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1 SCIENCE VOL 296 24 MAY 2002
ive years ago, the U.S. Congress
agreed to double the budget of the
National Institutes of Health, setting a
goal to increase the agency’s budget to
$27.3 billion by 2003. This was an extraor-
dinary commitment to accelerate NIH
funding, which over the past four decades
had doubled roughly every 10 years (1).
In October 2000, the authors began to
meet unofficially to consider how the
biomedical research enterprise, and the re-
markable momentum generated in the dou-
bling period, might best be sustained. We
were driven by our conviction that crucial to
maintaining America’s remarkably successful
biomedical research partnership between the
federal government and academia was trust
that the commitments would be sustained.
Balancing the Commitment Base
A central challenge for NIH has always
been balancing current commitments, initi-
ating new projects, and funding new inves-
tigators. More than 50% of NIH funding is
expended in investigator-initiated research
project grants (RPGs). The award of a new
RPG carries a funding commitment that
averages just over 4 years. The recent surge
in appropriations has permitted NIH to
fund record levels of new and total re-
search projects, and thereby to accumulate
a substantial commitment base. Manage-
ment of that base makes the NIH exquisite-
ly vulnerable to static funding levels. This
was vividly illustrated in November 2000,
when Congress considered freezing the
NIH budget. NIH developed contingency
plans that would have resulted in a 40%
decline from the previous year in the num-
ber of competing RPGs (2, 3). Fortunately,
the freeze was not implemented.
Previous disruptions in funding have had
unfortunate consequences. In the late 1980s
and early 1990s, the federal budget deficit, a
recession, and administrative changes within
the NIH caused oscillations in funding. Under
pressure from Congress and others, NIH at-
tempted to maintain the numbers of new
awards artificially by spreading insufficient
funds more widely; the agency routinely cut
requested research budgets by more than
20%. These reductions were arbitrary and
much deeper than those recommended by
peer reviewers and institute councils (4). The
Congress and Administration also increased
disallowances on indirect cost recovery and
placed caps on the recovery of salaries, direct
administrative support, and tuition payments
on training awards. The net effect was to
destabilize established research teams, to cre-
ate uncertainty in young people contemplat-
ing research careers, to stimulate investigators
to slice research projects into smaller grant
proposals, and to shift a larger share of funded
research costs onto awardee institutions.
The current rapid expansion of NIH
programs has stimulated similar concerns
about the years to follow (5), causing one
legislator to ask the acting NIH Director,
“if we come to a ledge and we drop off—
what’s going to happen?” (6).
A Funding Model
The “doubling” budget increases of 14 to
16% annually will not recur in the near
term. We began by negotiating a common
set of principles for prioritizing and allocat-
ing resources. These principles were applied
to a funding model that estimated various
scenarios for budget growth in the 3 years
after doubling. These scenarios included an-
nual growth rates of 4, 6, 8, and 10%, and
assumed an appropriation of $27.3 billion
for NIH in FY 2003. The model tested how
priorities conflicted under each budget sce-
nario. It was not designed to identify a sin-
gle solution, but to determine whether the
principles could be applied to future
funding scenarios in a manner that
permitted the NIH flexibility in meet-
ing its goals.
Principles for Prioritizing
Preserve the integrity of the merit
and peer-review processes. This re-
quires that an appropriate success
rate for funding relative to approval
be maintained. “Appropriate” is
widely accepted to lie between 30
and 40%. Lower success rates force
reviewers to try to make overly fine
discriminations among proposals, to
divert the energy of applicants to
repetitive proposal writing in an at-
mosphere of growing hopelessness,
and to create a climate of disinclination to
fund innovative proposals (7).
An adequate flow of funds into new
and competing RPGs is needed for peer
review to function, for attracting young
people into research careers, and for NIH
to be responsive to new research ideas.
Accordingly, the model incorporated these
concepts within its parameters: (i) The
RPG success rate should not fall below
30%; (ii) funding should be maintained for
competing RPGs at not less than 14% of
the NIH budget; (iii) fluctuations in grant
levels should be avoided.
Preservation of peer review also re-
quires maintenance of adequate support
for NIH research management and support
(RMS) functions that have substantially
increased in recent years.
Maintain new investigators. Because an
influx of new investigators is essential, the
number of NIH-supported training opportu-
nities should be maintained and supported
at realistic funding levels for stipends, tu-
ition, and benefits. Stipends of first-year
postdoctorate students should be increased
to $45,000 annually, and for predoctoral
trainees to $25,000, in agreement with the
new policy objectives for NIH training
grants (8). Transitional mechanisms like
new career development (“K”) awards for
clinical researchers should be maintained,
and loan repayment programs should be ful-
ly funded. New programs of start-up funding
for senior postdoctoral fellows [like the NCI’s
Temin awards (9)] should be expanded.
Fiscal year
Budget authority
($ millions)
NIH approp. (Actual)*
30-year historical rate (9%)
Low rate (2.2%)
2.2% rate proposed by OMB
30-year trend line
NIH appropriations compared with average rate from
1971 to 1998 (9%) and OMB-proposed low rate (2.2%)
postdoubling. At the point of intersection of the curves
in FY 2007, the net effect of the 5-year doubling in-
vestment on the magnitude of the biomedical research
enterprise would be extinguished.
The NIH Budget
in the “Postdoubling” Era
David Korn,* Robert R. Rich, Howard H. Garrison, Sidney H. Golub,
Mary J. C. Hendrix, Stephen J. Heinig, Bettie Sue Masters, Richard J. Turman
D. Korn is senior vice president for Biomedical and
Health Sciences Research, and both he and S. J.
Heinig are at the Association of American Medical
Colleges, Washington, DC 20037, USA. R. R. Rich is
president and H. H. Garrison is director of the Office
of Public Affairs, S. H. Golub is executive director,
M. J. C. Hendrix is past president, and B. S. Masters is
chair of the Science Policy Committee, Federation of
American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethes-
da, MD 20814, USA. R. J. Turman is director of Federal
Relations, Association of American Universities,
Washington, DC 20005, USA.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-
24 MAY 2002 VOL 296 SCIENCE
Sustain commitments to continuing
awards. Funding stability is essential for
success of multiyear research projects, for
stabilization of research teams, and for
training and career development of new
scientists. Average duration of the RPG
award should not fall below 4 years. Fund-
ing for continuing awards should recognize
that measures of inflation in biomedical re-
search tend to exceed the Consumer Price
Index by approximately 1.5% per year.
The average cost of awards has increased
markedly during the doubling period (up
more than 44% from 1998) (10), largely be-
cause of scientific advances and the intro-
duction of new technologies. Arbitrary re-
ductions in recommended funding of awards
could have even more adverse effects on
NIH research than in earlier years. If reduc-
tions from peer-recommended levels of
funding are necessary, the cuts should not
exceed 3 to 6%.
Preserve the capacity of awardee insti-
tutions. There is already significant cost-
sharing, direct and indirect, on federally
sponsored biomedical research, and the fi-
nancial stresses on academic medical cen-
ters provide little capacity for further cost-
sharing. Congress and NIH must recognize
that reductions in approved budgets will re-
duce the scope of research accomplished.
Recognize new needs of contemporary
biomedical science. Scientific progress is
invariably accompanied by growing com-
plexity and expense. New areas of research
underscore modern biology’s reliance on
sophisticated instrumentation, information
systems, animal models, specialized sup-
port facilities, and large teams of individu-
als with highly specialized skills. Transla-
tion of new basic research advancements to
clinical research and improved patient care
will require that a sophisticated research in-
frastructure, still embryonic, be integrated
into health-care delivery systems. NIH bud-
gets should continue to respond to scientific
opportunity by providing adequate funding
for the National
Center for Re-
search Resources
and other NIH
components that
support major re-
search resources.
Maintain a ro-
bust intramural
NIH research pro-
gram. The NIH in-
tramural program
is the organizing
center of our na-
tion’s biomedical
research enterprise.
The last compre-
hensive review of
this program occurred in 1994 in a different
climate of science and funding policy (11).
The scope and needs of the program would
benefit from reexamination.
Lessons from the Model
Resource allocations can conform to these
principles if overall funding is maintained at
8 to 9% annually, near the historical rate (12).
Annual appropriations increases of less than
6% squeeze competing funding priorities and
force retrogressive choices on NIH leader-
ship. At risk would be new research support,
maintenance of previous commitments, ade-
quacy of support for equipment and shared
resources, shrinkage of training opportuni-
ties, and other deleterious consequences.
To ease the transition to the postdoubling
environment, NIH should continue to in-
crease infrastructure and training support
and should attempt to reduce existing cost-
sharing. Once doubling is finished, the pres-
sure to share costs will increase. Thus, the
level of annual growth for NIH, between 2.1
and 2.3% (13), included in the President’s
Budget for FY 2004–07 is alarming and
worse than any scenario we modeled (see
figure, previous page, and table, this page);
it would create wrenching choices for NIH
and the research community.
New Realities
The Administration has proposed a FY 2003
budget of $27.3 billion for NIH, a 15.8% in-
crease over the current year; if funded, this
will complete the doubling goal. The budget
allocates 53% of the increase to NIAID, pri-
marily to counter bioterrorism, and to NCI.
Most other NIH institutes and centers would
receive budget raises between 8 and 9%,
which means that they would be managing a
postdoubling research portfolio next year.
This is due to dramatic changes in the econo-
my and national priorities.
The first change is the disappearance of
the projected federal budget surplus and the
return to deficit spending. The second, far
more momentous, change occurred with the
terrorist attacks on America. Forthcoming
budgets must properly reflect expanded pri-
orities for military readiness and national se-
curity. The president requested that $1.75
billion of the $27.3 billion requested for
NIH be directed to biological defense, of
which $1.08 billion is dedicated to basic and
applied research. This may well generate
new, broadly applicable innovations, as well
as focus attention on such areas as emerging
infectious diseases, vaccine development,
and restoration of the nation’s public health
infrastructure. It also may inadvertently
“crowd out” spending for research activities
not directly related to biodefense.
Many policy-makers may feel that the fed-
eral government has done its part for NIH-
funded research and that the agency can be
allowed to coast, aside from its bioterrorism
research, at static levels of funding. To the
contrary, we emphasize that levels of growth
below 6 to 8% will negate many of the ad-
vantages achieved by the doubling and will
undo the benefits of this extraordinary and
bold policy decision. They will also severely
strain the relationship of trust between NIH
and its awardees on which our nation’s suc-
cesses in biomedical research rest.
References and Notes
1. NIH Almanac—Appropriations; available at
NIH Grants News
(Office of Extramural Research,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, Novem-
ber 2000); available at
grants/newsarchive_2000.htm#20001120; accessed
8 March 2002.
3. S. Haley,
Washington Fax
, 30 November 2000.
4. Division of Research Grants, NIH,
Extramural Trends:
Fiscal Years 1985–94
(NIH publ. no. 96-3506, Na-
tional Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, October
5. D. Malakoff,
292, 1992 (2001).
6. Hearing transcript, Senate Committee on Appropria-
tions, Subcommitee on Labor, Health and Human
Services, Education, and Related Agencies, 23 May
2001, p. 17
7. Association of American Medical Colleges,
ing the Investment
(Association of American Medical
Colleges, Washington, DC, 1998).
8. “NIH statement in response to addressing the na-
tion’s changing needs for biomedical and behavioral
scientists,” March 2001; available at
training/nas_report/NIHResponse.htm; accessed, 22
March 2002.
9. “The Howard Temin Award,” Program Announcement
PAR-00-66, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD,
22 February 2002; available at
The FY 2003 President’s Budget for HHS: The Budget
in Brief
(Government Printing Office, Washington,
DC, 2002), p. 44; available at
11. P. A. Marks, G. H. Cassell,
NIH Intramural Research
Program, Report of the External Advisory Committee
of the Director’s Advisory Committee and Imple-
mentation Plan and Progress Report
(National Insti-
tutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 1994).
12. Annualized rate of growth in NIH appropriations
from 1971 to 1998, not adjusted for inflation.
The President’s Budget, FY 2003
[Office of Manage-
ment and Budget, FY 2003 Analytical Perspectives
(database), February 2002].
14. Supporting Online Material is available at www.
NIH growth scenario 8% Model 4% Model
Fiscal year 2004 ’06 2004 ’06
Number of new and competing 10,600 11,100 9,950 9,450
Total number of grants 39,860 44,555 38,775 41,249
Average cost increase for +4.2 +4.2 +2.5 +3.0
noncompeting grants (%)
Research centers, other research (%) +8 +7 +3 +3
Training (%) +5 +5 +3 +3
Increase in total nos. of RPGs (%) +5.7 +5.0 +4.2 +2.1
Success rate (%) 32 32 30 27
NIH funding indicators under two scenarios. A more detailed table is
available (
... The mid-1990s witnessed a convergence of circumstances that created an unprecedented opportunity to forge new paths for discovery science and epidemiology research in cardiovascular disease (CVD). These circumstances included a systematic evaluation of a set of ongoing large prospective observational studies sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH); the emergence of capabilities to interrogate the genomic basis of disease cost-effectively; the acceptance and maturation of non-invasive imaging technologies that made them suitable for populationbased studies; a movement and cultural shift regarding data-sharing among researchers; and a robust NIH budget [1]. Most important was a set of unresolved questions about the development and progression of atherosclerosis and the incremental value of subclinical disease beyond that of traditional risk factors to predict clinical events. ...
The MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) was initiated to address unresolved questions about subclinical cardiovascular disease and its progression to clinically overt cardiovascular disease in a diverse population-based sample, incorporating emerging imaging technologies for better evaluation of subclinical disease and creating a population laboratory for future research. MESA's recruited (from 2000 to 2002) cohort comprised >6,000 adults from 4 racial/ethnic groups, ages 45 to 84 years, who were free of cardiovascular disease at baseline. Extensive cohort data have been collected over 5 exams (through 2011) with additional exam components added through extramurally funded ancillary study grants, and through regular phone follow-up contacts. Over 1,000 MESA papers have been published to date. Exam 6 will incorporate components that use novel wearable, imaging, and other technologies to address new research questions. MESA investigators have and continue to seek opportunities for collaboration with other researchers on a wide variety of topics to further expand the science of MESA.
... From the 1970s to late 1990s, the NIH's appropriated budget doubled, unadjusted for inflation, on an average annualized rate every 8-9 years. 11 Although the agency experienced more restricted growth in some years, such as 1982 (2%), and 1986 (2.2%)-primarily because of Reagan Administration efforts to curtail growth in domestic discretionary spending-congressional appropriators continued to favor NIH, in several years increasing the NIH budget by more than 10%, and over the amount requested by the administration. At no point throughout the latter half of the 20th century had the NIH's appropriation declined in real terms for multiple years in a row. ...
Medical researchers and their institutions are operating under extraordinary financial stress. More than a decade after completion of the 5-year doubling of the National Institutes of Health budget, the medical research community must confront a significant loss in National Institutes of Health purchasing power and downward pressures in federal discretionary spending. In part, this trend results from a federal budget stalemate over the growth in entitlement programs, particularly spending on medical care. This article considers the changing nature of the federal investment in medical research and the potential for medical researchers and institutions conducting the full spectrum of research to improve health system performance and health equity. In our view, continued federal investments reflect an evolving social contract for research serving the public good; the term contract is used metaphorically to represent a figurative, implicit agreement between the scientific community and the public׳s representatives in government. Under this conceptual contract, the American people—who are ultimately the funders of research, research training and infrastructure—expect outcomes that lead to better health, security or other benefits. The evolving contract includes expectations for more accountability, transparency, sharing of results and resources, and better integration of research systems and cultures that used to take pride in boundaries and distinctions. We outline here some of the major movements of organizations realigning to social support, which are increasingly essential to sustain public investment in medical research.
... Specifically, whereas during the NIH budget doubling period these institutions might have attracted $0.18 (p < 0.10) in non-federal funding per federal dollar received, in the post-doubling era each federal dollar lost was replaced with at least a dollar (estimate $2.39, p < 0.05) from non-federal funding. As discussed by Korn et al. (2002), over half of NIH funding goes to investigator-initiated research project grants, with an average non-competing duration of four years. By FY2007, four years after the doubling ended, with real funding stagnant and research costs continuing to rise, institutions that were below median for NIH R&D funding a decade earlier (i.e. ...
Full-text available
This paper evaluates how changes in US National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding levels affected US universities’ total biomedical R&D efforts, over a period of dramatic change in the federal funding environment. Instrumental variables estimation reveals that during the NIH budget doubling period (1998–2003), each federal dollar that US universities received spurred an additional $0.26 in research support from non-federal sources, with stronger complementarity found among historically less-research-intensive institutions. However, in the more competitive post-doubling environment (2006 onwards), the more research-intensive PhD-granting universities substituted funding from non-federal sources to maintain stable levels of R&D expenditures. In contrast, at non-PhD-granting and historically less-research-intensive institutions, total R&D funding and expenditures declined overall with reduced availability of federal funds. However, the effect of successful federal applications on subsequent non-federal investment remained significant and positive for this latter group, suggesting federal R&D funding may play an important signaling role.
... The Office of Management and Budget has recommended a 2.2% rate of annual increase in NIH funding after 2003. 13 If implemented, this meager annual increase will intersect within a few years with the historical 9% annual rate of growth of the NIH budget over the past 30 years (Figure 2). That means that by the year 2007, the impact of the NIH doubling effort will be virtually eliminated, and with each passing year, we will fall further and further behind -again. ...
November 2002 marked the 75th Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (AHA), a milestone that permits us to contemplate the remarkably rich heritage of the Association’s scientific meetings. The first Scientific Sessions were organized by a small group of visionary physicians at Haddon Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on the afternoon of May 26, 1925 (Figure 1). The fledgling AHA was less than a year old. Presiding over the sessions were the Association’s four officers: Lewis A. Conner, Robert Halsey, James B. Herrick, and Paul Dudley White. Each played major roles in the founding of the AHA, and each served a term as its President. Little did they anticipate that their meeting of a few hundred people would grow to become — as it has over the past several decades — the world’s preeminent meeting for cardiovascular science. Figure 1. Cover of the program of the American Heart Association’s first Scientific Sessions, May 26, 1925. The scientific and public health challenges facing the Association in its first decade were formidable, as reflected in the first edition of Dr White’s 1931 textbook, Heart Disease .1 As noted by Dr W. Bruce Fye in his history of American cardiology,2 Dr White wrote that “treating hypertension is a difficult and almost hopeless task;” that “there is no specific treatment for coronary artery disease;” and that “there is no treatment for aortic valve disease” and “no specific treatment for mitral valve disease.” Clearly, there was much work to be done. The extraordinary advances in basic science, epidemiology, diagnostic techniques, surgical procedures, and pharmaceutical development that have occurred in the past seven decades and their impact on human lives are unparalleled in human history. These remarkable advances were chronicled each year in the Scientific Sessions and in the scientific journals of …
This review represents my best effort to recreate and memorialize events that occurred 44 years ago, when I was invited to join the Stanford University faculty to create, essentially de novo, what rapidly became and remains today one of the very best and most admired departments of pathology in the world. That I was able to accomplish this challenging task I attribute to my holding fast to a somewhat inchoate vision of where the science and practice of pathology would go in future decades, a little bit to my gut instincts and innate ability to spot up-and-coming talent, but a lot to circumstances and good fortune in leading me to a small nucleus of wonderful young professionals of outstanding promise who were willing to join me in "betting the house" that, working together, we could pull off this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity--and we did.
This dissertation examined how complexity theory might offer insight into the behavior of a population of large-scale networked organizational groups. Academic medical centers (AMCs), a large-scale social and policy system that plays a key role in the education of physicians, the conduct of research, and the provision of specialized clinical care, were chosen as an example to demonstrate the enhanced understanding that can be obtained from the application of complexity theory. Graphical and nonlinear mathematical tools were chosen to place this research study in contrast to studies that metaphorically apply the concepts of complexity theory to social systems. Complexity science suggests that AMCs will demonstrate both nonlinearity and the emergence of patterned behaviors characteristic of self-organization in complex adaptive systems. Changes in the fiscal environment of AMCs, influenced by federal policy and the health care delivery market, were hypothesized to be among the factors that mediated changes in AMCs' activities and organizational relationships during a twenty-year period. The collection and examination of multiple indicators within the framework of a study model allowed development of a rich description of the AMC system and identification of patterned behaviors. System requirements: PC, World Wide Web browser and PDF reader. Available electronically via Internet. Thesis (Ph. D.)--Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2003. Vita. Abstract. Includes bibliographical references.
The bulk of federal funding for medical research is delivered through the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Because federal funding is coordinated through the annual discretionary budget review process, the budget for NIH varies from year to year. Small changes in the rate of funding growth lead to significant problems for individual researchers and their supporting institutions. There is no single metric that serves as a surrogate to predict the appropriations process. This article begins with a history and physical examination of NIH. Next, the authors review the internal NIH priorities that continue to drive the funding process. Finally, the authors give a brief review of the impact congressionally mandated medical research programs have had on disease-specific funding.
  • Nih Grants
  • News
NIH Grants News (Office of Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, November 2000); available at grants/newsarchive_2000.htm#20001120; accessed 8 March 2002.
Extramural Trends: Fiscal Years 1985–94 (NIH publ
Division of Research Grants, NIH, Extramural Trends: Fiscal Years 1985–94 (NIH publ. no. 96-3506, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, October 1995).
  • D Malakoff
D. Malakoff, Science 292, 1992 (2001).
Report of the External Advisory Committee of the Director's Advisory Committee and Implementation Plan and Progress Report
  • P A Marks
  • G H Cassell
  • Research Program
P. A. Marks, G. H. Cassell, NIH Intramural Research Program, Report of the External Advisory Committee of the Director's Advisory Committee and Implementation Plan and Progress Report (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 1994).
Report of the External Advisory Committee of the Director's Advisory Committee and Implementation Plan and Progress Report (National Institutes of Health
  • P A Marks
  • G H Cassell
P. A. Marks, G. H. Cassell, NIH Intramural Research Program, Report of the External Advisory Committee of the Director's Advisory Committee and Implementation Plan and Progress Report (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 1994).