Sport for All in Malaysian context is referred to as the "Sports for All' policy which aim is to develop a united society through greater participation and better opportunities in sports.This paper discusses on the role of sports to foster integration and solidarity among Malaysians that also involves Elite Sport, the highly organised and competitive performance sport, whether they are incompatible aims of a government leisure policy. It seems like although Elite sport is often considered to be an important element for promoting mass participation but it has never been, or will ever be, 'for all'. Leisure policy, on the other hand, views other non-sport forms of leisure activities as being of equal importance as a means of individual and community development as it does not limit itself to sport as a vehicle to deliver leisure opportunities and services. Thus, sport for all that unites leisure sport and mass sport, contributes to the quality of life and leisure value, as it provides patterns for leisure time which help people to obtain self-fulfilment and joy in life in activities for all age groups levels of ability.