
Measuring the Effectiveness of Nondefense Public Programs

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This paper suggests that current public programs have been measured in grossly inadequate ways. It argues against the use at all levels of government of workload measures, physical standards, and cost criteria to represent outputs. It discusses the need for output measurement (1) that uses measures which are directly related to basic governmental objectives, (2) that includes multiple measures (since governmental programs seldom can be adequately evaluated by attempts to compress multiple measures into a single criterion such as a single monetary measure), (3) that identifies the differential effects on different population subgroups, (4) that does not excessively vise “proxy” or “lower-level” criteria without at least briefly examining the relation of the proxies to the basic objectives, and (5) that, where appropriate, uses qualitative, subjective, measures rather than neglecting important effects. Measurability does not require the quantification of absolute numbers, but can make use of many subjective...

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... Nine goals were written by the first author on the basis of the previous research on staff opinions about possible outcomes of release from or retention in psychiatric hospitals, review of agency documents, and discussions with VA staff in both the national office and in the field. The formulations were guided by Hatry's '(1970) advice that program goals should emphasize outputs (in this case, effects on people) rather than inputs, such as number of patients treated, services provided, and so forth. For example, a statement such as "involve more patients and families in family therapy programs" was no.! regarded as a goal. ...
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To provide a basis for the evaluation of VA mental health services, a survey was conducted of staff opinion regarding the importance of several specific goals for these services. Nine goals were formulated and submitted to 6,435 central office and field facility staff to obtain their ratings of each goal's importance, with an "of no importance" rating being possible. The goals dealing with (a) the development of patient skills necessary for being self-supporting, (b) the elimination of psychological disorders, and (c) the protection of patients and others from violence received the highest average ratings. The remaining goals were considered as having some importance although there were substantial differences among the sample about the degree. Interoccupational group differences in importance ratings were statistically significant but small. Although the goals formulated and ratified by staff were general, they were more specific than previous goal statements. It is suggested that because of this relative specificity, they provide useful guidance for planning, managing, delivering, and evaluating mental health services. (14 ref)
... rather, it simply argues that all costs and benefits be measured and reported. Otherwise, as Hatry (1970) notes, "Key value judgements that are rightfully the task of the political decision making process are instead made by analysts. . ." (p. ...
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An interdisciplinary approach to measuring the costs and social and financial benefits of human resource development is presented. The approach includes three distinct components: a cost model, an effectiveness model, and a cost-benefit comparison. The diverse interdisciplinary measures of development programs are presented. A critical discussion of the role of human resource accounting and other accounting measures in evaluation is included. Examples from two organizations illustrate the measurement approach. An examination of program evaluation criteria highlights the effect of cost-benefit analyses on the human resource development movement.
... Reaching agreement on the relationship between the indirect measures and the phenomenon of interest may be an area of intense debate. 22 Along with the previously discussed theory, only those data items which truly reduce the decision-maker's uncertainty level should be admitted to the information system. Two groups of information appear to be required for the decision-making at the level of concern. ...
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The aim of this scientific publication is to examine the challenges for the digital education ecosystem in a crisis situation caused by COVID 19. In the current aggravated situation, with introduced movement restrictions around the world, the most important step to instant and high-quality adaptation of the educational system is to make it flexible. This will allow gaining complete and necessary knowledge, introducing the maximum variety of forms and methods of teaching and the technical perfection of teaching equipment. The modern trend of digital transformation of the branches of the socio-economic system determines the urgent need for the operational adaptation of the educational environment to the professional and additional needs of society, technical modernization and the priorities of social and economic development. A change in the management of education is needed in order to find solutions for the modernization of education in a digital environment in which the quality of education is maintained at a level corresponding to the socio-economic processes.
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The independence of the Prosecutor General of any Member State of the European Union is extremely important with a view to comply with the legal framework and the rule of law. It lays the foundations of trust in the judiciary and the fundaments of statehood, creates a sense of law and legal order. That is why it is highly important in the context of the present to outline the control of the activity of the Prosecutor General in the exercise of his powers, clearly emphasizing that the Bulgarian Prosecutor General is not out of control in his powers. The legal powers of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Bulgaria are even more limited than the powers of analogous figures in the legal systems of other EU countries. The Prosecutor General exercises his powers only in exceptional cases and according to previously prescribed legal procedures.
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the concepts of brand hate. It presents the antecedents and outcomes of brand hate. The study demonstrates five components namely corporate social responsibility (CSR), product/service failures (FAL), negative past experience (NPE), symbolic incongruity (SIC), and ideological incompatibility (IDC) to trigger brand hate, which leads to two behavioral outcomes namely brand avoidance (BAV) and negative word of mouth (NWM). The study shows that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is negatively related to brand hate. Four components Product/Service failures, Negative past experience, Symbolic incongruity, and Ideological incompatibility are positively related to brand hate. Brand hate is positively related to two outcome variables Brand avoidance and Negative word of mouth. Prior studies have focused either on antecedents or the outcomes of negative feelings but do not include a comprehensive model that addresses these issues. The population of this study comprises individual living in three large cities of Pakistan. The data will be collected using survey questionnaire based on convenience sampling approach. Smart PLS software will be used to data analyse
Many authors have commented on the analogy between the functioning of organizations and that of the human body. The basis for this analogy is reviewed in this paper and an attempt is made to list some of the disorders that can affect organizations and their symptoms. The implications of this approach for the management scientist are discussed, viewinghis role relative to an organization as similar to that of a medical doctor in relation to his patient.RésuméPlusieurs auteurs ont traité la correspondance entre le fonctionnement d’organisationset celui du systéme humain. On revoit dans cet article la base de cette correspondance et on décrit quelques affections d’organisations et leurs symptômes. On discute des conséquences de cette méthode d’analyse, tout en considérant le rô1e du spécialiste en gestion comme celui d’un médicin relatif á ses patients.
Present measures of effectiveness of Canadian television services are mostly concerned with audience size. They are obtained from surveys in which the respondent is offered a small incentive and asked to record his viewing habits in some future period. This may cause some systematic effects to enter the statistical analysis of responses. New measures of effectiveness that are related to the objectives of the Canadian national broadcasting system are suggested, as well as a means of collecting the necessary data from audiences.RésuméA l’heure actuelle Ies mesures du rendement des services téelevisés canadiens sont fondés sur le nombre de téléspectateurs. Ces mesures sont cibtenues à partir d’enquêtes faîtes auprès de sujets à qui l’on offre un petit dédommagement et à qui l’on demande d’enregistrer leurs choix pendant une certaine période. Cette méthode peut provoquer des effets systéematiques dans l’analyse statistique des réponses. On suggèere de nouvelles méthodes de mesure. Elles sont plus appropriées aux objectifs du système de radio et télévision canadien. On suggèere aussi des moyens de collecte de l’information auprèes du public.
Human life is priceless. Our system of values dictates that no expense or effort be spared to prevent or cure a disease or to save a life. Individually and collectively we devote enormous resources to the fight against illness and death. For example, a heart transplant costs approximately U.S. 100000(Time,1984);kidneydialysiscostsU.S.100 000 (Time, 1984); kidney dialysis costs U.S. 28 000 per patient per year (Business Week, 1984). In 1983, health care costs consumed 10.8% of the gross national product of the United States (Business Week, 1984). Today these staggering figures are forcing us to consider the possibility that we may be very close to the point (if we have not already passed it) of spending all we can or should on health. For if life is priceless, so are national security and freedom; if good health is valuable, so are other things, such as human dignity, morality, education, work, and leisure. Yet our resources are finite, and rarely does a program lead to maximal fulfillment of all human desires simultaneously. Invariably, extended pursuit of one human goal compromises the pursuit of others. Thus by design or default, we trade off one need against another, and sometimes a human life against other needs.
Decision-making was defined at the beginning of the previous chapter as “...the choice between alternatives after an evaluation of their effectiveness in achieving the decision-maker’s objective or objectives”. The process of evaluation must consist of (i) an assessment of the benefits of each of the alternate courses of action relative to the objective or objectives and (ii) an estimate of the costs of each of the possible courses of action. The decision can then be made on the basis of the greatest benefit for a given cost or the least cost for a particular benefit.
Der Prozeß der Entscheidungsfindung zur ökonomisch-technischen Beurteilung von Investitionsalternativen erfordert Wissen über Größen, die eine Bewertung der Auswirkungen der Alternativen in bezug auf eine Zielsetzung ermöglichen. Wittmann bezeichnet dieses „zweckorientierte Wissen“ 1) als Information2). Daten sind dann als Elemente des übergeordneten Informationsbegriffes anzusehen3). Um die Konkretisierung nach Umfang, Inhalt, Wertigkeit, zeitlichen Bezug und innerem Zusammenhang der zu Informationen zusammenzufügenden technischen, organisatorischen und ökonomischen Daten bemühen sich die folgenden Ausführungen.
Planning is one of the most important tasks of management in modern organizations. It has been aptly defined by Fayol in one of the earliest treatises on management as “assessing the future and making provision for it.” 1 In Fayol’s time, however, the scope and extent of the operations of most organizations were very limited. Forces for change in their areas of operation were relatively weak and forecasts of future conditions could be made with some confidence. Society as a whole imposed only minimal con straints on organizations that appeared to be working for the public good. Consequently, many of them were able to enjoy a large degree of control over the environment in which they operated. If a challenge to this control did arise, it was usually in the form of direct competition by a similar organization. The rules of this kind of competition were well understood by all those who were involved in it.
Only the published works directly related to Multiple Criteria Decision Making are included. Intentionally excluded are the works dealing with multidimensional scaling and conjoint measurement, multiple cues modeling of human judgment, multiattribute attitude models of consumer behavior, statistical decision theory, and similar areas deserving bibliographies of their own.
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Policemen and policewomen are the most visible and obtrusive agents of governmental authority and power to the average citizen. This being the case, what the public think about police and their work is highly important--and may well serve as a significant social indicator of the political health of the society as a whole. Using telephone survey data gathered in the St. Louis SMSA during the Summer of 1977 as part of a major study of police services, a number of hypotheses regarding the influence of political alienation, perceived local crime, perceived police integrity, race, and social class upon public evaluation of local police performance were tested. Public ratings of police were generally quite high. However, those lacking trust in police integrity, who viewed crime as increasing, who expressed estrangement from the political process, as well as those who were nonwhite or lower class were more likely to rate police performance negatively than others. In addition, a number of noteworthy conditional effects were uncovered utilizing the nonmetric least-squares estimation procedure developed by Grizzle, Starmer, and Koch (1969). The generalizability of these conditional effects needs to be examined in future research within this area.
Literature on Multiple Objective Decision Making (MODM) methods and their applications have been reviewed and classified systematically. This survey provides readers with a capsule look into the existing methods, their characteristics, and applicability to analysis of MODM problems. The basic MODM concepts are defined and a standard notation is introduced in Part II to facilitate the review. A system of classifying about two dozen major MODM methods is presented. of these methods have been proposed by various researchers in the last few years, but here for the first time they are presented together. The basic concept, the computational procedures, and the characteristics of each of these methods are presented concisely in Part III. The computational procedure of each method is illustrated by solving a simple numerical example. Part IV of the survey deals with the actual or proposed applications of these MODM methods. The literature has been classified into 12 major topics based on the area of applications. Summary of each reference on applications is given. An updated bibliographical listing of 24 books, monographs or conference proceedings, and 424 papers, reports or theses is presented.
This effort is an on-line, real-time, computer-based decision aid designed to assist the decision-maker in clarifying preferences in a complex decision environment. It is applicable to problems which may be represented by a hierarchy of objectives to be satisfied. The program is MADAM: Multiple- Attribute Decision Analysis Model, and it is written in FORTRAN V and is implemented on the CYBER 175 system, MADAM is designed to aid the decision-maker as he or she progresses through problem formulation, parameterization, sensitivity analyses, and a decision, including storage of all data and rationales. Deterministic problems are analyzed through Multi-Attribute-Utility Theory concepts and an additive value function is utilized for sensitivity analysis. The work is divided into two volumes. Volume I is a theoretical presentation and includes a user's manual. It requires no programming expertise and may be used independently of Volume II. Volume II is a programming manual including the source code.
Many difficulties exist in the matching of models with data. This paper identifies elements of this problem and discusses considerations involved in model evaluation. The well known multivariate linear regression model is used to illustrate the distinctions between accuracy and precision and between estimation and prediction (because the model is commonly misused.) No amount of additional data will improve the accuracy of a poor model. A high R2, while indicative of a good matching between the observed data and model estimates, is a poor criterion for judging adequacy of the model to make good predictions of future events. Model evaluation also includes the problem of introducing secondary data and proxy variables into a model. Secondary data frequently enter, for example, the mass, energy and water budget equations because of difficulties in measuring the primary variables. Proxy variables arise because of a desire to collapse a vector of incomparable values, say, of water quality into a single number. Review of the above issues indicates that model evaluation is a multi-criterion problem, often imbedded in a larger framework where models are intended to meet multiple objectives. The mismatch of models and data has increasing legal and social consequences.
This research demonstrates the need for and the usefulness of a multi-dimensional approach to the management of environmental programs. While the thrust of the paper is toward environmental quality programs the conceptual development is appropriate for many public sector programs. The paper describes an experiment in the determination of multi-dimensional objectives within three programs in a state environmental quality program. In addition, measures of effectiveness, based on the multi-dimensional objectives, are proposed as relevant measures of program effectiveness.
In "The Principles of Prevention and the Development of the Prevention Triangle Model for the Evaluation of Terrorism Prevention," we propose the theoretical and practical development of the Prevention Triangle, a graphical model designed to define a system for evaluating national, state, and local terrorism prevention mandates and programs. Based upon objectives detailed in the National Strategy for Homeland Security, and derived through an analysis of selected prevention theories and programs - primarily those aimed at crime prevention - this study first seeks a theoretical basis for the prevention of terrorism in the form of four principles before deriving and defining representative evaluative criteria for designing and measuring the efficacy of prevention programs.
The author emphasizes the need for more precise formulation of goals for mental health treatment programs. He describes the Veterans Administration's five-year effort at goal formulation using ideas borrowed from operations research and education. With goals from various VA programs as examples, he illustrates how goal statements can be written with more specificity. He also describes how matching rating-scale items can be developed to measure the degree to which each goal is being met.
A nationwide evaluation of 49 Veterans Administration drug dependence treatment programs was conducted using a sample of 1,655 patients. Their status with reference to seven treatment goals was assessed at admission and again 11 months later to determine change. The following changes were observed: a large decrease in heroin use; a small increase in the use of alcohol; moderate decline of involvement in the drug culture; moderate increase in psychological well-being; and small increase in economic independence. No statistically significant changes were observed in frequency of arrests, in establishment of stable living arrangements, in drug related medical problems, or in the ability to relate to other people. Implications of the findings for further research and program modification are discussed.
This article summarizes the results of a critical review of several cost-benefit analyses (CBA) of health care programs. With pertinent examples, it is demonstrated that the results and conclusions of a study depend upon the assumptions and methods underlying the measurement of costs and benefits in a CBA. Given the incentives for an analyst to comply with desires of his sponsor, and given the scope of the choice available to an analyst among alternative assumptions and methods, it seems quite possible that desired results often dictate the assumptions and methods chosen. It is recommended that a policy maker should suspect an advocacy in the results and conclusions of every CBA. If CBAs are to be a true decision aid, a policy maker ought to obtain several of them, each of which assesses the costs and benefits of a given action plan using assumptions and methods substantially different from the other.
This paper takes a look at recreational planning from the point of view of a formal planning system. In particular, the development of a decision support system for recreational planning is discussed. One of the outputs of this system is the familiar recreation plan and its associated processes. In addition, such a system allows the recreation plan to deal with some important issues on a timely basis as well as establishing a strong working relationship with local agencies.
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