Employing a Tian-Calvet-type calorimeter operating in the scanning mode at temperatures from 1120 to 1220 K, the enthalpy change, ΔdH, associated with the decomposition of GaBO3 (=1/2β-Ga2O3+1/2B2O3(liq.)) and the corresponding decomposition temperature, Td, were determined: ΔdH=30.34±0.6 kJ/mol, Td=1190±5 K. Using the transposed-temperature-drop method the thermal enthalpy, H(T)−H(295 K), of
... [Show full abstract] GaBO3 was measured as a function of temperature, T, in the region from 760 to 1610 K; the results obtained are[H(T)−H(295 K)]/(J/mol)=104.8·(T/K)−31 300(760 K