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Abstract and Figures

The article presents results obtained from monitoring chemical and ecological state of ambient water ecosystem, especially the surface water quality with the focus on radiological analysis and assessment of ecotoxicity and genotoxicity, executed on the Hadůvka stream, the main stream impacted by former uranium mining in the Olší mine area, during the period 2003 - 2008. Moreover, sediment and suspended particulate matter were tested for a number of parameters. The water quality research performed in the years 2003-2008 demonstrated an impact of the mine water pumped from the closed Olší uranium mine and discharged from the mine water treatment plant (MWTP) and groundwater from springs in the area on the water quality of the Hadůvka stream. The water ecosystems of the lower part of the Hadůvka stream are impacted mainly by water originated from the springs located in the stream valley and drained syenit subsoil naturally rich in uranium. These inflows caused a very high concentration of uranium measured in the water of the stream, which exceeds the given limit value. No negative impact on the water ecosystems of the receiving Bobrůvka River was found. This reduction of impact is caused by five times higher average daily flow rate of the Bobrůvka River in comparison with the Hadůvka stream, which results in sufficient dilution of pollution from the Hadůvka .
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Abstracts of the International Mine Water Conference 19th – 23rd October 2009
Proceedings ISBN Number: 978-0-9802623-5-3 Pretoria, South Africa
Produced by: Document Transformation Technologies cc Conference organised by: Cilla Taylor Conferences
1T.G.M. Water Research Institute, Public Research Institution, Brno branch office, Mojmírovo náměstí 16, 612 00 Brno,
Czech Republic; E-mail:
2T.G.M. Water Research Institute, Public Research Institution, Ostrava branch office, Macharova 5,
702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic
The article presents results obtained from monitoring chemical and ecological state of ambient water ecosystem,
especially the surface water quality with the focus on radiological analysis and assessment of ecotoxicity and
genotoxicity, executed on the Hadůvka stream, the main stream impacted by former uranium mining in the Olší mine
area, during the period 2003 – 2008. Moreover, sediment and suspended particulate matter were tested for a number of
parameters. The water quality research performed in the years 2003-2008 demonstrated an impact of the mine water
pumped from the closed Olší uranium mine and discharged from the mine water treatment plant (MWTP) and
groundwater from springs in the area on the water quality of the Hadůvka stream. The water ecosystems of the lower
part of the Hadůvka stream are impacted mainly by water originated from the springs located in the stream valley and
drained syenit subsoil naturally rich in uranium. These inflows caused a very high concentration of uranium measured
in the water of the stream, which exceeds the given limit value. No negative impact on the water ecosystems of the
receiving Bobrůvka River was found. This reduction of impact is caused by five times higher average daily flow rate of
the Bobrůvka River in comparison with the Hadůvka stream, which results in sufficient dilution of pollution
from the Hadůvka .
History of Uranium Mining in the Area of Interest
Uranium mining activities started in the studied middle part of the Svratka River basin in late fifties of the last century.
The largest development in uranium mining and modification of uranium ore from the fifties to the eighties caused
devastation of the environment by accumulation of huge waste heaps, sludge settling lagoons and surface water and
groundwater contamination.
Contraction of the uranium industry started in the late 80s. Since 1990, uranium mining activities have been
concentrated only on the mine Rožná (see the map – Figure 1). Though the mine was supposed to be closed by the end
of the year 2005, it is currently the last operating mine in central Europe. Uranium mineralization is mainly represented
by uraninite and coffinite (Zeman, 2002).
One of the closed mines is the Olší mine, which was flooded on January 8, 1996 and, at the same time, the mine water
treatment plant Olší - Drahonín came into operation (location is shown in the map – Figure 1). Decontamination works
on these principles: precipitation of radium by barium chloride (BaCl2) and sorption of the precipitate on the filters,
sorption of uranium on ion exchange resins in sorption column, partial oxidation of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) in
the mine waters (forced aeration). Further information about the Olší mining area including hydrogeological conditions
is described in Rapantova et al. (2008).
Hydromorphological Conditions
The deposit is drained by the adit with free surface in the altitude of 451.3 m (while drawdown is technologically
possible) – Michálek et al. (2008). All mine water pumped from the deposit
(6 – 6.5 L.s-1) is treated before discharge. Waste water drained from two spoil heaps is also discharged to the mine
water. The total volume of discharged decontaminated mine water was 2,774,442 m3 from 1996 – 2007.
After having flooded the mine Olší, rejuvenation of hydrological ratio further afield within the Hadůvka stream basin
started (Michálek et al., 2008). Having considered the extent and location of the Olší mine area and the given
geomorphologic relief, there is potential manifestation of contamination from the mine Olší into two rivers’ basins.
Larger part of the Olší mine area is drained by the Hadůvka stream into the Bobrůvka (also named Loučka) river, while
the northern, substantially smaller part, of the minefield, is drained by the Teplá stream into the Nedvědička River.
The monitored stream Hadůvka has a torrent character with a steep gradient. Approximately at about 3 km of its length
it descends from the altitude of 451 m (outflow from MWTP) to 342 m (mouth into the Bobrůvka River). Alluvial plain
is not developed along the whole stream. The channel of the stream is relatively narrow and it is possible to find rock
bars in the bottom of the channel. Occurrence of springs located mostly in the alluvial plain is connected with the bar.
There are also syenits – rocks, in which tectonic dislocation created higher permeability - in the area of the greatest
emergence of springs. From the general position (location) of the Hadůvka it is possible to state, that the whole stream
flows in an attenuated tectonic zone related to main tectonic structures of the Olší mine. The Bobrůvka River created a
natural hydrobiological barrier. No contaminated water source was detected behind the river (Michálek et al., 2008).
The Teplá stream has three source parts, none of which can practically be influenced by mining in the Olší deposit and
subsequent flooding of the mine. Although the Teplá flows through the main ore-bearing structures of the deposit, it is
outside the impact zone of the deposit.
Research sampling sites, which were sampled between the years 2003 and 2008, were located in the in the middle part
of the Svratka River Basin as shown in the map of Figure 1. The pictures Figure 2, 3 and 4 show the sampling sites
mentioned in the paper.
Samples of water were collected from the sites once a month during the complete monitoring period. Samples of
sediments were collected three times in 2006, consequently once a year in the 2007 and 2008, while suspended
particulate matters (SPM) were sampled quarterly in the years 2007 - 2008.
Current values of the water flow were obtained from the nearest gauge stations (data sources: Morava River Basin
Authority, CHMI Brno) or, on some of the sites, by means of water velocity measurements and subsequent calculations.
Following parameters of water quality were measured – physicochemical parameters (water temperature, pH,
conductivity and dissolved oxygen), chemical parameters (total organic carbon, sulphates, nitrates, chlorides, iron and
manganese) and radiological parameters (uranium Unat and radium 226Ra).
Figure 1. Map of the area of interest with the marking of the studied water bodies and sampling sites
Figure 2. Photos of the discharge pipe and the building of the MWTP on the Hadůvka stream
Figure 3. Photos of the sampling profiles 4-Hadůvka-Olší (left) and 6-Hadůvka-Skryje (right)
Figure 4. Photos of the sampling profiles 7-Bobrůvka-Předklášteří (left) and 8-Svratka-Veverská Bítýška (right)
Chemical analyses were performed by the following methods: analyses of uranium by extraction
spectrofotometric method (ČSN 75 7614); analyses of radium by precipitation method in the years 2005 – 2006
and by the method which consists of radium determination as equivalent 222Rn after radioactive balance by LSC
method in the years 2007 - 2008. Separation of the medium into the liquid samples was carried out Unat and 226Ra
measurement in sediment and SPM, which were consequently analysed. Determination of the acute toxicity in
water samples and sediments was performed by accredited methods ČSN EN ISO 6341, TNV 75 7754 and TNV
75 7741 in 2006. For genotoxicity determinations, made in the period 2006 – 2008, two variants of the Ames
fluctuated test (with and without S9 liver fraction) were used (Kajtová, Soldán, 2001).
Water Quality
Concentration of uranium in the water at sampling site Hadůvka – Skryje, which is situated at the mouth of
Hadůvka, calculated as the 90-percentile value (C90) is 214 μg.l-1 Unat, which belongs to the 5th class of the water
quality - the worst degree of water quality according to the standards of the Czech Republic (ČSN 75 7221) and
exceeds the limit of immission standard given by the Gov. Decree No. 61/2003 Coll. (C90 = 40 μg.l-1 U
as amended by the Decree No. 229/2007 Coll. (see Figure 5). Consequential dilution of the uranium
concentration in the Bobrůvka River is obvious from Figure 5, which demonstrates comparison between
concentration of uranium in the sampling site Hadůvka – Skryje and Bobrůvka – Předklášteří, sampling site
located above the estuary to the Svratka River. The 90-percentile value (C90) in the sampling site is 11.4 μg.l-1
Unat, which belongs to the 2nd class of the water quality according to the standards of the Czech Republic (ČSN
75 7221), which characterized moderately contaminated water (see Figure 5).
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Hadův ka - Skryje Bobrůvka - Předklášteří (ú stí)
Hadův ka - Skryje c90 Bobrůvka - Předklášteří (ú stí) c90
Hadův ka - Skryje cA M Bobrůvka - Předklášteří (ú stí) cA M
immission standard c
= 40 μg/l
= 20 μg/l
Figure 5. Measured concentrations of uranium in water samples from the studied localities Hadůvka – Skryje and
Bobrůvka – Předklášteří arranged according to the size (curanium,
the 90-percentile value (C90)), arithmetic mean, immission standard for comparison with C90 accords with
Government Decree, corresponding immission standard compared with CAM accords with Guideline.
The mass load of uranium in the water at the mouth of Hadůvka stream (site Hadůvka – Skryje) and at some
other sampling sites was calculated using analysed data of uranium concentration in water samples taken
monthly during the period January 2006 – December 2008 and calculated water flow rate. The average daily
mass load of uranium at the mouth of Hadůvka stream and range of measured water flow rate are presented in
the next Table 1.
Table 1. Daily mass load of uranium in water at the mouth of Hadůvka stream
Year Mass load values ( Water flow rate (l.s-1)
Average Min. – Max. Min. – Max.
2006 105 54 – 135 4.2 – 20.6
2007 167 65 – 298 6.2 – 37.4
2008 109 42 – 199 4.0 – 19.5
At the sampling site located above the MWTP (site Hadůvka – Olší), average daily mass load of uranium 2.4 in 2006 and 1.5 in 2007 were calculated. The range of all values is 0.2 – 6.0 for the whole
period 2006 – 2007. At the sampling site located about 150 m under the MWTP (site Hadůvka – ČDV), average
daily mass load of uranium 14.8 in 2007 was calculated. The range of all values is 5.6 – 19.1
High, even alarming concentrations of sulphates were measured at the mouth of Hadůvka stream. Concentration
of sulphates in water calculated as the 90-percentile value (C90) of the data set was 772 mg.L-1 in the Hadůvka
stream. This value corresponds with the 5th class of the water quality - the worst degree of water quality
according to the standards of the Czech Republic (ČSN 75 7221) and more than twice exceeds the limit
of immission standard given by the Gov. Decree No. 61/2003 Coll. (C90 = 300 mg.L-1 SO42-). Concentration
of sulphates in water at the mouth of Bobrůvka River 70.9 mg.l-1 belongs to the 1st class of the water quality
according to the standards of the Czech Republic (ČSN 75 7221). Measured concentrations of sulphates in water
of the Hadůvka stream correlate well with the values of water conductivity according to a linear regression
equation (1). By the values of water conductivity, Hadůvka – Skryje also belongs to 5th class of the water quality
– the worst degree of water quality according to the standards of the Czech Republic (ČSN 75 7221) and exceeds
the limit of immission standard given by the Gov. Decree No. 61/2003 Coll. (C90 = 180 mS.m-1).
Y = 0.209 X + 25.505 (r2 = 0.9926) (1)
Where: Y – water conductivity (mS.m-1) and X – sulphates concentration (mg.L-1)
Concentrations of iron and manganese were analysed in water samples from the mouth of the Hadůvka stream in
the year 2008. The maximal value of iron concentration was measured 0.138 mg.L-1, the average concentration
was 0.072 mg.L-1. The maximal value of the manganese concentration was measured 0.035 mg.L-1, the average
concentration was 0.025 mg.L-1. Any of values of iron and manganese, measured in 2008, did not exceed
the limits of immission standard given by the Gov.Decree No. 61/2003 Coll. (C90 = 2.0 mg.L-1 Fe, C90 = 0.5
mg.L-1 Mn).
Sediment and Spm
The samples of sediment taken in 2006 - 2008 were sieved on 63 μm size fraction before any analysis. The
amount of uranium in the sediment taken at the sampling site Hadůvka – Olší ranged from 209 to 395
(the average value was 295 The amount of uranium in the sediment from the sampling site Hadůvka –
Skryje ranged from 36 to 398 (the average value was 172 The sediment samples taken once in
2007 at the Bobrůvka river sampling sites above and below the mouth of the Hadůvka stream contained about 70 of the uranium. The amount of uranium in the sediment of the sampling points located on the
Nedvědička River, which is potentially affected
by on-going mining of uranium around the village of Rožná (see Figure 1), ranged from 18 to 75 (the
average value was 47 at the site Nedvědička – Rožná and ranged from 23 to 65 (the average
value was 42 at the site Nedvědička – Nedvědice.
Also the samples of SPM were sieved on 63 μm size fraction. The amount of uranium in SPM samples caught by
the catching equipments developed at T.G.M. Water Research Institute, Brno, at the sampling site Hadůvka –
Skryje ranged from 77 to 210 (the average value was 161
Acute Toxicity Survey
In 2006, the acute toxicity was determined in water samples and the samples of sediments at the sampling sites
Hadůvka – Olší and Hadůvka – Skryje. The toxic effect of the water and sediments samples was not proved on
tested microorganism Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus (decomposers). Also the toxic effect of
the water samples was not proved on algae Desmodesmus communis (producer). However an inhibition effect
was found for sediment at the sampling sites Hadůvka – Olší.
Genotoxicity Survey
In the Hadůvka stream, also genotoxicity of water and sediment was also determined. First, in year 2006, the
occurrence of genotoxicity compounds in the surface water was found there using Ames fluctuated test. At
positive genotoxicity effect in the sample of surface water from Hadůvka stream was found for both variants of
Ames fluctuation test (without and with S9 liver fraction). The liver fraction is important for detecting
The compounds, which caused transition and transversion in the test without S9 fraction by strain Salmonella
typhimurium TA 100, were detected in the sampling site Hadůvka – Skryje, located below the MWTP. In the test
with S9 fraction, which is used for higher capture of promutagens, positive results in the case of both used
detection strains S. typhimurium TA9 8 and S. typhymurium TA 100 were measured in the samples from sampling
sites – Hadůvka – Olší, located above the MWTP and Hadůvka – Skryje, located below the MWTP (see Table 2).
Table 2. Results of genotoxicity determination in surface water
Name of sample Strain Salmonella typhimurium
(Stream – sampling site) The variation without S9 The variation with S9
TA97 TA98 TA100 TA98 TA100
Hadůvka - Olší negative negative negative positive positive
Hadůvka - Skryje negative negative positive positive positive
In 2007 sediment and suspended matters samples from two sampling sites below the mine water treatment plant
(MWTP) Olší-Drahonín (sites Hadůvka – Skryje and Hadůvka – below the MWTP) were studied. The sediment
and SPM samples were analyzed subsequently by the test without S9 liver fraction. An occurrence of genotoxic
compounds was detected by the test. The only one sample of the sediment that did not show a positive effect was
identified – the sample below the MWTP (See results in Table 3).
Table 3. Results of genotoxicity determination in sediments and SPMs
Name of sample Strain Salmonella typhimurium
(Stream – sampling site – matrix) The variation without S9
TA97 TA98 TA100
Hadůvka MWTP - sediment negative negative negative
Hadůvka Skryje - sediment negative negative positive
Hadůvka MWTP - SPM negative negative positive
Hadůvka Skryje - SPM negative positive positive
In 2008, the genotoxicity determination was studied on sediments from three profiles in the Hadůvka stream. The
first of them is the sampling site Hadůvka – Olší, located above the MWTP, the second and the third are
Hadůvka – MWTP and Hadůvka – Skryje, located below the MWTP.
Detection strains Salmonella typhimurium TA 98 and TA 100 were used for determination. The strain Salmonella
typhimurium TA 97 was not used due to its negative results in the tests carried out in the years 2006 and 2007.
Compared to 2007, the S9 liver microsomal fractions were prepared successfully from rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) biomass.
In the sampling site Hadůvka – Olší a positive result in the variant of Ames fluctuated test without liver S9
fraction use was detected at strain S. typhimurium TA 100, which is used for monitoring a straight mutagens
occurrence causing DNA lesion without previous metabolic transformation. Mutagenic activity was proved in
the sample. However, the degree of the genotoxic risk was low. In the variant of the test with liver enzymes, a
positive result was found also for strain S. typhimurium TA 100. A positive reaction was detected
in concentration 62 ml.L-1, which means the medium level of genotoxic risk.
The presence of genotoxic compounds was not detected in the test without S9 fraction in sediment sample
from the sampling site Hadůvka – MWTP as well as in 2007. Also in variant with S9 fraction for both detection
strains, negative results were obtained. The sample did not contain any compound with mutagen effects.
The samples, taken from the sampling site Hadůvka – Skryje, were positive in an occurrence of genotoxic
compounds in both variants of the test for the third year. In the test without liver enzymes, a positive reaction
was found in the concentration 62 ml.L-1 for the strain S. typhimurium TA 100. Thus, the level of the genotoxic
risk is medium. In tests with liver enzymes, there were promutagens in concentration 16 ml.L-1 for both strains
used – S. typhimurium TA 98 and TA 100. The risk of genotoxicity is already enhanced in this case. Only in the
samples from the Hadůvka – Skryje sampling site mutagenic compounds causing nucleotide deletion and
insertion in DNA sequence, already in non-condensed samples were found. In terms of genotoxicity assessment,
the sample presents an enhanced risk.
The results from Ames fluctuation test with strains S. typhimurium TA 98 and TA 100 in test variants with and
without liver S9 fraction are presented in the Table 4.
Table 4. Results of genotoxicity determination in sediments
Name of sample Strain Salmonella typhimurium
(Stream – sampling site) The variation without S9 The variation with S9
TA98 TA100 TA98 TA100
Hadůvka - Olší negative positive negative positive
Hadůvka - MWTP negative negative negative negative
Hadůvka - Skryje negative positive positive positive
Concentrations of selected water quality parameters (U, Fe, Mn, SO42-, etc.) in mine water after the Olší mine
flooding in the year 1996 are reported in Zeman (2002) and Michálek et al. (2008). Concentration of uranium in
this water changed from 11.7 mg.L-1 (average value in 1996) to 5.9 mg.L-1 (average value in 2007).
The measured concentration of uranium in water at the mouth of Hadůvka stream ranged from 52.0 to 329.0
μg.L-1 in 2007. In comparison with water quality measured at the sampling sites Hadůvka – Olší
(4.30 to 11.5 μg.L-1 in 2007) and Hadůvka stream below the MWTP (6.58 to 44.8 μg.L-1 in 2007), there is an
increase of the uranium concentration in water caused by the fact that water contains higher concentration of
uranium with origin in two springs located approximately 1 km from the MWTP and approximately 2.2 km
above the site Hadůvka – Skryje (Michálek et al., 2008). The values of sulphates concentration in the Hadůvka
stream and also in the Nedvědička River exceeded the limit of immission standard given by Gov. Decree
No. 61/2003 Coll., as amended by the Decree No. 229/2007 Coll. This is caused by change of oxidation-
reduction conditions after the mine flooding. In consequence of oxygen decrease in the environment by flooding,
there are dissolved oxides and hydroxides of Mn and Fe as a result of reduction processes and the mine waters
are enriched with the ions. This situation conduces to the multiple increases of dissolved substances, including
sulphates. So we can note that the mentioned concentrations of sulphates in mine waters are one of results of
mine flooding.
The highest amount of uranium in sediment occurred in the Hadůvka stream at the both of the sampling sites
(upstream and downstream the mine water treatment plant Olší- Drahonín). The plant location is marked in the
map of the Figure 4. The concentration of uranium in sediment is 7 times higher in average at the site above the
MWTP than the values from the sediment samples of the Nedvědička River and 4 times higher in average
at the site below the MWTP than the values from the sediment samples of the Nedvědička River.
The acute toxic effect was not proved in the water samples and sediments from the Hadůvka stream on tested
A positive genotoxicity effect in the samples of surface water from Hadůvka stream was found for both variants
of Ames fluctuated test (without and with S9 liver fraction) in 2006. An occurrence of genotoxic compounds was
studied in the sediment and suspended matters samples from two sampling sites below the mine water treatment
plant (MWTP) Olší-Drahonín (sites Hadůvka – below MWTP and Hadůvka – Skryje) by the test without S9
liver fraction in the year 2007. An occurrence of genotoxic compounds was detected by the test. The only sample
of the sediment that did not show a positive effect was identified – the sample below the MWTP. In 2008,
mutagenic activity was proved at the sampling site Hadůvka – Olší. However, the degree of genotoxic risk was
low. A positive reaction was detected in the concentration 62 ml.L-1, which means a medium level of the
genotoxic risk. The presence of genotoxic compounds was not detected in the test without S9 fraction in
sediment sample from sampling site Hadůvka – MWTP as well as in 2007. Also in variation with S9 fraction for
both detection strains (TA 97 was not used due to the negative results in the tests carried out in the years 2006
and 2007), negative results were obtained. The samples, which were taken from the sampling site Hadůvka –
Skryje, proved positive in an occurrence of genotoxic compounds in both variants of the test for the third year.
Only in this sample from the sampling site mutagenic compounds, created nucleotide deletion and insertion in
sequention of DNA, already in non-condensed samples, were found. The sample presents, in view of
genotoxicity assessment, an enhanced risk.
The water quality research performed in the years 2003-2008 proved that there is an impact of the mine water
pumped from the closed Olší uranium mine and discharged from the MWTP and groundwater from springs in
the area on the water quality of the Hadůvka stream. The water ecosystems of the lower part of the Hadůvka
stream are impacted mainly by water originated from the springs located in the stream valley and drained syenit
subsoil naturally rich in uranium. This discharge caused a very high concentration of uranium measured
in the water of the stream, which exceeds the given limit value. The ecosystems of the Hadůvka stream part
between the MWTP outlet and the mouth profile are also impacted by a high concentration of sulphates
originating in mine water discharged from the MWTP. No negative impact on the water ecosystems of the
receiving Bobrůvka River was found. This reduction of impact is caused by five times higher average daily flow
rate of the Bobrůvka River in comparison with the Hadůvka stream, which causes sufficient dilution of pollution
from the Hadůvka.
This study was supported by the research project MZP0002071101 and in the 2006 by the VUV T.G.M. research
project No. 1323. The authors of the article would like to thank to the DIAMO, state enterprise, particularly to
Mr. Ing. Antonín Hájek, CSc., for provision information about the former uranium mining area Olší monitoring
results and consultations.
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Rapantová, N., Grmela, A., Michálek, B., Hájek, A., Zábojník, P., Zeman, J. 2008. Utilization of Olsi – Drahonin
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Zkouška akutní toxicity (75 7751). (Water quality. Determination of the inhibition of the mobility of Daphnia magna Straus (Cladocera, Crustacea) -Acute toxicity test -in Czech)
  • Crustacea
Crustacea) -Zkouška akutní toxicity (75 7751). (Water quality. Determination of the inhibition of the mobility of Daphnia magna Straus (Cladocera, Crustacea) -Acute toxicity test -in Czech).
Hydrologie a hydrogeologie v údolí potoka Hadůvka po zatopení ložiska Olšízhodnocení pramenů a chemizmu vod v potoce Hadůvka
  • A Hájek
  • P Koscielniak
Hájek, A., Koscielniak, P. 1997. Hydrologie a hydrogeologie v údolí potoka Hadůvka po zatopení ložiska Olšízhodnocení pramenů a chemizmu vod v potoce Hadůvka. (in Czech).
Zpravodaj pro hydroanalytické laboratoře č. 28, Stanovení genotoxicity povrchových vod, s. 25 -37. (Determination of genotoxicity in the surface water
  • H Kajtová
  • P Soldán
Kajtová, H, Soldán, P. 2001: Zpravodaj pro hydroanalytické laboratoře č. 28, Stanovení genotoxicity povrchových vod, s. 25 -37. (Determination of genotoxicity in the surface water. Newsletter for Hydro Analytical Laboratories No. 28: 25 -37 -in Czech).
Netradiční využití ložisek uranu po ukončení hlubinné těžby
  • B Michálek
  • A Hájek
  • P Zábojník
Michálek, B., Hájek, A., Zábojník, P. 2008. Netradiční využití ložisek uranu po ukončení hlubinné těžby. In: Zpráva řešení grantového úkolu GA ČR č. 105/05/0127. (in Czech)
Utilization of Olsi -Drahonin Uranium Deposit after Mine Closure
  • N Rapantová
  • A Grmela
  • B Michálek
  • A Hájek
  • P Zábojník
  • J Zeman
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The effect of iron and manganese mine waters on stream biota, Part I: Seasonal and long term trends in mine water geochemistry
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Jakost vod -Zkouška inhibice pohyblivosti Daphnia magna Straus (Cladocera
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