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Department of Psychology
McGill University
Address all correspondence to:
Kevin Dunbar,
Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755
Appeared in R.J. Sternberg, and J. Davidson Eds. (1995). Mechanisms of Insight.
Cambridge MA.: MIT Press
Department of Psychology
McGill University
1205 Docteur Penfield Avenue
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1B1
1. Introduction
How do scientists think and reason? What are the psychological processes involved in scientific
reasoning and discovery? These questions have been the focus of a large amount of research by
cognitive scientists, historians, philosophers, sociologists and psychologists in the past forty
years, and is one of the main concerns of this book. Many different approaches have been taken
to answer these questions, all with their own vices and virtues. In this chapter, I will discuss two
novel approaches to investigating the cognitive processes involved in scientific reasoning and
discovery that I have been using in my research. These approaches are making it possible to
formulate new models and theories of the cognitive and social mechanisms involved in scientific
discovery. The first approach that I will discuss is one of taking a discovery from a real
scientific domain, generating a task that is an analog of what the scientists had to do, giving this
task to subjects, and then determining whether and how subjects make the discovery (Dunbar,
1989; 1993; Dunbar & Schunn, 1990). Because this approach is based upon a real scientific
domain, rather than an arbitrary task that has a tenuous relationship to real science, it is possible
to capture important components of scientific reasoning and discovery. The second approach is
one of investigating real scientists working on their own research. This approach entailed
actually spending an extensive period of time in real scientific laboratories. Data were collected
over a one year period in four leading molecular biology laboratories following all aspects of
particular scientific research projects including planning of the research, execution of the
experiments, evaluation of experimental results, lab meetings, planning of further experiments,
public talks, and the writing of journal articles. Some of the research projects resulted in
important scientific discoveries, and some did not. This provides a totally novel database with
which to address fundamental questions concerning the cognitive processes involved in
scientific discovery.
Using terms borrowed from biological research, I will refer to my work on simulated
scientific discoveries as “In Vitro” research, and my work on scientists' reasoning in real world
contexts as “In Vivo” research. At the end of this chapter, I will argue that just as in biological
research it is necessary to conduct both In Vitro and In Vivo research to fully understand a
biological process, it is likewise necessary to conduct both types of methodologies in cognitive
research to fully understand the cognitive processes involved in scientific reasoning and
2. In Vitro research: Simulating the Discovery of Genetic Control
In 1965 Jacques Monod and François Jacob were awarded the Nobel prize for discovering that
there are regulator genes that control the activity of other genes. They discovered this by
investigating the utilization of energy sources, such as glucose, in E. coli. E. coli need glucose to
live and their most common source of glucose is lactose. When lactose is present, E. coli secrete
betagalactosidase enzymes that break down lactose into glucose. Betagalactosidase is secreted
only when lactose is present. Jacob and Monod discovered that a set of regulator genes inhibit
the genes that produce betagalactosidase until betagalactosidase is needed. They proposed that
there are two genes I and O that regulate the activity of the betagalactosidase producing genes
and that the production of beta-gal is controlled by an inhibitory regulation mechanism. As can
be seen from Figure 1, when no lactose is present the I gene produces an inhibitor that binds to
the O gene, and this prevents the betagalactosidase genes from producing betagalactosidase.
When Lactose is present, the inhibitor secreted by the I gene binds to the lactose, rather than the
O gene. When this happens, the betagalactosidase genes are no longer inhibited and,
consequently, they produce betagalactosidase. When all the lactose is used, the inhibitor again
binds to the O gene and production of betagalactosidase stops. Monod and Jacob made this
discovery using various mutations where the I, O, and betagalactosidase genes were mutated.
Crucially, they initially thought that genetic control was due to genes switching on, or activating,
other genes. It was only after a large amount of research that they discovered that the
mechanism of control was inhibition. Not only was this discovery relevant to production of
betagalactosidase, but it was a general model of genetic control that transformed biological
Figure 1. The cycle of inhibitory regulation of genes in E. coli. In Figure 1A the E. coli is in an inhibited
state: The I gene sends an Inhibitor to the O gene, and the inhibitor binds to the O gene, this blocks production
of beta-gal from the three beta-gal producing genes (the three unlabeled genes). In Figure 1B, lactose (diamonds)
enters the E. coli. The inhibitor binds to the lactose and not the O gene. In Figure 1C, the beta-gal producing
genes are no longer inhibited and the beta genes produce beta-gal (small dots). The beta-gal cleaves the lactose
into glucose which can then be utilized as an energy source. When all the lactose has been used up the inhibitor
binds to the O gene and the beta-gal genes are inhibited from producing beta-gal as in Figure 1A.
The work of Monod and Jacob provides a problem that can be adapted to the cognitive
laboratory. A simulated molecular genetics laboratory was designed that made it possible for
subjects to propose and test hypotheses about genetic regulation by conducting experiments
using various different types of mutants. Two studies were conducted in which subjects were
asked to discover how genes control other genes (see Dunbar, 1993a, for the details of these
studies). In both studies subjects were taught about activation using one set of genes, putting
them in a knowledge state similar to the one that Monod and Jacob were in prior to their
discovery of inhibitory genetic control (cf. Judson, 1979). Subjects were then asked to discover
how another set of genes are controlled. These genes were the I, P, and O genes in which the I
and O genes function as inhibitors.
In Study 1, subjects had to discover that the I and O genes were inhibitors. Given that
subjects were taught about activation, as predicted, they all began with one type of hypothesis:
that is, the genes are activators that switch on enzyme production. However, subjects found no
evidence that was consistent with an activation hypothesis --all experimental results were
inconsistent with an activation hypothesis. At this point, the subjects employed one of two
strategies for dealing with the inconsistent evidence. One strategy was to continue using their
current goal of finding activation. None of the subjects using this strategy succeeded at
discovering how the genes are controlled. Other subjects used a second strategy: upon noticing
evidence inconsistent with an activation hypothesis, these subjects set a new goal of attempting
to explain the cause of the inconsistent findings. These subjects were able to generate a new
hypothesis to account for the inconsistent findings (i.e., that the I and O genes inhibit
betagalactosidase production). Thus, the results of this first study indicated that subjects set a
goal of finding evidence consistent with their initial hypothesis, and that this goal blocked the
setting of other goals, such as discovering the cause of unexpected findings.
In Study 2, the hypothesis that maintaining one goal blocks the setting of other goals
was tested. In this study, the genetic mechanism was changed so that one gene worked as an
activator and the other two genes as inhibitors. In this situation, it was predicted that subjects
would first set out to achieve their goal of discovering activation and then, after having achieved
this goal, they would set a new goal of accounting for the findings that were inconsistent with an
activation hypothesis. Once this new goal was set, subjects would be able to generate an
inhibitory hypothesis. This was exactly what happened, twice as many subjects proposed
inhibition than in Study 1, and more subjects reached the correct conclusion. These findings
supported the hypothesis that subjects' goals determine when and how inconsistent evidence is
The results of these studies shed new light on a number of aspects of scientific
reasoning: All subjects used inconsistent evidence to modify their hypotheses. However,
subjects use of inconsistent evidence was contingent upon their current goal. Thus, the goal that
subjects set was pivotal to making a discovery. When subjects maintained their initial goal they
did not make a discovery. When subjects changed their goal to one of exploring the cause of
unexpected and/or inconsistent findings, they then made the discovery.
The results of these studies indicate that it is possible to discover important components
of scientific reasoning by taking a real scientific discovery and bringing it into a cognitive
laboratory. While these types of experiments are generating new insights, it is not yet possible
to determine the effects of the social context of science on the discovery process, or whether the
scientific reasoning strategies that non-scientists use are used by scientists and vice versa. To
achieve a more complete understanding of the specific factors that underlie scientific reasoning
and discovery, other research methods are needed. In the next section, I will outline another
research strategy that I have been using to investigate scientific reasoning and discovery in the
real world.
3. InVivo Research: Real World Study of Scientists Reasoning
While research on individual subjects has produced many rich and important theories of
reasoning in general and some of the components of scientific reasoning in particular, there are
several distinct problems with making generalizations from experiments on individual subjects
to the way in whch scientists reason. First, science takes place in a social context: groups of
scientists work on a problem in a laboratory, rather than one scientist working alone. So far,
cognitive psychologists have tended to investigate scientific reasoning in individuals and have
ignored the social context of science. Second, psychologists have used tasks that are not ‘real’
scientific problems (e.g., discover an arbitrary rule: Klayman & Ha, 1987, Mynatt, Doherty, &
Tweney, 1978). Third, the subjects that psychologists use are generally non-scientists (e.g.,
Klahr & Dunbar, 1988). Clearly, scientists working on real scientific problems need to be
studied as well. Unfortunately, when scientists have been studied they were given the same
simple and arbitrary concepts that non-scientists are given (e.g., Mahoney & DeMonbruen,
1977). Fourth, subjects in psychology lab experiments work on problems that may last for as
little as ten minutes and involve no extensive knowledge of a scientific topic (e.g., Klayman &
Ha, 1987). In scientific research, a particular problem may take months, years, or decades to
solve and the scientists have extensive knowledge of a domain.
A number of cognitive researchers have noted the limitations of the types of studies
referred to above and have turned to historical data on particular scientific discoveries to provide
a richer account of the scientific discovery process. Researchers using historical data have
analyzed historical accounts of scientific discoveries to uncover the mechanisms involved in
scientific reasoning. For example, Nersessian (1992) and others (e.g., Gooding, 1992; Holmes,
1985; Tweney, 1985) have conducted detailed analyses of diaries and notebooks that make it
possible to infer some of the cognitive processes involved in particular scientific discoveries.
This approach has yielded rich and important accounts of some of the cognitive components of
a particular discovery. However, this method also has its drawbacks. The main limitation being
that only indirect and selective access to the cognitive processes underlying scientists’
discoveries can be obtained.
Another historical method for determining the psychological processes involved in
scientific discovery that has been used is to interview scientists who have made a discovery (e.g.,
Giere, 1988; Karp, 1989; Mitroff, 1974). Thus, rather than relying on laboratory notebooks,
researchers can interview scientists and ask about how a discovery was made. There are a
number of cognitive accounts that have used this method and have provide detailed accounts of
particular discoveries. For example, Karp (1989), performed a series of extensive interviews
with the scientist who discovered a new mechanism of genetic control, and built a computational
model of the cognitive processes that were involved in the discovery. While this is clearly a
useful approach, retrospective reports are notoriously unreliable (cf. Ericsson & Simon 1982,
Nisbett & Wilson, 1977). Furthermore, research from my laboratory has shown that subjects
are often unaware of what leads them to make a discovery (Dunbar & Schunn, 1990). Dunbar
& Schunn (1990) found that solving one problem improved performance on an analogically
similar problem, yet the subjects did not report using any information from the first problem to
solve the second problem: subjects did not mention the first problem either in their verbal
reports while solving the second problem, or in their retrospective reports. Thus, to uncover the
strategies that scientists use, retrospective reports cannot be relied upon.
A third approach to uncovering important aspects of scientific research has been the
contemporary sociological approach. A number of sociologists have investigated scientists
working in laboratories. These researchers have used ethnomehodological approaches, or
interviews with the scientists themselves (e.g., Fujimura, 1987; Knorr-Cetina, 1983; Latour &
Woolgar, 1986; Mulkay & Gilbert, 1983). While these studies have uncovered important
components of the day-to-day workings of scientific laboratories they have not been concerned
with uncovering the cognitive processes that are used by scientists in their day to day research.
These researchers have stressed the importance of the social context of science, and have
demonstrated that the social context of science has an effect on all aspects of the scientific
process. However, while these studies established that social context is somehow important,
exactly how the social context impacts on the scientist's knowledge remains unanswered.
To summarize, the research from my laboratory, and that of other researchers, suggests
that a number of basic cognitive heuristics and operations form the foundation of scientific
reasoning. However, no Cognitive Scientists have actually investigated real scientists conducting
their day to day research. That is, there have been no systematic cognitive investigations of how
scientists reason while conducting their research. While the standard cognitive and historical
analyses have provided rich and important accounts of the cognitive processes involved in
particular discoveries, there are many crucial aspects of the scientific discovery process that it is
not possible to gain access to using these methodologies. In particular, the online cognitive
processes, and the social interactions that are involved in a particular discovery are not directly
accessible. This suggests that alternate methodologies need to be adopted to uncover the online
processes that particular scientists use. Let us now turn to a new type of cognitive research that
investigates these questions.
4. How Scientists Really Think
I will now turn to a study in which I collected data on the reasoning processes and discovery
heuristics that scientists used in four of the world's leading molecular biology laboratories at a
major US university. The overall goals of this research were (1) to determine what types of
reasoning heuristics scientists use to propose experiments, generate hypotheses, and evaluate
results, (2) to determine how scientists represent their knowledge of the research projects that
they are working on, (3) to uncover the cognitive processes that lead to changes in scientists'
representation of their research (that is, to investigate the mechanisms involved in conceptual
change and insight), (4) to discover the cognitive mechanisms that groups of scientists --rather
than an individual scientist-- use to formulate experiments and hypotheses, (5) to discover
whether the social context of scientific work can counteract the well-known faulty heuristics that
individuals have been shown to use when reasoning scientifically, and (6) to discover whether
and what the mechanisms are for the social context to influence conceptual change.
5. Method
Six laboratories were identified on the basis of (1) the quality of their publications, (2) the type
of research that they were conducting, (3) the fact that each laboratory had previously made
discoveries that the scientific community regarded as being significant, (4) the laboratories were
of different sizes, and (5) the directors of the laboratories had differing amounts of research
All of the six laboratories allowed me to investigate them. Four of the laboratories were
judged to be most suitable and were subsequently investigated. These four laboratories varied
along two dimensions. First, the laboratories were either developmental biology labs, or worked
with pathogens (disease causing viruses and bacteria). Second, the laboratories were either
focused at the cellular level, or at a molecular level. By selecting laboratories in this manner, it
was possible to identify which aspects of the research are general, and therefore used by all 4
laboratories, and which strategies were specific to a particular field such as developmental
biology or molecular biology.
For the purposes of maintaining confidentiality, the names of the scientists will not be
revealed. The Laboratories will be labeled A, B, C, and D. All the scientists requested anonymity
and that the results of their experiments not be divulged. To further maintain confidentiality of
the data that I have obtained, many of the scientific details of the discoveries made and research
projects investigated have been omitted from this paper. While the scientists did request
anonymity it is important to note that all the scientists allowed free access to their laboratories,
to interview anyone in the laboratory, attend any meeting, read and keep copies of their grant
proposals (including the pink sheets), attend their talks and lectures, and read drafts of their
papers. Thus, there was complete access to the day to day activities of laboratories. In addition,
the laboratories were so cooperative that they frequently phoned me to attend impromptu
meetings and discussions within the laboratory, or they would call me to come over when they
felt that interesting events were occurring in the lab.
Table 1: Research areas of the four laboratories investigated
Cell biology Molecular
Developmental Lab A Lab B
Pathogens Lab B &C Lab D
5.1.1 Laboratory A. This laboratory is run by a senior researcher who has over 300
publications, won numerous awards, has former students who are also leading researchers in the
field, and has made a number of extremely important findings that have revolutionized his field.
His laboratory consisted of 22 post-doctoral fellows, 5 graduate students and 4 technicians. The
director suggested following a number of research projects that he thought might lead to
interesting discoveries and I selected four research projects to follow. Two of the four research
projects were successful and led to scientific discoveries. Importantly, neither I nor the scientists
involved realized that a discovery was about to be made when I started following their research.
It was only after a few months of following the research projects that the discoveries were made.
Thus, I had collected data before, during, and after a discovery was made. One of the
researchers discovered a new gene that controls cell differentiation, and the other researcher
discovered how certain cells proliferate into certain regions of the body. Importantly, the latter
discovery actually occurred during a laboratory meeting at which I was present and was audio
taping; that is, I have the moment of discovery on tape.
One of the other two research projects
was unsuccessful, and the other research project had not progressed significantly within the
eight month period.
5.1.2 Laboratory B. This laboratory is run by a senior researcher who has made many
important discoveries in molecular biology. He has numerous publications, and has trained
many now eminent scientists. His current research program is concerned with determining a
general model of how certain genes control traits in a novel type of bacterium. His laboratory
had 3 post docs, 5 graduate students and 1 technician. I followed one of the research projects
that was being conducted in his laboratory (it was the only research project that was just
starting). This research project has been beset by a number of problems that have meant that the
researchers have made only a small amount of progress.
5.1.3 Laboratory C. This laboratory is run by an associate professor who has made a number
of important discoveries on how DNA and RNA are coded by studying an organism that has
very unusual biological properties. He has over 60 publications and his work on RNA is
regarded as seminal. The lab consisted of 4 post docs, 2 graduate students and 1 lab technician.
I followed research projects conducted by the four post-docs. All the research projects resulted
in significant breakthroughs.
5.1.4 Laboratory D. This laboratory is run by an assistant professor who is already famous for
his work on viral mechanisms. He has invented a number of widely referenced techniques, is
regarded as conducting some of the most innovative work on HIV (Human Immunodeficiency
Virus). The laboratory had 4 post-docs, 6 graduate students, and 2 lab technicians. His current
research program is centered around discovering the mechanism by which certain genes in the
HIV virus allow the virus to infiltrate into the host organism. He has evolved a research program
that has employed a number of novel and ingenious techniques to discover how this works. I
followed three research projects on HIV activity. These three research projects are now leading
to a new model of an important component of HIV activity that has wide ranging theoretical and
practical implications for molecular biology. The director of Laboratory B also invented a new
genetic technique. This technique is likely to end up being one of the most important inventions
in the last 10 years in molecular biology and genetics.
Within each laboratory particular research projects were selected for study on the basis of (a) an
interview with the professor (i.e., laboratory director) about the research that was going on in his
laboratory, and (b) whether the research projects had just started, or were about to begin. By
selecting new research projects it was possible to investigate the cognitive components from the
beginning of a scientific research project. Once the research projects were selected, I then met
with the post-docs, graduate students, and technicians that were conducting the research. All the
members of the four laboratories were willing to cooperate. In laboratories A, C, and D four
research projects were pursued. In laboratory B, one research project was pursued, as this was
the only project that was beginning.
A pre-present-post design was used in which data were collected prior to a lab meeting (pre),
during a lab meeting (present), and after the lab meeting (post). This design is similar to the
pretest-posttest design used in experimental research (cf. Campbell & Stanley, 1963). The "pre-
lab" meeting component consisted of an extensive initial interview in which the researcher
provided background information on their research project and the rationale for conducting their
research. That is, the researcher stated the theories, hypotheses, predictions, experimental results,
current knowledge in the field, rival theories, relation to other research projects in the lab, and
problems with the research. In addition, one or two days before a researcher was supposed to
give a laboratory presentation about their research, an interview was conducted in which the
researcher was asked to (i) state what research they had done, (ii) state why the researcher
conducted their experiments, (iii) state the specific research question, goals, experimental design
and predictions and why they did not conduct other types of possible experiments, (iv) state
what their results were and any problems that occurred in conducting the experiments, (v) state
what the researcher thought the experimental results meant, and (vi) state what directions the
research project was going to go into next (that is, what experiments would be conducted next).
The "present" component of the procedure consisted of either video or audio taping a
laboratory meeting. Notes were kept of contextual information not readily apparent in the audio
or video tapes. The "post-lab" meeting component of the procedure consisted of an interview
with a researcher one or two days after the laboratory meeting to ask the researcher what they
were now doing, and whether the meeting had changed their plans. The same six sets of
questions that were asked in the pre-lab meeting component were again asked in the post lab
meeting component. This made it possible to determine the effects of the lab meeting on the
researcher's representation of the research and on plans for future experiments. This pre-
present-post design was repeated at least three times over an eight month period for all research
By comparing the data gathered using the pre-present-post design it is possible to
determine the effects of the meetings on scientists’ reasoning, and on their research. Each
research project was followed for an eight month period, in which a cycle of a "pre-lab" meeting
interview, tape of lab meeting (i.e., present component), and a post-lab meeting interview were
conducted at least three times. All interviews and laboratory meetings were audio tape recorded
and extensive notes were kept; these make it possible to understand contextually relevant
information. During the last two months of the research a number of laboratory meetings were
videotaped. This made it possible to get a visual representation of the data and data analysis
techniques that the scientists were using as well as the social and situational factors not readily
apparent in the audio tapes.
5.4.1 Transcription. All data collected are transcribed and coded (i.e., audio tapes, videotapes,
including notes from grants and pink sheets, drafts of papers with comments, and other relevant
materials). Transcriptions are made with two independent transcribers with a background in
molecular biology.
5.4.2 Coding. Following transcription, the data are coded along a set of dimensions derived
from Brutlag, Galper, and Milis (1991), Dunbar (1993a), Klahr and Dunbar (1988), Stein
(1992), and Ericsson and Simon (1984). The coding schemes provide converging evidence on
the cognitive operations, mental representations, and social interactions that the scientists used.
Once the data are coded, they are entered into a computerized database (Sanderson, Scott,
Johnston, Mainzer, Watanabe, & James, 1993) with relational search capabilities that makes it
possible to answer specific questions about the scientists' thinking and reasoning.
In order to give a flavor of the types of attributes that are coded, a partial listing is
provided within each category below. However, the existing coding schemes are far richer than
that which can be discussed here. The three major categories of knowledge that these coding
schemes allow me to specify are as follows:
Coding of the scientists' representation of their research over time. We are using
Brutlag's 1991 scheme (Brutlag, Galper & Milis, 1991) which provides a list of
attributes for molecular biological knowledge and experiments. This scheme was
developed by a molecular biologist who is building computational models of molecular
biological knowledge. We have adapted this scheme as a coding device that specifies the
features of the scientists' representation of their knowledge. The scheme specifies the
attributes of knowledge relevant to understanding DNA metabolism such as; the
structure of DNA, strands, nicks, activity, specificity, activity, temperatures and pH
values of reactions. The coding scheme integrates these attributes into an overall model
of knowledge and experiments. This scheme makes it possible to represent the
molecular biologists’ knowledge, and how this knowledge changes over time. We are
using another coding scheme for cellular biological knowledge.
Coding of group interactions. We are using a coding scheme derived from work on
discourse analysis and conceptual change. This coding scheme classifies the types of
interactions between speakers (e.g., clarification, agreement and elaboration,
disagreement, and questioning), the goals of the speaker, and the current representation
of the knowledge. This makes it possible to chart the effects of the interactions on the
speakers’ current representation of the research project.. The coding scheme makes it
possible to identify whether and when social interactions lead to conceptual changes.
Using this scheme we can identify the specific types of social interactions, and the
various combinations of factors that must be present for conceptual change to occur. In
addition, this coding scheme makes it possible to make predictions about whether the
interaction will lead to a change in the speaker's representation and what the speaker will
Coding the scientists' cognitive operations. All data are being coded using standard
protocol analysis techniques (cf. Ericsson and Simon, 1984; Newell & Simon, 1972)
that I have used previously (Dunbar, 1993a, Klahr & Dunbar, 1988; Klahr, Dunbar, &
Fay, 1989). First, a task analysis is being conducted for each research project. This task
analysis determines the current state of knowledge, the goal state, and the series of
cognitive operations that the scientists apply to get from their current state of knowledge
to their desired state. The second step is to code the data in terms of the cognitive
operations identified in the task analysis. The third step is to formulate a model of how
the scientists actually combine these cognitive operations into heuristics that guide their
research. This third step necessitates bringing together the coding of the scientists
representation of their research, the coding of the group interactions, and the coding of
the scientists' cognitive operations into one overall scheme.
6. Overall Results
A select sample of the analyses conducted on the present data are provided here (see Dunbar
1993b, c and Dunbar and Baker 1993a, b for the complete analyses). There was a large intra
and inter laboratory similarity of the mental representations, experimental heuristics, and
problem solving heuristics that all four laboratories used. Indeed, the analyses reveal that the
basic components of the scientists' cognitive operations are surprisingly similar and differ
largely in the way that these operations are combined. This high degree of regularity in the data
makes it possible to apply rigorous data analysis techniques to the data and draw highly
generalizable conclusions about scientific reasoning. A number of trends are emerging from the
data: First, scientists make extensive use of negative evidence to discard their hypotheses.
Second, the use of local analogies where knowledge is imported from the same scientific
domain is a common mechanism of conceptual change. By contrast, distant analogies were used
to highlight salient features of the problem that they were discussing. Third, the social context
of the research produces significant changes in the representation of the problem and
modulation of individual reasoning biases. We have been able to identify the particular types of
social interactions and cognitive states that are present when conceptual change occurs. Overall,
these results reveal that both domain specific knowledge and the social context of scientific
research prevents scientists from making many of the reasoning errors identified in individual
subjects in cognitive psychology laboratories.
7. Mechanisms Underlying Conceptual Change and Insight
The circumstances under which conceptual change and insights occurred will be addressed.
Conceptual change and insight occurred in the face of inconsistent experimental findings, as a
result of the use of analogy, in the context of group discussions, and as a consequence of
surprising findings. Each of these sources will now be considered.
Surprisingly, results inconsistent with the scientists’ current hypothesis quickly led to the
discarding of hypotheses. The discarding of an hypothesis on the basis of inconsistent evidence
occurred under very specific circumstances. First, inconsistent evidence tended to be used to
change specific features of an hypothesis, while the overall type of hypothesis remained the
same. For example, a scientist changed his hypothesis from “this particular sequence is
necessary to initiate binding of the protein" to "any sequence in this region that has a base-pair
mismatch will be bound to by this protein.” Note that in this situation, the conceptual change
that occurred was quite minimal. This type of conceptual change displayed the usual
generalization, specialization heuristics that have been identified in previous work on reasoning,
such as the findings obtained in my In Vitro work on scientific reasoning discussed in the first
section of this chapter. The second type of use of inconsistent evidence was more interesting. In
this case, the evidence was not only inconsistent with the current hypothesis, but was also
inconsistent any hypothesis of that type, and the scientist needed to invent a totally new type of
hypothesis (or concept, or frame depending on your terminology) to account for the data. This
type of conceptual change rarely occurred within an individual. As in laboratory studies of
cognition, individual scientists out of a group context usually attributed inconsistent evidence to
error of some sort, and hoped that the finding would go away. However, when the finding was
presented at a laboratory meeting, the other scientists tended to focus on the inconsistency to
dissect it, and either (a) suggested alternate hypotheses, or (b) forced the scientists to think of a
new hypothesis. This happened at numerous lab meetings and was one of the main mechanisms
for inducing conceptual change in scientists when inconsistent evidence occurred. Often this
resulted in the phenomenological experience of insight in which the scientist exclaims that they
now know what was going on in their experiment. As we will see in the section on social
interactions, the particular mechanics of the interaction are crucial to whether conceptual change
did, or did not occur.
The way in which inconsistent evidence was treated also varied as a function of
experience. Less experienced scientists were more willing to maintain a hypothesis than more
experienced scientists. However, while the more experienced scientists showed mush less
confirmation bias than the less experienced researchers, they often displayed what we term a
“falsification bias”: often they discard good data that actually confirms their hypothesis. This
falsification bias appears to be the result of much experience with the negative experience of
being proved wrong. We are currently simulating this falsification bias in an experiment in our
laboratory (Baker & Dunbar, 1993a). These findings indicate that a crucial factor in
determining whether people will maintain an hypothesis in the face of inconsistent evidence is
domain-specific knowledge, rather than a reasoning bias, per se.
We are currently coding all the uses of similarity in the corpus. We have coded all instances of
where a scientists notes that something is similar, or different, from something else. We can
then look at instances of analogical reasoning. A preliminary analysis of the data indicates that
analogies were an important source of knowledge and conceptual change. In three of the four
laboratories analogies were frequently used, ranging from 4 to 22 in any meeting. Three
different classes of analogies were used. First, analogies from the same domain, in which the
scientist drew an analogy from a previous experiment to their current experiment (Local
Analogies). Second, a whole system of relationships from a similar domain was mapped onto
the domain that the laboratory was working on (Regional Analogies). Third, a concept is
mapped from a very different domain to the domain that the scientists are working on (Long-
Distance Analogies). These different types of analogies are used under different
7.2.1 Local Analogies. This type of analogy was very frequently used. Local analogies were
usually used when the experiment that a researcher was working on had problems and was not
working. The researcher made an analogy to an experiment in a very similar research area, or to
a similar research technique or protocol. The actual analogical mapping that occurred was to
map the unsuccessful problem that they were working with to another similar experiment that
was successful. The scientist would then determine what the difference was between the
successful and unsuccessful experiments and substitute the different components from the
successful approach into their unsuccessful approach. For example, at one meeting a scientist
was having difficulty in purifying a protein and said:
“so I had to pursue another method that would solubilize the proteins, but
would also stick to the beads, and basically, this is a method by James Digby
and it's also, this method is also a similar method found in Maniatis. Basically,
the key step is the 8 Molar urea step. Which just, it just solubilizes everything.
But anyway, this is a protocol; it basically was just followed exactly since this
worked for someone else, I figured it might work for me, too.”
This use of local analogies does not immediately appear to be a very sophisticated type
of analogical reasoning, and certainly not the type of reasoning that has been the focus of much
cognitive research. However, the use of local analogies is one of the main mechanisms for
driving research forward. In the field of molecular biology, at least 60% of the experiments have
technical problems that need to be resolved and local analogical reasoning is one of the main
methods that the scientists used when they had problems with their experiments. This type of
analogical reasoning occurred in virtually every meeting, and often numerous times in a
meeting. New knowledge is added to their representation by making the analogy, and this drives
the research forward.
7.2.2 Regional Analogies. In regional analogies the scientists mapped over entire systems of
relationships from one domain to another and the two domains were different classes that
shared a common superordinate category membership (e.g., both phage viruses and retroviruses
were mapped onto each other and clearly both are members of the superordinate category
virus). This type of analogy was not frequent, but did occur from time to time. It rarely occurred
when scientists were having a problem with an experiment. Instead, this type of analogical
reasoning occurred when the scientists were working on both elaborating their theory, and
planning new sets of experiments. For example, one laboratory held a meeting that drew an
analogy between one class of virus and another. While a considerable amount is known about
certain types of viruses, little is known about many basic components of retroviruses.
Furthermore, because retroviruses are considered very different from other types of viruses
researchers rarely use knowledge of one to inform their research about the other. What this
laboratory did was to try and map knowledge over from one class of virus to retroviruses, the
goal being to (a) use this knowledge to fill in gaps in their own knowledge, by drawing sets of 1
to 1 mappings, and (b) to suggest new questions to ask about retroviruses. Thus, mapping over
an entire system of relations was a very powerful tool. The finding that this was a rarely used
type of analogy would be consistent with much psychological work on analogy, but the reasons
may be quite different. In this case, and in the other cases in this corpus, this type of analogy
tended to be used only after the scientists had already started to formulate a model of the entire
process that they were investigating. Thus, the scientists then had a system of relations and
mechanisms in their own domain that they could then map to another domain. Until they had
built such a representation of their own domain, it would not have been possible to map over the
other domain. We are currently conducting an experiment to test the hypothesis that analogical
mapping of sets of relations is most likely to occur, and lead to conceptual change, when
subjects have built up a fairly detailed representation of the target domain.
7.2.3 Long Distance Analogies. Long Distance analogies were used, but not frequently. They
were never used to solve experimental problems, or in model building. Rather, long distance
analogies were used to highlight features of the research that were salient, and were usually used
to bring home a point, or to educate new members of a laboratory. Thus, while distant analogies
were used to change the representation of knowledge in people, it was not a driving force in
making any of the discoveries observed over the year. This use of analogies often led to
significant insights in the other members of the laboratory, making it clear exactly what the
point was. One example of a highlighting use of a distant analogy was:
“Postdoc: what goes on in the flagellar pocket is a real big question right now,
and there's not much known about it. It's a very specialized domain of the
plasma membrane, and it has very specialized function. What's in the flagellar
pocket and what goes on in the flagellar pocket is uh, not been studied in any
great depth or detail. An interesting question. Ok.
Professor: It's sort of semi-closed. It's open to big molecules like LDL gets in--
Postdoc: Things get in, but things don't... It's like the Hotel California - you can
check in, but you can never check out.”
It is important to note that this use of Long Distance analogies is quite different from
that proposed by other researchers. A number of researchers have argued that many of
analogies that scientists use in their publications or talks were actually causal in making
particular discoveries. That is, scientists first make the analogy and then map features of the
analogy over to the problem that they are investigating and make the discovery. In the corpus of
data that we collected we did not find one instance of a case where a long-distance analogy led
to any conceptual changes or insights on the part of a researcher. Instead, the long-distance
analogies were used to highlight features of a point that a scientist makes. We are now
monitoring the publications that the researchers are writing to see if long-distance analogies
creep into the publications, but were not present in the discovery. If this is the case, then this
would suggest that at least some of the analogies that scientists have used in their publications
were not causal in making a discovery, but were added when writing up the research. Thus, the
importance of long-distance analogies and their causal roles in making discoveries may have
been overemphasized by some researchers.
While use of analogy was a common occurrence in the laboratories, analogical reasoning did
not occur in one of the laboratories. Two questions immediately arise here. One is whether the
lack of analogical reasoning had a detrimental effect on conceptual change, and the other is, why
did this laboratory fail to engage in analogical reasoning? The single laboratory that did not
engage in analogical reasoning did not make any real gains in their understanding of the genes
that they were working on. Recall that the most common use of analogies in the laboratories
was when an experiment did not work. In this situation scientists drew analogies to other
experiments in an attempt to solve their problem. However in the laboratory that did not make
analogies, the scientists used a different strategy when they encountered problems in their
research; they manipulated experimental variables such as raising the temperature, varying
chemical concentrations, and so forth, to make things work. Thus, a problem that could have
been solved by making an analogy to another similar experiment (Local analogy), or to another
organism (Regional analogy) was not made --leaving some problems unsolved and others
lingering for months to solve. Indeed, very similar research problems were encountered in the
other laboratories, but they were solved much faster through the use of Local and Regional
analogies. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that Local and Regional analogies are a
potent source of conceptual change.
Why were the members of the laboratory not making use of analogy? One aspect of the
laboratory appears critical to whether analogies will be used. It is the social structure of the
laboratory. All the members of this laboratory had come from highly similar backgrounds, and
consequently drew from a similar knowledge base. In the other laboratories, the scientists came
from widely differing backgrounds, and these different sources of knowledge were important
components in the construction of analogical mappings. When all the members of the
laboratory have the same knowledge at their disposal, then when a problem arises, a group of
similar minded individuals will not provide more information to make analogies than a single
The finding that the social structure of the laboratory has an effect on types of reasoning
and conceptual change may explain why many experimental studies of reasoning by groups
produce no better performance than individuals alone. In these studies, the groups of subjects
are generally homogeneous with respect to background, and according to the mechanisms of
conceptual change that I am invoking, should not produce conceptual change. We are currently
conducting a number of experiments to test this hypothesis. These results go beyond merely
stating that social structure is important. These findings indicate the groups of individuals must
have different pools of knowledge to draw from to make fruitful analogies. Merely having a
group of scientists working on a particular problem (i.e., social structure) will not result in the
use of analogies.
As the above section on analogy use and social structure indicates, one of the key components
in analogical reasoning is the knowledge that the laboratory has access to. Not only is the
knowledge that the group has of importance, but the knowledge that an individual scientist has
is central as well. We have found that the more expert the scientist is, the more analogies the
scientist will make, the more similarities that he or she will note, and consequently, the more
overall research success they will have. While the experts clearly have more knowledge at their
disposal, they also have knowledge organized and represented in different ways from the less
expert scientists. This is evident in the group interactions of the scientists with each other. An
expert scientist tends to see many of the deep structural features as being very obvious and
treats them almost like surface features. The novice scientists have great difficulty seeing the
deep structural features. When it comes to making productive analogies it is much easier for the
expert scientist: for them, the deep features are obvious and they can readily map these features
onto other domains. For the novice scientists the deep features are not obvious and therefore the
mappings onto other domains are difficult and non-obvious. Thus, experts make both more
analogies and more productive analogies.
In the previous sections we have seen that social factors have an effect on scientists'
interpretation of inconsistent information, and on their ability to formulate and use analogies.
The goal of the present analyses of social interactions is not to restate the obvious: that social
interactions are important. Instead, our goal is to identify the precise mechanisms by which
groups of scientist change each other's representation of knowledge. In our analysis of the
laboratory meetings we are beginning to uncover a number of social mechanisms that facilitate
conceptual change. To address this issue, we are analyzing sets of instances where conceptual
change occurred and did not occur. Specifically, we are investigating whether conceptual change
did or did not occur following (a) questions that force the scientist to think about their work at a
different conceptual level, or with a different goal, (b) when the scientist was asked to engage in
deductive, causal, or inductive reasoning, (c) when the researcher was asked to give more details
of a particular aspect of their theory or data, (d) when the researcher's theory or data was
challenged by another member of the laboratory group, and (e) questions from different types
of people such as research assistants, graduate students, postdocs, professors, or a Nobel prize
winner! We are only just beginning to obtain answers to these questions from our database.
Our database allows us to identify particular patterns of social interactions, as well as prior
knowledge states which result in conceptual change.
Analyses of the data reveal that question answering is a potent mechanism of inducing
conceptual change in scientists. One type of question that produced a number of small
conceptual changes in all the laboratories, and that fostered a major scientific discovery in one
scientist, was to ask a question that forced the scientist to change from thinking about the
research at one level to thinking about the research at another level. For example, a scientist may
be conducting a series of experiments aimed at discovering the mechanism by which a certain
type of lymphocyte binds to a certain type of cell. The scientist is concerned with the
experimental details and particular components of the mechanism. Other scientists may ask this
scientist a question about how the lymphocyte got there in the first place, rather than how does it
bind. This new question forces the scientist to reorganize his knowledge, and when he does this,
his original question is also answered. Thus members of a group can get a scientist to adopt
new perspectives and goals that can result in a reorganization of knowledge and result in a
scientific discovery. We are currently analyzing a scientific discovery that occurred under this
type of questioning (Dunbar and Baker, 1993a, b).
Because we have many instances of cases in which conceptual change did, and did not
occur during lab meetings, we have been able to uncover the mechanisms by which social
interactions and cognitive representations interact to produce conceptual change. An analysis of
the interactions surrounding the making of discoveries indicates that sequences of specific types
of interactions and knowledge states occur. In particular, we have identified that when (i)
surprising findings occur, (ii) the researcher believes that these findings are not due to error, and
(iii) other members of the group challenge the researcher's interpretation of the findings,
significant conceptual change will occur. The challenges force the scientist to look at the data
with different questions and goals, thereby changing the scientist's representation of the
findings. When the researcher believes that the findings are due to error, no amount of
challenging, or suggestion of other explanations will result in conceptual change. We have a
number of meetings, as well as professor-researcher interactions, in which no conceptual change
occurred for these reasons.
Another form of questioning is one that triggers a chain of reasoning that can then result
in a reconceptualization of a theory, data, or experimental design. Often the question is asked
when the speaker has left out some details that they were unsure about. The speaker then
engages in, for example, deductive reasoning, and often other members of the laboratory will
also engage in this reasoning process, resulting in a very different conception of a problem.
This often occurred when the scientist had a problem with his or her experiment. If analogical
mapping did not achieve a solution, the members of the laboratory would attempt to deduce
what the source of the problem was, and then suggest a solution, thereby changing the
representation of the problem. Thus certain types of social interactions that occur in a laboratory
meeting have specific effects on the types of reasoning strategies that scientists use. We are
now beginning to identify which combinations of social interactions and cognitive states lead to
which types of reasoning.
One of the laboratories engaged in extensive group problem solving whenever a
problem arose in the research. Many members of the laboratory reasoned about the research
and often the results of one person's reasoning became the input to another person's reasoning.
This resulted in rapid reconceptualization of problems and to significant changes in all aspects
of the way the research was conducted. Situations in which group problem solving occur
provide a rich example of the way that cognitive and social mechanisms interact. We have found
that subgroups focus on particular features of the problem, change these features and then pass
on their part of the solution to another member of the group. The researcher presenting then
picks up the proposed solutions and integrates them into his or her conceptual framework, and
then the group goes through another round of problem solving.
A common event in all research is the presence of surprising results. Often unusual
results are of no interest, other times the following up of surprising results leads to significant
discoveries. Scientists frequently allude to discoveries based upon surprising findings as being
due to serendipity. An example of the view that serendipity is the source of many discoveries
appeared in a recent issue of the journal Science, where a reporter discussed a particular
scientific discovery in the following way. "As with many surprising discoveries, the finding that
DNA injection could get the cells of living animals to produce proteins came serendipitously"
(Science, March 19, 1993, p 1691). The particular scientists in question discovered that their
control condition had a much better effect than any of their experimental conditions. They then
focused on the control condition and discovered a new mechanism to introduce foreign DNA
into a host. While many scientists and journalists may regard certain scientific discoveries as
serendipitous, the data that we have collected indicates that many findings that scientists might
call serendipitous are not so. The so-called serendipitous findings are the result of careful
experimentation and planning that are designed to expose novel mechanisms.
We have found that experimental results in which the control condition produces
unusual results is very common and was the source of many discoveries in our corpus. One of
the scientific discoveries that we recorded occurred when a control condition produced
surprising results. Other discoveries in the laboratories that we have been investigating also
occurred when control conditions produced surprising results, and the surprising results were
followed up. Furthermore during my initial interview with the director of Laboratory A he said
that one of the most important strategies that he uses in his research is to follow up surprising
results. In the lab meetings he used this strategy numerous times, forcing the other scientists to
focus on surprising findings, particularly when they involved the control condition, and,
consequently, to gain new insights into their research.
The standard explanation for using a control condition is that it allows the scientist to
determine whether the effect observed with the experimental condition is really due to the
experimental manipulation, or is due to other factors. A control condition is regarded as a check
on the experimental conditions. The finding that, in the laboratories that I have investigated,
control conditions often generate surprising results leads us to conclude that the manner in
which scientists choose control conditions and the way in which the results of controls are
interpreted are crucial to understanding scientific discovery and insight. When a scientist selects
a control for an experiment many factors have to be taken into account and researchers often
use more than one control. The control conditions serve functions other than checking to see
that the experimental effects are real. Even when a scientist is correct that the experimental
conditions should produce such and such an effect, other mechanisms may be involved, or more
important mechanisms may be involved that the control condition can uncover.
This type of analysis suggests that far from being the result of serendipity, the use of
surprising findings, (e.g., in a control condition), makes it possible to uncover hidden
mechanisms in an orderly manner. The scientist carefully constructs controls that serve the
function of both checking the experimental conditions and exposing hidden mechanisms,
should they be there. In the data that we have collected the scientist is usually looking for the
desired results in the experimental conditions and to do this the scientist has formulated a rich
set of hypotheses and mechanisms that could account for a wide variety of possible findings.
When the control conditions produce unusual results the scientist is already considering a host
of potential mechanisms and thus a surprising finding allows the scientist to focus on the
aspects of his or her current conceptual structure that need to be changed or rejected. The
surprising finding is genuinely surprising, but the use of controls and an already richly
articulated conceptual structure makes it possible to make sense of the findings and propose
novel theories. The manner in which experiments are constructed minimizes the role of
serendipity to the extent that when surprising results do occur the scientist already has a
constrained set of active hypotheses and mechanisms that can be used to interpret the findings.
7.7. RISK!
One of the most intriguing aspects of this research has been the scientists assessment of risk in
their research. Most of the research scientists engaged in two or more research projects. The
scientists tended to pick one high risk and one low risk project to work on. The scientists
categorized projects as high risk if they rated a research project as having a low probability of
working out, but had the prospect of being an important discovery. They rated a project as low
risk if they could see that the project had a high probability of success. Often the low risk
projects were not regarded as ones that could produce important discoveries. Given that post-
docs tended to be concerned with getting a job in the near future, they were often reluctant to
engage in high risk projects as the high risk projects would not result in any publications and
hence no job. The laboratory directors were often much more enthusiastic about high risk
projects as their goals were more long term than the post docs. Furthermore, given that there
were many combinations of high and low risk projects occurring in a laboratory at any one time,
the probability of one of these projects working was fairly high. However, by getting the post
docs to conduct combinations of high and low risk projects the directors helped ensure that the
researchers would at least make a small discovery that would lead to a publication, and facilitate
their own more long term goals.
The findings discussed in this chapter have clear implications for the conduct of successful
research. The following heuristics have been identified as being potentially important in making
discoveries: (1) Members of a research group should have different, but overlapping research
backgrounds. This will foster group problem solving and analogical reasoning. (2) Analogical
reasoning should be engaged in when problems arise in the research. In particular, the scientists
should engage in making both local and regional analogies. (3) Researchers should be
encouraged to engage in combinations of high and low risk projects. This increases the
probability that each scientist will have achieved a tangible result. (4) Take note of surprising
results. Use the surprising results to generate new hypotheses and research programs. (5)
Provide opportunities for the members of the research group to interact and discuss the research
by having overlapping research projects and breaking the lab up into smaller groups working on
similar problems.
8. Conclusion
In this chapter I have provided an overview of two approaches that I have used to investigate the
cognitive processes involved in scientific reasoning and discovery. The first approach--
investigating aspects of scientific reasoning--is conducted in the laboratory. Using this
approach, the researcher has experimental control over aspects of the discovery process. As in
other biological sciences, this In Vitro approach makes it possible to isolate aspects of the
reasoning process and to tease apart particular mechanisms. For example, the In Vitro research
that I have discussed shows that the goals that subjects set are crucial to understanding scientific
reasoning. Previous research using the In Vitro approach has also identified important
components of scientific reasoning (e.g., Klayman and Ha, 1987; Klahr & Dunbar, 1988).
However, as in other biological sciences, it is also necessary to investigate the processes of
interest in their real-world context.
Indeed, in this chapter I have argued that In Vivo investigations of the cognitive
processes involved in real-world scientific reasoning and conceptual change are also needed.
Investigations of real-world reasoning are crucial as they reveal novel mechanisms of reasoning
that would be impossible to uncover using In Vitro methods. For example, by using this In Vivo
methodology, entirely new insights were uncovered regarding the ways that (i) analogies are
used and their role in conceptual change, and (ii) the mechanisms underlying conceptual change
in the social context of science. Further, use of this In Vivo approach to cognition demonstrates
that it is possible to investigate complex cognitive processes in the real world. In summary, I
argue here that use of the In Vivo approach is vital to achieving a more complete understanding
of the specific mechanisms that underlie scientific reasoning and discovery.
The work discussed in this chapter shows that some of the mechanisms that have been
found in the cognitive laboratory can be seen to be at work in the real world, and more
importantly, that a new range of mechanisms can be uncovered by investigating real-world
scientific contexts. Thus, I advance the claim that both InVivo and In Vitro investigations are
necessary to understand cognition and conceptual change. As in the Biological sciences, the
results of In Vivo work can be brought into the laboratory and analyzed using In Vitro methods.
This cross fertilization of the two approaches ensures that neither approach becomes paradigm
This research was supported by a grant from the Spencer Foundation, grant number
OGP0037356 from the National Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada, and a leave of
absence given by the Department of Psychology at McGill University. I would also like to
thank Laura Ann Petitto for her comments on earlier drafts of this manuscript.
Clearly, I had to become an expert in molecular biology, which I studied for five years in
preparation for this research.
2. Note that I use the term "discovery" in the manner used in Cognitive Science. Sociologists
and historians of science have argued that a finding is not a discovery until the scientists have
convinced other scientists that their finding is a discovery. With this view in mind, I am
continuing to investigate these scientists to see whether and how their findings become accepted
by the scientific community as a discovery.
3. It is important to note that we regard these different types of analogies as being along a
continuum, rather than being discrete classes of analogy. A more complete account of our
findings on analogical reasoning appears in Dunbar 1993b
4. See Dunbar (1993c) for a detailed account of the role of risk assessment in scientific
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