
The Concept of Physical Literacy

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The intention of this paper is to open a debate on the concept of Physical Literacy. This is a term that has been used intermittently over the years but has never received serious analysis. The discussion has three parts. The first sets out, briefly, the findings of earlier research (Whitehead, 1987), which created the ground for this paper. The second proposes a context within which the concept of Physical Literacy may be defined and uses this context to discuss possible components of the concept The presentation is set in an existential and phenomenological context and therefore considers the concept of Physical Literacy from a particular philosophical perspective. The final part of the paper lists a series of questions. These challenge proposals that are made in the paper and, at this stage in the debate, need to be subject to critical consideration.

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... Αναπτύσσουν θετικές κοινωνικές σχέσεις με τους άλλους, επιδεικνύουν ανεπτυγμένη λεκτική και μη λεκτική επικοινωνία και ενσυναίσθηση. Κάθε άνθρωπος μπορεί να γίνει σωματικά εγγράμματος μέσω της Φυσικής Αγωγής, δηλαδή να εκπαιδευτεί (και όχι απλώς να εξασκηθεί) από τα 6 έως τα 18 του χρόνια σε όλες εκείνες τις δεξιότητες που ενισχύονται, για να είναι συνειδητά και δια βίου σωματικά δραστήριος (Whitehead, 2010). ...
... Ένα άτομο δεν θα πρέπει να χρειάζεται να επιλέξει μεταξύ των πολιτιστικών πρακτικών και της συμμετοχής σε φυσική δραστηριότητα. Σε πολλές θρησκείες, η πίστη ή οι πεποιθήσεις ενός ατόμου και συνεπώς το να ανήκει σε μια συγκεκριμένη κοινότητα αποτελεί εξίσου μέρος της ταυτότητας του ατόμου με το φύλο, την εθνική καταγωγή ή τον σεξουαλικό προσανατολισμό του (Whitehead, 2010). ...
... Ενισχύοντας την αποτελεσματικότητα ως παράγοντα δια βίου εμπλοκής σε υγιείς, ευχάριστες, ουσιαστικές φυσικές δραστηριότητες, φυσικές εμπειρίες και μάθηση, ενθαρρύνουμε τους νέους και όλους τους ανθρώπους για αποτελεσματική και αποδοτική εμπλοκή σε καθημερινές, ατομικές και οργανωμένες δραστηριότητες. Καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια της ζωής, κάθε άτομο θα βρίσκεται στο δικό του ταξίδι ΚΓ, παρά τις διαφορές στις ικανότητες, την κουλτούρα, το φύλο ή το κοινωνικό υπόβαθρο (Whitehead, 2010). ...
... Başkalarıyla olumlu sosyal ilişkiler geliştirirler, gelişmiş sözlü ve sözsüz iletişim geliştirirler ve empati gösterirler. Her kişi Beden Eğitimi yoluyla fiziksel okuryazar hale gelebilir, yani 6 ila 18 yaşları arasında bilinçli ve yaşam boyu fiziksel olarak aktif olmak için geliştirilen tüm beceriler konusunda eğitilebilir (ve sadece pratik yapmakla kalmaz) (Whitehead, 2010). ...
... Bir bireyin kültürel uygulamalar ile fiziksel aktiviteye katılma arasında seçim yapmak zorunda kalmaması gerekir. Birçok dinde, bir kişinin inancı ve dolayısıyla belirli bir topluluğa aidiyeti, cinsiyeti, etnik kökeni veya cinsel yönelimi kadar bireyin kimliğinin bir parçasıdır (Whitehead, 2010). ...
... Gençleri ve herkesi günlük, bireysel ve düzenlenmiş etkinliklere etkili ve verimli bir şekilde katılmaya teşvik eder. Tüm yaşam süreci boyunca, her birey, yetenek, kültür, cinsiyet veya sosyal arka plan farklılıklarına rağmen kendi fiziksel okuryazarlık yolunda olacaktır(Whitehead, 2010).Kültürel ve sosyal farklılıklara bakılmaksızın FO kavramı, beden eğitimcilerini, tüm öğrencileri uygun fiziksel yeterlilik seviyelerini edinme süreçlerinin merkezine yerleştirmeye teşvik eder. Fiziksel aktivitelerdeki kültürler arası farklılıklar toplumun dokusunun bir parçasını oluşturur ve gençleri kabul edilen kültürel aktivite biçimlerine alıştırmak için eğitimde yer alabilir. ...
... Başkalarıyla olumlu sosyal ilişkiler geliştirirler, gelişmiş sözlü ve sözsüz iletişim geliştirirler ve empati gösterirler. Her kişi Beden Eğitimi yoluyla fiziksel okuryazar hale gelebilir, yani 6 ila 18 yaşları arasında bilinçli ve yaşam boyu fiziksel olarak aktif olmak için geliştirilen tüm beceriler konusunda eğitilebilir (ve sadece pratik yapmakla kalmaz) (Whitehead, 2010). ...
... Bir bireyin kültürel uygulamalar ile fiziksel aktiviteye katılma arasında seçim yapmak zorunda kalmaması gerekir. Birçok dinde, bir kişinin inancı ve dolayısıyla belirli bir topluluğa aidiyeti, cinsiyeti, etnik kökeni veya cinsel yönelimi kadar bireyin kimliğinin bir parçasıdır (Whitehead, 2010). ...
... Gençleri ve herkesi günlük, bireysel ve düzenlenmiş etkinliklere etkili ve verimli bir şekilde katılmaya teşvik eder. Tüm yaşam süreci boyunca, her birey, yetenek, kültür, cinsiyet veya sosyal arka plan farklılıklarına rağmen kendi fiziksel okuryazarlık yolunda olacaktır(Whitehead, 2010).Kültürel ve sosyal farklılıklara bakılmaksızın FO kavramı, beden eğitimcilerini, tüm öğrencileri uygun fiziksel yeterlilik seviyelerini edinme süreçlerinin merkezine yerleştirmeye teşvik eder. Fiziksel aktivitelerdeki kültürler arası farklılıklar toplumun dokusunun bir parçasını oluşturur ve gençleri kabul edilen kültürel aktivite biçimlerine alıştırmak için eğitimde yer alabilir. ...
... They develop positive social relationships with others, demonstrate developed verbal and nonverbal communication and empathy. Every person can become physically literate through Physical Education, i.e., trained (and not just practicing) from 6 to 18 years of age in all those skills enhanced to be consciously and lifelong physically active (Whitehead, 2010). ...
... An individual should not have to choose between cultural practices and taking part in physical activity. In many religions, a person's faith or belief and thus belonging to a specific community is as much a part of the individual's identity as is his or her gender, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation (Whitehead, 2010). ...
... Enhancing the effectiveness as an agent of life-long engagement in healthy, enjoyable, meaningful physical activities, physical experiences, and learning, encourage young persons and all people for effective and efficient engagement in everyday, individual, and organized activities. Throughout the whole life course, every individual will be on his or her own PL journey, despite differences in ability, culture, gender, or social background (Whitehead, 2010). ...
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Cross Cultural Physical Literacy (CCPL)- Erasmus+Project 101090447. The idea behind the project proposal was to get more kids from Syria, Turkey, and Europe involved in sports and physical activity. Physical literacy is the basis for both lifelong engagement and top-notch performance in physical exercise and human movement. One of the newest trends in sport education for kids is physical literacy. Recently, several industrialized nations (including Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Switzerland) have set aside a sizable budget for their children's athletic education. The European Union has recently financed several physical literacy programs on an annual basis. In the Project, we want to encourage youngsters from Syrian, Turkish, and European backgrounds via athletics while also cultivating acceptance and appreciation for cultural diversity. To create the physical literacy toolkit, academics, sports coaches, sports psychologists, sports physiotherapists, and nutritionists will collaborate on the Project. The Pedagogical Scholar and practitioners will sit down to create a physical literacy toolbox during the academic stage. According to Erikson's phases of psychosocial development in psychology, children's relevance is a result of their ability to learn. The initiative in the physiotherapy section will promote motor development, avoid sports injuries, enhance muscular flexibility, and support motor growth. Participants will learn about balanced eating and good nutrition. Through the initiative, there is a field of application for coaches of sports.
... Σύμφωνα με τον Whitehead (2001), η προοπτική του κινητικού γραμματισμού είναι μια ολιστική και εξατομικευμένη προσέγγιση της συμμετοχής στη φυσική δραστηριότητα, η οποία πιστεύουμε, ότι είναι το κλειδί για τη βελτίωση της συμμετοχής των παιδιών στη φυσική δραστηριότητα και θα καθυστερήσει την εφαρμογή των βασικών κινητικών δεξιοτήτων σε πιο εξειδικευμένες κινήσεις, που απαιτούνται για τη συμμετοχή στη φυσική δραστηριότητα, η οποία μπορεί δυνητικά να οδηγήσει σε τραυματισμό (Stodden et al., 2008). Οι βασικές κινητικές δεξιότητες που αποκτούν τα παιδιά ηλικίας 8 ετών και άνω μπορούν να επιταχύνουν ή να περιορίσουν την ανάπτυξη αυτών των ειδικών δεξιοτήτων, που είναι απαραίτητες για τη συμμετοχή του παιδιού στη φυσική δραστηριότητα (Newell & Wade, 2018). ...
... ισορροπία με ένα πόδι και άλμα με το ένα πόδι), παρουσιάζουν ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον (Daneshjoo et al., 2013;Sibley et al., 2015). Αυτές οι δεξιότητες επικαλύπτονται με τις βασικές κινητικές δεξιότητες στη δομή του κινητικού γραμματισμού (Soligard et al. al., 2008;Whitehead, 2001). Έχει διαπιστωθεί, ότι ο κίνδυνος τραυματισμού είναι αυξημένος για τα παιδιά που συμμετέχουν σε αθλήματα, που απαιτούν σύνθετες προσαρμοστικές δεξιότητες κίνησης, συμπεριλαμβανομένων της προσγείωσης, της επιβράδυνσης, κ.λ.π. ...
... Η πρόληψη των τραυματισμών και ο σωματικός γραμματισμός είναι στενά συνδεδεμένα. Ο τομέας των φυσικών ικανοτήτων του κινητικού γραμματισμού περιλαμβάνει βασικές κινητικές δεξιότητες, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της κίνησης, της ισορροπίας και του χειρισμού αντικειμένων Whitehead, 2001). Η ικανότητα εκτέλεσης βασικών κινητικών δεξιοτήτων σε ικανό επίπεδο, μειώνοντας έτσι τον κίνδυνο τραυματισμού, δημιουργείται μέσω της σταθερότητας του σώματος, της ισορροπίας και της τεχνικής κίνησης του παιδιού. ...
Διαπολιτισμικός Κινητικός Γραμματισμός (CCPL) - Erasmus+Project 101090447. Η ιδέα σύμφωνα με την πρόταση του έργου ήταν να ασχοληθούν περισσότερα παιδιά από τη Συρία, την Τουρκία και την Ευρώπη με τον αθλητισμό και τη φυσική δραστηριότητα. Ο κινητικός γραμματισμός αποτελεί τη βάση τόσο για τη δια βίου ενασχόληση, όσο και για κορυφαίες επιδόσεις στη σωματική άσκηση και την ανθρώπινη κίνηση. Μια από τις νεότερες τάσεις στην αθλητική εκπαίδευση για παιδιά είναι ο κινητικός ή φυσικός γραμματισμός. Πρόσφατα, αρκετά βιομηχανικά έθνη (συμπεριλαμβανομένης της Αυστραλίας, του Καναδά, του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου, των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών της Αμερικής και της Ελβετίας) έχουν διαθέσει έναν σημαντικό προϋπολογισμό για την αθλητική εκπαίδευση των παιδιών τους. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έχει πρόσφατα χρηματοδοτήσει αρκετά προγράμματα σωματικού γραμματισμού σε ετήσια βάση. Σε αυτό το πρόγραμμα (project) θέλουμε να ενθαρρύνουμε τους νέους από τη Συρία, την Τουρκία και την Ευρώπη μέσω του αθλητισμού, καλλιεργώντας παράλληλα την αποδοχή και την εκτίμηση της πολιτισμικής ποικιλομορφίας (διαφορετικότητας). Για τη δημιουργία της εργαλειοθήκης κινητικού γραμματισμού, ακαδημαϊκοί, αθλητικοί προπονητές, αθλητικοί ψυχολόγοι, αθλητικοί φυσικοθεραπευτές και διατροφολόγοι συνεργάστηκαν στο έργο. Οι επαγγελματίες των αντίστοιχων επιστημονικών πεδίων δημιούργησαν μια εργαλειοθήκη για τον σωματικό/φυσικό γραμματισμό κατά τη διάρκεια του ακαδημαϊκού σταδίου. Σύμφωνα με τις φάσεις ψυχοκοινωνικής ανάπτυξης του Erikson στην ψυχολογία, η εξέλιξη των παιδιών είναι αποτέλεσμα της ικανότητάς τους να μαθαίνουν. Η πρωτοβουλία στον τομέα της φυσικοθεραπείας θα προωθήσει την κινητική ανάπτυξη, θα αποφύγει τους αθλητικούς τραυματισμούς, θα ενισχύσει τη μυϊκή ευελιξία και θα υποστηρίξει την κινητική ανάπτυξη. Οι συμμετέχοντες θα μάθουν για την ισορροπημένη διατροφή και την καλή διατροφή. Μέσω της πρωτοβουλίας, υπάρχει πεδίο εφαρμογής για τους προπονητές αθλημάτων.
... In response, the evolving paradigm of 'physical literacy' (PL) has gained momentum. De ned as "the motivation, con dence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life" (19), PL encompass physical, psycho-social and cognitive dimensions, reinforcing a lifelong commitment to an active, health-conscious lifestyle (20). ...
... Understanding the knowledge and understanding dimension of PL is crucial as it helps individuals make informed decisions about their physical activities, thereby promoting lifelong engagement and wellbeing. Knowledge and understanding can positively in uence attributes of motivation, con dence, physical competence, and uent interactions grow (20). It refers to a person's knowledge about how to perform a variety of physical activities as well as a person's knowledge of the everyday relevance of exercises and the health bene ts of physical activity in general (59). ...
... f. Meaningful and purposeful activities Meaningful and purposeful activities are foundational elements in a physical literacy assessment tool, especially for adults and individuals with chronic diseases. Whitehead (20) posits that meaningful engagement in physical activity is more than mere participation-it's about understanding and valuing the relevance of the activity to one's life. For adults, especially those with chronic conditions, this dimension of meaning becomes even more signi cant. ...
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Background As chronic diseases proliferate globally, innovative interventions that promote sustainable physical activity are crucial. Physical literacy - conceptualised as integrating motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, social interaction, and engagement in meaningful activities - offers a holistic strategy for lifelong health promotion. This protocol describes a study investigating the effects of a physical literacy-based intervention on adults with chronic diseases, aiming to enhance long-term physical activity adherence and improve health outcomes. Methods This quasi-experimental study will compare three groups: a control group, a group taking part in traditional physical activity (TPA) group sessions tailored for adults with chronic disease focusing on physical fitness general improvement, and a group taking part in TPA sessions that incorporates physical literacy goals and intervention content in line with 6 core dimensions of physical literacy (TPA + PL). Intervention groups will take part in 12 one-and-a-half-hour sessions organised weekly over a 3-month cycle. The study will assess the impact of these interventions using a mixed qualitative and quantitative physical literacy assessment tool at baseline, three months (post-intervention), and six months (follow-up). Discussion The study protocol proposes a comprehensive approach to chronic disease management through physical literacy, hypothesising that integrating physical literacy dimensions in tailored physical activity group sessions can significantly improve physical literacy, and consequently physical activity sustainability and health outcomes. Results from this study will provide insights into the efficacy of physical literacy interventions compared to traditional approaches, potentially guiding future public health initiatives and chronic disease management strategies. Trial registration NCT06325306 (21/03/2024).
... Αναπτύσσουν θετικές κοινωνικές σχέσεις με τους άλλους, επιδεικνύουν ανεπτυγμένη λεκτική και μη λεκτική επικοινωνία και ενσυναίσθηση. Κάθε άνθρωπος μπορεί να γίνει σωματικά εγγράμματος μέσω της Φυσικής Αγωγής, δηλαδή να εκπαιδευτεί (και όχι απλώς να εξασκηθεί) από τα 6 έως τα 18 του χρόνια σε όλες εκείνες τις δεξιότητες που ενισχύονται, για να είναι συνειδητά και δια βίου σωματικά δραστήριος (Whitehead, 2010). ...
... Ένα άτομο δεν θα πρέπει να χρειάζεται να επιλέξει μεταξύ των πολιτιστικών πρακτικών και της συμμετοχής σε φυσική δραστηριότητα. Σε πολλές θρησκείες, η πίστη ή οι πεποιθήσεις ενός ατόμου και συνεπώς το να ανήκει σε μια συγκεκριμένη κοινότητα αποτελεί εξίσου μέρος της ταυτότητας του ατόμου με το φύλο, την εθνική καταγωγή ή τον σεξουαλικό προσανατολισμό του (Whitehead, 2010). ...
... Ενισχύοντας την αποτελεσματικότητα ως παράγοντα δια βίου εμπλοκής σε υγιείς, ευχάριστες, ουσιαστικές φυσικές δραστηριότητες, φυσικές εμπειρίες και μάθηση, ενθαρρύνουμε τους νέους και όλους τους ανθρώπους για αποτελεσματική και αποδοτική εμπλοκή σε καθημερινές, ατομικές και οργανωμένες δραστηριότητες. Καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια της ζωής, κάθε άτομο θα βρίσκεται στο δικό του ταξίδι ΚΓ, παρά τις διαφορές στις ικανότητες, την κουλτούρα, το φύλο ή το κοινωνικό υπόβαθρο (Whitehead, 2010). ...
Διαπολιτισμικός Κινητικός Γραμματισμός (CCPL) - Erasmus+Project 101090447. Η ιδέα σύμφωνα με την πρόταση του έργου ήταν να ασχοληθούν περισσότερα παιδιά από τη Συρία, την Τουρκία και την Ευρώπη με τον αθλητισμό και τη φυσική δραστηριότητα. Ο κινητικός γραμματισμός αποτελεί τη βάση τόσο για τη δια βίου ενασχόληση, όσο και για κορυφαίες επιδόσεις στη σωματική άσκηση και την ανθρώπινη κίνηση. Μια από τις νεότερες τάσεις στην αθλητική εκπαίδευση για παιδιά είναι ο κινητικός ή φυσικός γραμματισμός. Πρόσφατα, αρκετά βιομηχανικά έθνη (συμπεριλαμβανομένης της Αυστραλίας, του Καναδά, του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου, των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών της Αμερικής και της Ελβετίας) έχουν διαθέσει έναν σημαντικό προϋπολογισμό για την αθλητική εκπαίδευση των παιδιών τους. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έχει πρόσφατα χρηματοδοτήσει αρκετά προγράμματα σωματικού γραμματισμού σε ετήσια βάση. Σε αυτό το πρόγραμμα (project) θέλουμε να ενθαρρύνουμε τους νέους από τη Συρία, την Τουρκία και την Ευρώπη μέσω του αθλητισμού, καλλιεργώντας παράλληλα την αποδοχή και την εκτίμηση της πολιτισμικής ποικιλομορφίας (διαφορετικότητας). Για τη δημιουργία της εργαλειοθήκης κινητικού γραμματισμού, ακαδημαϊκοί, αθλητικοί προπονητές, αθλητικοί ψυχολόγοι, αθλητικοί φυσικοθεραπευτές και διατροφολόγοι συνεργάστηκαν στο έργο. Οι επαγγελματίες των αντίστοιχων επιστημονικών πεδίων δημιούργησαν μια εργαλειοθήκη για τον σωματικό/φυσικό γραμματισμό κατά τη διάρκεια του ακαδημαϊκού σταδίου. Σύμφωνα με τις φάσεις ψυχοκοινωνικής ανάπτυξης του Erikson στην ψυχολογία, η εξέλιξη των παιδιών είναι αποτέλεσμα της ικανότητάς τους να μαθαίνουν. Η πρωτοβουλία στον τομέα της φυσικοθεραπείας θα προωθήσει την κινητική ανάπτυξη, θα αποφύγει τους αθλητικούς τραυματισμούς, θα ενισχύσει τη μυϊκή ευελιξία και θα υποστηρίξει την κινητική ανάπτυξη. Οι συμμετέχοντες θα μάθουν για την ισορροπημένη διατροφή και την καλή διατροφή. Μέσω της πρωτοβουλίας, υπάρχει πεδίο εφαρμογής για τους προπονητές αθλημάτων.
... According to Whitehead (2001), The physical literacy perspective is a holistic and individualized approach to participation in physical activity that we believe is key to improving children's participation in physical activity and will delay the application of basic movement skills to more specialized movements required for physical activity participation, which can potentially lead to injury (Stodden et al., 2008) . Basic movement skills acquired by children aged 8 years and above can accelerate or restrict the development of these specific skills necessary for the child's participation in physical activity (Newell & Wade, 2018) . ...
... Movement skills related to slowing down and balance (e.g., one-leg balance and jumping on one leg) are of particular interest ( Daneshjoo et al., 2013 ;Sibley et al., 2015 ) . These skills overlap with basic movement skills in the structure of physical literacy ( Soligard et al. al., 2008;Whitehead, 2001) .It has been determined that the risk of injury is increased for children participating in sports that require movement skills including cutting, landing and deceleration (Silvers-Granelli et al., 2017) . ...
... Injury prevention and physical literacy are closely related. The physical competence domain of physical literacy encompasses basic movement skills, including movement, balance, and object manipulation Whitehead, 2001) . The ability to perform basic movement skills at a competent level, thereby reducing the risk of injury, is established through the child's body stability, balance, and movement technique. ...
Cross Cultural Physical Literacy (CCPL)- Erasmus+Project 101090447. The idea behind the project proposal was to get more kids from Syria, Turkey, and Europe involved in sports and physical activity. Physical literacy is the basis for both lifelong engagement and top-notch performance in physical exercise and human movement. One of the newest trends in sport education for kids is physical literacy. Recently, several industrialized nations (including Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Switzerland) have set aside a sizable budget for their children's athletic education. The European Union has recently financed several physical literacy programs on an annual basis. In the Project, we want to encourage youngsters from Syrian, Turkish, and European backgrounds via athletics while also cultivating acceptance and appreciation for cultural diversity. To create the physical literacy toolkit, academics, sports coaches, sports psychologists, sports physiotherapists, and nutritionists will collaborate on the Project. The Pedagogical Scholar and practitioners will sit down to create a physical literacy toolbox during the academic stage. According to Erikson's phases of psychosocial development in psychology, children's relevance is a result of their ability to learn. The initiative in the physiotherapy section will promote motor development, avoid sports injuries, enhance muscular flexibility, and support motor growth. Participants will learn about balanced eating and good nutrition. Through the initiative, there is a field of application for coaches of sports.
... El modelo de constreñimientos y ambientes de aprendizaje El modelo de constreñimientos (constraints) utilizado hoy en día desde la pedagogía no lineal para la adquisición de habilidades motrices (Chow et al., 2007) está siendo aplicado con éxito al desarrollo de la alfabetización física 1 (Whitehead, 2001) mediante actividades ludomotrices en las clases de educación física (Rudd et al., 2021). Desde la pedagogía no lineal se plantea la realización de diferentes tareas o actividades para la adquisición de habilidades motrices mediante comportamientos y movimientos exploratorios por parte del alumnado. ...
... Los/as alumnos/as deben explorar y utilizar información relevante del entorno para guiar y coordinar las acciones apropiadas y así cumplir con los requisitos funcionales que les presenta la situación de aprendizaje. Básicamente, a lo que nos estamos refiriendo con la introducción de distintos constreñimientos es al diseño de lo que Reed y Bril (1996) Whitehead (2001), la alfabetización física se refiere a la motivación, confianza, competencia física, conocimiento y comprensión que los individuos (1995,2000,2016) denomina Ambientes de Aprendizaje (AA). Centremos en este último concepto de forma más detallada. ...
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Este artículo pone en relación los ambientes de aprendizaje (AA) con el modelo de constreñimientos mediante una propuesta concreta de AA denominado "Traga-bolas". La introducción de ciertos constreñimientos trata de promover, orientar la aparición de una serie de acciones que desarrollen habilidades y competencias, pero sin necesidad de dirigir de forma directa aquello de deben o no deben hacer los alumnos/as en cada momento. Siguiendo el enfoque inicial de Newell sobre los tipos de constreñimientos (organísmicos, de tarea y ambientales), ofrecemos estrategias simples que sirven para realizar un estimulante y adecuado AA con el fin de trabajar de una forma no directiva los objetivos didácticos vinculados al curriculum de la asignatura de educación física. Palabras clave: Modelo de constreñimientos; Ambientes de aprendizaje; Pedagogía no lineal Abstract: Constraints-led model and learning environments: a proposal in the ludic-motor field. This paper relates learning environments (AA) to the constraints-led model by means of a specific AA proposal called "Traga-bolas". The introduction of certain constraints seeks to promote and guide the emergence of a series of actions that develop skills and competences, but without the need to directly direct what students should or should not do at any given moment. Following Newell's initial focus on the types of constraints (organismic, task and environmental), we offer simple strategies that serve to carry out a stimulating and appropriate AA in order to work in a non-directive way on the didactic objectives linked to the curriculum of the subject of physical education.
... Recent research has noted the widespread interest in physical literacy in terms of research, policy and practice (3). Whilst there are differences in concept, measurement of, understanding, definition and philosophical underpinnings, there is general agreement that physical literacy is a lifelong concept, that should be inclusive in nature, and includes interacting domains that are physical, cognitive and affective (6). Importantly, physical literacy is a term that features in national and international policy guidelines such as those produced by the World Health Organization (7), and in UNESCO's quality physical education policy (8). ...
... Moreover, there was a paucity of in-depth understanding of physical literacy provided by stakeholders with limited knowledge of key principles around the concept, particularly those related to physical literacy being inclusive, lifelong, a journey and being holistic as a concept. Such observations from the stakeholder group in the current study suggest a superficial understanding of physical literacy and one which ignores some of the key philosophical underpinnings of the concept (6). ...
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Background There is a lack of evidence of stakeholder perspective and understanding of physical literacy among relevant stakeholders from England. As part of research commissioned by Sport England to develop a physical literacy consensus statement for England, this study presents findings from the first national consultation with stakeholders in England. Methods One hundred and ninety-three individual stakeholders (50.3%) from education, community sport, national governing bodies of sport, physical activity and sport coaching sectors completed an online survey consisting of fixed item and open ended questions designed to examine their knowledge, understanding, perceptions and practices relating to physical literacy. Results Responses from stakeholders suggested there was confusion in use of the term physical literacy in practice and confusion regarding the definition of physical literacy. Most respondents suggested they were involved in physical literacy related activity and understood the term. However, when probed the physical literacy related activity they referred to was likely not actually physical literacy related. Understanding of the term physical literacy was inconsistent in general. Stakeholders considered the affective, social, physical and cognitive areas (domains) of learning to be most important for developing a positive relationship with movement, sport and physical activity for life. Conclusions While stakeholders are aware of the term “physical literacy” and hold value of it within their practice, there remain key misconceptions relating to what physical literacy is, and debate as to whether any existing definitions truly capture the construct of physical literacy.
... In previous literature, the assessment of PA capability in older adults with SCD or older adults with dementia/MCI has often used indicators like activities of daily living (ADL) (20), which focus on assessing an older individual's selfcare ability or the severity of their illness, rather than specifically targeting indicators related to PA ability. Physical literacy (21) refers to an individual's ability to acquire and understand information about PA and health promotion throughout their life, utilizing this information to promote participation in physical activities and maintain comprehensive health. Although physical literacy research has predominantly focused on adolescents and adults (22), its significance in promoting healthy aging is substantial, embodying a holistic approach to physical and mental well-being. ...
... Healthcare professionals working with older adults with SCD should consider the possibility of promoting PA by enhancing psychological needs satisfaction through increased autonomy, competence, and/ or relatedness. Physical literacy has emerged as a prominent field in sports science research in recent years (21). Individuals with physical literacy continuously acquire motivation and abilities for development, enabling them to learn, analyze, apply, and demonstrate various forms of PA. ...
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Objectives Despite the evident potential benefits of engaging in physical activity (PA) for older adults with subjective cognitive decline (SCD), their PA levels remains low. Previous research has predominantly focused on PA behaviors in individuals with dementia/mild cognitive impairment, with limited attention given to those with SCD. Therefore, this study aims to identify key factors influencing PA behavior in older adults with SCD based on the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and the capability-opportunity-motivation (COM-B) model. Methods Three hundred and three individuals aged 60 and above with SCD participated in this study. A face-to-face structured questionnaire survey was conducted. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA). Results SEM results indicate that PA social support primarily influences PA behavior through three indirect pathways: the separate mediating effect of basic psychological needs, the separate mediating effect of motivation, and the chained mediating effect of both. Physical literacy, on the other hand, influences PA behavior through the separate mediating effect of motivation. Necessary conditions analysis by fsQCA reveals that no single factor is necessary for promoting PA behavior in older adults with SCD, while sufficiency analysis identifies four different combinations of factors leading to PA behavior. Conclusion The model derived from the framework of SDT and the COM-B model effectively explains and predicts the interrelationships among variables. Physical activity behavior in older individuals with SCD is the result of multifactorial synergies.
... In this study, the concept of "becoming" (Nicholls & Gibson, 2010), part of the E ti Meyo Matshohot theme, emerged as important. Becoming is a way for a person to move between past, present, and future, in a non-linear fashion reminiscent of philosopies of monism and embodiment (Whitehead, 2001). Embodiment extends beyond the biological, anatomical, and physiological aspects of the human body, and is influenced and socially constructed through social, cultural, political, and economic forces (Scheper-Hughes & Lock, 1987;Nicholls & Gibson, 2010). ...
... When older Métis adults describe their experiences with physical activity, they use wholistic language and include cognitive aspects of new learning and challenges, physical aspects of movement, spiritual connections to past generations and to creator/God, and improvements in emotional wellbeing. Monism describes an integrated whole person, where the dimensions of moving, thinking, talking, and feeling cannot be separated but are interconnected and part of a whole person (Durden-Myers et al., 2020;Whitehead, 2001). In this study, older adults described movement and physical activity in a monistic way, as part of who they are and their life experiences. ...
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Physical activity supports health and wellness, and specifically supports healthy aging. Little is known about the experiences of older Métis adults with physical activity through their lifespan and how this has impacted wellness. This study was co-constructed with 12 older Métis adults in Sakitawak (Île-à-la-Crosse) Saskatchewan using a participatory action approach, two-eyed seeing and the ontology of Breath of Life Theory, as described by Cindy Blackstock. Older Métis adults described physical activity within three themes, Wahkotowin (Related to Everything), Ahkameyimowin (Never Give up), and E ti Meyo Matshohot (Becoming/Living a Better Life). The results of this study have implications for health care professions which are founded within biomedical and biopsychosocial models. We consider the context and experiences of physical activity among Indigenous populations in Canada to better address the gaps and identify practices that aim to support population health.
... Por su parte, la alfabetización física comprende un conjunto de destrezas y características individuales que se cultivan y demuestran mediante el movimiento y la AF a lo largo de toda la vida, sin importar el nivel de aptitud física de cada persona (Whitehead, 2001). Esta noción fue clarificada posteriormente por Whitehead, quien enfatiza que la alfabetización física no es un estado estático que se alcance y se mantenga de manera permanente. ...
... Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, en los últimos años ha surgido un creciente interés en la alfabetización física captando la atención de la comunidad investigadora, especialmente en países como Australia, Canadá y el Reino Unido (Edwards et al., 2017), y, aunque las definiciones pueden variar ligeramente, se argumenta tanto desde un enfoque teórico (Pot et al., 2018;Whitehead, 2001, 2010) como empírico (Caldwell et al., 2020MacDonald et al., 2018;Zhang et al., 2022) que la alfabetización física es un requisito fundamental para la participación en la AF. ...
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En América y Europa, la mayoría de los niños y adolescentes no alcanzan las recomendaciones de actividad física de la OMS. La alfabetización física, que abarca habilidades y disposición para la actividad física, es fundamental para el desarrollo integral. Este estudio realizó una revisión exploratoria para describir los procesos de validación de la segunda versión del CAPL-2 en escolares de 8 a 12 años. Se identificaron 39 artículos en bases de datos, de los cuales 7 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Los estudios mostraron variabilidad en los procesos de validación del CAPL-2, con algunos realizando validaciones completas y otros solo de los cuestionarios. Las muestras variaron de 57 a más de 300 participantes, y solo dos estudios mencionaron la aleatorización. La mayoría de los estudios se realizaron en Europa y Asia, con una notable falta de investigaciones en Latinoamérica y Centroamérica. Aunque los hallazgos respaldan la fiabilidad y validez del CAPL-2, se destaca la necesidad de considerar contextos específicos al seleccionar herramientas de evaluación. La escasez de datos en regiones como Latinoamérica subraya una brecha significativa en la investigación sobre alfabetización física en estos contextos culturales y socioeconómicos. Palabras claves: Alfabetización física, Validación, Inactividad física, Contexto cultural Abstract. In America and Europe, most children and adolescents do not meet the WHO's physical activity recommendations. Physical literacy, which encompasses skills and willingness for physical activity, is crucial for holistic development. This study conducted an exploratory review to describe the validation processes of the second version of CAPL-2 in children aged 8 to 12 years. A literature search in databases identified 39 articles, of which 7 met the inclusion criteria. The reviewed studies showed variability in CAPL-2 validation processes, with some conducting full validations and others only validating the instrument's questionnaires. Sample sizes ranged from 57 to over 300 participants, and only two studies mentioned randomization. Most studies were conducted in Europe and Asia, highlighting a lack of research in Latin America and Central America. While the findings support the reliability and validity of CAPL-2, they underscore the need to consider specific contexts when selecting assessment tools. The scarcity of data in regions such as Latin America reveals a significant gap in research on physical literacy in these cultural and socioeconomic settings. Keywords: Physical literacy, Validation, Physical inactivity, Cultural context
... The Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach might enrich pedagogical situations that are aligned with PL (22,23) but at the same time recent articles argued that PL practices should be pedagogically operationalized via non-linear approaches (for an explicit discussion on constraints-led approaches or ecological dynamics frameworks, see (24)(25)(26) as only these truly nourish PL and account for the complexity behind the amalgamation of physical, cognitive, social, and cognitive learning goals. Due to the support by profound philosophical underpinnings (27)(28)(29), PL has often been declared as a "longed-for concept" (30) for the physical education context. A recent interview study illustratively titled "Where have I been when I was in physical education?" ...
... Prior to the beginning of this study and any practical sessions, I familiarized myself with the basic general ideas of the PL concept [in particular (27,68,69),]. More specifically, I studied the philosophical tenets as well as the included parts and components of PL. ...
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Introduction Although several important documents of education and health promotion on the international level favor practices geared toward physical literacy (PL), not all countries have yet gained experience with this holistic concept. Therefore, numerous stakeholders and practitioners who intend to align their interventional activities with PL will soon face the situation that there are no recommendations for their specific culture and language for how to design such programs. Given that such recommendations are also lacking for Germany, the goal of the present study within the uncontrolled pilot cycles of the PLACE study was (a) to describe the process of a female pedagogue (27 years old, previously unexperienced with PL) initially familiarizing herself with the PL concept and its implementation opportunities for the school setting, and (b) to retrace the process of developing and refining a PL-driven intervention for extracurricular physical education (60–90 min) of children in grades three and four at primary schools in Bremen. Methods Adopting a self-study design, this endeavor emphasized continuous reflexivity involving: (a) session protocols; (b) biweekly discussions with another coach; (c) weekly discussions between scientists and stakeholders of youth development (“multi-perspective panel”); (d) weekly observations and impressions during field work; and (e) summative group interviews with children ( n = 17, age range: 8–9 years, 17.6% boys). Written documents underwent qualitative content analysis with inductively generated categories. Results Despite explicit links between the theoretical PL domains and the intervention content, the character of how PL informed the intervention level was dominated by the stance and atmosphere implemented by the deliverer (e.g., participatory attitude, open mindset). Accordingly, the team revised the intervention primarily on the levels of organization (temporal schedule and sequences), instruction, and materials. After initial stages of didactically “surviving” within classes, the deliverer could increasingly integrate tasks of cognitive engagement and provide choice for students enabling individual autonomy for nurturing a person-centered approach. Discussion This study encourages teachers and stakeholders of physical education to seek exchange with scholars or other practitioners while simultaneously demonstrating patience in comprehensively internalizing PL and efficiently translating the concept into routines in line with individual's quality standards.
... Whitehead [4] introduced the concept of physical literacy from a philosophical standpoint. In doing so, Whitehead identified physical literacy from a phenomenological and monist perspective and "includes aspects concerned with being able to perceive intelligently and respond appropriately" [4] (p. 130). ...
... Whitehead [4] introduced the concept of physical literacy from a philosophical standpoint. In doing so, Whitehead identified physical literacy from a phenomenological and monist perspective and "includes aspects concerned with being able to perceive intelligently and respond appropriately" [4] (p. 130). ...
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This study addresses concerns surrounding the assessment of competence through various fitness tests in physical education, specifically assessments misaligning with the conceptualization of physical literacy. The study aimed to deductively analyze student assessment experiences with principles of self-determination theory, focusing on the role of competence in supporting autonomy. Particular instruments, such as the vertical jump and 30 m sprint tests, observed high levels of student preference and perceived significance. Interestingly, while the multistage fitness test was identified by students as a reliable indicator of physical fitness, it garnered limited student selection. While specific movement recommendations are not outlined, the findings underscore several noteworthy considerations. Notably, various factors influence student choices in student-selected fitness assessments, and purpose-driven fitness assessments can contribute to student motivation. The study’s insights provide valuable guidance for structuring physical education programs to foster engagement and autonomy among students.
... Empirical data is processed in an inductive framework, representing the real experience of the respondents after practicing freediving regularly. On the other hand, Whitehead's conceptualization is firmly rooted in philosophy, especially under the traditions of phenomenology, existentialism, and monism (Whitehead, 2001). Because of this, this discussion section is dedicated to elaborating on linking empirical data and theoretical analysis, relying heavily on interpretive measures. ...
... It can be interpreted that the respondent shows an attitude that comes from philosophical attributes. They have some kind of capacity to articulate their realized potential to improve their quality of life (Whitehead, 2001). Most of them reflected on their journey through life and that their quality of life had been improved in one way or another such as reports of increased self-confidence, self-awareness, additional diving skills, feeling happier and more relaxed. ...
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The purpose of this article is to explore the experience of an Indonesian beginner free diver perspective while practicing programmed recreational freediving. This freediving recreational theme tries to be built from the experience of a beginner free diver who obtains mental and physical health benefits from relaxation and other physical aspects through diving. This is to support the program for further development of freediving recreation as a choice of physical activity in free time. A qualitative methodology has been used twenty-six freedivers aged between 18 and 43 years were recruited to participate in the study. In-depth interviews were specifically designed to collect data about the forms of experience, learning, motivation, positive mental involvement through recreational freediving activities carried out. Data were collected with anecdotal notes through interviews and submitted to inductive content analysis in the ATLAS.ti 9 program. Physical theoretical literacy analysis was used to address the empirical data analysis. The results showed patterns in the data, including information gathering physical exercises, mental training, engagement as a learning journey, and experience and withdrawal from recreational freediving performed. It is concluded that this type of recreational freediving exercise provides a form of physical activity that provides mental and physical benefits for novice freediving. Keywords: Perspective, Benefit, Recreational Freediving
... This perspective is substantiated by several empirical studies [17][18][19] which consistently demonstrate a significant positive association between perceived competence and participation in PA. This perspective is also in line with the concept of Physical Literacy 20 , which focuses on the development of motivation, self-assurance, physical proficiency, knowledge, and understanding, essential for the lifelong maintenance of PA 13,20 . A physically literate individual embodies a skilled mover with an extensive repertoire of well-practiced movement responses honed through exposure to a diverse array of challenging environments. ...
... A physically literate individual embodies a skilled mover with an extensive repertoire of well-practiced movement responses honed through exposure to a diverse array of challenging environments. Furthermore, this individual demonstrates keen perceptiveness in interpreting every facet of the physical surroundings, anticipating movement requirements or opportunities, and responding with intelligence and creativity 13,20 . Considering that effective motor skill execution hinges on an efficient combination of cognitive processing, the mastery of fundamental movement patterns, and the proficient generation and absorption of force 21 , attaining physical literacy is best achieved through a rich learning context, such as play-based activities, rather than isolated skill acquisition 22 . ...
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The average levels of physical activity in children are below the ideal, which may influence children's health and motor competence levels. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the impact of a 10-week play-based after-school program on 50 twelve-year-old students’ anthropometric characteristics (body height and body weight), coordinative abilities (flamingo balance test and T-test agility), and physical fitness (sit and reach, 20-m sprint test, SLJ, CMJ, and handgrip). After baseline assessments, the students were randomly divided into two groups: one participating in a play-based after-school program (experimental group) and the other attending regular PE classes (control group). No differences were noted between the sexes. Analysis revealed baseline differences between groups in body weight, agility T-test, and right-handgrip, with no significant sex differences. Following the intervention, the experimental group demonstrated improvements in the 20-m sprint test (F(1,46) = 11.03, p < 0.01), flamingo balance test (F(1,46) = 9.16, p = 0.004), SLJ (F(1,46) = 5.30, p = 0.03), agility T-test (F(1,46) = 28.30, p < 0.01), and right-handgrip (F(1,46) = 6.59, p < 0.01). In summary, the results suggested that a 10-week play-based after-school program enhances coordinative abilities and physical fitness in 12-year-old children. This underscores the potential advantages of integrating play-based physical activities into schools to promote holistic health and fitness in children.
... However, promoting PA and maintaining the recommended PA levels can be challenging due to different factors such as culture, setting, and individual characteristics (van Sluijs et al., 2007). Stakeholders have worked to find the most effective ways to promote and maintain PA in youth, and physical literacy has been proposed as a means to promote lifelong PA (Whitehead, 2001). The physical literacy model encompasses a holistic approach that considers four domains: affective, cognitive, behavioral, and physical (Whitehead, 2001). ...
... Stakeholders have worked to find the most effective ways to promote and maintain PA in youth, and physical literacy has been proposed as a means to promote lifelong PA (Whitehead, 2001). The physical literacy model encompasses a holistic approach that considers four domains: affective, cognitive, behavioral, and physical (Whitehead, 2001). In a physical literacy framework, individuals value and take responsibility for engagement in lifelong PA through motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding (Cairney et al., 2016). ...
... The educational purposes and contents of PE cannot be considered accomplished merely in a transfer of content (such as the acquisition and practice of motor skills needed for participation in a variety of physical activities). They also include the construction of connections among individuals, their motor experience, the meanings and values of practicing physical activity throughout life (Whitehead, 2010).Physical Education allows the development of motor skills and physical competence, confidence and motivation, through well-designed teaching activities in an educational setting focused on mastery.Triggering this process from childhood not only is an educational challenge, but also a cultural one. ...
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Background: Interdisciplinary physical education integrates the goals and content of physical education (PE) with those of one or more subject areas creating a cohesive learning experience. This approach aims to enhance concepts and skills across multiple disciplines. Purpose: This study aimed to valuate the impact of two PE teaching models on gross motor skills and perceived motor competence among Italian primary school children. Materials and Methods: A convenient sample of seventy-six children (40 males, 36 females), aged 7-9 years (mean age=8.40; SD=0.30), from two Italian primary schools, participated in a quasi-experimental study. Participants were divided into an experimental group (EG n=37) and a control group (CG n=39). Each group was involved in a 12-week intervention, for 2 hours a week: the EG took part in PE lessons conducted through an Interdisciplinary PE Program aimed to expand the repertoire of skilled motor acts, combine original action sequences with acquired movement variations and motor skills, and explore props or objects in different scenarios. The CG participated in PE lessons conducted through a drill-oriented teaching approach to perfecting skills and procedures. The Italian version of the Test of Gross Motor Development and the Perceived Motor Competence Subscale of the Italian Self-Description Questionnaire for Children and Pre-adolescents were administered. Results: At the pre-test, females scored significantly lower means than males in the object control sub-test and perceived physical competence. Females scored higher means than males in the locomotion sub-test. In the post-test, the Interdisciplinary PE Program had a significantly positive impact with large effects on object control skills in males' and females' EGs, and in locomotor skills in females' EG, compared to the CG. Results regarding differences between EG and CG in the perception of motor competence were inconclusive. Discussion and conclusions: An Interdisciplinary PE Program turned out to be more effective than the drill-oriented teaching approach for improving object control and locomotor skills. Insights on how to incorporate key aspects of Interdisciplinary PE to teach Physical Education creatively in primary school will be discussed.
... Physical literacy is gaining traction worldwide as a concept that seeks to provide a holistic understanding of the skills and capacities individuals require to lead active lives across the lifespan [1][2][3][4]. Physical literacy can be developed at any age, but childhood is recognised as a crucial period for the accumulation of movement experiences that contribute to physical literacy [5]. Moreover, emerging evidence suggests physical literacy plays a formative role in shaping physical activity (PA) trajectories from a young age [6]. ...
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Background Schools are a key setting for promoting children’s physical literacy development. This review aimed to identify school-based interventions that adopted a holistic conceptualisation of physical literacy and examine the effects on children’s physical literacy and any other outcomes, including physical activity (PA). Methods Searches were conducted in seven databases (APA PsycINFO, EMBASE, ERIC, CINAHL, Global Health, MEDLINE Complete, SPORTDiscus with Full Text), and Google and Google Scholar, to identify articles published since 1/1/2017. Studies were included if they (i) adopted a holistic conception of physical literacy as represented by the Australian Physical Literacy Framework (APLF), (ii) were grounded in movement, (iii) assessed three or more domains of learning (either quantitatively or qualitatively), and (iv) included children aged 5–14 years. Quantitative research designs needed to provide pre-and post-intervention measures, whereas qualitative designs (e.g. post-intervention interviews) did not. Study selection, data extraction and quality assessment were conducted independently by teams of two authors. For intervention effects, quantitative and qualitative data were synthesised separately. For quantitative data, level of evidence for intervention effects was assessed by physical literacy domain and/or elements/items by examining the proportion of tests with a significant change in the expected direction. Qualitative data were synthesised using the framework synthesis method and mapped to a framework that included APLF domains/elements, PA, and additional outcomes. Results Twelve interventions with 1,427 participants from seven countries were identified: six physical education-based, three afterschool, one structured recess, and two multicomponent. All studies assessed the physical domain quantitatively, with strong positive evidence of intervention effects for the controlled designs (10 of 15 tests). For the affective and cognitive domains, evidence was mixed, and there was no evidence for interventions improving the social components of children’s physical literacy (although this was understudied). Most studies assessed PA and one measured cognitive performance; however, there was no evidence for positive intervention effects (i.e. ≥35% of tests reporting an improvement) for either outcome. Five studies assessed intervention effects qualitatively, with positive results reported for all physical literacy domains, PA, and cognitive performance. Conclusions Holistic interventions in schools can improve the physical domain of children’s physical literacy. For wider benefits, future interventions should aim to develop all facets of physical literacy, especially domains of learning less frequently targeted and examined. Trial Registration PROSPERO CRD42022351317.
... Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass Kinder in der Grundschule entsprechende MB aufbauen sollen, damit sie an der Sport-und Bewegungskultur teilhaben können. Das Konzept der Kompetenzentwicklung weist eine gewisse Nähe und enge Bezüge zum Physical Literacy-Konzept (Whitehead 2001) auf. ...
As soon as children want to participate in movement and sports culture, they need basic motor competencies (BMC). Hence, the acquisition of BMC in primary school physical education is a core objective in primary school curricula. However, a considerable part of European pupils do not develop sufficient BMC during primary school years (Wälti et al., 2022). At the same time, Ruin and Stibbe (2014) highlight a lack of concrete methods for implementing competence-oriented curricula. Therefore, methodological considerations and interventions that allow conclusions about the design of PE programs to promote BMC are needed. This study examined the immediate and long-term effects of an 8-week competence-oriented PE program on 2nd, and 4th graders’ BMC. In the German paradigm of competence (Klieme et al., 2008) promoting competence, understood as ability, knowledge, and willingness is one of the main goals of physical education (Amesberger & Stadler 2014). Aligned with competence paradigm, the PE program targeted motor-activity (ability) through movement-games. It also enhanced self-regulation (willingness) and cognitive engagement (knowledge) by offering movement-tasks of varying difficulty, which student could choose and evaluate using self-assessment forms. In a quasi-experimental study, 116 2nd, and 110 4th graders were assigned to an intervention and control group and BMC were tested with MOBAK-1-2 respectively MOBAK-3-4 (Herrmann, 2018) pre, post, and follow-up in overall-competence, self-movement and object-movement. Repeated measured ANCOVAs (sex and BMI as covariates) revealed strong time effects (e.g. η2 = .31, p < .001 for overall-competence in 2nd grade), small to moderate time*group interaction effects (e.g. η2 = .08, p < .01 for object-movement in 2nd grade) and medium group effects (e.g. η2 = .11, p < .001 for self-movement in 2nd grade) for overall-competence, self-movement, and object movement. Merely for object-movement in 4th grade, only a strong time effect (η2 = .24, p < .001) was observed, with no interaction or group effects, indicating that all 4th graders developed object-movement during study period independent of the study group. The results suggest that a competence-based PE program can promote BMC in primary school. Nevertheless, the lack of the interaction effect on object-movement in 4th grade shows that these effects are not general. Future studies should continue to investigate the effects of competency-oriented PE programs on pupil’s competence development. References Amesberger, G., & Stadler, R. (2014). Bildungsstandard für Bewegung und Sport. Handreichung für kompetenzorientiertes Lernen und Lehren [Educational standard for physical activity and sport. Handout for competence-orientated learning and teaching]. Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (BMUKK). Herrmann, C. (2018). MOBAK 1-4. Test zur Erfassung Motorischer Basiskompetenzen für die Klassen 1-4 [MOBAK 1-4. Test to assess basic motor skills for grades 1-4]. Hogrefe. Klieme, E., Hartig, J., & Rauch, D. (2008). The concept of competence in educational contexts. In J. Hartig, E. Klieme, & D. Leutner (Ed.), Assessment of competencies in educational contexts. (pp. 3-22). Hogrefe & Huber. Ruin, S., & Stibbe, G. (2014). Zum Bildungs- und Erziehungsverständnis in kompetenzorientierten Lehrplänen [On the understanding of education and upbringing in competence-orientated curricula]. Sportunterricht, 63(6), 168-173. Wälti, M., Sallen, J., Adamakis, M., Ennigkeit, F., Gerlach, E., Heim, C., Jidovtseff, B., Kossyva, I., Labudová, J., Masaryková, D., Mombarg, R., De Sousa Morgado, L., Niederkofler, B., Niehues, M., Onofre, M., Pühse, U., Quitério, A., Scheuer, C., Seelig, H., Vlček, P., … Herrmann, C. (2022). Basic motor competencies of 6- to 8-year-old primary school children in 10 European countries: A cross-sectional study on associations with age, sex, body mass index, and physical activity. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 804753.
... One general approach to physical education curricula can be seen in Peter Arnold's (1979) notion of education in, through and about movement, where Arnold emphasises education in movement as the unique contribution of the subject. This conceptualisation is also found in the notion of physical literacy as developed by Margaret Whitehead (2001). International Physical Literacy Association describes it as 'the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life' ( ...
Pedagogical theory concerns ideas about learning, teaching, content and curriculum, and the interdependent relationship between these. This entry focuses on pedagogical theories used in sport education. The entry thus describes theories foregrounding learning, such as behaviourist, cognitivist and sociocultural learning theories, theories foregrounding teaching, like the spectrum of teaching styles, didaktik theory and critical pedagogy, and theories foregrounding content and curriculum, like pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and Arnold’s notion of education in, through and about movement. As a conclusion to the entry, some of the similarities and differences regarding how to understand and investigate teaching, learning, and content are presented. Hence, the entry touches upon the claims made in research regarding different pedagogical practices when using pedagogical theories.
... Finally, Sport England [14] has released its own understanding of the concept, with PL expressing individuals "own relationship with movement and physical activity throughout life" [14]. Irrespective of the slight nuances between some definitions culminating in a differential prioritization of domains (e.g., "social" in Australia or "perceptual" in China), the original PL conceptualizations grounded on recognized philosophical assumptions about human life, requesting analyses of physical activity to consider the inseparability of body and mind (monism/embodiment), the connectedness to the environment (existentialism), as well as the authenticity of individual perceptions and biographies (phenomenology) [15][16][17]. Importantly, these assumptions hold pivotal implications by questioning one-sided intervention approaches and prioritizations of single determinants (e.g., psychomotor aspects) [18]. PL largely detaches from external performance standards and instead favours a person-centred view on physical activity [15,19]. ...
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Background The holistic concept of physical literacy (PL) has gained growing attention in recent research, policy, and practice. Many important policy documents of the physical activity and educational fields (e.g., Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018–2030 by the World Health Organization, UNESCO’s Quality Physical Education guidelines for policymakers) have specified PL. However, a clear framework for action is needed, as most initiatives across the world are fragmented, lack a prospective orientation, can benefit from conceptual clarification, and are not linked to effective translation into practice. Therefore, we aim to consensually develop a Global Physical Literacy (GloPL) Action Framework to define goals and principles (asking what is needed) as well as actions and ways (asking how these can be achieved) to move PL forward. Materials and methods We apply a three-stage group Delphi technique involving three representation groups: (a) geographical representatives to achieve global coverage of perspectives; (b) representatives of special thematic interest reflecting prominent gaps of current PL activities; and (c) representatives of societies from the broad field of physical activity and health to facilitate dissemination. The process will begin with an individual pre-Delphi exercise, in which experts generate initial ideas for the framework, followed by a four-eye document analysis to derive themes for the discussion. Subsequently, the experts will meet face-to-face in three online rounds to discuss and prioritize the themes. Interspersed formal voting with pre-defined agreement thresholds (via descriptive statistics) will inform the inclusion of themes within the final framework. Conclusions A global consensus on goals, principles, actions, and ways for the development of PL has the potential to provide a largely accepted roadmap for future activities in research, policy, and practice. The co-production approach will help disseminate the GloPL Action Framework and benefit work in relevant application fields of physical activity and health worldwide.
... Another well-recognized construct related to the self-beliefs of physical competence is physical literacy (Caldwell et al., 2020). It underscores the role of understanding, assessing, and valuing physical competence as a foundation for encouraging lifelong physical activity and aims to integrate physical competence with cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects (Whitehead, 2010). As this is a very broad construct, we focus on the individuals' selfevaluation of their abilities, e.g., their self-concept. ...
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This study examines the role of perceptions of physical ability on collaboration networks in physical education through three distinct lenses: self-concept, peer assessments, and teacher ratings. The interplay of these perspectives on team partner nominations is analyzed using exponential random graph models, while taking into account variables such as liking networks and gender associations. Drawing upon a sample of 302 adolescents across 14 high-school classes, the results reveal that physical ability is significantly linked with choices for team partners, indicating that high and similar performing peers are more likely to be chosen as team partners. Furthermore, only peer perceived ability was found to be predictive of social relationships in physical education, while the self and teacher perspectives show no significant effects on collaboration choices in sports games. These findings highlight the important role of academic norms, such as physical ability, for peer relations in physical education.
... Physical literacy (PL), developed by Whitehead, is currently an effective underlying theory for encouraging lifelong PA participation [11,12]. Since the concept was first introduced, it has attracted widespread scholarly attention worldwide [13]. The concept of PL has always been controversial and not unified; multiple scholars have attempted to define it [14][15][16][17]. ...
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In recent years, physical literacy (PL) has gained a great deal of attention in global academia. Children’s physical activity (PA) participation is severely underrepresented today, and students’ participation in PA and PL level development is strongly dependent on the PL levels of PE teachers. This study aims to offer information for PE teachers to improve their PL levels and for the future development of tools to assess the PL of PE teachers through a systematic review of studies assessing PL of PE teachers. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) was used to conduct a comprehensive and systematic search in six databases—Web of Science, Scopus, ScienceDirect, PubMed, ProQuest; and SportDiscus, and a total of 671 papers were retrieved, but after removing duplicates, article identification, and screening only eight papers met the inclusion criteria. This study’s results indicate a paucity of research related to PL among PE teachers, focusing on children, students, older adults, and children with disabilities. PE teachers performed poorly in the physical competence domain and better in the cognitive and affective domains, with a moderate level of overall PL. Only one instrument is currently available to assess PE teachers’ (perceived) PL, and other studies have used instrument components. Therefore, it was concluded that the current PE teachers’ PL level is not high. Also, because the concept of PL among PE teachers has not been standardized, no tool has been developed to evaluate the PL of PE teachers comprehensively and systematically. The CPD (continuing professional development) is considered an effective means of enhancing PL among PE teachers, and research should prioritize the development of CPD programs and tools that are specifically tailored to assess PL among PE teachers in the future.
... Children develop the ability to perceive and appraise risks as they learn to avoid injury while exploring the environment and learning what their bodies and skills are capable of [17]. The concept of physical literacy is described as the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in PA for life [18]. Physical literacy is not restricted to the development of motor skills in early childhood; rather, it is characterized by a broad variety of forms of PA and is relevant throughout life [19]. ...
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Many children spend a large proportion of their waking hours in early childhood education and care (ECEC). Movement and physical activity (PA) are crucial for children’s development and sustainable health. The competence to manage and assess risks starts early in life and can be improved through opportunities for challenging PA. The aim of this study was to investigate ECEC educators’ experiences and perceptions of injury risks in ECEC and examine their reasoning about teaching movement and PA, and experiences of any restrictions and prohibitions of movement and PA. Eighteen ECEC educators were interviewed. The qualitative content analysis revealed three themes with adherent sub-themes: Responsibility for the children (Caretaking and Empathy); Fear of being accused (Fear of being exposed and Fear of being irresponsible in the work team); Low competence in movement (Low expectations of children and Perceived poor personal movement skills). The study concluded that educators’ fear of injury risks limits the children’s movement and PA occasions. The educators’ perceived poor personal motor skills and low fitness combined with their perceived low competence to teach movement limit the possibility for the children to develop their motor skills, which in turn might affect the children’s physical literacy for sustainable health.
... There is a consensus among scholars on the need for empirical research to deepen our understanding of PL [24], including its evaluation across various populations [25], to construct a comprehensive framework [26] and develop robust assessment tools for a holistic evaluation of PL [27,28]. PL's foundational role in encouraging lifelong engagement in physical activities [29] highlights its potential to significantly enhance long-term health, satisfaction, and success [30,31]. ...
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Background The increasing prevalence of physical inactivity, declining fitness, and rising childhood obesity highlight the importance of physical literacy (PL), as a foundational component for fostering lifelong health and active lifestyle. This recognition necessitates the development of effective tools for PL assessment that are applicable across diverse cultural landscapes. Aim This study aimed to translate the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy-2 (CAPL-2) into Urdu and adapt it for the Pakistani cultural context, to assess PL among children aged 8–12 years in Pakistan. Method The Urdu version of CAPL-2 was administered among 1,360 children aged 8–12 from 87 higher secondary schools across three divisions in South Punjab province, Pakistan. Statistical analysis includes test-retest reliability and construct validity, employing confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate the tool’s performance both overall and within specific subdomains. Results The Urdu version of CAPL-2 demonstrated strong content validity, with a Content Validity Ratio of 0.89. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the four-factor structure proposed by the original developers, evidenced by excellent model fit indices (GFI = 0.984, CFI = 0.979, TLI = 0.969, RMSEA = 0.041). High internal consistency was observed across all domains (α = 0.988 to 0.995), with significant correlations among most, excluding the Knowledge and Understanding domains. Notably, gender and age significantly influenced performance, with boys generally scoring higher than girls, with few exceptions. Conclusion This study marks a significant step in the cross-cultural adaptation of PL assessment tools, successfully validating the CAPL-2 Urdu version for the Pakistani context for the first time. The findings affirm the tool’s suitability for assessing PL among Pakistani children, evidencing its validity and reliability across the Pakistani population.
... This paper is an example of how the philosophical foundations of physical literacy are continuing to grow and expand into wider areas, promoting further philosophical discussions. Considering that the origins of physical literacy are grounded in philosophical exploration [27], it is fantastic to see the philosophical grounding continuing over 20 years later. ...
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The collection of papers in this Special Issue serves to extend the literature and evidence base for physical literacy (PL) research within child and youth populations. Currently, child and youth populations are increasingly sedentary, resulting in them spending less time engaging in daily physical activity (PA). Physical literacy serves as an attractive concept to help reframe and address physical inactivity and poor health and wellbeing, utilising a different and integrated approach to physical activity, health and wellbeing promotion. The studies presented in this Special Issue respond to previous calls in PL research for further empirical evidence, clarity around PL assessment, the utility of physical literacy with diverse populations including indigenous children and those with disabilities, the application of PL within early years, parental engagement and the role of physical education in the promotion of PL. These studies shed new light on the frontiers of PL research within child and youth populations.
... La littératie physique est considérée comme la fondation d'une vie physique active, saine et durable(Whitehead, 2001) ...
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This contribution describes the elaboration process of a new guideline for physical education (PE) certificative assessment in Geneva primary school. It presents the outcome of a collaborative procedure’s first step which gathered coordinators of PE in Geneva, instructor/searcher of the university and PE primary teachers. This project is the result of the evolution of context in teaching PE in Geneva resulting on dysfunctions acknowledged by stakeholders of each institution. In first section of the text, we reveal how the renovation project (1994) and the French-speaking Switzerland curricula (CIIP, 2011) took an important part when designing the actual guideline. Our purpose also highlights how the context evolution made it necessary to rethink the current curricula regarding scientific, institutional and practical implications. In a second section, we present the theoretical framework on which we built the new assessment guideline: Our vision of Competency-Based Approach regarding recent developments, and epistemological fundamentals when teaching PE as physical culture education (Forest et al., 2018). At the end, we present our new proposition of assessment guideline. We then argue the structure and content choices according to what we believe should be assessed (and thus taught) in primary school in PE. Concepts of constructive grading (Pasquini, 2021) widely influenced the structure of this guideline. All choices are argued according to theoretical and epistemological framework of this interinstitutional project.
... Currently, the widely accepted definition of physical literacy involves motivation, confidence, physical ability, knowledge and understanding to value and assume responsibility for lifelong engagement in physical activity (18). This construct arose from Whitehead's years of exploration and inspiring philosophical debate on the underpinnings, attributes, and future directions of said concept (19). Physical literacy rejects a metaphysical dualism that separates the human body and mind when involved in physical activities and sports. ...
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The study provides a summary, reflection, and clarification on the existing literature amid the recent rise in physical literacy assessment through a critical narrative that will contribute to future developments. In this review, the author addressed the significance of acknowledging the ultimate goal of assessing physical literacy throughout the life course is to foster authentic human flourishing. The study questioned the assessment practice in detail by discussing whether it is to translate and validate or to establish locally and to quantify or to specify qualitatively. The current tendency of a comprehensive dimension but not an inclusive journey was found. Subject to limitation, the merits of this study still stand and, moreover, further point to valuable areas for further inquiry that may refine and foster physical literacy and authentic human flourishing across the life course. And based on the arguments, future direction and recommendations when conducting assessment were discussed.
... Att rama in forskning med ett rörelsebildningsperspektiv handlar om sätta fokus på kunskap och förståelse för hur individen utvecklas för att kunna röra på sig på ett effektivt sätt utifrån sina egna förutsättningar i relation till sin omgivning, hur individens deltagande och förmåga att prestera i olika fysiska aktiviteter kan utvecklas, och hur rörelse kan stärka individens välbefinnande, samt att individen förkroppsligar ett lärande som innebär att värdera och ta ansvar för att involveras i rörelse och fysisk aktivitet hela livet (Whitehead, 2001(Whitehead, , 2010IPLA, 2020). Tidigare har individuella idrotter som exempelvis boule eller bowling länge erbjudits och attraherat äldre utövare, vilket inte varit fallet med lagidrotter som fotboll och innebandy. ...
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SAMMANFATTNING En fjärdedel av Sveriges befolkning förväntas snart vara över 65 år. Personer inom denna åldersgrupp utgör den största andelen av dem som är mest stillasittande och fysiskt inaktiva. Syftet med studien är att skapa vetenskaplig kunskap om äldre män och kvinnor i Sverige som är aktiva inom gåfotboll och innebandy+ inom ideell idrottsföreningsverksamhet. Vidare är syftet att undersöka och beskriva äldre spelares och föreningsrepresentanters perspektiv på utveckling av lagidrott för att de ska passa människor med olika fysiska förutsättningar under livets gång. De formulerade forskningsfrågorna är följande: 1. Vilka är de äldre över 65 år som deltar i gåfotboll och innebandy+ baserat på ålder, kön, födelseland, socioekonomi och tidigare idrottserfarenheter? 2. Hur ser äldre aktiva i gåfotboll och innebandy+ på betydelsen av den idrottsverksamhet de deltar i och på möjligheter att spela matcher? 3. Vilka likheter och skillnader finns mellan utövarnas inställning till en utveckling av idrotten mot att spela matcher i relation till idrott, kön, ålder och tidigare idrottserfarenhet? 4. Vilka styrkor och utmaningar finns för idrottsföreningarna med att organisera lagidrott för äldre och hur ser de på att utveckla matcher för den äldre målgruppen inom idrottsföreningars verksamhet? Tre delstudier har genomförts där olika forskningsmetoder har tillämpats för att samla in både kvantitativa och kvalitativa data för att besvara studiens syfte och forskningsfrågor. Studiens resultat baseras på enkäter med 237 deltagare (187 gåfotbollsspelare och 50 innebandy+spelare som är mellan 65 och 85 år), fokusgruppintervjuer med 27 äldre aktiva lagidrottsspelare (14 gåfotbollsspelare och 13 innebandy+spelare i åldern 62 till 73 år), samt enskilda intervjuer med fyra föreningsrepresentanter. Resultaten visar att den typiske gåfotbollsspelaren och innebandy+spelaren är en man (81%) född i Sverige, cirka 66–68 år gammal, som är gift eller ingår i partnerskap, högskoleutbildad, bosatt i en friliggande villa, och som har arbetat som tjänsteman eller tjänstekvinna under sitt yrkesliv. Det är också vanligt att dessa personer har idrottat på breddnivå, tränar i grupper som inkluderar både män och kvinnor, tränar en gång i veckan och är intresserad av att se en utveckling av idrotten mot att spela matcher. Studien visar att båda dessa lagidrotter även attraherar nybörjare – de som aldrig tidigare varit aktiva inom idrott, vare sig på elit‐ eller breddidrottsnivå. Gåfotboll attraherar 11 procent nybörjare på idrott överhuvudtaget, samt 34 procent som aldrig har spelat fotboll i en idrottsförening tidigare. På motsvarande sätt attraherar Innebandy+ 10 procent som aldrig har varit aktiva inom idrott överhuvudtaget, samt 84 procent som aldrig spelat innebandy i en idrottsförening tidigare. Rapporten fokuserar på fördjupade kvantitativa analyser för att belysa samband mellan ålder, kön, erfarenhet av idrotten, och hur betydelsefulla idrotterna är samt vad som är avgörande för om deltagarna vill se en utveckling mot en ökad tävlingsinriktning med organiserade matcher eller inte. Sammantaget visar studien att en övervägande majoritet av deltagarna är intresserade av en utveckling mot ökade möjligheter att spela matcher. Hela 84 procent av gåfotbollsspelarna och 64 procent av innebandy+ spelarna vill se en sådan utveckling. Studien indikerar att kvinnor har ett något lägre intresse för matchspel jämfört med män. I studien diskuteras bristen på mångfald, betydelsen av verksamheten för de äldre samt utvecklingen av idrotterna när det gäller matchspel. Sammantaget visar studien att idrottsverksamheterna för äldre ger deltagarna nya möjligheter till rörelse och sociala interaktioner i en lagidrottsmiljö som upplevs som betydelsefull, positiv och inkluderande för äldre.
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Purpose: Cycling, as a form of active transport, had become a public health issue, relevant for maintaining a sustainable level of daily physical activity. School-based interventions promoting active transport had the potential to encourage more young people to adopt physically active lifestyles, but their impact, designs, and target populations in the literature remained limited. The concept of physical literacy held great promise for developing sustainable education interventions in physical activity, but it had not yet been adapted to the specificities of cycling. This systematic review examined how physical education teachers could design active transport interventions to promote sustained engagement in physical activity. Method: Using the PI(E)CO framework and PRISMA checklist, a research algorithm was applied across eleven databases. The eligibility criteria included school-aged populations, active transport interventions to and/or from school, primary studies, quantitative physical activity outcomes, and English language publications. Results: Six studies were found to meet the inclusion criteria. Half of these studies had implicitly designed their interventions following the four dimensions of physical literacy, while the other half focused only on the physical dimension. The meta-analysis indicated a non-significant increase in physical activity but a significant negative association between the age of participants and physical activity outcomes. The two studies with the highest impact on physical activity had undertaken a design following the four dimensions of physical literacy adapted to active transport. Discussion/Conclusion: To achieve the effectiveness of active transport school-based interventions, physical education teachers needed to follow the four dimensions of the physical literacy concept from early primary school age.
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Background Lifestyles of contemporary children are largely organised with relatively little time for free play. Aim To compare the growth, maturity status, motor proficiency and physical fitness of non-participants and participants in organised sports 7–10 years. Subjects and methods Height, weight, skeletal age (SA), physical activity, fundamental motor skills, motor coordination and fitness were assessed in 234 boys and 235 girls. Sex-specific comparisons of the characteristics of sport participants and non-participants 7–8 and 9–10 years were evaluated with Student’s t and Mann–Whitney U tests. Results Boys and girls in each age group active in sport had significantly higher levels of sport-related physical activity. At 7–8 years, boys active in sport were significantly taller and heavier than peers not active in sport, while girls not active in sport performed significantly better in ball rolling and balance. At 9–10 years, boys active in sport were more proficient in catching, while girls active in sport were more proficient in hopping and side-to-side jumping. Conclusion SA and performances among children 7–10 years active and not active in sport were largely non-significant statistically, while those active in sport were physically more active.
Purpose : Teachers’ social and emotional learning (SEL) skills play a central role in physical education to promote holistic youth development and physical activity. The purpose of this study was to explore what SEL skills Finnish physical education student teachers learned during their final study year at university and how they described the meaning of SEL in part of their teacherhood. Method : Data were collected from a questionnaire for four annual courses of Finnish physical education student teachers (n125) and written teaching philosophies (n12). Results : Students reported learning many different SEL skills during their final year. Most learning experiences were reported in self-awareness skills and relationships skills. SEL was also described as (a) a tool for better teaching, (b) a basis for human perception, and (c) changing the way they view their teacherhood. Discussion/Conclusion : The findings indicated that students place a high value on learning SEL skills and that SEL is central to their overall view of physical education.
The main objective of this chapter is to present the importance of physical activity and movement for people of all ages, with special attention to school-aged children and adolescents. The chapter begins with a description of physical activity in cultural contexts. Next, the chapter examines the role of physical education in promoting physical literacy. It concludes with workable solutions and recommendations for the physical education classroom to promote lifelong physical activity and healthy lifestyles. According to the World Health Organization, physical inactivity is rising globally along with the rates of obesity. Therefore, this chapter examines ways to promote physical activity using culturally relevant practices.
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Des preuves scientifiques solides existent quant à l’importance de la condition physique pour réduire les taux de mortalité dûs aux maladies non-transmissibles et améliorer la santé (Lang et al., 2023). Toutefois, lorsqu’il s’agit de « former à un citoyen lucide, autonome, physiquement et socialement éduqué, dans le souci du vivre ensemble » (BO EPS du cycle 4, 2020), focaliser la réponse pédagogique sur la condition physique pose question. En effet, si développer la condition physique des élèves améliore leur santé immédiate, ce développement participe-t-il à un processus d’éducation à long terme pour des comportements physiquement actifs durables ?
À l’instar d’autres nations et régions à travers le monde, la Belgique francophone a entrepris une vaste réforme de son système éducatif, connue sous le nom de Pacte pour un Enseignement d’Excellence (PEE) (Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, 2017). Cette réforme inclut un ensemble de mesures structurelles spécifiques, telles que l’extension du tronc commun de 3 à 15 ans et la révision approfondie de la Formation Initiale des Enseignants (FIE) (Dachet & Bayet, 2021). En lien avec la thématique de ce numéro spécial, cette contribution adopte une approche descriptive visant à exposer les défis que le PEE implique pour l’enseignement de l’éducation physique, de 3 à 15 ans, en Belgique francophone. En outre, elle se fixe pour objectif de détailler et d’analyser la mise en pratique du nouveau curriculum de la FIE en éducation physique et à la santé. Après une vue d’ensemble, une analyse de cas spécifique, portant sur la Haute École Léonard de Vinci à Bruxelles, sera menée pour mettre en lumière les stratégies et les contenus développés au sein de cette institution d’enseignement supérieur.
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While a variety of definitions persist, a common definition of physical literacy is that it encompasses the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities over the lifespan. While this perspective to physical literacy is broad, a great deal of curricular outcomes still focus on the physical competence, knowledge and understanding aspects of the framework leaving a gap in the holistic nature of the construct. This scoping review explores the construct of physical literacy within post‐secondary education, focusing on how social and emotional dimensions are integrated in teaching, delivery and assessment. This scoping review followed PRISMA‐ScR guidelines. Five online databases were used to identify papers published that used physical literacy in combination with post‐secondary as the educational setting with a focus on curriculum. The findings underscore a substantial gap in the literature. It was identified that the physical aspects of physical literacy were predominant with limited attention to the social and emotional domains. The gap implies that the comprehensive construct of physical literacy, which encompasses non‐physical facets, is often omitted in post‐secondary curricula. The review highlights an unexplored opportunity for post‐secondary institutions to intentionally construct more comprehensive physical literacy programmes. By incorporating social and emotional dimensions into these programmes, students gain a more holistic understanding of physical literacy. Subsequent research can delve into effective integration strategies and the potential benefits of such an approach.
Conference Paper
Dem Sportunterricht wird eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Befähigung junger Menschen zu einem aktiven Lebensstil zugeschrieben. Europa zeichnet sich durch heterogene edukative Konzepte, curriculare Landschaften sowie Lernüberzeugungen aus (Holzweg et al., 2013). Im internationalen Raum hat das auf Whitehead (2001) zurückgehende Konzept der "Physical Literacy" (PL) in den vergangenen Jahren zunehmend an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen (Young et al., 2021). PL basiert auf einer Integration physischer, kognitiver und affektiver Qualifikationen für lebenslange körperlicher Aktivität (IPLA, 2017), womit ein holistischer und personenzentrierter Anspruch an die Gestaltung von Bewegung formuliert wird (Edwards et al., 2017). Auch die internationale sportpädagogische Gemeinschaft diskutiert curriculare und sportpraktische Implikationen von PL (Durden-Myers et al., 2018). Der Sportunterricht erweist sich dabei als das relevanteste Anwendungsfeld von PL (Carl et al., 2022). Die zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit für diesen Ansatz kann auch auf die Tatsache zurückgeführt werden, dass die UNESCO (2015) in ihren globalen Richtlinien zum Sportunterricht [quality physical education guidelines for policymakers] der PL eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Gestaltung von hochwertigem Unterricht beimisst. Es bleibt knapp zehn Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung der Richtlinie jedoch unklar, inwiefern die verschiedenen Länder Europas auf nationaler Ebene tatsächlich die Kriterien eines 'PL-inspirierten Sportunterrichts' erfüllen. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist es daher, eine länderübergreifende Bestandserhebung mit Blick auf die Erfüllung zentraler Kriterien von PL-inspiriertem Sportunterricht durchzuführen.
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Dalam pendidikan jasmani, banyak tenaga pengajar yang masih tabu dalam bahasa pendidikan olahraga. Hal ini menjadi suatu ironi di dunia pendidikan dalam negeri dimana pengajar seharusnya memahami makna dibalik pendidikan jasmani, maka dari itu ada istilah yang dapat membedakannya. Istilah tersebut berasal dari bahasa Inggris yaitu physical literacy . Artinya melek jasmaniah atau memahami literasi fisik dan pendidikan jasmani sangat erat kaitanya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti tentang bagaimana peran literasi fisik siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriftif yang dilakukan dengan cara menyebar kuesioner terhadap 46 siswa SDN 1 Karangsambung Kota Tasikmalaya yang diambil dengan menggunakan rumus metode sampling jenuh dan diuji dengan menggunakan software SPSS versi 26 . Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa siswa yang dijadikan sampel memiliki pengetahuan di atas rata-rata melalui indikator pengetahuan literasi fisik. Dengan adanya hasil tersebut, maka diharapkan bagi guru untuk memberikan rangsangan positif kepada peserta didik, dengan cara memodifikasi metode mengajar yang lebih menarik atau variatif supaya siswa lebih semangat untuk mengikuti pelajaran, karena sejatinya aktifitas fisik di kehidupan nyata dan lingkungan akademik itu berkesinambungan. Kemudian ada perbedaan pengetahuan literasi siswa laki-laki sedikit lebih unggul dibandingkan siswa perempuan hal tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor dimana siswa laki-laki lebih sering melakukan aktivitas fisik dibandingkan siswa perempuan.
During the recent decade, the concept of physical literacy has gained increasing prominence worldwide. Introduced by Whitehead in the early 1990s, physical literacy was conceptualized as a developmental process encompassing competence in the physical, affective, and cognitive dimensions that should be understood in a holistic manner where the attributes are interconnected and inseparable. Physical literacy has been proposed to associate with several related outcomes, such as physical activity (PA), sport participation, and an overall active lifestyle, as well as other health behaviors and outcomes. Due to the potential of the concept, there has been an increased interest in assessing physical literacy, especially among school-aged children and adolescents. The purpose of present chapter is to explore what is currently known regarding physical literacy assessment tools, the validity of the tools, and the association between physical literacy and PA participation and health and well-being among school-aged children and adolescents.
Conference Paper
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Introduction: It was noticed an evolution of the discussion of “olympic education” values since the first writings of Coubertin, its different phases, the creation of the term by Norbert Muller, many discussions of different approaches by Roland Naul, and varied perceptions, contributions and criticisms, shaping the called “educational themes of Olympism” that Canadian researcher Deanna Binder had with her work in 2012, considered as a milestone of this conception. Objective: We aimed to review the conceptions of olympic education as a pedagogical tool for social inclusion. Methods: The review of international scientific references took place through the “Connected Papers” software, which presents works of “origin and derivation”, creation of bibliography for thesis and presents an overview of an academic field Results: After studying the antecedent texts and those derived from the field of studies on Olympism's educational themes, it was able to highlight categories that would deserve greater emphasis. The first would be about Coubertin's considerations about a certain integral education, which would educate youth in a physical, mental and social way. The second would be about Olympic education as a pedagogical methodology: would it in fact be an ideological inscription with pseudo-religious characteristics with the objective of social neocolonization and inclination to capitalist consumerism? Or would it be an opportunity to express critical pedagogies based on values that, before being Olympic, are human, and have in the Olympic history, an immense arsenal of facts and examples. Finally, the category of analysis of programs of Olympic education in practice. The production and dissemination of empirical studies on the results of these programs. Conclusion: There is a need for new insights into the themes of “holistic education”; the pedagogical methodology hanging between the “capitalist ideological inscription” and the critical possibility based on examples of historical facts; and finally, on the empirical work produced in identifying changes in the “world of life” of participants in Olympic education programs.
Background Psychological distress has been a growing challenge to healthy living worldwide. Special attention has been concentrated on examining the cost of psychological distress on the life satisfaction of college students who are vulnerable groups coping with the challenge. The purpose of this study is to explore the roles of physical literacy (PL) and mindfulness in mediating the impact of psychological distress on life satisfaction among college students in China. Methods A sample of 653 students from six universities across three cities in China participated in an online survey, which included measures of PL, mindfulness, life satisfaction, as well as stress, anxiety, and depression levels. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was implemented to analyze the survey data. Results The findings of the SEM analysis demonstrated an acceptable model fit ( X ² /df = 3.63, CFI = 0.951, TLI = 0.940, RMSEA = 0.068, 90% CI = [0.060, 0.075], SRMR = 0.051) with a large effect size ( R ² = 0.36) for life satisfaction, indicating that 36% of the variation in life satisfaction could be explained by the model. In addition, significant partial-mediation effects of PL and mindfulness were observed in the relationship between psychological distress and life satisfaction. These findings provide empirical support for the notion that interventions targeting PL and mindfulness practices may effectively enhance well-being and alleviate psychological distress among college students. Furthermore, this study suggests that integrating PL and mindfulness components into physical education and activity programs could be beneficial in meeting individuals’ holistic health needs.
Conference Paper
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The International Judo Federation (IJF) has often changed the rules to protect judokas, increase the intensity of competitions, score more, and achieve greater attention and popularity. This research aims to determine the impact of judo rule change on the effectiveness of floor techniques in competitors at the Europa Judo Open in Sarajevo 2021-2022. The research was conducted on a sample of (n=217) senior fights and a sample of (n=130) senior women's fights in 2021. and a sample of (n=206) senior fights and a sample of (n=119) senior women's fights in 2022. in all 7 weight categories at the Sarajevo European Open. It was found that the most commonly performed techniques of procedures are Hon-gesa-gatame, yoko-shiho-gatame and sankaku-jime. The highest percentage of osaekomi-waza (holding in the grip) is immediately after the throw, and the highest percentage of shime-waza (choking techniques) were performed after a failed opponent's attack. The percentage of kansetsu-waza (leverage) is reduced. By analyzing, we found that in the lower weight categories there was an increase in ground wins (senior men category: 60kg 7 % in 2021, 19% in 2022,66 kg 22% in 2021, 28% in 2022, 73 kg 11% 2021,32% in 2022), that is, generally the application of parterre techniques during the combat, while in the larger weight categories (81, 90, 100, +100) the percentage of wins in ne-waza decreased slightly (category 81 kg 18% in 2021, 12% in 2022,90kg 19% in 2021, 18% in 2022, 100 kg 18% in 2021, 7% in 2022, +100kg 33% in 2021, 22% in 2022). In the women's categories 48 kg, 52 kg and +78 kg, significant progress was observed (senior women category 48kg 18,75% in 2021, 38,46% in 2022,52 kg 20% in 2021, 25% in 2022, +78 kg 33.33% in 2021, 55,56% in 2022), while in other female weight categories, the efficiency in ne-waza was higher in 2021 (57 kg 32% in 2021,26,32% in 2022, 63kg 31,50% in 2021, 25% in 2022,70 kg 34,78% in 2021, 11,54% in 2022, 78 kg 26,67% in 2021, 25% in 2022). In seniors, control techniques improved slightly while senior women performed better at performing shime-waza and kansetsu-waza techniques compared to 2021 (15,15% in 2021, 25,81% in 2022). With the introduction of new rules in judo, more time space was given to the ne-waza so that growth was recorded in osaekomi-waza, while the number of kansetsu-waza and shime-waza decreased.
Being There: Putting Brain, Body and World Together Again Physical Education in the National Curriculum The National Literacy Strategy
  • A Clark
  • Ma Cambridge
Clark, A. (1997). Being There: Putting Brain, Body and World Together Again. Cambridge, MA., MIT Press. Department of Education and Science (DES) (1992). Physical Education in the National Curriculum. London, HMSO. Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) (1998). The National Literacy Strategy.
Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) (1999a) Physical Education. The National Curriculum for England The National Numeracy Strategy
  • London
  • Hmso
London, HMSO. Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) (1999a). Physical Education. The National Curriculum for England. London, HMSO. Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) (1999b). The National Numeracy Strategy.
Philosophical Letters (trans
  • R Descartes
Descartes, R. (1970). Philosophical Letters (trans. and ed. A. Kenny).
The Tacit Mode State
  • J H Gill
Gill, J.H. (2000). The Tacit Mode State. New York, University of New York.
Phenomenology of Perception translated by Colin Smith The Primacy of Perception translated by James Edie
  • M Merleau-Ponty
  • And Kegan Paul
  • M Merleau-Ponty
Merleau-Ponty, M. (1962). Phenomenology of Perception translated by Colin Smith. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul. Merleau-Ponty, M. (1964). The Primacy of Perception translated by James Edie. Chicago, IL., NW University Press.
Thus Spake Zarathustra translated by R.J. Hollingdale. London, Penguin Classics Being and Nothingness translated by Hazel Barnes The Case for Sport
  • F Neitzsche
Neitzsche, F. (1969). Thus Spake Zarathustra translated by R.J. Hollingdale. London, Penguin Classics. Sartre, J-P. (1957). Being and Nothingness translated by Hazel Barnes. London, Methuen. Sports Council (1991). The Case for Sport (Publicity leaflet).
A study of the views of Sartre and Merleau-Ponty relating to embodiment, and a consideration of the implications of these views to the justification and practice of physical education
  • M E Whitehead
Whitehead, M.E. (1987). "A study of the views of Sartre and Merleau-Ponty relating to embodiment, and a consideration of the implications of these views to the justification and practice of physical education." Unpublished PhD thesis. London, University of London.
Physical Literacy. Unpublished paper given at IAPESWG Congress Melbourne
  • M E Whitehead
Whitehead, M.E. (1993). Physical Literacy. Unpublished paper given at IAPESWG Congress Melbourne, Australia. — 138 Downloaded by [] at 12:04 19 November 2014