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Abstract and Figures

Ecological constraints related to foraging are expected to affect the evolution of morphological traits relevant to food capture, manipulation and transport. Females of central-place foraging Hymenoptera vary in their food load manipulation ability. Bees and social wasps modulate the amount of food taken per foraging trip (in terms of e.g. number of pollen grains or parts of prey), while solitary wasps carry exclusively entire prey items. We hypothesized that the foraging constraints acting on females of the latter species, imposed by the upper limit to the load size they are able to transport in flight, should promote the evolution of a greater load-lifting capacity and manoeuvrability, specifically in terms of greater flight muscle to body mass ratio and lower wing loading. Our comparative study of 28 species confirms that, accounting for shared ancestry, female flight muscle ratio was significantly higher and wing loading lower in species taking entire prey compared to those that are able to modulate load size. Body mass had no effect on flight muscle ratio, though it strongly and negatively co-varied with wing loading. Across species, flight muscle ratio and wing loading were negatively correlated, suggesting coevolution of these traits. Natural selection has led to the coevolution of resource load manipulation ability and morphological traits affecting flying ability with additional loads in females of central-place foraging Hymenoptera. Release from load-carrying constraints related to foraging, which took place with the evolution of food load manipulation ability, has selected against the maintenance of a powerful flight apparatus. This could be the case since investment in flight muscles may have to be traded against other life-history traits, such as reproductive investment.
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R E S E A R C H Open Access
Food load manipulation ability shapes flight
morphology in females of central-place
foraging Hymenoptera
Carlo Polidori
, Angelica Crottini
, Lidia Della Venezia
, Jesús Selfa
, Nicola Saino
and Diego Rubolini
Background: Ecological constraints related to foraging are expected to affect the evolution of morphological traits
relevant to food capture, manipulation and transport. Females of central-place foraging Hymenoptera vary in their
food load manipulation ability. Bees and social wasps modulate the amount of food taken per foraging trip
(in terms of e.g. number of pollen grains or parts of prey), while solitary wasps carry exclusively entire prey items.
We hypothesized that the foraging constraints acting on females of the latter species, imposed by the upper limit
to the load size they are able to transport in flight, should promote the evolution of a greater load-lifting capacity
and manoeuvrability, specifically in terms of greater flight muscle to body mass ratio and lower wing loading.
Results: Our comparative study of 28 species confirms that, accounting for shared ancestry, female flight muscle
ratio was significantly higher and wing loading lower in species taking entire prey compared to those that are able
to modulate load size. Body mass had no effect on flight muscle ratio, though it strongly and negatively co-varied
with wing loading. Across species, flight muscle ratio and wing loading were negatively correlated, suggesting
coevolution of these traits.
Conclusions: Natural selection has led to the coevolution of resource load manipulation ability and morphological
traits affecting flying ability with additional loads in females of central-place foraging Hymenoptera. Release from
load-carrying constraints related to foraging, which took place with the evolution of food load manipulation ability,
has selected against the maintenance of a powerful flight apparatus. This could be the case since investment in
flight muscles may have to be traded against other life-history traits, such as reproductive investment.
Keywords: Bees, Flight Muscle Ratio, Foraging, Wasps, Wing Loading
Flying animals show a huge diversity of body shapes and
structures and, as a consequence, a great variation in
flight performance that in turn largely affects the ability
to avoid predators, chase mates and carry food items
[1-4]. An intriguing question is thus whether variation
in flight morphology is adaptively tuned to specific eco-
logical conditions, such as habitat type, or to specific be-
havioural traits, such as food preferences [5]. Flying
animals must generate a lift force sufficient to counter-
act the gravitational force acting on their bodies, and
this requirement is frequently exacerbated when an
additional load has to be carried in flight, which com-
monly occurs during foraging [6,7]. Load-lifting and
manoeuvrability limits may constrain foraging and entail
important ecological and evolutionary consequences.
Based on previous theoretical and empirical studies it
is possible to make predictions about the relationship
between morphology, lift production, power output and
take-off ability. Experiments on insects, birds and bats
have revealed that flight muscle ratio (i.e., the flight
muscle mass to body mass ratio, FMR) is the most im-
portant determinant of take-off ability with additional
loads [6]. Because flying animals generate an approxi-
mately constant force per unit of flight muscle during
high-intensity bursts of flight [6], FMR also affects,
together with other morphological traits (e.g. position
of center of body mass), acceleration and, partly,
* Correspondence:
Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva, Museo Nacional de
Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), C/ José Gutiérrez Abascal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2013 Polidori et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
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reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Polidori et al. Frontiers in Zoology 2013, 10:36
manoeuvrability in flight (since it could be considered as
a series of changes in acceleration) [1,2]. Furthermore,
relatively larger wings compared to body size, corre-
sponding to a lower wing loading (WL) (i.e., the body
mass to wing area ratio) are also associated with a super-
ior flying ability [2,8]. Animals with lower WL can per-
form a more energetically efficient flight [9,10] and take
off at higher speed (though cruising flight speed in-
creases with WL [11]).
Studies of insects have shown that intraspecific vari-
ation in flight morphology also has important fitness
consequences: for example, higher FMR in males has
been related to a better competitive ability in territorial
wasps [12] and dragonflies [1,13]. In a pompilid wasp,
competitively successful males are larger, with a ten-
dency for reduced WL [3]. Comparative studies are
scarce, but still suggest the same patterns. For example,
ant-attended aphid species have higher WL and smaller
amount of flight muscles (implying a lower dispersal
ability) than non-ant-attended species [14,15]. Similarly,
palatable and non-mimetic butterflies have higher FMR,
enhancing their escape ability [2]. Interestingly, in both
aphids and butterflies, species with reduced flight thorax
muscle mass allocate more resources to reproduction
(e.g. ovarian size) [2,14,15], suggesting a trade-off be-
tween investment in flight muscles and reproduction.
On the whole, these studies indicate that flight morph-
ology in insects is shaped by multiple, potentially con-
trasting selection pressures, including the ability to
defend a territory and the ability to escape from preda-
tors, though other sources of selection have not yet been
investigated. In particular, despite the known role of for-
aging behaviour and diet type in shaping the flight
morphology of predatory vertebrates [8,16], to the best
of our knowledge no study has examined these evolu-
tionary relationships among predatory insects.
Flying, central-place foraging Hymenoptera (Aculeata),
whose females repeatedly return with a food load to
their nest in order to provision their immature brood,
are an excellent system to study the evolutionary rela-
tionships between foraging ecology and flight morph-
ology. This diverse group includes bees and wasps and
shows huge variation in foraging ecology, as it includes
predators hunting arthropods or other animal sources as
well as pollen/nectar foragers [17]. Importantly, central-
place foraging aculeates vary markedly in their foraging
mode: some species, such as bees and social vespid
wasps, have evolved the ability to modify the shape and
size of food material and thereby the load carried in
flight before transporting it to the nest. Bees can tune
pollen and nectar load, whereas social vespid wasps
often divide large prey in pieces and carry only parts of
them on each foraging trip [18,19] (here defined as able
to manipulatespecies, AtM species hereafter). In
contrast, solitary vespid wasps and apoid wasps can only
hunt and carry entire prey items to provision their
brood. These species (here defined as unable to ma-
nipulatespecies, UtM species hereafter) should thus se-
lect prey weighing less than or equal to the maximum
load they can carry in flight [7]. Because wasps able to
divide in pieces large prey can successfully return by fly-
ing to the nest with food [20], while wasps unable to do
this, in the same condition, often fail to forage (though
in certain species females would shift to prey dragging
over the ground [7]), we hypothesized that inability to
modulate load size, rather than the type of food con-
sumed (prey or pollen), should impose foraging con-
straints to UtM species, and that such constraints
should lead to the evolution of a flight morphology that
maximizes the ability to carry heavier loads.
UtM species are predicted to have therefore evolved a
higher FMR and a lower WL, unless investment in flight
muscles and wing size is counteracted by contrasting se-
lection on other life-history traits, such as reproductive
investment. Here we tested the prediction that variation
in FMR and WL is associated with food load manipula-
tion ability in central-place foraging Hymenoptera, with
UtM species expected to have higher FMR and lower
WL than AtM species. Furthermore, across species, we
also expected these traits relevant to flight performance
to have coevolved, with species having high FMR also
having a lower WL.
The identification of the ancestral state on the recon-
structed phylogeny revealed that food manipulation ability
is a derived trait for both Apoidea and Vespoidea, with the
more primitive species all being unable to manipulate load
size (Figure 1). Furthermore, character mapping revealed
that food manipulation ability has independently evolved
twice in this set of Hymenoptera species, once in Apoidea
and the other in Vespoidea (Figure 1).
Our speciessample encompassed a huge range of body
masses (M
), from very small species weighing < 0.01 g to
very large ones weighing 0.85 g (Table 1). After controlling
for phylogeny and body mass, food load manipulation sig-
nificantly predicted FMR (Table 2). Specifically, AtM-
species had smaller FMR than UtM ones (Table 1 and
Table 2, Figure 2). Body mass did not covary with FMR,
and the estimated value of λindicated that FMR showed
almost no phylogenetic dependence (LR test, P = 0.99)
(Table 2), suggesting that phylogenetic constraints did not
affect the evolution of FMR in this speciesset.
The maximum food load that could be theoretically
carried in flight by a species (Load
) was estimated to
range from 0.007 g to over 0.7 g (0.14 ± 0.01 g on
average) (Additional file 1: Table S2). The total load that
could be lifted (M
= Load
) ranged from
Polidori et al. Frontiers in Zoology 2013, 10:36 Page 2 of 11
0.015 g to 1.55 g. In turn, UtM-species were predicted to
carry loads weighing 118 ± 0.06% of their body mass,
while this value was reduced to 86 ± 0.06% of body mass
in AtM-species (Additional file 1: Table S2).
Wing size (A
) was also very variable among species,
with values ranging from less than 0.1 cm
to > 2 cm
(Additional file 1: Table S2). WL was smaller in UtM-
species compared to AtM ones, after controlling for phyl-
ogeny and body mass (Table 2, Figure 2). In this model,
body mass strongly positively covaried with WL (Table 2)
(see also Materials and methods), and the degree of phylo-
genetic dependence was relatively large (0.70, Table 2) and
statistically significant (LR test, P = 0.011), Thus, differ-
ently from FMR, WL showed a high degree of phylogen-
etic autocorrelation, with closely related species showing
more similar WL values than distantly related ones.
Results concerning the effect of food manipulation
ability on FMR and WL were qualitatively unaltered if
we used FMR and WL values based on dry mass (see
Materials and methods) and head width instead of body
mass as a covariate, despite the smaller sample of 21
species (Additional file 1: Table S3).
Since in our database all UtM species were arthropod
predators, and most AtM species were pollen/nectar
feeders (the exception were the few social vespid wasps),
the strict association between dietary specialization
(pollen/nectar vs. animal proteins) and food load manipu-
lation ability may have confounded the above results. We
therefore conducted an additional analysis of the effect of
food manipulation ability on flight traits by excluding all
the pollen/nectar feeders (i.e., bees) and restricting the
dataset to wasps (including both UtM species, n = 14, and
AtM species, n = 4). The analysis was conducted only on
FMR, since sample size for WL was too small (only 2 AtM
species). Despite the small sample size, the results con-
firmed the previous analyses, with significantly smaller
FMR in the few AtM (0.364 ± 0.008) compared to the
UtM species (0.407 ± 0.01) (PGLS model accounting for
heterogeneity of variances and body mass; effect of food
manipulation ability: -0.036 ± 0.017, t
= 2.15, P = 0.048,
λ= 0.26; further details not shown for brevity).
The covariation between WL and FMR across species
was negative and statistically significant (PGLS model ac-
counting for body mass, FMR estimate: -1.27 ± 0.42,
=3.03, P = 0.007, λ= 0.82; body mass estimate 0.34 ±
0.05, t
= 6.43, P < 0.001) (Figure 3).
We showed that the evolution of food load manipulation
ability, which has occurred independently twice in the
Figure 1 Partitioned Bayesian tree based on a 50% majority rule consensus tree from the analysis of 1433 bp of the 18S rRNA and 28S
rRNA gene fragments sequences of the selected Hymenoptera taxa. Scolebythus madecassus was used as an outgroup. Asterisks denote
Bayesian posterior probabilities values: *, 9598%; **, 99100%. Maximum Likelihood Markov model (Mk1) ancestral state reconstruction
describing the food load manipulation ability on the MrBayes topology: AtM (able to manipulatespecies, names in grey) vs. UtM (unable to
manipulatespecies, names in black). Pie diagrams at each node indicate the proportion of the Maximum Likelihood supporting alternative
reconstructed character states. Bars define Families and Superfamilies. Species names refer to the sample used to build the phylogenetic tree; for
correspondence with the morphologically studied species, see Additional file 1: Table S2. Pictures show, from top to down, Polistes sp. (Vespidae)
at nest, Ammophila sp. (Sphecidae) with prey and Bombus sp. foraging on flowers (Apidae).
Polidori et al. Frontiers in Zoology 2013, 10:36 Page 3 of 11
Table 1 Dataset used for comparative analyses, including wet body mass (M
), flight muscle ratio (FMR), wing loading (WL), dietary specialization (pollen/
nectar or animal protein) and food manipulation ability (0 = unable to manipulate food load, 1 = able to manipulate food load)
Taxonomy Species Species used in the phylogenetic reconstruction Diet Food manipulation ability M
(g) FMR WL (g/cm
) Source
Apoidea: Apidae Amegilla dawsoni Amegilla asserta Pollen 1 0.700 - 0.31 [21]
Apoidea: Apidae Anthophora sp. Anthophora montana Pollen 1 0.133 0.396 0.183 This study
Apoidea: Apidae Apis mellifera Apis mellifera Pollen 1 0.094 0.358 0.170 This study
Apoidea: Apidae Bombus impatiens Bombus diversus Pollen 1 0.201 0.261 0.287 [22]
Apoidea: Apidae Bombus sp. 1 Bombus ardens Pollen 1 0.208 0.374 0.220 This study
Apoidea: Apidae Bombus sp. 2 Bombus mendax Pollen 1 0.204 0.401 0.199 This study
Apoidea: Apidae Xylocopa varipuncta Xylocopa pubescens Pollen 1 0.838 0.342 0.331 [23]
Apoidea: Megachilidae Anthidium manicatum Anthidium porterae Pollen 1 0.154 0.344 0.205 This study
Apoidea: Megachilidae Megachile rotundata Megachile pugnata Pollen 1 0.102 0.32 0.178 This study
Apoidea: Megachilidae Osmia rufa Osmia lignaria Pollen 1 0.187 0.353 0.223 This study
Apoidea: Sphecidae Ammophila sabulosa Ammophila sp. JC134 Prey 0 0.026 0.409 0.075 This study
Apoidea: Sphecidae Sceliphron curvatum Sceliphron caementarium Prey 0 0.083 0.46 0.094 This study
Apoidea: Sphecidae Sceliphron destillatorium Sceliphron laetum Prey 0 0.181 0.44 0.124 This study
Apoidea: Sphecidae Sphex rufocinctus Sphex lucae Prey 0 0.118 0.426 0.109 This study
Apoidea: Crabronidae Bembix olivacea Bembix americana Prey 0 0.109 0.46 0.122 This study
Apoidea: Crabronidae Bembix sinuata Bembix dentilabris Prey 0 0.158 0.456 0.195 This study
Apoidea: Crabronidae Bembix troglodytes Bembix amoena Prey 0 0.099 0.36 - [24]
Apoidea: Crabronidae Oxybelus sp. Oxybelus abdominalis Prey 0 0.008 0.374 0.087 This study
Apoidea: Crabronidae Philanthus pulchellus Philanthus gibbosus Prey 0 0.043 0.392 0.08 This study
Apoidea: Crabronidae Philanthus triangulum Philanthus sp. CSM-2006 Prey 0 0.092 0.401 0.116 This study
Vespoidea: Vespidae Polistes dominulus Polistes metricus Prey 1 0.065 0.369 0.085 This study
Vespoidea: Vespidae Vespula germanica Vespula germanica Prey 1 0.067 0.361 - [20]
Vespoidea: Vespidae Vespula maculifrons Vespula maculifrons Prey 1 0.038 0.381 - [20]
Vespoidea: Vespidae Vespula vulgaris Vespula squamosa Prey 1 0.078 0.344 0.139 This study
Vespoidea: Vespidae Eumenes sp. 1 Eumenes fraternus Prey 0 0.048 0.403 0.078 This study
Vespoidea: Vespidae Eumenes sp. 2 Eumenes tripunctatus Prey 0 0.042 0.375 0.098 This study
Vespoidea: Vespidae Euodynerus sp. Euodynerus megaera Prey 0 0.049 0.363 0.067 This study
Vespoidea: Vespidae Monobia quandridens Monobia quandridens Prey 0 0.218 0.385 - [25]
Polidori et al. Frontiers in Zoology 2013, 10:36 Page 4 of 11
present set of species, is associated with a decrease of
FMR and an increase in WL across species. Moreover, a
high FMR was associated with a low WL, indicating
coevolution of morphological traits related to foraging.
Within, as well as across, wasp species, the depend-
ence of the maximum theoretical load that could be car-
ried (Load
) on body mass allows larger individuals/
species to potentially carry large prey, even though there
is no relationship between FMR and body mass (Table 2).
Empirical studies of individual wasp species indeed
showed that larger individuals carry larger prey com-
pared to smaller ones [20,25,26]. Moreover, larger spe-
cies appear to be able to carry heavier loads (Pearson
correlation test, r = 0.95, P < 0.001, data from 12 species
reviewed by [7]). However, the degree to which individ-
uals and species maximize their food load is highly
variable, suggesting that other factors, such as prey
specialization [27], prey availability [28] and intra-
specific competition [24] may affect the food load mass.
For example, females of Bembix troglodytes, a solitary
wasp of about 0.01 g, hunt for flies weighing only half
the theoretical maximum they can carry [24]. This may
be a strategy to limit the attack of conspecific klepto-
parasitic females, since carrying small prey may allow
entering nest holes more rapidly and avoiding harass-
ment [24]. On the other hand, the species-specialist
cicada-hunting wasp Sphecius convallis carries prey
loads approaching the theoretical maximum value of
, possibly because the strong specialization on a
single prey species has allowed selection to adjust the
morphology of females to an almost ideal size [27].
As re-calculated from data provided in a recent review
[7], UtM-species carry on average loads weighing 89 ±
14% of body mass (data from 11 species of Sphecidae,
Crabronidae and Vespidae), similar to the predicted
% Load
average value of 118% on the entire set of
species considered in this study (89.3% with data for the
shared UtM-species in our study and [7], n = 7 species).
Moreover, among UtM species, there was no correlation
between prey size and FMR (Pearson correlation test,
r = 0.43, P = 0.19, data from 11 species reviewed by [7]).
It is believed that the first apoid wasps were specialized
in hunting large orthopterans, and the prey spectrum
would have then become broader to include smaller
Table 2 PGLS models testing the effect of food load
manipulation ability (0 = UtM; 1 = AtM) on flight muscle
ratio (FMR) and (log
-transformed) wing-loading (WL),
while controlling for wet body mass (log
Model Estimate (s.e.) t P λ
FMR (n=27 species)
Food load manipulation ability 0.059 (0.016) 3.71 0.001 0.01
Body mass 0.013 (0.021) 0.64 0.53
WL (n=24 species)
Food load manipulation ability 0.148 (0.059) 2.49 0.021 0.70
Body mass 0.278 (0.053) 5.25 < 0.001
The maximum likelihood estimate value of λ, assessing the degree of
phylogenetic dependence among the tested variables (see Materials and
methods), is shown for each model.
Figure 2 Box-and-whisker plots of flight muscle ratio and wing
loading in relation to food load manipulation ability. a flight
muscle ratio (FMR). bwing loading (WL). Medians (horizontal lines
within boxes), means (), and quartile (top and bottom
horizontal lines of the boxes), as well as maximum and minimum
values () are shown for the species able to manipulate the food
load (AtM-species) and for the species unable to manipulate the
food load (UtM). Endpoints of the whiskers represent the lowest
datum still within 1.5 × interquartile range of the lower quartile,
and the highest datum still within 1.5 × interquartile range of the
upper quartile.
Figure 3 Relationship between of WL and FMR. The correlation is
based on a total of 23 species, i.e. those for which both variables
were available.
Polidori et al. Frontiers in Zoology 2013, 10:36 Page 5 of 11
arthropods as diverse as flies, bees, beetles and spiders
[29]. Thus, the evolution of flight morphology adapted
to carry large items possibly preceded, during evolution,
prey diversification, and did not change too much there-
after in apoid wasps. A change in flight morphology may
have appeared when bees (sensu stricto, i.e. pollen/nectar
foragers) separated from apoid wasps about 140 to 110
m.y.a. [30]. A similar pattern may have occurred among
Vespidae, where solitary species (subfamily Eumeninae),
unable to manipulate food load size, are basal to the so-
cial species [31], which are able to manipulate food. In
Eumeninae, prey diversification was less pronounced,
with only lepidopteran or coleopteran larvae used as
prey, and a change in flight morphology may have
appeared when eusociality, together with its associated
foraging mode (e.g. direct liquid-feeding from adult for-
agers to larvae, made possible because of food manipula-
tion ability) evolved [32].
The maintenance of higher FMR in UtM-species could
also depend on the fact that the position of load during
carrying may affect the center of gravity, unbalancing
the wasp while flying. A recently developed model shows
that, among species carrying prey impaled on the sting
(i.e. well posterior to the wasp center of gravity), the
can be severely reduced compared to the
expected value [33]. Wasps can limit to some extent this
problem by increasing the angle which the straight line
connecting the wasp with the load center of mass makes
with the horizontal line [33], but, evolutionarily speak-
ing, any increase in FMR, positively affecting Load
would help in carrying larger prey in such an unbalanced
flight mode.
On the other hand, AtM species are far from ap-
proaching the average values of relative load size ob-
served among UtM species, as they appear carrying
loads weighing only 31 ± 6% (calculated from data of 17
species provided in [20,34-36]). This value is much lower
than the average % Load
estimated for our set of
AtM-species (86%).
Actually, females of UtM-species were sometimes ob-
served to return to the nests with a prey weighing more
than Load
, implying an unsuccessful take-off [7].
With very large prey items, UtM wasps can potentially
shift to an alternative strategy, such as carrying the prey
to the nest by dragging it on the ground. Such behaviour
has been described in some (but not all) species, though
flight transportation was the preferred option if prey size
is adequate [7]. For example, Ammophila spp. typically
drag large caterpillar prey over the ground, but shift to
flight transportation in case of smaller prey (reviewed in
[37]). Indeed, dragging a prey on the ground may make
it much more vulnerable to kleptoparasites and preda-
tors. The cicada-hunting wasp Sphecius speciosus can
drag very large cicadas over a distance sometimes full of
obstacles (e.g. dense and high grass) which makes prey
prone to be abandoned and exploited by ants [7]. Drag-
ging a prey over such complex substrates may also in-
crease the duration of the hunting trip compared to
flying across the same distance. Despite hunting site-
nest distances are not provided and conclusions cannot
be really drawn, data from the literature reported very
short hunting trips (2 minutes) apparently only for
flight-carrying wasps (e.g. [38-41]). Thus, although in
specific cases wasps can use the alternative strategy of
dragging very large prey, we expect a fitness advantage
in term of foraging efficiency (e.g. number of prey
hunted per day) when the prey is carried in flight.
Clearly, a robust and direct comparison of the actual fit-
ness costs and benefits of prey carrying in flight vs. prey
dragging would be needed to confirm this speculation.
An interesting consequence of load-lifting/manoeuvrability
constraints concerns diet composition and resource speciali-
zation. In bees, any individual could have access to its pre-
ferred resource (assuming these are available in the foraging
environment) because food collection is only limited by the
number of pollen grains it can carry and by the nectar
volume it can ingest, i.e. by volumetric, not mass, con-
situation is similar: Coelho and Hoagland [20] studied the
foraging behaviour of Vespula germanica on dead honey-
bees, and found that foragers too small to carry entire
honeybees simply chopped body parts and took off with a
smaller portion [20], without the need to discard the food
item and search for a new, smaller one. Food manipulation
ability would thus help to exploit the target food in a highly
efficient way. At the same time, AtM-wasps can have access
to a wider range of prey types, since also large prey, once
chopped, can be readily exploited. Such increased efficiency
in foraging may have even been important in promoting the
evolution of eusociality, since social behaviour is unstable
unless it provides important economic benefits and fitness
gains to the individuals [42]. As a matter of fact, eusociality
arose at least five times independently within AtM-lineages,
while apparently only once within UtM-lineages (see also
[43,44] for theoretical predictions on the link between food
resource and social evolution in Hymenoptera).
On the other side, wasp species unable to manipulate
food load will face a more adverse situation if the prey
item is too large to be carried, and the wasp has to
spend additional time and energy to search for a differ-
ent, smaller, profitable prey [7]. In a simple model,
Polidori et al. [45] predicted that wasp species hunting
for hemimetabolous prey can be so affected by the body
growth of their preferred prey during the course of the
breeding season that they may be forced to shift to dif-
ferent prey species at a certain point. Later, a study on
the orthopteran-hunting wasp, Stizus continuus, con-
firmed this prediction [46]. Furthermore, this shift to
Polidori et al. Frontiers in Zoology 2013, 10:36 Page 6 of 11
smaller prey species is confined in such wasps to only
few other species, given their phylogenetic constraint in
prey selection (typically prey species belong to one single
order [17]), so that overall prey spectrum cannot be wide
as in AtM-wasps.
As an additional advantage, higher FMR would enhance
the escape ability of UtM-species, given that FMR is corre-
lated with linear acceleration and the ability to accelerate
vertically against gravity [2] and with flight speed [47].
Low WL is expected to confer similar advantages. In
UtM-wasps, which are also those limited to hunt for living
prey, lower WL could increase manoeuvrability during
prey transportation, but could also increase efficiency
while pursuing a living prey (e.g. via reduced minimum
flight-speed requirement and turning radius), including
fast-flying insects [48]. A similar example involves bats, in
which species with greater WL forage in areas where there
are fewer obstacles to detect and avoid [49]. On the other
side, increased WL consistently decreased escape perform-
ance in a bird [50].
Despite higher WL requires higher wing-beat fre-
quency and increases flight cost [51], flight speed gener-
ally increases with WL [11,52], so that higher WL could
be positively selected in specific contexts. For example,
males of perching butterfly species (which sit and wait
on prominent landmarks and rapidly take off to inter-
cept females) had higher WL than patrolling closely-
related species [53]. AtM-species may thus fly faster
while sacrificing manoeuvrability (an important factor
while carrying loads) than UtM-species. These consider-
ations, together with the observed negative covariation
of FMR and WL across species, suggest that the selection
pressures related to foraging (load-lifting/manoeuvrability)
constitute the main determinants of flight morphology in
central-place foraging Hymenoptera.
Moreover, among AtM species, investment in flight
muscles and wing size, which would be of limited adap-
tive value during foraging, may further be counteracted
by contrasting selection acting on other life-history
traits, such as reproductive investment. In butterflies, for
example, palatable species have higher FMR because of
higher predation risk and stronger escape demands, but
also smaller ovaries than unpalatable species, suggesting
that investment in the flight apparatus and predator
avoidance trades off with investment in reproduction
[2]. Intriguingly, a preliminary analysis based on litera-
ture data suggests that this could be the case also among
the Apoidea. In fact, the number of ovarioles per ovary
was significantly higher in bees (3.6 ± 0.09, n = 32 spe-
cies) than in apoid wasps (2.9 ± 0.03, n = 75 species)
= 6.8, P < 0.0001) (data from [54,55]; highly eusocial
bee species (queens), parasitoid apoid wasps and brood-
parasitic apoid wasps were not considered because of
their peculiar life-style). Though it might be speculated
that eusocial bee species represent an exception to this
pattern, we note that honeybee workers can have from 1
to 12 ovarioles per ovary (with an average of about 4)
[56], thus roughly agreeing with the rest of bees. In
addition, workers of one species of Bombus (the primi-
tively eusocial B.morio) have the same number of ovari-
oles per ovary as related solitary species (4) [54]. This
hypothesis, however, needs a robust, phylogenetically con-
trolled, test, using species for which both flight morph-
ology and measurements of fecundity are available.
Our findings suggest that load-carrying constraints re-
lated to foraging have affected the evolution of flight
morphology in flying central-place foraging Hymenop-
tera, and that release from these constraints, which took
place with the evolution of food load manipulation abil-
ity, has selected against the maintenance of a costly
flight apparatus, which could possibly be traded against
reproductive investment.
Materials and methods
Sample collection and morphological measurements
We collected data on species from the two superfamilies
Apoidea (families Apidae, Crabronidae, Megachilidae,
Sphecidae) and Vespoidea (family Vespidae), including
bees (pollen/nectar collectors) and wasps (prey collec-
tors) (Table 1). A total of 216 females from 21 species
[535 females per species, 10.8 ± 7.2 (s.d.) females per
species on average] were caught in the field, in natural
populations found in the Parque Natural de la Albufera,
Valencia province (South-Eastern Spain), during the
spring-summer 20092010. Specimens were determined
to species level following taxonomic keys [57-59] and
with the aid of experts; however, for seven of them we
could only reach the genus level and therefore assigned
specimens to morphospecies (Table 1). Additional data
for seven species were obtained from the literature
(Table 1). Overall, 14 species fell in the AtM group and
14 species in the UtM group. Bees and wasps were killed
by freezing upon collection. Within 23 hours, females
were weighed in the lab with an electronic balance (to
the nearest 0.002 g) (M
, body mass). We then separated
the thorax from the rest of the body and weighed it
, thorax mass). FMR was calculated as (0.95 × M
for individual specimens [6], and the average value within
species was used in interspecific comparisons. For each
species, we further calculated the predicted maximum
food load mass which can be carried in flight after a suc-
cessful take-off (Load
) according to the regression
equation of maximum lift force vs. flight muscle mass for
bees and wasps provided in Table five of [6]. Finally, by
adding M
to Load
, we calculated the total maximum
load mass which can be carried (M
Polidori et al. Frontiers in Zoology 2013, 10:36 Page 7 of 11
One wing pair (forewing and hindwing) was gently
separated from the thorax, and then scanned on an
Epson 2450 flatbed scanner (720 dpi). NIH ImageJ was
used to determine individual wing area; total wing area
) refers to the area of both wing pairs and was
obtained by doubling the previous measurements. We
then calculated the wing loading WL (M
) [10] for
each individual, and the average value within species was
used in interspecific comparisons. Measures were taken
to the nearest 0.002 mm.
As wet body mass can be confounded by body condi-
tion and water content, we repeated the calculations of
FMR and WL using dry mass (after oven-drying all body
parts for 48 hours at 70 °C). In addition, we also mea-
sured the head width (a good predictor of body size in
Hymenoptera, e.g. [60]) with a digital calliper (to the
nearest 0.02 mm) to obtain a condition-independent
body size estimate (Additional file 1: Table S2). For the
sample of species we collected, the correlation between
wet and dry mass was very high (r = 0.89, n = 21 species,
-transformed variables). Moreover, there was a strict
positive correlation between head width and wet mass
(r = 0.90, n = 21 species, log
-transformed variables).
Therefore, in the following analysis we used wet mass
instead of dry mass because dry mass was not available
for the seven species for which we obtained data from
the literature (Table 1). Using wet mass instead of dry
mass did not affect our conclusions (see also Results), as
wet body mass truly reflects across-species differences in
body size. Importantly, it is the wet mass that needs to be
lifted by the insects and therefore it is the most relevant
variable to measure from an eco-evolutionary standpoint.
For the morphological variables we recorded (M
), the variance among species was significantly larger
than the variance within species (F-values always > 18,
P < 0.0001).
Molecular analyses
In comparative studies, species cannot be considered as
independent sampling units as their shared ancestry may
affect actual phenotypic values [61,62]. For this reason,
we built a molecular phylogeny of the studied species to
conduct comparative analyses accounting for phylogen-
etic relationships among species.
Tissue samples of the measured individuals could not
be stored in suitable conditions to allow for genetic ana-
lyses; we therefore used sequences of a fragment of the
18S rRNA gene and of the 28S rRNA gene of 28 selected
taxa of Apoidea and Vespoidea retrieved from GenBank.
Whenever possible, we retrieved sequences from the
same species for which we had morphological data; if no
sequences were available for a given species, sequences
from congeneric species were used. The complete list of
taxa and GenBank accession numbers is provided in
Additional file 1: Table S1. Homologous 18s rRNA and
28s rRNA gene sequences of Scolebythus madecassus
(Evans) (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) were used as an
Sequences were aligned using CodonCode Aligner
(v., Codon Code Corporation). GBlocks [63] was
used to delete highly divergent regions which could either
not be unambiguously aligned or were saturated by mul-
tiple substitutions, or required assumption of multiple
Preliminary analyses showed congruencies both in
terms of topology and support between Bayesian and
Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic analyses; we there-
fore decided to perform the analyses of this study using
the faster Bayesian algorithm. Partitioned Bayesian infer-
ence searches were performed using MrBayes 3.1.2 [64]
with the following 2 partitions: 18S rRNA gene and 28S
rRNA gene. The best-fitting model of substitution for each
partition was determined by AIC in jModeltest [65] and
the GTR + I + G model was selected for both partitions.
To obtain a topology congruent with the most recent
and well-established phylogenetic hypotheses, the follow-
ing three constraints were used in the Bayesian phylogen-
etic analyses: (a) Sphecidae were constrained in basal
position to the Crabronidae, Apidae and Megachilidae; (b)
Crabronidae were constrained as monophyletic; (c) Apidae
and Megachilidae were constrained as monophyletic [66].
We performed two runs of 10 million generations
(started on random trees) and four incrementally heated
Markov chains (using default heating values) each, sam-
pling the Markov chains at intervals of 1000 generations.
Stabilization and convergence of likelihood values was
checked by visualizing the log likelihoods associated with
the posterior distribution of trees in the program Tracer
[67]. The first five million generations were conserva-
tively discarded and five millions trees were retained
post burn-in and summed to generate the majority rule
consensus tree (Figure 1).
Likelihood unequivocal reconstruction of character
evolution was performed using the ancestral state mod-
ule implemented in MESQUITE (Version 2.75; [68]).
The character evolution and ancestral states were
reconstructed by mapping the character food manipula-
tion ability(as a binary categorical trait, UtM vs. AtM)
on the rooted topology generated from the previously
described MrBayes analyses (Figure 1). As a major ad-
vantage, Maximum Likelihood takes branch lengths into
account and allows quantifying the uncertainty associ-
ated with each reconstructed ancestral state [69]. For the
likelihood apomorphic trends and ancestral state recon-
struction we used the symmetrical Markov k-state one-
parameter model (MK1) [70], which assumes a single
rate of transition between two character states, and any
particular change is equally probable. The likelihoods
Polidori et al. Frontiers in Zoology 2013, 10:36 Page 8 of 11
are reported as proportional likelihoods and are indi-
cated as pie charts in Figure 1. Likelihood ratios at a
node are compared by pairs, and the conventional cut-
off point for assessing the significance of one state at a
given node over the other (defined as a rule-of-thumb
[69]) is if their likelihoods differ by more than 2 log
units (default setting in Mesquite).
Statistical analyses
The relationships between flight morphology (FMR and
WL) and food load manipulation ability (UtM vs. AtM)
were analysed while accounting for common ancestry ef-
fects in the data (Felsenstein 1985; Garland et al. 1992).
We controlled for phylogeny by means of phylogenetic
generalized least-squares (PGLS) models [71-73], as
implemented by the apelibrary [74] of the software R
(version 2.8.1) (R Development Core Team 2008). The
phylogenetic variancecovariance matrix was obtained
by the corPagelfunction. The level of phylogenetic
autocorrelation of speciestraits included in a PGLS
model was expressed in terms of the λindex [72], that
varies between 0 (phylogenetic independence) and 1
(speciestraits covary in proportion to their shared evo-
lutionary history). PGLS models including the phylogen-
etic variance-covariance matrix multiplied by λreturn
phylogenetically corrected parameter estimates of co-
variation between phenotypic traits [72,73]. We tested
whether the degree of phylogenetic dependence among
traits was statistically significant by comparing a model
where λwas set to 0 (i.e. assuming phylogenetic independ-
ence) with the model where it was allowed to reach its
maximum likelihood value, according to a Brownian mo-
tion model of character evolution [74], by means of likeli-
hood ratio (LR) tests [73]. We built two PGLS models,
testing whether food load manipulation ability (0 = UtM;
1 = AtM) affected FMR and WL, respectively. In all
models, we included body mass (log
-transformed) as an
additional covariate. This was especially relevant for the
model of WL, since this variable is known to scale
allometrically with body mass across insect species
according to a power function [51,75], and this was the
case also in the present dataset (exponent of the power
function = 0.394, F
= 45.9, P < 0.001, r
= 0.68). To
linearize the relationship between WL and body mass, we
therefore log
-transformed both variables before includ-
ing them in all statistical models. Model residuals were
normally distributed in all cases (Lilliefors test, P-values
always > 0.16). Visual inspection of the data suggested that
the variances in WL might differ according to food load
manipulation (see Figure 2b). However, accounting for
heterogeneity of variances in the PGLS model, by allowing
the two levels of the covariate of food load manipulation
to have different variances (see [76] for details), did not
significantly improve model fit (LR test, P = 0.59), and did
not qualitatively alter our conclusions (details not shown
for brevity). We therefore report estimates from models
not controlling for heteroscedasticity.
Finally, we analysed the covariation between FMR and
WL by running a PGLS with WL as the dependent vari-
able and FMR and body mass as predictors. Parameter
estimates and mean values are reported together with
their associated standard error (s.e.).
Additional file
Additional file 1: Table S1. List of taxa and GenBank accession numbers
of sequences used in the phylogenetic reconstruction. Table S2. Thorax
mass (M
), maximum food load that females could theoretically carry in
flight after a successful take-off (Load
), maximum total load that females
could theoretically carry in flight (M
= body mass + Load
), maximum
% of food load that females could theoretically carry relative to body mass
/body mass) × 100)), total area of the wings (A
) and head width
(HW) for the species used in the study. Category of food manipulation
ability is reported (0 = unable to manipulate food load, 1 = able to
manipulate food load). Table S3. PGLS models testing the effects of food
load manipulation ability (0 = UtM; 1 = AtM) on flight muscle ratio (FMR) and
-transformed) wing-loading (WL) calculated based on dry body mass
values, while controlling for head width (log
-transformed) as an index of
body size (n= 21 species). The maximum likelihood estimate value of λ,
assessing the degree of phylogenetic dependence among the tested
variables (see Materials and methods), is shown for each model.
FMR: Flight muscle ratio; WL: Wing loading; AtM: Able to manipulate food
load; UtM: Unable to manipulate food load; M
: Body mass; M
: Thorax mass;
: Maximum food load that females could theoretically carry in flight
after a successful take-off; M
: Maximum total load (Load
) that
females could theoretically carry in flight after a successful take-off; A
: Total
area of the wings; HW: Head width.
Competing interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
CP designed the study. CP, LD and JS sampled the species in the field. CP
and LD collected the morphological data. AC performed the phylogenetic
reconstruction. DR, CP and NS carried out the statistical analyses. CP, DR and
AC drafted the manuscript. All the authors read and approved the final
Thanks are due to Josè Tormos, who helped with species identification. Pau
Mendiola helped with sample collection. Davide Santoro and Heike Feldhaar
kindly provided pictures for Figure 1. CPs research was supported by a JAE-
Doc post-doctoral contract (funded by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC)
and the FSE) and by the program Estades temporals per a Investigadors
Convidatsof the University of Valencia (Spain). The work of AC was
supported by a postdoctoral grant from the Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia (FCT) (SFRH/BPD/72908/2010). We acknowledge support of the
publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative
through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI). Finally, we
thank J. H. Marden and an anonymous referee for constructive criticism on
an earlier version of the manuscript.
Author details
Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva, Museo Nacional de
Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), C/ José Gutiérrez Abascal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain.
CIBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos,
Campus Agrário de Vairão, Rua Padre Armando Quintas, Vairão, Vila do
Conde 4485-661, Portugal.
Department of Biology, McGill University, Stewart
Biology Building, Docteur Penfield 1205, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1B1, Canada.
Polidori et al. Frontiers in Zoology 2013, 10:36 Page 9 of 11
Departament de Zoologia, Universitat de València, C/Dr. Moliner 50,
València, Burjassot 46100, Spain.
Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Università degli
Studi di Milano, Via Celoria 26, Milano 20133, Italy.
Received: 19 March 2013 Accepted: 20 June 2013
Published: 28 June 2013
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Cite this article as: Polidori et al.:Food load manipulation ability shapes
flight morphology in females of central-place foraging Hymenoptera.
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Polidori et al. Frontiers in Zoology 2013, 10:36 Page 11 of 11
... For example, climate change-driven variation in flight morphology (e.g. flight muscle mass, wing area, wing shape) may affect load-lifting ability, take-off speed and manoeuvrability in flight, and thus foraging and dispersal ability (Marden, 1987;Polidori et al., 2013;Ballesteros et al., 2016). This may be particularly important to explore given that insects provide important ecosystem services, such as pollination or the transfer of organic matter to higher trophic levels (Losey & Vaughan, 2006;Noriega et al., 2018). ...
... Forewing area was subsequently used to calculate the hindwing area (hWA) through the equation hWA = 0.4346 × fWA -0.0058 (R 2 = 0.99). Equations were obtained from measurements taken on a previously collected sample of almost 100 females from five vespid species, thus reasonably closely related to D. sylvestris (Polidori et al., 2013;Polidori, unpublished). These kinds of estimations (i.e. by applying family-level equations retrieved from an independent sample) are frequent in biological studies, providing reasonably accurate estimates of unmeasured morphological features, which are useful to explore the effect of climate change (e.g. ...
... Wing area is known to scale negatively and allometrically with body mass in Hymenoptera (i.e. scaling exponent ≠ 0.67) both at intraspecific (Skandalis & Darveau, 2012;Polidori & Nieves-Aldrey, 2015) and interspecific levels (Darveau et al., 2005;Polidori et al., 2013). This means that small individuals are generally favoured in having disproportionally larger wings. ...
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1. Climate change is expected to produce shifts in species distributions as well as behavioural, life‐history, and/or morphological adaptations to find suitable conditions or cope with the altered environment. Most of our knowledge on this issue comes from studies on vertebrates, mainly endotherm species. However, it remains uncertain how small ectotherms, such as insects, respond to increased temperature. 2. This study tested whether climate change over the last 100 years (1904–2013) has affected morphological and functional traits in workers of the social wasp Dolichovespula sylvestris in the Iberian Peninsula. 3. Head width and forewing length, as well as body mass and wing area (assuming no change in shape), decreased over time and with increased mean annual temperature, even when controlling for geographical location and altitude. Interestingly, wing size decreased with a steeper slope compared with body size. If there is no change in wing shape, this would lead to an invariable wing loading (body mass:wing area ratio) over time, with potential consequences on flying ability of more recent (and thus smaller) wasp individuals. 4. These results suggest that recent climate change is leaving morphological signatures in social wasps, increasing the evidence for this phenomenon in insects. The data furthermore suggest that the known efficient thermoregulatory ability of social insect colonies may not successfully buffer the effect of global warming.
... However, wings are not the only structure involved in flight: the thorax contains the muscles that drive wing movement, providing both power and control of lifts (Matsuda 1970;Walker et al. 2014), and the abdomen is thought to play an important role in flight stability (Götz et al. 1970;Dyhr et al. 2013). Several studies explored the effect of general morphology on flight, such as the overall body size or the proportion of flight muscles (Outomuro et al. 2011;Garcia and Sarmiento 2012;Polidori et al. 2013), but no study has explored how the morphology of these different structures co-varies, which may provide insight into their influence on flight performance. Using morphological integration as a framework, this study examines the relationship between wings and body shape in vespid wasps. ...
... Petiole elongation could also allow insects to transport large preys without compromising freedom of movement of the abdomen (Budrys and Budrienė 2012;Polidori et al. 2013). However, the diversity of morphologies and life traits of these insects suggests that petiole elongation may have another, more general function in insect flight. ...
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Insect flight is made possible by different morphological structures: wings produce the lift, the thorax drives the wings’ movements and the abdomen serves as a secondary control device. As such, the covariation of these structures could reflect functional constraints related to flight performances. This study examines evolutionary convergences in wasp body shapes to provide the first evidence for morphological integration among insect wings, thorax and abdomen. Shapes of the fore- and hindwings, thorax and petiole (connecting abdomen and thorax) of 22 Vespidae species were analyzed using computerized tomography and geometric morphometrics. Results show a clear relationship between petiole and wings or thorax shapes, but not between wings and thorax. Wasps with elongated bodies have pointed wings, both features thought to improve flight maneuverability. In contrast, stouter species have rounded wings, which may allow for higher flight speeds. These integration patterns suggest that multiple selective regimes on flight performance, some of them biased towards maneuverability or maximal speed, drove the morphological diversity in Vespidae. The results also suggest that wing shapes evolved under constraints related to the body type they have to lift. The abdomen morphology is thus another factor to take into account to understand the flight performance of insects.
... Wasps can also bear considerable weight when carrying prey species, with Vespula germanica noted as carrying loads equivalent to 49% body mass (Coelho and Hoagland, 1995). Additionally, though all 3 of A. mellifera, B. terrestris and V. germanica have been described as species that are able to manipulate food loads (Polidori et al., 2013), bee species positively manipulate their food load (that is, they gradually increase the amount of pollen or nectar they carry). In contrast, wasps will carry an entire prey animal unless unable to, in which case they will divide prey into a more manageable size (Coelho and Hoagland, 1995) -in effect negatively manipulating their food load. ...
... We considered this mass to be mostly flight muscle mass (Marden, 1987). The flight muscle ratio (FMR) was calculated as muscle mass/total body mass according to Marden (Marden, 1987), alongside the maximum load (Load max ), which was estimated using the relationship between muscle max and %Load max from data reported in (Polidori et al., 2013). Wing images were collected using a 13 megapixel camera and 10 mm ruler for scale. ...
Insect flight is a high intensity activity, but biomechanical and metabolic requirements may vary depending on life style and feeding mode. For example, bees generally feed on pollen and nectar, whereas wasps also actively hunt and scavenge heavy prey. These variations in metabolic demands may result in different capacities of metabolic pathways in flight muscle, and utilisation some of these pathways may come at a cost of increased free radical production. To examine how metabolic requirements and oxidative stress vary between species, we explored the variation in flight mechanics and metabolism of the honeybee (Apis mellifera), bumblebee (Bombus terrestris), and German wasp (Vespula germanica). Wing structures and flight muscle properties were compared alongside measures of oxygen flux and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production from permeabilised flight muscle. The wasp wing structure is best adapted for carrying heavy loads, with the highest wing aspect ratio, lowest wing loading, and highest flight muscle ratio. Bumblebees had the lowest wing aspect ratio and flight muscle ratio, and highest wing loading. Although wasps also had the highest rates of oxygen consumption during oxidative phosphorylation, oxygen consumption did not increase in the wasp muscle following chemical uncoupling, while it did for the two bee species. While mitochondrial glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (mGPDH) mediated oxygen flux was greatest in wasps, muscle fibres released greater amounts of ROS through this pathway. Overall, the wasp has maximised lifting capacities through varying wing and flight muscle mass and by maximising OXPHOS capacities, and this accompanies elevated ROS production.
... In our sample of flies processed to obtain the flight-related parameters, we calculated the mean WL, FMR and body mass for each of the species; then we transformed WL into their natural logarithm to achieve normality, and conducted linear regressions to assess the potential linear relationships between the species' body mass and FMR, between their body mass and WL, and between their FMR and WL. Because thorax mass and wing area can potentially scale allometrically with body mass, as it has previously been observed, in particular for WL (e.g, [38,46,65,66]), we tested for allometric relationships with the Major Axis Regression method, which accounts for the variation in both variables, not only in the independent variable (body mass). This method calculates the slope of the log-log regressions, together with the 2.5% and 97.5% confidence intervals. ...
... This is in accordance with our hypothesis, as prey with higher FMR would be able to dodge obstacles more easily during flight in cluttered habitats [36,[39][40][41][42], and fly more quickly [29]. In agreement with previous studies with insects [29,65], FMR and body mass only very weakly correlated in the studied dipterans. On the other hand, the largest wasp species, B. zonata, also had the greatest FMR. ...
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In prey-predator systems where the interacting individuals are both fliers, the flight performance of both participants heavily influences the probability of success of the predator (the prey is captured) and of the prey (the predator is avoided). While the flight morphology (an estimate of flight performance) of predatory wasps has rarely been addressed as a factor that may contribute to explain prey use, how the flight morphology of potential prey influences the output of predator-prey encounters has not been studied. Here, we hypothesized that flight morphology associated with flight ability (flight muscle mass to body mass ratio (FMR) and body mass to wing area ratio (wing loading, WL)) of Diptera affect their probability of being captured by specialized Diptera-hunting wasps (Bembix merceti and B. zonata), predicting a better manoeuvrability and acceleration capacity achieved by higher FMR and lower WL, and flight speed achieved by higher WL. In addition, wasp species with better flight morphology should be less limited by an advantageous Diptera flight morphology. Overall, the abundance of dipterans in the environment explained an important part of the observed variance in prey capture rate. However, it was not the only factor shaping prey capture. First, higher prey abundance was associated with greater capture rate for one species (B. merceti), although not for the other one. Second, the interaction observed between the environmental dipteran availability and dipteran WL for B. zonata suggests that greater dipteran WL (this probably meaning high cruising speed) decreased the probability of being captured, as long as fly abundance was high in the environment. Third, greater dipteran FMR (which likely means high manoeuvrability and acceleration capacity) helped to reduce predation by B. merceti if, again, dipterans were abundant in the environment. Wasp WL only varied with body mass but not between species, thereby hardly accounting for inter-specific differences in the wasps' predatory patterns. However, the greater FMR of B. zonata, which implies better flight performance and greater load-lifting capacity, may explain why the capture rate in the two wasp species is affected by different factor interactions. In conclusion, although prey availability remains the primary factor shaping prey use, prey flight morphology seems to gain an additional role under conditions of abundant prey, when wasps can avoid flies with better flight ability.
... Most predatory wasps use front and mid legs to carry the prey, while a few wasp species hold their prey only with the hind legs [189]. The efficient prey-loading mechanisms of some of these Hymenopteran species, that can even carry lift loads greater than the theoretical maximum as expected by their body mass and wing morphology [190], can inspire the design of robotic systems for material handling and transport, enhancing the efficiency of automated loading and unloading processes in various industries. By holding the prey on the sting, some species of Oxybelus (Crabronidae) have effectively freed all three pairs of legs for other purposes [189]. ...
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The extraordinary adaptations that Hymenoptera (sawflies, wasps, ants, and bees) exhibit on their body surfaces has long intrigued biologists. These adaptations, which enabled the immense success of these insects in a wide range of environments and habitats, include an amazing array of specialized structures facilitating attachment, penetration of substrates, production of sound, perception of volatiles, and delivery of venoms, among others. These morphological features offer valuable insights for biomimetic and bioinspired technological advancements. Here, we explore the biomimetic potential of hymenopteran body surfaces. We highlight recent advancements and outline potential strategic pathways, evaluating their current functions and applications while suggesting promising avenues for further investigations. By studying these fascinating and biologically diverse insects, researchers could develop innovative materials and devices that replicate the efficiency and functionality of insect body structures, driving progress in medical technology, robotics, environmental monitoring, and beyond.
... Heitmans et al. (1994) do not consider that ripiphorids disperse easily over large distances in one generation, since dispersal is limited by hosts' particular movement patterns. Many hymeno pterans (Aculeata) are central-place foragers returning to their nests several times a day to provision their brood cells (Zurbuchen et al. 2010;Polidori et al. 2013). Although this fact limits their dispersal ability, central-place foraging hymenopterans are commonly quite mobile organisms for which the entire habitat complex very often consists of a patchwork of several partial habitats, each of them containing one of the required resources that may be located across the landscape (Kremen et al. 2007, Westrich 1996, Zurbuchen et al. 2010. ...
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To examine the relative phylogenetic position of Metoecus and Macrosiagon, we used a set of newly collected specimens of Ripiphoridae, including species not previously analysed as Ripiphorus subdipterus, R. diadasiae and Macrosiagon praeusta, along with additional Iberian specimens of Ptilophorus dufourii, Macrosiagon bimaculata and Metoecus paradoxus. Our results indicate that the inclusion of additional taxa in the analyses permitted the recovery of the reciprocal monophyly between Metoecus and Macrosiagon, as it was previously supported by morphological data. We also provide a preliminary phylogeographic analysis of Macrosiagon bimaculata aimed to discuss the large morphological variation found within the species, and a molecular analysis on the differentiation level between the Ripiphorus arabiafelix clade and its morphologically similar European counterpart, Ripiphorus subdipterus. The results of these analyses indicate that R. subdipterus is markedly different from R. arabiafelix, and R. a. arabiafelix and R. a. caboverdianus should retain their infraspecific status. The genetic variability of cox1 in M. bimaculata was not geographically structured, nor was its structure related to particular phenotypes.
... It is known that wing venation might affect bee flight in some way as wing flexibility results in different aerodynamic forces and affects the ability to take off (Mountcastle & Combes, 2013). Nevertheless, at this time, we cannot assert whether this is due to the common evolutionary history between P. nigriceps and P. wittmanni or, alternatively, if other ecological features, such as the ability to load food or nest material (for details see Polidori et al., 2013), are applying any selective pressure to FW shapes of Plebeia species nesting in rocks. ...
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Historically, studies evaluating morphological diversity in stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae: Meliponini) by geometric morphometrics have been used to successfully discriminate taxa and/or populations. Moreover, the use of geometric morphometrics to evaluate phylogenetic morphological variation among stingless bee species has received less attention. Here, we used geometric morphometrics to assess taxonomic discrimination and putative phylogenetic signals for six diapausing stingless bee species (Plebeia) occurring in southern Brazil. In all, 12 landmarks were captured from forewings of P. droryana, P. saiqui, P. emerina, P. remota, P. nigriceps and P. wittmanni. Our data show that the centroid size of the forewings reliably discriminated, for example, between P. droryana and P. emerina from P. saiqui. Moreover, this trait does not have a significant phylogenetic signal. In turn, we found that the overall accuracy in discriminating between the six Plebeia species according to forewing shape was 84%, while the confusion matrix achieved 71%. Interestingly, our discriminant analysis separated Plebeia species nesting in tree cavities from those nesting under granitic rocks. The latter group has second cubital (landmarks = 5, 6, 7), first medial (landmarks = 2, 3, 8) and first submarginal cells (landmarks = 3, 4, 9, 10) that are larger than those of species nesting in trees. The forewing shape showed a strong phylogenetic signal, therefore suggesting that its variation may be due to an evolutionary history shared between Plebeia species studied here rather than to environmental features. This work sheds light on the value of forewing size and shape attributes in discriminating Plebeia species within same genus. We suggest that landmarks separating different taxonomic groups could be incorporated into dichotomous keys to help in identifying clades of complex resolution.
... Finally, the ball of flesh is taken to the nest (Brown et al., 2012). The foragers of some Epiponini do not malaxate their prey, but rather transport them virtually intact or cut off only the non-edible parts, such as the wings; others retrieve only the most profitable part (e.g., the thorax of adult insects with the wing muscles), and still others cut large prey into pieces which are retrieved during successive flights (Jeanne, 1972;Hunt et al., 1987;Raveret Richter, 2000;Raveret Richter and Jeanne, 1991;Gomes et al., 2007;Jeanne and Taylor, 2009;Dejean et al., 2010Dejean et al., , 2012Polidori et al., 2013). Although foragers generally kill live prey by biting them, stinging, a facultative phase, is triggered when the prey struggle. ...
We experimentally studied the predatory behavior of Polybia rejecta (Vespidae, Polistinae, Epiponini) towards 2-88 mm-long insects attracted to a UV light trap. Foragers, which began to hunt at 6:30, selected 4-14 mm-long prey insects. Prey detection by sight by hovering wasps was confirmed using decoys. After the wasps landed and walked along a sinuous path, prey were detected by contact or from a distance (1–3 cm). This was followed by seizure, stinging (contrarily to most other known cases), prey manipulation and retrieval. Prey that flew off might be caught in flight. The prey load, representing 30.7% of a forager’s weight, was optimized by capturing up to six small prey or two medium-sized prey successively (both of which might be consumed in situ). The foragers cut off the wings of larger prey or cut them into two pieces and returned to gather the second piece. The handling time increased exponentially with the weight of the prey. Partial loading (i.e., retrieving a load much inferior to the maximum possible) was likely related to social facilitation, a form of nest-based recruitment that was demonstrated through the experimental elimination of local enhancement by removing foragers (both mechanisms favor the exploitation of favorable patches).
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Urbanisation is a main driver of land-use change, leading to rising in temperatures and fragmentation and reduction of green areas. Bees and wasps, which are important insect groups due to the ecosystem services they provide, may respond to this disturbance via changes in morphological traits which are functionally relevant. To date, studies focusing on this aspect only investigated few social bee species, and often gave contrasting results even at intra-generic level. Here, we studied how body size, wing loading, wing aspect ratio and wing fluctuating asymmetry vary in a social ground-nesting bee (Halictus scabiosae), a solitary hole-nesting bee (Osmia cornuta) and a social paper wasp (Polistes dominula) along an urbanisation gradient within Milan (Italy). By assessing the effects of temperature, green areas fragmentation and vegetation productivity on the above-listed functional traits, we found the three species to variably respond to increasing urbanisation, albeit the driving environmental parameters differed among species. More specifically, smaller individuals were sampled in warmer (for bees) and in less productive (for wasps) areas along the urbanisation gradient. Furthermore, greater wing aspect ratio values were recorded at warmer locations for H. scabiosae, lower wing loading was recorded at more fragmented sites for O. cornuta, and greater wing loading was recorded at locations with greater productivity for P. dominula. H. scabiosae and P. dominula showed greater wing fluctuating asymmetry at more fragmented sites. Although distinct species seemed sensitive to different driving factors, our results point toward a consistent response: smaller body but potentially improved flight performance in more urbanised environments.
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Ants are well-known for their amazing load carriage performances. Yet, the biomechanics of locomotion during load transport in these insects has so far been poorly investigated. Here, we present a study of the biomechanics of unloaded and loaded locomotion in the polymorphic seed-harvesting ant Messor barbarus (Linnaeus, 1767). This species is characterized by a strong intra-colonial size polymorphism with allometric relationships between the different body parts of the workers. In particular, big ants have much larger heads relative to their size than small ants. Their center of mass is thus shifted forward and even more so when they are carrying a load in their mandibles. We investigated the dynamics of the ant center of mass during unloaded and loaded locomotion. We found that during both unloaded and loaded locomotion, the kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy of the ant center of mass are in phase, which is in agreement with what has been described by other authors as a grounded-running gait. During unloaded locomotion, small and big ants do not display the same posture. However, they expend the same amount of mechanical energy to raise and accelerate their center of mass per unit of distance and per unit of body mass. While carrying a load, compared to the unloaded situation, ants seem to modify their locomotion gradually with increasing load mass. Therefore, loaded and unloaded locomotion do not involve discrete types of gait. Moreover, small ants carrying small loads expend less mechanical energy per unit of distance and per unit of body mass and their locomotion thus seem more mechanically efficient.
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The number of ovarioles and the size and number of mature oocytes of apoid wasps are explored. New data are provided for 68 species in 39 genera, all species and 25 genera being studied for the first time. Eight species are cleptoparasites: three are considered to be pseudoparasitoids. Available literature data are considered. The number of ovarioles is 6 (3 per ovary) in most sphecids (including pseudoparasitoids), but 4 in most Oxybelus, and 8 in all cleptoparasites. It is hypothesized that the reduced number of ovarioles in Oxybelus is an adaptation to their prey-carrying mechanism (transporting the prey impaled on the sting). The increased number of ovarioles in cleptoparasites probably increases the number of eggs that a female can deposit, both during her lifetime and within a given short time period. This is probably an adaptation to the spatiotemporally limited resource of suitable host nests. The number of mature oocytes increases from nonparasitic to cleptoparasitic to pseudoparasitoid species. Also, parasitic sphecids tend to have smaller oocytes than nonparasitic species, which, however, is only ambiguously corroborated by the present study. Our observations agree well with the literature data, and remarkable similarities in the general pattern in ovariole and oocyte numbers could be detected, which were explained accordingly as adaptations to parental investment strategies.
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Foraging strategies of two species of solitary digger wasps (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) were examined. Both species capture insects and return with them in flight to a burrow where they are used as food for larvae. The actual loading of the wasps was compared to a theoretical ideal, the maximum that they should be able to carry in flight. Bembix troglodytes Handlirsch is a relatively large wasp that carries many small flies to its burrows. The flies are much smaller than the ideal size, but the choice of small prey appears to be adaptive in that it should reduce the rate of stealing of flies by conspecific females, which was a common event. Tachytes chrysopyga Cresson is a relatively small wasp that carries relatively large prey, grasshoppers and crickets, to its burrow. The average size of prey appears to be ideal; however, the distribution of prey size is so great that many wasps were underloaded, while others were overloaded. Prey theft was not observed in T. chrysopyga, and flexible flight behaviors (e.g. short, hopping flights) allow it to carry a broad range of prey sizes. These two wasp species may represent near extremes of a continuum of behavior among predaceous wasps.
Temperate butterflies of 44 species were examined to determine if their mating system (perching and patrolling) affected flight design. To control for spurious effects due to ancestry, 25 of these species were assigned to eight contrasts within which a change in mating system had occurred. In perching species sexual selection was predicted to favor traits associated with high acceleration ability and speed, while in patrolling species traits associated with flight endurance were predicted. In conformance with these expectations males of perching species had larger thorax/body mass ratios, higher wing loadings, and higher aspect ratios than patrolling species. The male mating system affected females in the same direction in the same variables as males. This could be explained by a genetic correlation with males. When removing the covariance between the sexes, only male design was explained by the mating system. The mating system was also associated with different degrees of sexual dimorphism in wing size. This supported the hypothesis that male design was affected by the mating system.
The multiple independent origins of eusociality in the insect order Hymenoptera are clustered in only four of more than 80 families, and those four families are two pairs of closely related taxa in a single part of the order. Therefore, although ordinal-level characteristics can contribute to hymenopteran eusocial evolution, more important roles have been played by traits of infraordinal taxa that contain the eusocial forms. Many factors have been proposed and discussed, but assessments of traits' salience to eusocial evolution have heretofore not been joined to phylogenetics. In the present analysis, cladograms of superfamilies and families of Hymenoptera and of the family Vespidae are used to ordinate the appearance of traits that play roles in vespid eusociality. Proximity of traits' first appearance to the origin of eusocial Vespidae is taken as one measure of traits' salience to vespid eusocial evolution. Traits that subtend only eusocial taxa and that are uniquely associated with eusociality have foundations in more general traits that subtend more inclusive taxa. No single trait is uniquely causative of vespid eusocial evolution. High-salience traits that closely subtend vespid eusociality include nesting, oviposition into an empty nest cell, progressive provisioning of larvae, adult nourishment during larval provision malaxation, and inequitable food distribution among nestmates. The threshold characteristic of Polistes-grade eusociality is life-long alloparental brood care by first female offspring who remain, uninseminated, at their natal nest. Traits directly associated with occurrence of such workers are larva-adult trophallaxis, which can foster relatively low larval nourishment early in a colony cycle, and protogyny and direct larval development, which combine to yield restricted mating opportunities for female offspring that are the first to emerge in the colony cycle. Trait mapping suggests no role for asymmetry of relatedness due to haplodiploidy, but it suggests high salience for haplodiploidy as a mechanism enabling the production of all-female clutches of first offspring.
While social wasps, like hornets and yellow jackets, garner most of the publicity (most of it negative), the vast majority of wasp species, including digger wasps, spider wasps, and mud-daubers, are solitary. Elegant in appearance and distinctive in their actions, solitary wasps have long fascinated observers and have been the subject of narratives by such naturalists and scientists as Jean Henri Fabre, Niko Tinbergen, and Howard Ensign Evans. Each adult female solitary wasp forages alone and, if she builds a nest, it is occupied solely by herself and her own offspring. Females use their stings mainly for hunting, rather than for defense, and exhibit a wide range of foraging and parental behaviors. Solitary wasps are of special interest to ethologists and evolutionary biologists. Kevin M. O'Neill provides readable yet thorough accounts of the natural history of the major families of solitary wasps and also surveys the current state of scientific research on these insects. Numerous comprehensive tables of quantitative data serve as an excellent reference for biologists. Topics covered in Solitary Wasps: Behavior and Natural History include: *classification of the solitary wasps and their relation to other Hymenoptera *foraging and nesting behaviors * mating and parental strategies *thermoregulation *natural enemies *defensive strategies *directions for future research Solitary Wasps: Behavior and Natural History is the first general survey in more than 25 years to be dedicated to its subject and is the best place to turn for information about the biology and compelling behavior of these common insects.
The relationship between flight-muscle ratio (FMR; flight-muscle mass/body mass) and aerial competitive ability was studied in Plathemis lydia dragonflies. These dragonflies approximately double their body mass during adult maturation. This is due primarily to growth of flight muscle in males and growth of ovaries in females. Males attain one of the highest FMRs of any animal; up to 60% of their body mass is flight muscle. During observations of relative mating success among groups of two to five individually marked males, there was a significant decline in mating success with decreasing FMR rank. Relative mating success was measured by the proportion of total daily oviposition time spent by females mated last by each male. Males that had their FMRs reduced experimentally by attachment of small weights had poor territorial and mating success when they were competing with unweighted males. These results suggest that a high FMR enhances ability to compete in aerial contests, which enables greater short-term mating success. Mature males with the highest FMRs had the least gut contents and fat reserves; thus, there is a trade-off made between flight ability and nutritional state that may affect longevity and long-term mating success. A trade-off between benefits derived from enhanced flight performance and costs incurred by reducing the mass of tissues other than flight muscle is probably widespread among flying animals.
Individuals of many species of insects inhabiting transient habitats exhibit migratory behavior and thereby escape deteriorating environmental conditions and colonize sites with favorable conditions. Limited food availability is one cue that may serve to induce migration, either by stimulating the adult to undertake migration, and/or by stimulating the larva to alter its resource allocation to "build" a migratory-form adult. Such changes in resource allocation often involve changes in lipid storage, body size, proportioning of wing size and body weight, and reproduction. Detailed study of four species of presumed migratory noctuid moths indicated that the larvae retain the ability, when starved from various days in the last larval stadium, to pupate and metamorphose into adults. These adults have reduced body weights (from 12 to 24% of the weight of adults from fully fed larvae), and significantly lower wing loading ratios (i.e., body weight/wing area) than would be expected based on the predicted allometric relationship between body weight and wing area. We propose that this altered allocation of food to body weight and wing area is an adaptive response producing individuals with low wing loading ratios that presumably exhibit less energetically costly flight. This hypothesis is consistent with principles of flight energetics. "The earth-bound early stages built enormous digestive tracts and hauled them around on caterpillar treads. Later in the life-history these assets could be liquidated and reinvested in the construction of an essentially new organism--a flying-machine devoted to sex." (C. M. Williams 1958) "... the central problem of evolutionary biology: to provide a general explanation for the design of organisms." (S. C. Stearns 1982)