
The Conditions of Learning and Theory of Instruction

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... As the field continued to evolve, the elements of learner characteristics were further enriched. Gagné (2007) categorized the characteristics of learners into three types: The first category involves innate qualities determined by genetic factors, including sensory sensitivity during the information input stage, cognitive abilities like working memory during the internal processing stage, and the speed of concept extraction during the information retrieval stage (Gagné, 2007). The second type consists of qualities acquired through experience, including intellectual abilities, cognitive capacities, language skills, attitudinal skills, and motor skills. ...
... As the field continued to evolve, the elements of learner characteristics were further enriched. Gagné (2007) categorized the characteristics of learners into three types: The first category involves innate qualities determined by genetic factors, including sensory sensitivity during the information input stage, cognitive abilities like working memory during the internal processing stage, and the speed of concept extraction during the information retrieval stage (Gagné, 2007). The second type consists of qualities acquired through experience, including intellectual abilities, cognitive capacities, language skills, attitudinal skills, and motor skills. ...
... Gagné believed that abilities and traits are the primary features influencing human behavioral performances. Abilities include general intelligence (IQ) and specific skills like verbal comprehension, reasoning, numerical proficiency, spatial orientation, associative memory, and memory span (Gagné, 2007). Traits encompass achievement motivation, anxiety, locus of control, and self-efficacy. ...
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Background and Aim: Developing China into a formidable sports nation necessitates the support of top-tier talents, while the advancement of sports higher education serves as a crucial underpinning for nurturing skilled sports professionals. The pedagogy within sports education is notably distinct, with sports students embodying a uniquely central role in the learning process. Consequently, enhancing the caliber of sports education demands an exploration of pedagogical strategies not solely from the educators' viewpoint but also through an investigation into the distinctive attributes of sports students as active participants in their learning journey. Materials and Methods: The study commenced with interviews involving 13 sports educators from Chinese universities to identify elements pertinent to evaluating university sports students' learning characteristics from the educators' viewpoint. Grounded in the learner characteristics theory, the analysis framework's structure was established. After this, exploratory factor analysis was employed to affirm the validity of the proposed research framework. Leveraging this framework and incorporating established scales, the "Questionnaire on Characteristics of University Sports Students as Learners" was constructed. A cohort of 700 sports students, ranging from freshmen to juniors, participated in the survey. The gathered data underwent extensive analysis to investigate the prevailing learner characteristics among university sports students in Guizhou Province. Results: The research identified three pivotal learner characteristics in university sports students: cognitive, emotional, and ability-related components. The cognitive facet involves learning attitudes and motivation; the emotional facet comprises self-efficacy and anxiety; and the ability facet includes learning strategies and training investment. Analysis of the data revealed no significant gender-based differences in these characteristics. However, it highlighted notable disparities across academic years: freshmen exhibited the highest scores in cognitive components, followed by sophomores, with juniors registering the lowest scores. In the assessment of emotional aspects, sophomores outperformed though the margin of difference was nominal between the freshmen and juniors. Conversely, in the evaluation of ability aspects, juniors achieved significantly greater scores compared to their freshmen and sophomore counterparts. Regarding college entrance examination performance, a discernible trend indicated that higher scores in the cultural section correlated positively with enhanced performance across all evaluated elements and their respective dimensions. However, this correlation was not observed in sports examination scores, which did not demonstrate significant differences in cognitive aspects but did reveal disparities in both ability and emotional aspects. Conclusion: The performance of student-athletes across ability, emotional, and cognitive dimensions is affected by a multitude of factors, such as gender, academic year, cultural course grades, physical education assessments, and sports exam scores. To enhance the overall quality and performance of sports students, emphasis should be placed on fostering their learning competencies, emotional equilibrium, and cognitive capabilities, and developing tailored training initiatives that account for varying academic levels and individual differences. Additionally, we should strengthen the comprehensive evaluation and assessment of students' overall qualities to more effectively facilitate their all-encompassing growth.
... Minat belajar bukan hanya soal motivasi intrinsik siswa untuk belajar, tetapi juga bagaimana guru dapat menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang menarik dan relevan dengan kebutuhan serta kemampuan siswa. Dengan demikian, minat belajar yang tinggi dapat membantu siswa untuk lebih termotivasi dalam memecahkan masalah matematika yang mereka anggap sulit (Gagne, 1985). ...
... Dengan demikian, minat belajar yang tinggi dapat membantu siswa untuk lebih termotivasi dalam memecahkan masalah matematika yang mereka anggap sulit (Gagne, 1985). Ketika siswa memiliki ketertarikan yang mendalam terhadap materi yang diajarkan, mereka cenderung berusaha lebih keras untuk memahami konsep-konsep yang kompleks. ...
... Minat belajar yang tinggi, jika dikombinasikan dengan bakat yang terasah dengan baik, akan menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang produktif dan membantu siswa mencapai prestasi akademik yang lebih baik. Bagi para pendidik, hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan panduan untuk merancang strategi pembelajaran yang lebih efektif dan personalisasi sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa (Gagne, 1985). ...
The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of students' learning interest and talents on their mathematics learning outcomes at SMP Negeri 2 Sinunukan, Kecamatan Sinunukan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. In education, learning interest and talent play a crucial role in determining students' academic success. This research used a quantitative approach with a survey method and correlation analysis technique to determine the extent to which these two factors affect students' learning outcomes. The population of this study consisted of all eighth-grade students, totaling 250, while the research sample was 153 students selected randomly. The research instruments included a mathematics achievement test to measure students' learning outcomes and a questionnaire to assess students' learning interest and talents. The collected data were analyzed using multiple correlation and regression techniques to test the relationship between the independent variables (learning interest and talent) and the dependent variable (mathematics learning outcomes). The results indicated a significant relationship between students' learning interest and talents and their mathematics learning outcomes. The multiple correlation analysis revealed a calculated t-value = 23.208, which is greater than the t-table value = 3.06 at a 5% significance level, indicating that both independent variables have a significant influence on learning outcomes. Additionally, the regression analysis resulted in the equation Y = -101.501 + 2.96x1 + 1.44x2, demonstrating that an increase in students' learning interest and talents will positively impact their mathematics learning outcomes. This study concludes that learning interest and talent are crucial factors that educators and schools must consider in improving students' mathematics learning outcomes. Therefore, teaching strategies that facilitate the development of students' interest and talents, such as engaging and interactive learning approaches, are essential. Furthermore, the development of guidance programs that help students recognize their talents and interests is also necessary to maximize their learning potential. The results of this study are expected to contribute to educators and policymakers in designing more effective learning strategies, particularly in improving students' mathematics learning outcomes through enhancing their interest and talents. This study recommends integrating interest and talent into the learning curriculum and calls for further research to identify other factors influencing students' learning outcomes.
... Minat belajar bukan hanya soal motivasi intrinsik siswa untuk belajar, tetapi juga bagaimana guru dapat menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang menarik dan relevan dengan kebutuhan serta kemampuan siswa. Dengan demikian, minat belajar yang tinggi dapat membantu siswa untuk lebih termotivasi dalam memecahkan masalah matematika yang mereka anggap sulit (Gagne, 1985). ...
... Dengan demikian, minat belajar yang tinggi dapat membantu siswa untuk lebih termotivasi dalam memecahkan masalah matematika yang mereka anggap sulit (Gagne, 1985). Ketika siswa memiliki ketertarikan yang mendalam terhadap materi yang diajarkan, mereka cenderung berusaha lebih keras untuk memahami konsep-konsep yang kompleks. ...
... Minat belajar yang tinggi, jika dikombinasikan dengan bakat yang terasah dengan baik, akan menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang produktif dan membantu siswa mencapai prestasi akademik yang lebih baik. Bagi para pendidik, hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan panduan untuk merancang strategi pembelajaran yang lebih efektif dan personalisasi sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa (Gagne, 1985). ...
The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of students' learning interest and talents on their mathematics learning outcomes at SMP Negeri 2 Sinunukan, Kecamatan Sinunukan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. In education, learning interest and talent play a crucial role in determining students' academic success. This research used a quantitative approach with a survey method and correlation analysis technique to determine the extent to which these two factors affect students' learning outcomes. The population of this study consisted of all eighth-grade students, totaling 250, while the research sample was 153 students selected randomly. The research instruments included a mathematics achievement test to measure students' learning outcomes and a questionnaire to assess students' learning interest and talents. The collected data were analyzed using multiple correlation and regression techniques to test the relationship between the independent variables (learning interest and talent) and the dependent variable (mathematics learning outcomes). The results indicated a significant relationship between students' learning interest and talents and their mathematics learning outcomes. The multiple correlation analysis revealed a calculated t-value = 23.208, which is greater than the t-table value = 3.06 at a 5% significance level, indicating that both independent variables have a significant influence on learning outcomes. Additionally, the regression analysis resulted in the equation Y =-101.501 + 2.96x1 + 1.44x2, demonstrating that an increase in students' learning interest and talents will positively impact their mathematics learning outcomes. This study concludes that learning interest and talent are crucial factors that educators and schools must consider in improving students' mathematics learning outcomes. Therefore, teaching strategies that facilitate the development of students' interest and talents, such as engaging and interactive learning approaches, are essential. Furthermore, the development of guidance programs that help students recognize their talents and interests is also necessary to maximize their learning potential. The results of this study are expected to contribute to educators and policymakers in designing more effective learning strategies, particularly in improving students' mathematics learning outcomes through enhancing their interest and talents. This study recommends integrating interest and talent into the learning curriculum and calls for further research to identify other factors influencing students' learning outcomes.
... The trainees found the English curriculum complex, citing broad content, limited instructional time, unfamiliar vocabulary, and ineffective teaching methods as contributing factors. From the interviews, the tutors noted that many trainees lacked adequate preparation from their earlier education, supporting the essentialist view that a strong foundation is crucial for understanding complex concepts (Gagné, 2013). ...
... The study's fourth objective explored English language tutors' views on factors inhibiting the quality of teaching and learning in Ghanaian colleges of education. Tutors identified inadequate student preparation and poor foundational skills in English as significant obstacles, emphasising the essentialist principle that foundational solid knowledge is crucial for academic progress (Gagné, 2013). The lack of experienced tutors was another significant issue, with tutors emphasising the need for skilled educators to ensure effective teaching-an idea grounded in essentialism, which stresses teachers' expertise, and progressivism, which advocates for active, well-guided learning (Dewey, 1938). ...
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This study examines factors inhibiting the quality of English language teaching and learning in Ghanaian colleges of education. Using a cross- sectional descriptive survey design, the study employed a mixed methods research approach, involving questionnaires with 128 teacher trainees from four colleges in the Eastern and Greater Accra zones and telephone interviews with 12 English language tutors. The findings reveal that while some teacher trainees have a positive attitude towards the English language course, they struggle with English concepts due to an overloaded curriculum content, limited instructional time, unfamiliar vocabulary, and ineffective teaching methods. Tutors also highlighted students’ poor foundational knowledge, a shortage of experienced educators, and inadequate professional development opportunities. The study calls for a balanced integration of essentialist and progressivist theories to enhance foundational knowledge, interactive learning, and effective teaching methodologies, contributing to improved English language education in Ghana. Keywords: education, essentialism, teacher trainees, teaching, progressivism
... This process aligns with the framework suggested by Rahmatika et al. (2022), emphasizing the importance of conveying learning objectives and the broader scope of material. Clearly defining what will be achieved during the lesson allows students to have a sense of direction and purpose, which enhances their engagement (Gagné, 1985;Reiser, 2012). ...
... In this case, while the teacher made efforts to explain difficult material to those who needed it, the limited time affected the depth and quality of instruction. According to Gagné (1985), adequate instructional time and opportunities for practice are essential for ensuring mastery of concepts, particularly in subjects like mathematics that require conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills. ...
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This research aims to evaluate the mathematics learning process with a discovery learning model using flashcard media for class IV students at MI Al-Ma'arif 02 Jombang-Jember and identify their weaknesses and strengths. The approach used is descriptive qualitative with purposive techniques for determining subjects. Data was collected through passive participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentation, then analyzed using Miles and Huberman's interactive analysis model and tested for validity through triangulation of sources and techniques. The research results show that teachers prepare lesson plans, syllabi, media, and learning resources in planning learning. Implementing learning includes opening, core (with discovery learning syntax), and closing. Learning evaluation is carried out by assessing knowledge, attitudes, and skills. The advantages are that students become more active and enthusiastic, the material is easier for the teacher to convey, and it is easier for students to understand the material and work on questions. However, some students were less enthusiastic and needed help understanding the material, so they needed help answering the questions.
... Konsep dasar belajar merujuk pada pemahaman tentang bagaimana individu memperoleh pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap, atau nilai melalui pengalaman, latihan, atau interaksi dengan lingkungannya (Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, 2016;Malcolm Knowles, Malcolm S. Knowles, 2020, Gagne, 1985. ...
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Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang begitu pesat telah mengubah lanskap pendidikan secara signifikan. Integrasi teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran bukan lagi menjadi pilihan, melainkan sebuah keharusan. Buku ini, "Teknologi Pendidikan: Teori dan Aplikasi", hadir sebagai upaya untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut. Buku ini disusun dengan tujuan memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif mengenai konsep dasar teknologi pendidikan, mulai dari definisi, sejarah perkembangan, hingga berbagai teori yang mendasari penerapannya. Selain itu, buku ini juga menyajikan beragam contoh aplikasi teknologi pendidikan dalam konteks pembelajaran yang nyata, baik di tingkat sekolah, perguruan tinggi, maupun dalam pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. Dalam buku ini, pembaca akan diajak untuk menjelajahi beberapa fokus kajian sebagaimana berikut ini: Bab 1 Pengenalan Teknologi Pendidikan Bab 2 Teori dan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Bab 3 Perencanaan Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Bab 4 Media Pembelajaran Digital Bab 5 Pengembangan Konten Pembelajaran Digital Bab 6 Learning Management System (LMS) dan E-learning Bab 7 Teknologi Mobile dan Pembelajaran Ubiquitous Bab 8 Virtual Reality (VR) dan Augmented Reality (AR) Bab 9 Gamifikasi dalam Pendidikan Bab 10 Pembelajaran Kolaboratif Berbasis Teknologi Bab 11 Teknologi dan Pendidikan Inklusif Bab 12 Tren Teknologi Pendidikan di Masa Depan Penulis berharap buku ini dapat menjadi referensi yang bermanfaat bagi para pendidik, mahasiswa, praktisi pendidikan, dan semua pihak yang berkepentingan dalam pengembangan teknologi pendidikan. Dengan memahami konsep dan aplikasi teknologi pendidikan, diharapkan dapat mendorong terciptanya lingkungan belajar yang lebih inovatif, efektif, dan menyenangkan. Akhir kata, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah berkontribusi dalam penyusunan buku ini. Semoga buku ini dapat memberikan manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya bagi kemajuan pendidikan di Indonesia. Salam, Penulis
... In this study, we conceptualize AI literacy through a four-dimensional framework comprising AI knowledge, AI skills, AI ethics, and AI attitudes. This framework reflects the current scholarly discourse on AI literacy and aligns with Gagne's Theory of Instruction (Gagne, 1974), which categorizes learning outcomes into cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains. Here, the cognitive domain includes factual and conceptual knowledge, the psychomotor domain focuses on practical skills and hands-on experience, and the affective domain encompasses individual attitudes and values, influencing decision-making and actions. ...
... En un inicio, el conductismo fue la teoría base para la formulación del diseño instruccional, el cual consiste en el proceso de planificar, desarrollar y organizar estrategias de enseñanza y materiales didácticos de manera efectiva para facilitar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes (Gagné, 1985). Dicha teoría establece a grandes rasgos que el aprendizaje debe ser investigado en su dimensión externa y observable, pues no es posible conocer qué ocurre dentro de una persona cuando aprende (Hurtado, 2006). ...
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Este artículo examina la transformación de la tecnología educativa, desde el surgimiento de las máquinas de enseñanza conductistas hasta la actual integración de las redes informáticas y sus aplicaciones, apoyándose en diversas teorías del aprendizaje. Se detalla cómo las máquinas de enseñanza, fundamentadas en el conductismo, establecieron las bases para utilizar la tecnología en la educación, mediante secuencias instruccionales que buscan moldear el comportamiento del aprendiz con retroalimentación inmediata. Posteriormente, se aborda la influencia del cognitivismo y su impacto en el desarrollo de tecnologías educativas como los sistemas expertos y Logo, reflejando un enfoque en los procesos mentales internos del aprendizaje. El artículo también discute el papel del constructivismo en la promoción de un aprendizaje activo y constructivo, evidenciado en el desarrollo de LMS como Moodle, que fomentan entornos colaborativos. Finalmente, introduce el conectivismo como un enfoque adecuado para la era digital, donde el aprendizaje implica navegar y conectar dentro de redes informáticas. Destaca la necesidad de adaptar la educación a las tecnologías emergentes como la inteligencia artificial generativa y a las teorías del aprendizaje contemporáneas, subrayando la importancia de preparar a los aprendices para manejar el complejo mundo de la información y el conocimiento actual.
... Gagne's theory of learning espouses the ideas of signal learning, stimulus-response learning and verbal association [9]. Although, Novak and Taylor's Stimulus-Response Theory (1977) forms the basis of Gagne's theory, the latter includes a number of cognitive factors in the learning model that eventually leads to an all-around development of young learners' mental and brain development. ...
Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) bring traditional educational strategies into the 21st century by using technology as a deployment method. Online environments can be utilized alone or in conjunction with face-to-face instruction to develop a robust educational paradigm that is tailored to the students' needs. This paper intends to describe how learning theories recently applied in traditional classrooms can be transferred to an interactive virtual medium to achieve this paradigm. In addition, this paper also demonstrates how the practical model of Piaget's Constructivist Theory of Learning and Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development, and their related strategies, could be applied to achieve a set of specific and effective e-learning objectives. This paper will also discuss identify how these strategies can be used to develop a VLE appropriate for primary schools.
... Learner theories are crucial to understanding how people learn language and how best to teach it. The Title: applies the major theories regarding language teaching and how they can be used with the development of secondary school English curricular (Gagné, 1985). ...
... In addition, this type of research follows a long-term agenda that is sustained for many years. A classic example of research with theoretical goals within the field of educational technology is the seminal work of Gagné (1997) to describe the basic conditions of learning and a theory of instruction. ...
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The outcomes of educational systems continue to lag far behind expectations at all levels, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Meanwhile, the sheer amount of educational research published in refereed journals has expanded enormously. There is an obvious disconnect between the educational research papers published in professional journals or presented at academic conferences and any form of beneficial impact on the students, teachers, and other stakeholders in educational systems. This problem can be traced back to those professors and research supervisors engaged in the preparation of educational researchers who fail to convey to novice researchers important distinctions between the goals and methods of educational research. Educational design research provides a possibly viable alternative to educational research as it is commonly conducted in the field of educational technology. Educational design research has the twin objectives of the developing creative approaches to solving human teaching, learning, and performance problems while at the same time constructing a body of design principles that can guide future development efforts. The time for greater uptake of educational design research is now.
... Hence, it can probably be assumed that the traditional lessons followed a teacher-centered, direct instruction model, grounded in behaviorist learning theory (e.g. Adams & Engelmann, 1996;Gagné, 1974). This approach emphasized structured content delivery, where the teacher guided the learning process using printed materials, offering less autonomy to the students. ...
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One discussion in the context of education for sustainable development centers around the importance of suitable teaching materials for promoting pro-environmental attitudes. Especially applications that let learners travel to otherwise difficult to reach places seem promising for digital sustainability education that is both accessible and socially just. Applications for German-speaking learners are however rare, and it has often not been checked whether those that exist are fit for classroom use. Therefore, this paper focuses on an investigation of the Virtual Reality (VR) learning application "On Biodiversity’s Tracks", developed by greenpeace, with a focus on the environment of the Amazon rainforest. In an experimental study, (1) VR-based and (2) traditional lesson conditions were compared in terms of their effects on self-appraisal of knowledge, interest, and attitude. Pre- and post-questionnaires were used to uncover between-subject and within-subject effects. 172 students at eight secondary schools in Germany were recruited. The results revealed that both experimental conditions were effective regarding increase of self-appraised knowledge. An increase in interest was barely found in either condition. Changes at the attitudinal level could mostly not be discovered. Further analyses highlighted that, unlike the experimental conditions, there were significant differences in self-rated learning outcomes between the types of schools. In general, our results indicate that VR learning applications can contribute to the teaching of topics such as sustainability and biodiversity in a target group-oriented and meaningful way. However, further research is needed to adequately assess VR learning effectiveness, especially regarding affective learning outcomes, due to their importance for sustainable behaviors of subsequent generations.
... Feedback varies in writing, but the most common feedback students receive is feedback in written form because the teacher can directly emphasize structure, content, discourse, punctuation, or any other component of language in isolation or combined. This feedback is one of the most awaited tools for students since it is seen as an "external learning condition" to boost learning effectiveness (Gagne, 1985). Furthermore, Parr & Timperley (2010) stated that the feedback given by a teacher will affect students' progress, the institutions' aims and expectations in terms of pedagogy and evaluation, the level of student involvement in the learning process, and the revision replies anticipated by students. ...
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Feedback is one of the essential things for students to help them improve and develop their writing skills. Nowadays, the kinds of feedback are varied; a form that has often been used since the pandemic is electronic written feedback. This study aims to find out the students' perceptions toward the use of electronic written feedback. This study was conducted in the English Language Education Program at a private university in Salatiga. This study included 34 students registered in an Academic Writing class during the even semester 2023. The data for this study were gathered from semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. Both thematic analysis and statistical analysis were used to analyze the data from the interview and questionnaires. The findings revealed that the students’ attitudes toward electronic feedback were positive. Moreover, this study found weaknesses and strengths in using written feedback electronically. Practical recommendations for maximizing the potential of the electronic written feedback and directions for future research are also presented in this paper.
... An equally popular model is Robert Gagné's Nine Events of Instruction (Gagné, 1985). Unlike the process-driven ADDIE model, this framework is designed to optimise cognitive processing and learner engagement. ...
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Interactive stories for learning (ISL) are a powerful pedagogical approach, well supported by learning theory and scholarly research. Learners traverse a story which reflects their real-life environment, make decisions and explore diverse narrative paths, learning from the consequences of their actions. It is a safe space for learners to practice, where failures function as learning opportunities. Despite their potential, ISL often fail to engage learners effectively due to poor execution. Learning designers face the challenge of ensuring narrative engagement while enhancing learner capability, but may lack the necessary skills to craft high-quality interactive stories. This gap is particularly clear when the ISL deals with intricate human interactions, such as healthcare provider-patient conversations. Scholars advocate for better narratives to enhance the potential of ISL in healthcare-referred to as virtual patients-for teaching non-technical skills, including empathy and compassionate care. However, crafting advice is scarce and fragmented, and too focused on learning from linear, not interactive storytelling. This study endeavoured to enhance ISL by learning the craft from narrative design in video games, where expertise and innovation in producing high-quality interactive narratives has been fostered since the earliest games, more than 50 years ago. In the first phase of this research, disseminations from narrative design experts were collected, analysed and synthesised. The expert advice emphasised the pivotal role of emotions and player self-expression in crafting interactive narrative, along with the importance of designing believable characters and meaningful choices. A comprehensive heuristics framework to craft ISL was developed based on the insights from this phase. Through iterative prototyping and reflection, the heuristics framework was evaluated and refined, and subsequently applied to the recrafting of a virtual patient for compassion training. The recrafted and original version were presented to nurses in the final phase of this study. An online survey measured the participants' narrative transportation in the virtual patient story and asked about their learner experience. Additionally, their decision-making during playthroughs was recorded. While no statistically significant differences for narrative transportation were found, the results from the playthrough data and open-ended questions demonstrated that incorporating emotional depth into virtual patient design significantly impacted learner engagement and empathy. Participants exhibited more compassionate care when interacting with the recrafted virtual patient, showing highly improved decision-making to promote patient outcomes. This study contributes valuable insights into leveraging game narrative techniques to enhance the crafting of virtual patients for compassionate care training. By bridging the gap between learning design and game narrative expertise, educators can create more immersive and effective ISL experiences, ultimately enhancing learner outcomes and experiences. 3
... Learning Efficiency (LE) is a concept derived from the work of Gagné R. M. (1985). It evaluates how quickly apprentices acquire proficiency, in their trade in relation, to the learning. ...
... The development of skills is a crucial outcome in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) environments that has a direct impact on students' preparedness for the workforce (Smith & Abbot, 2019). According to Gagné (1985), the process of acquiring skills is complex and impacted by a number of variables, including instructional strategies and educational resources. In TVET settings like Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, the availability and utilisation of technological tools are essential to assisting students in developing their skills. ...
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The present age has seen the proliferation of various technological tools for enhancing skill acquisition among students in TVET institutions. However, there has been little or no research carried out to examine how effective these resources have been utilised by the intended audience to acquire requisite skills needed to gain a competitive edge in the present digital era. In light of these circumstances, the present study was conducted to look into how technology resources affect students' development of skills at the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria, school of management studies. A survey research design was adopted by the study which involved the use of a structured questionnaire for data collection from a sample of 358 students in the study area. The collected data were analysed using inferential statistics while the hypotheses were tested using simple regression analysis, achieved with the aid of SPSS version 25. From the findings of the study, it was discovered that accessibility to technological equipment has a significant influence on the technical proficiency of the study participants (t=3.084; p<0.05). Furthermore, the findings of the study revealed that the quality of technological resources had a significant influence on the problem-solving abilities of the study participants (t=8.753; p<0.05). The study therefore concludes that technological resources has a significant influence on skills acquisition in Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State. The study therefore recommended that government needs to fund the institution by equipping the institution with state of the art technologies in order to ensure that students are up-to-date with the use of modern technologies to give them an edge in the labour market
... Gardner's theory provided a blueprint for teachers to utilize multifaceted approaches that leverage various intelligences based on each student's strengths. Robert Gagné (1985) introduced five domains of learning, which are: verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills and attitudes. His ideas encouraged teachers to utilize diverse strategies aligned to each domain, recognizing that students learned in varied ways. ...
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Despite the theoretical proposition that needs-supportive teaching practices, guided by self-determination theory (SDT), can positively influence student academic outcomes, research examining the relationship between teachers' self-reported needs-supportive behaviors and objective measures of student performance, such as standardized test scores, is scarce. This study investigated the correlation between teachers' needs-supportive practices, as assessed by the Teacher as Social Context Questionnaire (TASCQ), and their students' academic achievement based on standardized test results. The sample consisted of 31 K-12 teachers from various grade levels in public schools located in Southwest Missouri. Participants completed the TASCQ, which measures needs-supportive teaching in terms of autonomy support, competence support, and relatedness support. The primary outcome measure was the percentage of students in each teacher's classroom who achieved proficiency or higher on standardized tests. Contrary to expectations, the study found no significant correlation between teachers' self-reported needs-supportive teaching practices and the percentage of their students achieving proficiency or higher on standardized tests. Furthermore, the study observed no significant correlations between the individual dimensions of autonomy, competence, and relatedness support and students' test performance. This research contributes to the field of educational psychology by highlighting the complexity of the relationship between teaching practices and student achievement, suggesting that sole reliance on standardized test scores may not fully capture the influence of needs-supportive teaching on student growth and development. Future research should explore alternative indicators of student success and investigate the potential long-term effects of needs-supportive teaching on student motivation, engagement, and well-being.
... Namun, pendekatan tradisional seringkali hanya berfokus pada penerapan algoritma dan prosedur, tanpa memberikan ruang yang cukup bagi siswa untuk memahami konsep secara mendalam. Menurut Gagné (1985), pembelajaran yang efektif tidak hanya melibatkan transfer pengetahuan, tetapi juga konstruksi makna melalui pengalaman belajar yang relevan. Dalam konteks ini, pengajaran matematika memerlukan perubahan dari metode mekanis menuju pendekatan yang lebih bermakna dan kontekstual. ...
... Bilangan adalah suatu konsep dalam ilmu matematika yang digunakan untuk pencacahan dan pengukuran. Konsep dalam matematika merupakan ide abstrak yang dapat digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan atau menggolongkan sekumpulan objek atau kejadian tertentu dan menerangkan apakah objek itu merupakan contoh atau bukan contoh dari gagasan tersebut (Gagne, 1985). Sebagai contoh konsep "bilangan bulat" didasarkan pada hubungan besar dan arah. ...
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The Semiotic process (construction of sign meaning) is very closely related to mathematics which consists of signs or symbols. This research aims to explore students' semiotic processes in constructing the meaning of symbols in whole numbers. This research is a qualitative descriptive research using a semiotic approach. The subjects in this research were selected using purposive sampling (purposeful sampling). The subjects in this research were 32 elementary school students. Based on this research, 5 types of semiotic construction patterns were obtained with each subject grouped based on its semiotic construction, namely 1) strong semiotic construction, 2) weak semiosis construction, 3) True-False semiotic construction, 4) False-True semiotic construction, and 5) False-False semiotic construction. The semiosis construction process is a determining factor in students understanding the signs of operations in integers.
... The theoretical underpinning for the design of this assignment was cognitivism. More specifically, the assignment design attempted to utilize Gagné's (1985) conditions for learning. Time was taken during class sessions to introduce the project and it's required components, TimelineJS and how it worked, and to aid with helping students utilize library search engines to locate resources. ...
... A series of actions prepared are useful in supporting the student learning process by considering events directly experienced by students [9]. Learning is a careful arrangement of events with the intention that learning occurs and makes it effective [10]. The process of ongoing interaction or exchanging information (knowledge) between educators and students using planned learning resources and media to produce a change in behavior and certain behaviors. ...
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This research aims to develop and test the effectiveness of a problem-based e-module assisted by a flipbook maker application for contract legal materials. A problem in civil and business law is something that must be studied by students in order to be able to resolve or solve a problem through the scientific method stage. This research uses the writing and development procedures proposed by Borg and Gall. The development study produced a product in the form of a problem-based e-module assisted by a flipbook maker with effective contract law materials. The product effectiveness test was based on the results of a large group test, namely the average pre-test score was 57.82 while the post-test score was 72.05. This shows an increase in the average obtained by students, namely 14.23.
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This study analyzes the impact of innovative learning media on students' understanding of accounting concepts at the University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews and participatory observations involving lecturers and students. The study examined media such as business simulations, animated videos, and case-based applications. Findings reveal that innovative learning media enhance student participation, simplify complex accounting concepts, and improve practical skills. Additionally, interactions between lecturers and students became more dynamic and engaging. Despite these benefits, challenges like limited technological resources and the need for adaptation time remain obstacles. This study highlights the importance of developing and integrating educational technology to support effective and relevant accounting learning.
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Pelaksanakan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh pelaksanaan Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) terhadap pembentukan sikap demokrasi dan bertanggung jawab sosial pada siswa kelas XI B SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak. Menumbuhkan sikap demokrasi dan bertanggung jawab sosial dirasa sangat penting diterapkan pada generasi muda saat ini. Hal ini menjadi perhatian khusus pemerintah dan dunia Pendidikan dalam memberikan wadah juga solusi pembentukan karakter penerus bangsa. Salah satunya dengan pelaksanaan Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) program yang dirancang Kemendikbudristek sebagai bagian dari Kurikulum Merdeka yang bertujuan untuk mendorong tercapainya Profil Pelajar Pancasila. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang diisi oleh siswa dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan P5 memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pembentukan sikap demokrasi dan bertanggung jawab sosial. Temuan ini menunjukkan pentingnya pelaksanaan P5 dalam mendukung penmbentukan karakter siswa sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Pancasila khususnya terhadap sikap demokrasi dan bertanggung jawab sosial.
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The Qur'an is the main source of religious and social sciences in Islam. The Qur'an was agreed upon by the Islamic scholars, not only discussing the issues of religion and morality, but also giving information and cues about science and science to humans. Among the sciences is the science of psychology, especially the psychology of human development. The purpose of this research is to explore and introduce the concept of developmental psychology in the Qur'an and As-Sunnah in order to be referenced by people who struggle in this field, including educators. The method used in this research is qualitative method with library research approach and descriptive analysis of the findings obtained from the library data. The results of this study explain that the soul in the Qur'an includes several understandings; Soul means Spirit, Soul means man as a whole consisting of spirit and body, Soul means potential human mind, Soul means heart (Qolb) and Soul means potential good and bad. The soul or human psychology has certain types and conditions according to God's creation and the soul or human psychology undergoes 3 (three) stages of development; weak, strong and weak the second.
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Masih rendahnya karakter peduli lingkungan di sekolah dasar mendorong pemerintah Dinas Lingkungan Hidup membentuk program Adiwiyata untuk mengembangkan karakter peduli lingkungan pada anak melalui berbagai kegiatan berwawasan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan karakter peduli lingkungan melalui program Adiwiyata di Kampung Budak Capetang Kota Tasikmalaya. Mulai dari kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan strategi, faktor pendukung serta faktor penghambat pengembangan karakter peduli lingkungan melalui program Adiwiyata. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini di antaranya Ketua Pengurus Kampung Budak Capetang, seluruh pengurus dan stakeholder Kampung Budak Capetang,dan anak-anak pengunjung Kampung Budak Capetang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan konsep Miles dan Huberman yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pengembangan karakter peduli lingkungan sangat beragam, salah satunya dengan adanya program Adiwiyata. Program ini dapat mengembangkan karakter peduli lingkungan pada anak melalui serangkaian pelaksanaan kegiatan berdasarkan beberapa indikator yaitu (1) Memiliki kesadaran dan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan hidup, (2) Berperilaku ramah lingkungan, (3) Menjaga dan memelihara kelestarian alam dan sumber daya alam; dan (4) Mampu mengembangkan potensi dan kreativitas dalam mengelola lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan bahwa pengembangan karakter peduli lingkungan melalui program Adiwiyata di Kampung Budak Capetang sudah berjalan dengan baik, hal ini dibuktikan dengan sikap dan perilaku anak-anak pengunjung yang telah sesuai dengan indikator yang perlu dicapai untuk mengembangkan karakter peduli lingkungan. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan wawasan dalam mengembangkan karakter peduli lingkungan melalui program Adiwiyata. Kata Kunci: Kata Kunci: Program Adiwiyata, Pengembangan Karakter, Peduli Lingkungan.
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Teaching the endocrine system in nursing education is challenging due to its complexity. This study introduces a ten-jump learning model for nursing students at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, using the ADDIE methodology. Incorporating interactive elements and technology, the model aims to enhance comprehension, motivation, and engagement. Evaluated through student assessments, feedback, and learning outcomes, the results showed the model is valid, meets educational standards, and is practical for real-world use. It effectively improves problem-solving skills, promotes independent study, and increases student motivation. The Ten-Jump Model’s success suggests it could be a template for other complex subjects, enhancing educational strategies in nursing and other fields. Further research should explore its broader application to support educational quality and effectiveness.
This chapter presents a principled design approach, which includes three key stages: theoretical foundations, guiding principles, and design specifications. Theoretical foundations provide strong theoretical support for the design of a learning environment. Guiding principles are the guidelines or blueprints for the design of the learning environment in a specific context. They provide a bridging connection between the abstract theories and concrete design ideas. Design specifications are the detailed design ideas about the learning environment. They include pedagogical, social, and technical design aspects, which are presented in Chaps. 3, 4, and 5.
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The development of learning theory represents a dynamic and evolving field within psychology and education, reflecting changes in our understanding of how individuals acquire, process, and retain knowledge. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the key milestones in the evolution of learning theories, spanning from early behaviorist approaches to contemporary cognitive and constructivist theories. The findings indicate that learning theories have progressively shifted from focusing on observable behaviors to an understanding of the complex mental processes involved in learning. Early behaviorist theories, such as those proposed by Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner, emphasized the role of reinforcement and punishment in shaping behavior. Pavlov's experiments with dogs illustrated the principles of classical conditioning, where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response. Skinner's work on operant conditioning further explored how behavior could be modified by its consequences, introducing concepts of reinforcement schedules that have been widely applied in educational settings. As limitations of behaviorism became apparent, cognitive theories emerged, highlighting the importance of internal mental processes. Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development proposed that children progress through distinct stages of cognitive growth, each characterized by different ways of thinking and understanding the world. Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory emphasized the role of social interaction and cultural tools in cognitive development, introducing the concept of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), which underscores the potential for learning with the guidance of more knowledgeable others. The constructivist perspective, advocated by theorists such as Jerome Bruner and Howard Gardner, posits that learners actively construct their knowledge through experiences and interactions with their environment. Bruner's discovery learning emphasizes the importance of exploration and inquiry in the learning process, while Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences challenges traditional notions of intelligence and suggests that individuals have diverse cognitive strengths. In recent years, insights from neuroscience have deepened our understanding of the biological underpinnings of learning. Research on brain plasticity has demonstrated that the brain can reorganize itself in response to learning experiences, supporting the idea that learning is a dynamic and lifelong process. These findings have given rise to the field of neuroeducation, which integrates principles from neuroscience, psychology, and education to enhance teaching and learning practices. The implications of these theories for educational practice are profound. Differentiated instruction, which tailors teaching methods and materials to meet the diverse needs of students, has become a cornerstone of effective teaching. The integration of technology in education has transformed the learning landscape, providing new opportunities for interactive and personalized learning experiences. Digital tools and online platforms facilitate formative assessment, enabling educators to monitor student progress and adjust instruction accordingly. Overall, the development of learning theory reflects an ongoing quest to understand the complex processes involved in learning. From the early behaviorist emphasis on observable behaviors to the current focus on cognitive and constructivist perspectives, learning theories have evolved to encompass a more holistic understanding of how individuals acquire and apply knowledge. These theories have profound implications for educational practice, guiding the design of instructional strategies that foster deep and meaningful learning. As research in neuroscience and technology continues to advance, the future of learning theory promises to bring even greater insights and innovations to the field of education
The study examined the impact of play therapy on learning outcome on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder pupils in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State. Quasi experimental design within which the Solomon four group design was employed. Using purposive sampling technique, a sample of 60 primary three pupils who met the criteria for ADHD were randomly assigned into the four groups which was made up of two experimental groups and two control groups. Two valid instruments titled: Conners' Rating Scales-Revised (CRS-R) for assessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) were used for collection of data in the study. The research questions were answered with mean and standard deviation. Hypotheses were tested for significance at 0.05 using dependent sample t-test, Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and One-way analysis of Variance (one-way ANOVA). The result revealed that play therapy is effective in the improvement of learning outcome of attention deficit hyperactivity pupils. There was a significant difference of play therapy on learning outcome among the groups (experimental group 1, control group 1, experimental group 2 and control group 2). Based on these findings’ recommendations were made.
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This article examines the shift from Bloom’s Taxonomy, a well-established model of cognitive skills, to Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK), which focuses on the complexity of cognitive tasks. It provides an overview of both frameworks and discusses their roles in lesson planning and instructional design. While Bloom’s Taxonomy serves as a foundational tool for structuring learning objectives across levels of understanding, application, and creation, Webb’s DOK offers a more nuanced approach by emphasizing the depth of student engagement and cognitive rigor. Combined, these frameworks form a robust strategy for designing lessons that promote critical thinking and adaptability. By integrating Bloom’s Taxonomy with Webb’s DOK, educators can better align instructional goals with student outcomes, creating a progressive and comprehensive learning experience. This article also presents strategies for incorporating both frameworks into lesson planning, offering practical insights and examples for educators seeking to enhance student autonomy and engagement.
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Purpose of the study: To examine the role of field supervisors through digital media in guiding students at kampus mengajar 6 at GMIM Tonsea Lama Elementary School, focusing on their responsibilities, challenges, and impact on students' learning experiences. Methodology: This qualitative study examined Field Supervisors' activities in the Kampus Mengajar 6 program using observation and documentation methods. Data analysis followed Miles and Huberman's interactive model, involving data reduction, display, and conclusion drawing. Peer debriefing and member checking were employed to enhance credibility. The research aimed to provide insights into the supervisors' roles and responsibilities, potentially informing improvements in teacher education programs. Main Findings: The study found that Field Supervisor plays a vital role in bridging the gap between the theories learned by students on campus and the practices in the field. Through digital media, Field Supervisor can monitor student progress, provide real-time feedback, and ensure compliance with professional ethics throughout the program. Digital technology also allows for more efficient and effective coordination, helping Field Supervisor optimize mentoring despite limitations in face-to-face interaction or geographical distance. Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty of this study lies in the in-depth exploration of the diverse roles of Field Supervisor in the Kampus Mengajar 6 program, especially in the application of educational theoretical frameworks combined with digital technology. The findings offer important recommendations for the improvement of similar programs in the future, especially in terms of optimizing the use of digital media in student guidance and supervision during the field education program.
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This article examines the shift from Bloom's Taxonomy, a well-established model of cognitive skills, to Webb's Depth of Knowledge (DOK), which focuses on the complexity of cognitive tasks. It provides an overview of both frameworks and discusses their roles in lesson planning and instructional design. While Bloom's Taxonomy serves as a foundational tool for structuring learning objectives across levels of understanding, application, and creation, Webb's DOK offers a more nuanced approach by emphasizing the depth of student engagement and cognitive rigor. Combined, these frameworks form a robust strategy for designing lessons that promote critical thinking and adaptability. By integrating Bloom's Taxonomy with Webb's DOK, educators can better align instructional goals with student outcomes, creating a progressive and comprehensive learning experience. This article also presents strategies for incorporating both frameworks into lesson planning, offering practical insights and examples for educators seeking to enhance student autonomy and engagement.
Empirical software engineering employs various research methods depending on the research questions, objectives, and the nature of the phenomenon being studied. One of these methods is controlled experiments, which are paramount when the goal is to find causal relationships. This chapter aims to guide educators in designing a course on experimental software engineering. It encompasses the learning goals of the course, the syllabus, the teaching methods, and the assessment activities. Throughout the chapter, we emphasize the lessons we have learned over the years of teaching this course, highlighting both what worked and what did not work.
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Pendidikan ialah salah satu aspek penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Maju tidaknya suatu negara bergantung pada pendidikan. Pendidikan berkualitas menentukan terbentuknya produk dan sumber daya manusia yang berdaya saing unggul di era globalisasi. Pendidikan memegang peranan penting pada membangun kepribadian yang kelak menjadi pribadi yang mampu berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dengan sukses dilingkungannya. Begitu pula dengan UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 (Salamadian, 2018) yang menyatakan: pendidikan merupakan tindakan yang dilakukan secara sengaja dan terstruktur dalam rangka membentuk suatu suasana dalam proses pembelajaran yang berpusat pada keaktifan murid dan bertujuan mengembangkan kemandirian, potensi, intelektual, spiritual, pengendalian diri, moral, dan sikap cakap terhadap diri sendiri, lingkungan sosial, negara, dan bangsa. Kognitif berasal dari kata cognition yang berarti sama dengan knowing yang memilik arti mengetahui. Kognitif sendiri mencakup semua kegiatan berhubungan dengan mental yang membuat individu untuk menilai, mengaitkan, dan mempertimbangkan suatu
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA, khususnya pada materi bagian-bagian tumbuhan, melalui model inkuiri pada siswa kelas IV SD GMIT 07 Oebufu. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini menggunakan model siklus Kemmis dan McTaggart yang terdiri atas perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi selama dua siklus. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan lembar observasi dan tes, dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan nilai rata-rata siswa dari 68,47 (Siklus I) menjadi 81,95 (Siklus II), dengan persentase ketuntasan meningkat dari 61% menjadi 96%. Model inkuiri terbukti efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterlibatan siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA.
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Science process skills (SPS) are considered essential for scientific and technological eras nowadays. This study aims to provide information on how SPS in Indonesia have been researched from 2016 to 2022, including the number of studies conducted, research designs used, frequently addressed science topics, interventions, assessment instruments used, and data analysis techniques applied. We applied content analysis across numerous science education journals authored in Indonesia over 7 years. The analysed articles were filtered from 14 Indonesian science education journals selected from the SINTA database with SINTA 1-6 index ratings. Articles were searched using keywords such as "Science Process Skills and Science Education" and the selection resulted in the review of 86 articles. This up-to-date research has revealed a fluctuation in the number of articles mainly focused on SPS from year to year. Among those articles, quantitative research was the researchers' most popular method for examining SPS. 8th grade Junior High School (JHS) and 10th grade Senior High School (SHS) pupils were frequently chosen as study participants. The most frequently selected topic for the study of SPS were physics (38%), biology (33%), chemistry (9%), and unidentified topics (20%). Inquiry-based learning was the most common research focus, with test sheets and t-tests being the most frequently utilised for analysing data. This SPS review research is important to provide results to identify future areas of research and promote the development of SPS in science education. Several suggestions for future studies on SPS have been made based on the study's outcomes.
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The research on Online Learning Management in Buddhist Universities has the following objectives: 1) to study the current state of online learning management and develop a model of online knowledge system for Buddhist universities, 2) to test the effectiveness and evaluate the results of the online knowledge system of Buddhist universities, and 3) to propose guidelines for managing online learning in Buddhist universities. Including vice-rectors, assistant rectors, directors of Buddhist colleges, directors of offices, deputy directors, lecturers, and staff from Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and Mahamakut Buddhist University. The research findings indicated that the development of an online knowledge system model for Buddhist universities should adopt a blended learning approach, combining both online and on-site learning in a 70:30 ratio (70% online and 30% on-site). This approach is necessary due to the decreasing number of students attending on-site classes as many have to work, making it difficult for them to attend in person. Therefore, the learning management process needs to be adjusted to increase online learning opportunities, allowing students to access educational content anytime, anywhere. Online education is conducted via the Internet and comprises four components: 1) Instructors, 2) Students, 3) Learning Process, and 4) Measurement and Evaluation. Students can choose to learn based on their interests. The content includes text, images, audio, video, and other multimedia, which are delivered to students via web browsers. Communication between students, instructors, and peers is facilitated through email, chat, social networks, etc., similar to traditional classroom settings. Online learning should present lessons on various subjects through the Internet, allowing students to register and learn online via websites and web applications. This method accommodates an unlimited number of students (depending on the course) and emphasizes convenient access via PCs and mobile devices like tablets or smartphones, promoting innovative and open educational opportunities for everyone.
The study examined the impact of play therapy on learning outcome on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder pupils in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State. Quasi experimental design within which the Solomon four group design was employed. Using purposive sampling technique, a sample of 60 primary three pupils who met the criteria for ADHD were randomly assigned into the four groups which was made up of two experimental groups and two control groups. Two valid instruments titled: Conners' Rating Scales-Revised (CRS-R) for assessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) were used for collection of data in the study. The research questions were answered with mean and standard deviation. Hypotheses were tested for significance at 0.05 using dependent sample t-test, Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and One-way analysis of Variance (one-way ANOVA). The result revealed that play therapy is effective in the improvement of learning outcome of attention deficit hyperactivity pupils. There was a significant difference of play therapy on learning outcome among the groups (experimental group 1, control group 1, experimental group 2 and control group 2). Based on these findings’ recommendations were made.
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Physics, despite being a core STEM subject, often attracts less student interest than Chemistry and Biology as it demands strong mathematical skills, involves complex problem-solving, and requires memorisation of many formulas. Additionally, traditional teaching methods can make Physics seem uninteresting and hard to understand, hence reducing student engagement. Game-based learning (GBL) is a teaching method that incorporates games or game-like elements into lessons to create engaging learning experiences. Numerous studies have shown that integrating GBL into Physics instruction significantly enhances students' motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes. Despite these benefits, teachers often face challenges in effectively implementing GBL in their teaching practices, primarily due to a lack of knowledge, skills, or training in this area. Thus, professional growth through training or teaching and learning resources is essential to support teachers' GBL competence and enhance students' motivation and learning. Hence, this study proposes a conceptual framework outlining the structure of a teacher training module aimed to facilitate the integration of GBL and the creation of digital and non-digital educational games for Physics. The research design follows the Design and Development Research (DDR) approach, which is structured into three main phases: needs analysis, design and development, and evaluation. The module itself is developed using the ADDIE instructional design model, incorporating GBL models and relevant learning theories. During the needs analysis phase, the requirements and needs of the target users are identified. The evaluation phase assesses the usability and effectiveness of the module. The suggested conceptual framework could be a reference for module developers focusing on improving in-service or pre-service teachers' GBL competencies for the benefit of the educational stakeholders.
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This scoping review analyzes the use of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) in game-based learning (GBL) settings, providing a thorough examination of contemporary trends and approaches.Employing the PRISMA framework, an initial collection of 956 articles was methodically screened, resulting in 18 research papers that satisfied the inclusion criteria. Each chosen study was assessed based on many criteria, including measurable outcomes, equipment characteristics, and study design. The review categorizes fNIRS-based GBL research into two primary types: cognitive response studies, which analyze how the brain function during tasks and comparative studies, which evaluate finding across different study materials or methods based on neural activities. The analysis includes learning platforms, gaming devices, and various fNIRS devices that has been used. Additionally, study designs and data collection methodologies were reviewed to evaluate their impact on research results. A comprehensive analysis outlines the specifications of fNIRS devices used in diverse studies, including yearly publication trends categorized by learning type, gaming equipment, fNIRS study classification, and outcome measures such as learning improvements and cerebral pattern analysis. Furthermore, the study design and analysis techniques are detailed alongside the number of studies in each category, emphasizing methodological trends and analytical strategies.
Advances in fashion pattern construction technologies continually introduce novel approaches that address the limitations of existing practices. To keep pace, these emerging technologies must be widely disseminated to update practitioners’ skills and advance current practices. The literature identifies two primary dissemination methods: the traditional instructor-led method and the learning management systems-based open educational resources (LMS-based OER) method. The former, heavily reliant on apprenticeships for technical skill development, is inefficient, ineffective, and unsustainable. In contrast, the OER-based approach offers a more efficient, effective, and sustainable alternative, positioning it as the superior method for disseminating emerging technologies in this field. However, the effective establishment and implementation of effective OERs require an OER-oriented instructional design model (IDM) tailored to the specific learning needs and large-scale adoption theories pertinent to pattern construction. Currently, such a model is absent, hindering the field’s transition to a theory-based dissemination approach customised to its unique practices and impeding the efficient, widespread adoption of novel pattern construction technologies. Using a developmental approach, this study addresses this gap by introducing a novel OER-oriented IDM termed OER-PattEdu. This study contributes to both theoretical and methodological literature and holds practical implications for transforming lifelong learning and professional development in the field into a more efficient and sustainable paradigm.
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This study aims to improve student learning outcomes on the topic "I Have Abilities and My Abilities Are Limited" at SMP Negeri 3 Belimbing through the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model. The focus of the research is on seventh-grade students, where some students showed low learning outcomes. The study was conducted in two cycles; in Cycle I, without PBL, the results were unsatisfactory. However, in Cycle II, the implementation of PBL showed significant improvements in scores and learning completeness, with results exceeding the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) of 75.
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