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Abstract and Figures

Moringa oleifera grown and used in many countries around the world is a multi-purpose tree with medicinal, nutritional and socio-economic values. In Senegal and Benin, M. oleifera leaves are dispensed as powder at health facilities to treat moderate malnutrition in children. It established the medicinal uses of M. oleifera leaves by local communities in Uganda and identified phytochemicals present in M. oleifera leaves extracts. It used quantitative and experimental methods that established the uses, and identified phytochemicals in M. oleifera leaves. Employed serial extractions, using ether, ethanol and water as solvents. The phytochemicals were qualitatively identified using standard chemicals and standard outcomes. Twenty-four medicinal uses of M. oleifera leaves were established. Phytochemicals present included: tannins, steroids and triterpenoids, flavonoids, saponins, anthraquinones, alkaloids and reducing sugars. The local communities in Uganda use M. oleifera leaves to treat common ailments. Presence of phytochemicals in the extracts, indicate possible preventive and curative property of M. oleifera leaves. There is need to standardize M. oleifera leaves use for nutrition and herbal medicine.
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Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 4(9), pp. 753-757, 4 May, 2010
Available online at
DOI: 10.5897/JMPR10.492
ISSN 1996-0875 © 2010 Academic Journals
Full Length Research Paper
Phytochemicals and uses of Moringa oleifera leaves in
Ugandan rural communities
Josephine N. Kasolo
*,Gabriel S. Bimenya
, Lonzy Ojok
, Joseph Ochieng
Jasper W. Ogwal-Okeng
Department of Physiology, School of Biomedical Sciences, Makererere University College of Health Sciences,
P. O. Box 7072, Kampala, Uganda.
Department of Pathology, School of Biomedical Sciences, Makererere University College of Health Sciences,
P. O. Box 7072, Kampala, Uganda.
Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University, College of Health Sciences,
P. O. Box 7072, Kampala, Uganda.
Department of Anatomy, School of Biomedical Sciences, Makerere University College of Health Sciences,
P. O. Box 7072, Kampala, Uganda.
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, School of Biomedical Sciences, Makerere University College of Health
Sciences, P. O. Box 7072, Kampala, Uganda.
Accepted 23 April, 2010
Moringa oleifera grown and used in many countries around the world is a multi-purpose tree with
medicinal, nutritional and socio-economic values. In Senegal and Benin, M. oleifera leaves are
dispensed as powder at health facilities to treat moderate malnutrition in children. It established the
medicinal uses of M. oleifera leaves by local communities in Uganda and identified phytochemicals
present in M. oleifera leaves extracts. It used quantitative and experimental methods that established
the uses, and identified phytochemicals in M. oleifera leaves. Employed serial extractions, using ether,
ethanol and water as solvents. The phytochemicals were qualitatively identified using standard
chemicals and standard outcomes. Twenty-four medicinal uses of M. oleifera leaves were established.
Phytochemicals present included: tannins, steroids and triterpenoids, flavonoids, saponins,
anthraquinones, alkaloids and reducing sugars. The local communities in Uganda use M. oleifera leaves
to treat common ailments. Presence of phytochemicals in the extracts, indicate possible preventive and
curative property of M. oleifera leaves. There is need to standardize M. oleifera leaves use for nutrition
and herbal medicine.
Key words: Phytochemicals, medicinal plant extracts, herbal medicine, Uganda.
Moringa oleifera was massively grown and promoted by
the local media in Uganda in the 1980s as a plant
putatively able to cure a number of diseases including
symptoms of HIV/AIDS.
Industrialists bought the leaves and seeds to use as
raw materials and this promoted its being grown by many
families. At the moment farmers have uprooted the plant
*Corresponding author. E-mail, Tel: 256-772-553088. Fax:
and have remained with a few trees around the
Although M. oleifera is native to the sub-Himalayan
tracts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan
where it is used in folk medicine (Fahey, 2005), it is now
widely distributed all over the world (Lockelt, 2000). M.
oleifera is referred to as a miracle tree or a wonder
tree (Fuglie, 2001) of significant socio economic
importance because of its several nutritional,
pharmacological (Caceres et al., 1991; 1992; Fuglie,
2001) and industrial applications (Makkar and Becker,
1997; Foidl, 2001). The leaves of this plant contain a
profile of important trace elements, and are a good
754 J. Med. Plant. Res.
source of proteins, vitamins, beta-carotine, amino acids
and various phenolics (Anwar, 2007). With all those
attributes to M. oleifera leaves we wondered why very
few people and media are promoting the use of M.
oleifera leaves in a country where malnutrition among
children below 5 years stands at 15% while 45% children
below 5 years are stunted.
Over a period of two weeks, a cross-sectional study with
quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection used in
surveys was carried out among heads of households aged 18 years
and above in four rural districts of Uganda (Arua, Kapchorwa,
Mbarara and Wakiso), who had lived in the area for more than two
years. They were interviewed in their homes and focus group
discussions were conducted among them at the local councils’
meeting places. Villages from randomly selected sub-counties were
randomly selected and the list of heads of households was
generated. Every fifth person was interviewed until a total of 30
respondents per district were obtained.
The experimental component extracted M. oleifera leaf/powder
sequentialy using ether, ethanol (95% v/v) and distilled water as
solvent (Cowen, 1999). Medicinal phytochemicals in the extracts
were determined using established methods of Cuilei (1964). The
method uses the principle that different phytochemical groups,
reacts with specific to give end point characteristic colour changes
reagents when mixed because colour changes, froth or precipitate.
Data collection for use of M. oleifera leaves
A pre-tested questionnaire, translated into local languages
(Luganda, Runyankore, Lugbara and Kupsabiny) and back
translated to English to ensure consistence of meaning, was used
by trained research assistants to collect data from the participants.
Two focus group discussions per district (one for men and the other
for women) were performed to complement data collected from the
quantitative study. One man and one woman opinion leader from
each community were interviewed to correlate the information
collected from the focus group discussions. Data was also collected
on respondent’s social-demographic characteristics i.e. age, sex,
education level, marital status, distance to the nearest public health
unit and occupation. It also included knowledge and use of M.
oleifera leaves in their homes and communities.
Consent forms which included the nature and purpose of the
research translated into local languages were read to each
participant. The participants consented by signing or thumbing on
the consent form. Permission to conduct the study was received
from the Makerere University Faculty of Medicine Research and
Ethics Committee. The study was conducted in accordance with
ethical standards for human experimentation established by the
declaration of Helsinki (1965).
Extraction of the leaves
M. oleifera leaves were harvested during the dry season from trees
grown on loam soil in Wakiso district, Uganda. The family and
species of M. oleifera were confirmed by Ms. Olive Wanyanna a
Makerere University botanist and leaves were kept in the University
Herbarium. M. oleifera leaves were air-dried at room temperature in
the Department of Physiology until constant weight was attained.
They were kept away from high temperatures and direct sun light to
avoid destroying active compounds. They were then pounded to
powder with metallic motor and pestle to ease the extraction of
active compounds.
Extraction process
The process followed the already established extraction procedure
of plant samples, using ether followed by ethanol and then distilled
water as solvents (Cowan, 1999; Ciulei, 1964). Serial extractions
were done using 200 g plant powder, in 500 ml diethyl ether (98%)
in Ehlnmeyer flask. The mixture was shaken at two hourly intervals
during day-time for 3 days. The mixture was decant and filtered
using Whatman’s No.1 filter paper in Buchner funnel using a
suction pump. The residue was air dried at room temperature for 3
days and the same procedure repeated using ethanol (95% v/v) for
3 days. Rotary evaporator (BUCHI Rotavapor R-205) was used to
recover the ether and ethanol. Finally 200 g of the dry residue was
soaked into 1,000 ml distilled water at 96°C to prevent fungal attack
and cooled at room temperature. The mixture was shaken hourly to
ease extraction for 12 h. The filtrate was freeze dried at pressure 32
Pa, temperature was started at -47°C and maintained at C for 36
h to dry the extract.
Identification of phytochemical groups in the extracts
The qualitative methods already established to test for classes of
compounds in plant extracts by Ciulei (1964) and Chitravadivu et al.
(2009) were used. The substances that were tested for included:
Alkaloids, steroids and triterpenoids, tannins, anthracenosides,
reducing sugars, flavones, saponins and coumarins which are
reported to have biological activities on animal tissues. The dry
extracts of M. oleifera leaves, ether, ethanol and water extracts
were used to determine the compounds.
Test for alkaloids
One milligram of dried extract was dissolved in 6 props of 2%
hydrochloric acid. The solution was divided into 3 aliquots; to the
first portion which acted as a reference, 2 ml of distilled water was
added. To the second test tube, 2 drops of Dragendorff’s reagent
whose Basic Bismuth nitrate, was purchased from Sikuda Lab
distributors, P. O. Box 12553, Kampala, Uganda, and potassium
iodide from Tomas Baker (Chemicals)Ltd, 4/86 Bharat, Mahal,
Marine Drive, Mumbai- 400 002, India were added. A precipitate
indicated presence of alkaloids. To the third portion, 2 drops of
Mayer’s reagent was added and a yellowish white precipitate
indicated the presence of alkaloids (Raffauf, 1962).
Test for steroids and triterpenoids
One milligram of dried extracts was dissolved in 0.5 ml of acetic
anhydride; 0.5 ml of chloroform from Alpha Chemicals, 18 Inman
Rd, Crorner, NSW 20999 Australia, was added. The solution was
pipette into a dry test tube and 1 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid
added at the bottom of the tube. A brown-red ring at the interface
between the two liquids and a green supernatant indicated the
presence of steroids and triterpenoids.
Test for tannins
One milligram of plant extracts was dissolved in 1.5 ml of water; 3
drop of dilute ferric chloride from LOBA CHEMIE PVT. LTD.
Jehangir Villa, 107, Wode House Road, Colaba, Mumai, 400 005,
India, were added. A blackish blue color indicated the presence of
Gallic tannins and green blackish color indicated catechol tannins.
Test for anthraquinones
To 1 mg of the extract, 2 ml of 25% Ammonia solution from UNILAB
Limited, P. O. Box 78151, Nairobi, Kenya, was added and shaken.
A cherish-red solution indicates the presence of emodols
(aglycones of anthracenosides in oxidized form).
Test for saponins
Three drops of dimethylsulfoxide from BDH Laboratories VWR
International Ltd, 14 Media Village, Liscombe Park, Soulbury,
Leighton Buzzard , LU7 0JL, UK, were added to 1 mg of plant
extract, 5 ml of distilled water added and shaken. Presence of foam
which persisted for more than 15 min indicated the presence of
Test for coumarins
One milligram of the extract was dissolved in 2 ml of water. The
solution divided into 2 portions. To first portion, 0.5 ml of 10%
ammonia solution was added. The second portion acted as a
reference. The occurrence of an intense fluorescence under ultra
violet light indicated the presence of coumarins and its derivatives.
Test for flavones aglycones
One milligram of dry plant extract was dissolved in 1 ml of methanol
at 50°C. Metallic magnesium from BDH Lab Supplies (U) Ltd. Plot
7. Bombo Road, Kampala, Uganda and 5 drops of concentrated
hydrochloric acid were added. A red or orange color indicates the
presence of flavones aglycones (Shibata’s reaction or Cyanidin
Test for reducing sugars
One milligram of the extract dissolved in 2 ml of water and 1 ml of
Fehling’s reagent which contained a mixture of Fehlings solution I
and II purchased from Sikuda Lab distributors, P. O. Box 12553,
Kampala, Uganda was added and the mixture heated. A brick red
precipitate denoted the presence of reducing sugars.
Data analysis
Data from the quantitative study was entered into Microsoft Excel
2007 and exported to SPSS 13.0 statistical program for analysis.
The qualitative data was manually analyzed by grouping the
ailments mentioned in the group discussions and in the key
informant interviews.
The findings revealed that most of the participants were
aged 50 - 55 years (78; 65%), there were more males
(93; 77.5%) than females (27; 22.5%), the majority were
subsistence farmers (110; 91.6%) with primary education
level (88; 73.3%). Majority of the participants (109; 90.8%) were
Kasolo et al. 755
in some form of marital union and those that had divorced or
widowed had remarried or cohabiting. Most respondents (63;
52.5%) lived more than 5 km from the nearest public
health unit.
It also found out that there are twenty-four uses of M.
oleifera leaves by rural communities in Uganda, Table 1.
The highest percentage of respondents (108; 90%) use M.
oleifera leaves to treat hypertension and diabetes. A small
number (28; 23.3%) had never used the leaves for
treating any condition and 19 (15.8%) had no knowledge
of its use. There were no traces coumarins in ether,
ethanol or water extracts. However, steroids and
triterpenoids, flavonoids, anthraquinones and saponins
were extracted by all the solvents. Ether and ethanol did
not extract alkaloids while water extracted all the other
phytochemicals (Table 2).
This study has established the fact M. oleifera leaves in
Uganda are used for treatment of twenty-four medical
conditions as shown in Table 1. The respondents are of
low income and live more than 5 km from a public health
facility which makes them susceptible to use of local
herbs as a first line of illness management. They believe
that M. oleifera leaves cure the ailments mentioned and
many of them use it at primary health care level before
seeking help at health facilities. Reports reveal that there
are 43 uses of M. oleifera leaves around the globe
(Fahey, 2005).
Yet in Uganda the leaves are known to treat twenty-
four medical conditions. Out of the twenty-four ailments
six including: impotence, heartburn, bone setting,
asthma, flu, syphilis are only mentioned by the Ugandan
rural communities and not reported by other
communities. This could be due to the different naming of
ailments in different countries and communities for
example: in many of the Ugandan local languages it is
difficult to get different words distinguishing cough, flu,
pneumonia and common cold or malaria and fever.
Despite the documented nutrition attributes to M. oleifera
leaves, very few respondents (13 (10.8%) appreciated its
use in treatment or prevention of malnutrition. There is
inadequate knowledge about the nutritional and medicinal
values of M. oleifera leaves among the Ugandan rural
communities. The communities need to be educated on
the attributes of the leaves in order to prevent
malnutrition among the children. The respondents were
not able to tell whether the leaves cured the ailments or
just caused the relief symptoms. Unlike in the developed
world where herbal medicines are used because they are
considered to be safer than the orthodox medicine, the
Ugandan rural communities use them due to inadequate
access to medical care.
Having used the methods of Ciulei (1964) and latter
adopted by Cowan (1999); Ogwal-okeng (1998) and
Waako (1996) to qualitatively establish phytochemicals in
756 J. Med. Plant. Res.
Table 1. Reported differential uses of M. olefera leaves in
Ugandan rural communities.
Percentage (%)
HIV/AIDS -related symptoms
60 (50.0)
12 (10.0)
External sores/ulcers
13 (10.8)
15 (12.5)
108 (90)
Diabetes mellitus
108 (90)
13 (10.8)
12 (10.0)
13 (10.8)
13 (10.8)
13 (10.8)
12 (10.0)
Heart burn
12 (10.0)
Bone setting
12 (10.0)
Worms in people and cattle
70 (58.3)
Skin disease
13 (10.8)
12 (10.0)
Lactation enhancer
70 (58.3)
Protein energy malnutrition
13 (10.8)
30 (25.0)
12 (10.0)
30 (25.0)
Tea spices
30 (25.0)
30 (25.0)
Never used the plant
28 (23.3)
No knowledge of the use
19 (15.8)
A number of respondents knew more than one use of M. oleifera
Table 2. Phytochemicals present in M. oleifera leaves.
Gallic tannins
Catechol tennins
Steroids and triterpenoids
Reducing sugars
Key -: not detected; +: present in low concentration; ++: present in
moderate concentration; +++ present in high concentrations.
different plant extracts, this study established that ether;
ethanol and water M. oleifera leaves extracts contained:
catechol tannins, gallic tannins, steroids and
triterpenoids, flavonoids, saponins, anthraquinones,
alkaloids and reducing sugars which have been identified
by other researchers in various plants and in different
parts of plants (Devbhuti et al., 2009; Tijjan et al., 2009;
Hassan et al., 2007; Bennett et al., 2003). None of the
extracts contained coumarins. The findings in this study
agree with earlier studies which also found that, not all
phytochemicals are present in all plant parts and that
those present differ according to the type of the extracting
solvent used (Tijjan et al., 2009; Ayinde et al., 2007).
Flavonoids, which are many in number (Ramo-Tejada,
2002), are strong antioxidants, also found to be effective
antimicrobial substances in vitro against a wide array of
microorganisms by inhibiting the membrane bound
enzymes (Cowan, 1999) . They have been reported to
possess substantial anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic
activities due to their anti-oxidant and -inflammatory
properties (Li-Weber, 2009; Nandakumar et al., 2008;
Hausteen, 2002). They are also active in reducing high
blood pressure (Ayinde et al., 2007; Dhawan and Jain,
Tannins are a group of polymeric phenolic substances
capable of tanning leather or precipitating gelatic from
solution (Scalbert, 1991), causing local tumors(Kapadia
et al., 1978), inactivating and killing microorganisms
(Cowan, 1999; Hausteen, 2005).
On the other hand anthraquinones (9,10-
dioxoanthracene) which are a group of naturally occurring
phenolic compounds are found in M. oleifera leaves and
tend to have laxative effects. Terpenoids and steroids
present in M. oleifera leaves ere described as being
active against bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus
(Cowan, 1999), capable of preventing cancer (Raju et al.,
2004), having anti-carcinogenic effects (Yun, 1996).
Rausch et al. (2006) reported Ginseng saponins to have
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptosis and
immunostimulant properties, which raised speculation
that these compounds could positively affect
neurodegenerative disorders and delay neural aging. The
local communities use M. oleifera leaves as soap due to
the presence of saponins which form froth and act as
M. oleifera leaves also contain alkaloids which are
nitrogen-containing naturally occurring compound,
commonly found to have antimicrobial properties due to
their ability to intercalate with DNA of the microorganisms
The presence of glucosinolates in Moringa stenopetala
(Bennett et al., 2003) and that of hypotensive
thiocarbamite glycosides in M. oleifera, (Faizi et al.,
(1995) contributes to the use of the plants in
hypertension. On the other hand, they are also reported
to modify tumorigenisis (Ueno et al., 2009), able to inhibit
carbohydrate-mediated tumor growth (Nangia-Makker et
al., 2002), induced a stress response and apoptosis in
human breast cancer cells.
It is also documented that phytochemicals in plant-
based foods can improve glucose metabolism as well as
enhance the overall health of diabetic patients by improving
lipid metabolism, antioxidant status, improving capillary
function, and lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
(Kelble, 2006; Broadhurst et al., 2000). M. oleifera leaves
having these phytochemicals are able to treat the
ailments mentioned by the heads of households in
Ugandan rural communities.
The rural community in Uganda use Moringa oleifera
leaves to treat common medical conditions but a few use
it for preventing and treating malnutrition. Presence of
phytochemicals indicates possible preventive and
curative properties of M. oleifera leaves. There is need to
carry out more pharmacological studies to support the
use of M. oleifera as a medicinal plant.
Authors are grateful to the staff of the Departments of
Physiology and Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College
of Health Sciences Makerere University, Kampala for
their technical assistance and to the Carnegie of New
York Fund.
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mice. Zhongguo Yao Li Xue Bao. 17:293-298.
... Moringa leaf bioactive compounds improve physical and metabolic functioning related to muscles, they act as antitumor and cytotoxic (García-Beltrán et al. 2020), antiasthma, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and cardioprotective agents (Hassan et al. 2021). The bioactive compounds of moringa leaves, and their potential as antioxidants, anticancer, antiasthma, antidiabetic, Ethanol and water nones were detected in low concentrations, steroids and triterpenoids were detected in high concentrations, coumarins were not detected i) gallic tannins and saponins were detected in low concentrations ii) steroids, triterpenoids, flavonoids and anthraquinones were detected in moderate concentrations iii) catechol, coumarin and alkaloid were not detected i) gallic tannins, catechol tannins, steroids and triterpenoids, flavonoids, saponins and alkaloids were detected in moderate concentrations ii) anthraquinone was detected in high concentration, coumarin was not detected i) contains phenolic compounds, flavonoids, saponins, condensed tannins, and cyanogenic glycosides ii) phenol from moringa leaves can be extracted using a combination of water and organic solvents (methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate, and acetone) the same phenolic and flavonoid compounds but different concentrations Kasolo et al. 2010Kasolo et al. 2010Kasolo et al. 2010 García-Beltrán et al. 2020 Kerdsomboon et al. 2021 Ethanol anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and cardioprotective agents are shown in Table 4. ...
... Moringa leaf bioactive compounds improve physical and metabolic functioning related to muscles, they act as antitumor and cytotoxic (García-Beltrán et al. 2020), antiasthma, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and cardioprotective agents (Hassan et al. 2021). The bioactive compounds of moringa leaves, and their potential as antioxidants, anticancer, antiasthma, antidiabetic, Ethanol and water nones were detected in low concentrations, steroids and triterpenoids were detected in high concentrations, coumarins were not detected i) gallic tannins and saponins were detected in low concentrations ii) steroids, triterpenoids, flavonoids and anthraquinones were detected in moderate concentrations iii) catechol, coumarin and alkaloid were not detected i) gallic tannins, catechol tannins, steroids and triterpenoids, flavonoids, saponins and alkaloids were detected in moderate concentrations ii) anthraquinone was detected in high concentration, coumarin was not detected i) contains phenolic compounds, flavonoids, saponins, condensed tannins, and cyanogenic glycosides ii) phenol from moringa leaves can be extracted using a combination of water and organic solvents (methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate, and acetone) the same phenolic and flavonoid compounds but different concentrations Kasolo et al. 2010Kasolo et al. 2010Kasolo et al. 2010 García-Beltrán et al. 2020 Kerdsomboon et al. 2021 Ethanol anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and cardioprotective agents are shown in Table 4. ...
... Moringa leaf bioactive compounds improve physical and metabolic functioning related to muscles, they act as antitumor and cytotoxic (García-Beltrán et al. 2020), antiasthma, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and cardioprotective agents (Hassan et al. 2021). The bioactive compounds of moringa leaves, and their potential as antioxidants, anticancer, antiasthma, antidiabetic, Ethanol and water nones were detected in low concentrations, steroids and triterpenoids were detected in high concentrations, coumarins were not detected i) gallic tannins and saponins were detected in low concentrations ii) steroids, triterpenoids, flavonoids and anthraquinones were detected in moderate concentrations iii) catechol, coumarin and alkaloid were not detected i) gallic tannins, catechol tannins, steroids and triterpenoids, flavonoids, saponins and alkaloids were detected in moderate concentrations ii) anthraquinone was detected in high concentration, coumarin was not detected i) contains phenolic compounds, flavonoids, saponins, condensed tannins, and cyanogenic glycosides ii) phenol from moringa leaves can be extracted using a combination of water and organic solvents (methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate, and acetone) the same phenolic and flavonoid compounds but different concentrations Kasolo et al. 2010Kasolo et al. 2010Kasolo et al. 2010 García-Beltrán et al. 2020 Kerdsomboon et al. 2021 Ethanol anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and cardioprotective agents are shown in Table 4. ...
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One of the efforts to produce functional foods is using ingredients containing health-beneficial bioactive compounds. Another way to produce functional foods is fermentation generating bioactive compounds or fortification with the bioactive compound extract. An ingredient historically believed to have benefits on health is moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf powder. Moringa leaf powder is a valuable source of functional ingredients, including protein, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients such as carotenoids, tocopherols, polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, and tannins. However , moringa is a plant that is distributed in various tropical countries in the world. Its quality depends on geographical differences, cultivars, environmental conditions, seasons, genotypes, and varieties. This article reviews the bioactive compounds of moringa leaf powder and the characteristics of moringa leaf powder extract. The effect of moringa leaf powder fortification on food product characteristics is also discussed. Moringa leaf powder possesses many pharmacological properties, such as anticancer, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, and antioxidant ones. The bioactivity of leaf extract is extracting solvent dependent. Therefore, fortification results in nutritional improvement and increasing health benefits of food products. However, the adverse effect is found in sensory. Thus properties, thus the moringa leaf powder fortification level usually is less than 10%. Changes in the functional properties of foods due to moringa leaf powder fortification have been studied to a limited extent. A low level of fortification might not affect the properties of food products. Therefore, moringa leaf powder is potentially used as a functional food ingredient. Some studies reported the toxicological effects of moringa leaf powder and the use of this ingredient, should be below the harmful doses.
... After the mixture sediments for three hours, the supernatants are discarded, and the precipitates are cleaned with 20 cm 3 of 0.1 M ammonium hydroxide before being placed on 12.5 cm filter paper. After the residue is baked dry, the proportion of alkaloid is calculated analytically as follows [12]. ...
... After adding 0.5 ml of Folin-Ciocateau reagent to the sample and standard, 2.5 ml of 20% Na 2 CO 3 was added to create the standard tannin acid solution. At 725 nm, the solution was measured [12]. ...
... The method described by [12] was used for flavonoid determination. 2.50 g of the sample were placed in a 250 cm 3 beaker, filled with precisely 50 cm 3 of 80% aqueous methanol, covered, and left to stand at room temperature for 24 hours. ...
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The study aimed to evaluate the phytochemical composition, antioxidant activity, and anti-inflammatory properties of the methanol extract of Piliostigma thonningii leaves to provide scientific evidence for its traditional medicinal use. Phytochemical screening was conducted using standard methods, revealing the presence of anthraquinones, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, phytosterols, saponins, and steroids, while glycosides and phenols were absent. Antioxidant activities were assessed using DPPH radical-scavenging, ferric reducing antioxidant potential (FRAP), and hydrogen peroxide scavenging assays, all indicating significant antioxidant capacity that increased with extract concentration. The results indicate a dose-dependent antioxidant response across all assays, with higher concentrations of extracts exhibiting greater scavenging potential against free radicals and hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidation. While the extracts show slightly lower potency compared to ascorbic acid, they still demonstrate considerable antioxidant activity, especially at higher concentrations. The anti-inflammatory effect was evaluated using a carrageenan-induced paw edema model in rats, comparing three dosages of the extract (100, 200, and 400 mg/kg) to Diclofenac and a negative control. The 100 mg/kg dose effectively delayed peak inflammation, showing strong anti-inflammatory activity similar to, but less consistent than, Diclofenac. These findings support the traditional use of Piliostigma thonningii leaves in managing inflammation and pain, suggesting potential for further development as a natural therapeutic agent."
... They are employed as a laxative and administered topically as a poultice to alleviate bronchitis, cataracts, glandular inflammation, ear and eye infections, and scurvy (Mutheeswaran et al. 2011;Shamim and Fatima 2018;Silja et al. 2008;Yabesh et al. 2014). Decoctions made from Moringa leaves are commonly utilized to treat piles, fevers, and sore throats (Fokou et al. 2015;Kasolo et al. 2010;Silja et al. 2008). It is believed that the juice extracted from the leaves aids in controlling glucose levels (Abe and Ohtani 2013). ...
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Moringa oleifera Lam. has garnered widespread recognition as a superfood to combat malnutrition, owing to its exceptional nutrient profile. The rich repertoire of biologically active components, such as isothiocyanates, flavonoids, phenolics, alkaloids, terpenoids, and sterols, is being utilized for a multitude of therapeutic activities, including anticancer, antidiabetic, antioxidant, cardioprotective, antimicrobial, and anti-fertility. These functional attributes have paved the way for incorporating M. oleifera into diverse applications, from dietary supplements to nano-formulations. Hence, the present review aims to offer an in-depth account of the nutritional composition, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, therapeutic utility, nano-formulations, and toxicity profile of M. oleifera. These collective insights underline the holistic worth of M. oleifera, positioning it as a valuable asset with vast implications for human health and beyond. Graphical abstract
... Ojo et al. [297] suggested providing adequate extension services to promote and scale up the domestication and cultivation of moringa. Kasolo et al. [395] suggested standardizing moringa leaves used in nutrition and herbal medicine. ...
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While Moringa oleifera Lam. is gaining importance in Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa, it is unclear whether research is following the quick pace of its development on the continent. Therefore, this article analyzes the landscape of research dealing with moringa in Africa. This systematic review draws upon 299 eligible articles identified through a search carried out on the Web of Science in April 2023. Research on M. oleifera is rather recent in Africa but interest is increasing among scholars. While the research field is multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral, the literature seems to focus on biological and environmental sciences. Moreover, research is performed mainly in South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, and Ghana. The analysis suggests a significant potential contribution of moringa to food security and nutrition, climate change mitigation/adaptation, farming systems resilience, and livelihoods. Its versatility and diverse applications and uses make moringa particularly interesting for developing countries, such as African ones. However, this review also underscores some factors hindering its development. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen research on moringa to unlock its potential in Africa. Investments in research, innovation, and development can help address the many challenges that Africa faces and contribute to the transition towards sustainable and resilient food systems.
... In addition, Moringa flowers contain quercetin and kaempferol [9]. A study by [35], identified that Moringa roots contain protective phytochemicals, such as tannins, i.e., catechol and gallic, and also contain anthraquinones, alkaloids, saponins, steroids, triterpenoids, and reducing sugars. ...
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Moringa, the miracle tree earns this title from being a dietary supplement for humans and its importance for medical benefits in folk medicine. Exceptionally, Moringa is nutritional vegetable tree with various important uses due to its rich nutrients, rich in protein containing all amino acids, minerals, nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. All parts of Moringa tree are edible and have long been consumed by humans. Moringa leaves, flowers, bark, seeds, and roots have many phytochemical components such as alkaloids, terpenes, myricetin, phenolic substances, phenolic acids, flavonoids, isothiocyanates, tannins, saponins, quercetin, zeatin, kaempferol flavonoids, glucosides, glucosinolates, anthocyanins, and steroids, which reflects positively on its therapeutic effects as antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, cardiovascular, and hepatoprotective activity. Depending on the previous, Moringa is used frequently in folk medicine, especially in developing nations, to treat several disorders. Nowadays, Moringa oleifera is considered a promised functional plant in industry for exploring several products, mainly nutritional and medicinal. This review article aims to introduce defined and updated knowledge on biological activities, pharmacological, nutritional and traditional uses, and therapeutic potential of Moringa plants, with recognition of local models as potential products for commercialization in Egypt. To gather the literature for this paper’s review, research papers and review articles published in the last decade were used. Knowledge in current review will be valuable for developing novel therapeutic medicines, pharmaceutical formulations, and commercial products from Moringa.
... Moringa oleifera, the "Miracle tree", thrives in almost all tropical and subtropical regions worldwide but is believed to be native to Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan [1]. Moringa has drought tolerance [2]. ...
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Moringa oleifera L. (Moringaceae-Family) is one of the species that has a wide range of Folk, traditional, nutritional, industrial, and medicinal values. In folk medicine, this plant is used to treat pain, liver disease, heart disease, ulcers, wound healing, disinfectant, fever, constipation, asthma, and to expel a retained placenta.M. oleifera plant parts were tested for various pharmacological activities viz, antioxidant, anti-cancer, antimicrobial, covid sars-2,anti-diabetic, antibiotic, anti-venom, antiobesity, anti-ulcer/gastroprotective, cardiovascular, fertility and anti-fertility, anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic, hepatoprotective, oral dental resistant, other medicinal activities. This review explores the health benefits and applications of Moringa oleifera traditional, phytochemistry, pharmaceticological activity, commercial, and important medicinal properties.
... It is known to be in the filtration of water for ailments such as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, cholesterollowering, cardiac and circulatory stimulant, antihypertensive, gastrointestinal, skin disorders, cosmetics, blackhead removal, flu, bronchitis, cough, conjunctivitis, eye and ear infection, cholera, headache, joint pain, anaemia, and HIV/AIDS. It is also utilised as a dietary supplement and is increasingly being used in baked goods, fruit juices, meat, and even sandwiches because of its nutritional value (Anwar et al. 2007;Kasolo et al. 2010;Mishra et al. 2011;Popoola and Obembe 2013;Leone et al. 2016;Velázquez-Zavala et al. 2016;Milla et al. 2021). ...
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Since ancient times, humans have been able to employ several natural materials in the treatment of illness and injury thanks to the practice of complementary medicine. Many plants, animals, and fungi have proven effective in the treatment of sickness in humans. Among these natural resources, plants play a significant role. In our study, studies in the literature on Moringa oleifera Lam. were compiled. In this light, the plant’s nutritional and mineral composition, essential oil composition, and biological activity were gathered. Literature studies show that M. oleifera has significant nutrient and mineral concentrations and a wide range of potential applications. In addition to its high concentration of essential oils, it has been shown to possess a wide range of beneficial biological properties. M. oleifera is considered a valuable natural resource in this setting due to its potential use in alternative treatment.
... Every part of M. oleifera is a storehouse of important nutrients and anti-nutrients. The leaves of M. oleifera are rich in minerals like calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron and copper (Kasolo et al. 2010). Vitamins like beta-carotene of vitamin A, vitamin B such as folic acid, pyridoxine and nicotinic acid, vitamin C, D and E also present in M. oleifera (Mbikay et al. 2012). ...
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The AICRP on Forage Crops, a multidisciplinary, multi-location program, was established in 1970 with a crucial mission. Its goal is to enhance forages and develop suitable technologies to boost forage production in various agroecological regions of the nation. This significant study is being conducted nationwide at 22 coordinated and 20-plus volunteer centers, underscoring its importance in agriculture and animal husbandry. Forage crops, or intermediary inputs for animal production, have special issues that set them apart from horticultural and food crops. In addition to their diversity and inherent qualities, forage crops are typically seasonally, geographically, and area-specific. Most of the time, marginal and degraded land is set aside for fodder production using the least amount of water, energy, and fertilizers possible. There is a significant disparity between the supply and demand of green, dry and feed concentrates to the true needs of animals. It has been claimed that more efforts are necessary to meet the country’s fodder requirement, as there is a lack of 23.4% dry matter and 11.24% green fodder. Additionally, reports state that feeding expenses can be lowered from 60–70% of overall raising costs to 40%. It is crucial to increase awareness among cattle owners about the importance of a balanced diet and feeding, as most cattle owners feed homemade concentrate combinations and are thus unaware of these aspects. The primary cause of low productivity and rising costs associated with the production of animal products in India is the acute scarcity of nutrient-rich green fodder in various places. On approximately 2.3% of the world’s land area, India is home to over 20% of the world’s livestock population and 17.5% of its people population. While livestock is growing at 0.66% annually, the human population is growing at 1.6% annually. The AICRP on Forage Crops plays a crucial role in addressing this issue by developing, validating, and deploying fodder technologies to farmers. These technologies are essential for improving sustainable fodder production and assisting in lowering the cost of raising livestock, especially in India.
Moringa oleifera, often called as the “miracle tree”, has widespread attention for its remarkable nutritional and medicinal properties. Originating from regions across Asia, this resilient tree has adapted to survive in diverse climates globally. This chapter explores the various uses of M. oleifera, focusing on its nutritional richness, therapeutic potential and industrial applications. Its leaves, seeds, pods and flowers (each part of the tree) offer a unique composition of nutrients, amino acids, and bioactive compounds essential for health and wellbeing. The gum extracted from Moringa presents a promising alternative hydrocolloid with applications spanning pharmaceuticals, wastewater management and food industries.
The red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) is a major pest causing significant damage to stored grains, leading to substantial economic losses. This study evaluated the repellent and insecticidal effects of red pepper (Capsicum frutescens), moringa (Moringa oleifera), and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) powders against T. castaneum larvae and adults. Plant materials were dried, ground, and applied to crushed rice grains at concentrations of 1%, 2.5%, and 5%. The repellent effect was assessed by recording the number of insects leaving treated grains over five days, while the insecticidal effect was determined by calculating the corrected mortality percentage after seven days of treatment. Results showed that eucalyptus powder at 5% concentration had the highest repellent effect on larvae, with an overall repellence rate of 46.01%. Red pepper powder at 5% concentration was most effective in repelling adults, with an average repellence rate of 71.46%. Moringa powder at 5% concentration exhibited the highest insecticidal effect, causing 66.67% mortality in both larvae and adults. The efficacy of plant powders increased with higher concentrations. The repellent and insecticidal effects of these plant powders may be attributed to their volatile compounds, secondary metabolites, and physical properties. This study demonstrates the potential of using red pepper, moringa, and eucalyptus powders as eco-friendly alternatives to synthetic insecticides for protecting stored rice grains from T. castaneum infestation. Further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of these plant powders in protecting other stored crops from various storage pests.
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Methanol extract of the root of Cochlospermum tinctorium was evaluated for antibacterial activities using hole-in-plate bioassay technique against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Corynbacterium ulcerans, Proteus mirabilis and Shigella dysentriae using ciprofloxacin (10 μg mL-1) and gentamicin (10 μg mL-1) as reference standards. The extract was active on all the test organisms at concentration of 2000 μg mL-1. The activity of the extract against S. dysentriae was found to be more potent with MIC 100 and MBC 500 μg mL-1. Time kill studies showed that the antibacterial activities were time dependent. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and cardiac glycosides. These phytochemicals could be responsible for the antimicrobial activities exhibited by the extract and hence justify the ethnomedicinal uses of C. tinctorium.
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Moringa oleifera, or the horseradish tree, is a pan-tropical species that is known by such regional names as benzolive, drumstick tree, kelor, marango, mlonge, mulangay, nébéday, saijhan, and sajna. Over the past two decades, many reports have appeared in mainstream scientific journals describing its nutritional and medicinal properties. Its utility as a non-food product has also been extensively described, but will not be discussed herein, (e.g. lumber, charcoal, fencing, water clarification, lubricating oil). As with many reports of the nutritional or medicinal value of a natural product, there are an alarming number of purveyors of "healthful" food who are now promoting M. oleifera as a panacea. While much of this recent enthusiasm indeed appears to be justified, it is critical to separate rigorous scientific evidence from anecdote. Those who charge a premium for products containing Moringa spp. must be held to a high standard. Those who promote the cultivation and use of Moringa spp. in regions where hope is in short supply must be provided with the best available evidence, so as not to raise false hopes and to encourage the most fruitful use of scarce research capital. It is the purpose of this series of brief reviews to: (a) critically evaluate the published scientific evidence on M. oleifera, (b) highlight claims from the traditional and tribal medicinal lore and from non-peer reviewed sources that would benefit from further, rigorous scientific evaluation, and (c) suggest directions for future clinical research that could be carried out by local investigators in developing regions. This is the first of four planned papers on the nutritional, therapeutic, and prophylactic properties of Moringa oleifera. In this introductory paper, the scientific evidence for health effects are summarized in tabular format, and the strength of evidence is discussed in very general terms. A second paper will address a select few uses of Moringa in greater detail than they can be dealt with in the context of this paper. A third paper will probe the phytochemical components of Moringa in more depth. A fourth paper will lay out a number of suggested research projects that can be initiated at a very small scale and with very limited resources, in geographic regions which are suitable for Moringa cultivation and utilization. In advance of this fourth paper in the series, the author solicits suggestions and will gladly acknowledge contributions that are incorporated into the final manuscript. It is the intent and hope of the journal's editors that such a network of small-scale, locally executed investigations might be successfully woven into a greater fabric which will have enhanced scientific power over similar small studies conducted and reported in isolation. Such an approach will have the added benefit that statistically sound planning, peer review, and multi-center coordination brings to a scientific investigation.
Catechin belongs to a group of flavonoids, which are present in many fruits and plants. Catechin is often employed in model investigations on antioxidant behavior of flavonoids. Recently also some anti-disease properties of flavonoids were reported. In this paper investigations were carried out on alumina/(+)-catechin solution system. FTIR spectra were taken for the catechin samples retaken from its aqueous solutions at pH 3, 5.5 (natural) and 10.5. In other series, the solutions were contacted with an alumina powder during 20 days. Also UV–Vis spectra were taken for similar solutions incubated for 1, 7, 20, 50 and 70 days with and without contact with alumina. It appeared that the alumina essentially accelerated the autooxidation processes occurring in the solutions. The results show that the processes have completed between day 20 and 50, because the UV–Vis spectra for day 50 and 70 overlapped. Moreover, it looks that this is a specific property of alumina, which behaves as a catalyst. Similar experiments with silica showed that during 50 days, this oxide affected the processes only slightly.
Purpose The paper is a review of current research on phytochemicals and how they may alleviate type 2 diabetes by improving insulin activity in the body. Design/methodology/approach Literature searches were conducted to find a link between common household spices and type 2 diabetes. Only common household spices were researched so that any link found between spices and type 2 diabetes could lead to practical home‐based recommendations for changes in a person's diet. Findings Cinnamon, garlic, ginger, basil, oregano, nutmeg, tea, bay leaf, allspice, curry, and others were found to play a role in lowering blood glucose, increasing insulin sensitivity, and increasing glucose synthesis in response to food intake. In addition, these spices may improve blood circulation, decrease platelet aggregation, lower blood pressure, and act as blood vessel protectants, ameliorating the cardiovascular disease often associated with type 2 diabetes. To gain these benefits, only average amounts commonly used in foods are necessary, such as amounts usually sprinkled in foods or amounts used in recipes. At high concentrated doses, the advantages to utilizing spices may be inhibited. Originality/value The findings that phytochemicals in common household spices can improve insulin activity in the body present a more natural way to possibly treat and prevent type 2 diabetes.
3 Abstract: The Qualitative analysis is very essential for identifying the compounds present in the medicinal plants. We have colleted four medicinally important medicinal plants such as Acalypha indica, Cassia auriculata, Eclipta alba and Phyllanthus niruri for quantitative analysis. The experiment carried out in the selected medicinal plants leaves and roots. The results are discussed with the available literature.
Moringaoleifera grows throughout most of the tropics and has several industrial and medicinal uses. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of different morphological parts of this tree as animal feed. The crude protein (CP) content of leaves, soft twigs and stems was 260, 70 and 60 g kg1 respectively. About 87% of the total CP was in the form of true protein in the leaves (60 and 53% in twigs and stems respectively). The leaves had negligible amounts of tannins (12 g kg1 as diosgenin equivalent, which did not show any haemolytic activity. The phytate content of the leaves was 21 g kg1. In leaves, amounts of all the essential amino acids were higher than the amino acid pattern of the FAO reference protein and comparable to those in soyabeans. The CP and lipid contents of the kernel were 370 and 420 g kg1. The kernels and meal are extracted with water and the extract is used for the purification of water in some developing countries. The residues left after water extraction of kernels and meal (designated as extracted-kernel and extracted-meal) had a CP content of 350 and 700 g kgmol/g and 41 g kg1). The leaves of Moringaoleifera and the residue obtained after the recovery of oil and coagulants can be good sources of proteins for animal feeds.
Tannin toxicity for fungi, bacteria and yeasts is reviewed and compared to toxicity of related lower molecular weight phenols. The dependence of toxicity on tannin structure is examined. The different mechanisms proposed so far to explain tannin antimicrobial activity include inhibition of extracellular microbial enzymes, deprivation of the substrates required for microbial growth or direct action on microbial metabolism through inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation. A further mechanism involving iron deprivation is proposed. Many microorganisms can overcome plant defences based on tannins. They may detoxify tannins through synthesis of tannin- complexing polymers, oxidation, tannin biodegradation or synthesis of siderophores.