y beneficios al acceder al conocimiento científico (Guan y Zhao, 2013) innovación científica, ...
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Este libro da cuenta de un proceso de investigación que se propuso, como objetivo principal, el diseño de metodologías que permitieran medir las capacidades tecnológicas del sector empresarial y académico del sistema de Competitividad, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (C&CTI) del Valle del Cauca. Su desarrollo se fundamentó bajo un tipo de investigación analítica que permitió el estudio de las variables desde el enfoque cuantitativo con un diseño no experimental. La muestra se llevó a efecto mediante la técnica no probabilística, permitiendo la selección de una muestra de 119 empresas de la muestra estimada y de 185 grupos de investigación distribuidos en cuatro municipios representativos en términos académicos del Valle del Cauca: Buenaventura, Cali-Yumbo, Palmira y Tuluá. Este trabajo realizado en el contexto regional, se propuso con el fin de ampliar el grado de comprensión de las capacidades tecnológicas del ecosistema C&CTI del departamento. Para la recopilación de la información se diseñaron dos encuestas para ser respondida por empresarios o gerentes de empresas y líderes de grupos de investigación. Este libro inicia con una introducción general que sirve de cimiento conceptual, seguida de dos partes. La primera está dedicada a mostrar la perspectiva desde el lado de la demanda de conocimiento, es decir, del sector empresarial, y la segunda parte se aborda desde la perspectiva de la oferta, en donde se tienen a los grupos de investigación como unidad de análisis entendiéndose como generadores de nuevo conocimiento. En particular, desde la perspectiva de la demanda, se concluye que las empresas no tienden a ser innovadoras, y que hacen más uso de la explotación que de la exploración del conocimiento. Se evidenció también que tienen muchas dificultades en traducir el conocimiento en capital intelectual, al igual que para hacer gestión del conocimiento. La metodología aplicada muestra que son muy débiles las condiciones para establecer una demanda de conocimiento por parte de las empresas, sobre todo en las Mipymes. Este resultado coincide con la encuesta del IDIC en la que se muestra que apenas el 1% de las empresas son innovadoras. Por su parte, el análisis de los datos sobre oferta muestra una relación positiva del capital intelectual, la transferencia de conocimiento, la capacidad de absorción, y la colaboración con el desempeño de los grupos de investigación. De igual manera, contrario a lo que se plantea en la literatura, al analizar la mediación de la exploración y la explotación entre la transferencia de conocimiento y el desempeño, encontramos que esta hipótesis no es significativa, esto se puede explicar porque falta desarrollar habilidades de ambidestreza en los grupos de investigación, dado que esta transferencia emerge más del conocimiento explícito, siendo el conocimiento tácito y su proceso de difusión aspectos que deberían ser tenidos más en cuenta por parte de los grupos de investigación, en el momento de articular acciones para gestionar el conocimiento. Al final de este libro se presentan algunas recomendaciones al sistema C&CTI del Valle del Cauca que podrían mejorar las dinámicas de transferencia de conocimiento entre grupos de investigación y Mipymes y proveer elementos esenciales para apoyar a tomadores de decisiones respecto a procesos de articulación empresa-universidad.
... transferencia de conocimiento unidireccional de los académicos a las partes interesadas externas que se benefician del uso del referido conocimiento para sus propios objetivos (Rossi y Rosli, 2014;Roux et al., 2006). La transferencia del conocimiento a partir de los avances tecnológicos y las políticas de difusión de las empresas que lo determinan (A. B. Brooking, 1999), ha permitido generar condiciones que garantizan la accesibilidad, visibilidad y usabilidad del conocimiento. Entre las ventajas del proceso de transferencia, se destacan la importancia de las interacciones con la academia, lo cual genera valor y beneficios al acceder al conocimiento científico (Guan y Zhao, 2013) innovación científica, ...
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Este libro da cuenta de un proceso de investigación que se propuso, como objetivo principal, el diseño de metodologías que permitieran medir las capacidades tecnológicas del sector empresarial y académico del sistema de Competitividad, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (C&CTI) del Valle del Cauca. Su desarrollo se fundamentó bajo un tipo de investigación analítica que permitió el estudio de las variables desde el enfoque cuantitativo con un diseño no experimental. La muestra se llevó a efecto mediante la técnica no probabilística, permitiendo la selección de una muestra de 119 empresas de la muestra estimada y de 185 grupos de investigación distribuidos en cuatro municipios representativos en términos académicos del Valle del Cauca: Buenaventura, Cali-Yumbo, Palmira y Tuluá. Este trabajo realizado en el contexto regional, se propuso con el fin de ampliar el grado de comprensión de las capacidades tecnológicas del ecosistema C&CTI del departamento. Para la recopilación de la información se diseñaron dos encuestas para ser respondida por empresarios o gerentes de empresas y líderes de grupos de investigación. Este libro inicia con una introducción general que sirve de cimiento conceptual, seguida de dos partes. La primera está dedicada a mostrar la perspectiva desde el lado de la demanda de conocimiento, es decir, del sector empresarial, y la segunda parte se aborda desde la perspectiva de la oferta, en donde se tienen a los grupos de investigación como unidad de análisis entendiéndose como generadores de nuevo conocimiento. En particular, desde la perspectiva de la demanda, se concluye que las empresas no tienden a ser innovadoras, y que hacen más uso de la explotación que de la exploración del conocimiento. Se evidenció también que tienen muchas dificultades en traducir el conocimiento en capital intelectual, al igual que para hacer gestión del conocimiento. La metodología aplicada muestra que son muy débiles las condiciones para establecer una demanda de conocimiento por parte de las empresas, sobre todo en las Mipymes. Este resultado coincide con la encuesta del IDIC en la que se muestra que apenas el 1% de las empresas son innovadoras. Por su parte, el análisis de los datos sobre oferta muestra una relación positiva del capital intelectual, la transferencia de conocimiento, la capacidad de absorción, y la colaboración con el desempeño de los grupos de investigación. De igual manera, contrario a lo que se plantea en la literatura, al analizar la mediación de la exploración y la explotación entre la transferencia de conocimiento y el desempeño, encontramos que esta hipótesis no es significativa, esto se puede explicar porque falta desarrollar habilidades de ambidestreza en los grupos de investigación, dado que esta transferencia emerge más del conocimiento explícito, siendo el conocimiento tácito y su proceso de difusión aspectos que deberían ser tenidos más en cuenta por parte de los grupos de investigación, en el momento de articular acciones para gestionar el conocimiento. Al final de este libro se presentan algunas recomendaciones al sistema C&CTI del Valle del Cauca que podrían mejorar las dinámicas de transferencia de conocimiento entre grupos de investigación y Mipymes y proveer elementos esenciales para apoyar a tomadores de decisiones respecto a procesos de articulación empresa-universidad.
... If there is an interaction among technology, people and processes, there is a knowledge management application. According to Brooking, [35], knowledge management is the approach to better sharing, managing, and organizing communication assets those have human in the centre. ...
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This paper proposes an innovative approach to help domain knowledge experts with technology roadmapping and the strategic decision-making process. In our approach, we introduce a retrofitted parallel coordinate visualization tool, which is enhanced with a feature importance analysis algorithm. Our approach has produced four significant achievements. First, our new method reveals the shortcomings of some traditional parallel coordinate tools. Second, our method applies neutrosophic fuzzy sets in tacit knowledge analysis to foster ease with written text data; it assists with the processes in exploring possible roadmapping strategies, measuring vicinity conditions of adjacent features, and prioritizing their order based on the desired solution space of a certain attributes. The methods are applied in a case study with actual data that comes from a research project designed for financial organizations’ digitalization. Third, the application of parallel coordinates is reported for the first time for technology roadmapping in finance. Finally, proof of concept and a benchmarking practice considering generated hypotheses are provided in this paper.
... Information Information is an element of knowledge capable of being coded or represented using conventions to be stored, processed, or communicated, when one gives meaning to a given through an interpretative framework, it becomes information, information is organized data presented in context, the notion of information, therefore, has a higher conceptual degree than the notion of data in value and meaning. [29] The knowledge Knowledge is interpretable and exploitable information, having a meaning. So it is defined either as refined, synthesized, systematized information or as information associated with a context of use. ...
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Nowadays, in a world covered by networks, there are more smart devices than peoples, since a person owns different smart devices in different forms. These devices, which interconnect and exchange a very large flow of data, perform several functions including monitoring, data collection, and data evaluation. In this thesis, we will focus on this new trend of interconnected objects used to improve the daily life of individuals. For this, the exploitation of the Internet of Things in the field of monitoring and control is a recent research axis that helps human beings to ensure this task based on the data captured by the intelligent devices that will be subsequently analyzed and processed by different methods. It is in this context that we orient our research on the concept of linking objects to the Internet, known today as the Internet of Things. Our work is articulated around two issues, physical activity and fall prevention in the elderly and the security of international borders. In our first work, we proposed an approach based on metaheuristics for real-time security and boundary protection. This technique is inspired by the behavior of natural cockroaches and the phenomenon of seeking the most attractive and secure place to hide. In our second work, we used classification algorithms to combat the risk of falls in the elderly and enable these individuals to continue their lives in the best possible condition. We examine the applicability of three data mining algorithms for real-world IoT datasets. These include K-nn, Naive Bayes, and Decision Tree. The main contribution of this work is the analysis of the efficiency of three data mining algorithms. All the experiments carried out and the results obtained have shown the benefits derived from the use of our system.
... The information age we live in today is characterized by an overload of information; facts and opinions. Brooking defines knowledge as information in context with understanding to apply that knowledge [10]. Vafaie et al. claim that knowledge is a justified personal belief that increases an individual's capacity to take effective action [71]. ...
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With the increasing population of the silver economy, many potential economic opportunities appear, in particular, in developed countries. Recently, the European Union and the Baltic Sea Region have been very active with their research on active aging and to tackle the challenges arising from the exponentially increasing ageing population. The OSIRIS project is one such EU-funded initiative to develop a digital platform for the elderly named the Digital Silver Hub, which aims to serve as an ecosystem for the quadruple helix actors (private sector, public sector, academic institutions, senior citizens) to participate in knowledge exchange, collaboration and co-creation of innovative technological solutions to facilitate the elderly population. In this paper, 30 interviews were conducted from the partner heads of the OSIRIS project as well as quadruple helix actors from each region in the Baltic Sea Region (Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Lithuania, and Denmark) in order to deeply understand the functionalities that are needed to be offered by the Digital Silver Hub. A deductive thematic analysis is conducted to analyse these functionalities in terms of Collective Intelligence (CI) components (namely staffing, processes, goals and motivation) based on a most recent generic CI model. The functionalities were further evaluated by experts working in the field of science and technology in the silver economy. As results, the needed functionalities are identified and explained in depth. As an outlook, we discuss how these functionalities can be translated into architectural components of a system design.
... The information age we live in today is characterized by an overload of information; facts and opinions. Brooking defines knowledge as information in context with understanding to apply that knowledge [10]. Vafaie et al. claim that knowledge is a justified personal belief that increases an individual's capacity to take effective action [71]. ...
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With the increasing population of the silver economy, many potential economic opportunities appear, in particular, in developed countries. Recently, the European Union and the Baltic Sea Region have been very active with their research on active aging and to tackle the challenges arising from the exponentially increasing ageing population. The OSIRIS project is one such EU-funded initiative to develop a digital platform for the elderly named the Digital Silver Hub, which aims to serve as an ecosystem for the quadruple helix actors (private sector, public sector, academic institutions, senior citizens) to participate in knowledge exchange, collaboration and co-creation of innovative technological solutions to facilitate the elderly population. In this paper, 30 interviews were conducted from the partner heads of the OSIRIS project as well as quadruple helix actors from each region in the Baltic Sea Region (Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Lithuania, and Denmark) in order to deeply understand the functionalities that are needed to be offered by the Digital Silver Hub. A deductive thematic analysis is conducted to analyse these functionalities in terms of Collective Intelligence (CI) components (namely staffing, processes, goals and motivation) based on a most recent generic CI model. The functionalities were further evaluated by experts working in the field of science and technology in the silver economy. As results, the needed functionalities are identified and explained in depth. As an outlook, we discuss how these functionalities can be translated into architectural components of a system design.
... Knowledge management is currently one of the most important issues in the theory and practice of management as in the era of Knowledge-Based Economy the development of an organization depends, to a large extent, on the skillful acquisition and use of relevant data, information, and knowledge. It has been a subject of many research (Brooking, 1999;Davenport & Prusak, 1998;Drucker, 1993;Gold, Malhotra, & Segars, 2001;Koohang, Paliszkiewicz, & Gołuchowski, 2017;Leonard, 1995;Liebowitz, 2008Liebowitz, , 2012Paliszkiewicz, 2007;Shveiby, 1987;Stacey, 2000;Teece, 2009;Tiwana, 2002;Von Krogh, Ichijo, & Nonaka, 2000;Wiig, 1994). Definitions, theories, models or techniques related to knowledge management are created not only by academic scientists but also by commercial companies, which stresses the importance of this resource for economic success. ...
Conference Paper
The purpose of this paper was to present an introductory, test analysis on effective ways of obtaining various types of useful knowledge, factors conducive to, and hampering sharing knowledge with academic colleagues. Moreover, the aim was to outline the type of knowledge management strategy that should be implemented in institutions of higher education in Poland. A sample of academic employees’ opinions was gathered and analyzed. Results as well as discussion and implications are presented. The main conclusion of this study is that research and teaching staff are eager to acquire and share knowledge, while the main challenge for the academic authorities is to implement the personalization strategy of knowledge management and develop an organizational culture that would focus on cooperation as well as mutual trust and reward knowledge sharing. A further, more comprehensive research into the matter will be worth conducting.
... The term knowledge entails the awareness of a thing with regards to its reality (Asfahani, Muhammad, & Qasim, 1992). Knowledge is articulated information that transforms someone or something thereby resulting into an action (Drucker 1989& Brooking 1999. Knowledge entails a theoretical (explicit) or practical (implicit) understanding of something which could be formal; informal; systematic or particular (Augus & Christine, 2010). ...
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The paper dwells on the crucial role of knowledge in the life of man. Knowledge is presented as a means to realization of the purpose for which man came into the world which is “to worship God. Knowledge as classified in the paper has two branches of which are Fard ayn (knowledge which is incumbent on everyone) and Fard Kifayah (knowledge which is needed to be acquired by some and not everyone). The paper buttresses the necessity of the two categories of knowledge towards attaining the desire to worship God accordingly. Viewing the fact that after the creation of man, knowledge was the first endowment given to man and the first promise made to him on his way to the earth one is bound to believe in the necessity of knowledge towards realisation of the purpose of creation. Relying on the fact that the first revelation emphasises on the search for knowledge; the stipulation for acquisition of knowledge before exhibition of actions coupled with the relevance of professional knowledge to ease of life and worship, it is justifiable to conclude that knowledge is a means towards realization of the essence of creation. This assertion is greatly reinforced with the aid of relevant Qur’anic text and prophetic traditions. The paper recommends that parents should ensure that their children receive sound knowledge of Islam as well as any other aspects of the knowledge that is Fard kifayah.
... The main function of knowledge management is to guard and grow that which has been identified and is owned by the individual. Where possible, transfer the asset into a form where it can be more readily shared by other employees (Brooking, 1999). The aspect of knowledge management is incomplete if culture that embraces an organizational philosophy is ignored. ...
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The thesis investigates the research practices of academics and how they are supported by the academic library in an African university setting by specifically focusing on the University of Zambia. The information age has opened up new ways for conducting research that involves changing the approach of academics to the whole research process, necessitating a degree of information management and a changed role for library involvement. However, these changes brought with it increases in cost of access and infrastructure which put institutions in developing countries under significant pressure. In light of these challenges, the thesis seeks to establish how successful researchers in an African university setting are conducting their research and navigate these challenges. The research design is qualitative and collected data using a quota system random sampling method to select participants meeting certain minimum criteria for the interviews. The narrative interview section was used to explore the views of the people with deeper insight into their specific needs and problems. The findings indicate that researchers at UNZA use their own resources to fund their research activities (apart from a few cases where project funding was available). The research activities are conducted without regard or in some cases even awareness of the formulated research policy of UNZA that is supposed to direct research activities. The respondents mainly conduct research based on personal interest, experience and for perceived promotional gains. Researchers at UNZA share knowledge and information through conferences, workshops, research publications and social platforms such as LinkedIn. The knowledge sharing is exhibited through research collaboration mostly at departmental level. Collaboration in research at UNZA takes place for reasons that include mentoring, sharing expertise, and authenticity. Researchers use both print and electronic resources, but struggle with print resources becoming obsolete, whilst the electronic resources are often unavailable due to inadequate subscription by the institution. The university library subscribes to database information for at least 50000 electronic journals, but a very small number of those are available full-text. In fact full-text access is limited to Science Direct, JSTOR, and Cambridge Journals databases. This highlights the discrepancies that exist in research practices globally between researchers from the developing nations and those of developed countries. Notwithstanding these challenges, UNZA has not fully utilized its knowledge management strategies to create a favourable research environment in spite of funding difficulties. ICT infrastructure is not fully deployed, but the processes are in place. It is recommended that UNZA establish a research division that can enforce the research policy and support the research activities at the university.
... The term "human capital has been defined as a collective capabilities, experience, skills, leadership, intelligence, commitment and general knowhow of individual employees to solve problems (Liu, 2009;Gohen & Kachemakis, 2007;Carson et al, 2004;Meritum, 2000;Bontis et al., 2000;Brooking, 1999). Isaac et al (2009) stated that human capital represents the value added by employees when they utilize their knowledge and other personal assets to produce goods and services that create wealth for their organization. ...
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This paper examines the importance of the human capital development in diversifying Nigerian economy, especially, given the fact that it is oil base economy. It argues that to achieve a successful diversification more time and other resources are required into developing human capital which will exert great impact on the direction of the nation economy. For this, the need for adequate investment in education and training, health and safety, infrastructural facilities and a hostile free work environment are necessary for these human elements to strive in different sectors of the economy. This paper review the effect human capitals have on the economy of Nigeria. It also proposes a framework for new direction. Finally, the paper went further to explain that, in doing so, the accumulated wealth of knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired by the human element remains a great asset to creating several innovative ideas that will redirect the Nigerian economy from mono-product (oil) to non-oil sectors for future economic development.
... Studies in KM mainly focus on organizational knowledge captured in corporate and/or organizational memories [2], [9], [19] and on the development of knowledge management systems (KMS). However these initiatives in organizations have often run into difficulties mainly because the expansion of individual's personal tacit knowledge to knowledge of organization as a whole causes implementation problems. ...
Today, information has become more important. Even data, information and knowledge are often used as if they have same meaning. This problem raises difficulties in engineering. It is necessary to exist a knowledge management (KM) system to avoid increased costs, waste of time and increased errors. In this paper the model of the knowledge management of the mechanical engineering was proposed. The model can be used by the manager for the choosing of competitive orders.
... Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) use 'knowledge' 14 as the basic tool in analysing company behaviour. Knowledge may be explicit and formal or tacit and informal (POLYANI 1962, BROOKING 1999. In Nonaka's theory, explicit and tacit knowledge complement each other and generate a dynamic, which creates new knowledge that can then be communicated and translated into a best practice or project. ...
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Drawing on recent research on communication for urban development and on new research on ’Localising the Habitat Agenda’, this article focuses on the communication aspects of transferring projects and good practices to different cultural contexts. Communicating knowledge for the poor has been a research priority for development agencies in UK and USA for the last decade, as communicating best or good practices for achieving development has not been particularly easy or successful. In order to understand the reasons for these communication gaps, the Max Lock Centre at the University of Westminster, UK, undertook research into the complexity of the communication process, and developed methodologies to ensure the effective transfer of knowledge to differing contexts. There are two related challenges to this task. The first is the understanding that communication is a complex process involving actors and actions. The complexity of the interplay between these explains why the communication process suffers gaps that are difficult to bridge; this is why knowledge or best practices can be only communicated if certain conditions are met. The second involves finding a methodology for communicating projects and best practices to different contexts in which practices can be applied.
... These are information technology-based systems developed to support and enhance the organisational processes of knowledge management process; creation, storage/retrieval, transfer and share, and application (Alavi & Leidner, 2001). KMS is mostly about people, not about software, documents or notes (Brooking, 1999). ...
... Retoma los términos: capital humano, capital estructural y capital cliente. Brooking (1996Brooking ( , 1999 dividió al capital intelectual en cuatro categorías: activos de mercado, de propiedad intelectual, de infraestructura y centrados en el humano. Los activos de mercado son el potencial que tiene una organización y que le brindan una posición competitiva en el mercado. ...
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Result of an investigation with SME specialists from the European Union, this study sought to identify the participants’opinion about the awareness that SMEs have about the importance of innovation for the success of small businesses. Based on the seven rules of innovation proposed by Davila et al. (2006), we developed a research roadmap to identify the relevance that SMEs attribute to key factors for the success of innovation and stratified according to the level of development of the countries. Contrary to the previously formulated hypothesis, we found that SMEs in less developed countries are more aware of the importance of innovation for the development of their businesses.
... Retoma los términos: capital humano, capital estructural y capital cliente. Brooking (1996Brooking ( , 1999 dividió al capital intelectual en cuatro categorías: activos de mercado, de propiedad intelectual, de infraestructura y centrados en el humano. Los activos de mercado son el potencial que tiene una organización y que le brindan una posición competitiva en el mercado. ...
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Las redes sociales constituyen un medio para que los usuarios de Internet se comuniquen y compartan información. Desde el área de marketing existe un interés por identificar individuos que puedan tener influencia para promocionar sus productos o servicios. El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es presentar un método para identificar usuarios influyentes en una Fan Page de Facebook. La propuesta está basada en los trabajos de Khobzi y Teimourpour (2015) y Weng y Lento (2014) y considera aspectos pragmáticos derivados de las restricciones en el acceso a datos privados. Se describe un caso real. Los resultados permiten identificar segmentos de usuarios y el interés de diferentes tópicos. Esta investigación es relevante para los administradores de una Fan Page y para el área de marketing de organizaciones con una presencia en los medios sociales.Palabras clave: Redes Sociales, Facebook, usuarios influyentes.
... These are information technology-based systems developed to support and enhance the organisational processes of knowledge management process; creation, storage/retrieval, transfer and share, and application (Alavi & Leidner, 2001). KMS is mostly about people, not about software, documents or notes (Brooking, 1999). ...
... For example, Ayer (1956) defines knowledge as something that can increase the individual capacity of people on the action. For Brooking (1999), knowledge is defined as information that needs to be understood and applied. Davenport and Prusak (2000) associated knowledge to a fluid and structured mix between the variables of experience, values and background information. ...
... These are information technology-based systems developed to support and enhance the organisational processes of knowledge management process; creation, storage/retrieval, transfer and share, and application (Alavi & Leidner, 2001). KMS is mostly about people, not about software, documents or notes (Brooking, 1999). ...
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Chapter explain the integrated knowledge management system and its application in the education system.
... The term "human capital has been defined as a collective capabilities, experience, skills, leadership, intelligence, commitment and general knowhow of individual employees to solve problems (Liu, 2009;Gohen & Kachemakis, 2007;Carson et al, 2004;Meritum, 2000;Bontis et al., 2000;Brooking, 1999). Isaac et al (2009) stated that human capital represents the value added by employees when they utilize their knowledge and other personal assets to produce goods and services that create wealth for their organization. ...
Abstract This paper examines the importance of the human capital development in diversifying Nigerian economy, especially, given the fact that it is oil base economy. It argues that to achieve a successful diversification more time and other resources are required into developing human capital which will exert great impact on the direction of the nation economy. For this, the need for adequate investment in education and training, health and safety, infrastructural facilities and a hostile free work environment are necessary for these human elements to strive in different sectors of the economy. This paper review the effect human capitals have on the economy of Nigeria. It also proposes a framework for new direction. Finally, the paper went further to explain that, in doing so, the accumulated wealth of knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired by the human element remains a great asset to creating several innovative ideas that will re-direct the Nigerian economy from mono-product (oil) to non-oil sectors for future economic development. Keywords: Human capital development, diversification, economic development
... The knowledge audit mapped and identified sub-Branch knowledge into 4 categories: (1) Market knowledgewhat we do; (2) Human-centred knowledgewho you work with, how you work; (3) Organisational knowledgehow you do it; and (4) Intellectual property knowledgewhat special knowledge do you need to operate (Brooking, 1999). One of the research interest outcomes of the knowledge audit was identifying knowledge, information and data enablers (facilitators) and blockers (barriers) aligned and mapped to the Syllk model. ...
... Coraz więcej naukowców ma tendencję do rozróżniania konkretnych motywów tworzenia aliansów strategicznych (np. ekspansja rynkowa, dostęp do technologii, dywersyfikacja działalności, restrukturyzacja, dążenie do koncentracji zasobów, rozwoju produktów i standardów, osiągnięcie komplementarności towarów i usług na rynku itp.), starając się zintegrować wspomniane motywy z systemem formowania sojuszów strategicznych 35 2) ekonomiczna: poszukiwanie rynków, dzielenie kosztów i łączenie zasobów, zmniejszenie ryzyka i dywersyfikacja, podział zysków, specjalizacja działalności; 3) strategiczna: tworzenie i wzmacnianie konkurencyjności, asymilacja nowych technologii i tworzenie nowych produktów (innowacje produktowe/procesowe), współpraca z potencjalnymi konkurentami, wpływ na rozwój branży; 4) polityczna: opracowywanie standardów technicznych, zniesienie ograniczeń dla regulacji prawnych. ...
... Knowledge management systems often focus on the sharing of information within an organisation. According to Brooking [6], knowledge management is the process by which we manage human-centred assets. The function of knowledge management is to guard and grow knowledge owned by individuals and, where possible, transfer the asset into a form where others can more readily share it. ...
... Ces chiffres sont impressionnants, mais ils représentent uniquement les données brutes. En effet, selon [Brooking 1999] une donnée est un fait, une image, un nombre ou un mot, présenté sans contexte particulier. L'analyse de ces données et leur mise en relation dans un contexte comparable permet de générer de l'information. ...
L'augmentation constante du nombre de documents disponibles et des moyens d'accès transforme les pratiques de recherche d'information. Depuis quelques années, de plus en plus de plateformes de recherche d'information à destination des chercheurs ou du grand public font leur apparition sur la toile. Ce flot d'information est bien évidemment une opportunité pour les utilisateurs mais ils sont maintenant confrontés à de nouveaux problèmes. Auparavant, la principale problématique des chercheurs était de savoir si une information existait. Aujourd'hui, il est plutôt question de savoir comment accéder à une information pertinente. Pour résoudre ce problème, deux leviers d'action seront étudiés dans cette thèse. Nous pensons qu'il est avant tout important d'identifier l'usage qui est fait des principaux moyens d'accès à l'information. Être capable d'interpréter le comportement des utilisateurs est une étape nécessaire pour d'abord identifier ce que ces derniers comprennent des systèmes de recherche, et ensuite ce qui doit être approfondi. En effet, la plupart de ces systèmes agissent comme des boîtes noires qui masquent les différents processus sous-jacents. Si ces mécanismes n'ont pas besoin d'être entièrement maitrisés par les utilisateurs, ils ont cependant un impact majeur qui doit être pris en compte dans l'exploitation des résultats. Pourquoi le moteur de recherche me renvoie-t-il ces résultats ? Pourquoi ce document est-il plus pertinent qu'un autre ? Ces questions apparemment banales sont pourtant essentielles à une recherche d'information critique. Nous pensons que les utilisateurs ont le droit et le devoir de s'interroger sur la pertinence des outils informatiques mis à leur disposition. Pour les aider dans cette tâche, nous avons développé une plateforme de recherche d'information en ligne à double usage. Elle peut tout d'abord être utilisée pour l'observation et la compréhension du comportement des utilisateurs. De plus, elle peut aussi être utilisée comme support pédagogique, pour mettre en évidence les différents biais de recherche auxquels les utilisateurs sont confrontés. Dans le même temps, ces outils doivent être améliorés. Nous prenons dans cette thèse l'exemple de la qualité des documents qui a un impact certain sur leur accessibilité. La quantité de documents disponibles ne cessant d'augmenter, les opérateurs humains sont de moins en moins capables de les corriger manuellement et de s'assurer de leur qualité. Il est donc nécessaire de mettre en place de nouvelles stratégies pour améliorer le fonctionnement des systèmes de recherche. Nous proposons dans cette thèse une méthode pour automatiquement identifier et corriger certaines erreurs générées par les processus automatiques d'extraction d'information (en particulier l'OCR).
... Kepentingan yang sangat ketara telah juga diberikan oleh penyelidik-penyelidik terdahulu berkaitan potensi manfaat perkongsian ilmu tersirat di kalangan staf organisasi (Jonsson & Kailing, 2007;Yi, 2009;Suppiah & Sandhu, 2011;Wang et al., 2014). Sehubungan dengan itu, pelbagai kaedah bagi menzahirkan ilmu tersirat kepada tersurat juga telah dicadangkan oleh penyelidik-penyelidik seperti sesi temuduga (Brooking, 1998;Karhu, 2002), penceritaan atau huraian peristiwa (Stewart, 1997;Linde, 2001), protokol pertukaran ilmu (Herschel, Nemati, & Steiger, 2001), grid repertori (Jankowicz, 2001), analogi atau metafora (Stewart, 1997) dan penjanaan konsep atau hipotesis (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995). Ini kerana perkongsian ilmu tersirat merupakan faktor penting kepada kejayaan organisasi (Davenport & Prusak, 1998;Lee, 2001;Liao et al., 2009;Park & Lee, 2014;Wang et al., 2014;Lu & Yang, 2015;Chen et al., 2018;Pérez-Luño et al., 2019). ...
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This study investigates the impact of role (work scope, authority and responsibility fulfilment) towards the practice of tacit knowledge sharing. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed via mail to the organizational managers (outsourcing companies) registered with Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor. Of these, 168 questionnaires were returned and only 166 had been coded and analyzed. The analysis of the hypotheses is carried out using multiple regression analysis. The findings show that role elements such as work scope and responsibility fulfilment have a positive and significant relationship to the practice of tacit knowledge sharing. Theoretical and practical implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed.
... Ayer (1956) por exemplo, define conhecimento como algo que permite aumentar a capacidade individual de indivíduos sobre a ação. Já para Brooking (1999) o conhecimento é definido como informação que necessita de ser entendida e aplicada. Davenport e Prusak (2000) por seu turno, ligam o conhecimento a uma mistura fluida e estruturada entre as variáveis experiência, valores e informação contextual. ...
Conference Paper
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O Papel dos Consultores como Intermediários no Processo de Construção do Conhecimento: Uma análise à luz do campo de pesquisa da estratégia-como-prática The Role of Consultants as Intermediaries in the Knowledge-Building Process: An analysis in the light of the strategy-as-practice field of research Resumo: Numa retrospetiva histórica, embora a literatura existente apelide o setor de consultoria de gestão como um setor extraordinário e um fenómeno único no contexto empresarial, na verdade estas afirmações não vêm acompanhadas por um número de estudos académicos que realcem a importância do trabalho efetivo dos consultores de gestão. Para combater a falta de estudos nesta área emergente, este artigo resulta de um estudo amplo de três anos reproduzido numa tese de doutoramento e visa construir um modelo que permita combinar numa mesma estrutura, os papéis dos consultores de gestão, as variáveis a equacionar em cada um destes papéis e, o tipo de consultoria implícita em cada uma destas análises. Os resultados da análise empírica sob a forma de entrevistas semiestruturadas e questionários aplicados a consultores de gestão e gestores de PME em Portugal demonstram que os papéis dos consultores não podem ser apenas definidos nas variáveis visibilidade organizacional e estatuto do consultor, resultando deste estudo um modelo de determinantes ligado ao contexto organizacional de consultoria de gestão Palavras-Chave: Consultoria de Gestão, Gestão do Conhecimento, Estratégia-como-Prática
... Knowledge is typically a firm's central resource and the source of competitive advantage (Stewart, 1997;Brooking, 1999;McCune, 1999;Teece, 2000;Fleisher and Bensoussan, 2002;Aggestam, 2015). An overall goal of knowledge management (KM) is to utilise information and competencies effectively to allow organisations to anticipate, implement, adapt and develop their operations (Dalkir, 2013), both inside the organisation and across inter-organisational boundaries. ...
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Sprawozdania finansowe są podstawowym źródłem wiedzy o jednostce gospodarczej i efektach jej działalności oraz stanowią ważną formę komunikacji z odbiorcami. W związku z tym dane prezentowane w sprawozdaniu finansowym powinny uwzględniać potrzeby informacyjne różnych grup interesariuszy, którzy wykorzystują je do podejmowania decyzji finansowych. Ustawodawca wprowadził ograniczenie zakresu informacji ujawnianych w sprawozdaniu finansowym (uproszczenia w sprawozdawczości finansowej). Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie wpływu zakresu informacji finansowych prezentowanych w uproszczonych sprawozdaniach finansowych na postrzeganie użyteczności tych informacji przez różne grupy interesariuszy. Podjęto w związku z tym próbę znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy informacje finansowe zawarte w uproszczonym sprawozdaniu finansowym są wystarczające do podejmowania decyzji operacyjnych i inwestycyjnych przez wybrane grupy interesariuszy (księgowych, biegłych rewidentów, analityków finansowych, przedsiębiorców). W opracowaniu wykorzystano w szczególności krytyczną analizę literatury, aktów prawnych, standardów, opracowań i publikacji, w tym metodę przeglądu systematycznego, a także zbadano wpływ uproszczeń w sprawozdawczości finansowej na użyteczność tych informacji w opinii czterech grup interesariuszy za pomocą sondażu pośredniego i bezpośredniego. Dane uzyskane w ramach badania empirycznego poddano analizie, posługując się statystyką opisową i matematyczną oraz indukcją i wnioskowaniem. W wyniku badania stwierdzono, że uproszczone sprawozdania dla jednostek mikro i innych nie są powszechnie stosowane przez przedsiębiorstwa. Jak twierdzą księgowi i biegli rewidenci, powodem tego jest przekroczenie limitów określonych w ustawie o rachunkowości, a według przedsiębiorców – brak uproszczeń w sposobie prowadzenia ksiąg rachunkowych. Zdaniem większości księgowych oraz biegłych rewidentów informacje finansowe prezentowane w uproszczonych sprawozdaniach finansowych nie są wystarczające dla kierownictwa i właścicieli jednostki oraz organów nadzorczych do oceny sytuacji majątkowej, finansowej oraz wyniku finansowego, a w szczególności płynności finansowej jednostki.
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The monograph, based on specially developed sociological tools, analyzes the current situation in University-Business Cooperation (UBC) at Russian universities, their interaction with labour market, the existing problems at different levels: national, regional, corporate, and presents the author's views on the ways of their solution. This book sums up the experience and best practices of cooperation of universities and employers in some European countries. Some annexes present the Model Act (Law), which was approved by the C.I.S. member states Parliamentary Assembly, as well as a glossary of key concepts in this area. The volume is addressed to English-speaking readers interested in the understanding the Bologna process in the Russian Federation.
Dünyada pek çok çocuk, eğitim almak amacıyla ömürlerinin en az 12 yılını okulda geçirmektedir. Uzun yıllar eğitim ve öğretim faaliyetinde bulunan bir okulda olumlu ve olumsuz pek çok şey yaşanmaktadır ve tüm yaşanmışlıklar yakın tarihe ait kültürel bir miras olarak okulda birikmektedir. Ancak çoğu zaman bir okulda eğitim almaya başlayan öğrenciler, o okulun geçmişinden ve biriktirdiği kültürel mirastan kısacası içinde bulundukları eğitim kurumundaki yaşanmışlıklardan ve kültürel birikimden habersiz olmaktadır. Hâlbuki bir okul yaşanmışlıkları ve biriktirdiği kültürel miras ile, o okulda yeni okumaya başlayan öğrencilere bir ilham, ibret ve bilgi kaynağı olabilir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, bir okulda yıllar içinde oluşan kurumsal hafızayı keşfetmek ve kurumsal hafızanın o okulda yeni okumaya başlayan öğrencilere merak uyandıran ve etkili bir yolla aktarılmasının öğrenciler üzerinde oluşturduğu etkiyi incelemektir. Araştırma kapsamında belge inceleme ve derinlemesine görüşme yöntemleri kullanılarak, bir ortaokulda geçmişte yaşanan tüm başarılar, önemli hadiseler, sarsıcı deneyimler, ilham ve ibret verici olaylar tespit edilmiştir. Ardından elde edilen veriler ışığında, okulun yakın tarihine ışık tutan, 1-3 dakika arası uzunlukta kısa tematik videolar hazırlanmıştır. Devamında, bir teknolojik tasarım süreci işletilerek, okulun içinde kolay erişilebilir bir noktaya bir teknolojik kutu yerleştirilmiştir. Teknolojik kutuda bulunan lenslere gözlerini yaklaştıran öğrencilerin, hazırlanan tematik kısa videoları görüntülü ve sesli olarak izlemeleri sağlanmıştır. Bu deneyimi yaşayan öğrenciler, sistematik gözlem yoluyla izlenmiş, öğrencilerle derinlemesine görüşme ve anket yapılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları, öğrencilerin eğitim gördükleri kurumun kültürel birikimine yüksek bir ilgi ve merak duyduğunu, okullarına olan bakış açılarının değiştiğini, anlam kazandığını ve okula olan aidiyetlerinin güçlendiğini ortaya koymuştur.
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Knowledge management (KM) has become an effective way of managing organization’s intellectual capital or, in other words, organization’s full experience, skills and knowledge that is relevant for more effective performance in future. The paper proposes a knowledge management to achieve a competitive control of the machining systems. Then an application of Knowledge Management in engineering has been attempted to explain. The model can be used by the manager for the choosing of competitive orders.
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No presente artigo pretendemos estabelecer uma reflexão sobre o trabalho do historiador fora do espaço acadêmico, tomando como referência algumas das experiências desenvolvidas no âmbito da Memória IBGE, setor ligado à estrutura do Centro de Documentação e Disseminação de Informações do IBGE. Partindo de um exame das atividades ali desempenhadas, procuraremos discorrer a respeito das contribuições que os usos da História e da Memória podem prestar no ambiente corporativo. Como resultado deste exercício de reflexão, apontamos que, para além da pesquisa histórica e da montagem e tratamento de acervos documentais, há um leque de possibilidades abertas ao trabalho do historiador em instituições públicas e empresas, dentre as quais destacamos ações no campo do marketing, comunicação interna, gestão de pessoas e gestão do conhecimento.
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22-23 березня 2022 Сторінка 1 Міністерство освіти і науки України Турецький Гіресунський університет Університет Миколаса Ромеріса Державна вища технологічно-економічна школа ім. Броніслава Маркевича Державна вища професійна школа в Коніні Європейський гуманітарний університет Технічний університет Молдови Державний біотехнологічний університет Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили Полтавський державний аграрний університет Навчально-реабілітаційний заклад вищої освіти «Кам'янець-Подільський державний інститут» Львівський національний університет природокористування Кафедра обліку та оподаткування АКТУАЛЬНІ ПРОБЛЕМИ СУЧАСНОГО БІЗНЕСУ: ОБЛІКОВО-ФІНАНСОВИЙТА УПРАВЛІНСЬКИЙ АСПЕКТИ МАТЕРІАЛИ IV МІЖНАРОДНОЇ НАУКОВО-ПРАКТИЧНОЇ ІНТЕРНЕТ-КОНФЕРЕНЦІЇ 22-23 березня 2022 р. Частина 2 ЛЬВІВ 2022
The aim of the article is to determine the relatedness between the quality of interpersonal relationships, measured by the level of their positivity, with knowledge sharing among members of the top management teams (TMT). The analyses primarily concerned the relatedness between interpersonal relationships and a) the declared individual tendency to share knowledge, b) the motives of knowledge sharing among members of the surveyed teams, c) the forms of knowledge sharing. The empirical basis of the article is a CATI research on a sample of 123 managers who are members of decision-making teams in the furniture industry in Poland. The results obtained suggest that knowledge sharing within management teams is related to the level of positive interpersonal relationships of their members. These relationships strengthen the intrinsic motivation to share knowledge, reducing the importance of extrinsic motivators, as well as foster informal and direct forms of knowledge sharing, reducing the importance of institutionalized forms.
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Secondo la letteratura corrente, un business plan aziendale può essere utilizzato e sviluppato per diverse finalità, tra le quali fornire una guida strategica, valutare i punti di forza ed i rischi connessi a specifiche azioni da porre in atto, stabilire un benchmark sulla base del quale poter valutare le decisioni ed i risultati futuri, fornire le informazioni di base per costruire la struttura finanziaria, reperire finanziamenti sotto forma di capitale di rischio o di credito e promuovere i rapporti con i principali portatori d’interesse che gravitano attorno all’azienda. In questa prospettiva, il business plan è spesso stato definito uno strumento di trasferimento della conoscenza tra l’imprenditore e il management aziendale e gli altri stakeholder rilevanti Nel moderno contesto economico si accentuano però le differenze dei diversi interlocutori aziendali, intese come interessi, obiettivi, esigenze, competenze, ed esperienze. Un mero trasferimento di informazioni appare insufficiente, e risulta necessario un vero e proprio processo di traduzione di conoscenza. La letteratura ha evidenziato alcuni strumenti operativi utili, tra operatori economici, nell’agevolare la traduzione e il successivo trasferimento di conoscenza. Alcuni di questi strumenti sono più destrutturati (quali l’uso del design o dell’empatia), altri sono più formalizzati, comunque legati a processi aziendali caratteristici quali i sistemi contabili e di controllo di gestione. Il volume vuole esplorare il contributo del business plan quale strumento di traduzione della conoscenza in quattro modalità: esternalizzare l'idea tacita di business in una forma esplicita; articolare al meglio le capacità e le competenze necessarie per la sua attuazione; collegarvi le dimensioni temporali ed esplicitare le risorse finanziarie necessarie e i risultati prospettici. Il tentativo è di fornire un contributo sia teorico che pratico alla letteratura in materia di business plan e di gestione, trasferimento, e traduzione della conoscenza. Nell’offrire un contributo pragmatico, la monografia ripercorre i risultati di un articolato programma di formazione imprenditoriale.
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20. yy.’ın ortalarında bilgisayar ve iletişim alanlarında başlayan teknolojik gelişmeler sonucunda ortaya çıkmaya başlayan ekonomik ve toplumsal gelişmeler artık endüstri çağının kapandığını ve yeni bir çağa girildiğini göstermektedir. Bu hızlı gelişmeler sanayiden eğitime birçok farklı alanda iş yapma tarzlarında, toplumsal hayatta, gündelik yaşamda köklü değişikliklerin yaşanmasına neden olmaktadır. Tüm bu değişiklikler endüstri çağının bittiği ve yeni bir döneme, çağa girildiğine işaret etmektedir. İçinde bulunduğumuz bu geçiş sürecinde yaşanmakta olan ekonomik ve toplumsal değişiklikler literatürde her ne kadar benzer şekilde ortaya konsa da verilen isimler, kullanılan kavramlar değişiklikler göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada bu geçiş sürecinde ortaya çıkan ve gelişmekte olan bilgi yönetimi yaklaşımı üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bilgi yönetimi yaklaşımı kavramsal olarak incelenmekte ve literatürdeki birçok tanım ve değerlendirme ortaya konulmaktadır. Economic and social evolution following the developments in computer and communication fields which has started in middle of 20th century, shows that the industrial era has come to end and a new era has rised. These rapid developments conduce many fundamental changes in social and common life or the style of working in different areas. These developments show that the the industrial age is closed and a new age has started. In this transition period, although the economic and social changes are identified as similar in literature, the terms and concepts which are pronounced are different. In this work, the approach of information management which arised through this transition period and is still evolving will be point of focus. Knowledge management approach will be studied in a conceptual manner and many definition and comments in literature will be introduced.
This book develops and examines the concepts and strategies for rural empowerment through the formation of a community-driven social knowledge management (SKM) framework aided by social technology. The framework is aimed at mobilizing knowledge resources to bridge the rural–urban knowledge divide while securing rural empowerment using digital connections and social collaborations built on strategies of self-sustenance and self-development. With key empirical findings supplemented by relevant theoretical structures, case studies, illustrative figures and a lucid style, the book combines social technologies and social development to derive a social knowledge management platform. It shows how the proposed SKM framework can enhance knowledge capabilities of rural actors by facilitating connection among rural–urban entities through formation of purposive virtual communities, which allow social agents to create, modify and share content collaboratively. The volume brings forward diverse issues – such as conceptual foundations, bridging the rural–urban knowledge and information divide, issues of information and knowledge asymmetry, a knowledge–theoretic perspective of rural empowerment, knowledge capability and freedom of choice and wellbeing – to provide a comprehensive outlook on building a knowledge society through digital empowerment.
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