Titanium-stabilized as well as non-stabilized α-iron has been tested in fatigue. Using transmission electron microscopy the dislocation structures in the two materials have been studied and compared at various stages of the fatigue process, with special attention to the cause of the fatigue limit. It was found that the stabilized iron, which showed no strain aging characteristics since all carbon
... [Show full abstract] and nitrogen were tied up as titanium carbo-nitride, still exhibited a fatigue limit. This, together with earlier experimental observations, indicates that the fatigue limit in α-iron is not necessarily caused by the existence of Cottrell or Snoek atmospheres. For stress amplitudes below the fatigue limit, the stabilized iron contained helical dislocations and parallel rows of dislocation loops, which seem to develop into very long straight dislocation tangles. It is suggested that this configuration prevents most of the gliding dislocations from contributing to fatigue crack nucleation at these stresses.