
Factorization theorems in dimension theory

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CONTENTSIntroduction § 1. Factorization theorems and methods for obtaining them § 2. Applications of factorization theorems § 3. The dimension of topological productsReferences

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... If A is a normal space, since dimZ < dim A if Z is either closed or cozero in A, then loc dim X < « iff A has an open cover {GÁ : X e A} with dim Gx< « for each X in A, which is the original definition of loc dim [4]. Following [10], if /: A -» Y is continuous, by W(f) we denote the smallest cardinal a for which there exists a space Z of weight a and an embedding g : X -y Y x. Z with / = nog, where n denotes the canonical projection from Y x Z onto Y . ...
... The last result can be rephrased as follows. Recall that pwX is the supremum of all cardinals a for which there exists a map from A onto a metrizable space of weight a [10]. Proposition 13. ...
... y < « , and this completes the proof.For the rest of our results we need a lemma and a simplified version of[3, Theorem 9]. Recall that bwX is the smallest cardinal x for which there exists a continuous f:X-yM with M metrizable and W(f) = x[10].License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see ...
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We prove that the class of all locally finite-dimensional TychonofT spaces and other related classes have universal elements.
... We consider also the constant maps h : I ℵ 0 × M → P t and η : βY → P t, where P t is the one-point space. According to Pasynkov's factorization theorem [11,Theorem 13], there exist metrizable compacta K, T and maps f * : K → T , ξ 1 : βX → K, ξ 2 : K → I ℵ 0 × M and η 1 : βY → T such that: ...
... Since Y is normal, dim βY = dim Y ≤ m. Moreover, by [11,Proposition 8], dim f ≤ n implies dim f ≤ n. If p : I ℵ 0 × M → I ℵ 0 and q : I ℵ 0 × M → M denote the corresponding projections, we have ...
We introduce the notion of set-wise injective maps and provide results about fiber embeddings. Our results improve some previous results in this area.
... We consider also the constant maps h : I ℵ 0 × M → P t and η : βY → P t, where P t is the one-point space. According to Pasynkov's factorization theorem [11,Theorem 13], there exist metrizable compacta K, T and maps f * : K → T , ξ 1 : βX → K, ξ 2 : K → I ℵ 0 × M and η 1 : βY → T such that: ...
... Since Y is normal, dim βY = dim Y ≤ m. Moreover, by [11,Proposition 8], dim f ≤ n implies dim f ≤ n. If p : I ℵ 0 × M → I ℵ 0 and q : I ℵ 0 × M → M denote the corresponding projections, we have ...
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We introduce the notion of set-wise injective maps and provide results about fiber embeddings. Our results improve some previous results in this area.
... The proof is therefore completed. The case F = 0 is studied in [10]. (2) If dimf = 0 and dimZ = 0, then dimP = 0; ...
... The considered invariant AX is introduced first by Ponamarev [ 12] by using directed families of closed covers. The above definition of the dimension function AX is equivalent to the definition of Ponamarev, which is introduced by Pasynkov [10]. Theorem 2.1. ...
A space X is called a P 0 {P_0} -space if there exists a perfect mapping f from X onto a metric space Y such that dim ⁡ f = sup { f − 1 ( y ) : y ∈ Y } = 0 \dim f = \sup \{ {f^{ - 1}}(y):y \in Y\} = 0 . We prove that the P 0 {P_0} -space X is almost weakly infinite dimensional iff the remainder β X ∖ X \beta X\backslash X of the Stone-Čech compactification β X \beta X of X is A -weakly infinite dimensional. Furthermore we prove that Δ ( β X ∖ X = ind ( β X ∖ X ) = Ind ( β X ∖ X ) = dim ⁡ ( β X ∖ X ) \Delta (\beta X\backslash X = {\text {ind}}(\beta X\backslash X) = {\text {Ind}}(\beta X\backslash X) = \dim (\beta X\backslash X) for the P 0 {P_0} -space X .
... The second half of Theorem 3 follows from the theorem on co-maps for spaces. assertion is a generalization of Theorem 13 in [8]. ...
... A £ WANR and let ξ : X -> X o , ξ : Ζ -> Z o> /: X -+ Ζ, /о : ^o ~* Z o be maps of bicompact spaces such that ξ/ = / ο ξ, IV(f) < r (see[8 ]), r > N o , and dim ξ < Л. Then there are bicompact spaces Υ and Y o and maps η, g, g 0 , h, h 0 such that the diagram χ _> γ _> z ? ...
CONTENTS Introduction § 1. Some auxiliary propositions § 2. Some auxiliary constructions in and “over” § 3. A theorem on - (and -) maps for maps into an -dimensional cube § 4. A theorem on -maps for maps of compact spaces § 5. A factorization theorem for maps § 6. A theorem on -maps for maps of bicompact spaces References
... If {Z s } s∈S is a zero-sets family of Z(X) such that {X \ Z s } s∈S is locally finite, then ∩ s∈S Z s is a zero-set. It follows from important Pasynkov Lemma [18]. Everywhere we will follow the denotation µX of [16] for the Dieudonne completion of a space X. ...
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In this paper, it is established a characterization of τ-normal coverings by means of approximation of the Čech complete paracompacta, which are the perfect preimages of complete metric spaces of weight ≤ τ. In particular, this characterization generalizes to an arbitrary cardinal the result of A. Garsia-Maynez [15].
... The considered invariant AX is introduced first by Ponamarev [ 12] by using directed families of closed covers. The above definition of the dimension function AX is equivalent to the definition of Ponamarev, which is introduced by Pasynkov [10]. Theorem 2.1. ...
A space X is called a P0-sapce if there exists a perfect mapping f from X onto a metric space Y such that dimf=sup{f1(y):yY}=0\dim f = \sup \{f^{-1}(y): y \in Y\} = 0. We prove that the P0-space X is almost weakly infinite dimensional iff the remainder βX\X\beta X\backslash X of the Stone-Čech compactification β X of X is A-weakly infinite dimensional. Furthermore we prove that Δ(βX\X)=ind(βX\X)=Ind(βX\X)=dim(βX\X)\Delta(\beta X\backslash X) = \operatorname{ind} (\beta X\backslash X) = \operatorname{Ind}(\beta X\backslash X) = \dim(\beta X\backslash X) for the P0-space X.
... The product X x BY is paracompact and so normal. If the space X is discrete, then, evidently, the product X x Y is rectangular (concerning the definition of the rectangularity , see [14,15]). If X is not discrete, then (see [17]) the normality of X x Y implies its countable paracompactness and X x Y is rectangular in this case too (in fact, this is proved in [ Proof. ...
It is proved that there exist integers e(k, l) ⩾ − 1 fork, l = − 1, 0, 1, … such that Ind X × Y ⩽ e(Ind X, Ind Y) if the space X × Y is normal (and Hausdorff), Y is locally compact paracompact (in particular, compact) and Ind X < ∞, Ind Y < ∞ (therefore any normal product of two finitedimensional in the sense of Ind spaces, one of which is locally compact paracompact is finite-dimensional in the same sense). Analogous assertions hold for any strongly paracompact product, any normal product with one metrizable factor and any normal product of a pseudocompact space and a k-space. Also it is proved that a strongly paracompact or a z-embedded subspace of a finitedimensional in the sense of Ind normal space is finite-dimensional in the same sense.
... Then there is a compact metric space L with dim L ≤ n and continuous g : X → L and h : L → M with hg = f (cf. [8] and [12]). ...
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The fundamental properties of approximate inverse systems of uniform spaces are established. The limit space of an approximate inverse sequence of complete metric spaces is the limit of an inverse sequence of some of these spaces. This has an application to the dimension of the limit space of an approximate inverse system. A topologically complete space with dim ≤ n is the limit of an approximate inverse system of metric polyhedra of dim ≤ n. A completely metrizable separable space with dim ≤ n is the limit of an inverse sequence of locally finite polyhedra of dim ≤ n. Finally, a new proof is derived of the important equality dim = Ind for metric spaces.
... The following assertion develops Proposition 9 from [15]. ...
Let Iτ be the Tychonoff cube of weight τ⩾ω with a fixed point, στ and Στ be the correspondent σ- and Σ-products in Iτ and στ⊂(Σστ=(στ)ω)⊂Στ. Then for any n∈{0,1,2,…}, there exists a compactum Unτ⊂Iτ of dimension n such that for any Z⊂Iτ of dimension⩽n, there exists a topological embedding of Z in Unτ that maps the intersections of Z with στ, Σστ and Στ to the intersections Uσnτ, UΣσnτ and UΣnτ of Unτ with στ, Σστ and Στ, respectively; Uσnτ, UΣσnτ and UΣnτ are n-dimensional and Uσnτ is σ-compact, UΣσnτ is a Lindelöf Σ-space and UΣnτ is a sequentially compact normal Fréchet–Urysohn space. This theorem (on multistage universal spaces of given dimension and weight) implies multistage extension theorems (in particular, theorems on Corson and Eberlein compactifications) for Tychonoff spaces.
... This theorem was extended to separable metrizable spaces by Hurewicz and Wallman[78]and to metrizable spaces by Morita[100]and Nagami[101]. Sklyarenko[119]proved it for paracompact spaces (see also Filippov[64,65]and Pasynkov[107,108]for other generalizations of the dimension-lowering theorem). One of the first extensional generalizations of the Hurewicz theorem was obtained by Dranishnikov and Uspenskij in[49]. ...
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This paper is a survey of some recent results in dimension theory. The main topics under consideration are: dimension of maps in the classical and extension dimension theories, universal spaces (in particular, universal compacta) in extension dimension theory, and [L]-homotopy. A number of theorems included in the survey are accompanied by proofs.
... In this paper we provide another approach to prove results concerning parametric Bing and Krasinkiewicz maps. The approach is based on Pasynkov's technique developed in [10] and [11]. ...
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Using a factorization theorem due to Pasynkov we provide a short proof of the existence and density of parametric Bing and Krasinkiewicz maps. In particular, the following corollary is established: Let f ⁣:XYf\colon X\to Y be a surjective map between paracompact spaces such that all fibers f1(y)f^{-1}(y), yYy\in Y, are compact and there exists a map g ⁣:XI0g\colon X\to\mathbb I^{\aleph_0} embedding each f1(y)f^{-1}(y) into I0\mathbb I^{\aleph_0}. Then for every n1n\geq 1 the space C(X,Rn)C^*(X,\mathbb R^n) of all bounded continuous functions with the uniform convergence topology contains a dense set of maps g such that any restriction gf1(y)g|f^{-1}(y), yYy\in Y, is a Bing and Krasinkiewicz map.
... This theorem, established first by Hurewicz [17] for separable metric spaces, has many generalizations. For the dimension dim and normal spaces it was proved by Zarelua [32], Filippov [14] and Pasynkov [23]. Kuzminov [20,Theorem 14,1), p. 24] was who first provided a cohomological version of this theorem for closed maps between finite dimensional metrizable compact spaces and cohomological dimension dim G with respect to an Abelian group G. Kuzminov's proof was based on test spaces for dim G . ...
We establish cohomological and extension dimension versions of the Hurewicz dimension-raising theorem
For a Tychonoff space X, the Dieudonné τ-completion of X, denoted by μτX, is investigated. The space μτX is defined as the completion of X with respect to the uniformity uXτ, where uXτ is generated by all continuous mappings of X to metric spaces of weight ≤τ. It is proved that a dense subspace Y of X is Pτ- (equivalently, Pτ⁎-)embedded in X iff uXτ|Y=uYτ iff Y⊂X⊂μτX. In this case, the free topological group F(uYτY) of the uniform space uYτY is the topological subgroup of the group F(uXτX) generated by Y iff Y is Pτ-embedded in X. This result implies the Nummela-Pestov's Theorem: A dense subspace Y is P-embedded in a Tychonoff space X iff the free topological group F(Y) is topologically isomorphic to the subgroup of the group F(X) generated by Y. It is proved that the Weil completion of the free topological group coincides with its Raĭkov completion. It is also shown that the free topological groups in the sense of Nakayama and Nummela coincide.
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We say that the limit of an inverse system X = lim ← { X λ , π μ λ , Λ } X = \underleftarrow {\lim }\left \{ {{X_\lambda },\pi _\mu ^\lambda ,\Lambda } \right \} is cylindrical if each finite cozero cover of X X has a σ \sigma -locally finite refinement consisting of sets of the form π λ − 1 ( U ) \pi _\lambda ^{ - 1}(U) , where U U is a cozero-set in X λ {X_\lambda } and π λ : X → X λ {\pi _\lambda }:X \to {X_\lambda } is the projection. We prove that if X X is cylindrical, then dim ⁡ X = sup { dim ⁡ X λ : λ ∈ Λ } \dim X = \sup \left \{ {\dim {X_\lambda }:\lambda \in \Lambda } \right \} .
This paper discusses the problem of approximating topological spaces by polyhedra using various techniques based on inverse systems. The paper focuses on some of the author’s contributions obtained over a period of forty-five years. In particular, the paper lists properties preserved under inverse limits and states theorems concerning the representation of compact Hausdorff spaces as limits of inverse systems with desired additional properties. It also describes resolutions, a special kind of inverse limits, which are successfully used in non-compact situations. Furthermore, the paper discusses approximate inverse systems and approximate resolutions and describes situations where they show advantages over usual systems. Finally, the paper describes homotopy expansions, which are used in shape theory, i.e., in extending classical homotopy theory from the realm of polyhedra and CW-complexes to arbitrary topological spaces.
This chapter explains the games and winning strategies. The games are played by two persons called “Player I” and “Player II.” The chapter only considers the case that Player I has a winning strategy in the game. The chapter states that winning strategies for Player I in G(K, X) can be strengthened in terms of stationary ones. The chapter deals with k-scatteredness, which is useful to represent the topological structure of a space X such that Player I has a winning strategy in G(K, X). This chapter also explains the applications of topological games. The chapter uses the game for studying spaces which have a closure-preserving closed cover by (countably) compact sets. The chapter studies some covering properties of product spaces one factor of which is defined by the game. The chapter generalizes the countable sum theorems for dimension theory in terms of the games, so that it can obtain closure-preserving sum theorems for dim and Ind. The games treated in the chapter are only one side of the whole of topological games of which there are quite various sorts.
In der topologischen Dimensionstheorie beschäftigt man sich mit Dimensionsfunktionen, d. h. Abbildungen D der Klasse aller topologischen Räume in die Menge ℕ ∪ -1, +∞, wobei ℕ die Menge der nicht-negativen ganzen Zahlen bedeutet, derart, daß gelten: 1) Sind X und Y homöomorphe topologische Räume, so ist D(X) = D(Y), 2) D(ℝ n ) = n, wobei ℝn die Menge der n-Tupel reeller Zahlen bezeichnet, versehen mit der in der Analysis üblichen Topologie.
Symbols w(X), nw(X), and hl(X) denote the weight, the network weight, and the hereditary Lindelf number of a space X, respectively. We prove the following factorization theorems. (1) Let X and Y be Tychonoff spaces, ϕ: X→Y a continuous mapping, hl(X)≤τ, and w(Y)≤τ. Then there exist a Tychonoff space Z and continuous mappings ψ: X→Z, χ: Z→Y such that ϕ=χ o ψ, Z=ψ(X), w(Z)≤τ andind Z≤ind X. Moreover, if nw(X)≤τ, then mapping ψ is one-to-one. (2) Let π: G→H be a continuous homomorphism of a Hausdorff topological group G to a Hausdorff topological group H, hl(G)≤τ and w(H)≤τ. Then there are a Hausdorff topological group G* and continuous homomorphisms g: G→G*, h: G*→H so that π=h o g, G*=g(G), w(G*)≤τ andind G*≤ind G. If nw(G)≤τ, then g is one-to-one. (3) For every continuous mapping ϕ: X→Y of a regular Lindelf space X to a Tychonoff space Y one can find a Tychonoff space Z and continuous mappings ψ: X→Z, χ: Z→Y such that ϕ=χ o ψ, Z=ψ(X), w(Z)≤w(Y),dim Z≤dim X, andind 0 Z≤ind 0 X, whereind 0 is the dimension function defined by V.V.Filippov with the help of Gδ-partitions. If we additionally suppose that X has a countable network, then ψ can be chosen to be one-to-one. The analogous result also holds for topological groups. (4) For each continuous homomorphism π: G→H of a Hausdorff Lindelf Σ-group G (in particular, of a σ-compact group G) to a Hausdorff group H there exist a Hausdorff group G* and continuous homomorphisms g: G→G*, h:G*→H so that π=h o g, G*=g(G), w(G*)≤w(H),dimG*≤dimG, andind G*≤ind G. Bibliography: 25 titles.
We say that the limit of an inverse system X=lim{Xλ,πμλ,Λ}X = \underleftarrow{\lim}\{ X_\lambda, \pi^\lambda_\mu, \Lambda \} is cylindrical if each finite cozero cover of X has a σ-locally finite refinement consisting of sets of the form π-1 λ(U), where U is a cozero-set in Xλ and πλ: X → Xλ is the projection. We prove that if X is cylindrical, then dimX=sup{dimXλ:λΛ}\dim X = \sup\{\dim X_\lambda: \lambda \in \Lambda \}.
The most general subset theorem for the covering dimension for arbitrary topological spaces is obtained in the paper.
The following example is constructed without any set-theoretic assumptions beyond ZFC: There exist a hereditarily separable hereditarily Lindelöf space X and a first-countable locally compact separable pseudocompact space Y such that dim X = dimY = 0, while dim(X × Y)>0.
The first part of the paper is concerned with conditions under which the inequality dim X × Y ≤ dim X + dim Y and similar inequalities for infinite topological products hold. The second part contains examples of spaces such that the sums of their dimensions are smaller than the dimensions of their products.
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We prove that if f ⁣:XYf\colon X\to Y is a closed surjective map between metric spaces such that every fiber f1(y)f^{-1}(y) belongs to a class of space S\mathrm S, then there exists an FσF_\sigma-set AXA\subset X such that ASA\in\mathrm S and dimf1(y)\A=0\dim f^{-1}(y)\backslash A=0 for all yYy\in Y. Here, S\mathrm S can be one of the following classes: (i) {M:edimMK}\{M:\mathrm{e-dim}M\leq K\} for some CW-complex K; (ii) C-spaces; (iii) weakly infinite-dimensional spaces. We also establish that if S={M:dimMn}\mathrm S=\{M:\dim M\leq n\}, then dimfg0\dim f\triangle g\leq 0 for almost all gC(X,In+1)g\in C(X,\mathbb I^{n+1}).
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Some generalizations of the classical Hurewicz formula are obtained for the extension dimension and C-spaces. A characterization is also given of the class of metrizable spaces that are absolute neighborhood extensors for all metrizable C-spaces. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 55M10 (primary); 54F45, 55M10 (secondary).
The main result of this paper is as follows: If a compact group K acts continuously on a normal space X so that the orbit space X/K is metrizable, then dim X = Ind X.Particular cases of spaces on which a compact group acts continuously with a metrizable orbit space are locally compact groups and their quotient spaces and also almost metrizable (in particular, Cech-complete) groups [5] and their quotient spaces.All the spaces we consider are assumed to be Hausdorff, and X completely regular. All subgroups that occur are closed and all maps are continuous.
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