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Purpose This paper aims to examine the role of sustainable buildings in providing healthy workplaces in physical and perceptual terms. Design/methodology/approach The paper takes the form of a literature review, considering the history of sustainable development in the built environment and its rationale, then widening the scope to consider sustainable, healthy and productive workplaces. Findings Sustainable construction has focused on environmental sustainability but this may have contributed to improved health, satisfaction and wellbeing amongst building users. Sick building syndrome and poor indoor air are contributory factors to ill health and reduced productivity but this paper suggests that sustainable building practices will reduce these effects, improving the quality of buildings for their occupants. Practical implications This paper argues that building performance measures need to take account of people factors such as employee perceptions and also that the design of workplaces should be regarded as a strategy for productivity enhancement. Management issues should be considered in the design of workplaces. The paper concludes that further research is required into the role of sustainable construction in providing healthy buildings. Originality/value The paper makes practical suggestions for corporate real estate and facilities management teams as well as those involved in the design of the buildings. Additionally, it opens suggested avenues for further academic research.
Sustainable workplaces and building user comfort and satisfaction
Andrew Smith
University of Central Lancashire
Michael Pitt
University College London
This paper examines the role of sustainable buildings in providing healthy workplaces
in physical and perceptual terms, taking the form of a literature review. The paper
considers the history of sustainable development in the built environment and its
rationale, then widening the scope to consider sustainable, healthy and productive
Sustainable construction has focused on environmental sustainability but this may
have contributed to improved health, satisfaction and wellbeing amongst building
users. Sick building syndrome and poor indoor air are contributory factors to ill health
and reduced productivity but this paper suggests that sustainable building practices
will reduce these effects, improving the quality of buildings for their occupants.
This paper argues that building performance measures need to take account of people
factors such as employee perceptions and also that the design of workplaces should be
regarded as a strategy for productivity enhancement. Management issues should be
considered in the design of workplaces. The paper concludes that further research is
required into the role of sustainable construction in providing healthy buildings.
Key Words
Sustainable buildings, health, workplace perceptions, productivity
This paper examines the role of sustainable buildings in contributing to user
satisfaction in physical and perceptual terms. Some research suggests that occupants
of environmentally sustainable buildings feel better psychologically, although this
area of research is in its infancy.
With increasing sustainability legislation worldwide, this is an important area of
research, which may help to provide a business case for achieving occupant health
and productivity aims as well as environmental and economic aims through
sustainable development.
Sustainable construction has focused on environmental sustainability but this may
have contributed to improved health, satisfaction and wellbeing amongst building
users. Sick building syndrome and poor indoor air are contributory factors to ill health
and reduced productivity but this paper suggests that sustainable building practices
will reduce these effects, improving the quality of buildings for their occupants.
This paper takes the form of a literature review, firstly considering the history of and
rationale for sustainable development in the built environment and argues that
building performance measures need to take account of people factors such as
employee perceptions and also that the design of workplaces should be regarded as a
strategy for productivity enhancement. The paper concludes that further research is
required into the role of sustainable construction in providing healthy, productive
buildings with high occupant satisfaction scores.
If rigorous research shows that substantial productivity gains can be achieved in
sustainable buildings, this will help to build the business case to show the financial
viability of investment in green buildings at the corporate level. However, substantial
further research is required towards this.
Sustainable development in the built environment
The Brundtland Report produced the most widely used definition of sustainable
development as ‘development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs’ (WCED,
1987). Sustainable development involves three key factors; environmental
responsibility, economic profitability and social awareness and achieving the right
balance between them (CIRIA, 2006). The property and construction industry in the
UK contributes to all three elements of sustainable development in a number of ways.
Traditionally however, sustainable development issues in the property and
construction industry have tended to focus on the importance of ‘sustainable
construction’. Dickie and Howard (2000) define sustainable construction as ‘the
contribution of construction to sustainable development’. However, in practice it
appears that the focus is mainly directed at environmental sustainability. The property
and construction industry impacts the environment in its contribution to waste
creation, energy use, water use, recycling and re-use of materials, pollution and
biodiversity. Environmentally the industry has the largest impact and, therefore, has
the biggest opportunity to make a difference. The industry also contributes
economically to the UK with employment, an emphasis on profitable growth and
socially responsible investment (SRI). Finally, the social impact of the built
environment affects the way society lives and works. Consequently the need to build
sustainably is important as ‘what we build today will provide the built environment of
the future and will influence the ability of future generations to meet their needs’
The policy of the UK Government for sustainable development is set against Global
initiatives. In 1992 the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and
Development), held in Rio de Janeiro, discussed the ways of achieving sustainable
development. The Summit set out 27 principles supporting sustainable development
and agreed an action plan; Agenda 21. Part of this was for all countries to develop
national sustainable development strategies. In 1994 the UK was one of the first
countries to do so (DTI, 2004).
The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement made under the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In 1999 targets were agreed worldwide
on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; the target for the EU was to reduce
emissions to 8% below 1990 levels by 2008-2012 (ibid). The UK has set itself the
target of reducing these gas emissions by 8-12% by 2010. In response to these global
agreements sustainability has been high on the Government’s agenda. In 1999 it
published a new strategy document; ‘A better quality of life - strategy for sustainable
development for the United Kingdom’. This report identified four main aims of the
Government strategy:
Social progress which recognises the needs of everyone;
Effective protection of the environment;
Prudent use of natural resources;
Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment.
The 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference and the associated Copenhagen
Accord was one of the most recent global climate change summits, which has a stated
aim of keeping global warming to below 2°C, but some authors argue that national
emissions-reduction pledges, which accompany the document are insufficient to meet
the objective (Rogelj and Meinshausen, 2010).
The goal of the Copenhagen meeting was to finalise a legally binding international
agreement, which had been under negotiation since the United Nations Climate
Change Conference in Bali in 2007 and was intended to fill the gap when the Kyoto
Protocol expires in 2012 (Sandler and Schiffman Kymer, 2010). Although the
conference fell short of expectations, Sandler and Schiffman Kymer argue that the
resulting Accord did move climate change legislation in the right direction.
The UK Government’s strategy for sustainable construction was published in 2000 by
the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) (now
Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)) which follows
from the 1999 priorities (DETR, 2000). The document sets out ways that the
construction industry could contribute to the achievement of more sustainable
development. These are:
Being more profitable and more competitive;
Delivering buildings and structures that provide greater satisfaction, well-being
and value to customers and users;
Respecting and treating its stakeholders more fairly;
Enhancing and better protecting the natural environment;
Minimising its impact on the consumption of energy (especially carbon based
energy) and natural resources.
These provide the framework for discussion on the environmental impact of
sustainable construction. The latest Strategy for Sustainable Construction (2008)
builds on the principles developed in 1999 by emphasising the need for a behavioural
change in the industry. The strategy aims to move towards ‘lean construction’, which
not only supports the environmental objectives, but can improve profitability of the
overall project. Investment is critical to any construction project and sustainability
issues are becoming a factor in this area too.
Sustainable construction to sustainable workplaces
While environmental considerations in the built environment have tended to focus on
building ‘green’, and are often given prominence by organisations, health and well-
being considerations of the workplace are more difficult to quantify and have tended
to be given less attention. However, there is increasing recognition that achieving
sustainable development in the built environment goes beyond sustainable
construction, to focusing on sustainable workplaces.
With suggestions that employee disengagement is increasing (Pech and Slade, 2006),
it is important to provide workplaces that positively influence employee well-being.
Engaged employees have an energetic and effective connection with their work and
look upon it as challenging rather than stressful (Bakker et al., 2008). Pech and Slade
(2006) argue that the focus is often on symptoms of disengagement such as
distraction, lack of interest, poor decision-making and high absence rates, rather than
the root causes. Smith and Pitt (2008) suggest that the workplace may be a key root
Research has indicated that improving the working environment reduces complaints
and absenteeism and increases productivity (Roelofsen, 2002). Workplace
satisfaction has been associated with job satisfaction (Wells, 2000) and perceptions of
workplace quality have a significant effect on building users’ psychology.
Fleming (2004) argues that the current use of quantitative building performance
measures fails to account for the effect of occupiers’ perceptions of their environment
and that facilities managers currently see buildings as containers of products rather
than containers of people, with idiosyncratic thoughts and perceptions. He proposes
that analysis of actual perceptions against ideal or expected perceptions would
provide a platform for establishing a set of performance indicators that move away
from the current paradigm and provide an alternative platform for analysis.
Studies have shown that job resources are positively associated with work
engagement and these include physical, social or organisational aspects of the job that
may reduce job demands, assist achievement of work goals or stimulate personal
growth, learning and development (Bakker et al., 2008). It is possible, therefore, that
the workplace could be considered a job resource, which either positively or
negatively impacts upon engagement.
Lee and Brand (2005) found a positive correlation between perceived personal control
over the physical environment and self-reported job satisfaction. They also found that
perceived personal control was positively related to workplace satisfaction. Where
people are tied to workplaces in open plan layouts, it can be harder to achieve the
comfort levels they prefer, so with more control over their environmental conditions
and use of time and space in the building, tend to be happier (Leaman and Bordass,
2007). However, Leaman and Bordass (2007) also point out that, while people like the
ability to tweak and fine-tune conditions to their liking, too much choice can annoy
them as they do not want to spend too much time adjusting building controls.
Availability and use of personal controls may be higher in green buildings, but this
does not always lead to optimal comfort conditions (Brown and Cole (2009).
Warnock (2007) argues that environmental assessment tools such as BREEAM in the
UK and LEED in the US are useful in guiding industry towards best practice and
improving the quality of buildings for occupants. This is in line with the UK
government’s strategy for sustainable construction (DETR, 2000). Indeed, BREEAM
rigorously assesses parameters including health and wellbeing (BRE, 2011).
A healthy working environment can be defined as an environment that is free from
negative health contaminants and where safety hazards are reduced to the minimum.
A healthy working environment will contribute to staff feelings of well-being.
Therefore, indoor air quality (IAQ) is one of the key concerns in workplaces and is an
area where sustainable building methods may have considerable impact.
Health and wellbeing in sustainable buildings
One of the key negative health aspects of buildings is Sick Building Syndrome. This
phenomenon emerged as a recognised workplace problem in the 1980s (Tong and
Leaman, 1993). With the move to air-conditioned buildings over the last 50 years or
so and more recently, energy-efficient buildings, the environmental conditions for
Sick Building Syndrome have been created. Symptoms of illness relating to sick
building syndrome include eye, nose and throat irritation; dry skin and mucous
membranes; skin rash; mental fatigue; headaches and airway infections; cough;
hoarseness, wheezing, itching, hyper-sensitivity; nausea and dizziness (Rooley, 1997).
These symptoms will generally disappear shortly after leaving the building. Thomas-
Mobley et al. (2005) define a sick building as:
“one in which 20 per cent or more building occupants experience
similar acute health effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a
building, but no specific illness or cause can be identified.”
Sick Building Syndrome can be caused by poor ventilation, enabling the build up of
indoor pollutants. Tong and Leaman (1993) also point out that management can create
an organisational culture which increases the sensitivity of the building population to
environmental conditions. For example, by setting inadequate environmental
performance standards, lacking suitable building performance data, failing to
anticipate the consequences of change, ignoring job stress factors or responding
slowly to environmental complaints.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are present in buildings, particularly in new or
recently refurbished buildings. They are typically associated with materials derived
from petroleum products and arise in off-gassing from a variety of building products,
furnishings, cleaning products (Williams, 1998), paints, adhesives, carpeting,
upholstery, panelling, plastic, vinyl, copying machines, computers and hundreds of
other office products (Wolverton and Wolverton, 1993). He et al. (2007) found VOCs
to be emitted in varying amounts by the lubricating oil in mechanical parts of office
printers. These include substances such as Benzene and Formaldehyde, which in low
concentrations can cause skin irritation and dry throats but in higher concentrations
are linked to cancer (Guo et al., 2004; Wolverton et al., 1989; Rooley, 1997).
Guo et al. (2004) carried out a study of indoor environments in Hong Kong to risk
assess exposures to individual VOCs in different environments, including offices.
They found that benzene, styrene, methylene chloride, chloroform, trichloroethene
and tetrachloroethene were the most prevalent VOCs in selected indoor environments.
In the Hong Kong study (Guo et al., 2004), benzene was found to account for
approximately 40 per cent of the lifetime cancer risk associated with each category of
indoor environment. Benzene is a natural component of crude oil (Karakitsios et al.,
2007) and is found in a range of office products. Styrene also accounts for a large
proportion of lifetime cancer risk in offices (Guo et al., 2004).
Formaldehyde is a colourless gas and is present in urea formaldehyde foam insulation
(UFFI), particle board, adhesives, some textiles (Rooley, 1997), resins used in wood-
based products and a variety of other widely used products (Williams, 1998). It is a
suspected carcinogen, an irritant (particularly of the eyes) and an asthmogen (Rooley,
1997). It has been classified as a mutagen and in Germany, indoor formaldehyde
concentrations in air have often been found to be higher than the legal German
tolerance value (Giese et al., 1994).
Williams (1998) points out that building occupants may be exposed to many
pollutants simultaneously and although exposure to individual contaminants may be
extremely low, the combined effects over time may be much more significant.
Allergen sensitisation occurs when the body is exposed to an allergen resulting in an
altered capacity to react to that substance. Further exposure can lead to
immunoreaction such as asthma, rhinitis, alveolitis, dermatitis or eczema (Rooley,
1997). Some allergens found in offices are (ibid):
Insect detritus.
House dust mite excreta.
Fungal spores (Penicillium, Trichoderma, Mucro, Cladosporium, Stemphylium,
Aspergillus alternaria).
Isocyanates (toluene, hexamethylene, diphenylmethane, napththalene,
formaldehyde, phthalate anhydrides, natural resins, enxymes, animal proteins).
Contaminated air may also result from contamination of fresh air intakes such as
emissions from the building itself or other nearby buildings; vehicle exhaust from
street traffic, car parks and loading docks; contamination from industry, streets and
construction sites; or outdoor contaminants from other sources being transferred to
unexpected situations by wind currents (Williams, 1998). A further example of
indoor air pollution is airborne particles, which were found to be produced in
significant quantities from office printers (He et al., 2007). They concluded that toner
cartridge and the age of the cartridge could be the most significant factors affecting
printer emissions.
Resolution of indoor air problems has tended to focus on ventilation. Costa and James
(1995) point out that there is a move towards naturally ventilated buildings with
opening windows, effective use of daylight, reduced energy consumption and
maintenance costs and that there is a broad shift in favour of more natural,
biologically oriented building service solutions as opposed to chemically oriented,
highly engineered solutions. Similarly, Smith et al., (1998) argue that buildings which
are designed and constructed to be environmentally benign are healthier for users in
comparison to contemporary buildings, many of which, they argue, are
environmentally damaging and unhealthy for their users.
As a result of the importance of air quality in buildings, a great deal of attention has
been given to the selection of building materials for enhanced indoor air quality in
several of the green building rating systems and standards (Alevantis and Levin,
2011). For example, the new BREEAM 2011 Technical Manual includes a section on
indoor air quality within a comprehensive chapter on health and wellbeing, including
issues such as visual comfort, thermal comfort, water quality, acoustic performance
and safety and security (BRE, 2011).
Some research has shown that sustainable buildings may be healthier than buildings
constructed using traditional methods and materials. Palanivelraja and Manirathinem
(2010) contend that sustainable buildings use resources such as energy, water,
materials and land more efficiently, with more natural light and better air quality so
that these buildings contribute to improved health, comfort and productivity.
Singh et al (2010) investigated changes in employees’ health perceptions in areas such
as asthma and allergies, following a move from traditional to green offices, assessed
using LEED. Overall they found substantial reductions in self-reported absenteeism
and affected work hours resulting from perceived improvements in health and
wellbeing and that employees perceived a positive effect of their new environment on
Green solar architecture was pioneered in Germany by architect Dieter Schempp,
whereby the indoor climate in the building is regulated using plants (Freeman, 2008).
By using trees and plants within buildings, the desirable aspects provided by natural
elements outlined above may be realised. Green solar architecture provides a possible
methodology for achieving healthy buildings through sustainable building design and
Sustainable workplace influences on productivity
A range of literature exists relating to different elements of the workplace in
contributing to productivity such as:
Personal control
Interior planting
Windows and lighting.
Lee and Brand (2005) found a positive correlation between perceived personal control
over the physical environment and self-reported job satisfaction. They also found that
perceived personal control was positively related to workplace satisfaction. However,
Veitch and Gifford (1996) found that although choice led to perceptions of increased
control, it also led to a performance decrement among the participants in their trial.
They suggest self-presentation and fear of failure were heightened in those
participants who were given a choice and that these findings have implications for the
relationship between facilities managers and building occupants (Veitch and Gifford,
While privacy is one of the key complaint areas, especially in open plan offices
(Duvall-Early and Benedict, 1992; Goodrich, 1982; Kupritz, 1998). There are,
however, positive distractions, such as trees, plants and water (James, 2007) that may
be incorporated into buildings to improve workplace quality and productivity.
Goodrich (1982) also advocates using large plants to increase privacy perceptions.
He states that workers agreed that plants made the office more pleasant and informal
and this seemed to reduce their need for high privacy levels. Shibata and Suzuki
(2002) found that peoples’ mood may be affected by plants and
Kaplan (1993) asserted that those with a view of nature such as trees and greenery
were more satisfied and that even a short exposure to a natural setting can serve a
restorative function:
“Those with a view of nature felt less frustrated and more patient,
found their job more challenging, expressed greater enthusiasm for
it, and reported higher life satisfaction as well as overall health”
Kaplan (1993) suggests that having natural areas at the workplace can be useful for
views or direct involvement such as lunch areas and areas to walk. Bringing nature
into buildings is becoming increasingly popular with the use of landscaped atria and
“streets” within buildings.
Larsen et al (1998) add support for workplace plants, finding that office plants
increased participants’ perceptions of office attractiveness and comfort. Surprisingly
however, they found that productivity reduced with greater numbers of plants. They
suggest this may be due to the repetitive nature of the task in their study.
Hanie et al (2010) suggest that natural elements play an important role in buildings
and can simply the occupants’ psychological behaviour and wellbeing. However,
while sustainable buildings are likely to utilise natural materials to a greater extent,
Hanie et al stop short of making this connection. Their suggested solutions to improve
indoor environmental quality include increasing ventilation rates, pollutant source
removal, air cleaning, flexible design, education and communication among
occupants, management and maintenance personnel and location of the building
(ibid.), which are relevant considerations in any building, sustainable or otherwise.
Green solar architecture is an example of sustainable buildings utilising natural
elements, whereby the indoor climate in the building is regulated using plants
(Freeman, 2008). By using trees and plants within buildings, the desirable aspects
provided by natural elements outlined above may be realised. Green solar architecture
provides a possible methodology for achieving healthy buildings through sustainable
building design and construction.
Recent studies have shown perceptual benefits of indoor plants in terms of reductions
in pressure, health concerns, increases in morale, preference for plants, productivity,
privacy, comfort and a substantial decrease in sickness absence following the
installation of plants (Smith et al., 2011) as well as improvements in indoor air
quality (Smith and Pitt, 2011).
Colour is an important determinant of user perceptions but it appears often to be
overlooked. Wright (2005) points out that workplace colour decisions will influence
staff motivation and absenteeism as well as portraying a certain image to clients.
Stone and English (1998) undertook a study of the effects of task type, colour and the
presence of a poster on subjects’ mood, satisfaction and performance. They studied
the effect of red and blue partitions in the workspace and found that perceived privacy
was higher in the blue partitions than in the red. A study of red, white and green
offices (Kwallek and Lewis, 1990) found that subjects preferred working in the white
environment but significantly more errors were made in the white office than in the
red. However, subjects working in the white office rated it less distracting than those
working in the red office.
Stone and English (1998) found that perceived room temperature was affected by
colour. Those working in blue partitioned areas perceived it to be cooler than those in
red workspaces. This may have sustainability implications in terms of energy use.
Building users could potentially be made to feel cooler in warm climates and vice
versa. The detailed psychological effects of colours are beyond the scope of this
paper but clearly workplace colour is an important consideration and one which can
significantly influence organisational performance.
Access to windows and artificial lighting will also affect the perceptions of building
users. There tends to be a strong preference for windows among occupants, however,
Stone and Irvine (1994) found no evidence that windows effect higher performance
levels. Their study found that a windowless room appeared to reduce stimulation
from the environment, which was beneficial for tasks such as filing but potentially
limiting for tasks benefiting from stimulation such as creative tasks (ibid). Goodrich
(1982) reported that having a window was psychologically important to workers as it
provided more mental freedom, a chance to get away from the problem to gain new
insight and a broader perspective as well as reducing fatigue and stress. However,
negative effects were sunlight producing glare on computer screens and solar heat
However, while this provides an interesting insight into some productivity
considerations in workplace design, these factors may not be immediately recognised
as elements of environmentally sustainable construction. Closer analysis may yield
some possibilities though. The BREEAM Offices 2008 Assessor Manual (BRE, 2009)
includes a section on health and wellbeing, including factors such as access to
daylight, external views, high frequency lighting, lighting levels, occupant control
over lighting, natural ventilation, indoor air quality, volatile organic compound
emissions, thermal comfort, microbial contamination and acoustic performance. This
suggests that the majority of the considerations outlined above are closely linked to
sustainable buildings in terms of health and wellbeing considerations.
Research has also suggested that user perceptions may be different in sustainable
buildings, compared to conventional buildings. Baird and Oosterhoff (2008) studied
user perceptions in a range of sustainable commercial and institutional buildings in
eleven countries. They found that occupants judged these buildings to be healthier and
they perceived themselves to be more productive in sustainable buildings. They also
found that several factors had a high correlation with health, such as productivity,
building design, comfort overall, space in the building, summer temperatures, winter
conditions, lighting, noise and winter temperatures.
Similarly, Leaman and Bordass (2007) carried out occupant surveys in 177 buildings
in the UK and found that green-intent buildings score better on summary variables for
ventilation/air in summer and winter, comfort overall, perceived productivity and
possibly temperature in winter. However, when the data is examined in more detail,
the picture is less optimistic. The summary variables take the context though, and
occupants appear to be more forgiving of green buildings, perhaps because features
that they like are present, such as outside views, shallower plan forms, more control
and better use of natural light and often more care taken in their briefing, design and
management (Leaman and Bordass, 2007).
Singh et al (2010) claim that the improvements they found in perceived productivity
in those moving into green buildings could result in an additional 38.98 work hours
per year for each occupant of a green building.
However, some studies have found little improvement in perceptions and sometimes
building users may be less satisfied in sustainable buildings (Zeiler and Boxem,
Clearly, much greater research is required in this area and it is suggested that using
perceptions of green buildings as a central theme of future research could yield some
interesting results and may help to move towards a more convincing business case for
investment in sustainable buildings.
This paper has reviewed sustainability in buildings from a high level, global
perspective before considering how policy translates into the provision of sustainable
Sustainable development has come to the fore over the last twenty to thirty years,
largely due to increasing legislation worldwide. Sustainable construction has tended
to focus mainly on environmental sustainability, but it is likely that this focus has also
brought about sustainable workplaces in terms of users’ health, satisfaction and
wellbeing. In this regard, there is a need for building performance measures to take
account of people-oriented factors such as employee perceptions. By improved
management of perceptions, productivity gains may be realised. Environmental
assessment tools such as BREEAM may help improve the quality of buildings for
Sick building syndrome and poor indoor air quality can adversely affect health and
productivity, but sustainable building practices such as natural ventilation, use of
more natural materials, access to daylight and external views will reduce the
likelihood of poor indoor air, as well as providing psychological benefits such as
those provided by access to nature in the workplace.
The paper argues that workplaces designed to be environmentally sustainable should
also be regarded as a strategy for productivity enhancement and management issues
need to be considered in the design of work space. Evidence suggests that building
users perceive sustainable buildings as being healthier and more conducive to
productivity, also being more forgiving of such buildings. Substantial further research
is required in this complex area of human perception.
This paper suggests that healthy buildings can be achieved through sustainable
construction approaches. However, whilst the initial outcomes of existing research
look promising, substantial research is now required into the areas of indoor comfort
and building user perceptions in sustainable buildings due to the knowledge gap in
this area.
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... The concept of providing a building is primarily considered for safety, and convenience (Smith and Pitt, 2011;Akadiri et al., 2012;Ransom and WHO, 1988;Hanson, 2001;Scruton, 2013;Bawa et al., 2022a), consequently the desire for its beauty and comfort would also come in, as these are parts of the enclosed spacing it provides for every inhabitant. The Pharmaceutical factory building (PFB) by extension is not omitted from this as notably, it is also a peculiar building, based on the circumstance that it stocks the process of drug production implies the need for safety, serenity, and control (Xiaoguang, Hong, and Long, 2011). ...
... The Pharmaceutical factory building (PFB) by extension is not omitted from this as notably, it is also a peculiar building, based on the circumstance that it stocks the process of drug production implies the need for safety, serenity, and control (Xiaoguang, Hong, and Long, 2011). A huge portion of the effect of Indoor air on the inhabitants of a building compared to that of outdoor air is a result of its composition of both chemical and biological contaminants; these are the indoor air pollutants (Abdulaali, et al., 2020;Smith and Pitt, 2011). The Chemical components of the contaminants include asbestos, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), construction chemicals, nitrogen oxide (NOx), ozone radon, and respirable suspended particulates (RSPs) (Smith and Pitt, 2011). ...
... A huge portion of the effect of Indoor air on the inhabitants of a building compared to that of outdoor air is a result of its composition of both chemical and biological contaminants; these are the indoor air pollutants (Abdulaali, et al., 2020;Smith and Pitt, 2011). The Chemical components of the contaminants include asbestos, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), construction chemicals, nitrogen oxide (NOx), ozone radon, and respirable suspended particulates (RSPs) (Smith and Pitt, 2011). While the Biological contaminants could be dust mites, endotoxins, houseplants, molds, pests, and pollen (Abdulaali et al., 2020; Ghodrati, Samari, and Shafiei, 2012; Mannan and Al-Ghamdi, 2021; WHO, 1979). ...
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In pharmaceutical factory buildings (PFBs), numerous gaseous substances are suspended in the air due to poorly designed production areas. In most PFBs, fenestrations are limited, though they provide some ventilation and workers’ access to the natural environment. This paper assessed selected PFBs designs to ascertain the adequacy of indoor airflow and air flush as well as lighting and sound needed for the removal of suspended gases largely harmful to human health. Using a quantitative approach, fourteen PFBs were audited by taking dimensions of the production area alongside data on the quality of air, sound, and lighting. Findings benchmarked against the global standard required for factory designs to maintain wellbeing revealed eight PFBs had unacceptable design features; It was found that a unit increase in HCHO was found to increase the temperature by 15.268oC and 98.3% of the variation in air velocity is explained by airflow while only 0.5% is explained by PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10. Workers’ complaint of illnesses was traceable to these poor design features. The paper recommended a need for re-evaluation in the architecture of PFBs intending to provide a healthy working environment for PFB workers in Nigeria.
... Transportation emissions encompass a diverse array of pollutants, each originating from different sources within the sector and each carrying distinct environmental and health implications (EPA, 2022). The primary types of emissions from transportation can be broadly categorized into particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides (SOx), and greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), (Smith;Pitt, 2011). Diesel engines, in particular, are significant sources of PM2.5 due to incomplete combustion. ...
... Transportation emissions encompass a diverse array of pollutants, each originating from different sources within the sector and each carrying distinct environmental and health implications (EPA, 2022). The primary types of emissions from transportation can be broadly categorized into particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides (SOx), and greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), (Smith;Pitt, 2011). Diesel engines, in particular, are significant sources of PM2.5 due to incomplete combustion. ...
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The rapid expansion of transportation networks has significantly contributed to economic growth but also led to pervasive air pollution. It impacts the environment, public health and pharmaceutical factory buildings (PFBs), where drugs are manufactured. This study aims to inform future research and policy development for mitigating transportation-related air pollution on PFBs and public health. To promote sustainable urban mobility by synthesizing current knowledge and identified gaps. This paper reviewed literature on transportation emissions, focusing on pollutants such as particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides (SOx), and greenhouse gases (GHGs). The study evaluates existing policies and technological solutions, including emission standards, electric vehicles (EVs), and sustainable biofuels, while highlighting challenges in implementation and effectiveness across different regions. It examines the sources, health effects, and environmental impacts globally, emphasizing the role of road vehicles as major contributors in Ogun State, Nigeria. Recommendations include enhancing regulatory frameworks, promoting technological innovations, implementing low-emission zones for public transportation, supporting sustainable urban planning, raising public awareness, and fostering international collaboration in Nigeria.
... Similarly, the economic aspect of sustainability is represented by optimal parameters of Life Cycle Costing (LCC), such as labor cost, material cost, annual capital charge, and end-of- . Another social aspect of sustainability is related to the comfort and satisfaction of users and workers [16], which can be measured through values of daylight, external views, high-frequency lighting, natural ventilation, indoor air quality, thermal comfort, microbial contamination, acoustic performance, presence of color, and vegetation [17]. The second category of smartness indicators is represented by dynamicity, indicating an object's ability to change its initial condition in response to external stimuli. ...
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In the current complexity of the design process, it is important to clarify the information flow for the creation of smart architectures. This clarity ensures coherence at each design scale, up to the definition of construction elements that make them effectively realizable and manageable throughout their entire life cycle. This paper presents a definition of sustainable metamodules using homogeneous sets of smartness indicators to support the design workflow. It specifically focuses on façades with a transparent base skin that can be digitalized through a BIM-based approach, promoting interoperability and multidisciplinary control. In analyzing present societal demands and the features of smart architectures, a range of smartness indicators will be established as parameters that contemporary architecture should consider to be classified as smart. The information cores formed by the combination of the predetermined parameters and feasible design solutions will be stated at every level of design detail. Following BIM regulations and leveraging the customization capabilities of open-format files (IFC), the earlier identified metamodules will be stated at various Levels of Detail (LOD), crafting suitable property sets within a BIM authoring software. This process will generate a structured matrix capable of supporting designers’ decisions in the realization of smart architectures.
... Furthermore, incorporating certain elements, including plants, green walls, vertical gardens and natural materials into the office setting can provide employees with improved access to nature, reducing stress and enhancing mental well-being. Previous studies suggested that workplaces, where green design criteria were observed, increased employee satisfaction, creativity and productivity (Abbaszadeh et al., 2006;Gou et al., 2012;Smith & Pitt, 2013;Caple, 2018) and were also more frequently preferred over conventional workplaces (Oyewole & Komolafe, 2018). Green office environments are associated with improved cognitive function and decision-making productivity and has a significant effect on learning and safety in employees (Allen et al., 2015b;MacNaughton et al., 2017) and as a result thereof employees are happier, healthier and more productive (Spengler & Sexton, 1983;Leaman, 1995;Lockwood, 2006;Singh et al., 2010;Xue et al., 2016;Geng et al., 2017). ...
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Green design as one of the important constituents of the sustainability concept, has recently become a preferred approach in the design of office buildings. Previous studies on the economic, ecological aspects and employee comfort/efficiency of green office designs with a rapid increase in number across the world, suggested the positive effects of the foregoing approach on both employees and the environment. Nevertheless, there are only a limited number of studies on the design character of green office interiors in the relevant literature. Accordingly, the present study aimed to examine the manifestations of design in green office interiors and discuss a less frequently addressed aspect of the green design, i.e., the design character. Therefore, the office buildings selected for the purposes of the present study were scrutinized on the basis of visuals and plans of the projects that were accessible to public. The results were suggestive of the fact that spatial organizations were designed upon a modular approach and with organizations that allowed flexible arrangements, that natural fabric and materials were in frequent use, that natural daylight played an important role in every design and that the human scale was attached importance in terms of dimensions.
... Architects must advocate for sustainable design by demonstrating long-term cost savings, health benefits, and potential property value increases, while exploring creative financing solutions. Navigating intricate regulatory frameworks, which vary widely, requires architects to stay informed about the latest regulations and ensure compliance [45]. Collaboration with diverse disciplines, including engineers, ecologists, urban planners, and sociologists, is essential but challenging, necessitating strong project management skills and a collaborative culture. ...
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Architects play a crucial role in shaping sustainable built environments that balance utility and aesthetics without compromising ecological integrity. Hence embracing sustainability remains an urgent imperative as construction activities expand to meet Nigeria's development needs. This research examines how architects in Enugu Metropolis, Nigeria are assimilating principles of sustainability within their design practices against a transforming professional backdrop. The study utilized primary data targeting 126 registered architectural firms in the study area through a questionnaire survey and achieved 88.9 % response rate. Data were analyzed using JASP and Pearson product moment correlation. Results revealed high conceptual awareness of sustainability among architects, with 32.2 % consistently applying strategies like renewable energy systems in designs. Economic considerations and supportive regulations emerged as key assimilation motivators. However, uneven integration levels underline lingering barriers. While 40.6 % rated sustainability incorporation in education as very good, 13.5 % perceived it as moderate, indicating gaps in practical competencies. Statistical analysis (P-value = 0.001) showed a significant positive relationship between architects' awareness of sustainability concepts and their implementation of sustainable design practices. These findings highlight the need for strengthened educational programs, policy incentives, and industry collaborations to accelerate sustainable architecture adoption. Recommendations include updating curricula, mandating green ratings for public projects, incentivizing developers, and promoting interdisciplinary knowledge transfer. By addressing identified gaps, it implies that architects can lead the sustainability transition while meeting local built environment needs, ensuring a more climate-compatible and socially equitable habitat creation.
... Similarly, in recent years, various research in Europe and North America indicate that office employees frequently experience unspecific symptoms, known as SBS, connected to workplace occupancy [25,69]. Additionally, due to the multifaceted nature of SBS and the difficulty in isolating its origin, multidisciplinary research has investigated its occurrence in office structures, linking it to distinct indoor environmental factors [18,21,[70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77]. However, since a large percentage of people in the United States spend at least 40 h a week in their office indoors [78], scholars have also paid considerable attention to the productivity of office building inhabitants [79,80]. ...
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Since most people spend more time at work in recent times, this has led to more workplace issues and health problems. The well-being of occupants and their overall health are strongly impacted by factors that determine the standard of indoor environments. These factors include the air quality, the level of thermal comfort, the inclusion of indoor plants, the admission of daylighting, and a variety of other factors. The absence of any of these may result in sick building syndrome (SBS). Therefore, well-planned indoor workspaces are vital for occupants’ health and productivity at work. The aim of this article is to investigate proactive measures for mitigating SBS in office buildings located within universities in the United Kingdom. The study administered a questionnaire to gather perceptions of office occupants, followed by a comparative case study analysis of two office buildings at the University of Greenwich located on different campuses to highlight the correlation among the physical parameters of indoor office spaces and the occurrence of SBS. The results showed that a notable percentage of participants reported experiencing at least two symptoms of SBS. This study provided clear evidence that symptoms of SBS are primarily associated with the physical characteristics of the building, and these elements significantly influence the occupants’ experiences. The mitigation of potential adverse effects on the well-being of inhabitants during the operating phase of a building resulting from physical variables can be achieved by the implementation of conscious design considerations during the initial planning stages of future buildings. One of the practical implications of this study is that it raises the urgency for built environment professionals to be fully aware of how their design decisions could either contribute to or prevent SBS symptoms.
... As it stated in the literature (Smith & Pitt, 2011), IEQ has positive effects over the productivity and the satisfaction of workers. Regarding IEQ, the participants rated the coworking space in terms of thermal comfort, air quality, visual comfort, acoustic comfort, and office layout. ...
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Due to technological developments that have changed the way people work, office interiors are also evolving and there has been an accelerating transition from conventional offices to shared workplaces since the rise of flexible working. These coworking spaces are intended to offset the negative effects of home-office and remote working, such as isolation and lack of collaboration. However, coworking places are more likely to improve performance and well-being when their users are given control. Accordingly, drawing on the concept of control developed by Evans and McCoy (1998), this study analyzed the satisfaction of coworking space users in terms of key control-related design factors, namely flexibility, indoor environmental control including thermal quality, air quality, visual quality, acoustic quality and furniture and layout, privacy, and territoriality. Data were collected via a survey conducted of the users of Originn Coworking Offices, İzmir, and via interviews with its founders. The findings indicate that users feel more satisfied resulted with an increased job satisfaction and productivity if they have control over their space. These findings can guide professionals in designing and constructing shared offices to meet the expectations of users, and in designing and developing existing coworking spaces.
... CHSE was set to be a guideline for the tourism and creative economy sector in Indonesia from September-October 2020, for the first time it was implemented during the COVID-19 period in the tourism sector and continued in other creative sectors [19]. Several researchers have previously conducted studies related to how factors such as safety [20], cleanliness [21], health [22], environmental sustainability [23] affect tourist satisfaction, and CHSE influences tourist interest to revisit through the influence of tourist satisfaction as a moderating variable [19]. Other research has also examined a lot about tourist satisfaction in influencing behavioral intentions in various tourist destinations around the world [24]- [35]. ...
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Cleanliness, health, safety, and environment sustainability (CHSE) certification is an indicator of a COVID-19-safe tourist destination. Baturraden tourist destination has received a CHSE level certificate very good but the effect is not yet known on tourist satisfaction and intention to visit again. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the element CHSE on revisit intention through tourist satisfaction and health consciousness as a moderating variable. This research is survey research by collecting data from 149 respondents who had visited the Baturraden tourist destination. Five Likert scale is used to measure research construct. To test the causal relationship between constructs, structural equational modelling (SEM) with SmartPLS is used. The findings of this research are cleanliness, environmental sustainability, health, and safety have a positive effect on tourist satisfaction, and tourist satisfaction has a positive effect on revisit intention, but health consciousness and the moderating effect of health consciousness have no effect on revisit intention.
... In the Health and wellbeing category, it is important to choose a microclimate inside the building, in order to ensure comfort for people on four levels. These include thermal, acoustic, good air quality, and visual comfort (Smith and Pitt 2011). In order to guarantee the above-mentioned standards, it is necessary to ensure satisfactory aesthetics of the interiors and surroundings, access to natural light and ventilation, and properly soundproofed rooms. ...
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The aim of the article is to show the problematic issues of the BREEAM certification system, when assessing historic buildings from Poland and Great Britain. The research hypothesis is to analyse the disparities in the results of BREEAM for historic buildings, and to examine whether the criteria are adequate for a reliable assessment of the degree of sustainability in their adaptation. The first part of the article outlines the idea of sustainability and presents methods for assessing the degree of sustainability of buildings, and the main assumptions for BREEAM adaptation projects. Research methodology includes quantitative and qualitative research. The study involved statistical analysis. The scheme for adaptation projects was discussed. The second part of the study included a case study of four certified historic buildings from Poland and Great Britain. The results showed excessive generalisation and the favouring of individual categories of the BREEAM scheme. The authors pointed to disproportions and inconsistencies in the assessment of the degree of sustainability of objects, with regards to sustainability sectors. The possible exemplary solutions were presented, which include the modification of the BREEAM document, to assess in a more proper way the level of sustainable use of the architectural cultural heritage.
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The factory building houses people, equipment, materials, and circulation spaces. These features contain various types of matter, and because the pharmaceutical factory building is active, these characteristics can have an impact on the workers' health and performance. This paper investigated the indoor air quality of the production area in order to compare it to the established data for the normal built environment. The air quality was measured using the Multifunctional Air Quality Detector, the KXL-801 LCD CO Gas Carbon Monoxide Detector, and the HABOTEST HT625A Digital Anemometer, and the results were compared to established data from published literature relating to indoor air quality on the ground from fourteen (14) sampled PFBs in the study area. In this study, regression analysis was used to analyse the data obtained, while tables and figures were used for presentation. It was discovered that 60% of the parameters exceeded the globally accepted limits, indicating the need for more IAQ consideration in the design and operation of PFBs. The study suggests that smart technology be used to control the excessive presence of IAQ.
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During the last decades in the United Kingdom several educational buildings were built with a strong environmental ethos, real icons of a new generation of low-energy sustainable buildings. In some of the buildings post occupancy evaluations were held and building's performance was revealed. Also in the Netherlands during the last years several new concepts were developed for sustainable schools. This is an interesting topic as many of those schools had problems concerning energy efficiency, indoor air quality and thermal comfort. In the case of sustainable schools much effort went into the design process of the schools to try to find better solutions to face the problems of the traditional designs. This resulted in different solution concepts, which raises the question which are better school concepts. From literature three evaluations from the UK and one overview of 5 sustainable educational buildings from the Netherlands are given, which show that sustainable educational buildings are not always without flaws. In the paper two of the first Dutch sustainable elementary schools are compared with 9 more traditional schools of the Netherlands to conclude whether the sustainable schools perform better than traditional schools.
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This experiment measures the effects of indoor plants on participants' productivity, attitude toward the workplace, and overall mood in the office environment. In an office randomly altered to include no plants, a moderate number of plants, and a high number of plants, paid participants (N = 81) performed timed productivity tasks and completed a survey questionnaire. Surprisingly, the results of the productivity task showed an inverse linear relationship to the number of plants in the office, but self-reported perceptions of performance increased relative to the number of plants in the office. Consistent with expectations, participants reported higher levels of mood, perceived office attractiveness, and (in some cases) perceived comfort when plants were present than when they were not present. Decreased productivity scores are linked to the influence of positive and negative affect on decision making and cognitive processing.
Lists groups to be considered at the start of a building project in order to improve internal air quality. Provides several symptoms of sick building syndrome, as described by the World Health Organization, and details some regulations and certain recommendations as to the original design. Considers some common indoor and outdoor pollutants, and concludes that the workforce should contribute to a healthy environment by reporting to management when dissatisfied.
A great deal of attention has been given to the selection of building materials for enhanced indoor air quality (IAQ) in several green building rating systems and standards. Some limited recent research has shown good correlation between perceived IAQ and measured concentration levels of chemicals associated with the odors. The research has found that it is important to recognize that an emissions label or a lab certificate reflects only the test conditions and chemicals it represents, it may or may not result in a healthy environment for all occupants. Materials that are not readily damaged by water are also desirable to avoid rapid deterioration and the need for replacement or to avoid mold growth and other impacts associates with wet materials. Standard 180-2008 is a good guidance document for general HVAC maintenance, while Standards 62.1-2010 and 189.1-2009 should be consulted for specific IAQ-related maintenance tasks.
Studies on Indoor air quality and indoor air pollutants are important, since the people spent most of the time in house and they will be affected due to the indoor pollution. A sustainable home is built with pyramidal shape of roof in the rural area. Measurements of indoor and outdoor carbon monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (ppm CO 2), Temperature (°F/°C), Dew Point Temperature, Absolute Humidity, Wet Bulb Temperature and Relative Humidity (%RH) concentrations were conducted at the sustainable home using DirectSense™. A statistical correlation analysis of indoor concentration levels with outdoor concentrations was carried out. CO was maximum with indoor concentrations 0.9 ppm (in Kitchen) and outdoor concentrations 0.4 ppm. CO 2 was maximum with indoor concentrations 435 ppm (in Kitchen) and outdoor concentrations 425 ppm. The R 2 values for the concentration of CO at indoor are 0.56 and 0.47 in the kitchen and living room respectively. Similarly the value of R 2 for indoor is 0.73 and 0.52 in the kitchen and living room respectively for concentration CO 2.
This work aims to provide a possible specification of the problems involved in greening the built environment and an articulation of the solutions. It begins with a discussion of sustainability as a concept and its applicability to contemporary towns and cities. The following chapters take up particular aspects of the built environment and sustainability in greater depth and include the construction industry, transport, health, planning, community and equity issues, employment and the economy. The links between environmental damage, poverty and the economy are themes in this book. It focuses on interconnections and on solutions to all three problems. The final chapter explains how the achievement of sustainable development is, in the authors' opinion, dependent on detailed solutions to everyday problems of modern society.
The level of workspace architectural privacy has previously been found to relate to overall job satisfaction. It was hypothesized that because privacy may serve particular functions, only particular facets of job satisfaction will be related to it, both in the short term (less than 1 year) and in the long term (more than 1 year). One hundred thirty professional secretaries assessed their level of privacy and their level of job satisfaction as measured by the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. The results supported the hypotheses and showed that the environment in which one works affects some but not all facets of job satisfaction.
This study examines the impact of building design on privacy in two office environments at Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, Inc., U.S.A. The findings offer a range of design resources that Facility Management at Gulfstream can utilize to manage privacy for their office workers. In a broader context, the theoretical considerations presented in this study, though still in their formative stage, offer additional insight into what office workers may think about privacy in the work environment. These theoretical considerations have far reaching implications for design professionals, and pending further research may prove cost effective.