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Local envenoming by the Western hognose snake (Heterodon nasicus): A case report and review of medically significant Heterodon bites

  • Young Adult Institute NY NY and Premier HealthCare NY; Playford Family Medical, Munno Para, South Australia; Clinical Associate Professor University of Adelaide School of Medicine Adelaide; Family Physician, private practice, Bayside, New York, USA

Abstract and Figures

A case of clinically significant local envenoming resulting from a bite inflicted by a Western hognose snake, Heterodon nasicus, is described. The patient was bitten while offering a juvenile mouse to a captive snake. The snake maintained a grip on the patient's arm (left anticubital fossa) for several minutes. The bite resulted in marked edema, ecchymoses, lymphadenopathy, cutaneous signs suggestive of mild cellulitis and blister formation. There were no systemic effects. Recovery was complete after approximately five months. Several documented Heterodon sp. bites with significant clinical effects are reviewed. This common xenodontine colubrid must be considered capable of inflicting medically significant bites. It is currently unclear whether the pathological changes associated with these bites are due to specific Duvernoy's secretion components, Type I hypersensitivity or a combination of these. The influence of the feeding response on the severity of clinical effects is considered as is the discrepancy between experimentally verified pharmacological activities of Duvernoy's secretions from Heterodon sp. and medical sequelae of documented bites. Although hognose snakes may uncommonly produce medically significant bites, they should not be considered dangerous or venomous. Captive specimens should be handled carefully, particularly when offered food.
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Local envenoming by the Western hognose snake (Heterodon nasicus): A
case report and review of medically significant Heterodon bites
Scott A. Weinstein
, Daniel E. Keyler
Department of Clinical Toxinology, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, 71 King William Street, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia
Royal Adelaide Hospital, Internal Medicine Service, Clinic 275, 275 North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia
Hennepin County Medical Center, Department of Medicine, Division of Clinical Pharmacology, 701 Park Avenue, G5, Minneapolis, MN 55415-1829, USA
Department of Experimental & Clinical Pharmacology, University of Minnesota, 308 Harvard Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
article info
Article history:
Received 29 December 2008
Received in revised form 13 April 2009
Accepted 14 April 2009
Available online 23 April 2009
Hognose snake
Type I hypersensitivity
Duvernoy’s secretion
A case of clinically significant local envenoming resulting from a bite inflicted by a Western
hognose snake, Heterodon nasicus, is described. The patient was bitten while offering
a juvenile mouse to a captive snake. The snake maintained a grip on the patient’s arm (left
anticubital fossa) for several minutes. The bite resulted in marked edema, ecchymoses,
lymphadenopathy, cutaneous signs suggestive of mild cellulitis and blister formation.
There were no systemic effects. Recovery was complete after approximately five months.
Several documented Heterodon sp. bites with significant clinical effects are reviewed. This
common xenodontine colubrid must be considered capable of inflicting medically signif-
icant bites. It is currently unclear whether the pathological changes associated with these
bites are due to specific Duvernoy’s secretion components, Type I hypersensitivity or
a combination of these. The influence of the feeding response on the severity of clinical
effects is considered as is the discrepancy between experimentally verified pharmaco-
logical activities of Duvernoy’s secretions from Heterodon sp. and medical sequelae of
documented bites. Although hognose snakes may uncommonly produce medically
significant bites, they should not be considered dangerous or venomous. Captive speci-
mens should be handled carefully, particularly when offered food.
Ó2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Most extant snakes belong to the superfamily, Caeno-
phidia (¼Colubroidea), including all of the medically
important venomous snakes such as elapids, viperids and
atractaspids. Clinically important cases of envenoming by
snakes are most often caused by bites from elapid and
viperid snakes (Minton, 1974; Russell, 1983; Meier and
White, 1995; Chippaux, 1998). The medical importance of
the largest discrete and polyphyletic group of caeno-
phidians, referred to as the family Colubridae for conve-
nience, is verified only for a handful of the approximately
2000–2500 taxa in this diversified and taxonomically arti-
ficial assemblage (Minton, 1990; Weinstein and Kardong,
1994; Warrell, 2004; Weinstein et al., in press). An unde-
termined percentage of colubrid snakes secrete toxins from
a low-pressure (due to little or no direct muscle attachment
on the gland) secretory system (Duvernoy’s gland) that may
or may not be associated with posterior enlarged maxillary
teeth that may be grooved (McKinstry,1983; Weinstein and
Kardong, 1994; Kardong, 1996; Mackessy, 2002). Fatal
envenomations or serious morbidity inflicted by the African
dispholidines, Dispholidus typus,Thelotornis kirtlandii and
Thelotornis capensis and the Asian natricines, Rhabdophis
subminiatus and Rhabdophis tigrinus have been thoroughly
*Corresponding author at: Royal Adelaide Hospital, Internal Medicine
Service, Clinic 275, 275 North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000,
Australia. Tel.: þ61 08 8 222 5075; fax: þ61 08 8 232 3504.
E-mail addresses:,
(S.A. Weinstein), (D.E. Keyler).
Tel.: þ1 612 873 4051.
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
journal homepage:
0041-0101/$ – see front matter Ó2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Toxicon 54 (2009) 354–360
documented (Minton, 1990; Weinstein and Kardong, 1994;
Mackessy, 2002). Accumulating data suggests that Philo-
dryas sp. probably are medically important in South
America (Nickerson and Henderson, 1976; Kuch and Jes-
berger, 1993; Nishioka and Silveira, 1994; Fowler and Sal-
˜o, 1994; Warrell, 2004). The clinical relevance of other
colubrid taxa (e.g. Malpolon monspessulanus)(Gonzales,
1979; Pommier and de Haro, 2007), Boiga irregularis (Fritts
et al., 1994; Fritts and McCoid,1999) is supported by limited
evidence. Aside from this small sampling of colubrids with
proven capacities to produce human mortality and
morbidity, few documented, evidence-based cases support
the medical importance of other colubrid species (Warrell,
2004; Weinstein et al., in press).
The hognose snakes (Heterodon sp.) and their allies
(Lystrophis sp.) have been traditionally considered, and are
still widely viewed as, members of the colubrid subfamily,
xenodontinae. It is noteworthy that a recent taxonomic
study recommended re-assignment of Heterodon sp. and
Lystrophis sp. to the subfamilies, heterodontinae and xen-
odontinae, respectively, of the family, Dipsadidae (Vidal
et al., 2007). Traditionally, the xenodontines are a diverse
group that consists of at least 90 genera and greater than
500 species (Vidal et al., 2000; Dowling et al., 1996). Several
xenodontines (e.g. Philodryas sp.) have been implicated in
clinically significant envenomings (for a review, see War-
rell, 2004). The North American genus, Heterodon, consists
of four species (H. nasicus,Heterodon platirhinos,Heterodon
simus and Heterodon kennerlyi;Smith et al., 2003) and
several subspecies. The Western hognose snake, H. nasicus
is a small to medium-sized (average adult size approxi-
mately 50 cm total length) species (Fig. 1). It is found in
sandy/loose soil biotopes in prairie, rocky environments
and coastal habitats. It ranges from southern Canada to
northern Mexico with a distribution bordered in the east by
Illinois and by Colorado and Wyoming in the west (Smith
and Brodie, 1982; Wright and Wright, 1994). Hognose
snakes are popular pets and are regularly available from
animal dealers and private reptile breeders.
The envenoming potential of Heterodon sp. has been
debated since the mid-twentieth century. Several authors
have reported local effects from bites by these snakes
(usually accidental bites inflicted during feedings of captive
specimens), in particular from H. nasicus, that consisted of
edema of varying severity, uncomplicated lacerations and
local pain (Bragg, 1960; Grogan, 1974; Phillips et al., 1997).
Hornfeldt and Keyler (1987) assessed the toxicity of
Heterodon sp. and reviewed accounts of several clinically
significant Heterodon bites.
We report here a case of H. nasicus bite that resulted in
significant local effects. In addition, this case is considered
with several reviewed cases of Heterodon sp. bites that
resulted in significant clinical sequelae.
2. Case report
A 21-year-old female presented to an emergency
department approximately 3–4 h after sustaining a bite on
the left anticubital fossa from a captive young adult
(approximately 45 cm, total length) Western hognose
snake, H. nasicus. The patient had no prior history of Het-
erodon bites. The snake was a long-term captive in
a university biology department collection, and she was
bitten while feeding the snake a small mouse. She reported
that the snake maintained a grip on the arm for approxi-
mately 3–5 min and had to be removed by manual force
(the jaws were pried open by forcible lifting of the maxilla
via the snout). The resulting punctures bled freely for
several minutes following the bite. During the first 3 h
following the bite, she experienced no appreciable pain or
swelling. She later reported that the swelling noticeably
increased several hours after the bite, and thus sought local
medical attention. Tetanus immune status was confirmed
and 1.0 g of ceftriaxone, i.v. was administered. Edema of the
left arm increased and expanded and, due to concerns of
medical personnel unfamiliar with snakebites, the patient
was transferred to a Level I trauma center. Upon arrival,
toxicology consultation was obtained. Approximately 5 h
after the incident, noted was edema involving the left
elbow extending to the wrist, mild ecchymosis and two
clearly defined punctures proximal to the anticubital fossa.
The patient’s laboratory results (including complete blood
profile, comprehensive metabolic profile and basic coagu-
lation tests) all were within normal limits on presentation.
She complained of mild pain associated with the increased
tension of the edema. Following admission, she remained
stable and all laboratory tests remained unremarkable. On
examination 24 h after the bite, the patient’s left arm
exhibited marked edema and lymphadenopathy (Fig. 2,
upper panel). At 48 h, blister formation both distal and
proximal to the bite involving the left anticubital fossa and
lateral–ventral wrist was observed (Fig. 2, lower panel). The
patient was discharged with a prescribed regimen of
diphenhydramine. Shortly after discharge (approximately
30 h after the bite), she followed-up with her primary care
physician and aspirate was obtained from several blisters
and sent for culture/sensitivity. This aspirate remained
culture negative. The patient received local wound care,
amoxicillin/clavulanate (875 mg, p.o., twice per day) was
prescribed and desloratidine was substituted for the
diphenhydramine. Acetominophen/hydrocodone (500/
5 mg) as needed was prescribed due to left arm pain
encountered during positioning for sleep. She also noted
stiffness in her left wrist and digits. The blisters drained
Fig. 1. A young adult specimen of the Western hognose snake, Heterodon
nasicus (photo courtesy of A.B. Sheldon).
S.A. Weinstein, D.E. Keyler / Toxicon 54 (2009) 354–360 355
quantities of serous discharge that required regular
multiple changes of wound dressings. Review at 72 h post-
bite showed reduced edema, ecchymosis and an increased
zone of erythema suggestive of cellulitis (Fig. 3, upper
panel). At 96 h post-envenoming, noted were persistent
edema of the left hand, ecchymosis and blistering of the
medial-ventral left arm (Fig. 3, lower panel). Twenty-eight
days after the incident, the patient reported pruritis of the
left forearm with reduced ecchymoses and resolving blis-
ters. The edema, pruritis and stiffness improved during the
following two weeks. At ten weeks post-envenoming,
multiple milia were observed at the wound site, most
notably at the wound margin. Healing was complete at five
Fig. 2. Upper panel: Left arm, 24 h post-envenoming. Note the edema. Lower panel: Left arm, 48 h post-envenoming. Note the blister formation at the lateral-
ventral wrist. Bite site indicated by arrow.
S.A. Weinstein, D.E. Keyler / Toxicon 54 (2009) 354–360356
3. Discussion
3.1. The etiology of medically significant Heterodon bites:
Duvernoy’s secretions, hypersensitivity and other possible
contributing factors
Clinical manifestations observed in this patient were
similar to those noted in some mild local crotaline enve-
nomations. The patient exhibited moderate edema, ecchy-
moses, blister formation and, possibly, mild cellulitis. These
pathologic changes were possibly caused by the combined
activities of several Duvernoy’s secretion components and
Type I hypersensitivity. To date, there are few data
regarding the components from oral secretions of Hetero-
don sp. that might be responsible for the observed clinical
effects. Hill and Mackessy (2000) reported that H. nasicus
Duvernoy’s secretions exhibited low phosphodiesterase,
moderate–high protease activity and lacked PLA
. The
saliva of the subspecies, H. n. nasicus, contained high levels
of PLA
and no proteolytic activity (Hill and Mackessy,
2000). A mean liquid ‘‘venom’’ yield from two specimens of
H. n. nasicus (total length, 48 cm) and H. n. kennerlyi (total
length, 32 cm) was 24
L and 15
L, respectively (Hill and
Mackessy, 2000). The Heterodon oral secretions studied did
not contain any detectable thrombin-like, hyaluronidase or
kallikrein-like activities (Hill and Mackessy, 2000).
Pharmacological study of Duvernoy’s secretion from
H. platirhinos demonstrated induction of neuromuscular
blockade in the dissected frog sciatic nerve–gastrocnemius
preparation and antagonism of acetylcholine and histamine
Fig. 3. Upper panel: Left arm, 72 h post-envenoming. Edema at bite site is reduced. Lower panel: Left arm, 96 h post-bite. Note the blisters and ecchymoses. The
left hand exhibits persistent edema (right lower panel).
S.A. Weinstein, D.E. Keyler / Toxicon 54 (2009) 354–360 357
responses of isolated rat duodenum (Young, 1992). The
author suggested a possible mode of action resembling that
of acetylcholinesterase. With the ongoing identification of
post-synaptic neurotoxins (‘‘three-finger neurotoxins’’,
previously referred to as various types of long-chain and
short-chain neurotoxins) in Duvernoy’s secretions
(Levinson et al., 1976; Weinstein and Kardong, 1994;
Broaders et al., 1999; Fry et al., 2003; Lumsden et al., 2005;
Pawlak et al., 2006), it is possible that such toxins occur in
Heterodon sp. and were detected in the study conducted by
Young (1992). Available data, including clinical observations
from the present case, suggest that post-synaptically active
toxins detected in vitro play no medically relevant role in
Heterodon bites. Similar to the majority of well-documented
medically significant colubrid bites, the primary clinical
manifestations are edema, bleeding, ecchymoses and
blister/bleb formation. To date, there is no evidence doc-
umenting or supporting any systemic effects of a Heterodon
bite. The discrepancy between the in vitro data and clinical
manifestations may be due to taxa (anuran)-specific
neurotoxins in the secretion as well as mammalian
responses to other components such as proteolytic hemor-
rhagins, myotoxins, etc. The occurrence of prey-specific
toxins in Duvernoy’s secretion from Heterodon sp. has been
considered by several researchers (e.g. Minton and Minton,
1980; Young, 1992). Recently, avian and/or saurian-specific
toxins have been characterized from the Duvernoy’s secre-
tions of the mangrove snake, Boiga dendrophila (Pawlak
et al., 2006) and brown tree snake, B. irregularis (Pawlak
et al., 2009).
Type I hypersensitivity to snake venoms is a recognized
consequence of sensitization by previous envenomings,
frequent handling of venomous snakes, and repetitive
exposure to crude or lyophilized venoms (Reimers et al.,
2000; Medeiros et al., 2007; Malina et al., 2008). Individual
history of atopy probably is a contributing factor (Medeiros
et al., 2007). The potential development of hypersensitivity
to antigens shared among colubrid (or, possibly, among
many ophidian species) oral secretions may play an
important contributing role in medically significant bites
from Heterodon sp. and other colubrids. Assessment of
serum IgE levels and clinical responsiveness to corticoste-
roid regimens during such episodes may clarify the etiology
of these symptoms.
3.2. Features of previously reported cases: does the feeding
response influence the severity of medically significant
Heterodon bites?
The present case is congruous with previously docu-
mented reports suggesting that some bites from H. nasicus
may result in medically significant sequelae (Hornfeldt and
Keyler, 1987). Edema, ecchymoses and, occasionally,
persistent discharge from tooth punctures are sequelae
common in most reports of medically significant Heterodon
bites. Table 1 summarizes previously reported cases of
Heterodon bites.
As suggested from the history of some cases of Hetero-
don sp. bites, elicitation of a feeding response may result in
a sustained grip and, possibly, a greater engagement of the
posterior maxillary teeth. This probably increases the
likelihood of introduction of a larger volume of Duvernoy’s
secretion into the wound and may result in a clinically
significant bite. Rapid (i.e. quick release) bites with subse-
quent envenoming by ‘‘rear-fanged’’ snakes certainly occur
(Warrell, 2004). However, available well-documented cases
suggest that these are less common than those caused by
a protracted bite.
3.3. Conclusions, additional considerations and some
recommendations for management of medically significant
Heterodon bites
In summary, we have described a bite inflicted by a H.
nasicus that resulted in significant local morbidity. Hognose
snakes are phlegmatic and mild captives and cases such as
described here are rare. Therefore, these snakes should not
be viewed as venomous or dangerous, nor subjected to
regulation. It is advisable that captive specimens be
handled with care (especially when offered food) and any
medically significant bites be promptly reviewed by
a qualified health professional. Similarly, a provisional
caution is warranted in regard to the South American
hognose snakes (Lystrophis sp). Although there are anec-
dotal reports regarding mild local effects resulting from
bites inflicted by Lystrophis sp. (Warrell, 2004), there are no
data regarding specific toxicity of oral secretions from these
snakes. Kardong (personal communication) has dissected
Duvernoy’s glands from Lystrophis sp. It is likely that all
members of the genus have Duvernoy’s glands and produce
secretion of unknown potency. Many Lystrophis sp. are
attractively tri-colored and are reasonably popular in
private collections.
Although there is no specific treatment (other than
wound care and symptomatic management) recom-
mended for medically significant bites inflicted by Hetero-
don sp., we recommend that patients bitten by these and
other colubrids of unknown medical importance be
observed in a medical facility as long as necessary to rule
out development of any significant local or systemic effects
following a bite. Comprehensive laboratory testing
(including differential blood count, coagulation panel,
creatine kinase and comprehensive metabolic panel)
should be performed along with meticulous wound care.
The medical team should remain aware of the possibility of
Type I hypersensitivity in patients bitten by any ophidian
species including Heterodon. Assessment of this risk should
be performed by procurement of a careful history regarding
handling of snakes, cleaning cages of captive specimens,
handling shed skins and documentation of previous bites
by venomous and non-venomous species.
Referral should be considered as required, and close
follow-up is essential. Use of prophylactic antibiotics in
most snakebites is not supported by available evidence
(LoVecchio et al., 2002; White and Dart, 2008), however, in
the case of secondary infection, a broad spectrum antibiotic
-lactamase inhibitor (e.g. amoxicillin/clavulanate,
875 mg/125 mg, twice per day for 7 days) may be
prescribed. Penicillin allergic patients may be treated with
doxycycline, 100 mg, twice per day for 10 days or clinda-
mycin, 150–400 mg (dose dependent on severity of the
infection), four times per day for 7 days. Due to the risk of
S.A. Weinstein, D.E. Keyler / Toxicon 54 (2009) 354–360358
Clostridium difficile colitis, clindamycin should be avoided
in elderly patients or those who have recently taken other
antibiotics (or who have been recently hospitalized).
Anaerobic coverage (and some protection against C. difficile
colitis) can be addressed with provision of metronidazole,
500 mg, three times per day for 7 days. Consultation with
a physician or knowledgeable health professional familiar
with clinical toxinology is recommended. Importantly, all
medically significant bites inflicted by any colubrid snake
should be carefully clinically documented with precise
identification of the offending species and, preferably, in
cases where the snake has been sacrificed, deposition of the
specimen in a recognized institution accompanied by
accurate provenance.
We thank A.B. Sheldon for the photo of H. nasicus and
Prof. Ken Kardong, School of Biological Sciences, Wash-
ington State University, Pullman, Washington, for his
comments and data from dissections of Lystrophis sp. and H.
platirhinos. The comments of Prof. Julian White and Mr.
Alan Staples are gratefully acknowledged.
Conflicts of interest
I have no competing interests concerning the submitted
manuscript or components of the manuscript.
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Table 1
Previously reported cases of Heterodon bites.
Species Size of offending
specimen (cm)
Age of
victim (years)
Reported symptoms/signs
Review by health
Time to resolution
of symptoms
Heterodon nasicus 53 NR E, T, BL, ‘‘burning’’ No Approx. 2 weeks Bragg (1960)
Heterodon platirhinos
89 16 P (‘‘burning’’), E, N, BL,
persistent ER, WD
No 4 months Grogan (1974)
H. nasicus 31 11 E, P, EC Yes 5 days Phillips et al. (1997)
H. nasicus 52 NR P, E, B, PR, BL, WD No 2 days Morris (1985)
H. nasicus NR ‘‘Middle-aged’’ E, P, EC Yes 3 months Walley (2002)
Abbreviations: E-edema; T-tenderness; P-pain; N-nausea; ER-erythema; WD-wound discharge; EC-ecchymoses; B-blistering; BL-bleeding; PR-pruritis;
NR-not reported.
In this case the snake did not specifically bite the victim. Rather, several teeth were imbedded in the skin while the specimen was feigning death with
mouth agape.
S.A. Weinstein, D.E. Keyler / Toxicon 54 (2009) 354–360 359
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S.A. Weinstein, D.E. Keyler / Toxicon 54 (2009) 354–360360
... Snakes evolved venoms long before humans appeared on Earth, and the most likely primary impetus for their evolution was (and remains) prey capture/subjugation [2,4,40]. Therefore, it is important to recognize that the medical effects of snake venoms are a circumstantial result of the interaction of humans with snakes whose venoms or oral products coincidentally have a medically significant effect, and therefore these effects should not be used as criteria for defining snakes as "venomous" or not [2,4,17,40,44]. ...
... Previous exposure to squamate reptile oral secretions (not solely venoms), shed skins, body fluids, and defecate (including solid urates) may predispose to variable sensitization to ophidian antigens, some of which are shared between venoms and body fluids and even occur in excreta (especially in FFC who shed fangs and swallow them, thus later appearing in their excreta). This is not only a laboratory phenomenon, as there is a gathering body of information derived from clinical reports that suggest a role of ophidian antigen atopy in the severity/clinical manifestations of envenoming or even in the degree of individual reactivity to otherwise clinically unimportant NFFC bites [4,44]. In a small series of eight patients envenomed by either the FFC, Vipera berus, or V. aspis (respectively, the European viper and the European asp, Viperidae, Viperinae), the development of systemic envenoming was correlated in seven with a sensitized state supported by elevated IgE levels and venom skin testing [53]. ...
... Rarely, protracted bites from the Western hognose snake (H. nasicus, Dipsadidae; see previous sections) [44], the Puerto Rican racer (Borikenophis [Alsophis] portoricensis, Dipsadidae), some larger specimens of Boiga spp. (Colubridae,Colubrinae;see Figs. ...
Approximately 85% of living snakes belong to the clade Caenophidia, superfamily Colubroidea. This group includes viperids, elapids, and atractaspidines that are well recognized for inflicting medically significant bites. Some of these snakes cause mortality and morbidity in humans. A large number of colubroid species were traditionally and inaccurately amassed in a single artificially composed family, the Colubridae, for convenience. Bites from some of the species now assigned to various newly defined families have produced effects in humans. These effects range from insignificant or trivial injuries to death. Some investigators have reassigned the distinctive mole vipers, burrowing asps, or stiletto snakes (Atractaspis spp.) from their own family (Atractaspididae) to a subfamily status (Atractaspidinae) of the almost wholly non-front-fanged colubroid family, Lamprophiidae, and others have reassigned this group back into the previous family status, a reassignment followed in this work. A recently proposed modified definition of the clade Caenophidia also includes several newly defined clades, suborders, and superfamilies that in turn modify the biological history of a number of medically significant species. The aforementioned reassignments emphasize the importance of taxonomic considerations in clinical toxinology.
... Snakes evolved venoms long before humans appeared on Earth, and the most likely primary impetus for their evolution was (and remains) prey capture/subjugation [2,4,40]. Therefore, it is important to recognize that the medical effects of snake venoms are a circumstantial result of the interaction of humans with snakes whose venoms or oral products coincidentally have a medically significant effect, and therefore these effects should not be used as criteria for defining snakes as "venomous" or not [2,4,17,40,44]. ...
... Previous exposure to squamate reptile oral secretions (not solely venoms), shed skins, body fluids, and defecate (including solid urates) may predispose to variable sensitization to ophidian antigens, some of which are shared between venoms and body fluids and even occur in excreta (especially in FFC who shed fangs and swallow them, thus later appearing in their excreta). This is not only a laboratory phenomenon, as there is a gathering body of information derived from clinical reports that suggest a role of ophidian antigen atopy in the severity/clinical manifestations of envenoming or even in the degree of individual reactivity to otherwise clinically unimportant NFFC bites [4,44]. In a small series of eight patients envenomed by either the FFC, Vipera berus, or V. aspis (respectively, the European viper and the European asp, Viperidae, Viperinae), the development of systemic envenoming was correlated in seven with a sensitized state supported by elevated IgE levels and venom skin testing [53]. ...
... Rarely, protracted bites from the Western hognose snake (H. nasicus, Dipsadidae; see previous sections) [44], the Puerto Rican racer (Borikenophis [Alsophis] portoricensis, Dipsadidae), some larger specimens of Boiga spp. (Colubridae,Colubrinae;see Figs. ...
The medical risks of representative nonfront-fanged colubroid snakes (NFFCs) were assessed by critical review of selected cases of bites published from 1875 to 2021. Some previously unpublished cases personally managed by or communicated to one or more of the authors were also included. Using patient-centered quality of evidence criteria, the reviewed cases were ranked A–D. The cases containing sufficient quality information allowing analysis involved approximately 130 taxa, of which only around 32 inflicted medically significant bites. A number of these received low-quality evidence rankings because of numerous flaws and pitfalls in the reports. The majority of these cases involved insignificant or mild local effects (puncture wounds, abrasions, lacerations, limited bleeding, and mild edema). A small number of reports described bites producing moderate local effects that occasionally resulted in persistent symptoms. The life-threatening risks of colubrine genera such as Dispholidus typus and Thelotornis spp. (African bird, twig, tree, or vine snakes) and that of natricids, such as three taxa of Rhabdophis (keelbacks), are well established by clear clinical evidence. Bites from these species cause consumptive coagulopathy and hemorrhagic diathesis, complicated in some cases by acute renal injury. In some cases perpetuated in the literature, fatal consequences of bites inflicted by Tachymenis peruviana (Peruvian slender snake), Philodryas olfersii (Lichtenstein's or South American racer), Oligodon arnensis (banded kukri snake), or Xenodon severus (Amazon false fer-de-lance) were implied without providing any specific information or reasonable clinical evidence supporting these outcomes. Brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis) have been involved in a large number of bites, but the precise etiology of the serious clinical effects in a few pediatric patients remains unclear. Although there is a verified case of a Malpolon monspessulanus (Montpellier snake) bite causing cranial nerve palsies, there is a very limited number of evidence-based cases on which to evaluate the risks posed by these snakes. Isolated reports of bites by several species of NFFCs have described aberrant effects that were very likely due to alternative etiologies other than the snakebite. Speculation regarding the possible roles of toxins found in oral secretions of nonvenomous lizards (several species of varanids, anguids, agamids, and iguanids) that would support its use as “venom” should be accompanied by nonsensationalist evidence of biological use, e.g., use in acquisition of prey (unlikely) or a defensive role. To date, there is no evidence of medical importance or significance of any saurian oral secretion other than those of the venomous helodermatid lizards, the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum), and any of the four species of beaded lizards (e.g., Heloderma horridum). Several published cases purporting the life-threatening or even fatal effects of bites by varanid lizards (principally, the Bengal monitor, V. bengalensis, and the desert monitor, V. griseus) have serious flaws such as: limited or no consideration of differential diagnoses that are more likely causes for the described clinical syndrome, absence of formal medical review, and/or insufficient/poor quality clinical evidence. Further consideration of so far unsupported clinical assignment of serious medical risks to these varanids requires very carefully documented, verifiable evidence including formal identification of the envenoming species. Although there is limited information about the epidemiology of bites by most NFFCs, analyses of larger series of documented bites by some species (e.g., the South American racers, P. olfersii and P. patagoniensis, as well as the brown tree snake, B. irregularis) have yielded some significant associations between specific factors/circumstances, and the occurrence of medically significant bites by these species, while other series (e.g., bites by the Pampas snake, Tomodon dorsatus) have reinforced the medical insignificance of bites by other species. Presuppositions about snakes, the effects of snakebites, and individual psychiatric tendencies can significantly impact the victims' response to NFFC bites.
... Snakes evolved venoms long before humans appeared on Earth, and the most likely primary impetus for their evolution was (and remains) prey capture/subjugation [2,4,40]. Therefore, it is important to recognize that the medical effects of snake venoms are a circumstantial result of the interaction of humans with snakes whose venoms or oral products coincidentally have a medically significant effect, and therefore these effects should not be used as criteria for defining snakes as "venomous" or not [2,4,17,40,44]. ...
... Previous exposure to squamate reptile oral secretions (not solely venoms), shed skins, body fluids, and defecate (including solid urates) may predispose to variable sensitization to ophidian antigens, some of which are shared between venoms and body fluids and even occur in excreta (especially in FFC who shed fangs and swallow them, thus later appearing in their excreta). This is not only a laboratory phenomenon, as there is a gathering body of information derived from clinical reports that suggest a role of ophidian antigen atopy in the severity/clinical manifestations of envenoming or even in the degree of individual reactivity to otherwise clinically unimportant NFFC bites [4,44]. In a small series of eight patients envenomed by either the FFC, Vipera berus, or V. aspis (respectively, the European viper and the European asp, Viperidae, Viperinae), the development of systemic envenoming was correlated in seven with a sensitized state supported by elevated IgE levels and venom skin testing [53]. ...
... Rarely, protracted bites from the Western hognose snake (H. nasicus, Dipsadidae; see previous sections) [44], the Puerto Rican racer (Borikenophis [Alsophis] portoricensis, Dipsadidae), some larger specimens of Boiga spp. (Colubridae,Colubrinae;see Figs. ...
An unknown number of non-front-fanged colubroid snakes possess Duvernoy's venom glands that produce venom released under low pressure (due to a lack of muscular compression of the glands). This is in marked contrast to the highly muscular and thus pressurized glands of front-fanged colubroids such as viperids, elapids, and atractaspidids. While pressurized venom glands release a bolus of stored venom under high pressure (that may exceed 30 psi), non-front-fanged colubroids inoculate or introduce their venom and/or other oral products into wounds produced by maxillary teeth that may be enlarged, posterior or mid-maxillary (in a few studied examples these teeth are just posterior to the anterior-most maxillary teeth), and may or may not be grooved; but unlike those of front-fanged colubroids, they are never canaliculated (e.g., never hollow, or with a lumen). Dispholidus typus (boomslang) and possibly other members of the tribe Dispholidini have limited striated muscle insertion into the gland and thus may be considered to have a partially pressurized venom delivery system. Several hypotheses have been considered that attempt to address the evolution of the venom apparatus and the selection for venom delivery systems. The definition and use of the term “venom” is indicative of the biological use for prey subjugation and/or possibly defense. The clinical effects of ophidian oral secretions do not constitute criteria for use of the term ‘venom’, and terms such as “mildly venomous” are misleading for the same reason. Experimental investigation of a relatively small number of non-front-fanged snake venoms and observations of prey handling in a small variety of species has demonstrated notable prey-specific venom in several species (e.g., brown tree snake, Boiga irregularis, mangrove or gold-ringed cat eye snake, Boiga dendrophila, and Amazon puffing snake, Spilotes sulphureus). While most studied non-front-fanged species have little or no medical importance, others such as Dispholidus typus, the African twig, bird, or vine snakes, Thelotornis spp., three species of keelbacks, Rhabdophis spp., the Montpellier snake or hooded malpolon, Malpolon monspessulanus, and Lichtensteins' green racer (Philodryas olfersii) have medical importance, although serious envenoming by some of these (e.g., M. monspessulanus, and the flower keelback, Rhabdophis ceylonensis) is rare and there is so far only one well-documented case of each.
... Snakes evolved venoms long before humans appeared on Earth, and the most likely primary impetus for their evolution was (and remains) prey capture/subjugation [2,4,40]. Therefore, it is important to recognize that the medical effects of snake venoms are a circumstantial result of the interaction of humans with snakes whose venoms or oral products coincidentally have a medically significant effect, and therefore these effects should not be used as criteria for defining snakes as "venomous" or not [2,4,17,40,44]. ...
... Previous exposure to squamate reptile oral secretions (not solely venoms), shed skins, body fluids, and defecate (including solid urates) may predispose to variable sensitization to ophidian antigens, some of which are shared between venoms and body fluids and even occur in excreta (especially in FFC who shed fangs and swallow them, thus later appearing in their excreta). This is not only a laboratory phenomenon, as there is a gathering body of information derived from clinical reports that suggest a role of ophidian antigen atopy in the severity/clinical manifestations of envenoming or even in the degree of individual reactivity to otherwise clinically unimportant NFFC bites [4,44]. In a small series of eight patients envenomed by either the FFC, Vipera berus, or V. aspis (respectively, the European viper and the European asp, Viperidae, Viperinae), the development of systemic envenoming was correlated in seven with a sensitized state supported by elevated IgE levels and venom skin testing [53]. ...
... Rarely, protracted bites from the Western hognose snake (H. nasicus, Dipsadidae; see previous sections) [44], the Puerto Rican racer (Borikenophis [Alsophis] portoricensis, Dipsadidae), some larger specimens of Boiga spp. (Colubridae,Colubrinae;see Figs. ...
Since the characterization of the first biochemically isolated toxin (the presynaptic heterodimeric neurotoxin, crotoxin) from the venom of the medically important tropical rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) in 1938, snake venom research has steadily accumulated a large volume of information about these complex, biologically active mixtures. Almost all of this research has focused on venoms from front-fanged snakes of recognizable medical importance. The venoms and other oral products of non-front-fanged snakes were given far less attention. The life-threatening effects of envenoming by the non-front-fanged boomslang (Dispholidus typus) and tiger keelback (Rhabdophis tigrinus) were respectively recognized in the early 20th century by South African and Japanese physicians, as well as researchers. The growing interest in the life-threatening/fatal effects from bites by the African dispholidines (Dispholidus typus and Thelotornis spp.) was reinforced by the tragic and publicized deaths of the distinguished herpetologists, Robert F.W. Mertens and Karl P. Schmidt. Contemporary biochemical and pharmacological investigations are greatly expanding knowledge of the venoms of non-front-fanged colubroids. A postsynaptic neurotoxin from the venom of the radiated rat snake, Coelognathus radiatus, was the first toxin from a non-front-fanged snake with a completely elucidated sequence. Prey-selective, three-finger-fold postsynaptic neurotoxins, ‘denmotoxin’, ‘irditoxin’, and ‘sulditoxin’ (and others), were respectively purified and characterized from venoms of the mangrove snake or ringed-cat snake, Boiga dendrophila, the brown tree snake, B. irregularis, and the Amazon puffing snake, Spilotes sulphureus. Investigations on non-front-fanged colubroid snake venoms are using increasingly sensitive innovations in separation science (e.g., proteomics), genomics, transcriptomics, and other combined methods along with improving analytical software. These studies detect and characterize the presence of toxin classes in these venoms [e.g., cysteine-rich secretory proteins (CRiSPs), snake venom metalloproteases (SVMPs), phospholipases A and B, as well as other enzymes, novel components, and others] sometimes common to front-fanged colubroid venoms and others that are distinct to venoms or other oral products of non-front-fanged species. Prey-handling by non-front-fanged snakes includes inoculation with venom and/or other oral products; physical restraint by constriction that may partially or completely encircle prey; body pinning; dental adaptations that probably facilitate control of specific prey types after they are seized or bitten, or simply rapid ingestion of smaller living animals; and other subjugation strategies. Future research on venoms of non-front-fanged colubroids holds promise for discoveries relevant to laboratory and clinical medicine, protein biochemistry, immunology, pathophysiology, and, possibly, pharmacotherapeutics.
... For local treatment of secondary infections and cellulitis in envenomation, chloramphenicol was not effective in Bothrops envenomation, when compared to the control group [44]. The use of prophylactic antibiotics in most snakebites is not supported by available scientific evidence, but some antibiotics, such as penicillin with β-Lactamase inhibitors, clindamycin and metronidazole, can be used in treatments [69]. A clinical trial showed little benefit from the preventive use of amoxicillin with clavulanate in the prevention of secondary infection by Bothrops snakes, which corroborates the results of studies by other authors. ...
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Envenomation caused by venomous animals may trigger significant local complications such as pain, edema, localized hemorrhage, and tissue necrosis, in addition to complications such as dermonecrosis, myonecrosis, and even amputations. This systematic review aims to evaluate scientific evidence on therapies used to target local effects caused by envenomation. The PubMed, MEDLINE, and LILACS databases were used to perform a literature search on the topic. The review was based on studies that cited procedures performed on local injuries following envenomation with the aim of being an adjuvant therapeutic strategy. The literature regarding local treatments used following envenomation reports the use of several alternative methods and/or therapies. The venomous animals found in the search were snakes (82.05%), insects (2.56%), spiders (2.56%), scorpions (2.56%), and others (jellyfish, centipede, sea urchin—10.26%). In regard to the treatments, the use of tourniquets, corticosteroids, antihistamines, and cryotherapy is questionable, as well as the use of plants and oils. Low-intensity lasers stand out as a possible therapeutic tool for these injuries. Local complications can progress to serious conditions and may result in physical disabilities and sequelae. This study compiled information on adjuvant therapeutic measures and underscores the importance of more robust scientific evidence for recommendations that act on local effects together with the antivenom.
... [23,24]. Close to the Colubridae, Heterodon nasicus (Dipsadidae) causes bites which, although not followed by signs of systemic envenomation, are responsible for moderate to severe local signs (edema, ecchymosis, blisters, and a burning sensation) [25]. Thus, for snake bites, there are clinical manifestations with marked local or even systemic signs in favor of a real envenomation with aglyphous snakes (Heterodon, Thrasops). ...
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We aimed to make an exhaustive assessment of circumstances of bites by exotic reptiles bred in France. A retrospective observational study was conducted in all the reported cases from 2000 to 2020 in French poison control centers (PCCs). Two hundred and eighteen cases of bites were recorded. The sex ratio (M/F) of the patients was 1.79 and the mean age of the patients was 29.0 ± 15.8 years. Twenty-two cases (10.1%) occurred during the deep night. One hundred and eighty-six bites (85.7%) occurred in a private context; however, there were more cases of high severity when it occurred in a professional setting (60.0% vs. 11.2%, p < 0.01). The feeding/nursing activity accounted for 54.7% cases. Forty-three species of snake were identified; 28 were considered venomous. There were no deaths among the patients in the study. Most of the cases (85.8%) were of mild severity. All of the patients bitten by a venomous reptile were hospitalized: 10 patients received an antivenom; and 2 required surgery. Bites occurred at home and by a small number of popular non-venomous reptile species (pythons and boas, colubrids). These occurred mainly when handling the animals. The rare envenomations were mainly by Asian and American crotalids, followed by elapids. One-third of them were treated with antivenom when available.
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Mobile zoos are events in which non-domesticated (exotic) and domesticated species are transported to venues such as schools, hospitals, parties, and community centres, for the purposes of education, entertainment, or social and therapeutic assistance. We conducted literature searches and surveyed related government agencies regarding existing provisions within laws and policies, number of mobile zoos, and formal guidance issued concerning operation of such events in 74 countries or regions. We also examined governmental and non-governmental guidance standards for mobile zoos, as well as websites for mobile zoo operations, assessed promotional or educational materials for scientific accuracy, and recorded the diversity of species in use. We used the EMODE (Easy, Moderate, Difficult, or Extreme) algorithm, to evaluate identified species associated with mobile zoos for their suitability for keeping. We recorded 14 areas of concern regarding animal biology and public health and safety, and 8 areas of false and misleading content in promotional or educational materials. We identified at least 341 species used for mobile zoos. Mobile zoos are largely unregulated, unmonitored, and uncontrolled, and appear to be increasing. Issues regarding poor animal welfare, public health and safety, and education raise several serious concerns. Using the precautionary principle when empirical evidence was not available, we advise that exotic species should not be used for mobile zoos and similar itinerant events.
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Bites of the western hognose snake Heterodon nasicus are considered to have a little medical impact, as opposed to other non-front-fanged colubroid snakes (NFFC). The present work highlights two cases of H. nasicus bites, likely triggered by negligent handling involving latent prey - rodent or amphibian - odor. In both cases, medical symptoms like swelling, pain and bite site exudation were well defined, but resolved 2-3 days post-bite. Although the effects of a bite and its recovery time may vary considerably, this report may serve as a warning to both keepers and veterinarians. Removing prey animal odors by frequent hand washing, especially before handling H. nasicus snakes, is absolutely essential to avoid bite-related injuries.
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In this paper, we develop an in-host mathematical model of snakebite envenoming that includes tissue, red blood and platelet cells of humans as specific targets of different kinds of toxins in the snake venom. The model is use to study some harmful effects of cytotoxic and hemotoxic snake venom on their target cells under the influence of snake antivenom. The model has two equilibrium points, namely, trivial and venom free. It has been shown that both the equilibrium points are globally asymptotically stable and numerical simulations illustrate the global asymptotic stability of the venom free equilibrium point. Furthermore, simulations reveal the importance of administering antivenom to avert the possible damage from venom toxins on the target cells. It is also shown through simulation that administering the required dose of antivenom can lead to the elimination of venom toxins within one week. Therefore, we recommend the administration of an adequate dose of antivenom therapy as it helps in deactivating venom toxins faster and consequently enhances the recovery time.
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The true global incidence of envenomations and their severity remain largely misunderstood, except for a few countries where these accidents are rare or are correctly reported. Nevertheless, this information is essential for drawing up guidelines for dealing with snake-bites, to plan drug supplies, particularly antivenin, and to train medical staff on snake-bite treatments. Since the comprehensive review by Swaroop & Grab in 1954 no global survey has been carried out on snake-bite epidemiology. The present article is an attempt to draw the attention of health authorities to snake envenomations and urges them to prepare therapeutic protocols adapted to their needs.
The polyphyletic family Colubridae contains approximately two-thirds of the described species of advanced snakes, and nearly half of these (∼700 species) produce a venom in a specialized cephalic gland, the Duvernoy's gland. Biochemical and pharmacological information is lacking for venoms of most species, and modest detailed information on venom composition is available for only a few species which represent a potential health threat to humans. However, colubrid venoms represent a vast source of novel compounds, and some toxins, such as the 20-26 kD CRISP-related venom proteins (helveprins), have only recently been identified in both colubrid and elapid/viperid venoms. Difficulties associated with extraction have been addressed, and it is now possible to obtain venom sufficient for many analyses from even small species. There appears to be a greater number of venom components shared among the colubrids and the front-fanged snakes than has been previously noted, and it is probable that as analytical methods improve, more similarities will emerge. It is clear that colubrid venoms are homologous with front-fanged snake venoms, but overall composition as well as biological role(s) of colubrid venoms may be quite different. Metallo- and serine proteases have been identified in several colubrid venoms, and phospholipase A2 is a more frequent component than has been previously recognized. Venom phosphodiesterase, acetylcholinesterase and prothrombin activator activities occur in some venoms, and postsynaptic neurotoxins and myotoxins have been partially characterized for venoms from several species. Some venoms show high toxicity toward inbred mice, and others are toxic to birds and/or frogs only. Because many colubrids feed on non-mammalian prey, lethal toxicity toward mice is likely only relevant as a measure of potential risk posed to humans. Development of a non-mammalian vertebrate animal model would greatly facilitate systematic comparisons of the pharmacology of colubrid venoms and their components, and such a model would be more appropriate for evaluation of colubrid venom toxicity. Proteomics has the potential to increase our understanding of these venoms rapidly, but classical approaches to toxinology can also contribute tremendously to this understudied field. As more colubrid venoms are analyzed, new compounds unique to colubrid venoms will be identified, and this work in turn will lead to a better understanding of the evolution and biological significance of snake venoms and venom components.
The medical meanings of the terms "toxic" and "venomous" to describe health risks from snakebite make these same terms ineffectual when used in evolutionary studies of snake oral secretions. From the snake's standpoint, a venom is certainly toxic, but a toxin is not necessarily a venom. The term toxin describes only a property of the oral secretion, its laboratory pharmacology; the term venom describes its biological role, how it is actually used by the snake in its natural environment. Failure to distinguish an oral secretion's property from its actual adaptive role has led unnecessarily to confusion when interpreting snake behaviors, feeding strategies, and evolutionary events. This has been especially true in colubrid snakes where the Duvernoy's gland has often been considered to be little more than a poorman's venom system. In fact, the Duvernoy's system in most colubrids may not be a venom system at all, at least not primarily, and its role in the biology of these snakes may be related instead to problems of prey handling and/or digestion. Even in truly venomous snakes, what is called a venom is in fact a mixture of oral secretions with multiple functions. Therefore in functional and evolutionary studies of snake oral secretions, it is not sufficient nor useful to make conclusions about the biological roles of these secretions from their pharmacological and physiological properties alone (e.g. toxicity, color, viscosity). This can be done safely only by examining the survival consequence (if any) of the oral secretion when actually deployed by the snake in its natural environment.