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Abstract and Figures

This paper describes the substantial potential of tidal barrage solutions for renewable energy generation in the UK. It demonstrates that installations on as few as eight major estuaries should be capable of meeting at least 10% of present electricity demand, and possibly significantly more, employing fully proven technology. This should be achievable, under favourable UK Treasury discount rates, at unit electricity prices that are likely to be competitive against future costs of alternative sources. This potential substantially exceeds that of 'tidal stream' turbine or practicable 'lagoon' systems, much vaunted in recent times. It also draws attention to a recent study investigating the tidal power potential in the north-west of England.
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Proceedings of the Institution of
Civil Engineers
Maritime Engineering 162
December 2009 Issue MA4
Pages 155–164
doi: 10.1680/maen.2009.162 .4.155
Paper 900007
Received 25/02/2009
Accepted 17/03/2009
dams, barrages & reservoirs/
hydraulics & hydrodynamics/
renewable energy
Richard Burrows
Nicolas C. Yates
Terence S. Hedges
Ming Li
Jian G. Zhou
Daoyi Y. Chen
Department of
Engineering, University
of Liverpool, UK
Ian A. Walkington
Judith Wolf
Jason Holt
Roger Proctor
Liverpool, UK
Tidal energy potential in UK waters
R. Burrows BEng, PhD, CEng, FICE, MCIWEM, I. A. Walkington BSc, PhD, N. C. Yates BSc, T. S. Hedges Eur Ing,
MEng, CEng, MICE, FRMetS
,M.LiMSc, PhD, J. G. Zhou MSc, PhD, D. Y. Chen BEng, MPhil, PhD, J. Wolf BSc, PhD, J. Holt
BSc, PhD and R. Proctor BSc, PhD
This paper describes the substantial potential of tidal
barrage solutions for renewable energy generation in the
UK. It demonstrates that installations on as few as eight
major estuaries should be capable of meeting at least 10% of
present electricity demand, and possibly significantly more,
employing fully proven technology. This should be achiev-
able, under favourable UK Treasury discount rates, at unit
electricity prices that are likely to be competitive against
future costs of alternative sources. This potential substan-
tially exceeds that of ‘tidal stream’ turbine or practicable
‘lagoon’ systems, much vaunted in recent times. It also
draws attention to a recent study investigating the tidal
power potential in the north-west of England.
The medium- to long-term procurement of energy and the
related issue of climate change are set to remain at the top of
government and public agendas, both nationally and inter-
nationally, for some time to come. No clear vision has yet
emerged for a sustainable global energy future; and the
combination of rapid growth in both economies and populations
in the developing world are set to place extreme pressure on
fossil fuel reserves. It seems inevitable, therefore, that as the
twenty-first century evolves, ever-greater utilisation must be
made of renewable energy resources if the means for modern
living are to be preserved. From the perspective of the global
community, it is argued that it will ultimately become an
obligation for all societies to properly and fully exploit, for the
common good, the renewable energy resources at their disposal.
The geographical location of the United Kingdom and the seas
that surround it provide internationally enviable renewable
resources. Technologies for wind power extraction are now
mature and an increasing role for the opportunistic capture of
this intermittent energy source for the electricity grid is firmly
established. Marine wave energy offers even greater scope for
the future with a somewhat lower degree of unpredictability but
the necessary technological advances are still outstanding at
present. Even more exclusive, however, is the potential for tidal
energy extraction from around the UK coastline. The most
attractive locations for harnessing tidal power are estuaries with
a high tidal range for barrages, and other areas with large tidal
currents (e.g. straits and headlands) for free-standing tidal
stream turbines. Pertinent here is the fact that tidal barrage
solutions, drawing on established low-head hydropower tech-
nology, are fully proven. The La Rance scheme in France has
now passed 40 years of operation.
Of about 500–1000 TWh/year of tidal energy potentially available
the UK is estimated
to hold 50 TWh/year, repre-
senting 48% of the European resource, and few sites worldwide are
as close to electricity users and the transmission grid as those in
the UK. Following from a series of studies for the Department of
Energy (DoEn) in the 1980s,
16 estuaries were identified where
tidal barrages should be capable of procuring over 44 TWh/year.
In fact the bulk of this energy yield would accrue from eight major
in rank order of scale, the Severn, Solway Firth,
Morecambe Bay, Wash, Humber, Thames, Mersey and Dee. The
recent Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) report,
having revitalised interest in tidal energy, focused on the Severn
Estuary and unfortunately overlooked the full potential of UK
estuaries. A more recent review by Fells Associates
promotes the reappraisal of tidal barrage solutions, arguing that
previously held concerns over environmental impact require
urgent reassessment in the light of present climate change and
energy sustainability challenges, thus being supportive of the
Government’s ongoing 2-year strategic environmental assessment
for tidal energy from the Severn.
The earlier estimates of UK tidal barrage potential amounted to
approximately 20% of UK electricity need in the late 1980s but,
following increases in electricity consumption, dropped to 15% (as
suggested by the Department of Trade and Industry in 2005). This
tidal energy extraction has the added benefit over wind- and wave-
based renewable resources of being fully predictable. In addition to
barrage solutions to tidal energy capture, there is also more modest
scope for tidal stream energy generation using submerged rotors,
either free-standing or as part of a ‘tidal fence’, these extracting
from the kinetic energy of the tidal flows. The SDC report
figures for the potential from tidal streams amounting to about 5%
of electricity demand. With attention inevitably to be placed upon
reduced energy consumption and demand management, a future
tidal power contribution in excess of 20% of UK electricity demand
would, therefore, appear realistic.
Maritime Engineering 162 Issue MA4 Tidal energy potential in UK waters Burrows et al. 155
Although all tidal energy generation would be intermittent
locally, covering 8–11 h per day, normally in two pulses for ebb
phase operation, synchronised with the approximately 12?5h
tidal cycle, tidal phase lag around the coastline provides an
opportunity for the grid input window to be extended. With its
complete predictability, and operating in a mix with thermal,
hydropower and nuclear production as well as thermal renew-
ables, an effective base-load role should be attainable.
The case for a tidal barrage in the Severn estuary, with the
highest tidal range in Europe, is being actively promoted by the
Severn Tidal Power Group with increasing influential sup-
This scheme alone (the smaller ‘inner’ of two earlier
) would be capable of meeting about 5% of current UK
electricity need.
The estuaries of the north-west of England offer fully
complementary potential to the Severn by virtue of the tidal
phase lag, as will be illustrated in Section 4. The Dee, Mersey,
Ribble and Wyre estuaries, Morecambe Bay and the Solway Firth
all have a macro-tidal range. Based on the earlier studies,
a total installed capacity of 12 GW was estimated (Ribble
excluded), with a potential energy yield of at least
17?5 TWh/year, which is approximately 5% of UK national need
and by inference a sizeable proportion (about half) of the
electricity demand of the north-west. Of all potential UK sites,
the Mersey with a very narrow mouth and, therefore, needing a
relatively short barrage length,
could offer power production
at the lowest unit cost.
In this region of the eastern Irish Sea, exploitable tidal stream
resources have also been identified to the north-west of
Anglesey and to the north of the Isle of Man, with more localised
resources in the approaches to Morecambe Bay and the Solway
However, in estuaries it is unlikely that tidal stream
options can come close to the energy yield of barrage
alternatives. Recent assessments for the Mersey
offer estimates
of 40–100 GWh for tidal stream arrays, contrasting with
1200 GWh estimated for a barrage at an equivalent location. In
a similar vein, whereas offshore tidal lagoons are often mooted
as a viable alternative to estuary barrages, offering a similar
operational function, it is highly unlikely that they could be
realised at a comparable scale and remain competitive on cost
against the major barrage schemes cited above, by virtue of the
larger containment perimeter.
A barrage solution attempts merely to delay the natural motion
of the tidal flux as sea level changes: holding back the release of
water as tide level subsides under ‘ebb generation’ so that ‘head’
(water level) difference is sufficient for turbine operation;
deferring the entry of rising tidal flow to the inner estuary basin
for ‘flood generation’; or ‘dual mode’, a combination of both.
Each mode has some restricting effect, so reducing the range of
tidal variation within the basin, with ebb generation solutions
uplifting mean water levels, flood generation reducing mean
levels and dual-mode operation resulting in little change, as
illustrated in Figure 1.
A degree of environmental modification is, therefore, inevitable,
but this does not necessarily imply serious degradation from a
physical or ecological perspective, although issues related to
protection of habitats inevitably need to be confronted. Barrage
schemes are unique among power installations, being inherently
multi-functional infrastructure, offering flood protection, pos-
sible road and rail crossings and significant amenity/leisure
opportunities, among other features. Thus, a fully holistic
treatment of overall cost–benefit is imperative for robust
decision-making. It is suggested that, to date, this position has
been inadequately addressed in the formulation of energy
strategy, especially in respect of the potential strategic roles of
barrages in flood defence and transportation planning. It
follows, therefore, that apart from the direct appraisal of energy
capture, other complementary investigations must be suffi-
ciently advanced to enable proper input in decision-making in
respect of these ‘secondary’ functions, as well as the various
potentially adverse issues, such as sediment regime change,
impact on navigation and environmental modification. It is
hoped that the ongoing study for the Severn will resolve the
A recent research project (2006–2008), conducted jointly by the
University of Liverpool and Proudman Oceanographic
Laboratory for the Joule Centre (with financial support from the
North-West Development Agency) aimed to assess the tidal
power potential of the eastern Irish Sea.
A generic regional
modelling approach was adopted to study the interaction
between the practicable exploitation of tidal energy and
potential hydrological, morphological and environmental
impacts. Its principal study objective was to estimate the
realisable tidal energy potential of the coasts of the north-west
of England, stretching from the Dee estuary to the Solway, with
regard to the installation of estuary barrages, tidal fence
structures or tidal stream rotor arrays, or combinations thereof.
At the time of writing, the conjunctive multi-barrage scheme
energy outputs are under final validation testing, but an
overview of the energy estimation process is provided below
through illustrations from the investigations completed for the
Dee estuary. An accompanying paper in this volume by Wolf et
discusses environmental issues arising from these potential
3.1. 0D modelling
A zero-dimensional (0D) (flat-estuary or two-tank) model has
been employed in the project to synthesise barrage operation,
with realistic turbine characteristics relating flow rate Q,
diameter D and head H to the efficiency g and power P,as
defined by the Hill-chart shown in Figure 2. Note that r is the
density of the water, g is the gravitational acceleration and g is
the efficiency of the turbine, values for g in the chart
representing percentages of the maximum efficiency. As such
maximum values can be commercially sensitive, a conservative
assumption has been taken by adopting best g 5 80% herein.
This form of assessment is consistent with that used in earlier
preliminary studies and has been formulated into the Matlab-
based routines, depicted in Figure 3, illustrating ebb generation
for a scheme of 40 turbines (8 m diameter 21 MW) on the Dee
estuary. The barrage alignment, proposed earlier,
is shown in
the main part of Figure 4. Note that, in the simulations, a slight
bias is evident in the first few cycles due to initiation error.
In the routines, energy capture can be maximised by choosing a
suitable ‘delay’ after the chosen minimum generation head is
156 Maritime Engineering 162 Issue MA4 Tidal energy potential in UK waters Burrows et al.
reached (these figures being 2?56 h and 1 m, respectively, in
Figure 3). The effect of holding the water level during the delay
period can be seen in Figure 1. The runs presented have been
based on an assumed minimum water depth at low water spring
tide of 13 m, less than the main channel depths, to provide
added flexibility in the location of the turbines. The routine
ensures that cavitation is avoided by controlling the chosen
speed of revolution of the turbines, this being especially critical
for these runs since the 8 m diameter turbine is 2 m larger than
that considered earlier.
Figure 1 illustrates the water level variation for the Dee scheme
and Figure 5 shows similar output, together with the corre-
sponding power pulses arising from this 40-turbine set-up under
both ebb and dual (two-way) generation over the full spring to
neap tide sequence. The ebb mode produces 1?35 TWh and dual
mode produces 1?30 TWh, assuming a relative turbine efficiency
under ‘reverse’ flood-phase generation of approximately 80%.
Note that the flood-only mode achieves only 0?79 TWh due to
the smaller volumes mobilised and the lower head difference
arising from the shelving estuary bathymetry.
Figure 5 also shows a simulation of a scheme with a much
higher installed capacity of 120 turbines operating in dual
mode. This scheme comes close to maintaining the tidal range in
the basin by effectively producing a lag in the tidal phase
through the structure and produces significantly more energy,
but in the form of shorter higher power pulses that may be
difficult to assimilate into the electricity grid. Figure 6 shows
the increased amount of annual energy generated against the
number of turbines for both ebb and dual mode operation, both
with and without positive (peak level) pumping to heads up to
1 m. For the dual mode runs, the number of 12 m 6 12 m
sluices has been reduced from 40 used in the ebb runs to 20, but
in both cases sluicing is assisted by free passage through turbine
ducts. In producing these outline results, a delivery flow rate
matching the turbine flow at 1 m head has been taken when
operating the turbines as pumps; and the pump efficiency is
assumed to be 40% in allowing for the energy cost of pumping.
Note, also, that Figure 6 considers turbine installations extend-
ing far beyond the limit of practical viability.
The relative scale of turbine installation adopted from the
Severn Tidal Group studies formed the basis of the DoEn
follow-up studies,
namely ebb mode being favoured with
turbine numbers roughly compatible with extracting about 50%
of the available ebb-phase energy. This results in tidal levels in
the estuary basins dropping only to mean sea level or
Time: days
Time: days
Time: days
Water depth: m Water depth: m Water depth: m
Figure 1. Different operational modes for a Dee Barrage scheme with 40 turbines (8 m diameter, 21 MW) showing external tidal
elevation (solid line) and reduced basin level variations (dashed line) (mAOD) plotted against time (days)
Maritime Engineering 162 Issue MA4 Tidal energy potential in UK waters Burrows et al. 157
thereabouts, and in this respect is consistent with the theoretical
approach put forward by Prandle.
From hereon, schemes with
these characteristics are referred to as ‘16DoEn’ turbine
Figure 7 shows estimates of the unit cost of electricity produced
by a Dee scheme, based on the procedure developed in the 1980s
DoEn studies,
and updated using the figures presented for the
Severn by the SDC
assuming UK Treasury funding at a 3?5%
discount rate. It is seen that the ebb mode of operation with
moderate turbine capacity (40 turbines representing a ‘16DoEn’
installation), as proposed in all earlier UK studies,
achieves the
minimum unit cost. However, installing two to three times the
number of turbines (‘26DoEn’ and ‘36DoEn’ solutions) offers
the theoretical possibility of doubling the total energy capture,
and may still be competitive (at unit costs in the region of
10p/kWh seen for the Dee) against alternative energy sources,
especially so as fossil fuel prices rise in the future. It is to be
noted that the SDC report
shows figures close to 10p/kWh for
the unit cost of energy from offshore wind installations which
Specific discharge, Q
Max output
140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340
Unit speed, g
360 400380 420 440 460 480
g 0%
500 520
n D/(H
Unit speed
Note: g
g/best g
Figure 2 The Hill-Chart describing the performance characteristics of a double-regulated bulb turbine (after Baker
Figure 3. Screen image showing: top turbine performance characteristics; middle tidal and reduced basin level variations; and
bottom power outputs
158 Maritime Engineering 162 Issue MA4 Tidal energy potential in UK waters Burrows et al.
receive strong backing at present. It must be noted, however,
that these figures are theoretical estimates (from 0-D modelling)
and hydrodynamic considerations external to the barrage
(covered by two-dimensional modelling) might be expected to
constrain these energy extraction gains.
As a more speculative alternative to this Dee barrage alignment,
Figure 4 also shows an extended ‘Dee–Wirral lagoon’ scheme
which extends the barrage in front of the Wirral peninsula to
take advantage of the shallow Burbo Bank on the southern and
western sides of the shipping entrance to the Port of Liverpool.
This scheme, as well as enhancing flood protection to the Wirral
coast, would increase the Dee tidal prism by a factor of 3 and,
with 150 turbines (,16DoEn), could generate 4?6 TWh
annually under ebb mode operation at a unit cost less than 20%
greater than the basic Dee estuary scheme, and still within the
10p/kWh threshold. It would similarly have scope for further
energy capture if dual mode were combined with an enhanced
installed capacity. It is also interesting to note that applying
similar methods to an alternative circular tidal lagoon off the
coast with identical tidal prism and energy capture would work
out at least 40% more expensive in unit cost terms without the
flood protection and amenity benefits.
0 5 10 km
North Wales
0 5 10 km
Figure 4. A potential Dee barrage alignment and an extended
Dee–Wirral lagoon
Ebb 40×21 MW
Dual 40×21 MW
Dual 120×21 MW
Power: MW
Water depth: m
Time: days
Time: days
Water depth: m
Time: days
Water depth: m
Time: days
Power: MW
Time: days
Power: MW
Time: days
Basin/tide levels
Figure 5. Power outputs and basin levels under a spring–neap tide sequence
Maritime Engineering 162 Issue MA4 Tidal energy potential in UK waters Burrows et al. 159
3.2. Two-dimensional modelling
All the above outputs arise from the 0D model which accounts
for the hydraulics of flow through the turbine but does not
account for the hydrodynamics either side of the barrage. It has
been estimated that minor losses associated with flow entrance
to and exit from the turbine ducts might reduce energy capture
by 3–12%. Of more concern might be the effect of the energy
extraction on the tidal range at the barrage or on the ability of
the water in the basin to travel along the estuary, residual
energy being needed to overcome bed friction. To this end, it is
necessary to consider the barrage and turbine operation in a
two-dimensional (2D) model. Such a model has been produced
in the present study using Adcirc, a US government-funded tidal
prediction model. An interim computational domain for the
finite-element unstructured grid model is depicted in Figure 8.
This has over half a million elements, providing a resolution in
the estuaries down to about 50 m.
Barrages with the same hydraulic characteristics as those used in
the 0D model have been inserted in the 2D model and a snapshot
of output for the Dee and Mersey is shown in Figure 9. This
illustrates flows passing through the turbines and sluices and the
detailed representation of wetting and drying achieved from the
light detection and ranging (Lidar)
bathymetry incorporated
for both the Dee and the adjacent Mersey estuary, with its
barrage functioning also. At the time of writing, final fully
validated outputs were not available but these will be
at However, it
has been observed that the channels and banks in the vicinity of
the Dee turbines, which are squeezed into the western channel,
appear to have a significant constraining effect on the head
differences across the structure, so diminishing the energy
capture predicted from the 0D modelling. This contrasts with the
behaviour observed for the relatively deeper Severn estuary
where the predictions from 2D show much better agreement
with the 0D outcomes, as found in the earlier 2D modelling by
The objectives of the 2D modelling, within the ongoing Joule
Centre-funded project, extend to evaluation of any impact on
the overall tidal dynamics of the Irish Sea as a consequence of
the energy extraction from the conjunctive operation of the
barrages discussed herein (those in the estuaries of the north-
west of England together with the Severn) as well as potential
sites for major tidal stream arrays. Implications, if any, from
biophysical coupling in the marine ecosystem, manifesting
water quality or ecological consequences, were also to be
and Wolf et al.
(in this issue) provide some insight.
Companion studies on the impact of barrage operation on the
estuarial sediment regime are currently under way at Liverpool,
using a 2D Telemac model of the Dee and Mersey estuaries.
To appraise the potential inputs into the UK electricity grid from
major barrage installations, simulations were conducted using
the 0-D model as a preliminary to the main investigations
outlined in Section 3. As far as possible, an attempt was made to
consider equivalent barrage power schemes to those adopted in
the earlier DoEn studies (i.e. similar number and size of turbines
and sluices and similar generator capacities), although limita-
tions in detail available in the literature led to the need for
assumptions and compromises in the technical details. Figure 10
illustrates potential outcomes from the introduction of the eight
major barrage schemes discussed earlier.
These show the
combined power outputs, from the favoured ebb generation
using double-regulated axial flow turbines at each of the
barrages, noting that the Matlab routines developed for the
present study under-predict the earlier DoEn findings by about
15%. It is immediately apparent that they form essentially two
distinct ‘co-phase’ focused groups, the Severn/Wash/Humber
and the Eastern Irish Sea complement comprising the Solway,
Morecambe Bay, Mersey and Dee, with the Thames lying
somewhere in between.
The operation strategy depicted in Figure 10 is that configured
to provide maximum energy from each barrage by suitable
choice of ‘delay’ before generation commences, after the
minimum generating head is reached, and without pumping.
The simulation was undertaken for 28 tides representing a
spring–neap–spring series, as shown in part (a), whereas (b) and
(c) show the power produced over 2-day periods from the neap
and spring phases, respectively.
The north-west group of estuary barrages would operate in a
complementary fashion to the Severn (and ‘phase-aligned’ Wash
60 80 100 120
Number of turbines
140 160
Annual energy generation: TWh
Dual pump
Ebb no pump
Ebb pump
Dual no pump
Figure 6. Annual energy (TWh) outputs from the Dee scheme
with increase in the number of turbines installed over a range
from 20 to 320
Unit cost of electricity: p/kWh
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180200 220 240 260 280300 320
Number of turbines
Dual no pump
Ebb no pump
Ebb pump
Dual pump
Figure 7. Estimated unit cost (p/kW h) for Dee schemes with
different number of turbines
160 Maritime Engineering 162 Issue MA4 Tidal energy potential in UK waters Burrows et al.
and Humber). It should be noted that only approximate
estimates of tidal phase have been used herein, based mostly on
records from the nearest ports and so slight adjustments to the
synchronisation might be expected from a more refined
analysis. By judicious use of pumping to enhance water capture
around high tide (essentially short-term ‘pumped storage’) and
Figure 8. The 2D Adcirc model domain; left panel is the whole grid; upper right is the upper Irish Sea; and bottom right is a close-up of
the Dee and Mersey estuaries with barrages in place
Vector legend
55 m/s
00 m/s
0 00:30:00
Figure 9. Simulation of barrages operating in the Dee and Mersey estuaries from the Adcirc model, arrows showing instantaneous
current velocity vectors; a 36DoEn turbine installation with turbine banks on the main left (west bank) channel and in a secondary
channel towards the right, near the end of a generation cycle with levels near equalised
Maritime Engineering 162 Issue MA4 Tidal energy potential in UK waters Burrows et al. 161
optimal conjunctive operation of the individual schemes, and by
generating as soon as head differences permit, it would seem
possible that the smaller power gap between the Severn group
outputs and the following north-west group peaks might be
smoothed out to some degree. It appears less likely that such
action could eliminate the major daily trough, during which
only the Thames makes a significant contribution. Other
potential estuary barrage or lagoon locations, for example
Power output: GWPower output: GWPower output: GW
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time: h
160 165
170 175 180 185
Time: h
190 195 200 205 210
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time: h
Morecambe Bay
Figure 10. (a) 28 tide spring–neap–spring series; (b) 2-day segment from neaps; (c) 2-day
segment from springs
162 Maritime Engineering 162 Issue MA4 Tidal energy potential in UK waters Burrows et al.
around the east coast of Scotland, may be worthy of future
consideration, or else different modes of operation may need to
be considered. Flood generation or dual mode operation,
although generally less cost efficient in energy conversion than
ebb generation, may provide the added flexibility necessary to
provide a significant 24 h output to the grid.
Whereas, therefore, the ability to offer a balanced daily supply
remains unproven at this point, it is clear that substantial
contributions to daily electricity demands could be made. From
the preliminary analysis presented earlier
employing no
generation delays for the widest generation windows for each
scheme, it appears that for much of the day, tidal power
contributions of close to 6 GW could be provided during
‘springs’, falling to around 2 GW during ‘neaps’. These figures
should be set against typical power demands in summer
ranging, approximately, from 25–40 GW and in winter from
30–50 GW.
The annual energy output from the ‘maximum energy’
simulation in Figure 10 is 36?1 TWh, whereas the alternative
‘maximum generation window’ operation yielded
29?4 TWh,
the former representing about 10% of UK annual
demand. The more ambitious outer Severn option
would be
required, together with other small estuary schemes and the use
of pumping, to lift output towards a 15% of UK electricity
demand target, on the basis of these levels of installed capacity
(16DoEn) and ebb mode power generation. Furthermore, the
practicability of rapid introduction of such large power inputs to
the grid will need careful attention. Although this has recently
been broached by the proponents of the Severn barrage,
switch to dual-mode (two-way) operation and higher installed
capacities (2–36DoEn), leading to shorter and sharper power
pulses from the larger estuary schemes, may create insur-
mountable difficulties to the existing grid function.
It is clear from Figure 10 that a phased introduction of the
schemes in pairs could enable an incremental increase in
capacity while preserving a reasonable power balance across the
generation window, namely by pairing the Severn and Solway,
Morecambe Bay and Wash, and Humber with Mersey/Dee.
Although it is appreciated that the economics are likely to play a
major part in any progression of these major tidal power
proposals, it is reassuring to note that the unit cost estimates
made in the 1980s varied by little more than a factor of 2, with
the Severn and Mersey lowest and the Thames highest.
This study places on a firm footing the potential of the north-
west to achieve substantial contributions towards renewable
energy targets by exploiting its considerable tidal resources.
With barrage schemes configured with turbine capacity aimed at
minimum unit cost of power produced (equivalent to the 1980s
DoEn studies), in the region of 5% of UK electricity demand, and
about half of regional demand could be secured from barrages
on the Dee, Mersey, Morecambe Bay and the Solway Firth
operating in ebb generation mode. This claim is supported by
the Dee scheme outcomes presented here within the broader
Joule Centre study findings.
The power generation would be fully complementary to that
which might be delivered from the Severn barrage. By adding
schemes from the east coast (Thames, Wash, Humber) and a
Severn stage 2 (Bridgewater Bay) scheme, and possibly
increasing the number of turbines together with their use for
temporary ‘pumped storage’, about 15% of present UK electricity
demand should be capable of being met. Unfortunately,
significant continuous generation over a full 24 h window
cannot be demonstrated at this point and follow-up studies of
other potential sites and optimised conjunctive operation studies
are called for. Notwithstanding this, combining such tidal
barrage schemes with the opportunities for tidal stream
installations around the UK coastline, the potential to achieve a
tidal renewable energy contribution to about 20% of present UK
demand would still appear to be realistic.
The work reported herein has been undertaken as part of project
JIRP 106/03 funded over the period 2006–2008 by the North-
West Regional Development Agency through the Joule Centre.
The views expressed are, however, those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect those of the sponsors or the host
institutions in which the work was conducted. The final
outcomes of the study are being made available at
Part of the material presented here formed evidence submitted in
summer 2007 to a governmental review on renewable energy
although some of the percentage figures quoted
have been revised in the light of more recent electricity
consumption statistics.
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164 Maritime Engineering 162 Issue MA4 Tidal energy potential in UK waters Burrows et al.
... Zerodimensional modeling is a parameterized numerical method that requires a few input data for simulating the overall performance of a tidal range plant, i.e., the known tidal conditions, the plan operation sequence, and the formulae representing the hydraulic structures [19]. Several applications of 0D modeling in small lagoons and barrages have been found in recent research [20][21][22][23]. One-dimensional modeling vertically and horizontally integrates the flow in an estuary, which eases the simulation of tidal lagoons and barrages and their effects on the hydrodynamics [21]. ...
... The most known 2D hydrodynamic models are utilized for large and regional scale applications and are based on depth-averaged (2D) shallow water equations (SWEs), which are derived from depth-integrating Navier-Stokes (NS) equations; the 3D models omit horizontal-vertical integration for the full solving of the NS equations. Examples of numerical models in tidal energy coastal studies are ADCIRC [22], Telemac-2D [25], EFDC [26,27], and Delft3D [3]. The 3D hydrodynamic CFD (computational fluid dynamics) model is an alternative for full representation of the fluid dynamics in complex control volume [28] and transport processes. ...
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Recent research revealed the potential of tidal energy in the central coastal region of the Colombian Pacific. Buenaventura City, located in the Valle del Cauca department in Colombia, has an important opportunity to develop tidal power technologies near its marine coastal areas. This research implemented a 3D hydrodynamic model for simulating the hydrodynamics of the Buenaventura Bay to provide data as input for evaluating the hydraulics of a tidal barrage without sluicing through CFD modeling. According to the results, the velocities across the gates during Syzygy (April 2021) showed impressive velocities between 9 and 11 m/s, which suggest a high possibility of producing electricity through tidal turbines. The mean behavior of velocities in the gates pointed to values of 3 and 5 m/s in most of the cases. The results during the Stoa condition were interesting because flow velocities higher than 1 m/s were not expected. This is promising because the plant might produce electricity even during the Stoa condition. For the first time, the results of this research suggest that there exists a high possibility of implementing tidal barrage plants in Buenaventura City, Colombia.
... The estimated energy potential from tidal stream energy could exceed 120 GW, as observed with countries including Canada, China, Argentina, France, Russia, and South Korea developing technologies and the UK having the greatest capacity of 10 GW [6]. Since the mid-1980s, there has been an interest in using the UK's strong tidal energy potential [7]. It is currently estimated that a practical resource of 34 TWh/yr, or approximately 11% of the UK's annual electricity demand, is available [8]. ...
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Tidal energy is a rapidly developing area of the marine renewable energy sector that requires converters to be placed within areas of fast current speeds to be commercially viable. Tidal environments are also utilised by marine fauna (marine mammals, seabirds and fish) for foraging purposes, with usage patterns observed at fine spatiotemporal scales (seconds and metres). An overlap between tidal developments and fauna creates uncertainty regarding the environmental impact of converters. Due to the limited number of tidal energy converters in operation, there is inadequate knowledge of marine megafaunal usage of tidal stream environments, especially the collection of fine-scale empirical evidence required to inform on and predict potential environmental effects. This review details the suitability of using multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles within tidal stream environments as a tool for capturing fine-scale biophysical interactions. This includes presenting the advantages and disadvantages of use, highlighting complementary image processing and automation techniques, and showcasing the limited current examples of usage within tidal stream environments. These considerations help to demonstrate the appropriateness of unmanned aerial vehicles, alongside applicable image processing, for use as a survey tool to further quantify the potential environmental impacts of marine renewable energy developments.
... While high tidal ranges are typically desired for harnessing tidal power with barrages [e.g.; 8,9], sites without such highly energetic potential for energy extraction can still present interesting conditions * Corresponding author. for stream turbines. ...
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In order to accelerate the transition from carbon fuels to renewable energy sources, it is essential to extend our knowledge of the resources’ availability to further improve or adjust the design of extraction devices. In the present paper, a first characterization of the tidal stream resource along the coast of The Netherlands is performed using a high-resolution unstructured grid implementation of the Thetis model. Extensive validation of the sea surface elevations was done by comparing with existing networks of tide gauges in the North Sea. The simulations from this study show that the highest tidal current intensities are generated mainly at Den Helder and Oost Vlieland, reaching values >1.5 m s−1 and power density estimates that are most frequently close to 300 W m−2 and that can reach values ≥ 900 W m−2. Given the relatively reduced depths where these ‘‘hot spots’’ are found, most existing stream turbines will require further development to operate. Nevertheless, the existence of higher current intensities zones, along a commonly considered ‘‘low energy’’ coast, opens the door to include the tidal stream resource in near future plans to diversify the energy supply in The Netherlands.
... Several published studies have examined the power generation from tidal range schemes in GB (Aggidis and Benzon, 2013;Aggidis and Feather, 2012;Burrows et al., 2009aBurrows et al., , 2009bNeill et al., 2018;Waters and Aggidis, 2016). However, if included, estimation methods and the prices of capital items and consumables are considered confidential and usually only the total cost of the scheme is published. ...
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Financial viability and political will ultimately determine if tidal range power schemes are developed. This research aims to demonstrate a robust system to make initial estimates of capital costs for tidal range schemes that can be compared between systems and options. A levelised cost of energy (LCOE) is used to compare a tidal range barrage (Morecambe Bay) and a coastal tidal lagoon (North Wales); the schemes are set in context with other common energy sources. The results show the Morecambe Bay barrage generates marginally more electricity than the North Wales coastal lagoon and has a shorter impoundment at lower cost. However, the economic arguments for both schemes are similar; both are viable as the LCOE shows. Despite being shown to be financially viable, the sources of funding may remain a problem. Financial returns and two potential public funding mechanisms are discussed. The approach using two simple models makes a strong case for more detailed analysis and, in the current environmental, economic, and social climate serious decisions must be taken. Highlights · Initial estimation of capital cost for tidal range case studies using 5-main components · Optimisation of generator rating, number of turbines and sluices · Levelised cost of energy (LCOE). · Revenue and funding mechanisms.
... Almost mirroring the spatial distribution of the wave energy resource, the tidal energy resource is most plentiful in the east of the study area, with the higher values found throughout the Bristol Channel, Irish Sea, North Channel and the Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland, a finding consistent with previous assessments for both Ireland [70,71] and the UK [72,73]. This is due to the funnelling effect of the tide as it is forced between land masses and around headlands [74]. ...
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Ireland and the UK possess vast ocean energy resources within their respective maritime areas. However, not all offshore areas are suitable for deployment of ocean energy devices. This article describes the development of a multitude of geospatial data relating to ocean energy site suitability, as well as a Web-GIS tool for hosting and performing analysis on this data. A validation of wave, water depth and seabed character data used in the study revealed good correlation between modelled and in situ data. The data is mapped, and the spatial patterns are discussed with relevance to ORE sector implications. A site selection model, which included much of this data, was developed for this study and the Web-GIS tool. A survey conducted with ocean energy technology developers revealed their desired site criteria. The responses were applied in a case study using the site selection model to uncover potential and optimum areas for deployment of both wave and tidal energy devices. The results reveal extensive areas of the Atlantic Ocean and Celtic Sea appropriate for wave energy deployment and less extensive areas for tidal energy deployment, in the Irish Sea and Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland.
... A tidal power plant regulates the operation of turbines and sluice gates to facilitate a head difference H across its two sides, defined as the difference between the inner (η i ) and the outer water (η o ) levels at the location of the turbines. There are varying strategies for the operation of tidal power plants (Bernshtein, 1961;Burrows et al., 2009), with a bidirectional operation with/without pumping intervals being the preferred options for most current proposals. This is due to advantages relating to the enhanced power output, wider distribution of power and reduced environmental impacts (Waters and Aggidis, 2016). ...
Tidal energy has the potential to form a key component of the energy production in a number of countries, including the UK. Nonetheless, the deployment of tidal energy systems is associated with potential environmental impacts as prime resource sites often coincide with unique ecosystems inhabited by sensitive organisms. Previous studies have generally focused on the hydrodynamic impact of tidal energy schemes, i.e. how schemes alter the flow dynamics and sedimentary transport processes. Whilst these efforts are key in understanding environmental impacts, there is no straightforward step for translating sediment to faunal changes. Species distribution models offer methods to quantitatively predict certain possible impacts of tidal energy extraction. The River Severn is a distinguished candidate region for tidal energy in the UK featuring sites under stringent ecological protection regulations. We examine the impact of a proposed Severn tidal barrage on 14 species via the linking of hydrodynamic modelling to species distribution models. Through a selection of species that are linked via a simple food web system we extrapolate changes in prey species to the respective predator species. We show that species at lower trophic levels would be adversely affected by the barrage, but higher trophic level organisms increase in possible habitable area. Once food web relationships are acknowledged this increase in habitat area decreases, but is still net positive. Overall, all 14 species were affected, with most gaining in distribution area, and only four losing distribution area within the Severn Estuary. We conclude that a large-scale tidal barrage may have detrimental and complex impacts on species distribution, altering food web dynamics and altering food availability in the Severn Estuary. The methodology outlined herein can be transferred to the assessment and optimisation of prospective projects globally to aide in the sustainable introduction of the technology.
... Initial studies of tidal processes in tidal sites focused on quantifying the available tidal resource, both tidal range (e.g. Burrows et al., 2009) and tidal stream (Black & Veatch, 2005;e.g. Blunden & Bahaj, 2007;. ...
Technical Report
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This report provides an overview of the state of affairs (1) with regards to the deployment of wet renewables and (2) marine energy storage systems; (3) how they affect abiotic and biotic compo-nents of the marine ecosystem and (4) developments and concepts on cumulative impact assess-ments related to marine renewable energy devices and (5) future perspectives. This report provides the scientific basis to address the OSPAR request for advice on the current state and knowledge of studies into the deployment and environmental impacts of the following wet renewable energies and marine energy storage (floating, coastal infrastructure), tidal stream (screws, kites), tidal flow (barrage, lagoon) and others. Advice should cover the status of wet renewable developments in the OSPAR region, future prospects, potential environmental prob-lems (sea bed habitat loss/disturbance, fish, marine mammals, birds, seascape/ public perception, and cumulative impacts), potential benefits, next steps and conclusions”. The request was di-rected towards the Working Group on Marine Benthal Energy Developments (WGMBRED) and the Working Group on Marine Renewable Energy (WGMRE). A pre-meeting chaired by Jan Vanaverbeke, Belgium (WKWET, 15–16 January 2019) at ICES Headquarters, was attended by 11 participants from 4 countries, including members of WGMBRED and WGMRE and additional experts. The group analysed the OSPAR request, agreed on a structure for the report, and certain experts volunteered to conduct a literature re-view and provide the necessary knowledge base for the report. WGMBRED met from 12–15 February 2019 in Brussels, Belgium. The input from WKWET par-ticipants was compiled, quality checked and adapted where needed; when relevant expertise was represented in the group. WKWET experts, not present at WGMBRED, reviewed text, where needed, and a first version of this report was delivered to WGMRE. WGMRE met in Oostende (Belgium) from 26–28 February 2019. Participants reviewed the WKWET report following input from WGMBRED, quality checked, and adapted where neces-sary. Relevant experts contributed additional text and data to tables on MRE developments in ICES areas, and provided text on public perceptions and future prospects of MRE. This report presents an overview of the currently known “wet renewables” (all marine renewa-ble energy devices, excluding offshore wind devices) and how their deployment will likely change in the future. It further provides an overview of the concepts and techniques of related to marine energy storage devices. Given the conceptual and experimental stage of marine energy storage devices, and the absence of data on how these devices affect the marine environment, the report is limited to a description of these marine energy storage devices. This report provides a receptor-based summary of how the wet renewables can affect the marine environment. Receptors are either abiotic (hydrodynamics, physical seabed and sediment transport) or biotic (benthos, fish, marine mammals, birds, sea turtles, otters and polar bears). To avoid repetition, effects on these receptors were grouped according to pressure-inducing com-ponents (static component of the device, dynamic component of the device, cables) of wet re-newables or consequences of their presence. The report further discusses the developments on cumulative impacts assessments associated with wet renewables deployment in addition to many other human activities, and the need to move away from “data rich – information poor” monitoring of structural aspects of the marine ecosystem to hypothesis-driven functional research at the relevant spatial and temporal scales. This will require cross-border coordination in data collection, data storage and exchange and the development of a joint research agenda.
... Renewable energy is one of the important driving forces in reducing environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emission. Among many different kinds of renewable energy, the tidal energy that converts hydro-kinetic power to electricity has the potential to become a big source attributed to the predictability and repeatability of tidal power generation [1][2][3][4][5]. Compared with other tidal energy harvesting devices, horizontal axis tidal stream turbine (HATT) is the most developed one [6][7][8][9]. ...
We simulate two back-to-back full-scale tidal turbines using an in-house computational freesurface flow code. We briefly present the mathematical formulation of the computational framework. We first validate the proposed method on a single turbine configuration. A mesh refinement study is conducted to ensure the result is converged. We then quantify the wake effect and free-surface effect on tidal turbine performance by a case study. To investigate the free-surface effect, we perform both pure hydrodynamics and free-surface simulations. The time history of thrust and production coefficients is quantified. In both pure hydrodynamics and free-surface flow simulations, thrust and production coefficients of the downstream turbines drop significantly due to the velocity deficit in the wake. By comparing the result between free-surface flow and pure hydrodynamics simulations for the configuration considered here, we find that the free-surface does not affect the upstream turbine but significantly affects the downstream turbine.
Renewable energy and sustainability are vital in meeting the exponential growth of energy demand due to increasing population and industrial needs.
Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE), comprising marine (wave and tidal energy), and offshore wind, has the potential to supply large amounts of ‘green’ sustainable energy, reducing CO2 emissions. The main obstacles to deployment so far are technical challenges and cost. However, there are also concerns about how harnessing offshore energy can affect the local habitats and marine life, as well as introducing far-field and long-term changes in the physical environment of the sea, which may combine with climate change in unforeseen ways to affect marine ecosystems. The precautionary principle, combined with the requirement for monitoring, introduces obstacles (and costs) which have so far prevented the deployment of offshore renewable energy on a large scale. Here we discuss the physical changes that may occur and the impacts these may have on habitats, species and ecosystems. We explore the possible environmental impacts of offshore wind and marine energy deployment and the options for mitigation of these. This information can assist planners, regulators and developers of offshore energy systems. Some examples of existing and proposed deployments are provided (mainly focusing on the UK), in order to illustrate discussion of the environmental issues. We identify the need for better understanding of the environmental impacts at a population and ecosystem level and identify a way forward to improve the environmental consenting process.
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This paper describes the potential environmental changes caused by tidal power installations with illustration for schemes in the eastern Irish Sea, focusing mainly on major estuarine barrages. The generic impacts in the near-field and far-field are discussed. Results from a zerodimensional and a two-dimensional model are presented: the former allows rapid calculations to be made for a large range of options while the latter allows the full effect on two-dimensional hydrodynamics to be investigated. It is shown that there may be a significant change in tidal amplitude at the coast of Northern Ireland. The bed stress in the Bristol Channel will be significantly reduced if a Severn barrage is constructed. Some effects on the tidal mixing are expected although the location of tidal fronts in the Irish and Celtic Seas will not be changed significantly. The largest environmental impact is expected to be on the amount of inter-tidal area retained after construction of an estuarine barrage. It is shown that the loss of mudflats can be substantially reduced by using a dual-mode (ebb and flood generation) scheme with an increased number of turbines over the lowestcost option.
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Basic parameters governing the design of tidal power schemes are identified and converted to dimensionless form by reference to (i) the mean tidal range and (ii) the surface area of the enclosed basin. Optimum values for these dimensionless parameters are derived and comparison made with actual engineering designs. A theoretical framework is thus established which can be used (i) to make a rudimentary design at any specific location or (ii) to compare and evaluate designs for various locations.Both one-way (flood or ebb) and two-way (flood and ebb) schemes are examined and, theoretically, the two-way scheme is shown to be more efficient. However, in practice, two-way schemes suffer disadvantages arising from (i) two-way flow through both turbines and sluices and (ii) lower average turbine heads.An important dimensional aspect of tidal power schemes is that, while energy extracted is proportional to the tidal amplitude squared, the requisite sluicing area is proportional to the square root of the tidal amplitude. In consequence, sites with large tidal amplitudes are best suited to tidal power development whereas for sites with low tidal amplitudes sluicing costs may be prohibitive.
The Severn Estuary provides the UK with a unique opportunity to harness a large amount of renewable energy from the tides. A barrage 10 miles (16 km) long has been proposed as a means of harnessing this energy. The scheme would be similar, but on a larger scale, to that in the Rance Estuary, northern France, which has consistently and predictably produced electricity over the last 40 years. The studies presented here illustrate the output patterns of the Severn Barrage once the barrage is closed but before project completion, taking into consideration important factors such as: National Grid integration; environmental sensitivities and turbine and pumping characteristics. Assuming the main determinand of operating procedure is production of maximum energy, total barrage output could be 33 TWh by project completion. This is equivalent to almost two years of output from the completed scheme. Furthermore, if barrage closure were to occur earlier than previously envisaged, significantly more electricity would be produced during the construction phase, thus further enhancing the project's economic prospects.
In some few special areas of the world, the range of the variation of the sea level due to the tide can be impressive. For centuries man has been harnessing this energy with the operation of tidal mills. At present, the design of tidal power does not present new scientific issues. Nevertheless, additional research and development should be carried out in three fields: interface of the tidal power station output with National Grids and above all a sound assessment of its economic interest; design and implementation of work according to the site; and environmental effects. On November 26, 1966, the La Rance tidal power station was inaugurated after 25 years of design in various fields, and 25 years afterwards it is still the only industrial prototype of a large size tidal power station. Currently several important schemes are also under study throughout the world
Reviews the physics of tidal power, considering the gravitational effects of the Moon and Sun; semidiurnal, diurnal, and mixed tides; and major periodic components that affect the tidal range. Shelving, funneling, reflection, and resonance phenomena that have a significant effect on tidal range are also discussed. Basic parameters that govern the design of tidal power schemes in terms of mean tidal range and surface area of the enclosed basin are identified. Because energy extracted is proportional to the square root of the tidal amplitude, sites with large tidal amplitudes are best suited for tidal power developments, whereas sites with low tidal amplitudes have sluicing that may be prohibitive. Potential tidal energy developments are mentioned. Existing tidal energy plants are discussed. Tidal barrage design and construction using caissons is examined, as are alternative operating modes, development trends and possibilities, generation cost at the barrage boundary, sensitivity to discount rates, general economics, and markets. Environmental effects, and institutional constraints to the development of tidal barrage schemes are also discussed
A Pragmatic Energy Policy for the UK. Fells Associates
  • Fells Associates
FELLS ASSOCIATES. A Pragmatic Energy Policy for the UK. Fells Associates, Newcastle Upon Tyne 2008. See http://www. Accessed 22/10/2009.
Severn Tidal Power Phase One Consultation
  • Department Of Energy And Climate
  • Change
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE. Severn Tidal Power Phase One Consultation. DECC, London, 2009. See stp_phase1/stp_phase1.aspx. Accessed 22/10/2009.
Tidal Power from the River Mersey: A Feasibility Study Stage III
  • Mersey Barrage
MERSEY BARRAGE COMPANY. Tidal Power from the River Mersey: A Feasibility Study Stage III. MBC, Liverpool, 1992, p. 401.