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A schema-theoretic view of basic processes in reading comprehension

... Numerous studies emphasize that proficiency in reading significantly influences and enhances writing abilities. Anderson and Pearson (1984) and Pressley and McCormick (1995) underscore that schema theory and exposure to diverse texts through reading positively impact writing by integrating new information with existing knowledge, thereby enriching writing processes. Armbruster and Anderson (1985) and Wells (1986) also highlight the close linkage between reading and writing, noting that extensive reading supports vocabulary expansion and familiarity with various writing styles. ...
... Authors argue that reading proficiency significantly impacts the development of writing abilities. Anderson and Pearson (1984) and Pressley and McCormick (1995) emphasize that schema theory and exposure to varied texts through reading positively influence writing by integrating new information with existing knowledge, thereby enhancing writing processes. Armbruster and Anderson (1985) and Wells (1986) also link reading proficiency with writing development, noting that extensive reading supports vocabulary expansion and understanding of diverse writing styles. ...
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The interrelationship among listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills plays a critical role in language acquisition and pedagogy. This study delves into the practical implications of integrating these four language skills within a single lesson hour. By examining how these skills reinforce each other, the research highlights the importance of a balanced approach to language teaching, where each skill complements the others to enhance overall language proficiency. The findings suggest that a well-structured lesson plan that simultaneously develops all four skills can lead to improved student engagement, comprehension, and linguistic competence. This study provides educators with practical strategies for designing lessons that maximize the synergistic benefits of these interconnected language skills.
... Besides this sociocultural interpretation, an alternative, cognitive interpretation (Newell et al., 2011) was that as peer dialogues continually supported the attention to and use of position-inconsistent evidence at the strategic level, students likely began to form and apply an argument schema (Anderson & Pearson, 1984;Brewer & Nakamura, 1984;Hayes, 1996;Reznitskaya et al., 2012;Wolfe et al., 2009), defined as an abstract representation of argumentative knowledge encompassing various components of a sound argument, including counterarguments and rebuttals Wolfe et al., 2009). Future studies are thus called for to distinguish between the sociocultural and cognitive interpretations, or to show that they work in tandem in supporting intervention students' superior performance in integrating conflicting information from multiple texts. ...
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Purpose The study sought to examine the effectiveness of a dialogue-based argument intervention in enhancing Chinese middle school students’ integration of conflicting information from multiple texts in argumentative writing. Design/Approach/Methods The study followed a quasi-experimental design with pre-assessment and post-assessment, comparing seventh-grade intervention and non-participating control students’ individual post-assessment writing performance on a non-discourse topic involving genetically modified foods. Findings Intervention students outperformed control students in integrating textual evidence inconsistent with one's position. Specifically, intervention students were more successful in integrating position-inconsistent information with their prior knowledge or integrating multiple pieces of position-inconsistent information from one text or across multiple texts. Intervention students were also more successful in integrating two pieces of conflicting information. When judging text trustworthiness, intervention students trusted a primary source to a greater extent and showed greater gains in taking into consideration the epistemological aspect, as well as one's own or a text's position on the issue. Originality/Value The present study demonstrated the effectiveness of the dialogue-based argument curriculum in promoting Chinese middle school students’ ability to write integrated essays from multiple texts.
... To do so, we drew on prior research that identified types of strategies that teachers used to discuss instructional situations (e.g., Borko et al. 2008;Carter, Sabers, Cushing, Pinnegar, & Berliner, 1987;Copeland, Birmingham, DeMeulle, D'Emidio-Caston, & Natal, 1994). We also drew on research on reading comprehension strategies (Anderson & Pearson, 1984;Dixon & Moore, 1990), hypothesizing that reading a text and "reading" a video might share some key features (Goldman-Segall, 1998). ...
... Untuk bisa mengetahui tentang pengembangan pengetahuan dan penggunaan bahasa bagi tuli, kita dapat melihat Tabel 1. Grosjean (2010) Salah satu cara mengukur tingkat pemahaman siswa terhadap bacaan adalah dengan menguji teori skema (scheme theory) oleh Anderson & Pearson dalam A schema-theoretic view of basic processes in reading comprehension (1984). Skema adalah struktur pengetahuan mental yang berisi informasi terorganisasi berdasarkan pengalaman sebelumnya Anderson & Pearson (1984). Lebih lanjut, Anderson dan Pearson (1984) menjelaskan bahwa pemahaman bacaan melibatkan beberapa tingkatan yang berkaitan dengan skema, yaitu pemahaman literal, inferensi, evaluasi, dan pemahaman integratif. ...
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P enelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan tingkat pemahaman siswa Tuli terhadap teks bacaan bahasa Indonesia yang ada dalam buku pelajaran sekolah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif di salah satu Sekolah Luar Biasa tingkat SMP kategori siswa Tuli/Tunarungu ( SMPLB-B) di Depok, Jawa Barat . Data dalam penelitian ini adalah tulisan siswa atas jawaban tes yang diberikan. Partisipan berjumlah 13 orang siswa kelas 1—3. Penelitian ini diketahui bahwa kemampuan siswa memahami teks bacaan dalam bahasa Indonesia masih rendah. Siswa belum dapat menemukan, lalu mengubah kata tidak baku menjadi kata baku. Siswa juga cenderung belum dapat memahami pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam bahasa Indonesi a sehingga belum dapat menjawab pertanyaan yang ada dengan tepat. Dari jawaban yang ditulis oleh siswa, dapat diketahui bahwa siswa cenderung hanya menyalin tulisan dari teks bacaan tanpa menghubungkannya dengan pertanyaan atau instruksi yang diberikan. This study aims to examine and describe the comprehension levels of Deaf students in understanding Indonesian texts found in school textbooks. The research was conducted using a qualitative method at a Special Needs School (SLB) for junior high school-level Deaf students (SMPLB-B) in Depok, West Java. The data for this study consisted of students’ written responses to a given test. The participants included 13 students from grades 1 to 3. The findings revealed that the students' ability to comprehend Indonesian reading texts remains low. The students were unable to identify and transform non-standard words into standard forms. Additionally, they struggled to understand questions posed in Indonesian, which hindered their ability to provide accurate responses. Analysis of the students' written answers showed a tendency to copy text directly from the reading material without connecting it to the questions or instructions provided.
... Reading comprehension challenges are often linked to both linguistic and cognitive factors, which require the use of specific strategies to overcome (Ismail, Al Raqqad, & Al Raqqad, 2019). The modern definition of reading, which emphasizes the interaction between a learner's prior knowledge and the text, is often attributed to schema theory, particularly through the work of Anderson and Pearson (1984). This perspective suggests that readers actively construct meaning by integrating new information from the text with their existing knowledge. ...
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This study utilized a quasi-experimental and descriptive-correlation research design to evaluate the effectiveness of a contextualized PHET simulation for teaching electricity to 52 Grade 8 students at Caridad National High School. Participants were divided into a control group that received traditional instruction and an experimental group that engaged in the simulation. Pre-tests and post-tests were administered to assess learning outcomes, while an adapted 15-item survey evaluated the experimental group's perceptions of the simulation's efficacy. Results demonstrated a significant increase in post-test scores for the experimental group, indicating an enhanced understanding of electrical concepts. Additionally, a strong positive correlation was identified between students' perceptions and their post-test scores, implying that higher engagement with the PHET simulation positively influenced academic performance. These findings underscore the potential of interactive simulations to enhance instructional effectiveness in STEM education and reinforce the importance of favorable student perceptions as a crucial element of learning success. Consequently, the use of the developed contextualized PHET simulation is highly recommended.
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This study investigates the efficacy of metacognitive awareness instruction on enhancing reading comprehension proficiency among secondary students. A quasi-experimental design was employed, involving Grade 10 students located one of the country side schools in Samar. The experimental group (n=20) received metacognitive instruction, while the control group (n=20) did not. Pretest-posttest measurements assessed baseline and post-intervention reading comprehension levels. Data collection utilized standardized questionnaires on reading habits and the Metacognitive Awareness Reading Strategy Inventory (MARSI). Descriptive statistics provided insights into data characteristics, while inferential statistics (paired-samples z-tests, independent-samples z-tests) assessed within-group and between-group differences. Results indicated improved reading habits in both groups post-intervention, but less significant changes in metacognitive reading skills. Recommendations include continued emphasis on metacognitive strategies in instruction, tailored interventions addressing specific weaknesses, and further research on alternative instructional approaches. This study contributes to the literature on enhancing reading comprehension proficiency through metacognitive awareness instruction.
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Reading skills play a critical role in achieving successful educational goals at all levels. Although scholars deem the process of reading to be an interactive one, a bottom-up approach is used for teaching reading in Sri Lanka, causing a lack of proficiency among learners entering the tertiary-level education stream. This study is an analysis of the application of the Schema Theory and its impact on developing reading skills in an English as a Second Language (hereafter ESL) classroom. Based on the underpinnings of Carrell & Eisterhold (1983), it critically analyses reading skills as a 'psycholinguistic guessing game' requiring the activation of the schemas to fully comprehend a text. This study was conducted with 64 intermediate-level adult learners between the ages of 21-24 at a private institution in the Western Province following a mixed methods research approach whilst utilizing the experimental method in action research, as its design. The quantitative findings gathered using the control group pre/post-test were analyzed using inferential statistics, depicting that there is a significant improvement from the pre-test to the post-test in the experimental group. Furthermore, the qualitative data gathered from the observer's paradox, analyzed thematically, in the second research question substantiated the quantitative findings of the first research question. Thus, the findings of this study conclude that the Schema Theory in reading can be used as a theoretical basis to enhance reading skills among adult ESL learners. In terms of pedagogical implications, the study posits that the use of authentic lessons whilst activating the three types of schemas improves vocabulary and reading comprehension. For further research, the study suggests that the Schema Theory can be applied within an advanced-level ESL classroom in a school setting to practice authentic language use.
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This study aims at investigating significant difference in reading scientific journals of Novice students o IAI Al Qolam Malang before and after using English language module as the treatment. Accordingly, thi current study employs pre experimental research design precisely One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design wit taking 25 ELT students of al Qolam University as the samples. Based on the result of statistica calculation it is discovered that the instruction using English language module is unable to improve th Novice students’ reading skill of scientific journals at IAI Al Qolam Malang..Key words: scientific journals, Novice students, English modul
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