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Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
Moumita Sarkar, Toronto ON, Margaret Burnett, Winnipeg MB, Sarah Carrière, Ottawa ON, Lori Vitale
Cox, Elsipogtog NB, Colleen Ann Dell, Saskatoon SK, Holly Gammon, Winnipeg MB, Brian Geller,
Winnipeg MB, Lisa Graves, Montreal QC, Gideon Koren, Toronto ON, Lily Lee, Vancouver BC, Deana
Midmer, Toronto ON, Patricia Mousmanis, Richmond Hill ON, Nan Schuurmans, Edmonton AB, Vyta
Senikas, Ottawa ON, Danielle Soucy, Ottawa ON, Rebecca Wood, Winnipeg MB
woman’s alcohol use during pregnancy is
one of the top preventable causes of birth
defects and developmental disabilities that
are known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
(FASD). The social and economic burden of
FASD is substantial. Lifetime direct tangible costs
per individual related to health care, education and
social services in Canada have been estimated to
be $1.4 million.
Screening women of child-bearing age and
pregnant women and recording their alcohol
consumption is a practical process to identify and
evaluate women at-risk and to identify potentially
exposed infants.
The FASD Advisory Workgroup proposes
the following three levels of screenings which
should be done on consenting women:
Level I screening involves practice-based
approaches that can be used by health care
providers when talking to women about
alcohol use, such as motivational
interviewing and supportive dialogue.
Level II screening includes a number of
structured questionnaires that can be used
with direct questioning (TLFB) or indirect /
masked screening (AUDIT, BMAST /
Level III screening includes laboratory-based
tools that can be used to confirm the presence
of a drug, its level of exposure and determine
the presence of multiple drugs.
There are challenges and limitations in the use of
the screening and assessment tools outlined. For
example, the single question about alcohol use
and the various questionnaires rely on a woman to
provide details about her alcohol use. There is no
consensus on the appropriate screening to use
across Canada as each provincial / territorial
jurisdiction, health care organization and health
care provider uses a variety of formal and
informal screening tool. In addition, there are
inconsistent processes across Canada for the
recording of the alcohol use in a woman’s chart
and the transfer of the information to the infant
and the child’s health records.
The FASD Advisory Workgroup proposes
eleven recommendations to improve the screening
and recording processes for alcohol use in women
of child-bearing age and pregnant women.
General Recommendations
1. Recognizing the importance of the health care
provider as an effective resource for harm
reduction, it is essential that adequate
community resources be made available for
women who require interventions beyond
primary interaction.
2. That research on the effects of alcohol use be
expanded to ensure there is sufficient
comparative evidence showing the effectiveness
of screening tools with particular cultural
3. That a public education / awareness program
be initiated to inform women they should
expect to be asked about the frequency and
amount of alcohol use and ensure that this
information is transmitted to all health care
providers involved in their care.
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
Recommendations Relative to Screening for
Alcohol Use:
4. That health care providers use a standardized,
universal set of questions routinely during
regular health exams that will include at least
Level I screening.
5. That Level II be adopted as the standard
screening process to identify alcohol use in all
women of child-bearing age and pregnant
6. That health care providers be aware of the risk
factors that may inform their clinical
impression in combination with other
psychosocial assessment.
7. That health care providers access on-line
training tools for screening of FASD offered
by Best Start, Ontario’s maternal, newborn
and early child development resource centre
(, and other resources offered
by programs such as PRIMA
( and Motherisk
( Resources are also
available from Healthy Choices in Pregnancy
program in British Columbia (www.hcip-
and from the Canadian Centre for Substance
8. That health care providers use Level III
screening methods when there is discordance
between Level I and Level II screening results
(e.g. frequency, perception of risk), or when
there are doubts unresolved by Levels I and
Level II screening.
Recommendations Relative to Recording Alcohol
9. That the frequency and amount of alcohol use
be recorded in a woman’s chart on a routine
basis and not only in relation to pregnancy.
10. That the information relative to frequency and
amount of alcohol use be recorded in the
woman’s chart and that this information be
transferred to appropriate health care
providers and health records to ensure a
continuum of care.
11. That information relative to frequency and
amount of a woman’s alcohol use during
pregnancy be routinely recorded in her
newborn’s chart and in her child’s health
With this consensus report, the FASD Advisory
Workgroup aims to support health care
professionals in their role for the screening and
recording of alcohol use in all women of child-
bearing age and pregnant women. From this
document, health care providers will recognize the
importance of routinely asking women about
alcohol consumption, understand the need for and
effectiveness of using a screening tool to ask
women about alcohol use; recognize the
importance of recording information about a
woman’s alcohol consumption before, during and
after pregnancy; offer brief interventions to a
woman who is identified as drinking alcohol
during pregnancy or while planning a pregnancy;
and ensure appropriate documentation in a
newborn record and a child’s health record.
1. Introduction
Women’s use of alcohol is an important public
health and social issue in Canada. As alcohol use
during pregnancy is one of the leading
preventable causes of birth defects and
developmental delays in Canadian children. The
adverse effects of alcohol exposure during
pregnancy include fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS),
partial FAS, alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD)
and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorders
(ARND). These are diagnostic terms used to
describe conditions along this spectrum. Fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder is an umbrella term
used to describe all of the above related
Lemoine and colleagues first recognized a
variety of birth defects and developmental
disabilities in offspring born to alcoholic mothers
in 1968.1,2 The specific pattern of birth defects
associated with FAS consists of facial and
physical anomalies, impaired pre-natal or post-
natal growth (or both), and central nervous system
or neurobehavioral disorders. There is evidence
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
that alcohol acts through multiple mechanisms,
and a range of disabilities has been observed as a
result of damage during fetal development that
varies according to the timing, degree and pattern
of exposure.1
The diagnosis of FASD is complex. Because
it carries lifelong consequences, early recognition
of FASD can result in a better outcome for the
baby who receives a diagnosis. It is of utmost
importance to raise awareness of the impact of
alcohol use and to encourage the use of effective
screening tools and recording processes in order
to reduce the incidence of FASD.
In 1979, the Canadian Task Force on the
Periodic Health Examination found there was fair
justification for recommending the inclusion of
counselling to reduce the alcohol intake of
pregnant women in the periodic health
examination. This was based on evidence that
counselling proved effective in reducing the
amount of drinking in pregnant women and the
rate of morbidity in their offspring.3The evidence
compiled since 1979 supports this original
In order to provide prevention and
intervention programs and strategies to reduce the
incidence of FASD, maternal alcohol
consumption must be identified. Asking questions
about alcohol use during pregnancy is necessary
for gathering accurate and reliable information
that will initiate an appropriate intervention
program, as well as early diagnosis of babies
affected by prenatal alcohol exposure.
Health care professionals play a critical role
in screening women for alcohol use during
pregnancy. There is general agreement that
improvements in the use and implementation of
screening tools for alcohol use among women will
have a significant impact in decreasing the
incidence of FASD. However, there are currently
no standard screening approaches or tools
available in the clinical setting in Canada and
there are no processes in place to ensure
consistency in the recording of this information.
In a study that involved the collection of
information from Canadian health care
professionals, the majority of health care
professionals (93.6%) reported that they routinely
discussed current drinking patterns with pregnant
patients. However, only 62% reported using a
standardized screening tool.4Within the
framework of a project funded by the Public
Health Agency of Canada, the Society of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
established the FASD Advisory Workgroup in
June 2007. The purpose of this multi-stakeholder
group, that includes individuals with expertise in
FASD, is to analyze current screening tools and
available recording systems and to make
recommendations on the most appropriate
screening and recording process for
implementation in the clinical setting. This
initiative is an important component of the multi-
faceted approach implemented by the Public
Health Agency of Canada to decrease the
incidence of FASD.
The intent of this report is to provide an
overview of the tools and processes available for
the screening of alcohol use in women of child-
bearing age and pregnant women. The authors
provide practical tips and wording to use when
interacting with mothers or expecting women.
2. Scope of the Problem
Approximately 20% of women report that they
consume some alcohol during pregnancy.5A
Health Canada study reveals that women most
likely to miss being identified include those over
35 years of age, social drinkers, those who are
highly-educated, those with a history of sexual
and emotional abuse, and those of high
socioeconomic status.4
It is estimated that the prevalence of FASD is
9.1 per 1000 live births in the United States.1
Prevalence studies in some Aboriginal
communities in Canada indicate prevalence rates
as high as 190 per 1000 live births. It is generally
recognized that prevalence rates are higher in any
community where women of childbearing age
regularly consume alcohol.6
Data from the 2003 Canadian Perinatal
Health Report indicate that 14.6% of children
under the age of 2 years have mothers who
reported alcohol use during pregnancy.4Most
early research has focused on pregnant drinkers
with heavy alcohol use or dependence problems,
as it was thought that only heavy or binge
drinking could harm the developing fetus.7Sokol
et al originally defined risk drinking in pregnancy
as an average of two or more drinks daily.8
However, the definition of risk drinking has
changed over the years with recent research
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
suggesting adverse outcomes associated with
much lower levels of alcohol consumption.9
Children affected by prenatal alcohol
exposure may present with prenatal or postnatal
growth deficit but many can have normal growth.
Many have other physical features including
characteristic facial anomalies that are important
diagnostically. The most serious consequence of
prenatal exposure to alcohol has to do with the
effect of alcohol on the developing brain.
Children who are exposed are at risk for
significant learning, behavioural and cognitive
A study by Stade et al reports that the burden
of prenatal exposure to alcohol on children and
their families is profound. This study shows that
children and youth with FASD have significantly
lower health and quality of life outcomes than
children and youth from the general Canadian
population. Children with FASD struggle with
depression and anxiety; experience difficulties in
social interactions and relationships; and are often
seen as “bad children”.10
The economic burden of FASD is substantial.
Lifetime direct tangible costs per individual
related to health care, education and social
services in Canada have been estimated to be $1.4
million.11 Stade et al report the societal costs
associated with FASD include: direct costs (i.e.
medical, education, social services), out-of-pocket
costs, and indirect costs (i.e. productivity losses).
The total adjusted expenditure per child with
FASD is estimated to be $14,342 per year. The
severity of a child’s condition, the age of a child,
and geographical setting are important
determinants of costs. It is estimated that the cost
of FASD annually to Canada of those 1 to 21
years old is $344,208,000.12
3. The ScreeningProcess
Pregnant women should be informed that no safe
level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy
has been established. The Public Health Agency
of Canada recommends abstaining from alcohol
use during pregnancy. Women who have
consumed small amounts of alcohol before they
knew they were pregnant can be reassured that the
risk to their baby is small if they abstain from
further alcohol consumption, eat a balanced and
nutritional diet, and adopt a healthy lifestyle,
throughoutthe course of their pregnancy.
Some groups and health professionals still
maintain that there are safe guidelines for drinking
while pregnant, but the safety of mild drinking
cannot be proven.19 While a systematic review of
the effects of pre-natal exposure to low levels of
alcohol by Henderson et al13 indicated no
significant effects on physical development pre-
or post-natally, a meta-analytical review of the
research literature by Testa et al14 indicated
significant effects on mental development at age
12 months. Therefore, abstaining from alcohol use
is the only responsible approach for women who
are, or may become pregnant.
While the importance of the health care
provider as an effective information resource for
harm reduction is recognized, it is essential that
adequate community resources also be made
available for women who require interventions
beyond this primary interaction.
Screening for alcohol use in childbearing
women should be part of a comprehensive
psychosocial assessment. Psychosocial risk
factors for substance use may be part of many
Canadian women’s life experiences.
The ALPHA form (Antenatal Psychological
Health Assessment) is a validated ante-natal
psychosocial assessment form available at
The ALPHA form contains questions relating
to family factors (social support, recent stressful
life events, the relationship of the couple, etc.),
maternal factors (self-esteem, mood disorders,
relationship with parents, etc.), substance abuse
issues (including partner’s substance use, poly-
drug use, etc.), and family violence (childhood
Experience of family violence, childhood sexual
abuse, intimate partner violence, etc.). The form is
available as either a self-completing or provider-
completing version for each use. By asking a
woman about the totality of her psychosocial
health, a provider can better understand the issues
that may lead to alcohol use. Additionally, by
using a standardized psychosocial assessment
instrument, which includes a section on substance
use, the woman may feel less vulnerable
responding to personal questions.
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
3.1 Maternal Alcohol Screening
The Canadian guidelines for diagnosis of fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder recommends the
screening of all pregnant and post-partum women
for alcohol use.
What ? A process to identify and evaluate
alcohol use that might put the mother-
child well-being at risk.
Who ? Women who are pregnant or of child-
bearing age.
Why ? Improved maternal-child health
outcomes through:
Early identification and reduction of
problem maternal drinking
Recording of maternal alcohol history on
a newborn’s birth record and in a child’s
health record
Early identification of exposed infants
Earlier diagnosis of FASD.
Maternal alcohol screening and recording by
health care providers could lead to a reduction of
primary FASD disabilities as well as reduction of
secondary disabilities often related to FASD in the
absence of diagnosis and appropriate
“The earlier in pregnancy a woman can stop
drinking, the better the outcome; the younger the
age at which the affected child is identified, the
lower the frequency of secondary disabilities.”
Source: Helen Barr, Ann Streissguth. Identifying Maternal
Self-Reported Alcohol Use Associated with Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorders. Alcohol Clini Res. Vol 25, No. 2. 2001.
3.2 Benefits of Identification of Problem
MaternalAlcohol Consumption
Identification of women who would benefit
from information about Health Canada’s
recommendations regarding safe drinking
levels pre-pregnancy and abstinence during
Identification of pregnant women who could
benefit from information about FASD and the
possible effects of pre-natal alcohol exposure.
Identification of pregnant women or women
of child-bearing age who should be referred
for varying levels of drug and alcohol services
– assessment, counselling, detox or inpatient
Referral of women who’s drinking might be
related to depression, abuse or other mental
health issues to the appropriate mental health
4. Level I Screening - Practice-based Screening
Recent surveys of health professionals indicate
that some clinicians feel uncomfortable asking
about alcohol use.15,16 They may avoid the subject
of alcohol use entirely because they do not know
how to identify women who engage in at-risk
drinking without embarrassing or offending their
clients who are not consuming alcohol. Others
lack knowledge of the alcohol treatment and
counselling services that are available or reside in
areas that simply lack adequate services. Still
others may hesitate to screen because they are
pressed for time and screening for alcohol use
may seem to be beyond the scope of their practice.
Screening for alcohol use need not be
complicated, time consuming, or difficult. One or
two interview questions concerning alcohol use
have been shown to be an effective way to screen
women by identifying those who are drinking and
in need of education or intervention.17,18 Most
pregnant women appreciate their practitioner’s
concern for their health and the health of their
unborn baby. Women are especially open to
changing their lifestyle when they are pregnant if
they know that it will help their baby.
This offers practitioners an opportunity in
terms of motivating women to change at-risk
behaviours. Practitioners should inquire about a
woman’s alcohol consumption and provide
information about the effects of alcohol on the
unborn baby at the very first pre-natal visit or at a
preconception counselling visit.
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
Many women do not know that alcohol could
affect their unborn child. They may have been
told in the past by friends, relatives, or even other
health providers that drinking moderately during
pregnancy was acceptable. Many people are not
aware of recent research studies of large
population samples of pregnant women that prove
a dose-response effect of pre-natal alcohol
exposure. The children of mothers who drank at
low levels (less than one drink a day) were shown
to be at significant risk for problem behaviour.9
This does not mean that a woman who is drinking
at low levels will necessarily have a child with
behavioural problems, but it does mean that they
increase the probability of a problem.
There are several approaches that health care
providers can use when talking to women about
alcohol use during pregnancy. The initial inquiry
can be included as part of routine pre-natal
questioning regarding a healthy lifestyle during
pregnancy in terms of nutrition, exercise, and the
avoidance of environmental toxins such as
nicotine and second-hand smoke. Some
physicians choose to have women fill out written
questionnaires while they are waiting in the office.
Health providers may include one or more questions
regarding alcohol or they may embed standardized
alcohol screens in their questionnaires. For the
practitioner who chooses to use the single
question method, the following are questions
identified as being effective for establishing a
rapport and introducing a discussion about alcohol
“When was the last time you had a drink?”
“Do you ever enjoy a drink or two?”
“Do you sometimes drink beer, wine or other
alcoholic beverages?”
“Do you ever use alcohol?”
“In the past month or two have you ever enjoyed a
drink or two?”
If the woman indicates she does not consume
alcohol, then positive reinforcement of her
lifestyle choice is beneficial. Research shows that
it is helpful to provide brochures and other
information about a healthy lifestyle during
pregnancy that includes details about alcohol
abstinence and the effects of alcohol on the
fetus.19,20 Any written information should be
provided in a way that is linguistically and
culturally sensitive.
If a woman indicates that she does consume
alcohol, then a second stage of screening is
necessary. This can be done using standardized
screening questionnaires such as the T-ACE or
TWEAK. Practitioners can also use this opportunity
to help pregnant women who are using alcohol with
abrief intervention (BI) in the office.
Research has shown that BIs can be very
useful in helping pregnant women who drink
mild-to-moderate amounts of alcohol to reduce
their alcohol intake during pregnancy. BI’s are
cost effective and can be implemented in a variety
of clinical settings.
BI’s normally include four components:
1)assessment and direct feedback after assessment;
2)goal setting through establishing contracts;
3) positive reinforcement; and
4)education through pamphlets and hand-outs for
4.1 Motivational Interviewing
Motivational interviewing is a relational model
that is based on collaboration between the health
professional and the woman seeking care.
Research shows it to be especially effective in an
office setting when health providers are helping
women who are drinking when pregnant, but not
addicted to alcohol.22 Women who are alcohol
dependent can be more resistant to change and
should be referred to counsellors who can devote
the time it takes to establish a collaborative
4.2 Supportive Dialogue
A woman-centered approach has been found to be
effective in engaging a woman in the decision to
change behaviours. A non-judgmental approach is
especially helpful for women who drink heavily
and who may have other problematic substance
use issues. Engaging a woman in the decision-
making concerning her own care can increase her
will to change while minimizing resistance. Open-
ended questions allow the woman to expand on
her life circumstances. Practitioners might begin
by simply asking a woman what she has heard
about using alcohol during pregnancy. They can
use this as an opportunity to provide information
as well as to correct any misinformation.
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
This can be followed by questions such as:
“Can you tell me a bit about your drinking patterns
before you knew you were pregnant?”
“Have you been able to stop or cut down since
you found out?”
“Do you have any concerns about your drinking?”
The woman may have concerns about
drinking before she knew she was pregnant and it
is at this time that the practitioner can reassure her
that if she cuts down or stops, she can help her
baby. It is also at this time that the practitioner
can offer help on how to cut down or to stop
4.3 Interview Techniques for Effective
Engagement - “Do’s and Don’ts”
Due to concerns surrounding fear, guilt and
stigma, it is essential to utilize effective interview
techniques to engage women of childbearing age
in order to obtain an accurate alcohol use report.
These include empathetic listening, and non-
judgemental, non-confrontational questions that are
woman-centered. The following examples suggest
interview techniques for effective engagement.23
The following is an example of an introductory
statement that can be used in women of child-
bearing age:
“I want to ask you a series of
questions today about your
lifestyle. I ask all my patients
these questions because it helps
me to get a better understanding
of what your day-to-day life is like
(in terms of diet, exercise and
other lifestyle issues). It will help
me to know you, and that will help
me to provide better care.”
The following is an example of an introductory
statement for pregnant women:
“I ask all my patients these
questions because it is important
to their health and the health of
their babies.”
Unless otherwise reported, assume use of alcohol
by all women. Try to pose questions in the past
tense to avoid triggers associated with the stigma
of alcohol use during pregnancy.
“In a typical week, how many
occasions did you usually have
something to drink?”
Avoid questions such as:
“Do you drink often?”
“How much are you drinking?”
To encourage more accurate reporting, one can
suggest high levels of alcohol consumption:
“And on those days, would it be
something like 3 to 4 drinks or
about 8 to 10 drinks?”
It is important to avoid questions that require a
“yes” or “no” response. It is preferable to ask
open-ended questions to open a dialogue, such as:
“What do you know about the
effects of drinking in pregnancy?”
In cases of confirmed or suspected history of past
alcohol dependency / abuse, the following
questions are suggested17:
“Have you ever had a drinking
problem?” followed by
“When was your last drink?”
Avoid statements that increase guilt in women
who admit to continued alcohol use:
“You can have a healthier baby if
you stop drinking for the rest of
the pregnancy.”
Avoid statements such as:
“You may have already hurt
your baby.”
5. Level II Screening - Structured Questionnaires
5.1.1 Direct Questioning
5.1.2 Time Line Follow Back Tool (TLFB)
The timeline follow-back method (TLFB) is an
assessment interview developed to assist
individuals in their recollection of alcohol
consumption.24 As risky (high-volume / binge)
drinking can occur in the absence of any alcohol
problems, direct questions regarding the quantity
and frequency (QF) of alcohol intake in the TLFB
method aim to identify risky drinkers. This
interview can assist in identifying women who
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
would be otherwise missed by indirect questions
focusing on the consequences of heavy drinking.
The TLFB provides information on various
characteristics of a given patient’s drinking habits
– the average number of drinking days at higher
levels of alcohol consumption, the number of
abstinent days, the mean number of drinks per
drinking day, the maximum number of alcoholic
beverages consumed, and temporal patterns such
as weekend versus weekday drinking. From this
information, alcohol exposure can be examined,
based on the dose of daily exposure and the period
of fetal development during which the exposure
The TLFB is considered a useful and
accurate retrospective assessment of drinking and
has been shown to be both highly reliable and
valid when individually administered by an
interviewer over the telephone.26,27 Sacks et al also
reliably assessed substance use in psychiatric
populations using the TLFB method.28 Moreover,
this method is quite reliable when administered to
various patient groups cross-culturally and with
abuse of recreational drugs, other than alcohol.27
5.2 Indirect / Masked Screening
Direct questions about quantity and frequency
may pose challenges to the pregnant patient due to
the stigma associated with alcohol use. In order to
overcome issues of possible under-reporting and
denial of alcohol exposure in early pregnancy,
brief screening instruments that include masked
questions regarding alcohol intake were
developedand are outlined in this section.
5.2.1 The AUDIT Tool
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
(AUDIT) includes 10 questions that may be used
to obtain more qualitative information about a
patient’s alcohol consumption. Validated in 6
countries, the AUDIT is useful for identifying
hazardous and dependent drinking as it asks about
quantity and frequency of alcohol use, drinking
behaviour (i.e. binge drinking), and alcohol-
related problems or reactions. An important
limitation is the lack of a cut-off point indicating
harmful use. A score of 8 is associated with
problem drinking, while 13 or more is indicative
of alcohol dependence.
Relevant Research
The AUDIT tool was found to be somewhat
less sensitive to female alcohol abuse and
dependence than the TWEAK (sensitivity of
65% and specificity of 94% for alcohol
dependence and a very low sensitivity of 42%
and specificity of 97% for any type of alcohol
As a self-administered questionnaire completed
by a woman waiting for her appointment, the
AUDIT offers the advantage of obtaining
specific information regarding her alcohol
consumption and any presence of dependence
Compared to T-ACE, the AUDIT tool was
found to be slightly less sensitive to pre-natal
alcohol consumption in a sample of pregnant
Given that the AUDIT questionnaire has been
well-validated in the male population, Torres
and colleagues investigated its usefulness in
female patients to determine the test cut-off
point for the diagnosis of alcohol problems in
women. From the 414 women recruited, the
AUDIT tool was determined to be a
questionnaire with good psychometrics
properties and valid for detecting dependence
and risk alcohol consumption in women.32
5.2.2 The BMAST Tool / SMAST Tool
The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test
(MAST) is a long questionnaire of 25 questions
about drinking behaviour and alcohol-related
problems that was originally developed for use
with men. There are several variations of MAST,
including modified versions such as brief MAST
(BMAST) and short MAST (SMAST). The main
disadvantage of these tests is their focus on the
lifetime use of alcohol rather than recent use
which subsequently limits their ability to detect
problem drinking at an early stage.
Scoring: <3 points (non-alcoholic); 4
points (suggestive of problem
drinking); 5 or more points
(indicates alcohol dependence).
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
Relevant Research
The BMAST was shown to be relatively less
sensitive in detecting alcohol problems in
female drinkers compared to men using a cut-
off point of 6, in the non-Caucasian American
Both CAGE and the brief MAST
questionnaires performed effectively in
screening for significant alcohol problems in a
high-risk sample composed of relatives of
alcoholic subjects and also in a community
sample consisting of families not selected for
alcohol dependence disorder.34
As serious mental illnesses are frequently
diagnosed along with alcohol dependence
(“dual diagnosis”), it is important for
clinicians to be able to recognize the presence
of alcohol dependence in people with mental
illnesses. Breakey et al utilized the CAGE and
the SMAST, and a clinical DSM-III-R
diagnosis of alcohol use disorder and found
that both had good sensitivity. The addition
of either screener enhanced the clinicians’
ability to detect alcohol use disorders.35
The T-ACE, the AUDIT and the SMAST
tools were completed by 350 women initiating
pre-natal care at a Boston hospital to compare
their accuracy with clinical predictors in the
identification of prenatal alcohol use. The T-
ACE, the AUDIT and clinical predictors alone
correctly identified 65 to 70% of current
drinkers, whereas the SMAST alone
performed only slightly better than chance.
The predictive ability of the T-ACE was
further improved with the addition of clinical
The standardized evaluation of alcoholism
and other psychopathologies in (non-
pregnant) minority populations, particularly
American Indians, has long been questioned.
This study investigated the validity of
SMAST in two distinct American Indian
tribal groups from large community
representative samples of 456 South Western
and 214 Plains Indians. The SMAST cut-off
score of greater than or equal to 3 had a
sensitivity of 86% to 95%, but had lower
specificity (23%-47%). Authors concluded
that the SMAST is not a valid tool for the
screening of alcohol use in these two tribal
populations due to the highly elevated and
different thresholds required from one
population to the next.37
5.2.3 The CAGE Tool
One of the oldest brief screening instruments, the
CAGE (Cut-down, Annoy, Guilty, Eye-Opener)
questionnaire has been widely used in a range of
cultures worldwide and is popular for screening in
the primary care setting.38 This 4-item screening
instrument is designed to identify and assess
potential alcohol abuse and dependence.
However, it primarily focuses on the
consequences of drinking rather than the quantity
or frequency of alcohol use, levels of
consumption, or episodes of binge drinking - all
factors that help identify patients in the early
stages of problem drinking. An affirmative
response to 2 or more questions is an indication
that a more thorough assessment is warranted.
Relevant Research
The mode of administration for the CAGE
tool (as a self-report, or as part of a clinical /
medical interview) was not shown to have an
influence on accuracy of the outcome.39
Two large studies of disadvantaged, minority,
obstetric patients reported that the calculated
sensitivity and specificity of the T-ACE and
TWEAK were superior to the CAGE in
identifying risk drinking (defined as 1 ounce
or more of alcohol consumption per day).40
The CAGE tool shows less sensitivity for
assessing dependence or harmful drinking in
non-Caucasian women.33
Due to its lack of ability in distinguishing
between heavy and non-heavy drinkers in the
general population, clinical use of the CAGE
tool is recommended among individuals
previously identified as alcohol users rather
than screening individuals in the general
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
The CAGE tool outperformed both the
BMAST and the AUDIT in predicting
lifetime alcohol dependence (highest
sensitivity at 84%; specificity at 90%) in
trauma center populations. It should be used
in combination with alcohol testing to
identify patients at risk of alcohol use
5.2.4 The CRAFFT Tool
Researchers at the Children's Hospital in Boston
refined a brief questionnaire, called CRAFFT
(Car, Relax, Alcohol, Forget, Friends, Trouble)
that primary care physicians can use to screen for
alcohol or substance abuse problems in
adolescents. By drawing on situations that are
more suitable to this age group,the purpose of this
tool is to identify which teens require more time
for comprehensive evaluation such as a diagnostic
interview. This test can be administered by any
health care professional who can maintain
confidentiality and can refer the teen to
appropriate resources. A score of two or more
positive items usually indicates the need for
further assessment. The CRAFFT screening tool
is included in a policy statement issued by the
American Academy of Paediatrics, and has been
part of a national case-based training curriculum
in some paediatric residency programs.
Relevant Research
To validate the CRAFFT instrument, project
investigators interviewed and screened 538
adolescents at a Boston outpatient adolescent
clinic and compared their CRAFFT scores
with scores on 2 longer questionnaires that
previously had been shown to reliably identify
adolescents with substance abuse problems or
diagnoses. Findings: A score of 2 or more
proved to be the optimal cut-off for
identifying adolescents with alcohol or drug
problems(sensitivity at 0.76; specificity at
0.94), while a score of 4 or higher indicated
that the adolescent may be dependent on
drugs or alcohol (sensitivity at 0.92;
specificity at 0.80). The investigators
concluded that the CRAFFT screening tool
offers primary care providers a valid and
practical means of quickly identifying
adolescent patients who need more
comprehensive assessment or referral to
substance abuse treatment.43
A second study by the same authors compared
the validity of the CRAFFT questionnaire, the
AUDIT tool, the Problem Oriented Screening
Instrument for Teenagers substance use/abuse
scale (POSIT), and the CAGE tool among
adolescents from a hospital-based adolescent
clinic. Findings: Sensitivities (95%
confidence intervals) were AUDIT 0.88 (0.83-
0.93), POSIT 0.84 (0.79-0.90), CAGE 0.37
(0.29-0.44), and CRAFFT 0.92 (0.88-0.96);
specificities were AUDIT 0.81 (0.77-0.85),
POSIT 0.89 (0.86-0.92), CAGE 0.96 (0.94-
0.98), and CRAFFT 0.64 (0.59-0.69).
Authors concluded the AUDIT, POSIT, and
CRAFFT have acceptable sensitivity for
identifying alcohol problems or disorders in
this age group but the CAGE is not
recommended for use among adolescents.44
5.2.5 The T-ACE Tool
As the first validated screening questionnaire for
risk drinking developed for pregnant women, the
T-ACE (Tolerance, Annoyed, Cut down, Eye-
Opener) has been established as a highly effective
screening tool, and is regularly used by
practitioners as part of routine care.45 Any woman
who answers “more than two drinks” on the
tolerance question, “how many drinks does it take
to make you feel high?” is scored 2 points. Each
“yes” to the additional 3 questions scores 1. A
score of 2 or more out of 5 indicates risk of a
drinking problem, and the woman should be
referred for further assessment.
Relevant Research
The first study looked at a population of
African-American inner-city women and
found T-ACE (76% sensitivity and 79%
specificity) to be superior to both MAST
(76% sensitivity and 76% specificity) and
CAGE (59% sensitivity and 82% specificity)
in identifying pre-natal risk drinking.45
Chang et al subsequently tested the T-ACE as
a self-administered, independent screening
tool embedded in a health-habits survey with
questions about smoking, stress, weight, and
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
dietary habits. This was tested in a more
socially and ethnically diverse obstetric
population initiating pre-natal care at the
Women's Hospital in Boston.46 They
compared the sensitivity and specificity of
the T-ACE with the sensitivity and
specificity of three other popular methods of
screening for alcohol use in other clinical
settings, including the AUDIT47 and the
SMAST48, and a review of the patient’s
medical record. Researchers gave each
participant the AUDIT and SMAST
independently as well as reviewed the
participant’s medical record. T-ACE was
found to be more accurate than AUDIT in
detecting current risk drinking behaviour, as
well as a past history of alcoholism.46
The T-ACE was more effective in identifying
at-risk women for pre-natal alcohol use than
medical records.49
The T-ACE demonstrates acceptability and
accuracy in identifying a range of alcohol-use
levels in diverse obstetric populations.
The “hold” version of the tolerance question
was examined by Russell et al who gave it a
positive scoring when women reported being
able to consume more than 5 drinks without
passing out. The T-ACE performed even
better with increased sensitivity (91%) and
specificity (81%). More recent studies using
a cut-off point of ≥2 for T-ACE very clearly
distinguished the women at risk of pre-natal
alcohol use from those who are not (88%
sensitivity and 79% specificity).50
5.2.6 The TWEAK Tool (Tolerance, Worry,
Eye-opener, Amnesia, Cut down)
TWEAK (Tolerance, Worry, Eye-opener,
Amnesia, Cut down) is a 5-item screening tool
that combines questions from other tests including
MAST, CAGE, and T-ACE, which were found to
be effective in identifying at-risk drinkers.51 These
questions address tolerance, feeling the need to
cut down on drinking, and having close friends or
relatives worry or complain aboutthe drinking.52
On the tolerance question, 2 points are given if a
woman reports that she can consume more than 5
drinks without falling asleep or passing out (“hold
version”) or reports that she needs 3 or more
drinks to feel the effect of alcohol (“high
version”). A positive response to the worry
question yields 2 points and positive responses to
the last 3 questions yield 1 point each. Scored on a
7-point scale, a woman who has a total score of 2
or more points is likely to be an at-risk drinker.
Relevant Research
The TWEAK was first tested in three male
and female samples randomly selected from
three groups: 1) alcoholics in treatment at a
county medical center; 2) patients at two
primary health care centers; and 3) the general
population of the Buffalo, New York,
metropolitan area.53 Subsequent evaluation of
the TWEAK has revealed its promise as a
screening tool for identifying pregnant women
who are at-risk drinkers, defined as those
consuming 1 ounce of alcohol or more
In a study of 4,743 African-American women
of low socioeconomic status who were also
given the MAST, the CAGE, and the T-ACE
tolerance question, the calculated sensitivity
and specificity of the TWEAK were 79% and
83%, respectively, in contrast to the
calculated 70% sensitivity and 85%
specificity of the T-ACE.50
The utility of items included in the TWEAK
was demonstrated in studies of obstetric and
gynecologic outpatients, the general
household population, hospital in-patients and
in emergency room settings. Chang et al
assessed the efficacy of TWEAK to identify
alcohol use in pregnant patients.30 They found
that TWEAK performed similar to T-ACE in
detecting a range of drinking patterns from
moderate to high-risk drinking, but performed
better than T-ACE in predicting lifetime
ethanol diagnosis and risk drinking. It is well-
documented that the TWEAK questionnaire
has an approximately 90% sensitivity and
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
78% specificity to detect women who are
problem drinkers and is therefore considered
to be more appropriate for use during
Subsequent research suggests that TWEAK is
well-established as a sensitive instrument for
detecting alcohol problems not only among
pregnant women, but in the general
population as well using different cut-off
It is important to note that many of the studies
investigating the TWEAK’s performance have
relied on the older definition of risk drinking ( ≥1
ounce alcohol daily) rather than the current
definition (≥0.5 ounce alcohol daily).
Nonetheless, it offers another option for
The TWEAK screening tool is recommended for
use with pregnant women by:
Institut national de santé publique du Québec
(April & Bourret, 2004).
Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission
(AADAC) (Watkins, 2004).
United States National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism (Allen, 2003).
TABLE 1 Structured Questionnaires (Indirect / Masked Screening)
Tool Advantages Limitations Validation
AUDIT • 10 item questions
(2 minutes)
• Easy to administer
• Detects problem drinking;
dependence / abuse
• Validated for cross-cultural
applicability and ability to
identify people who have
problems with alcohol but
who may not be dependent
Shown to be especially
useful when screening
women, minorities and
• Not well examined in prenatal
• Less sensitive to female alcohol
abuse and dependence than the
• Definition of a positive score
on the AUDIT for drinking
pregnant women remains to be
• Developed for use in men and
therefore less effective in
identifying drinking problems
among women
• Fails to distinguish between
problem drinking and
Validated for
use in women
BMAST • 10 item questions
(2 minutes)
Detects harmful use of
• Focuses on lifetime rather than
current drinking47 Validated for
use in women
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
Tool Advantages Limitations Validation
CAGE • Routinely incorporated into
clinical assessments as it is
short and very easily
administered (takes ≤1
• Validated for use in general
population (primary
setting), minority ethnic
groups, and adolescents
• Detects alcohol dependence
/ abuse
• Has been proven effective
for detecting a range of
alcohol problems
• No cut-off point to differentiate
dependence and abuse
• Focuses on lifetime rather than
current drinking 47
• Developed for use in men and
therefore less effective in
identifying drinking problems
among women
Validated in
women of
CRAFFT • Validated as the most
sensitive tool for detecting
a range of alcohol problems
among adolescents
• Limited research conducted
specifically in pregnancy Validated for
use in
T-ACE • Instrument developed
specifically for use with
pregnant women
• Questions are easy to
remember and score and
can be asked by an
obstetrician or a nurse (1
• Emerging research suggests
TWEAK outperforms the T-
• Validity of the tool varies
across different ethnic
Validated for
use in
TWEAK • Instrument developed
specifically for use with
pregnant women
• Short and very easily
administered (takes ≤1
• Optimal tool for racially
diverse groups, superior in
sensitivity compared to
other tools as it has been
extensively validated in
different obstetric
• Emerging research suggests
TWEAK outperforms the
• Validity of the tool varies
across different ethnic
Validated for
use in
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
TABLE 2 Summary of Provincial Prenatal Records in Canada
Maternal Alcohol Use Screening Questions
Summary of Drinking Patterns
Drinking Patterns
“Amount” X X X X X
“Frequency” X
# drinks/day X X X X X X X
# drinks/wk X
Max # per
Quit Date X X X X
T-ACE Score X X X X X
TABLE 3 Use of Tools in the International Environment
Countries General Population Screening Special Population Screening
United Kingdom CAGE
Australia CAGE followed by
Australians AUDIT
United States CAGE
in combination with TLFB and QF
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
5.3 Summary: An Overview of Findings
The T-ACE and TWEAK tools were
developed specifically to identify at-risk
drinking in pregnant women. Common to
both, the tolerance question appears to be
most sensitive for indicating problem drinking
in women as it places less emphasis on issues
of guilt related to drinking. There are two
different versions of the tolerance question,
with one focusing on the number of drinks to
feel “high”: “How many drinks does it take to
make you feel the first effect of alcohol?”
while the second focuses on the number of
drinks one can “hold”:
The high question works well for
women who often have 3 or 4
drinks at most but never to the point
of passing out. On the other hand,
the hold question detects binge
drinking patterns where large
amounts of alcohol are consumed.
Overall, the TWEAK questionnaire appears to
be superior for identifying heavy drinking
patterns, alcohol dependence or abuse across a
range of socio-economically and ethnically
diverse populations.A cut-off point of 2 or
more was found to have optimal sensitivity
and specificity for detecting alcohol problems
in women with sensitivities ranging from
89%-91% and specificity ranging from 77%-
However, since both of these tools fail to
provide a picture of the woman’s pattern of
consumption, a positive screen may be
supplemented by the TLFB tool which
includes quantity-frequency questions.
5.4 Knowledge Gaps and Challenges of
Structured Questionnaires
There is no consensus on the appropriate
questionnaire to use across Canada as each
provincial / territorial jurisdiction, health care
organization and health care provider uses a
variety of formal and informal screening
questionnaires. It is interesting to note that
only 6 of the 11 provinces have a screening
tool; however, some provinces use tools that
do not ask specific questions in the screening
There are inconsistent recording processes
across Canada. The information collected in
the clinical setting by the health care
professional is not consistently noted in all
records of the women and not necessarily
connected to the records of the child.
Health care professionals are not trained in
motivational interviewing techniques.
Motivational interviewing is a scientifically
tested method of counselling people in the
treatment of lifestyle problems and motivates
them to change their behaviour without
evoking resistance.
Health care professionals may not be
motivated to screen for alcohol use if there are
no facilities or programs available to refer the
woman for intervention and / or counselling
on alcohol use.
6. Level III Screening - Laboratory-based
Screening Tools
6.1 Biological Markers
Unlike brief questionnaires, biochemical markers
address concerns of many researchers who feel
that self-reporting underestimates alcohol
consumption. In the pregnant patient, current
alcohol use can be detected by urine toxicology,
blood, saliva or breath, to follow-up a positive
interview screen. Gamma-glutamyl transferase
(GGT) and carbohydrate-deficient trans-ferin
(CDT) have been used as biochemical measures
of detecting long-term heavy drinking.56,57,58 they
are not specific. Among the benefits of toxicology
tests is that they confirm the presence of a drug
and determine the use of multiple drugs. The
disadvantages include the high costs associated
with lab analysis.
There are limitations to lab testing - alcohol,
which is the most widely used substance and has
the greatest impact on the fetus, is hard to detect
due to its short time in the blood streams so
negative results do not rule out alcohol / substance
use; a positive test fails to reveal information
regarding pattern of drug use; urine toxicology is
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
also limited by the short window of appearance.
Fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) are metabolic
products that result from the interaction between
alcohol and fatty acids. FAEEs can be detected in
blood, hair, placenta, cord blood, and meconium
(i.e. first stool of newborns).
Over the last few years, a revolutionary test
using adult hair has been developed and validated
to measure FAEEs. The test can accurately
separate chronic alcohol abuse from moderate and
non-drinking status. Six centimetres of hair are
needed, representing 6 months of growth of hair
(hence, the recent 6 months in the life of the
The following are the cut-offs for the test:
FAEE levels above 1 ng/mg are 100%
specific for regular, excessive alcohol
consumption. At this level 25% of chronic
alcohol abusers will test below (i.e. 75%
FAEE levels between 0.5-0,99 ng/ml are 90%
specific for regular, excessive alcohol
consumption. At this level 10% of chronic
alcohol abusers will be missed, and 10% of
moderate drinkers will show results in this
FAEE levels below 0.49ng/mg indicate no
evidence of excessive alcohol consumption
(up to 2 drinks per day).
FAEE levels between 0.2-0.4ng/mg mean no
evidence of alcohol consumption.59
6.2 Knowledge Gaps and Challenges of
Laboratory-based Screening Tools
Traditional methods of measuring alcohol in
blood or through breath test reflect only
drinking in the last few hours, and hence do
not assist in defining problem drinking.
There are limitations of laboratory testing as
negative results do not rule out alcohol use.
The hair test overcomes this shortcoming, as a
level above 0.5 ng/mg would not miss
excessive drinkers, and levels below 0.49
ng/mg indicate no evidence of excessive
alcohol drinking. These characteristics make
the test very relevant in the context of
drinking patterns associated with FASD.
While positive test results provide separation
between excessive alcohol consumption and
milder intake, information regarding pattern
of alcohol use (e.g. binge vs. chronic
continuous use) is not revealed.
Laboratory tests of liver function usually only
identify those patients with long-term use in
whom secondary symptoms have occurred,
e.g. liver function tests.
Urine toxicology has no value in identifying
teratogenic effects that occur early in
The hair test has been found to accurately
separate chronic alcohol abuse from
moderate-non drinkers and is likely to become
gold standard of corroborating alcohol use.
Ethical considerations: as with any other test,
respect to the autonomy of the woman, to her
rights for confidentiality and for refusal, must
be strictly adhered to.
7. Challenges of Implementation of Screening
and Assessment Tools
The task of identifying and managing health
issues in a pregnant woman who uses alcohol
during pregnancy can be difficult. Universal
screening would mean that all child-bearing
women will be asked about the amount of alcohol
they consume. A positive response to the
screening question(s) should be followed by
further in-depth assessment.
7.1 Level 1: Screening with Interviewing
Asking a woman a single question about alcohol
use is the first step in the screening process. A
woman may admit to drinking on occasion or
deny any use of alcohol. Any denial of use should
be sieved through the provider’s impressions of
the woman, ascertained by a non-judgmental
observation of her body language, general
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
deportment, and eye contact, as well as through
past interactions with her. Asking about alcohol
use at other times during the pregnancy would be
7.2 Level II: Screening/Assessment with
Standardized Questionnaires
The least challenging (Level II) screening strategy
would be the use of open-ended interviewing
techniques (the Timeline Follow Back Method
and Quantity-Frequency Tool), wherein the
provider asks the woman to provide details about
her recent consumption of alcohol. If the provider
is respectful and non-judgemental, a woman will
often respond positively. However, women may
not accurately recall the amount or frequency of
their alcohol consumption. Women may also
underestimate, minimize or deny their alcohol
intake. The provider must also clarify the amount
of alcohol in a standard drink and ask for details
on amounts consumed (e.g., a bottle of wine can
vary in size). Consequently, a screening interview
may not elicit an accurate record of alcohol
consumption and medical records may not be
Standardized questionnaires (AUDIT,
are sometimes used as screening tools and can
also be used for further in-depth assessment of
alcohol consumption. However, the questionnaires
have limitations because they do not perform
equally well in heterogeneous populations. They
do provide a structured way to elicit alcohol
consumption, yet require that providers know
their individual components and also know the
scoring system.
Some providers include a questionnaire for
completion by the woman in the waiting room.
There are difficulties with this approach; for
example, if the woman is not literate, speaks
English as a second language, is accompanied by
her spouse, or is lacking privacy. The responses
on these “pen and paper” versions need to be
reviewed carefully with the woman during a pre-
natal visit, wherein the provider can observe the
woman’s responses. The questionnaires also need to
be used in a respectful and non-judgemental manner
in order to engage the pregnant woman. Some
questionnaires, e.g. the T-ACE, have been validated
in pregnant populations but the overlay of
cultural, ethnic and socio-economic factors may
interfere with their accuracy. The ideal screening
test should be both highly sensitive and highly
specific. However, there is often a trade-off
between sensitivity and specificity for any given
test. A tool with high sensitivity will identify all
pregnant women with problematic alcohol
consumption (a positive result) while a tool with
high specificity will exclude all women who are
not consuming risky levels of alcohol, (a negative
test result).60 Typically, given the importance of
identifying problematic alcohol use, priority is
placed on high sensitivity. In communities with a
paucity of resources for follow-up, a tool with
high specificity may prove more cost-effective, as
false positive scores are reduced.
In the absence of a “gold standard”,
clinicians are limited by the characteristics of a
particular tool. The challenge for providers is the
variability in screening instruments to detect
women at-risk and to eliminate false positives,
especially in different subpopulations of women,
e.g., immigrant or refugee women.61 Additionally,
providers need to ask the questions with cultural
competency and sensitivity to each woman’s
7.3 Level III: Assessment for Biological
In-depth biomedical assessment with a laboratory-
based test, such as maternal hair testing for FAEE
(fatty acid ethyl esters), provides quantifiable
results that can inform the clinician about the
woman’s alcohol consumption. However this test
can be invasive for women. Full and informed
consent must be obtained before this test is
conducted. Although hair-testing offers a more
accurate understanding of the woman’s alcohol
use, it is not available in all centres and its clinical
use is not yet wide-spread. Currently hair testing
is usually ordered for legal reasons. Additionally,
some providers may be disinclined to use such
tests because of a woman-centered philosophy
towards caring for pregnant women, which
advocates belief in a woman and acceptance of
her reports of alcohol use as the truth.
7.4 Summary
The task of identifying and managing a pregnant
woman who uses alcohol during pregnancy can be
difficult. Each level of screening or assessment
presents some challenges and limitations. A
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
negative response to screening questions does not
warrant further investigation, although it is
prudent to ask about alcohol use during each
trimester. A positive response to screening for
alcohol consumption should be followed by
further assessment and recording as well as
providing assistance and resources as required.
As recommended by the Public Health Agency
of Canada, and as reflected in the goal of this
project, there is a need for the development and
validation of screening tools that are specific and
sensitive to pre-natal alcohol exposure. These
tools should be adaptable for use in various
contexts, they should be culturally appropriate and
they should lead to further assessment.
Additionally, providers must be trained to
accurately record the alcohol history of the
mother, which can facilitate diagnostic referral of
the infant if necessary.
8. Recording Alcohol Use
Specific recommendations for documentation of
alcohol and other substance use during pregnancy
on the maternal, newborn and child health records
are crucial.
Primary health care providers (family
doctors, nurse practitioners, midwives, family
practice nurses, public health nurses, physician
assistants etc.) are encouraged to include
questions about alcohol and other substance use a
routine part of well-woman visits (Pap smears,
birth control renewals, annual checkups etc.).
Ideally this information is gathered in contexts
before, during and after pregnancy.
The answers to screening questions regarding
alcohol use should always be documented in the
chart for future reference. Recording alcohol use
in pregnancy is important for the woman, her
developing fetus, the newborn infant and the child
who may have fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. It
is useful to ask these questions at multiple visits
so that they become part of the standard of care.
In this way, pregnant women will not feel
stigmatized by questions that are only linked to
their pregnancy. Documentation should be on the
Standardized Antenatal Record so that obstetrical
providers and hospital labour and delivery staff
are able to access the information. Tables 2 and 3
summarize the current Canadian and international
practices in recording alcohol use.
Equally important is the recording of important
risk factors present during the pregnancy on the
chart of the newborn infant. Contents of the
newborn’s hospital or midwifery care chart should
be easily and routinely available to the family
physician or paediatrician caring for the infant.
Subsequently, the relevant information about
maternal alcohol and substance use is available to
be transferred to the child’s health record.
It is important to note that there is some
sensitivity surrounding a woman’s consent to the
recording of this information in her and her
child’s health records, as a woman is aware of the
potential discriminatory actions of hospital staff
and others in response to her use of alcohol use
during pregnancy.
The diagnosis of FASD is challenging and
not always possible in the immediate newborn
period. Many children do not have the typical
facial features of FASD. Some children will
present with developmental delays in the toddler
period, behavioral issues in the preschool period
or learning difficulties in the childhood years.
Health care practitioners providing care for
children and adolescents must consider FASD in
the differential diagnosis of any cognitive or
emotional problem.
8.1 Benefits of Recording Maternal Alcohol
History on Infant Birth Records
Identification of infants who might be at-risk
for FASD through the recording of specific
information regarding maternal drinking.
Earlier and more accurate FASD diagnosis in
terms of ARND and PFAS.
Earlier implementation of appropriate
Decreased levels of secondary disabilities
related to in-utero exposure to alcohol.
9. Recommendations
The implementation of a consistent and effective
screening process for the assessment of pre-natal
alcohol exposure is an important measure and
allows the establishment of a blueprint for early
intervention. The following recommendations are
intended to improve the screening process and
recording process for alcohol use in women of
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
child-bearing age and pregnant women, thereby
improving diagnosis and intervention for all
women and their families.
9.1 General Recommendations
1. Recognizing the importance of the health care
provider as an effective resource for harm
reduction, it is essential that adequate
community resources be made available for
women who require interventions beyond a
primary interaction.
2. That research on the effects of alcohol use be
expanded to ensure there is sufficient
comparative evidence showing the
effectiveness of screening tools with
particular cultural groups.
3. That a public education / awareness program
be initiated to inform women they should
expect to be asked about the frequency and
amount of alcohol use and ensure this
information is transmitted to all health care
providers involved in their care.
9.2 Recommendations Relative to Screening
for Alcohol Use:
4. That health care providers use a standardized,
universal set of questions routinely during
regular health exams that will include at least
Level I screening.
5. That Level II be adopted as the standard
screening process to identify alcohol use in all
women of child-bearing age and pregnant
6. That health care providers be aware of the risk
factors that may inform their clinical
impression in combination with other
psychosocial assessment.
7. That health care providers access on-line
training tools for screening of FASD offered
by Best Start, Ontario’s maternal, newborn
and early child development resource centre
(, and other resources
offered by programs such as PRIMA
( and Motherisk
( Resources are also
available from Healthy Choices in Pregnancy
program in British Columbia (www.hcip-
and from the Canadian Centre for Substance
Abuse (
8. That health care providers use Level III
screening methods when there is discordance
between Level I and Level II screening results
(e.g. frequency, perception of risk), or when
there are doubts unresolved by Levels I and II.
9.3 Recommendations Relative to Recording
Alcohol Use:
9. That the frequency and amount of alcohol use
be recorded in a woman’s chart on a routine
basis and not only in relation to pregnancy.
10. That the information relative to frequency and
amount of alcohol use be recorded in the
woman’s chart and that this information be
transferred to appropriate health care
providers and health records to ensure a
continuum of care.
11. That information relative to frequency and
amount of a woman’s alcohol use be routinely
recorded in her newborn’s chart and in her
child’s health records.
Corresponding Author:
This consensus report was developed and
approved by the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
(FASD) Advisory Workgroup, a group of health
professionals and stakeholders with expertise in
the screening and recording of FASD.
Funding Source
This production of this report had been made
possible through a financial contribution from the
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC Project
No. 6789-15-2007/0870002). The views expressed
herein do not necessarily represent the views of
Public Health Agency of Canada.
Screening and recording of alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and pregnant women
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 16 (1) Winter 2009:e242-e263; April 16, 2009
© 2009 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. All rights reserved.
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