This is the 9th Heat Powered Cycles Conference. The first edition of the conference was held at Nottingham in 1997. This time the event was co-organized by the University of the Basque Country, (Bilbao, Spain), The University of Applied Sciences, Vorarlberg, (Austria), and GamaTech Thermal Solutions, (Brazil). The conference took place at the University of the Basque Country and hosted by the Department of Energy Engineering at the University of the Basque Country by Prof. Jesús María Blanco Ilzarbe. In addition to formal presentations of technical papers, including invited Keynote papers, the event includes poster sessions and two Special Sessions, being one related to Intelligent Thermal Energy Systems and The Energy in the Post-Covid Scenario, along with a full social program. The conference is concerned with scientific and technological innovations relating to the efficient and economic use of heat, derived from all its sources, for the production of cooling, heating, and mechanical power either independently or co-generatively.
Subject areas of particular interest include; hybrid cycles, ORCs, Stirling cycle machines,
thermo-acoustic engines and coolers, sorption cycle refrigerators and heat pumps, jet-pump (ejector) machines, temperature amplifiers (heat transformers), chemical heat pumps, new working fluids, mass and heat transfer phenomena, desalination of brackish water and seawater, compact heat exchanger research (including foams and other micro-channel research), thermo-economics, process optimisation and modelling, process, and cycle thermodynamics.