
Modeling Leaf and Canopy Reflectance

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Leaf/canopy model simulations and measured data were used to derive information on the form and strength of the nitrogen (N) "signal" in near-infrared (1100-2500 nanometer (nm)) spectra of fresh leaves. Simulations across multiple species indicated that in total, protein absorption decreased near-infrared reflectance and transmittance by up to 1.8% and 3.7% respectively, and all other inputs held constant. Associated changes in spectral slope were generally in the range of plus or minus 0.02% per nanometer. Spectral effects were about an order of magnitude more subtle for a smaller, though potentially ecologically significant, change in N concentration of 0.5% over measured. Nitrogen influence on spectral slope was fairly consistent across four empirical data sets as judged by wavelength dependence of N correlation. The observed and simulated data showed similar trends in sensitivity to N variation. Further, these trends were in reasonable agreement with locations of absorption by protein-related organic molecules. improved understanding of the form and strength of the N signal under differing conditions may allow development of reasonably robust spectral measurement and analysis techniques for "direct" (based strictly upon N-related absorption features) N estimation in fresh leaves. A pragmatic approach for remote sensing might additionally consider surrogate measures such as chlorophyll concentration or canopy biophysical properties.

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