
Foundations in sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach

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... This study utilized a qualitative descriptive method to investigate the portrayal of commissive speech acts in "Little Women" and "Enola Holmes" from a sociopragmatics perspective. The researchers applied Searle's (1979) theory to identify commissive speech acts in the movies while also drawing on the sociopragmatic theories of Hymes (2001) and Brown & Levinson (1987) to analyze the characters' performance of these speech acts. ...
... Furthermore, the implementation of commissive speech acts was strongly influenced by the social structure of society, as highlighted by Hymes (2001). The researchers examined four aspects related to social structure: age, social status, and the setting of the dialogue. ...
... The findings revealed that all commissive speech acts in the analyzed data were literal and direct (Supri & Rahmatiany, 2021). The social context, including social status, was found to have a significant impact on the usage of commissive speech acts (Hymes, 2001). Different social classes employ distinct language styles, and the choice of politeness strategies may vary based on the social setting and relationships between participants (Brown & Levinson, 1987). ...
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This study explores the usage of commissive speech acts in the women-centric movies "Little Women" and "Enola Holmes." It employs Searle's classification of speech acts (1979), along with Hymes' social structure theory (2001) and Brown Levinson's politeness theory (1987). The analysis uncovers various types of commissive speech acts in movies set in the nineteenth century. Furthermore, it reveals that the employment of commissive speech acts and the politeness strategies employed by the characters are significantly influenced by the social structure of their respective societies. These findings contribute novel insights to the existing theories and extend the scope of sociopragmatics research, particularly in evaluating movies within academic settings. The study suggests conducting further research encompassing diverse cases, exploring other aspects of speech act studies, and engaging in comparative or cross-cultural analyses.
... Kotani (2017) pointed out that individuals going to another culture have widely been studied in intercultural communication research (e.g., international students are adapting to the new environment and their experiences returning to their original culture, acculturation of international marriage partners, construction of refugee, and immigrant identities). In her study, Kotani utilized two methods: Hymes' ethnography of communication (Hymes, 1972(Hymes, , 1974 and speech codes theory (Philipsen, 1992(Philipsen, , 1997. ...
... As Kotani based the definition of culture as a system of symbols and meanings (Geertz, 1973;Hymes, 1974;Philipsen, 1992;Schneider, 1976), she then cited that the ethnography of communication regards "speech community" as a unit of culture: "a community sharing knowledge of rules for the conduct and interpretation of speech" (Hymes, 1974, p. 51). In the same light, culture is not defined as a group, a nation, or people, but as a system in which the unit that shares it is a speech community (Hymes, 1974;Milburn, 2004;Philipsen, 2007). ...
... As Kotani based the definition of culture as a system of symbols and meanings (Geertz, 1973;Hymes, 1974;Philipsen, 1992;Schneider, 1976), she then cited that the ethnography of communication regards "speech community" as a unit of culture: "a community sharing knowledge of rules for the conduct and interpretation of speech" (Hymes, 1974, p. 51). In the same light, culture is not defined as a group, a nation, or people, but as a system in which the unit that shares it is a speech community (Hymes, 1974;Milburn, 2004;Philipsen, 2007). ...
... In "Your Words," as students are invited to think of their own examples, they are prepared to more deeply analyze samples of language that are meaningful to them. In discussions following the initial sharing of their examples, we look at aspects of speech events as described by Dell Hymes (1974), such as setting, participants, purposes, act sequences, tone, register, and social norms to familiar students with ways that 'their words' can be described and compared. ...
... How do these speech communities vary according to features such as age, gender, ethnicity, social background, educational experiences, place, status, racialization 1 , or economic situation? -For deeper analysis, discuss the follow questions (derived fromHymes, 1974): -What is the setting [time, place] and the scene [cultural definition]? -Who are the participants in this literacy event? ...
The “Your Words” activity invites students to explore how they vary the ways that they communicate in their various speech communities (Morgan, 2014; Rampton, 2020). Students may consider their speech communities in only general terms, such as “I am a speaker of English and Cantonese because I am a resident of Hong Kong.” Or “I am from Miami, so I speak English and Spanish at home. Or “I like to skateboard, and I share some jargon with my skate mates that I don’t use in other situations.” To help them reflect more deeply on communities for which they may not have names, the “Your Words” activity invites them to reflect on and share a word or phrase that they only use in specific social groups that form part of their lives. The discussion that follows encourages students to consider how they modify the way they communicate as they move through the different speech communities that are part of their daily lives. The activity is useful for raising awareness of speech communities before introducing discussions about language attitudes and beliefs that can help prepare pre-service teachers for working with students whose linguistic and cultural diversity is unfamiliar to them.
... From a purely scholarly perspective, such reservations make sense, but the consequence is that Köhler and Gölz's study may not provide an optimal tool that practitioners, instructors, and students can use across a wide variety of cultures if they want to identify potential differences in meeting styles that need to be accommodated when parties cooperate. A different model to analyze meetings has been proposed by Sprain and Boromisza-Habashi (2012), who base their suggestions on earlier work by Schwartzman (1989), whose ideas, in turn, go back to Hymes (1974). Schwartzman used Hymes's SPEAKING grid to design a meeting-specific context model that she deployed to analyze U.S. American meeting practices. ...
... At the same time, however, the normative character of strong situations, such as meetings, makes it necessary for interactants to abide by the culturally defined norms that apply, and, even though situations have proved difficult to define (Lefringhausen et al., 2019), there is still broad agreement on the fact that they consist of a number of components. Various context models in linguistics (Brown & Fraser, 1979;Hymes, 1974;Scollon & Scollon, 2001) have been developed to list the contextual components that affect the interaction among communicators, but these models typically fail to designate how the unique position of the individual and the perspective of the community relate to each other. ...
Meetings are an essential part of organizational life everywhere. Although research has shown that meeting styles differ among cultures, studies focusing on a broad set of data to compare the prevalent meeting styles systematically are rare, partly because of the high academic standards required by researchers. There is, however, much informal data on meeting styles aimed at practitioners, which despite its shortcomings, can be useful. The information provided is largely based on the experiences made by internationally active businesspeople. Under the author’s supervision, students of the author’s business school analyzed a great number of descriptions of meeting practices to investigate in what respects meetings differ. The results were combined with earlier research and general situational context models to come to a meeting-specific model that enables a systematic comparison of meeting practices. This model can be applied for educational as well as for practical purposes.
... To analyze the data, the research used a content analysis and discourse analysis design. While the contextual study relied on Dell Hymes' ethnography of communication, notably the Speaking Model (Hymes, 1974), the textual analysis concentrated on the coherence devices given by Halliday and Hasan (1976). All essential elements, such as the setting, participants, ends, act order, key, instruments, and norms, were identified, according to the contextual analysis. ...
... The contextual analysis enables readers to critically assess the material offered by providing a greater grasp of the socio-political, cultural, and historical aspects that affect news narratives. According to Hymes (1974), there are 8 aspects of the ethnography of communication, commonly known as Hymes 'The Speaking Model'. Those aspects can be shortened into SPEAKING: Ssetting; P-participants; E-ends; A-act sequence; K-key; Iinstruments; and N-norms. ...
The purpose of this study was to undertake a thorough study of a news article entitled "31 Policemen Questioned in Kanjuruhan Stadium Tragedy" by looking at both its contextual and textual elements. To analyze the data, the research used a content analysis and discourse analysis design. While the contextual study relied on Dell Hymes' ethnography of communication, notably the Speaking Model (Hymes, 1974), the textual analysis concentrated on the coherence devices given by Halliday and Hasan (1976). All essential elements, such as the setting, participants, ends, act order, key, instruments, and norms, were identified, according to the contextual analysis. The four content categories of reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction were found in the textual analysis; however, the article did not fully contain all sub-categories.
... The Mundhum text is interpreted and analyzed applying the factors forwarded by Hymes (1974) in the popular form of acronym 'SPEAKING' as follows: ...
... of the Mundhum myth is concerned, it is entirely precise and serious. It is because the key is often traditionally ascribed to an instance of some other component as its attribute; seriousness, for example, may be the expected concomitant of a scene, participant, act, code, or genre (say a church, a judge, use of Latin, obsequies) (Hymes, 1974). The chief participant in this discourse is the Saambaa who is constantly dealing with either the senior respectable persons known as Tuttugen Tummyaang Yaaklaagen Suhaang or the supernatural beings like gods, deities, divine spirits and so forth. ...
This paper attempts to see the Limbu Mundhum from the perspective of ethnography of communication model that is the factors involving in the contextual interpretation of the classical texts or ritual performances. The textual data are based on one of the main portions of the Limbu Mundhum recitation especially 'Yaapmi Pongmaa Mundhum' Origin of Man. The necessary information has been drawn from both the empirical observation as well as library studies. As this study is based on non-numerical data and endeavors to understand concepts, ideas or experiences, it typically falls under the qualitative research involving the theory of linguistic anthropology. The major finding of this paper is that a text cannot be interpreted in its fuller range of meaning unless the text is not analyzed through the ethnographies of speaking model. The paper may be helpful for the interpretation of rites and ritual performances through ethnographic perspective.
... Topik-topik yang menonjol dalam kajian ini adalah variasi diferensial sistem bahasa (fonologis, morfologis, leksikalis, sintaktis) pada kelompok-kelompok masyarakat (kelas sosial, etnis, jenis kelamin, geografis, kebangsaan), bilingualisme dan diglosia, serta perencanaan dan pembakuan bahasa nasional. Banyak nama yang menyemarakkan kajian sosiolinguistik yang klasik ini, misalnya Fishman (1989), Labov (1972), Hymes (2013), Trudgill (2001), dan Hudson (2010). ...
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Menghadapi rezim otoriter Orde Baru dan rezim liberal Reformasi, mahasiswa sebagai pihak oposan yang "kreatif" tidak kurang akal. Ia pun mendayagunakan potensi energi bahasa untuk melancarkan kritik social dan resistensi verbal. Kajian ini mengangkat strategi kritik sosial dan resistensi verbal kebahasaan mahasiswa terwujud dalam akronim-singkatan pelesetan melalui perspektif sosiolinguistik kritis. Teknik rekayasa akronim-singkatan bernuansa politis meliputi dua hal penjungkirbalikan dekonstruksi semantis, yaitu menggunakan kata-akronim-singkatan nonpolitis untuk maksud politis dan menggunakan kata–akronim–singkatan politis untuk maksud nonpolitis. Bentuk akronim-singkatan pelesetan berfungsi melakukan identifikasi kelompok, membuat representasi keadaan sosial, melancarkan kritik, peringatan, dan perlawanan, serta meledek kebijakan penguasa. Objek yang dituju bentuk pelesetan adalah para presiden, DPR, MPR, hakim, jaksa, militer, polisi, partai politik, keluarga Cendana, dan pejabat umum.
... It denotes an ability to communicate effectively, not always accurately, but always appropriately, sensitively, and flexibly in social situations (Okeke, 2013). Hymes (1974) expanded Chomsky's concept of linguistic competence by introducing the ethnography of communication. He argued that communicative competence includes understanding and applying both linguistic and sociolinguistic principles in conversation, distinguishing this from actual language use (performance), which varies by context. ...
The paper delves into the importance of teaching literature in developing interest and communicative competence in EFL learners. It emphasizes the role of literature as a linguistic resource and a cultural gateway, highlighting its significance in enhancing intercultural competence and communicative skills among students. The study explores the evolution of literature's role in modern language pedagogy, discussing historical perspectives and the integration of technology in teaching literature. It also delves into how literature fosters communication skills, critical thinking, and analytical abilities in EFL learners. The research further examines the impact of literature on motivation and engagement in EFL classrooms, emphasizing the practical application of literary texts to enhance student interest and participation. It discusses strategies for selecting literary works and using them to improve motivation during English language classes. The paper includes an experimental research section that outlines the study's objectives, data collection methods, participant details, and analysis techniques. It concludes with a discussion of the results, pedagogical implications, and an analysis of the findings to draw meaningful conclusions. The study's theoretical value lies in its comprehensive exploration of how integrating literature can enhance communicative competence among Ukrainian EFL learners. By drawing on international research and local teachers' perspectives, the paper aims to provide insights into effective pedagogical approaches for utilizing literature to stimulate learner engagement and improve communication skills in English. The practical implications of the research focus on teaching materials and strategies for integrating literature effectively in the English language classroom in Ukraine, aiming to enhance student interest and engagement in learning English. The study's relevance extends to teachers and individuals interested in language education, offering valuable insights into the benefits of incorporating literature in EFL instruction.
... A teoria da variação e da mudança linguística (Labov, 2008(Labov, [1972) será abordada no sentido de possibilitar a discussão de que as sinalizações feitas pelos participantes da pesquisa são fruto da variação própria da língua de sinais, em sua correlação sistemáti- (Gumperz, 1972;Hymes, 1974 (Eckert;McConnell-Ginet, 1992). ...
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Partindo-se da compreensão de que as línguas são vivas e que por essa razão mesmo, atravessam os processos de variação e mudança linguística, esta pesquisa objetiva analisar a variação lexical para camaleão na língua de sinais brasileira produzida em quatro cidades da chamada região metropolitana de São Luís, que engloba a capital, de mesmo nome, além das cidades de São José de Ribamar, Raposa e Paço do Lumiar. O aparato teórico-metodológico é o da Sociolinguística Variacionista (LABOV, 2008[1972], da Dialetologia (CARDOSO, 2010) e dos estudos sobre a língua de sinais. Discute-se que a variedade sociolinguística do português maranhense já vem sendo sistematicamente descrita, mas que o mesmo não ocorre com a língua de sinais. De cada uma das localidades foram selecionados dois informantes surdos para serem entrevistados: um masculino e um feminino, totalizando 08 surdos entrevistados. Os resultados para a sinalização lexical proposta é que mulheres não apresentaram diferenças significativas. Além disso, evidencia-se o fato de que os sujeitos surdos da pesquisa, ao apresentarem variação na realização do sinal aqui estudado, apontam para a importância de que processos de variação precisam avançar nessa direção. O trabalho que aqui se apresenta, busca contribuir para a ampliação desses estudos.
... The ethnography of communication is rooted in Hymes's (1962) early suggestion that interpersonal speaking is a powerful metaphor for social life. Ethnographic observation of speaking could thus, he proposed, elicit cultural assumptions on which the talk of a speech community is patterned and how shared rules for interpreting in-group talk construct a shared culture (Hymes, 1974). Since then, EC has emerged as a "living" and continually developing research program. ...
... In sociolinguistics, frames are one the main "means of speaking" [18]. Tannen and Wallat use an interactive notion of frame, and conceive framing as the structuring of expectations [19]. ...
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The purpose of this overview is to provide a multi-disciplinary introduction to existing notions of frame and framing in the social sciences. In doing this, we review main interpretations of the concept provided by different disciplines, and focus on their main knowledge spillovers for other fields of scientific inquiry. Finally, we discuss why frames and framing are one of main tools in the building of relational social sciences.
... Cultural Discourse Analysis is rooted in the ethnography of communication (Hymes, 1974), where the starting point taken by researchers is the speech community. Specifically, we discuss how the speech genre of the EPI relates to the rest of the community. ...
Politicians at Night: Interaction and Discourse on the Entertainment-Political Interview studies the exchanges between presidential candidates and talk show hosts on broadcast late-night shows in the United States. Gonen Dori-Hacohen; Eean Grimshaw and Menno H. Reijven use various language and social interaction frameworks, including membership categorization analysis, conversation analysis, narrative analysis, and semiotics. They develop a broad understanding of the Entertainment-Political Interview (EPI) and cultural role. They discuss how politicians use pronouns to achieve inclusion and exclusion. Similarly, the authors demonstrate how and why the hosts ask softball questions. Unlike these two elements that create politics, the authors demonstrate how politicians use stories to present themselves like celebrities. They then demonstrate how politicians intersect with entertainment when they analyze one specific segment called "Slow Jam the News," on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.The linking of the politician to entertainment is part of the final argument of the book, where the authors critically examine the EPI as part of a myth since it vacates the politics of its original form while maintaining a façade of politics.EPI promotes a capitalist neoliberal ideology that is at the root of both entertainment and politics in the U.S.
... In interacting, a person will place himself and adjust the context of the language depending on the time and place where each individual cannot be separated from the SPEAKING approach. The acronym stands for setting and scene, and participants, ends, acts sequence, key, instrumentalities, norms of interaction and interpretation, and genre (Hymes, 2013). Besides, different aspects of language use are commonplace for humans who can adapt to the dynamics of language according to the conditions and situations experienced. ...
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The research intends to discuss the pragmatic force of the commissive utterances of the merchants during interaction with the purchasers at Pasa Bawah Market in Bukittinggi city, Indonesia. The data were collected by recording any utterances of the merchants containing the speech act of commissive. Interviewing was also conducted with some random merchants to ensure their intentions. The concept of commissive speech acts, illocutionary acts, and context was used to analyze the data. The result of the analysis indicate that there are at least three kinds of pragmatic forces in commissive utterances. They are to promise, offer, and make vows.
... Several scholars and linguists have described the concepts of code-switching and code-mixing (see Bokamba, 1988Bokamba, , 1989Lee, 2016;Maschler, 1998;Meeuwis & Blommaert, 1998;Meisel, 1989;Muysken, 2000;Myers-Scotton, 1997, and others). Hymes (1974) defined code-switching as a common term for the alternative use of two or more languages, varieties of a language, or even speech styles. Clyne (1987) defined the term code-switching in the sense of the "alternative use of two languages either within a sentence or between sentences" (p. ...
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This paper investigates alternation code-mixing between Chhattisgarhi and English. It is very common in mixing English with mother tongue in several places across the world. Code-mixing is widely found in multilingual countries like India where many languages, dialects and varieties are present. Code-mixing is very useful strategies for bilingual speakers to communicate easily and effectively based on the contexts. Our focus is in this study how alternation code mixing takes place between Chhattisgarhi and English by Chhattisgarhi speakers in their daily conversations. This paper examines conversational code-mixing in the repertoire of Chhattisgarhi speakers and it also finds out the increasing interest of speakers towards English language. Adopting ideas from Muysken (2000), this paper explores different types of alternation code-mixing such as non-nested switching, peripherality, adverbial modification, coordination, left-dislocation, right-dislocation and emblematic or tag-switches between Chhattisgarhi and English. It examines how different patterns or structures are found in mixing of these two languages. This study further explains the properties of code-mixing such as embedding in discourse, doubling, flagging and dummy insertion in relation to code-mixing of Chhattisgarhi conversations. Keywords: alternation, Chhattisgarhi-English, code-mixing, peripheral switches
... Several scholars and linguists have described the concepts of code-switching and code-mixing (see Bokamba, 1988Bokamba, , 1989Lee, 2016;Maschler, 1998;Meeuwis & Blommaert, 1998;Meisel, 1989;Muysken, 2000;Myers-Scotton, 1997, and others). Hymes (1974) defined code-switching as a common term for the alternative use of two or more languages, varieties of a language, or even speech styles. Clyne (1987) defined the term code-switching in the sense of the "alternative use of two languages either within a sentence or between sentences" (p. ...
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This paper investigates alternation code-mixing between Chhattisgarhi and English. It is very common to mix English with the mother tongue in several places across the world. Code-mixing is widely found in multilingual countries like India, where many languages, dialects, and varieties are present. Code-mixing is a very useful strategy for bilingual speakers to communicate easily and effectively based on the context. Our focus is in this study of how alternation code mixing takes place between Chhattisgarhi and English by Chhattisgarhi speakers in their daily conversations. This paper examines conversational code-mixing in the repertoire of Chhattisgarhi speakers, and it also finds out the increasing interest of speakers in the English language. Adopting ideas from Muysken (2000), this paper explores different types of alternation code-mixing such as non-nested switching, peripherality, adverbial modification, coordination, left-dislocation, right-dislocation and emblematic or tag-switches between Chhattisgarhi and English. It examines how different patterns or structures are found in the mixing of these two languages. This study further explains the properties of code-mixing, such as embedding in discourse, doubling, flagging, and dummy insertion in relation to code-mixing of Chhattisgarhi conversations.
... Todavia, apesar da abrangência (ou mesmo imprecisão) teórica observada nos discursos de constituição do campo, a sociolinguística assume forma social e direção disciplinar bastante estável. De fato, ainda em 1974, Dell Hymes, mesmo reconhecendo que o termo 'sociolinguística' pode receber significados distintos entre os diversos pesquisadores, destacou três orientações principais nesse campo, caracterizadas como: (1) social e linguística: centrada na aplicação de teorias linguisticas para a abordagem de problemas sociais envolvendo a linguagem; (2) linguística socialmente realista: desenvolvida com base em dados da comunidades de fala, focalizando, no plano teórico, a variação; (3) linguística socialmente constituída: interessada tanto no significado social quanto referencial da linguagem, contemplando a linguagem como parte da prática comunicativa e da ação social (Hymes, 1974). Conforme evidenciou Bell (2016), o desenvolvimento da sociolinguística, ao longo dos anos, pode ser visto como um movimento em direção à 'linguística socialmente constituída', embora isso não represente a efetiva transformação da linguística geral em uma disciplina disposta a abordar questões propriamente sociais. ...
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Neste artigo, exploramos as possibilidades de diálogo entre a sociolinguística e a sociologia de Pierre Bourdieu. Partimos das críticas esboçadas pelo sociólogo francês à linguística moderna, notadamente em Language and symbolic power (Bourdieu, 1991) e Economia das trocas linguísticas (Bourdieu, 2008), e retomamos as ponderações de linguistas que destacaram certas limitações de sua teoria para explicar os fenômenos linguísticos. Focalizando a sociolinguística, argumentamos que esses debates devem ser observados no contexto mais amplo, em que se considerem as condições sociais de constituição e desenvolvimento dessa área de pesquisa. Na conclusão, apresentamos, em linhas gerais, alguns estudos sociolinguísticos desenvolvidos em diálogo com a teoria da prática de Bourdieu, visando não somente evidenciar os pontos de confluência entre as disciplinas, mas, sobretudo, fomentar as reflexões teórico-metodológicas pertinentes a essa proposta interdisciplinar. Nesse sentido, embora não seja possível propor uma conjugação harmoniosa de teorias distintas, visando à sua complementaridade, podemos promover a problematização e análise interpretativa dos conceitos fundamentais produzidos em cada campo e negociar os limites disciplinares, na trilha de uma análise da variação linguística que torne mais visíveis as relações entre a língua e as condições práticas de seu funcionamento.
... The analyses that flow from this are not about whether what is said is true or not, but about what that language does in its social context: who is involved, what is at stake, what strategies are used, and what are the outcomes that affect future discourses (cf. Hymes, 1974). In this way, beliefs can be thought of more as tools for people to carry out their social behaviors than propositions or "rules" stored in the head. ...
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A contextual model of delusions drawing on discourse analysis is explored, which changes current attributional models to more concrete and observable forms of language-in-context. Most current models view delusions as internal beliefs that are the result of faulty reasoning or cognitive errors, whereas the present model treats delusions as natural discourses that have gone wrong or become exaggerated as strategies shaped by the person’s bad life situations and negative social relationships. Brief reviews are made of the properties attributed to delusional beliefs (Table 1) and of the current explanations for delusions (Table 2). An outline of a discursive contextual analysis is then given along with a review of the life contexts for those with “mental health” issues. Discourse analysis is used to account for the delusional properties as discursive properties (Table 3). Delusions are then analyzed in two ways as normal discourse strategies gone wrong when trying to live in bad life contexts: (1) by analyzing “beliefs” as a way of doing social behavior with language; and (2) by analyzing delusions as normal storytelling gone wrong from being shaped by bad social relationships. Table 5 gives some practical questions for therapists and researchers to explore people’s delusions as discursive strategies.
... The EOC Paradigm of CuDA Ethnography of Communication is an approach to language and social interaction that emerged from the linguistic anthropological work of Dell Hymes and his colleagues (e.g., Bauman & Sherzer, 1974;Gumperz & Hymes, 1972;Hymes, 1974). In the early iterations of this program, Hymes sought to construct a cross-cultural taxonomy of social units with the aim of providing a cultural-rhetorical alternative to the then predominant theory of generative grammar (Chomsky, 1965). ...
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This article proposes a way to transcend the debate on the critical voice in Ethnography of Communication (EOC) and qualitative communication research more broadly. First, it demonstrates how EOC’s epistemological paradigm may prevent ethnographers from understanding their subjects fully. Secondly, the article offers a Weberian approach to rational interpretation as a resolution, replacing the concept of “culture” as an a priori explanandum with “practical rationality”. This move demonstrates the feasibility of a unified method in the social sciences capable of dismantling the artificial divide between interpretive and post-positivist philosophies and research designs. Finally, the article provides an illustration of the proposed approach based on some ethnographic data from a volunteer setting of open-source civic software production in Israel.
... The S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G. model originally created for oral communication by Hymes (1974) is worth mentioning here for summarizing the various factors involved in the communication process, even if not restricted to the oral dimension. The acronym stays for Setting and Scene, Participants, Ends, Act sequence, Key, Instrumentalities, Norms, Genre. ...
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The Gulf distinguishes both as a regional system in international relations and a global contact zone for the occurrence of many social issues. Migration, transformation, and urbanization emerge as the key factors for changes in the Gulf area. The concept of chronotope helps us to analyze the Gulf context and the richness of its repertoires, intended as language, cultures, activities, and identities. In fact, the multiplicity of contexts of interactions together with the actors involved gave rise to a number of landscapes inside the city, so contributing to superdiversity. This chapter attempts to analyze the phenomenon, and the reasons that led to such a reality.
... The S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G. model originally created for oral communication by Hymes (1974) is worth mentioning here for summarizing the various factors involved in the communication process, even if not restricted to the oral dimension. The acronym stays for Setting and Scene, Participants, Ends, Act sequence, Key, Instrumentalities, Norms, Genre. ...
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This chapter provides a critical overview on the patterns of health and socioeconomic policy responses in the Arab Mashreq and the GCC countries, from a social justice perspective. The social stratification and inheriting inequality in the Arab Mashreq affected the policy response, by favoring the economic support to big businesses, and depriving the poor from accessing quality health care, which shaped a class-based recovery. However, this disparity in the GCC policy responses in the health sector did not exist, since high-quality health care was provided to all. Moreover, the economic support was comprehensive and did not exclude small and medium-sized enterprises. However, the labor policy response undermined the social justice in the GCC pandemic response. Austerity measures were significantly directed toward the expatriate workers by reducing their numbers or cutting salaries and benefits. The chapter provides contextual analysis to draw a full picture of the structural factors that represent pressing determinants shaping different typologies of policy response in both regions.
... The S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G. model originally created for oral communication by Hymes (1974) is worth mentioning here for summarizing the various factors involved in the communication process, even if not restricted to the oral dimension. The acronym stays for Setting and Scene, Participants, Ends, Act sequence, Key, Instrumentalities, Norms, Genre. ...
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This chapter investigates the economic changes of the GCC countries within the framework of the nature of economic diversification by analyzing innova- tion performance indices, economic freedom indices, and doing business indicators. This paper shows that the GCC states’ economic strategies are still limited in their ability to affect economic performance so that their economies are still heavily depen- dent on natural resources. Thus, this study stresses the need for GCC countries to develop technology- and innovation-based private sectors aside from hydrocarbons in accordance with the endogenous growth theory. This research recommends that each GCC state should support investments in the private sector, which can contribute to the development of innovation and technology.
... Tanto los textos extraídos de diferentes medios de comunicación (artículos y notas de prensa), como los vídeos analizados cuentan con una estructura de habla dirigida a lectores y telespectadores a partir de un texto construido y delimitado previamente. En el caso de los tuits, si bien se corresponden con un género híbrido entre la sentencia o monólogo breve y el diálogo virtual, se entienden como una unidad discursiva propia de la interacción coloquial prototípica(Hymes, 1974; Pano y Mancera, 2014), y confguran un tipo de lenguaje mucho más vivo y espontáneo. Para la presentación de los resultados se han mantenido los textos literales publicados, incluyendo los errores gramaticales y/o tipográfcos típicos derivados de la interacción en las redes sociales.El método elegido para el análisis e interpretación de los resultados es el análisis crítico del discurso. ...
El debate sobre la escolarización de la infancia con discapacidad resurge en España con una intensidad inédita a finales de 2018. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el marco interpretativo del discurso del movimiento “Plataforma Educación Inclusiva Sí, Especial TAMBIÉN”, que se pone en contraste con los planteamientos pro-inclusión recogidos en la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad, aprobada por la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas en 2006 y ratificada por España en 2008. Para ello, se analizan los argumentos e ideas de quienes se alinean con esta plataforma expresados en artículos publicados en medios, notas de prensa, vídeos y mensajes difundidos en Twitter entre diciembre de 2018 y abril de 2019. El método de análisis e interpretación de los resultados es el Análisis Crítico del Discurso. Los resultados muestran un discurso basado en la malinterpretación de las propuestas legislativas recientes, en una caricaturización de la idea de inclusión educativa impulsada por Naciones Unidas y en la asociación entre escuela ordinaria y competitividad, hostilidad hacia la diversidad funcional y malestar infantil. Se observa un espacio discursivo común entre este discurso y el de quienes defienden la inclusión educativa, basado en la crítica a la falta de inclusión actual en los centros ordinarios españoles.
... Yet, with the pioneering works of Jakobson (1957) there was a theoretical shift in orientation towards an ethnography of communication, examining language use in relation to settings, topics and other issues relating to the sociocultural worlds of the speakers. This spurred a developing interest in language ideologies with authors such as Hymes (1974) arguing for the inclusion of the local theories of speech within speech communities (Kroskrity, 2004). In identifying and analyzing language ideologies, Kroskrity (2004) suggests five, though to some extent overlapping, layers, namely, group or individual interests, multiplicity of ideologies, awareness of speakers, mediating functions of ideologies and the role of language ideology in identity construction (2004, p. 501). ...
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This thesis explores the out-of-school language use and disposition of young adolescents in contemporary multilingual urban settings, located in the three largest cities in Sweden. More specifically, the thesis explores the interplay of out-of-school language use, language ideologies, investment in languages and identities. Dimensions of multilingualism have attracted wide scholarly interest, yet the knowledge about the out-of-school language use and encounters among this group of adolescents in connection to language ideologies and identities, is limited. Employing an explanatory sequential mixed methods design, three different instruments have been used (questionnaire, language diaries and interviews). The study was conducted between 2019–2021 with young adolescents (N=92) aged 11–14 at schools located in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. Adopting a Bourdieusian approach, the notion of habitus, and the related pillars of capital and field, have guided the integrated analysis of the findings of the young adolescents’ practices and dispositions. Findings reveal patterns of young adolescents’ everyday use and encounters with Heritage Languages, Swedish, English and additional languages in different activities and interactions. The findings also demonstrate how participants’ out-of-school language use is intertwined in various multifaceted ways with their language ideologies, investment in languages, identity constructions and linguistic sense of placement. The overall findings show how everyday language use and ideologies of languages play a vital role in shaping the young adolescents’ investment in languages, linguistic sense of placement and construction of identities. The study signifies the importance of bridging the gap between home and school and the urgent need for education to take seriously how hierarchical relations of languages and dominant ideologies impact young individuals’ perceptions of themselves, their imagined futures and sense of place in the social world.
... This is a logical outcome because the four domains of CC are interrelated [8] and the first three competencies develop simultaneously, while strategic competence emerges later [15]. Further, the small number of codes in strategic competence might be explained by the fact that adaptive skills are learned and used later than other competencies to minimize and compensate for restrictions in linguistic, operational, and/or social competence [14,64]. Different CPs (e.g., immediate and extended family members) use diverse adaptive skills to communicate with CAD who use AAC to co-construct their CC [11,16,23]. ...
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Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices enable children and adolescents (CAD) with communication disorders to communicate competently and develop friendships through communicative competence (CC). Existing assessment tools are unable to indicate whether CAD aged 0 to 18 years would competently use the subsidized AAC devices provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan. This study, thus, aimed to develop an assessment tool by using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to measure CC in dyadic communication among CAD using AAC devices. Five speech-language pathologists (SLPs), five special education teachers, and four AAC experts (14 in total) selected codes relevant to the four domains of CC via the Delphi method. Next, they categorized the selected codes into one of the four domains of CC through a face-to-face expert panel. A total of 112 codes were listed in the tool and fully classified into the four domains of CC. Among these, seven codes were concurrently placed under two domains of CC. Consequently, this study developed an assessment tool by employing the ICF for children and youth core set using universal qualifiers to measure the relative levels of CC in dyadic communication among CAD who use AAC devices in their daily life.
... The sociological approach appears in the analysis of the social domain of language use. However, this study still refers to the ethnographic model of communication (Fajaruddin, 2011;Hymes, 2003) which addresses the phenomenon of using mixed languages as a communication event and becomes an evidence of the social and cultural identity of the speech participants. ...
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Background: The symptom of using two languages in the local dialect of the Arabic speaking community in Southeast Sulawesi can be seen as an interesting phenomenon. This study aims to identify and reveal: (1) The Arabic language of local dialect “Pudahoa” at Pondok Putra 7 and “Lamomea” at Gontor Putri 4 in Southeast Sulawesi; (2) Coding variations in the communication of Arabic language in the local dialects of Lamomea and Pudahoa; and (3) the use of local Arabic dialects of Lamomea and Pudahoa. Methodology: This research was conducted in the speaking community of Southeast Sulawesi who uses the local Arabic dialect located in Konawe Selatan at two focuses: (1) Arabic Lamomea; and (2) Arabic Pudahoa speaking community. The method used in this research is descriptive method qualitative. The descriptive method is an attempted research method to describe and interpret objects according to the circumstances. Findings: This study found: first, the Arabic variation used in social interactions in Gontor Putri 4 is Arabic in the Lamomea dialect. Meanwhile, the Arabic variation used in social interactions in Gontor Putri 7 is Arabic in the Pudahoa dialect. The variations of code-switching that occur in the speech communities of Gontor Putri 4 and Gontor Putra 7 with the linguistic repertoire that exists in the community include first, code-switching in the form of language translation and second, code-switching in the form of speech level code-switching. Furthermore, the codes found in Arabic spoken by the Gontor Putri 4 and Putra 7 speaking community are in the form of phrases. Mix this code in the form of an Indonesian phrase into a sentence or speech. Lamomea and Pudahoa dialect Arabic as a subordinate standard language have several functions. Third, the use of Arabic in the local dialects of Lamomea and Pudahoa consists of the formal domain, kinship domain, religious domain, transactional use, social environment, informal environment, and non-formal domain. Conclusion: There are variations of code-switching, and code-mixing in the Arabic speech communities of Lamomea and Pudahoa, Tthe Lamomea and Pudahoa dialects have local and regional characteristics and functions as a means of internal communication, a symbol of community identity and as a means of communication in formal, informal and non-formal situations. The author hopes that there will be further research that focuses on how patterns of influence between Arabic and local culture. Keywords: Arabic language form; coding variations; the dialect use.
In the previous chapters we have looked at how the social context is expressed linguistically, through the way that our beliefs affect our linguistic behaviour, how we choose which language to use, and how we express our relationships with other people. In this chapter we turn the question around: How are our cultural views expressed in language, and can language affect our cultural views?
Language by its nature is social—a language that isn’t used by anyone anymore is considered to be dead. It’s strange then that the study of language in its social context is relatively recent and is often treated as a peripheral subject (if it’s taught at all) in linguistics programmes and departments. While the roots of studying language in its social context go back to the beginnings of linguistics, since the middle of the twentieth century the dominant paradigms that developed in linguistics have treated language as a system to be studied on its own, without consideration for the contexts in which it’s used.
This study investigates the proficiency of the AI-powered language model ChatGPT in analyzing both context and speech acts. Implementing Dell Hymes' contextual framework for context analysis and John Searle's approach for speech act analysis, the research aims to uncover ChatGPT's potentials and limitations in these domains. ChatGPT excels in specific contextual elements such as Ends, Act Sequence, Norms, and Genres but faces challenges in analyzing the other elements. Other limitations include a tendency to provide lengthy responses, repetition of details, and inconsistency in analyses across different chats. In speech act analysis, ChatGPT shows improvement compared to contextual analysis, with focused assessments resulting in higher accuracy. Similar to context analysis, inconsistencies and recurring errors are evident in speech act identification. The study concludes that ChatGPT's performance, while not flawless, demonstrates a significant degree of accuracy.
Distance interpreting (DI) refers to interpreting services provided by interpreters at a remote location, facilitated through information and communication technologies. DI has been widely employed in a multitude of contexts, ranging from multilingual diplomacy conferences and public service sectors to global business negotiations and live-broadcasting programs, among others. Although empirical studies have provided extensive insights into DI, the findings show a certain degree of dispersion and complexity, indicating a need for further investigation. This study set out to conduct a systematic review of the empirical DI research with the aim of providing an evidence-backed synthesis of the current DI research and predicting potential future research directions. Applying the PRISMA guidelines, we identified 39 journal articles on DI through an electronic search and a snowballing procedure. We then coded and synthesized these articles based on a framework comprising three main elements: demographics, methodology, and research themes. Four prominent research themes were identified: (1) interpreters' adaptation, (2) technical considerations in DI, (3) client satisfaction, and (4) DI quality assessment. Based on these, we discuss four possible directions for future DI research: replication studies of onsite interpreting research, research in diverse settings, incorporation of modern technology, and experiments on diverse language combinations.
After the coronavirus pandemic, many teachers and students received training in the use of digital tools. These tools are increasingly being utilized, and in conjunction with other methods, they facilitate learning. Through various didactic scenarios, students will acquire the knowledge necessary for political studies, mass communication, media and political discourse, as well as persuasion techniques and strategies. Additionally, this teaching approach will not only foster critical thinking but also develop digital literacy skills.
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of text-based communication, the importance of the initial interaction phase remains paramount. This study investigates the potential benefits that a proposed AI chat assistant equipped with text recommendation and polishing functionalities can bring during initial textual interactions. The system allows the users to personalise the language style, choosing between humorous and respectful. They can also choose between three different levels of AI extraversion to suit their preferences. Results of user evaluations indicate the system received a "good" us-ability rating, affirming its effectiveness. Users reported heightened comfort levels and increased willingness to continue interactions when using the AI chat assistant. The analysis of the results offers insights into harnessing AI to amplify user engagement, especially in the critical initial stage of textual interaction.
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Chinese address terms exhibits a high degree of variability. Guided by the extended context of situation framework within the field of systemic functional linguistics, and taking the dialogues of the modern Chinese TV drama In the Name of People as examples, this study investigated how the bystander influences the choice of address terms. It is found that the appearance of the bystander influences the choice of address terms. Yet, it is not a direct process but is mediated by conversational atmosphere. Specifically, the presence of a bystander triggers “situational synergy” or changes interpersonal relationship, and then change the conversational atmosphere, both paths ultimately impact the choice of address terms. The underlying forces that lead to the variability of Chinese address terms are guān běn wèi and miàn zǐ. This study suggests the intricate impact of context on language choice, as well as the interdependency of context variables. In addition, by taking the concept of face beyond its European/North American milieu, and relocating it following the Chinese point of view, group orientation is valued, which contributes to face study.
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Increasingly, roboticists have to pay attention to cultural norms and expectations. But roboticists have generally worked with a relatively narrow understanding of culture, based on nationality. This contrasts with the rich and diverse understandings of culture from disciplines as diverse as sociology, philosophy, and anthropology. Here we draw on the philosophy of science literature on scientific terminology to argue that culture is a conceptually fragmented concept: the concept has no unified definition, and alternative definitions of culture are useful for different areas within robotics. We argue that this has important implications for robotics. We consider two possible reactions to this situation. One claims that, despite the lack of a unified definition, the concept of culture still fulfils useful roles within robotics, and ought to be preserved. The other argues that the problems with the concept are so great that the concept ought to be eliminated from discussions in robotics. We argue in favour of the former option.
The central argument in this chapter is that mediation is not simply a fourth mode of communication sitting alongside the other three modes of communication in the CEFR-CV, but should continue to evolve to become a core principle of the framework and a powerful engine for reconceptualizing language education. The central goal of this chapter is to support wide-scale implementation of mediation by putting forward possible paths for helping practitioners overcome some prevalent misunderstandings regarding mediation. To provide language educators with a deeper understanding of the entangled relationship between language and context, the authors borrow the concept of context from linguistic anthropology, as well as concepts such as positioning, roles and relationships. The overlapping, yet widely differing mediation activities described in the CEFR-CV are distilled down to just two groups - single context and double context - each with its own set of student-centered competences. Practitioner-friendly recommendations are provided for classroom use.
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Recent teaching methods have made communication competence (CC) a central component, and the enhancement of EFL students' communicative competence has been given a great deal of attention in recent years. Within this context, this study was designed to assess the CC of Iraqi students majoring in English Language and literature at the tertiary level. In order to achieve this objective, the researchers aimed to collect responses from 509 Iraqi EFL students who are affiliated to six universities in different geographical regions of Iraq. The questionnaire used for this purpose consisted of 36 items which addressed six themes, namely General Competence, Behavioral Flexibility, Empathy, Affiliation/Support, Social Relaxation, and Interaction Management. The study addressed five research questions. The quantitative analyses of the collected data showed that Iraqi EFL students have, generally speaking, a moderate level of CC, and that their CC was significantly affected by their age. However, the gender and affiliation of the participants did not have any statistically significant impact on their CC. In addition, the results showed that there is a positive correlation between the five facets of CC. Based on the study results, it can be concluded that the CC of Iraqi EFL students is not well-developed and need to be improved. Therefore, the study suggested some pedagogical implications to improve their communicative competence.
This chapter discusses the complexity of cultural identity and its various conceptions and reviews findings on research in English for Academic Purposes (EAP), highlighting that even though identity has significantly increased as a research topic, case studies and approaches to teaching intercultural awareness and intercultural communicative competence have significantly decreased. Within this context, the use of Hymes’ speaking model (1967) is suggested to be implemented as a class tool to raise students’ cultural awareness of cultural identity as a distinct and communal system of communicative practices. This framework could help students deconstruct the interaction of the elements of culture in speech extracts regarding the commemoration of 50 years of operation of the Salvago Commerce School in Alexandria, Egypt.
This chapter explores a mutual cross-fertilization between literary studies with a comparative orientation and recent research on intercultural communication. These perspectives can be integrated into a distinctive research field called intercultural literature, where the study object of intercultural studies is on literature. This has a range of implications for comparative studies. A distinct cultural position of literature has emerged in Germany, which can be of interest and possibly instructive for scholars in other countries or regions that are likewise not burdened with an imperial past and are facing new ethnic and cross-cultural openings as a potential factor in their social development. To bridge these possibilities across cultural groups, we suggest possible points of comparison and contrast with Chinese migrant writing. A literary aesthetic and sociocultural practices are mutually dependent, forming a fruitful and inherent sense of interculturality in this emerging field.KeywordsIntercultural literary studiesMigrant literatureMinority literatureMultilingualismIntercultural literature
Les énoncés dénommés « petites phrases » semblent occuper une place croissante dans les médias français. Notre thèse vise à explorer les différentes facettes de ce phénomène médiatique et discursif dans le domaine de la politique française. La dénomination « petite phrase » a été définie par Krieg-Planque comme étant un « syntagme dénominatif métalinguistique non-savant (et plus précisément : relevant du discours autre approprié), qui désigne un énoncé que certains acteurs sociaux rendent remarquable et qui est présenté comme destiné à la reprise et à la circulation » (2011 : 26). L’expression a été initialement forgée par les journalistes et les professionnels de la communication politique. Elle est devenue, avec les énoncés qu’elle dénomme, un objet d’étude pour les sciences du langage. Notre étude, sur corpus, s’inscrit dans l’analyse du discours, tout en intégrant dans sa démarche les champs de la linguistique de l’énonciation, de l’étude du genre de discours, de la syntaxe et de l’argumentation. Après avoir défini et caractérisé cet objet discursif, nous nous attachons à analyser son détachement de discours sources, sa circulation et ses reprises. Nous terminons notre étude par une approche argumentative visant à situer les petites phrases dans l’ensemble des stratégies discursives de la communication et du langage politique, et à étudier son rapport à la notion de « polémique ».
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Purpose The purpose of this article is to outline the challenges and opportunities faced by speech-language pathologists (SLPs) providing telepractice services as the profession approaches the 100th anniversary of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association in 2025. As this anniversary approaches, SLPs nationwide will reflect on the profession's past, present, and future. Undoubtedly, issues concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and the use of telepractice technology during this time will be analyzed. This article will outline several challenges for the profession and clinicians to consider for the longevity of telepractice service delivery, including (a) consensus on eHelper/facilitator terminology, (b) designating a telepractice service delivery model, (c) exploring telepractice occupational culture, and (d) pursuing future directions (e.g., ethnographic applications and cultural-linguistic diversity). Conclusions Although telepractice service delivery has existed for less than a century, there is evidence of rapid progress. Meeting the challenges ahead for SLPs using telepractice may have a lasting impact on clinical implications in the field of speech-language pathology in 2025 and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.
A nyelv rendkívül összetettsége többdimenziós nyelvkutatást is igényel. Ezekből az igényekből fejlődik ki az alkalmazott nyelvészet, amely nemcsak a rendszer szintjén, hanem a nyelvhasználat szintjén is figyelembe veszi a nyelvet. Ahogy az alkalmazott nyelvészetet is az jellemzi, hogy egyformán komolyan veszi az elméletet és a gyakorlatot, úgy ez a cikk is áttekintést ad az alkalmazott nyelvészet elméletének fejlődéséről, de a fajtakutatást a gyakorlatban és az idegennyelvoktatásban is alkalmazza. A cikk az új tudományágak (szociolingvisztika, pragmalingvisztika, diskurzuselemzés) hatására az idegennyelvoktatásra fókuszál. Különös hangsúlyt kap a varietényelvészet és az új média nyelve, valamint a változatok alkalmazása az idegennyelv-oktatásban. A szerzők rámutatnak arra, hogy a nyelvelemzés tárgya a nyelvgyakorlás bármilyen formája lehet, és az ilyen kutatások eredményeit mindenképpen figyelembe kell venni az idegennyelv-oktatásban.
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This descriptive research study aimed at discovering patterns in word lists that English language learners write in five minutes. Once a week at the start of class from September through December 2017 four Kazakhstani tweens (two boys and two older girls) wrote as many words as they could in five minutes. The words they wrote were analyzed for vocabulary level and for patterns in parts of speech and semantic domains. Patterns in both the aggregate and differences between the two pairs were present. Most words were one syllable long, twice as many as those with two syllables. The most common part of speech was noun (60%), followed by verb (18%). This ontrasts with patterns on two basic lists of English learners. The New General Service List (NGSL) drops from 50 to 25 percent for nouns to verbs and the Dolch list has more verbs than nouns (39% to 30%). The actual words the children wrote overlapped with both the NGSL and the Dolch list. But little more than two-thirds of the 315 Dolch words are included, and over a quarter of the Word Blitz words are not on the NGSL. These distributions seem to be due to the presence of simple, common words in the lists that are not common in English readers or general English, respectively. This is especially true of concrete nouns such as apple and balloon. In addition, words of personal interest, and words from the course contributed less common entries. Among the SIL International's semantic domains, topics popular among young people dominated. Food was the most popular category, especially for the girls. Other popular domains were social, animal, quality, and teach. A few gender differences in domain representation stood out. The boys had a far greater percentage of types falling in the part of speech category, whereas the girls had more than half again as many food terms. Relative frequency of types for social activity and animals were virtually the same for the two groups. Keywords: EFL, English as a Foreign Language, foreign-language learning, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstanis, language learning, rapid recall, Russian speakers, semantic domain, vocabulary, Word Blitz Russian abstract: Данное исследование описательного характера направлено на выявление закономерности списков слов, которые учащиеся английского языка пишут за пять минут. Один раз в неделю в начале занятий с сентября по декабрь 2017 года четверо казахстанских подростков (два мальчика и две девочки постарше) писали столько слов, сколько могли за пять минут. Слова, которые они писали, анализировались на уровень словарного запаса и на закономерность частей речи и семантических областей. Закономерности представлены как в совокупности, так и в различиях между двумя парами. Большинство слов состояло из одного слога, превышая количество двухсложных слов в два раза Наиболее распространенной частью речи были существительные (60%), за которыми следовали глаголы (18%). Это значительно отличается от образцов двух основных списков изучающих английский язык. Согласно новому списку общего обслуживания (NGSL) показатели существительных до глаголов снижаются с 50 до 25 процентов, а в списке Dolch показатель глаголов выше чем существительных (39% и 30% соответственно). Списки слов детей савпадают с теми, что указаны в NGSL и в списке Dolch. Из 315 слов списка Dolch две третьих встречались в списках, а более четверти слов с записей детей отсутствуют в NGSL. Эти соотношения, по-видимому, обусловлены наличием простых, общих слов в списках, которые не являются общими для английских читателей или общего английского языка, соответственно. Это особенно верно для конкретных существительных, таких как «яблоко» и «шар». Кроме того, слова личного интереса и слова из курса способствовали менее распространенным записям. Согласно Международному Летнему Институту Лингвистики (Sil International) среди семантических областей доминировали темы, популярные среди молодежи. Еда была самой популярной категорией, особенно среди девочек. Другими популярными областями были социальные, животные, качество и обучение. Были отмечены некоторые гендерные различия в представленности областей. У мальчиков был гораздо больший процент типов, подпадающих под категорию "часть речи", в то время как у девочек было в полтора раза больше терминов питания. Относительная частота типов социальной активности и животных была практически одинаковой для обеих групп. Online at
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The modern concept of style is a complex one and is difficult to map fully onto a corresponding notion in ancient Greek thinking and vocabulary. This paper sets out to examine both the common understandings of this term in contemporary scholarship and the ancient sensitivities to what we may call stylistic phenomena – the multi-levelled features that may be conceptualized as characterizing the ‘how’ as opposed to the ‘what’. The paper moves on to show in what ways style and ancient stylistics are related to the city , that is to say, to the use of language in the culturally-defined communicative contexts for which texts were produced and circulated in classical Athens. In the final section, this paper briefly reviews recent approaches and perspectives in the stylistics of Greek oratory and lays out the framework of this special issue.
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This article critically reads a social encounter in which a social worker and a middle-aged man with learning disabilities are implicated. To do so, I draw upon ideas and approaches associated with anthropology and the sociology of everyday life to expose invisible, or invisibilised, dimensions of social interaction which may, otherwise, be obscured, backgrounded, and perhaps even concealed by virtue of their ‘thereness’. Through the prisms afforded by these disciplinary lenses, a seemingly ordinary, and unspectacular, social encounter may be regarded in the context of everyday life alongside learning disability, as registering/generating multiple forms of language, and as being inescapably saturated in multifaceted forms of power. Because these disciplinary tools may help map not only the particular social encounter to which this article is concerned but also social interactions more generally, they constitute useful resources, to be cultivated, or crafted, for ethical social work practice.
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