The present work represents the first comprehensive taxonomic revision of Acacia sens. lat. (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) in China, focusing on the indigenous species. Critical reassessments of specimens and re-definition of previously recorded species have resulted in recognising 21 indigenous species under Senegalia, a segregate of the former Acacia sens. lat. Detailed botanical profiles are provided for these species, together with a diagnostic line drawing and distribution map; photographs of living plants are provided for more than half the species. Terser treatments are also provided for the 15 species from four genera that are regarded as major introductions of Acacia sens. lat. to the country: Acacia Mill. (12 spp.), Acaciella Britton & Rose (1 sp.), Senegalia Raf. (1 sp.) and Vachellia Wight & Arn. (1 sp.). An identification key to all Acacia sens. lat. species in China is provided.The indigenous species of Senegalia in China belong to sect. Monacanthea (Vassal) Maslin, comb. nov., and the introduced ones to sect. Senegalia.As a consequence of this study, the number of Senegalia species now recognised for China has almost doubled. Six new species are described: Senegalia clandestina Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, sp. nov.; Senegalia guangdongensis Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, sp. nov.; Senegalia obliqua Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, sp. nov.; Senegalia orientalis Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, sp. nov.; Senegalia prominens Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, sp. nov.; Senegalia stipitata Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, sp. nov. Four new combinations are established: Senegalia garrettii (I.C.Nielsen) Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, comb. & stat. nov.; Senegalia kerrii (I.C.Nielsen) Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, comb. & stat. nov.; Senegalia kunmingensis (C.Chen & H.Sun) Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, comb. & stat. nov.; Senegalia macrocephala (Lace) Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, comb. nov. Senegalia andamanica (I.C.Nielsen) Maslin, Seigler & Ebinger and S. macrocephala are new records for China.A lectotype is designated for Acacia teniana Harms and 2nd step lectotypifications effected for Acacia delavayi Franch., Acacia insuavis Lace, Acacia pruinescens Kurz and Acacia yunnanensis Franch. Former holotype citations are corrected to lectotype for Acacia hainanensis Hayata, Acacia macrocephala Lace, Acacia oxyphylla Graham ex Benth. and Acacia philippinarum Benth. A neotype is designated for Acacia arrophula D.Don.China is a principal area of species-richness for Senegalia in Asia. Senegalia displays a high degree of endemism within China and almost half the species are endemic or near-endemic, with Yunnan the most species-rich and species-diverse Province. Abstract: 本研究首次对中国广义相思属 (Acacia sens. lat.) 进行了详细的分类修订, 主要聚焦中国原产物种。通过标本检视和对原记载的物种的进一步探究,本研究确认中国原产21个金合欢属 (Senegalia Raf.) 物种, 该属是广义相思属下分出来的一个属。本文提供了每个原产物种的详细介绍, 以及展现每个物种分类学特征的墨线图以及物种的 分布图,并提供了超过一半的物种的彩色活植物图版。对于中国主要引种栽培的15个广义相思属物种 (其中相思属Acacia Mill. 12种,美洲相思属Acaciella Britton & Rose1种, 金合欢属1种, 鸭皂树属Vachellia Wight 1种) , 本文也作了简要介绍。本文为中国有分布的所有广义相思属的物种提供了一个检索表本研究结果表明中国产金合欢属均属于Monacanthea (Vassal) Maslin组,而外来种属于Senegalia组本研究将中国金合欢属的物种数目几乎翻了一番。发现6个新物种:玉溪金合欢 (Senegalia clandestina Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, sp. nov.) 、广东金合欢 (S. guangdongensis Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, sp. nov.) 、独眼龙 (S. obliqua Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, sp. nov.) 、东方金合欢 (S. orientalis Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, sp. nov.) 、老虎刺金合欢 (S. prominens Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, sp. nov.) 、柄腺金合欢 (S. stipitata Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, sp. nov.) ;成立了4个新组合:盘腺金合欢 (S. garrettii (I.C.Nielsen) Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, comb. & stat. nov.) 、柯氏金合欢 (S. kerrii (I.C.Nielsen) Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, comb. & stat. nov.) 、昆明金合欢 (S. kunmingensis (C.Chen & H.Sun) Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, comb. & stat nov.) ,以及大头金合欢 (S. macrocephala (Lace) Maslin, B.C.Ho, H.Sun & L.Bai, comb. nov.) ;发现2个新记录种:安达曼金合欢 (Senegalia andamanica (I.C.Nielsen) Maslin, Seigler & Ebinger) 和大头金合欢。本文为Acacia teniana Harms指定了后选模式,为A. delavayi Franch., A. insuavis Lace, A. pruinescens Kurz和A. yunnanensis Franch.指定了二次后选模式。前人在A. hainanensis Hayata, A. macrocephala Lace, A. oxyphylla Graham ex Benth. 和A. philippinarum Benth.这4个名称下引用的主模式,被作为错误修正为后选模式,另外,为Acacia arrophula D.Don指定了新模式。本研究表明中国是亚洲金合欢属一个重要的多样性区域,中国该属特有种比例很高,几乎一半的物种为特有 (6种) 或近特有 (4种) ,其中云南省是该属物种最为丰富和多样的省区 Keywords: Acacia, Acaciella, Senegalia, Vachellia, Taxonomy, China