
Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis

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... A contabilidade de custos tem suas origens na Revolução Industrial, quando o aumento da complexidade dos processos produtivos exigiu maior controle dos custos (Horngren et al., 2012). Inicialmente, seu propósito era registrar e controlar os gastos relacionados à produção, porém, com o passar do tempo, passou a ser utilizada como um instrumento de gestão. ...
... A utilização de ambos os métodos de custeio pode gerar conflitos práticos e estratégicos. Enquanto o custeio por absorção é necessário para a elaboração das demonstrações financeiras e é reconhecido como o método oficial pela legislação societária, ele pode mascarar a verdadeira lucratividade dos produtos ao distribuir custos fixos proporcionalmente ao volume de produção (Horngren et al., 2012). Esse ponto é especialmente crítico em períodos de variação na produção, quando a diluição dos custos fixos pode levar a decisões estratégicas equivocadas. ...
... Kaplan e Norton (1996); Horngren et al. (2012) ...
As transformações tecnológicas e econômicas das últimas décadas têm impulsionado a necessidade de inovações nos modelos contábeis, exigindo maior precisão e eficiência na gestão de custos e na tomada de decisões estratégicas. Nesse contexto, os métodos de custeio por absorção e custeio variável ganham destaque por suas abordagens distintas na alocação de custos, influenciando diretamente a análise de rentabilidade, precificação de produtos e planejamento orçamentário. O objetivo deste estudo é realizar uma análise comparativa entre os dois métodos, destacando suas implicações contábeis, gerenciais e tributárias. Os resultados indicam que, enquanto o custeio por absorção oferece conformidade regulatória e uma visão abrangente dos custos totais, o custeio variável proporciona maior clareza gerencial ao focar na margem de contribuição e nas decisões de curto prazo. Contudo, o custeio variável apresenta limitações para fins de reporte financeiro formal, o que pode exigir um equilíbrio na aplicação dos métodos conforme o contexto organizacional. A análise conclui que a escolha do método mais adequado deve considerar as exigências regulatórias, os objetivos gerenciais e as necessidades tributárias, com possibilidade de adoção de um modelo híbrido para maximizar a eficiência contábil.
... Traditional management accounting is thought to be expanded upon by environmental management accounting. "Financial and non-financial information that helps managers make decisions to achieve organizational objectives" is the definition of management accounting, according to Horngren, Datar, and Foster (2003), pages 2-3. "EMA is simply an evolution of management accounting," notes Birkin (1996, p. 34). ...
... Costs refer to "resources sacrificed or given up to achieve a particular goal... [it] is usually measured as the amount of money paid to acquire a good or service" Despite the fact that these standards have a lot of similarities, there are still significant and contentious discrepancies. For a debate, see Foster (2003). Environmental costs are defined by KPMG (2002). ...
... Con esto queremos decir que en el análisis de las variaciones residuales de las ventas y de los costos que se discutirá más adelante, nos concentraremos solo en lo contable, y de forma especial en la contabilidad de gestión. En este punto seguiremos los trabajos de teóricos y pedagogos de la contabilidad de costos como Horngren et al (1994). ...
... Para estos autores, la contabilidad de gestión (Horngren et al., 1994) tiene diversas funciones; tres de las cuales son importantes, teniendo en cuenta el objeto de nuestra investigación, a saber: a) Línea de gerencia (line manager), que es responsable de atender de manera directa los objetivos de las organizaciones, por ejemplo, el control de los procesos productivos, la calidad de los productos, la optimización de costos, y el control y planeación de los recursos económicos. b) Gerente de personal (staff manager), que contribuye al área de línea de gerencia y se encarga de apoyarla frente a la eficiencia del personal. ...
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Management decisions are necessary to steer companies, especially during periods of financial crisis. A key tool for evaluating such decisions is sticky costs. The article discusses stickiness in companies listed on the Colombian stock exchange from 1995 to 2022. Three determinants that can affect cost stickiness are examined: fixed asset turnover, ROA (Return on Assets), and the average cash cycle. A quantitative methodology is employed through multiple regression and a panel data model. It was found that 61.5% of the analyzed companies exhibit cost stickiness, primarily due to fixed asset turnover. It is recommended to analyze smaller companies, acknowledging the need to strengthen databases in Colombia. A limitation is the inconsistent reporting of financial information by the companies. This research is pioneering and innovative in Colombia, emphasizing the importance of management. It is concluded that further research on sticky costs in Colombia, using other determinants, is necessary.
... The beginnings of controlling can be traced back to the 19th century, when primitive forms of accounting and control began to develop in industrial facilities. Taylor's "scientific management approach" and the emergence of the first budgetary control in the United States during the early 20th century represent key precursors to modern controlling (Horngren, Datar, & Foster, 2006). In Europe, especially in Germany, controlling experienced significant development throughout the 20th century. ...
... • Budgeting: Budgeting is a classic controlling tool used for planning and controlling the financial resources of an organization. This process involves setting financial goals, allocating funds, and monitoring actual results against planned budgets (Horngren, Datar, & Foster, 2006). • Balanced Scorecard (BSC): BSC is a strategic tool that combines financial and non-financial indicators to provide a holistic view of organizational performance. ...
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This paper explores the theoretical characteristics of controlling, focusing on its historical development, conceptual definition, types, instruments, and methods, as well as the implementation of controlling in enterprises. Through a literature analysis, the paper identifies key elements and steps in controlling implementation, highlighting the importance of management engagement, collaboration, and communication. Additionally, the paper examines the role of controlling in various business functions, emphasizing its vital role in monitoring, analyzing, and managing organizational performance.
... Goal-setting theory notes that clear goals as a determinant of human behaviour (Locke & Latham, 1991) can drive managers to be frugal in using limited organisational resources and hence to avoid the unnecessary costs of undertaking irrelevant activities (Hassan, 2013). It is predicted that diagnostic use of budgets increases goal clarity by communicating organisations' goals (Anderson & Lillis, 2011;Hansen & Van der Stede, 2004;Horngren et al., 2003), thereby stimulating managers' frugal spending behaviour and increasing their creativity (see Dost et al., 2019;Niroumand et al., 2020;Vizcaíno et al., 2021). ...
... Studies note that the use of budgets increases employees' work-related knowledge, including their understanding of expected outcomes (Sawyer, 1992) and performance criteria, thus leading to enhanced goal clarity (Poon et al., 2001). Studies also note that the diagnostic use of budgets is traditionally used to communicate organisations' operational and strategic goals and to improve managers' goal clarity (Anderson & Lillis, 2011;Hansen & Van der Stede, 2004;Horngren et al., 2003). For instance, when the management of operating costs is a strategic priority, the diagnostic use of budgets helps organisations to effectively communicate their cost targets to managers, thereby increasing the clarity of cost goals (Abernethy & Brownell, 1999). ...
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Organizations increasingly promote individual creativity as a strategy to manage their performance and financial strain. Drawing on self-regulation and goal-setting theories, this study examines whether the diagnostic use of budgets stifles or stimulates managers’ creativity directly or indirectly through frugal spending behaviour and perceived goal clarity. Budgetary controls and frugal spending behaviour—with the focus on conserving resources and constraining spending—have traditionally been suggested as hindering individual creativity. However, by analysing survey data collected from middle-level managers in Indonesia, our findings show that the diagnostic use of budgets increases managers’ frugal spending behaviour which, in turn, enhances their creativity. Furthermore, the diagnostic use of budgets increases managers’ perceived goal clarity, with goal clarity and frugal spending behaviour fully mediating the relationship between the diagnostic use of budgets and creativity. The study contributes to the budgeting literature by showing that diagnostic use of budgets encourages managers’ frugal spending behaviour to effectively manage organisational costs and stimulate their creativity.
... In addition to this, the JIT production system has resulted in the changing of many cost elements into direct cost elements. Horngren et al. [35], for example, indicated that, reverse-flow costing system (Back-flush) focuses initially on the project outputs and then follows the backwards method in determining the cost of the goods ready for sale, assuming the absence of commodity stock or raw material stock, which contradicts the traditional method of cost accounting [36]. ...
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According to the new advances in the form of new firms, including JIT and Agile, further advances in technologies, computer programs, and the systems of official accounting all become necessary to be modified. Also, the considerations of kaizen costing systems, in addition to the new movements towards the concern of the customer, should come first as a result of the new movements towards the customer profit analysis. In a JIT supply chain, suppliers are responsible for informing their customers of their products. Within the context of the current research, it was suggested to use the systems of Back-flush costing as well as throughput accounting systems to simplify the application of just-in time systems and agile systems to satisfy the requirements of achieving the policy of continuous improvement. Furthermore, the continuous debate between the different parties of the game supposed here will be realized and considered. The integration of competitors into various aspects of the supply chain has been made possible by the emergence of intelligent supply chains. Additionally, the rapid advancements in the industrial and technological landscape have placed a significant burden on the movement of goods and information, requiring efficient and cost-effective solutions to meet time-sensitive requirements and customer demands. It 127 is even more promising to consider the potential for surpassing competitors in terms of achievements and capabilities. The continuous advancements in artificial intelligence have further emphasized the need for progress in both production quality and cost optimization. The rapid progress in both the just-in-time/agile and resilient systems has led to additional requirements for the implemented accounting system and the selected level of automated accounting system. Extensive analysis of various arguments within the scope of the present study has been conducted, promoting the adoption of a more reality-sensitive model for the application.
... In addition to this, the JIT production system has resulted in the changing of many cost elements into direct cost elements. Horngren et al. [35], for example, indicated that, reverse-flow costing system (Back-flush) focuses initially on the project outputs and then follows the backwards method in determining the cost of the goods ready for sale, assuming the absence of commodity stock or raw material stock, which contradicts the traditional method of cost accounting [36]. ...
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According to the new advances in the form of new firms, including JIT and Agile, further advances in technologies, computer programs, and the systems of official accounting all become necessary to be modified. Also, the considerations of kaizen costing systems, in addition to the new movements towards the concern of the customer, should come first as a result of the new movements towards the customer profit analysis. In a JIT supply chain, suppliers are responsible for informing their customers of their products. Within the context of the current research, it was suggested to use the systems of Back-flush costing as well as throughput accounting systems to simplify the application of just-in time systems and agile systems to satisfy the requirements of achieving the policy of continuous improvement. Furthermore, the continuous debate between the different parties of the game supposed here will be realized and considered. The integration of competitors into various aspects of the supply chain has been made possible by the emergence of intelligent supply chains. Additionally, the rapid advancements in the industrial and technological landscape have placed a significant burden on the movement of goods and information, requiring efficient and cost-effective solutions to meet time-sensitive requirements and customer demands. It 127 is even more promising to consider the potential for surpassing competitors in terms of achievements and capabilities. The continuous advancements in artificial intelligence have further emphasized the need for progress in both production quality and cost optimization. The rapid progress in both the just-in-time/agile and resilient systems has led to additional requirements for the implemented accounting system and the selected level of automated accounting system. Extensive analysis of various arguments within the scope of the present study has been conducted, promoting the adoption of a more reality-sensitive model for the application.
... Akuntansi biaya diharapkan dapat mengukur pengorbanan nilai masukan guna menghasilkan informasi bagi manajemen yang salah satu manfaatnya adalah untuk mengukur apakah kegiatan usahanya menghasilkan laba atau tidak (Mulyadi, 2015). Horngren et al (2006) mendefinisikan biaya sebagai sebuah sumber daya yang dikorbankan untuk mencapai sebuah objek yang spesifik. Hansen dan Mowen (2006) juga mendefinisikan biaya sebagai kas atau nilai ekuivalen kas yang dikorbankan untuk mendapatkan barang dan jasa yang diharapkan memberikan manfaat untuk saat ini maupun masa mendatang bagi organisasi. ...
The owner of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Batagor ESQ is located in Bogor, in the implementation of financial records still needs help. One of the impacts of SMEs that have financial records is that they can know and control the expected level of business profits. In accordance with the name of the business, this SME carries out activities to produce and sell battery products. The purpose of this study is to analyze the production process and calculate the cost of production of Batagor ESQ SMEs. The research was carried out through interviews with the owners to get clear information. In addition, this research was also carried out by surveying the Batagor ESQ SMEs. The results of the research on the calculation of the Cost of Production (HPP) were obtained with a unit price of IDR 5.000. The results obtained from the application of the financial literacy concept turned out to be enough to increase their business, so that finances became more structured and clear. With a total revenue of IDR 70,000,000 and production costs of IDR 18,731,000 for a period of one month. The profit margin obtained by Batagor ESQ SMEs is 73.24%.
... In addition to this, the JIT production system has resulted in the changing of many cost elements into direct cost elements. Horngren et al. [35], for example, indicated that, reverse-flow costing system (Back-flush) focuses initially on the project outputs and then follows the backwards method in determining the cost of the goods ready for sale, assuming the absence of commodity stock or raw material stock, which contradicts the traditional method of cost accounting [36]. ...
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According to the new advances in the form of new firms, including JIT and Agile, further advances in technologies, computer programs, and the systems of official accounting all become necessary to be modified. Also, the considerations of kaizen costing systems, in addition to the new movements towards the concern of the customer, should come first as a result of the new movements towards the customer profit analysis. In a JIT supply chain, suppliers are responsible for informing their customers of their products. Within the context of the current research, it was suggested to use the systems of Back-flush costing as well as throughput accounting systems to simplify the application of just-in time systems and agile systems to satisfy the requirements of achieving the policy of continuous improvement. Furthermore, the continuous debate between the different parties of the game supposed here will be realized and considered. The integration of competitors into various aspects of the supply chain has been made possible by the emergence of intelligent supply chains. Additionally, the rapid advancements in the industrial and technological landscape have placed a significant burden on the movement of goods and information, requiring efficient and cost-effective solutions to meet time-sensitive requirements and customer demands. It 127 is even more promising to consider the potential for surpassing competitors in terms of achievements and capabilities. The continuous advancements in artificial intelligence have further emphasized the need for progress in both production quality and cost optimization. The rapid progress in both the just-in-time/agile and resilient systems has led to additional requirements for the implemented accounting system and the selected level of automated accounting system. Extensive analysis of various arguments within the scope of the present study has been conducted, promoting the adoption of a more reality-sensitive model for the application.
... Despite this, accounting offers a wealth of important and practical information and is the worldwide language of business. Financial statements, according to Horngren and Foster (1991), are insufficient for making decisions. According to Kaydos (1991), the problem goes beyond semantics and those managers cannot possibly get all the information they require from current accounting systems in order to act quickly and wisely. ...
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Economic and demographic developments in the past few decades have increased the pressure on efficiency in the healthcare industry. Modern management accounting and cost accounting techniques are a critical component in improving the efficiency and quality of care in urology. With the ever-increasing costs of healthcare, the need for a sophisticated accounting system that can provide accurate data on costs and revenues is more important than ever. The aim of this research was to investigate the role of modern techniques in management accounting and cost accounting as a means of enhancing cost efficiency and quality of care in urology. The research highlights the importance of training medical staff in these techniques, as this can improve overall performance and reduce costs without compromising the quality of care provided to patients. These techniques have been shown to help physicians and administrators make informed decisions, which helps improve the efficiency and quality of care. They also contribute to improving communication between medical teams, enabling better patient care. By focusing on improving resource and cost management, these techniques can play a pivotal role in achieving superior and effective health outcomes.
... Historically, accounting and marketing were distinct functional areas with independent objectives. Accounting primarily focused on financial reporting and cost management, while marketing emphasized revenue growth and customer acquisition (Horngren et al., 2006). An integrated perspective, recognizing the significance of several functions in achieving organizational performance, has supplanted this compartmentalized method (Innes & Mitchell, 2010). ...
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This study aims to analyze the role that accounting information plays in the decision-making process of contemporary marketing. This research seeks to establish a connection between marketing activities and accounting procedures by investigating the views and methods utilized by marketers who are employed by a wide range of firms. This investigation uses a qualitative case study methodology to analyze how marketers exploit accounting information. Specifically, the study focuses on. In addition, it brings to light the difficulties connected to the integration process and offers suggestions for improving collaboration. On the other hand, the findings highlight the necessity for increased data accessibility, analytical capabilities, and alignment across various domains. The findings also indicate that there is a rising realization of the value of accounting data. The current body of knowledge is expanded as a result of this study, which adds to the extension of the existing body of knowledge by presenting empirical evidence on the application of accounting data and providing practical ramifications for businesses and marketers.
... It assigns costs to cost objects based on the level of activity each object consumes. Horngren (2003) explains that the ABC method improves upon traditional pricing methods by focusing on the specific activities related to cost objects. This method aggregates the cost of each activity and allocates it to products or services based on the activities they consume. ...
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The ABC method improves upon the traditional costing (TDC) method, but its implementation presents significant challenges for manufacturing cost accountants in Vietnam, necessitating an investigation to identify practical solutions. To achieve this objective, the study was conducted with the participation of 106 participants, including accountants, chief accountants, and business managers from various enterprises in Binh Duong province, Vietnam. The findings show that the ABC method brings many limitations to its implementation. In particular, Vietnamese enterprises encounter several significant challenges in implementing the ABC method. A major obstacle is the lack of human resources with in-depth expertise. Additionally, many businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, face substantial initial investment costs for staff training, software acquisition, and information management system enhancements. In addition, collecting and managing detailed data on activities and costs is also challenging due to the absence of standardized information management processes. Moreover, fluctuations and market risks in the developing Vietnamese economy can affect cost forecasting and planning, further reducing the effectiveness of the ABC method. The method also requires continuous data updates and detailed activity analysis, which can be complicated and time-consuming, particularly for businesses with complex processes. Furthermore, some enterprises are resistant to change, favoring traditional cost management methods and failing to recognize the benefits of the ABC method, leading to suboptimal implementation. To overcome these challenges, businesses must prepare by training staff, investing in technology, and securing leadership support for effective ABC implementation. Keywords: Difficulty, Activity-Based Costing Method, Businesses, Vietnam
... organization [2]. ...
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Modern management accounting provides a powerful tool for the expansion of financial accounting function, but also provides an important support for the development of enterprise organizations and social and economic development. This paper expounds how modern management accounting can better empower enterprise organization and social and economic development from three dimensions of historical research, realistic dilemma and future prospect.
... The two most common transfer pricings are the market-based method and the cost-plus method (Horngren et al. 2002). According to the empirical data provided by (Tang 2002), the breakdown of transfer-pricing methods for international transfers is cost-based (43%, also referred to as cost-plus method), market-based (36%, also referred to as resale price method), and negotiation (14%) when reliable information about cost and profit margins cannot be obtained in certain international transfers. ...
The extant literature has mostly blamed the setup costs and added transportation costs for the failures of relocating procurement centers overseas, whereas internal decentralization has long been ignored. In practice, issues such as the arm's length principle and information asymmetry can prevent the headquarters from fully centralizing its divisions when offshoring its procurement center overseas. To examine the impact of internal decentralization, we investigate the decision of a firm's headquarters regarding whether to set up an overseas procurement center and whether to further decentralize the procurement center. This article investigates a stylized model and reveals that, even without the setup and transportation costs, it is not always beneficial for the firm to offshore procurement centers under the impact of transfer pricing unless the tax advantage is big enough. An offshoring procurement system with a decentralized procurement center can outperform one with a centralized procurement center when the tax rate disparity is large, because the headquarters' procurement cost information screening makes it benefit more from a decentralized procurement center when the tax rate gap is big. Besides the intuitive trade‐off between the tax‐saving effect and the double marginalization effect caused by the internal decentralization, some indirect effects—cost‐saving effect of the procurement effort and the tax‐paying asymmetry effect (i.e., the procurement center still pays a positive tax even if the headquarters is not profitable)—are found to have a significant impact on the headquarters' choice. Screening the procurement cost information amplifies the advantage of the procurement independent accounting system when the tax rate disparity is big but decreases it otherwise.
... Hansen and Mowen, 1997). Secondly, EVA™ is a calculated value based on the revenue realization and expense recognition procedures used in financial accounting (Horngren et al., 1997). If managers are driven to change their decisionmaking processes, they can manipulate these data. ...
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Este artículo presenta un análisis exhaustivo de las medidas de desempeño basadas en el valor más utilizadas en el contexto de su asociación con los precios y rendimientos de las acciones, desafiando las métricas tradicionales basadas en la contabilidad. Se centra en el valor económico agregado (EVA™), el cuadro de mando integral (BSC), el rendimiento del capital ajustado al riesgo (RAROC), la Q de Tobin, el retorno de la inversión en flujo de efectivo (CFROI) y el valor agregado de mercado (MVA), examinando su efectividad en reflejando el verdadero beneficio económico y la creación de riqueza para los accionistas. EVA™ se destaca como una medida destacada, a menudo considerada superior para aproximar los retornos para los accionistas y guiar el éxito corporativo. Sin embargo, también enfrenta críticas por posible manipulación de datos y por no tener en cuenta las disparidades de tamaño. El BSC, si bien ofrece una evaluación multidimensional, es complejo y a veces ambiguo en sus relaciones de causa y efecto. RAROC, diseñado para el sector bancario, tiene limitaciones a la hora de evaluar oportunidades comerciales comparativas y enfatizar la gestión de riesgos individuales. La Q de Tobin, aunque conceptualmente atractiva, enfrenta desafíos prácticos debido a importantes errores de medición y problemas de disponibilidad de datos. CFROI, conocida por su evaluación económica detallada, tiene cálculos complejos y enfrenta el “problema de la tasa de rentabilidad”. MVA, de enfoque sencillo, puede resultar engañoso debido a su sensibilidad a los sentimientos del mercado. El artículo concluye que ninguna métrica puede capturar perfectamente el desempeño corporativo y el valor para los accionistas, enfatizando la necesidad de una elección de medida de desempeño específica del contexto que equilibre los beneficios y desventajas de cada uno.
... In addition to this, the JIT production system has resulted in the changing of many cost elements into direct cost elements. Horngren et al. [35], for example, indicated that, reverse-flow costing system (Back-flush) focuses initially on the project outputs and then follows the backwards method in determining the cost of the goods ready for sale, assuming the absence of commodity stock or raw material stock, which contradicts the traditional method of cost accounting [36]. ...
According to the new advances in the form of new firms, including JIT and Agile, further advances in technologies, computer programs, and the systems of official accounting all become necessary to be modified. Also, the considerations of kaizen costing systems, in addition to the new movements towards the concern of the customer, should come first as a result of the new movements towards the customer profit analysis. In a JIT supply chain, suppliers are responsible for informing their cus-tomers of their products. Within the context of the current research, it was suggested to use the sys-tems of Back-flush costing as well as throughput accounting systems to simplify the application of just-in time systems and agile systems to satisfy the requirements of achieving the policy of continu-ous improvement. Furthermore, the continuous debate between the different parties of the game supposed here will be realized and considered. The integration of competitors into various aspects of the supply chain has been made possible by the emergence of intelligent supply chains. Additionally, the rapid advancements in the industrial and technological landscape have placed a significant bur-den on the movement of goods and information, requiring efficient and cost-effective solutions to meet time-sensitive requirements and customer demands. It is even more promising to consider the potential for surpassing competitors in terms of achievements and capabilities. The continuous advancements in artificial intelligence have further emphasized the need for progress in both production quality and cost optimization. The rapid progress in both the just-in-time/agile and resilient systems has led to additional requirements for the implemented accounting system and the selected level of automated accounting system. Extensive analysis of various arguments within the scope of the present study has been conducted, promoting the adoption of a more reality-sensitive model for the application.
... The difference in the results may be concerned with the controllability principle. Accordingly, managers' performances should be measured using indicators they can control (Horngren, Foster, & Datar, 1994). Based on this, volatilities in the general business environments, such as labour and financial market, politics, and society, are beyond the CEO's controllability. ...
This study examines various determinants of incentive intensity and the moderating effect of risk aversion on the relationship between incentive intensity and organisational performance. Prior studies have reported mixed results concerning the determinants of incentive intensity, and few studies have examined the moderation effect. We analysed empirical data from a cross-sectional survey of 600 Japanese organisations that manage foreign subsidiaries. The principal and agency structure can be seen in both participants (HQ and a foreign subsidiary) with the agency problem. The first determinant is environmental uncertainty, which is investigated in two types of uncertainties: market and general business environmental uncertainties. The findings suggest that general business environmental uncertainty is negatively associated with incentive intensity, but the negative effect of market environmental uncertainty on it depends on the prospect of incremental profits. The rest of the determinants are derived from the incentive intensity principle, including some features of management accounting systems. In this study, the effects of the determinants are supported as expected in principle. In particular, the incentive intensity is influenced by the prospect of incremental profits, an agent’s risk preference, and their responsiveness to incentives. As for the moderation effect, the positive effect of the incentive intensity on the performance is decreased by an agent’s risk aversion. Our empirical results explain mixed evidence in previous studies and are consistent with the agency theory.
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This research seeks to examine the influence of the integration of management accounting control systems and risk governance (MACS-RG) on organizational resilience (OR) in public sector organizations (PSO). This investigation endeavors to offer critical insights in the enhancement of OR in the PSO by investigating the components of MACS-RG. The authors employ a two-phase methodology, incorporating both qualitative (Study 1) and quantitative (Study 2) approaches. The authors utilize qualitative research to reveal significant insights and develop a framework, which is later evaluated in the quantitative phase. The research results shed light on the significantly positive relationships among various components of MACS-RG, including continuous planning, internal control, increasing network with external stakeholders, performance measurement, risk management, with OR enhancement. The study holds important implications for managers, researchers, and individuals engaged in the making, implementing, or evaluating of decisions pertaining to the enhancement of OR via MACS-RG. The paper will delineate the strategic interventions necessary for the effective MACS-RG within the PSO context.
The article specifies the peculiarities of the organization of accounting of current liabelities at branches that are part of Joint stock company "Ukrainian railway". The definition of the group "current liabelities” is given. The main regulations governing the accounting of current liabelities are researched. The article explains that current liabelities will be repaid during the operating cycle of the enterprise or that must be repaid within 12 months starting from the balance sheet date. In addition, it is examined what forms of evaluation are used to classify current liabelities.
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In recent years, demand for these products has increased along with awareness of the beauty and durability of bengkirai wood. Although SMEs contribute significantly to the Indonesian economy, they face challenges, including access to financing and production efficiency. This study aims to understand how Rumah Parquet accounts for costs related to maintaining environmental quality in its production process. The methodology used included interviews and regression data analysis to calculate Cost of Goods Manufactured (COGS), Operating Expenses (BOP), and profit and loss statements. The results show that Rumah Parquet has not fully integrated environmental quality costs in the COGS calculation, which has an impact on profitability and business sustainability. The findings provide insights for industry players on the importance of better cost management to improve product competitiveness. This research also contributes to the literature by highlighting environmental aspects in cost calculation in the SME sector.
يهدف هذا البحث إلى اختبار مضامين استخدام نظام تخصيص التكاليف على أساس الأنشطة في قطاع المصارف العمانية. وقد اختير احد المصارف لهذا الغرض، لإجراء الدراسة الميدانية. ويفترض البحث وجود علاقة ايجابية بين استخدام النظام وربحية المصرف، ومن ثم كفاءتة في الأداء. وقد دلت نتائج البحث على أن تطبيق النظام في المصارف المذكورة يؤدي إلى تحقيق تخفيضات ملموسة في تكلفة كثير من الأنشطة. وقد تم تحديد تلك الأنشطة وسبل تخفيض التكلفة فيها. كما حدد البحث الأنشطة التي تسهم بفاعلية في ربحية المصرف، ومن ثم إمكانية توجيه نصيب أوفر من الاستثمار فيها بهدف تطويرها وتعزيز إسهامها في الربحية ورفع كفاءة المصرف. وقد أشار البحث إلى بعض الدراسات المقارنة في هذا المجال وخاصة تلك التي أجريت على القطاع المصرفي في الأردن، وأجرى مقارنة بين طبيعة المشكلات التي يواجهها تطبيق النظام في كلا البلدين، كما خلص إلى توصيات محددة بهدف الاستفادة من تطبيقات النظام ومزاياه.
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Transfer pricing practices are employed for tax avoidance by shifting profits through transactions with related parties. This study aims to provide recommendations for Indonesia's transfer pricing tax administration by examining the transfer pricing practices of Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, China, Japan, Singapore, and South Africa. This research adopts a qualitative approach using literature review and descriptive statistics from the countries included in the study sample. The findings of this study indicate ten considerations for reconstructing transfer pricing administration: tax authorities should have relevant and reliable comparable data, collaborate with other entities to acquire comparable databases, optimally utilize the Automatic Exchange of Information for Country by Country Reports, leverage technology, enhance the skills of the tax authority and taxpayer personnel, establish an Alternative Dispute Resolution, consider using profit split method, promptly resolve transfer pricing issues and disclose Advance Pricing Agreement data, implement safe harbor rules, and educate taxpayers on transfer pricing regulations. Keywords: tax administration, tax avoidance, transfer pricing. Abstrak Praktik transfer pricing dilakukan untuk penghindaran pajak dengan pergeseran laba melalui transanksi dengan pihak yang memiliki hubungan istimewa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi administrasi pajak atas transfer pricing di Indonesia dengan melihat praktik transfer pricing yang dilakukan Negara Australia, Inggris, Amerika, Cina, Jepang, Singapura, Afrika Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan studi literatur dan statistik deskriptif dari negara-negara yang dijadikan sampel penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan 10 pertimbangan dalam rekonstruksi administrasi transfer pricing yaitu otoritas pajak harus memiliki data pembanding yang relevan dan handal, menjalin kerjasama dengan entitas lain dalam perolehan database pembanding, memanfaatkan secara optimum Automatic Exchange of Information untuk Country by Country Report, memanfaatkan teknologi, meningkatkan keterampilan sumber daya manusia otoritas pajak dan wajib pajak, memiliki Alternative Dispute Resolution, mempertimbangkan penggunaan metode transfer pricing profit split, penyelesaian segera masalah transfer pricing dan mengungkapkan data Advance Pricing Agreement, menerapkan safe harbour dan mengedukasi pengetahuan wajib pajak atas aturan transfer pricing. Kata kunci: administrasi pajak, tax avoidance, transfer pricing
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U kontekstu potrebe za korporativnom društvenom odgovornosti, održivim poslovanjem, odnosno balansom između ostvarivanja različitih, nekada suprostavljenih ciljeva, za preduzeće je od značaja da uspostavi određeni sistem mjerenja performansi. Ovaj sistem će održavati poslovne, kao i druge uspjehe predueća. Balanced Scorecard kao savremeni pristup mjerenja poslovnih performansi omogućava praćenje finansijskih, ali i nefinansijskih ciljeva performansi. Na ovaj način se nastoje balansirati isti. U okviru rada će se predstaviti pojam poslovnih performansi i načini mjerenja istih. Upotrebom metoda kompilacije, analize i sinteze ostvaren je opšti cilj rada, a koji se odnosi na predstavljanje Balanced Scorecard za mjerenje poslovnih performansi preduzeća, sa naglaskom na društveno odgovorno poslovanje.
يعد قرار التسعير من اهم القرارات التي يتخذها الوحدة الاقتصادية والذي يكون بالغ الخطورة اذا ماتم تنفيذه دون انتهاج إستراتيجية تنافسية في ظل متغيرات الاعمال المعاصرة التي تتسم بالتعقيد والتنافس والتي يستوجب الاستجابة لها للبقاء والاستمرار ضمن المنافسة وفي اطار ذلك يستهدف البحث ايضاح اثر قرارات التسعير على تنفيذ الستراتيجيات الوظيفية بأعتماد مدخل التكلفة المستهدفة بالتسعير.
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Recently, several research practitioners were recommended that artificial intelligence (AI), knowledge management practices (KMP) and balanced scorecard (BSC) should be taken into consideration collectively to more accurately predicts the consequences that they can have in terms of organizational performance (OP). Consequently, this research aims to answer these calls by providing and empirically testing a conceptual model that simultaneously take into account AI, KMP and BSC with regard to their interactions with and effects on OP. The main aim of this research is to assess the association between AI and OP; and whether this association is mediated through the bank’s KMP and through BSC implementation. To achieve this aim, nine hypotheses have been formulated and tested through a web-based survey that was distributed to 594 employees working in commercial banks operated in MENA region. The data have been analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. The findings demonstrate the positive impact of the adoption of AI on KMP, BSC and OP along with the impact of KMP on BSC and OP. The findings also reveal that KMP act as a mediator through which AI influences BSC and OP. Further, the findings show that BSC has a significant positive effect on OP and act as a mediator through which AI influences OP. Hence, this research demonstrates that banks interested in using AI to improve performance must be very careful when taking KMP into account as a mediator mechanism.
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Purpose — The main objective of this research is to test which is to find out the effect of the book-tax difference, on the other hand, foreign ownership and transfer pricing that is adjusted for tax avoidance, which focuses on the level of profit management which is positioned as an aspect of the moderating variable. Design/methodology/approach — This study focuses on secondary data in the form of samples from several companies engaged in manufacturing, which were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2016 to 2019. The companies sampled in this study amounted to 31 companies for 4 years. which is used as a purposive sampling method. The form of data analysis used leads to the Partial Least Square (PLS) method, where it is necessary to use SmartPLS version 3. software. Findings — The study's results found that book-tax difference and transfer pricing influence avoiding taxes. However, the level of foreign ownership does not affect the level of tax avoidance. The research results regarding profit management variables could be moderated regarding the relationship between book-tax difference and transfer pricing on tax avoidance. Still, it cannot relate to the relationship between foreign ownership and tax avoidance practices. Paper type — Quantitative
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The COVID-19 pandemic has massively impacted the economy, especially the small businesses. Many small businesses are forced to close due to a lack of customers and other factors supporting small business closures. From the impact of this pandemic, several small businesses have started to close their businesses due to the "bankruptcy" problem. Therefore, the researcher aims to investigate the causes of bankruptcy during the pandemic and look for aspects of accounting that support bankruptcy in small businesses. The data was obtained through interviews with six informants with small businesses closed during the pandemic. The results explain that the cause of bankruptcy in small businesses is due to the lack of customers, high costs, and a non-current collection of receivables. The most dominant aspect in supporting bankruptcy is the revenue, expense, and accounts receivable sections from the accounting aspect. Abstrak Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak besar pada perekonomian, khususnya para pelaku usaha kecil. Banyak usaha kecil terpaksa tutup karena kurangnya pelanggan dan berbagai faktor lain yang mendukung penutupan usaha kecil. Dari dampak pandemi ini, ada beberapa usaha kecil yang mulai menutup usahanya karena masalah “kebangkrutan”. Oleh karena itu, peneliti bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab kebangkrutan pada masa pandemi dan mencari aspek akuntansi yang mendukung kebangkrutan pada usaha kecil. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan enam informan yang memiliki usaha kecil tutup selama masa pandemi. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa penyebab kebangkrutan pada usaha kecil adalah karena kurangnya pelanggan, biaya yang tinggi, dan penagihan piutang yang tidak lancar. Aspek yang paling dominan dalam mendukung kepailitan adalah bagian pendapatan, beban, dan piutang dari aspek akuntansi
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The research mainly aims to integrate activity-based costing and value engineering and consider their role in reducing costs for industrial facilities in the face of the modern business environment characterized by many developments and rapid changes. The research problem is that traditional cost accounting methods are insufficient to provide organizational units with useful information in many administrative decisions, especially those related to product quality, to calculate costs and meet requirements correctly and can be replaced by modern cost management methods. Moreover, to find compatibility between them in a competitive environment in the public and private sectors, The study is based on the following hypotheses: There is a significant relationship between the integration of value engineering technology and activity-based costing and cost reduction, and the integration of value engineering technology and activity-based costing has a significant effect on cost reduction.
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يهدف هذا البحث إلى اعتماد أسلوب المقارنة المرجعية على أساس الأنشطة المضبب بين وحدات الخدمات الصحية، فضلاً عن دراسة وتحليل الأنشطة بشكل يؤدي إلى زيادة دقة وموضوعية المقارنة لاعتمادها على بيانات كلفوية صحيحة ومتكاملة، بالإضافة إلى تشجيع الوحدات الصحية على تطبيق المقارنة المرجعية المضببة بينها بما يساهم في تحسين أداء تلك الوحدات. وذلك باستعمال منهج دراسة الحالة لمستشفى الحكيم العام ومستشفى المناذرة العام. وقد تم التوصل إلى مجموعة من الاستنتاجات أهمها:- ان استخدام تقنية المقارنة المرجعية على أساس الأنشطة المضببة يؤدي إلى تحسين وتطوير أنشطة وحدات الخدمات الصحية لكون المعلومات التي يعتمد عليها لأغراض المقارنة والتحليل تمثل معلومات كلفوية صحيحة ومتكاملة أي ان المقارنة المرجعية أداة من أدوات التحسين المستمر، فضلاً عن كونها أداة لتقويم أداء الوحدات الصحية .كما خرج البحث بجملة من التوصيات أهمها:- التشجيع على تطبيق أسلوب المقارنة المرجعية على أساس الأنشطة المضببة في الوحدات الصحية وضرورة الاستفادة من تجارب الدول المتقدمة كاليابان والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية واستراليا وعدم الأعتماد على المعلومات التي توفرها الأنظمة الكلفوية التقليدية في أجراء المقارنات لكونها أداة غير سليمة لتقويم الأداء، خصوصاً في الوحدات الاقتصادية التي تتميز بارتفاع نسبة التكاليف غير المباشرة فيها كوحدات الخدمات الصحية، وان تكون المقارنة مستمرة ومتواصلة لأداء الوحدات الاقتصادية وان تكون المقارنة مع أفضل تطبيق أو أفضل منافس.
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يهدف البحث الى دراسة التأثير بين محاسبة تكاليف الجودة (الوقاية, والتقييم, والفشل الداخلي , والفشل الخارجي),وتمثلت مشكلة البحث في عدّة تساؤلات, لعلَّ أبرزها (ما هي المضامين الجوهرية لمحاسبة تكاليف الجودة في تحسين الميزة التنافسية للمنظمات الصناعية وكيف تنظر تلك المنظمات للدور الاستراتيجي الذي يمكن أن تمارسه محاسبة تكاليف الجودة في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية بأبعادها المختلفة).استخدم الباحثان نموذجا لتجسيد مضامين محاسبة تكاليف الجودة في تدعيم الميزة التنافسية للمنظمات المبحوثة ، وذلك في إطار علاقات التأثير المحتملة بين أبعاد محاسبة تكاليف الجودة والميزة التنافسية . وتم اختبار نموذج وفرضيات البحث في سبع منظمات صناعية :هي (معمل سمنت الكوفة الجديد -معمل سمنت النجف الاشرف القديم-معمل الالبسة الرجالية في النجف الاشرف-معمل الصناعات المطاطية في النجف الاشرف-معمل الصناعات الجلدية في الكوفة-الشركة العامة لصناعات السيارات في الاسكندرية-الشركة العامة للصناعات المطاطية في الديوانية)، وشملت عينة البحث (176) مستجيبا انتخبوا بأسلوب العينة العمدية من مجتمع البحث لتشمل العاملين في مستويات الادارة العليا ورؤساء الاقسام والشعب الهندسية والمحاسبية والسيطرة النوعية . لقد خلص البحث الى العديد من الاستنتاجات في المجالين النظري والتطبيقي اهمها: أنّ محاسبة تكاليف الجودة يمكن أنّ تعتمد مؤشرا جوهريا للتحقق من قدرة المنظمات الصناعية قيد البحث في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية.و قدم البحث عدّة توصيات أهمها أنّ نجاح تنفيذ تقنيات محاسبة تكاليف الجودة في المنظمات الصناعية المبحوثة يتطلب إعادة هيكلة نظمها المحاسبية التقليدية لتحقيق حالة من التعاون والتعاضد بين الأقسام الهندسية والمحاسبية وأقسام السيطرة النوعية لتامين التدفق الفعال والمشاركة الحقيقية للمعرفة والمعلومات المرتبطة بتعقب تكاليف الجودة وأنشطتها ومراكزها ونتائجها المنظورة وغير المنظورة التي سيكون لها آثارمهمة في أداء المنظومة المحاسبية في تلك المنظمات الصناعية.
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2022 წლის ნოემბრის თვიდან საქართველოში საყოველთაო ჯანდაცვის სახელმწიფო პროგრამის ფარგლებში დაიწყო საავადმყოფოების დაფინანსების ახალი მეთოდის დანერგვა, რომელიც მსოფლიოში აღიარებულია, როგორც ყველაზე სამართლიანი სატარიფო სისტემა. ეს სისტემა დიაგნოზთან შეჭიდული ჯგუფების (Diagnosis-Related Groups – DRG) ანუ „დიარჯის“ სახელწოდებით არის ცნობილი. ახალი მეთოდი გულისხმობს საავადმყოფოს დაფინანსების რადიკალურ რეფორმირებას, სადაც საავადმყოფოების დაფინანსება ხორციელდება პაციენტების დიაგნოზებზე დაფუძნებული, წინასწარ განფასებული სამკურნალო სტანდარტების მიხედვით. დიაგნოზთან შეჭიდული ჯგუფებით დაფინანსებაზე გადასვლის შემდეგ შეიცვალა გადახდის პრინციპი. წინათ ყველა კლინიკას თავისი ტარიფი ჰქონდა და სახელმწიფო არ არეგულირებდა პაციენტის თანაგადახდის მოცულობას, შედეგად პაციენტს სხვადასხვა სამედიცინო ორგანიზაციასთან 30, 20, 10 პროცენტიანი ოფიციალური თანაგადახდის გარდა დამატებით უწევდა მნიშვნელოვანი თანხის გადახდა. აღნიშნული სერიოზულ ტვირთად აწვებოდა პაციენტს და ქმნიდა სისტემის გამჭვირვალობის პრობლემას. სახელმწიფოს უჭირდა პაციენტისთვის აეხსნა თანაგადახდის ზრდის მიზეზები. დიაგნოზთან შეჭიდული ჯგუფებით დაფინანსებაზე გადასვლის შემდეგ კლინიკას უფლებას არ აქვს ოფიციალური თანაგადახდის გარდა, პაციენტისგან მოითხოვოს დამატებითი გადახდა. თითოეულ დიაგნოზზე განსაზღვრულია ტარიფი და თანაგადახდის მოცულობა 0-დან 30%-მდე ფარგლებში, რაც სახელმწიფოს აქვს დაწესებული მოსახლეობის სხვადასხვა ჯგუფისთვის. ზემოაღნიშნულიდან გამომდინარე, მსგავსი დიაგნოზების ჯგუფებით დაფინანსების მეთოდის გამოყენება ხელს უწყობს ჯანდაცვის სერვისების პაციენტის ფინანსურ ხელმისაწვდომობას, გამჭვირვალობას, ხარისხის ამაღლებას, რაც დადებითად აისახება მოსახლეობის კმაყოფილებაზე.
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Multi-dimensional profit analysis (MPA) in management accounting allows banks to analyze their profit from different perspectives, the results of which provide useful information for banks to make decisions (KPMG, 2019). A comprehensive and multi-dimensional view of profits based on products, distribution channels, customers, geography, and bank staff through effective cost allocation models is increasingly important in the world. However, the intention to apply MPA applications depends on various factors, which have not been discussed well in the Vietnamese banking context. The aims of this study include finding out the factors that influence the intention to apply MPA in Vietnamese commercial banks and proposing recommendations to encourage Vietnamese commercial banks to implement. This study combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods, based on interviews of 300 managers of commercial banks to investigate the statistical significance of the determinants affecting intention to apply MPA. The results reveal some most influencing factors, ranging from the human factor to the perception of the leadership of the bank, as well as the guiding factor of the regulator. From the findings, several suggestions are proposed for the intention to apply MPA in the context of Vietnamese commercial banks.
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المستخلصان تحلیل ربحیة الزبون عن طریق قیاس تكالیف وٕای ا ردات الزبون یساهم بشكل فعال في التمییز بینالزبائن المربحین والزبائن غیر المربحین وبالتالي یساعد ادارة الوحدة الاقتصادیة في اتخاذ الق ا ر ا رت الاداریةالمتعلقة بشكل سلیم بشأن ارضاء الزبون وٕاشباع رغباته وحاجاته والعمل على تعزیز العلاقة بین الزبونوالوحدة الاقتصادیة وكسب المیزة التنافسیة وبما یمیزها عن الوحدات الاقتصادیة الاخرى، لذلك تكمن مشكلةالبحث بعدم توفر المعلومات التفصیلیة المتعلقة بتحدید تكالیف وٕای ا ردات الزبائن أي عدم معرفة ربحیة كلزبون وهذا یؤثر سلبیا على ربحیة الوحدة الاقتصادیة ككل . لذلك یهدف البحث الى استخدام تحلیل ربحیةالزبون لمعرفة امكانیة الوحدة الاقتصادیة على تعظیم ارباحها من خلال ادارة علاقتها بالزبون وتعزیز قدرتهاالتنافسیة من خلال ارضاء الزبائن وتحسین ولائهم.وقد توصل البحث الى مجموعة من الاستنتاجات اهمها وجود القصور الواضح والتخوف من قبلالوحدة الاقتصادیة في جمع المعلومات التفصیلیة المتعلقة بتكالیف وٕای ا ردات الزبون كونها تحتاج الى جهدووقت وكلفة اضافیة .ومجموعة من التوصیات أهمها تثقیف موظفي الوحدة الاقتصادیة ذات العلاقة للتعرف على اسلوبتحلیل ربحیة الزبون ومدخل ادارة علاقة الزبون وتوفیر المستلزمات والمقومات اللازمة لتطبیقه .
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المستخلص هدف البحث :- إلى بيان إمكانية تطبيق بطاقة الاداء المتوازن (BSC) وفق التكاليف على أساس الأنشطة (ABC) في تطوير أداء معمل سمنت الكوفة ولقد تضمن البحث في إطاره النظري لتعرف على مفهوم التكاليف على أساس الأنشطة وأهميته ومفهوم بطاقة الاداء المتوازن وأهميته , أما الجانب التطبيقي فقد تم تطبيق بطاقة الاداء المتوازن بالاعتماد على التكاليف على أساس الأنشطة لمعمل سمنت الكوفة , ووضع مقترح لمقاييس الاداء المتوازن للمعمل .أهمية البحث :- يستمد البحث أهميته من أهمية التحقق من مدى فاعلية الأداء وكفايته وكذلك من توضيح دور معلومات نظام التكاليف على أساس الأنشطة في تطبيق تقنية بطاقة الأداء المتوازن.وتتلخص أهمية البحث في ضرورة تطبيق الوحدات الاقتصادية التقنيات الحديثة التي تغطي عملياتها وأنشطتها كافة.مجالالتطبيق :-تم اختيار الشركة العامة للإسمنت الجنوبية / معمل إسمنت الكوفة لسنة 2015-2016لعدد من الأسباب:أ‌- يعد من الوحدات الاقتصادية ذات التأثير في الاقتصاد الوطني وكذلك في التطوير والتنمية الاقتصادية.ب‌- الوحدة الاقتصادية أعلاه ذات حاجة ماسة إلى طرائق حديثة ودقيقة في تطبيق نظام بطاقة الأداء المتوازن واحتساب التكاليف على أساس النشاط.ومن أهم الاستنتاجات التي توصلت إليها الدراسة:- أن استخدام المعلومات المالية والتشغيلية لمخرجات التكاليف على أساس الأنشطة والتي تكون مدخلات بطاقة الاداء المتوازن وتشير إلى وجود نظام متكامل بين (ABC) و (BSC) بحيث يوجه نظرة الإدارة العليا ويساعدها في حل المشاكل التي يمكن بيانها بشكل مفصل من خلال الإبعاد الأربعة لبطاقة الاداء المتوازن وتطوير الرؤية الاستراتيجية وتحسين من كفاءة وفعالية الأنشطة.وقد أوصت الدراسة إلى ضرورة تطوير أنضمه التكاليف والمحاسبة الإدارية في معمل سمنت الكوفة لتوفير البيانات اللازمة لدعم القدرة التنافسية , وضرورة إجراء المزيد من الدراسات حول تطبيق التقنيتين الحديثتين (ABC)و(BSC) وتأثير ذلك على أداء الأنشطة.AbstractThe objective of the research: - To clarify the possibility of applying the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) according to costs based on the activities (ABC) in the development of the performance of the Kufa Cement Lab. The research included in its theoretical framework to identify the concept of costs based on activities and its importance and the concept of balanced performance card and its importance, Application The Balanced Scorecard has been applied based on the costs based on the activities of the Kufa Cement Plant and the development of a proposal for the balanced performance measures of the plant.The importance of the research: - The research derives its importance from the importance of verifying the efficiency of the performance and its adequacy, as well as clarifying the role of cost-based information system based on activities in the application of Balanced Scorecard technology.The importance of research is the need to apply economic units to modern technologies covering all its operations and activities.Field of application :-The General Company for Southern Cement / Kufa Cement Factory was chosen for 2015-2016 for a number of reasons:A) It is one of the economic units with influence in the national economy as well as in economic development and development.B) The above economic unit is in urgent need of modern and accurate methods in the application of the balanced card system and the calculation of costs based on activity.The main conclusions of the study are: - The use of financial and operational information for activity-based cost outputs that are inputs to a balanced performance card and indicate an integrated system between ABC and BSC to guide senior management and help solve the problems that can be identified In detail through the four dimensions of the Balanced Scorecard, developing the strategic vision and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities.The study recommended the development of the administrative costs and accounting of the Kufa Cement Plant to provide the necessary data to support competitiveness and the need for further studies on the application of the two modern technologies (ABC) and BSC.
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المستخلص يهدف البحث إلى دراسة إحدى التقنيات الكلفوية والإدارية المعاصرة وهي تقنية تحليل القيمة من أجل بيان دورها في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية بأبعادها الأربعة والمتمثلة بتخفيض التكاليف وتحسين الجودة وتقليل وقت التصميم والتصنيع والتجميع والتسويق بالإضافة إلى توفير القدر الكافي من المرونة في الاستجابة للتغيرات التي قد تطرأ في حاجات ورغبات الزبائن المتجددة، وقد كان هذا البحث دراسة استطلاعية لأراء عينة من العاملين في شركة الصناعات الخفيفة من إداريين ومحاسبين ومهندسين وفنيين . ولغرض اختبار فرضيات البحث فقد تم تصميم استمارة استبيان تضمنت (20) سؤالاً موجهاً إلى عينة شملت (50) فرداً من منتسبي الشركة عينة البحث، وقد تم استعمال مجموعة من الأدوات الإحصائية وهي الوسط الحسابي والنسبة المئوية والانحراف المعياري بالإضافة استعمال الاختبار التائي إذ يتم قبول الدراسة إذا زاد الوسط الحسابي عن ثلاث دراجات من مقاس ليكرت ذي الخمس درجات ووزن نسبي أكثر من 60% وكذلك قيمة T المحسوبة أكبر من قيمتها الجدولية عند مستوى دلالة 0.05 .وبعد تحليل نتائج الاستبيان باستعمال الأدوات الإحصائية كانت أهم النتائج التي تم التوصل إليها ان تقنية تحليل القيمة يمكن أن تساعد الوحدات الاقتصادية في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية من خلال قدرتها على تخفيض التكاليف وتحسين الجودة وتقليل الوقت وتوفير القدر الكافي من المرونة في الاستجابة لحاجات الزبائن .الكلمات المفتاحية: تحليل القيمة، الميزة التنافسية، التكلفة الأقل، الجودة العالية، وقت الاستجابة للزبون، المرونة.Abstract The research aims to study one of cost and administrative contemporary technology, namely technology value analysis in order to release its role in achieving competitive advantage of four dimensions, namely to reduce costs and improve quality and reduce design, manufacturing, assembly and marketing as well as to provide sufficient flexibility to respond to the needs and desires of renewable customers. This research was an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of workers in Light Industry Company administrators, accountants, engineers and technicians. In order to test the research hypotheses have been questionnaire design included 20 questions directed at a sample of 50 members of the employees of the company research sample, it has been the use of a set of statistical tools which mean, percentage and standard deviation as well as the use (T test) as they are accepting study If the arithmetic mean exceeds three bikes from the size of a Likert five degrees relative weight of more than 60% as well as the calculated value of T greater than Tabulated value at 0.05 level. After analyzing the survey results using statistical tools were the most important results that have been reached that value analysis technique can help economic units to achieve competitive advantage through their ability to reduce costs and improve quality and reduce the time and provide sufficient flexibility to respond to the needs of customers.
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The balanced score card technique is among the modern strategic techniques in the field of cost and administration that aims to evaluate the strategic performance of economic units due to their reliance on financial and non-financial indicators. Therefore, this research aims to highlight the role of the balanced scorecard technique in evaluating strategic performance compared to the traditional systems that are used in this field, as the latter rely on financial indicators only. The research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that the balanced scorecard technique plays a major role in evaluating strategic performance, surpassing the performance evaluation process that is carried out under traditional systems related to this matter, whose scope of work is narrow because it relies only on financial indicators. Therefore, the most important recommendations of the research indicate the importance of the balanced score card technique in evaluating strategic performance in light of the developments taking place in business. The Iraqi economic units suffer from a lack of interest in applying modern techniques related to cost and administrative accounting, including the balanced score card.
Analisis rasio keuangan merupakan alat analisis yang dinyatakan dalam arti relative maupun absolute untuk menjelaskan hubungan tertentu antara elemen yang satu dengan elemen yang lain dalam suatu laporan keuangan. Laporan Realisasi Anggaran (LRA) merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dalam suatu perusahaan/ instansi, dimana fungsinya untuk mengetahui keadaan keuangan suatu perusahaan/ instansi. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk Analisis Current Rasio, Quick Rasio dan Debt To Asset Rasio Terhadap Realisasi Anggaran Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Badan Pusat Statistik Periode Tahun 2019-2022.Metode analisis data yang digunkan adalah menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif prosentasi. Deskriptif merupakan tulisan yang berisi paparan uraian tentang suatu obyek sebagaimana adanya pada waktu tertentu untuk mengetahuai pengaruh nilai current ratio, quick rasio dan debt to asset rasio terhadap realisasi anggaran.Pada tahun 2019 realisasi anggaran sebesar Rp.65,067,001,998 atau mencapai 83,89%. Pada tahun 2020 adalah sebesar Rp.46.882.832.031 atau mencapai 91,50 persen dari alokasi anggaran sebesar Rp51.239.574.000. Pada tahun 2021 adalah sebesar Rp64.997.311.545 atau mencapai 93,47 persen dari alokasi anggaran sebesar Rp.69.540.610.000. sebesar Rp67.237.850.008 atau mencapai 94,24 persen dari alokasi anggaran sebesar Rp68.945.586.000. Dilihat dari current ratio, jika variabel current ratio terjadi kenaikan sebesar satu satuan maka akan diikuti kenaikan realisasi anggaran sebesar 0,005 satuan dengan asumsi variabel bebas yaitu quick ratio) dan Debt to Asset Rasio bernilai konstan. Dilihat dari quick ratio, jika variabel quick ratio terjadi kenaikan sebesar satu satuan maka akan diikuti kenaikan realisasi anggaran sebesar 0,001 satuan dengan asumsi variabel bebas yaitu current ratio dan Debt to Asset Rasio bernilai konstan. Dilihat dari Debt to Asset Rasio, jika variabel Debt to Asset Rasio terjadi kenaikan sebesar satu satuan maka akan diikuti kenaikan realisasi anggaran sebesar 27,908 satuan dengan asumsi variabel bebas yaitu current ratio dan quick ratio bernilai konstan. Current ratio, quick ratio dan Debt to Asset Rasio mempengaruhi variabel dependen yaitu realisasi anggaran sebesar 99,1%. Sedangkan sebesar 0,9% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain diluar penelitian ini.
In the next 10 years, professional accountants will need to modify the way they perceive and carry out their mission. They will have to join the ranks of decision makers while keeping their roles of support and constructive critic to managers. They will need to extend their information management skills to the handling of non financial data to support a new definition of performance that is reflected in the Total Quality Monagementand value chain cultures. The mission will change because the context or management has changed, e.g., flat organizations, fuzzy organizational boundaries reflecting partnerships with customers and suppliers, globalization, and a new emphasis on service activities. The time horizons the professional accountant is used to will no longer be applicable. Such changes as target cost management, life-cycle thinking, and anticipatory crisis management ore some of the reasons that will require professional accountants to become proactively involved in "managing for the future." Based on a greater attention to the understanding and analysis of the causes of resource consumption, the professional accountant will become more interventionist and will be involved in both organizational engineering and becoming a change agent in the whole product cycle, from strategic intent identification to strategic performance analysis, through change management and communication. The picture depicted of the professional accountant of the year 2015 plus is radically different from what • PENTVARS BUSINESS JOURNAL* is seen today, Training for these professionals will need to encompass this new mission in its new context. Managers also will have to embrace and value the rich potential that resides in their close cooperation with this "new" professional accountant.
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Journal of Korean Accounting Association Academic Presentations Volume 2023 No. 3
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