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The nocturnal bottleneck and the evolution of activity patterns in mammals

The Royal Society
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
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In 1942, Walls described the concept of a 'nocturnal bottleneck' in placental mammals, where these species could survive only by avoiding daytime activity during times in which dinosaurs were the dominant taxon. Walls based this concept of a longer episode of nocturnality in early eutherian mammals by comparing the visual systems of reptiles, birds and all three extant taxa of the mammalian lineage, namely the monotremes, marsupials (now included in the metatherians) and placentals (included in the eutherians). This review describes the status of what has become known as the nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis, giving an overview of the chronobiological patterns of activity. We review the ecological plausibility that the activity patterns of (early) eutherian mammals were restricted to the night, based on arguments relating to endothermia, energy balance, foraging and predation, taking into account recent palaeontological information. We also assess genes, relating to light detection (visual and non-visual systems) and the photolyase DNA protection system that were lost in the eutherian mammalian lineage. Our conclusion presently is that arguments in favour of the nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis in eutherians prevail.
Cite this article: Gerkema MP, Davies WIL,
Foster RG, Menaker M, Hut RA. 2013 The
nocturnal bottleneck and the evolution of
activity patterns in mammals. Proc R Soc B
280: 20130508.
Received: 25 February 2013
Accepted: 3 June 2013
Subject Areas:
behaviour, neuroscience, palaeontology
eutherian, bottleneck, activity, vision,
photolyases, endothermia
Author for correspondence:
Menno P. Gerkema
One contribution to a Special Feature ‘Animal
clocks: when science meets nature’.
The nocturnal bottleneck and the
evolution of activity patterns in mammals
Menno P. Gerkema1, Wayne I. L. Davies2,3, Russell G. Foster2,
Michael Menaker4and Roelof A. Hut1
Centre for Behaviour and Neuroscience, Department of Chronobiology, University of Groningen, Groningen,
The Netherlands
Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK
School of Animal Biology, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia 6009, Australia
Department of Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904 4328, USA
In 1942, Walls described the concept of a ‘nocturnal bottleneck’ in placental
mammals, where these species could survive only by avoiding daytime
activity during times in which dinosaurs were the dominant taxon. Walls
based this concept of a longer episode of nocturnality in early eutherian
mammals by comparing the visual systems of reptiles, birds and all three
extant taxa of the mammalian lineage, namely the monotremes, marsupials
(now included in the metatherians) and placentals (included in the euther-
ians). This review describes the status of what has become known as the
nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis, giving an overview of the chronobiological
patterns of activity. We review the ecological plausibility that the activity
patterns of (early) eutherian mammals were restricted to the night, based
on arguments relating to endothermia, energy balance, foraging and preda-
tion, taking into account recent palaeontological information. We also assess
genes, relating to light detection (visual and non-visual systems) and the
photolyase DNA protection system that were lost in the eutherian mamma-
lian lineage. Our conclusion presently is that arguments in favour of the
nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis in eutherians prevail.
A more likely view is that the placental mammals had an early history of strict
...what was the retina like in these strictly nocturnal ‘bottle-neck’insectivores? [1, p. 687]
1. Introduction
A general view that early mammals were small insectivores, living on trees and
being only night active, has become commonplace in textbooks, with some
articles devoted specifically to vision [1,2], whereas others are more general
in nature [3,4]. Menaker and co-workers formulated a specific ‘nocturnal bottle-
neck hypothesis’ [5 7], although some researchers have suggested the
involvement of a period of mesopia (medium-light levels) in the evolution of
eyes in response to light-restricted habitats [8], as observed in other species
(e.g. birds; [9]). The main focus of this review is the ‘nocturnal bottleneck’ con-
jecture that was inspired by the fact that mammals have only one (retinal)
photic input pathway to their circadian pacemaker system, whereas non-
mammalian species have several parallel retinal and extra-retinal circadian
photic input systems (e.g. hypothalamus, pineal gland, parietal eye). Further
evidence to support the hypothesis arose from consistent findings in mamma-
lian evolution, including the evolution of endothermia [3,10] and the adaptation
of photosensory systems (e.g. the loss of photoreceptor pigments: [7,8]).
The nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis suggests that early eutherian mammals
faced competition with diurnal reptiles (e.g. dinosaurs) during the Mesozoic
era: [1,6,11,12]. Thought to be mainly ectothermic, these reptiles would have
had to restrict their activity to the daytime because solar radiation was essential
to increase their body temperature to operational levels [13]. Predation pressure
and inter-species competition are thought to have stimulated the development
of endothermia, a major adaptive change that enabled early mammals to
&2013 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
... Among modern mammals, only~20% are diurnal like humans, nearly 70% are nocturnal, and 10% are crepuscular or cathemeral [2]. Diurnal and nocturnal mammals have been set apart through a series of divergent evolutionary pathways over a period of~200 million years, which has equipped them with a range of unique behavioral and physiological adaptations to optimize survival for their day-or night-active lifestyle [3][4][5][6]. Daily rhythms in behavior and physiology are directly regulated by an internal time-keeping system called the circadian clock and by environmental factors including the light/dark condition. The similarities and differences in the regulatory processes between chronotypes will be discussed in this review. ...
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Diurnal and nocturnal mammals have evolved unique behavioral and physiological adaptations to optimize survival for their day- or night-active lifestyle. The mechanisms underlying the opposite activity patterns are not fully understood but likely involve the interplay between the circadian time-keeping system and various arousal- or sleep-promoting factors, e.g., light or melatonin. Although the circadian systems between the two chronotypes share considerable similarities, the phase relationships between the principal and subordinate oscillators are chronotype-specific. While light promotes arousal and wakefulness in diurnal species like us, it induces sleep in nocturnal ones. Similarly, melatonin, the hormone of darkness, is commonly used as a hypnotic in humans but is secreted in the active phase of nocturnal animals. Thus, the difference between the two chronotypes is more complex than a simple reversal, as the physiological and neurological processes in diurnal mammals during the day are not equivalent to that of nocturnal ones at night. Such chronotype differences could present a significant translational gap when applying research findings obtained from nocturnal rodents to diurnal humans. The potential advantages of diurnal models are being discussed in a few sleep-related conditions including familial natural short sleep (FNSS), obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and Smith–Magenis syndrome (SMS). Considering the difference in chronotype, a diurnal model will be more adequate for revealing the physiology and physiopathology pertaining to human health and disease, especially in conditions in which circadian rhythm disruption, altered photic response, or melatonin secretion is involved. We hope the recent advances in gene editing in diurnal rodents will promote greater utility of the diurnal models in basic and translational research.
... Artificial light at night (ALAN) can disturb the temporal niches of animals by suppressing activity in nocturnal animals while diurnal animals can potentially expand their active time (Mendoza, 2021;Shuboni et al., 2015). Most rodents are nocturnal and therefore have the potential to be negatively affected by light at night to a greater extent than diurnal species (Gerkema et al., 2013). ...
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Multimammate mice are prolific breeders, can cause significant agricultural damage, and are reservoir hosts for a number of pathogens. They are nocturnal and given their success in urbanised rural environments, we were interested in how they would respond to increasingly bright anthropogenic spaces. We evaluated the locomotor activity of southern multimammate mice (Mastomys coucha), under four treatments: in an outdoor enclosure with natural light and temperature fluctuations, in a laboratory under a standard light regime, and two artificial light at night (ALAN) regimes (2 Lux) of varying proximity. The study animals remained nocturnal for the duration of the experiments. They were more active under the laboratory conditions with lower daytime light levels compared to the outdoor treatment but reduced their activity under ALAN. When the night light originated remotely, activity levels decreased by more than 50%, whereas under direct ALAN from above the cages, there was a 75% decrease in activity. The onset of activity was later during the two LAN treatments. We concluded that Mastomys coucha is strongly averse to light and show severe behavioural and circadian responses to light at night. We predict that it is unlikely that Mastomys will flourish in cities, but that they could thrive in and around dark urbanised refugia.
... Many species of mammal, including many large herbivores, by contrast, are principally active around dawn and dusk (Cox & Gaston, 2023;Tyler et al., 2020): for these, activity in low illuminance (civil twilight, Box 2) is normal. Indeed, most eutherian mammals and marsupials retain the rod dominated retinae and have limited colour vision, both redolent of ancestral low light lifestyles (Borges et al., 2018;Bowmaker, 2008;Gerkema et al., 2013). The spectral sensitivity of mammals also varies between species in ways that reflect selective pressures derived from the characteristics of the light climate in which their visual systems evolved. ...
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The light climate at high latitudes, in particular the extended twilight of winter and the reduced diel variation in light level in midsummer and midwinter, potentially constrains visual function and the synchronisation of temporal organisation in polar species. In this paper, we describe the temporal pattern and variation in the spectral composition and brightness of skylight (daylight, twilight, moonlight, starlight, airglow and aurorae) at high latitudes and review photoreception of reindeer/caribou (Rangifer tarandus; ‘Rangifer’) which is one of the few polar resident species for which data are available. Experimental data indicate that the rods of Rangifer may be stimulated by levels of ambient light lower than those occurring during astronomical twilight (solar angle <−18°). Several features of the eyes of Rangifer contribute to their visual capability under extended twilight. These include transmission of UV through the optical media, which enables the animals to exploit the shorter wavelengths characteristic of twilight, and a shift in the peak spectral reflectance of the tapetum lucidum (TL) from around 640 nm in summer to around 450 nm in winter, which increases retinal illumination at short wavelengths. Enhanced sensitivity to short wavelengths is likely to enhance the contrast of some objects and hence the ability of Rangifer to discriminate forage plants and to detect other animals (conspecifics or predators) against a snowy background under low illuminance. There is, nevertheless, currently no evidence of any specific boreal adaptation in their visual system: (i) The eyes of Rangifer, and by inference the area of the dilated pupil, are no larger than expected based on the allometry of eye size in ruminants. (ii) There is no evidence of a change in the spectral sensitivity of photoreceptors associated with detection of UVa. (iii) Transmission of UV through the anterior eye is not unique to Rangifer. (iv) The blue shift in the reflectance of the winter TL appears to be a passive response to prolonged dilation of the pupil and there is no a priori reason not to predict the same response in other large ungulates exposed to low light levels. (v) There is no conclusive evidence of a seasonal shift in absolute retinal sensitivity in Rangifer. (vi) Weak circadian organisation in Rangifer has tentatively been linked to mutations within the circadian molecular clockwork but it remains unclear to what extent this represents a specific adaptation to high latitude. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... Nocturnality is present in most extant mammals and is perceived to be an ancestral trait originating from therapsids in the Triassic period (Angielczyk and Schmitz, 2014;Lovegrove, 2019). The most common theory for mammalian nocturnal evolution is the 'nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis', which describes how early mammalians used nocturnality and developed corresponding traits in response to predatory threats from diurnal reptiles (Gerkema et al., 2013;Hall et al., 2012). The main argument supporting this theory is that fossil evidence indicates endothermy in mammalian ancestors, developed due to the limited nocturnal activity of early reptiles due to their ectothermic nature and reliance on solar activity (Clarke and Pörtner, porcupines may show a higher frequency of behaviours associated with predator avoidance and stress. ...
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This study determined if a relationship between observed behaviours and lunar phases was present in captive Cape Porcupines (Hystrix africaeaustralis), a nocturnal species found in UK collections. Previous research on wild populations of hystrix species found that the amount of moonlight a lunar phase presents can limit activity levels. Field studies found that the correlation can be an evolved predatory avoidance tactic in response to moonlight exposure. A captive study aids in comprehending diel cycles and the factors which influence them, as behaviours are not limited to high moonlight phases. Between November 2022 and March 2023, recordings of nocturnal behaviours on dates surrounding distinct lunar phases took place at Reaseheath Mini Zoo. An ethogram based on previous behaviour studies identified behaviours. Data was then analysed using General Linear Regression (GLR). The study aimed to discover if a higher frequency of behaviours would correlate with lunar phases displaying higher levels of moonlight. Although GLMs proved insignificant, the data showed the rate of maintenance and resting behaviours increased during full moons, behaviours associated with predatory avoidance. Findings can provide information on lunar-behaviour relationships in captivity to benefit species-specific care and animal welfare by facilitating environmental challenge, competency and agency or alleviating moonlight-induced stressors to benefit affective welfare states.
Animal models enable investigation of the impact of stress on emotional-behavioral performance to facilitate understanding of posttraumatic stress symptoms experienced in humans. Refinement of animal stress models could lead to a reduction in the number of subjects needed to detect statistically significant stress effects, in accordance with Russel and Burch’s three Rs of research. We assessed whether performance of experimental procedures (that is, stress exposure and poststress behavioral testing) during the dark or light phases of the 12-h light/12 h-dark cycle is a refinement that could accomplish this reduction. At 3 h into either the light or dark phase, male and female adult Sprague–Dawley rats underwent a single-day traumatic stress exposure. Rats then underwent behavioral testing for exploratory behaviors, startle responses, and conditioned fear responses at 2 h, 1 d, and 9 d after stress exposure. Distance traveled in the elevated plus maze (EPM) by both male and female rats was significantly reduced in the dark phase compared with the light phase. Male rats of the dark phase group also spent less time in the open arms of the EPM, and traveled less, spent less time in the center, and spent more cumulative time freezing in the open field. Female rats of the dark phase group spent more cumulative time freezing in the EPM and exhibited significantly more tone-cued conditioned freezing responses. Our results suggest that performing experimental procedures during the dark phase of the light cycle may be a useful refinement mechanism, as procedures performed during this period had the greatest effect on behavioral outcomes in both males and females. Light cycle phase is an experimental variable that should be considered when designing experiments to maximize behavioral effects, including those in response to stress.
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Cartilaginous fishes (chondrichthyans: chimaeras and elasmobranchs -sharks, skates and rays) hold a key phylogenetic position to explore the origin and diversifications of jawed vertebrates. Here, we report and integrate reference genomic, transcriptomic and morphological data in the small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula to shed light on the evolution of sensory organs. We first characterise general aspects of the catshark genome, confirming the high conservation of genome organisation across cartilaginous fishes, and investigate population genomic signatures. Taking advantage of a dense sampling of transcriptomic data, we also identify gene signatures for all major organs, including chondrichthyan specializations, and evaluate expression diversifications between paralogs within major gene families involved in sensory functions. Finally, we combine these data with 3D synchrotron imaging and in situ gene expression analyses to explore chondrichthyan-specific traits and more general evolutionary trends of sensory systems. This approach brings to light, among others, novel markers of the ampullae of Lorenzini electro-sensory cells, a duplication hotspot for crystallin genes conserved in jawed vertebrates, and a new metazoan clade of the transient-receptor potential (TRP) family. These resources and results, obtained in an experimentally tractable chondrichthyan model, open new avenues to integrate multiomics analyses for the study of elasmobranchs and jawed vertebrates.
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Independence filters are commonly applied to camera trapping data when determining the temporal activity patterns of species or populations. However, recent research challenges the validity of independence filters, stating that it leads to flawed inferences of temporal activity patterns and a substantial reduction in sample sizes, and should not be used. This study presents an empirical counter-argument using data from Snapshot Serengeti. By manually applying 60-minute independence filters, common behaviours influencing the reliability of activity patterns derived from density-based analyses in African savanna species were identified. Results showed that applying independence filters primarily leads to decreased midday activity densities, mainly due to herding behaviour and the prevalent use of shade in a tree-sparse savanna. Idle herds or individuals that feed or rest in front of camera traps also influenced derived activity patterns. Furthermore, it is confirmed that adequate sample sizes are generally maintained after applying independence filters. The findings from this study highlight the shortcomings of the recent research disputing the use of independence filters in temporal activity analyses and underscore the importance of a comprehensive approach of inspecting data, understanding species behaviour, and considering regional environmental characteristics. This will ensure more accurate representations of species’ true temporal activity patterns.
Technical Report
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Notes de lecture: éclairage et biodiversité. Lecture notes: lighting and biodiversity.
Recent studies have shown that cyclic aversive stimuli, such as random footshocks, act as a nonphotic zeitgeber to entrain circadian behaviors in nocturnal rodents, a pattern termed fear entrainment. However, it remains unknown whether diurnal species exhibit similar plasticity in behavioral timing. This study aimed to determine if antelope ground squirrels (Ammospermophilus leucurus; AGS), a naturally diurnal rodent, can also shift their activity patterns to cyclic aversive stimuli. We conducted two experiments with 20 AGS housed in custom cages featuring a safe nesting area and a separate foraging area (for feeding and drinking), rendered aversive by presentation of unsignaled, time-specific footshocks. In the first experiment, animals were subjected to a 12:12 light-dark (LD) cycle. One group experienced aversion during the light phase, while the control group received the same treatment during the dark phase. In the second experiment, a 16:8 LD cycle was used, and animals were divided into three groups with the foraging area rendered aversive either during the first or second half of the light phase or during the dark phase. Following each of these treatments, animals were released into constant darkness (DD) to assess the phase and period of free-running rhythms. Contrary to previous findings in nocturnal rodents, AGS did not exhibit consistent shifts in activity to avoid footshocks. Most animals maintained their normal diurnal activity, with only minor and inconsistent phase shifts. In experiment two, animals exposed to footshocks during half of the light phase also failed to reliably shift activity to the opposite safe portion of the light phase. Together, these findings show AGS lack the ability to entrain to cyclic aversive stimuli or become nocturnal; this result suggests a lack of substantial plasticity in activity timing. These results highlight the importance of considering species-specific differences in nonphotic circadian entrainment and temporal niche plasticity.
The daily activity pattern of animals can be classified as diurnal, nocturnal, crepuscular, and cathemeral reflecting strategic decisions to maximize mating and foraging while reducing predation risks and thermal constraints. Among monomorphic mammals, competition for resources and gender-related differences in physiology and reproductive strategies may translate into different activity patterns of males and females. Therefore, to understand the daily activity pattern both aboveground and belowground of the semifossorial rodent Clyomys laticeps, we tested the following hypotheses: (1) males and females differ in their diel activity patterns; (2) males are active for longer periods than females due to a promiscuous mating system and female site fidelity; and (3) higher maximum temperatures restrain C. laticeps activity. The study was carried out in the Serra de Caldas Novas State Park (Goiás, Brazil) in the Cerrado biome. The activity of C. laticeps was recorded using the telemetry technique over 5 days and nights (twice in each season, rainy and dry, between 2019 and 2021). Clyomys laticeps activity was bimodal, with 2 peaks around dawn and dusk, resembling a crepuscular pattern. Temporal segregation in male and female activity patterns was restricted to the dry season, when female activity was more diurnal than males who were mainly nocturnal. Intersexual competition for resources or male-avoidance behavior by females during the dry food scarcity season could contribute to this pattern, although it may also be explained by gender-related differences in thermal tolerances. Overall, males were active for longer periods than females, probably as a strategy to increase mating opportunities among the former and site fidelity in the latter. Finally, temperature imposed major constraints on C. laticeps activities who preferred milder temperatures and avoided being active in temperatures above their thermoneutral zone.
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Did the end-Cretaceous mass extinction event, by eliminating non-avian dinosaurs and most of the existing fauna, trigger the evolutionary radiation of present-day mammals? Here we construct, date and analyse a species-level phylogeny of nearly all extant Mammalia to bring a new perspective to this question. Our analyses of how extant lineages accumulated through time show that net per-lineage diversification rates barely changed across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Instead, these rates spiked significantly with the origins of the currently recognized placental superorders and orders approximately 93 million years ago, before falling and remaining low until accelerating again throughout the Eocene and Oligocene epochs. Our results show that the phylogenetic 'fuses' leading to the explosion of extant placental orders are not only very much longer than suspected previously, but also challenge the hypothesis that the end-Cretaceous mass extinction event had a major, direct influence on the diversification of today's mammals. Molecular data and the fossil record can give conflicting views of the evolutionary past. For instance, empirical palaeontological evidence by itself tends to favour the 'explosive model' of diversification for extant placental mammals 1 , in which the orders with living representatives both originated and rapidly diversified soon after the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) mass extinction event that eliminated non-avian dinosaurs and many other, mostly marine 2 , taxa 65.5 million years (Myr) ago 1,3,4. By contrast, molecular data consistently push most origins of the same orders back into the Late Cretaceous period 5-9 , leading to alternative scenarios in which placental line-ages persist at low diversity for some period of time after their initial origins ('phylogenetic fuses'; see ref. 10) before undergoing evolutionary explosions 1,11. Principal among these scenarios is the 'long-fuse model' 1 , which postulates an extended lag between the Cretaceous origins of the orders and the first split among their living representatives (crown groups) immediately after the K/T boundary 8. Some older molecular studies advocate a 'short-fuse model' of diversification 1 , where even the basal crown-group divergences within some of the larger placental orders occur well within the Cretaceous period 5-7. A partial molecular phylogeny emphasizing divergences among placental orders suggested that over 20 lineages with extant descendants (henceforth, 'extant lineages') survived the K/T boundary 8. However, the total number of extant lineages that pre-date the extinction event and whether or not they radiated immediately after it remain unknown. The fossil record alone does not provide direct answers to these questions. It does reveal a strong pulse of diversification in stem eutherians immediately after the K/T boundary 4,12 , but few of the known Palaeocene taxa can be placed securely within the crown groups of extant orders comprising Placentalia 4. The latter only rise to prominence in fossils known from the Early Eocene epoch onwards (,50 Myr ago) after a major faunal reorganization 4,13,14. The geographical patchiness of the record complicates interpretations of this near-absence of Palaeocene crown-group fossils 14-16 : were these clades radiating throughout the Palaeocene epoch in parts of the world where the fossil record is less well known; had they not yet originated; or did they have very long fuses, remaining at low diversity until the major turnover at the start of the Eocene epoch? The pattern of diversification rates through time, to which little attention has been paid so far, might hold the key to answering these questions. If the Cretaceous fauna inhibited mammalian diversification , as is commonly assumed 1 , and all mammalian lineages were able to radiate after their extinction, then there should be a significant increase in the net per-lineage rate of extant mammalian diversification , r (the difference between the per-lineage speciation and extinction rates), immediately after the K/T mass extinction. This hypothesis, along with the explosive, long-and short-fuse models, can be tested using densely sampled phylogenies of extant species, which contain information about the history of their diversification rates 17-20. Using modern supertree algorithms 21,22 , we construct the first virtually complete species-level phylogeny of extant mammals from over 2,500 partial estimates, and estimate divergence times (with confidence intervals) throughout it using a 66-gene alignment in conjunction with 30 cladistically robust fossil calibration points. Our analyses of the supertree indicate that the principal splits underlying the diversification of the extant lineages occurred (1) from 100-85 Myr ago with the origins of the extant orders, and (2) in or after the Early Eocene (agreeing with the upturn in their diversity known from the fossil record 4,13,14), but not immediately after the K/T boundary, where diversification rates are unchanged. Our findings-that more extant placental lineages survived the K/T boundary than previously recognized and that fewer arose immediately after it than previously suspected-extend the phylogenetic fuses of many extant orders and indicate that the end-Cretaceous mass extinction event had, at best, a minor role in driving the diversification of the present-day mam-malian lineages. A supertree with divergence times for extant mammals The supertree contains 4,510 of the 4,554 extant species recorded in ref. 23, making it 99.0% complete at the species level (Fig. 1; see also
One of the most important events in vertebrate evolution was the acquisition of endothermy, the ability to use metabolic heat production to elevate body temperature above environmental temperature. Several verbal models have been proposed to explain the selective factors leading to the evolution of endothermy. Of these, the aerobic capacity model has received the most attention in recent years. The aerobic capacity model postulates that selection acted mainly to increase maximal aerobic capacity (or associated behavioral abilities) and that elevated resting metabolic rate evolved as a correlated response. Here we evaluate the implicit evolutionary and genetic assumptions of the aerobic capacity model. In light of this evaluation, we assess the utility of phenotypic and genetic correlations for testing the aerobic capacity model. Collectively, the available intraspecific data for terrestrial vertebrates support the notion of a positive phenotypic correlation between resting and maximal rates of oxygen consumption within species. Interspecific analyses provide mixed support for this phenotypic correlation. We argue, however, that assessments of phenotypic or genetic correlations within species and evolutionary correlations among species (from comparative data) are of limited utility, because they may not be able to distinguish between the aerobic capacity model and plausible alternatives, such as selection acting directly on aspects of thermoregulatory abilities. We suggest six sources of information that may help shed light on the selective factors important during the evolution of high aerobic metabolic rates and, ultimately, the attainment of endothermy. Of particular interest will be attempts to determine, using a combination of mechanistic physiological and quantitative-genetic approaches, whether a positive genetic correlation between resting and maximal rates of oxygen consumption is an ineluctable feature of vertebrate physiology.
This chapter discusses circadian photoreception in mammals and other vertebrates. Circadian rhythms are driven by endogenous pacemakers that have periods close to, but rarely exactly, 24 hours. To function adaptively in the real world, circadian systems that include pacemakers and the many rhythms that they control must be synchronized with the astronomical day. Viewed from a circadian perspective, an organism is an ensemble of adaptive phase relationships among multiple rhythms at all levels of organization from the molecular to the behavioral. In addition to their role in the circadian system, extra-retinal photoreceptors have also been shown to play an important part in the regulation of seasonal reproductive cycles in nonmammalian vertebrates. Vertebrate photoreceptors include deep brain photoreceptors, the parietal eye (when present), the pineal gland (the photoreceptive capacity of which has been clearly and repeatedly demonstrated and is probably required for entrainment of its own internal circadian oscillator), in addition to the eyes themselves.
Mammals are the dominant large animals of today, occurring in virtually every environment. This book is an account of the remarkable fossil records that document their origin since the extinction of the dinosaurs. Tracing their evolution over the last 35 million years. For the first time presented in one single volume Kemp unveils the exciting DNA sequence evidence which coupled with fossil evidence challenges current thinking on the relationships amongst mammal and their inferred history.