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Could climate change capitalism?



Economist Nicholas Stern's latest book is a rare and masterly synthesis of climate-change science and economics. His 'global deal' could change capitalism for the better, says Robert Costanza.
When economist Nicholas
Stern released his 700-page
review of the econom-
ics of climate change for
the UK government in
2006, it fundamentally
reoriented discussions of the subject. The
review opened the way for a broader, more
realistic and more relevant approach than
economists had provided until then.
In his new book, A Blueprint for a Safer Planet,
Stern takes things further and lays out a road-
map for managing the climate crisis. He devotes
much of the book to describing basic charac-
teristics of the climate problem, including our
current scientific understanding of the Earth
system and humanity’s role within it, the dangers
posed to human societies by climate disruption,
and the inherent uncertainties of climate change
and how we can best deal with them. He raises
thorny but unavoidable ethical issues, such as
how we should weigh up the possible costs and
benefits of climate change now and in the future
— known as discounting. He explains what poli-
cies we should adopt to reduce greenhouse-gas
emissions and what we can learn from current
good practice in reducing them.
Although much of this material is well
known, Stern presents an up-to-date, logically
argued synthesis, using a style that makes his
book more intelligible than many others on
the topic. For example, he masterfully explains
the advantages and disadvantages of two of the
main mechanisms proposed for limiting emis-
sions. One is a carbon tax that would charge
polluters b ased on the emiss ions they produce.
The other is ‘cap, auction and trade, in which a
global emissions limit, or cap, is internation-
ally agreed, permits to emit are auctioned, and
holders then buy and sell the permits.
Stern clearly describes the trade-offs between
the price certainty of a tax and the quantity cer-
tainty of a cap system, emphasizing that “we
cannot have both price and quantity certainty
in an uncertain world”. He also points out some
less obvious characteristics of each option, such
as how caps “allow international private-sector
flows of carbon finance from rich to poor coun-
tries”, and how they might deal better with the
oligarchic, price-manipulating nature of the
oil and gas industry than a tax would. He con-
cludes that a mix of policies will be necessary,
but that a clear understanding of the inherent
trade-offs is needed to optimize this mix.
Sterns treatment of the issue of discounting
the future is also exemplary.  e main criti-
cism of the Stern Review on the Economics of
Climate Change came from a few economists
who disagreed with the low discount rates it
used to handle this issue. Discounting is about
how much weight we should give to costs and
benefits that occur in the future, relative to the
present. The high discount rates of around
3–6% used by some economists may be useful
for comparing small-scale public investments,
such as bridges or roads, but are totally inap-
propriate for issues such as climate change. At
6%, any impacts that might occur more than
50 years in the future are negligible. Stern clearly
Supercontinent: Ten Billion Years in
the Life of Our Planet
by Ted Nield (Harvard Univ. Press, $18.95)
Geologist Ted Nield gives a thorough account of
Earth, from long before Pangaea to far into the future.
“To handle it without oversimplification or getting
lost in a maze of detail is no small accomplishment,
wrote David Oldroyd in his review of the hardback
edition (Nature 449, 540; 2007).
Earth Under Fire: How Global Warming is
Changing the World
by Gary Braasch (Univ. California Press, £14.95)
Award-winning photojournalist Gary Braasch
supplies breathtaking imagery of the effects of
climate change. He includes personal accounts
from eyewitnesses and researchers, together with
the best evidence available, to give a refreshing
and intelligent take on this well-covered field.
Could climate change capitalism?
A Blueprint for a Safer Planet: How to
Manage Climate Change and Create a New
Era of Progress and Prosperity
by Nicholas Stern
Bodley Head: 2009. 256 pp. £16.99
Economist Nicholas Stern’s latest book is a rare and masterly synthesis of climate-change science and
economics. His ‘global deal’ could change capitalism for the better, says Robert Costanza.
Vol 458|30 April 2009
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© 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
American Prometheus: TheTriumph and
Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer
by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin
(Atlantic Books, £9.99)
This impressively researched and well-written
book explores the life of nuclear physicist J. Robert
Oppenheimer, covering the different sides of his
personality and his rise and fall in society. Bird and
Sherwin provide a thorough exploration of the
science and politics of the nuclear age.
Floods, Famines and Emperors: El Niño and the
Fate of Civilizations (Tenth Anniversary Edition)
by Brian Fagan (Basic Books, $17.95)
First published in 1999, Brian Fagan’s book charts the
discovery of El Niño — the Pacific ocean-atmosphere
oscillation underlying freak weather events —
and shows how climate change affected ancient
civilizations. In describing how they coped, or not,
Fagan highlights the problems we face in dealing with
climate change today.
describes the ethical basis for discounting,
and puts to rest criticisms of the low discount
rates used in the Stern Review.
The essence of Blueprint for a Safer Planet,
however, is the chapter in which Stern outlines
the structure of a proposed global climate
deal. He bases his argument on three guiding
principles: effectiveness, efficiency and equity.
His suggestions are complex and interrelated,
and he emphasizes that they are an integrated
package, not a menu from which selections can
be made. Stern also stresses that no deal will
work without true international collaboration.
His proposal focuses on six elements: targets
for emissions from rich countries and world
emissions; targets for developing countries;
an effective international emissions-trading
regime; combating deforestation; technological
advances to reduce emissions; and overseas
assistance to help developing countries adapt
to climate change.
Stern proposes global targets
for cutting emissions by half by
2050, relative to 1990 levels, with
developed countries acting first
and more aggressively with cuts of
around 20–40% by 2020 and 80%
by 2050. Developed countries
would demonstrate the feasibility of ‘low-carbon
growth, share technologies with developing
countries and implement trading and financial
mechanisms. Based on the successful example
of these countries, developing countries would
commit to targets by 2020, reaching a target of
2 tonnes of carbon per capita by 2050.
Sterns global deal contains all the right
elements. We need targets, but as we learn
more we may discover that even bigger cuts
are required to avoid major climate impacts.
We will need enforceable caps coupled with a
rate of decline that can be adjusted over time.
We must also combat deforestation, effectively
spread new technologies and directly assist
developing countries with adaptation, but the
challenge is how to do all this in a coordinated,
focused and sustainable way.
Stern recognizes t hat this will be costly and
complicated to achieve in practice. As the
former chief economist of both the European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development
and the World Bank, he has long experience
of multilateral institutions and recognizes
that existing ones are not up to the task. Under
the current arrangements, there is no single
authority that is responsible for ensuring
compliance with climate commitments.
Similarly, there is no international funding
mechanism dedicated to climate change.
Although Stern is hesitant to recommend
new institutions, which are costly to set up
and run, he has learned from experience that
coherence within climate-change activities
is of great importance and without a clear
primary responsibility in one place it would be
very elusive”, noting that “priority would slip
relative to other shorter-term issues in … other
organizations. The design of this new global
institution is not addressed, however.
One institutional design that might meet all of
Sterns criteria, as well as alleviate
poverty, is the ‘Atmospheric
Trust’ prop osed by Pet er Barnes
and others (P. Barnes et al. Science
319, 724; 2008). Such a trust
would use a cap, auction and trade
system, reducing the cap over
time to stabilize greenhouse-gas
concentrations at the desired target. A fraction
of the revenues would be returned as ‘dividends’
on a per-capita basis to everyone on Earth. This
would directly address poverty issues. The rest
would be invested in protecting and enhancing
the atmospheric asset — as proposed in Sterns
global deal — using initiatives such as payments
for the carbon-sequestration services of forests
to combat deforestation, investment in open-
access renewable-energy technology to reduce
emissions and direct assistance to developing
countries for adaptation to climate change.
One fundamental shortcoming of the
book, however, is its uncritical acceptance of
economic growth as the only path to future
prosperity. Stern acknowledges that any
fu ture g rowth mus t be ‘low c arb on’, bu t fa ils to
recognize that conventional economic growth
is merely a means to the goal of sustainable
human well-being. Economic growth is not
— and should not be — an end in itself.
There is evidence in developed countries that
economic growth beyond a certain point does
not improve well-being, owing to the hidden,
external costs of that growth, including climate
impacts. For example, an oil spill increases gross
domestic product (GDP) as someone must pay
to clean it up, yet it detracts from well-being.
Increased crime, sickness, war, pollution,
fires, storms and pestilence are all positive for
GDP because they increase economic activity.
We need to move beyond GDP as a measure
of well-being — something for which it was
never designed — and develop and use better
indicators of sustainable quality of life. Proposed
alternatives include the Genuine Progress
Indicator and Gross National Happiness, as
used in Bhutan in south Asia, but we need to
build a broad global consensus on alternative
measures to move forward.
Stern may not fully recognize that a global
deal for climate change has positive implications
for global capitalism. The deal will require a
new, more nuanced suite of property rights
and responsibilities that give adequate weight
to ‘the commons’ — public goods such as the
atmosphere that are open-access but need to
be assigned appropriate property rights so they
can be protected. We cannot, and should not,
assign private property rights to this inherently
common asset, but a global institution that
charged for greenhouse-gas emissions would
at least implicitly assign such common rights.
The key is to find the right balance between
private and common property while prote cting
the commons. Neither socialism, in which most
property is common, nor capitalism, in which
most is private, have dealt adequately with
open-access commons because they have failed
to get this balance right. The meltdown of these
economic sy stems presents the opportunity to
find a new balance that will help us lay the path
to sustainable prosperity.
Robert Costanza is director of the Gund Institute
for Ecological Economics at the University of
Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405, USA.
See Editorial, page 1077.
Listen to an interview with Nicholas Stern at
A global deal for
climate change
has positive
implications for
global capitalism.”
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© 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
... An index system for measuring the ecological well-being performance (EWP) as established and applied by introducing an input-output model (IOM) with a reference to the "End-Means" analysis framework. According to previous studies by Daly [45] and Costanza [46], the "End-Means" analysis framework was developed in order to define the relationship between ecological input and well-being output from a new point of view. The "End-Means" analysis framework places an emphasis on the process of transitioning from ultimate means to ultimate purposes. ...
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Finding solutions to the challenges posed by China’s urbanization is an urgent, pressing global concern. An effective approach for evaluating the ecological well-being performance (EWP) is a guideline for improvement. Most previous studies have focused on the evaluation of EWP efficiency without considering the effectiveness of the EWP, which may mislead the practice of improving the EWP. This paper proposed a bi-dimensional effectiveness and efficiency perspective evaluation of the EWP for pursuing sustainable development goals. The Ecological Consumption Index and the Human Development Index are selected to evaluate indicators for the EWP. The entropy method, line-weighted method, and four-quadrant evaluation framework are used to disclose EWP effectiveness. A Super SBM model and the DEA moving split-windows analysis method are applied to calculate the EWP efficiency. Data from 30 provinces in China for the period of 1997 to 2019 have been collected for empirical study to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The main findings of the case study are: (1) The ECI and HDI increased during the study period, while the annual average value of the EWP efficiency among 30 provinces in China has decreased with fluctuation; (2) provinces in southern China and Chongqing have a low level of ECI and demonstrate good performance in the HDI; and (3) most developed regions, such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong, have not presented the best EWPs. The results of this study can provide a basis for understanding the EWP in China so as to formulate targeted sustainable-development strategies.
... The fascination with smart towns, full of brilliant technological solutions, has started to evolve towards towns with good social capital, where economic growth rates are no longer essential, but the prime focus is given to a sense of happiness, satisfaction and acceptance (Boyd and Lovins, 2011). Increasingly, the terms 'soft town' and 'town of well-being' are used in the literature to describe towns that provide social egalitarianism and a good quality of life for all their inhabitants. ...
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Contemporary urban development is evolving towards towns with good social capital, where good living conditions are key. The article aims to define the directions of transformation of small towns in Poland following the political transformation (i.e. over the last 30 years), while also looking at how these transformations may affect the living conditions in these towns. The article uses theoretical, empirical and cartographic research methods, taking into account the evolution of the analysed areas. It looks into whether the analysed towns are compact, have diverse functions, sustainable public transport and adequate public green space. The collected data were used to calculate the growth of urbanised areas and to record changes in their spatial layout. Aspects important for the well-being of residents of small Polish towns were pointed out. A key prerequisite for the development of soft towns and towns of well-being is the creation of 15–30-minute towns, in which housing and multifunctional services are all accessible within walking distance or by public transport to all inhabitants. The results of the study allow the development opportunities and threats to be specified not only for small towns in Poland, but also for towns of a similar size in Eastern Europe with a converging historical context.
... As a result of deforestation, there was less absorption or adsorption of CO 2 , dusts, and viruses, which in turn increased the occurrence of human diseases, natural calamities, and extreme climates (Hazell et al. 2007) on the Earth. These inevitably further caused a shortage of food and energy (Costanza 2009;Hazell et al. 2007). ...
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When fossil fuels on the Earth are used up, which kind of green energy can be used to replace them? Do every bioenergy generation or crop food chain results in environmental pollution? These questions are major concerns in a world facing restricted supplies of energy and food as well as environmental pollutions. To alleviate these issues, option biogases are explored in this paper. Two types of biogas generators were used for modifying the traditional crop food chain [viz. from atmospheric CO(2) photosynthesis to crops, crop stem/husk biowastes (burnt in cropland or as home fuels), to livestock droppings (dumping away), pork and people foods, then to CO(2)], via turning the biowaste pollutants into green bioenergies. By analyzing the traditional food chain via observation method, the drawbacks of by-product biowastes were revealed. Also, the whole cycle chain was further analyzed to assess its "greenness," using experimental data and other information, such as the material balance (e.g., the absorbed CO(2), investment versus generated food, energy, and wastes). The data show that by using the two types of biogas generators, clean renewable bioenergy, crop food, and livestock meat could be continuously produced without creating any waste to the world. The modification chain largely reduced CO(2) greenhouse gas and had a low-cost investment. The raw materials for the gas generators were only the wastes of crop stems and livestock droppings. Thus, the recommended CO(2) bioenergy cycle chain via the modification also greatly solved the environmental biowaste pollutions in the world. The described two type biogases effectively addressed the issues on energy, food, and environmental pollution. The green renewable bioenergy from the food cycle chain may be one of suitable alternatives to fossil and tree fuels for agricultural countries.
The factors influencing climate in the Quaternary are not comparable to the present and are therefore not a key to climate development in the future. The solar radiation budget has significantly influenced the warming since AD 1850, but aerosols, greenhouse gases, anthropogenically induced albedo changes and much more will strongly shape the natural climate development in the future. Therefore, a prediction for the climate future based on past conditions remains hypothetical. For this reason, numerous research results are presented in the chapters on the ice age (Chap. 2), on the tropics (Chap. 3) and on the climate archives (Chap. 4), showing the possibilities and limitations of climate modelling in the future. At present, it is not possible to state what influence humans have had on climate development over the last millennia, centuries and decades. What is certain is that anthropogenic forcings are very diverse. New knowledge about the influence of individual parameters (aerosols, solar wind, clouds, etc.) on the terrestrial climate is constantly being gained. It is therefore not possible to quantify anthropogenic and natural climate forcings with sufficient precision to take concrete measures to influence the global climate (reduction of global warming to ≤2 °C since AD 1850), as called for by the World Climate Conference. The future will show whether the increase in CO2atm levels can be reduced (without further drastic measures) and thereby achieve the desired success. For the time being, humankind must prepare for further global warming, with all its “side effects” (sea-level rise, shifting and qualitative changes in climate and landscape zones, etc.).
Purpose China's increasing income inequality might cause a series of problems, such as the slowdown of economic growth, social and economic tension, the decline of the ecological environment quality and the threat to citizens' health. Consequently, income inequality will inevitably affect the ecological well-being performance (EWP) level of China's provinces through the above aspects. Analyzing the impact of income inequality on EWP and its spatial spillover effects are conducive to improving the level of EWP in China. Therefore, the research purpose of this paper is to use China's provincial data from 2001 to 2017 to analyze the impact of income inequality on EWP and the spatial spillover effect based on the evaluation of the EWP value of each province. Design/methodology/approach At first, this study utilizes the super efficiency slacks-based measure model (Super-SBM model) to calculate the EWP values of 30 provinces in China, which can evaluate and rank the effective decision units in the SBM model and make up for the defect that the effective decision units cannot be distinguished. Then this study applies the spatial Durbin model and Tobit regression model (SDM-Tobit model) to explore the impact of income inequality and other influencing factors on EWP and the spatial spillover effects in adjacent areas. Findings Firstly, the average EWP in China fluctuated slightly and showed a downward trend from 2001 to 2017. In addition, the EWP values of the provinces in the western region are usually weaker than those in the eastern and central regions. Moreover, income inequality is negatively correlated with EWP, and the EWP has a spatial spillover effect, which means the EWP level in a region is affected by EWP values in the adjacent regions. Furthermore, the industrial structure and urbanization level are both negatively related to EWP, while technology level, investment openness, trade openness and education level are positively related to EWP. Originality/value Compared with the existing research, the possible contribution of this research is that it takes income inequality as one of the important influencing factors of EWP and adopts the SDM-Tobit model to analyze the impact mechanism of income inequality on EWP from the perspective of time and space, providing new ideas for improving the EWP of various provinces in China.
A compilation of papers on Science & Society issues published between 2009 and 2017 in EMBO Reports and other journals. Contents: 1) Beyond us; 2) The candid approach; 3) Who needs a greener revolution?; 4) Food security: green revolution drawbacks; 5) The myth of sustainable development; 6) Sustainability, capitalism and evolution; 7) Research efficiency in relation to investment; 8) Time, evolution and physical reductionism; 9) Towards a scientific force: some insights and a manifesto; 10) Are we willing to build a better future?; 11) Science in Spain: a historical debt; 12) Conservation, human values and democracy; 13) The most important application of science; 14) The social utility of science; 15) Free science under threat; 16) The 'Anthropocene': neglects, misconceptions and possible futures; 17) The 'Anthropocene' uncovered.
This paper addresses the role of neoclassical methodologies in ecological economics and the contradictions these methodologies pose to the field's critical founding principles. We first consider Robert Costanza's treatment of Nicholas Stern's Global Deal and then survey climate change-related articles published in this journal over the past five years. This survey reveals how mainstream (neoclassical) methodologies dominate discourse, and do so by marginalizing more critical (political economy) analyses. This situation imperils the field's founding vision of a no-growth ‘steady state’; it also fails to address the (related) growth dynamics of capitalism. Without such a critical treatment, the field's formal embrace of ‘methodological pluralism’ actually entails an ideological empiricism that renders ecological economics theoretically incoherent. This situation undermines the field's historical promise as an alternative economic paradigm. Ecological economics now faces a problematic future. Its survival in a form faithful to its founding vision will require an explicit choice to address its internal contradictions, and reinvent itself in ways relevant to our contemporary context. Without such a choice, ecological economics will likely succumb to an implicit acceptance of the hegemony of mainstream economic methodologies and their pro-growth imperatives.
Politicians hope that technological innovation will mitigate the threat of climate change and expect that capitalism will most efficiently deliver the necessary technologies. Yet capitalism is not monolithic. The Varieties of Capitalism approach suggests that capitalist states fall within a spectrum between liberal market economies (LMEs) and coordinated market economies (CMEs). How do the relative styles of technological innovation in LMEs versus CMEs affect their ability to reduce carbon emissions? This article addresses this question by investigating the relative technological styles and strengths of LMEs and CMEs, and comparing them to the technological development needed to combat climate change. While technological change in CMEs tends to be more incremental, LMEs, with their greater orientation to competitive markets, are said to better support radical technological change. This article finds that the US's LME variety of capitalism hampers its ability to address climate change by comparison to CMEs such as Germany and Japan, and therefore suggests that the US's lack of leadership on climate change is as much a consequence of its variety of capitalism as an absence of political will.
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Stabilizing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere at a level that will fulfill the mandate of the UN Framework Concentration on Climate Change to avoid " dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system" will require drastic departures from business as usual. Here we introduce one attractive response to this challenge that may seem visionary or idealistic today but that could well become realistic once we reach a tipping point regarding climate change that opens a window of opportunity for embracing major changes. No silver bullet exists capable of solving the complex and interdependent problems of climate change, sustainability, and economic development. A consensus is emerging, however, that solving these problems will require major changes in existing governance arrangements to eliminate or at least alleviate what the 2006 Stern Review (1) calls the "greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen" - the failure of the market to send proper signals about the real costs of using the atmosphere as a repository for greenhouse gases. This case exhibits the defining features of market failures surrounding open-access resources (2-6). Because emitters allowed to use the atmospheric commons as a repository for the wastes associated with burning fossil fuels at no cost, they have every incentive to use as much of this free factor of production as