In the construction of a leading indicator model of economic activity, economists must select among a pool of variables which lead output growth. Usually the pool of variables is large, and selection of a subset must be carried out. In this paper we propose an `Automatic Leading Indicator' model. Rather than preselection, we use a dynamic factor model to summarise the information content of a pool of variables. Results show that the forecasting performance of our `Automatic Leading Indicator' model is signi#cantly better than that of traditional model selection criteria with VAR models. This study is carried out using quaterly data for France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. KEYWORDS: Forecasting, State Space Models, Time Series. 1 Introduction The number of variables that can be used when forecasting output growth with a VAR model is limited. Given typical sample periods available in applied macroeconomics, forecasters must preselect a subset from a pool of variables...