
The Unified Modelling Language User Guide

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... 5 Los Diagramas de Componentes son usados en el área de la programación por que modelan componentes de código fuente, binario y ejecutable. Los Diagramas de Despliegue se utilizan para modelar la arquitectura física de los recursos de computadoras [7]. Para los fines u objetivos de modelación del proceso de información en la compra -venta de energía eléctrica estos diagramas no tiene ningún uso, por lo que se descartan desde el inicio. ...
... De los sietes diagramas restantes de UML encontramos que los Diagramas de Clase y los Diagramas de Objeto se emplean para modelar la relación entre las clases y los objetos [7]. Ambos diagramas relacionan a las clases y a los objetos por asociación, agregación, dependencia y generalización. ...
... Los Diagramas de Colaboración y los Diagramas de Secuencias son una extensión de los Diagramas de Objeto. Los Diagramas de Secuencia relacionan a los objetos desde el punto de vista de la secuencia de mensaje que se realiza en un intervalo de tiempo determinado por el proceso o sistema a modelar [7]. La presencia del tiempo en los modelos desarrollado con los Diagramas de Secuencia solo permite visualizar el intercambio de información que se realiza entre los objetos en un instante del tiempo predeterminado en el proceso o en sistema de interés a modelar, los eventos ajenos al proceso o sistema de interés a modelar. ...
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Experiencia en la modelación del proceso de información en la compra-venta de energía en el mercado eléctrico deregulado en Nicaragua-Desde el punto de vista Resumen. A partir de la segunda mitad de la década del 90, Nicaragua ha iniciado un proceso de reforma a la Industria Eléctrica. Como producto de este proceso, el Instituto Nicaragüense de Electricidad (INE) como compañía monopólica estatal se ha desegmentado en empresas independientes, permitiendo además el ingreso de inversionistas privados a la Industria Eléctrica. Este nuevo marco se desarrolla sobre la base de la libre competencia entre las compañía Distribuidoras y las Generadoras, donde el producto transado es energía eléctrica. El Centro Nacional de Despacho de Carga (CNDC), es llamado a administrar el mercado, cumpliendo nuevas responsabilidades y/o modificando las existentes para facilitar las transacciones económicas, y operar el sistema en forma independiente, con la seguridad que demanda un sistema eléctrico Nacional, sin sacrificar la libre competencia. En este artículo se realiza un análisis del proceso de información en la compra-venta de energía desde el punto de vista del Centro Nacional de Despacho de Carga considerando como fuente de información la Ley de la Industria Eléctrica y su Reglamento, las Normativas de Operación vigente y entrevistas realizadas a los participantes del Mercado Eléctrico en Nicaragua. Para presentar el resultado del análisis del proceso de información en la compra-venta de energía se utilizó el Lenguaje de Modelación Unificado (UML) como herramienta para modelar el proceso de información en la compra-venta de energía eléctrica.
... The name of the system and its actual code is not disclosed for commercial reasons. We started from a nondistributed application which was already running in a company; we then implemented two use cases [3] of this application from its design, and finally we distributed this implementation. The technologies used in the development were ...
... In fact, the system has two distribution levels, one handled by HTTP and the other by RMI. The deployment diagram [3] in Figure 2 illustrates the system's physical structure. ...
Conference Paper
Distribution has become an essential non-functional requirement of most applications. The same application may be required to use different distribution platforms simultaneously or during its evolution. However, distributed applications are considerably more difficult to design, implement and test than centralized systems even with the same functionality. We present an implementation method which guides the progressive transformation of an initially centralized application into a distributed one. The method helps to tame the inherent complexity of distributed systems and makes tests more effective. Additionally, it relies on a design pattern promoting extensibility and reuse of other layers such as the user interface and the business layers.
... Depuis près de dix ans, une unifi cation des formalismes de modélisation OO a débutée ; le langage graphique UML (Unifi ed Modelling Language) en est le résultat actuel (Booch et al., 1998). UML propose plusieurs diagrammes, qui utilisés en conjonction, peuvent décrire une application informatique ou un système d'information : ...
... T-OMEGA étend les démarches incrémentales classiques des méthodes orientées-objets que l'on retrouve par exemple dans RUP (Rational Unifi ed Process) (Booch, 1998). Les étapes dans le cycle de développement qui sont proposées par T-OMEGA sont le refl et de plusieurs rapports de consultants et de retour d'expérience en collectivités locales (Bernard et Essevaz-Roulet, 1995). ...
Les nouveaux besoins de suivi des pratiques agricoles induisent l`apparition d`un nouveau type d`applications informatiques. Ces applications se caractérisent par un géoréférencement des données et par de nombreuses interactions entre programmes distants. Le développement des nouveaux agrosystèmes informatisés nécessite de plus en plus une compétence mixte, dans le domaine de la géomatique et dans le domaine des systèmes communicants. La spécification de ce type de système est complexe et rend indispensable l`utilisation d`une méthode structurée de conception. Cet article présente ce qu`il est possible de réaliser avec les différentes méthodes pouvant être employées au cours de projets de mise en place d`applications informatiques communicantes pour l`agriculture.
... Menurut Booch, Rumbaugh, dan Jacobson (2005), UML menyediakan seperangkat notasi grafis yang digunakan untuk membuat model abstrak dari sistem, termasuk diagram kasus penggunaan, diagram kelas, diagram aktivitas, dan diagram sequence. UML membantu pengembang dalam memahami, merancang, dan memelihara sistem perangkat lunak [11]. ...
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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang dan mengembangkan sistem pembayaran SPP berbasis web di MI Syamsul Huda Kalipuro. Sistem ini diharapkan dapat mengoptimalkan proses administrasi melalui peningkatan manajemen keuangan, pengurangan beban kerja manual, peningkatan komunikasi dengan siswa dan orang tua terkait pembayaran SPP, dan kemudahan akses informasi bagi orang tua. Sistem ini memudahkan proses pembayaran uang sekolah, meningkatkan manajemen data keuangan, dan meningkatkan efisiensi bagi siswa dan staf. Sistem ini akan dikembangkan dengan menggunakan teknologi web modern dan terintegrasi dengan sistem informasi akademik sekolah yang sudah ada. Diharapkan sistem ini dapat memberikan hasil signifikan dalam membatu aktifitas pembayaran biaya Pendidikan sekolah terlebih pada bidang tata usaha untuk mengetahui pembayaran SPP serta menyajikan laporan pembayaran SPP dengan cepat mudah dan akurat pada MI Syamsul Huda Kalipuro.
... There are several types of diagrams in the UML, but class diagrams define the static structure of OO systems: the classes and relationships, hence are the most important in the learning of OO modeling. Class diagrams are conceptually similar to ER (entity-relationship) diagrams which are also used for data modeling, but class diagrams correspondingly support OO features, including inheritance and behaviors [20]. Given that defective specifications are related to the failure of a large percentage of established systems, it is crucial to ensure the consistency and quality of conceptual models developed early in the system development process. ...
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A common language for modeling software requirements and design in recent years is Unified Modeling Language (UML). Essential principles and rules are provided by UML to help visualize and comprehend complex software systems. It has therefore been incorporated into the curriculum for software engineering courses at several institutions all around the world. However, it is commonly recognized that UML is challenging for beginners to understand, mostly owing to its complexity and ill-defined nature. It is unavoidable that we need to comprehend their preferences and issues considerably better than we do presently to approach the problem of teaching UML to beginner students in an acceptable manner. This paper offers a hint-based approach that can be implemented along with an ordinary lab task. Some keywords are highlighted to indicate class diagram components and make students understand the textual descriptions. The experimental results indicate significant improvement in students' learning skills. Furthermore, the majority of students also positively responded to the survey conducted in the end experimental study.
... UML biasa digunakan untuk memodelkan sistem mulai dari sistem informasi hingga sistem tertanam atau embedded system. Terdapat beberapa diagram yang sering digunakan dalam perancangan sebuah dokumen UML antara lain yaitu: Use Case, Activity Diagram [7]. ...
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Skripsi ini membahas Tentang Rancang Bangun Sistem Visualisasi Data Menggunakan Dashboard pada Sistem Deteksi Hoaks dengan Menerapkan Metode Human Centered Design, System Usability Scale, dan Blackbox. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan sistem visualisasi data yang mudah digunakan oleh pengguna dan efektif dalam mendeteksi hoaks, serta dapat memberikan penjelasan tentang proses deteksi hoaks yang terjadi di dalam sistem . Metode Human Centered Design digunakan untuk memastikan bahwa desain sistem berfokus pada kebutuhan pengguna, sementara System Usability Scale digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pengguna terhadap sistem. Metode Blackbox digunakan untuk mempelajari bagaimana sistem deteksi hoaks bekerja secara internal dan memberikan penjelasan yang lebih detail tentang proses deteksi hoaks yang terjadi di dalamnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data dari pengguna melalui wawancara dan kuesioner, serta mempelajari kode program sistem deteksi hoaks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengguna merasa sistem visualisasi data yang dirancang sangat mudah digunakan dan efektif dalam mendeteksi hoaks, serta memberikan penjelasan yang cukup lengkap tentang proses deteksi hoaks yang terjadi di dalam sistem. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pengembangan sistem deteksi hoaks yang lebih transparan dan dapat dipercaya oleh pengguna.
... Allocated_to defines which component will take care of what requirement. The notation used to represent the proposed associations is based on UML (Unified Modeling Language) [Booch, Rumbauch and Jacobson 1999] stereotypes. Moreover, the reference model is divided into two sub-models for clarity. ...
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For many years, the research and business communities have agreed that the traceability is very important in the software development process. It helps the impact analysis of required changes, improving the efficient management of software projects and hopefully improving the software quality. Software development methodologies supporting requirement traceability can develop and maintain higher quality software with less cost. Our research aims to support traceability through the agent-oriented software lifecycle. In particular, this paper proposes a requirement traceability process to be used in the requirements specifications and system architecture models of the Tropos framework. An e-commerce example is used to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach.
... Subsequently, the design of e-business systems depends rigorously on requirements specifications. Some software development approaches and methods, such as agile modelling (Ambler 2002, Abrahamsson 2002, unified modelling language (UML) (Jacobsen 1994, Booch 2005, and business process modelling (White 2004, Motik et al. 2002 provide an organisation with the capability of understanding its internal business activities as well as collaborating and conducting business transactions between the organisations. Such an ability of sharing information between firms and responding to the business ecology is essential for an organisation (Fedorowicz et al. 2004). ...
... In use-case diagrams, the use cases and actors define what the system performs and how the actors interact with it [36]. While the class diagram represents the structuring of data in order to answer to the functionalities defined by the use-case [37]. The actors in this system will be the employee, the supervisor and HR Responsible. ...
... UML is a large modeling language for visual purpose and is used to specify, construct, visualize and document the software [2]. The appearance of UML (Unified Modeling Language) and its being accepted as standard by OMG (Object Management Group) in 1979. ...
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From last two to three decade internet users are increased in exponential form. It is very difficult to secure data when two users want to communicate through Internet. When we share information and resources among various users on internet, then networking is required to implement. Today hacking is the major problem with internet user. When user shared information or data then they share the IP address also between two users. It is mandatory to provide strong security on IPV4 address to secure data in the form of XXX.YYY.ZZZ.RRR. IP addresses are binary numbers, which are usually stored in text files. IP address is classified into various classes. IP address is secured on IPV4. A class model is proposed to secured data on internet through IP address. Through RSA algorithm, it is tested and verified, IP address on sender end and receiver end are same during the share of information between two users.
... The software engineer can express an analytical model using the modeling notation, which is governed by a set of syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic rules. A UML system is represented by five separate [8] perspectives, each of which describes the system from a different angle. From the user's point of view, this view depicts the system. ...
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The Incentive Calculation Model (ICM) is a dense and a demanding need. It is difficult to quantify motivation while taking into consideration all government regulations and the criteria are often unknown, in order to define a genuine and concrete output, because manual systems of calculation are prone to flaws and miscalculations, resulting in unclear findings. Information that is ambiguous cannot be used to make strategic judgments. Calculating incentive gains in an investment is an important aspect of forecasting in order to go forward, and it will also aid in analyzing the success factor of any form of investment. This is an attempt to present the difficulties encountered in determining the incentive in the project. This work investigates the novel ideas used to calculate the incentive by creating the ICM. ICM is intended to provide a clear picture of the project's government objectives and efforts. The architecture of the Incentive Calculation Model, as well as the project's inputs and outputs, are discussed in this document. The research uses a test of hypothesis to evaluate and contrast the manual technique for computing incentives within the Incentive Calculation Model. On these datasets, graphical analysis is used to determine which investment will generate which incentive and in which state. We attempted to demonstrate how this approach aids investment planning by identifying crucial investment determinants. Finally, this report summaries some of the key lessons gained as well as the important cost, schedule, quality investment, and user satisfaction benefits realized.
... Even though it is a seminal book on UML, The UML User Guide [21] only dedicates a 1-page to briefly introduce templates: using a single example of a class template that shows the graphical notation for the signature, binding relationship, and actual arguments. The UML Reference Manual [22] is the book with the lengthiest sections on templates. ...
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UML templates are possibly the most neglected and misused piece of knowledge in UML modeling. This subject has been disregarded in the research and practice literature and even by modeling tools providers. This paper suggests that such oblivion results from a general misunderstanding that UML templates are just graphical representations of genericity like it is found in programming languages, and from the insufficient support from the modeling tools, with a consequence of poor usage of UML templates in practice. Indeed, the capabilities and potential of UML templates are far-reaching. As such, increasing awareness around them could bring large benefits for UML users, namely in what concerns higher-level of abstraction and reuse. Therefore, this paper provides a distilling tutorial on UML templates that aims to highlight their flexibility and advantages. That presentation follows a tutorial style and is supported by several illustrative examples, varying from simpler to more complex ones. This tutorial reviews the Template construct’s core concepts and terminology, presents constraining classifiers, and shows how to define properties and operations as template parameters. Then, it presents and discusses advanced aspects such as operation templates, parameter defaults, the relationship between binding and generalization, and the specific semantics of package templates. Furthermore, the paper discusses the related work and uncovers some of the UML templates’ limitations and opportunities for improvement.
... The Unified Modelling Language [ 7 ] is a graphical language, accepted by the Object Management Group [ 8 ], suitable for specifying and documenting the artefacts of a software-intensive system [ 7 ]. It is widely used in industry, in academic circles and major software companies, mainly for modelling information systems. ...
... Unified Modelling Language is a language that has become the standard in the industry for visualizing, designing, and documenting software systems. UML offers a standard for designing a model of a system [19,20]. ...
... In this paper, the learning system dynamically assesses a group's interaction in the context of the constructed models, and determines when and why the students are having trouble learning the new concepts they share with each other [3]. This paper does not evaluate the OMT diagrams and an instructor or intelligent coach's assistance is needed in mediating group knowledge sharing activities. ...
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The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a language that helps to visualize, design and document models of software systems. Students are encouraged to work in groups to learn the terminology, notation and use Unified Modeling Language and by so doing learn the task of communicating with clients and with other members of the project team. This effectively leads to the students' understanding of main factors associated in the project's success or failure and complexities involved in software development and project management. So, this system presents an innovative approach to teaching the Unified Modeling Language concepts which provide practical hands-on experience for the students to learn, understand and appreciate the concepts of Unified Modeling Language. This system is implemented by Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 C#.Net and Microsoft Access Database.
... Dans ce travail de recherche, seuls les échanges relatifs aux flèches épaisses noires ont été étudiés en détail, i.e. l'échange entre un expert de CF AO et un expert de coupe. Les diagrammes de cas et de séquences d'UML ( « Unified Modelling Language » (Booch et al, 1998) ont été utilisés pour décrire respectivement les actions du SCU et les interactions de ces deux experts avec le SCU. Ces méthodologies d'analyses ont été choisies car elles se sont avérées les plus pertinentes et pouvant être applicables aux autres éléments du système. ...
... 1. The Base Documents are original documents discussing one or more method fragments and/or characterisation dimensions, such as Object-Role Modeling (ORM) [Hal01], the Zachman framework [Zac87], Unified Modeling Language (UML) [BRJ99], etc. ...
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Modeling of work systems occurs for all sorts of reasons. Requirements need to be expressed. A pre-existing situation may need to be charted and analyzed. Early design decisions may be captured using architecture principles. Detailed design may be worked out. We all regard these activities as essentially being forms of modeling. In the work systems modeling library, we consider work system engineering from a modeling perspective. In the field of work system engineering, a whole plethora of modeling methods is available to system engineers and architects. Each of these methods can be used to model some (aspects) of a domain related to an existing and/or a planned work system. The aspects may refer to requirements, architecture, design, processing, data, etc, etc. In other words, these methodes are essentially all intended to model different aspects of work systems and/or their context. The aim of the work systems modeling library (WSML) is to bring together methodical knowledge concerning the modeling of work systems.
... SDLC dijelaskan sebagai proses memahami bagaimana suatu sistem informasi dapat mendukung kebutuhan bisnis dengan merancang suatu sistem, membangunnya, dan mengirimkannya kepada pengguna [11]. Sementara alat yang digunakan untuk melakukan analisis dan desain dapat menggunakan analisis dan desain berorientasi objek [12]. ...
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Desain jaringan distribusi merupakan bagian Supply Chain Management (SCM) untuk mengoptimalkan jaringan distribusi agar terhindar dari kelebihan atau kekurangan inventory. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Perum BULOG Divisi Regional Kalimantan Barat dengan mengadopsi konsep Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP) yang berfokus kepada inventory dan saluran distribusi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendesain jaringan distribusi Bantuan Sosial Beras Sejahtera (Bansos Rastra) yang dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman untuk mengoptimalkan sistem distribusi sehingga memberikan layanan terbaik kepada masyarakat. Metodologi penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu pengumpulan data, menganalisis kebutuhan, perancangan dan implementasi. pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur, wawancara dan observasi. Analisis dan Perancangan dilakukan dengan pendekatan System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) yang diilustrasikan dalam bentuk Unified Modelling Language (UML) berupa class diagram. Pengujian dilakukan dengan cara User Acceptance Testing (UAT) dengan teknik in-depth interview. Hasil pengujian model jaringan distribusi Bansos Rastra dapat diterapkan pada Perum BULOG Divre Kalbar. Secara keseluruhan, desain jaringan distribusi dapat membantu mengoptimalkan jaringan distribusi agar lebih efisien.
... The Unified Modelling Language (UML) in has become an industry standard for object modelling during analysis and design steps of software development [3], [13]. We have used UML in our design which is a widely accepted modelling language. ...
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A data warehouse is a single repository of data which includes data generated from various operational systems. Conceptual modeling is an important concept in the successful design of a data warehouse. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has become a standard for object modeling during analysis and design steps of software system development. The paper proposes an object oriented approach to model the process of data warehouse design. The hierarchies of each data element can be explicitly defined, thus highlighting the data granularity. We propose a UML multidimensional model using various data sources based on UML schemas. We present a conceptual-level integration framework on diverse UML data sources on which OLAP operations can be performed. Our integration framework takes into account the benefits of UML (its concepts, relationships and extended features) which is more close to the real world and can model even the complex problems easily and accurately. Two steps are involved in our integration framework. The first one is to convert UML schemas into UML class diagrams. The second is to build a multidimensional model from the UML class diagrams. The white-paper focuses on the transformations used in the second step. We describe how to represent a multidimensional model using a UML star or snowflake diagram with the help of a case study. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first people to represent a UML snowflake diagram that integrates heterogeneous UML data sources.
... UML (Unified Modeling Language) est considéré comme le langage standard de conception orientée objet : la version 2.0 vient d'être adoptée par l'OMG (Object Management Group) [2]. Il est maintenant largement utilisé dans les communautés scientifique et industrielle. ...
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Les méthodes formelles et semi-formelles de conception de systèmes in-formatiques mettent en avant différents concepts principaux de développe-ment. Plusieurs travaux se sont déjà intéressés à la formalisation des mé-thodes semi-formelles par des méthodes formelles telle que la formalisation de UML par B. L'objectif de ces travaux est surtout de pouvoir vérifier for-mellement les propriétés attendues du système. Dans cet article, nous étu-dions le schéma réciproque. Nous voulons représenter des spécifications B par des modèles UML afin d'obtenir une meilleure documentation et lisi-bilité en bénéficiant des concepts de structuration présents en UML. Nous présentons des éléments d'une transformation interactive guidant le concep-teur à générer une représentation naturelle de son modèle. L'objectif global de ce travail est de pouvoir établir une démarche où les représentations en UML et en B constituent deux vues complémentaires d'un même système en offrant à l'utilisateur la possibilité de naviguer entre ces deux vues et de pouvoir choisir le langage le plus adapté.
... This sets a tight constraint on software modelling activities, which may be odds with formal requirements analysis and design. For example, referring to 'basic architectural' modelling techniques within a standard methodology such as the Unified Modelling Language (UML) by Booch et al (1999), 'boundary', 'control' and 'entity' stereotype analysis objects cannot be modelled. ...
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Micro Software Development Firms (MSDFs), a term used in this paper, represent an economically active yet distinctive subgroup within UK SMEs (Small to Medium Enterprises). Our recent survey has confirmed that these firms do not indeed for the most part, systematically or coherently make use of the existing Information System Development (ISD) methodologies. Rather, due to various pragmatic constraints (which we identify from our recent empirical survey of MSDFs), such firms mix and match existing methods and techniques to suit their needs principally when transferring to new technology. Extant research has often sought to identify ways in which such firms can be persuaded to adopt more rigorous and systematic approaches to ISD through education or technology transfer. We prefer instead here to recommend that MSDFs, as a distinctive subgroup , are more likely to readily adopt a lightweight, flexible approach that makes as little demands on their human and technical resources and which fits better within their business models and existing constraints.
... Roughly similar approaches are widely used in system development, e.g., RUP (Kruchten, 2000), typically in combination with the UML (Booch, Rumbaugh, & Jacobson, 1998). They all make use of roughly defined, iterative phases in the modelling process, from exploration and informal sketching to formalization and implementation; also, they all, to a stronger or lesser degree, suggest or prescribe specific artefacts (descriptions, models) for particular phases and purposes, often involving strong structuring and/or specific modelling languages. ...
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Many model-based methods in AI require formal representation of knowledge as input. For the acquisition of highly structured, domain-specific knowledge, machine learning techniques still fall short, and knowledge elicitation and modelling is then the standard. However, obtaining formal models from informants who have few or no formal skills is a non-trivial aspect of knowledge acquisition, which can be viewed as an instance of the well-known “knowledge acquisition bottleneck”. Based on the authors’ work in conceptual modelling and method engineering, this paper casts methods for knowledge modelling in the framework of games. The resulting games-for-modelling approach is illustrated by a first prototype of such a game. The authors’ long-term goal is to lower the threshold for formal knowledge acquisition and modelling.
... COMPLEX-IT (shown in Figure 1) was built with the R programming language and Shiny, a web-framework for R. It can be accessed through a browser for the server hosted version or downloaded and run with a localhost through the RStudio IDE. We use a Unified Modelling Language (UML) activity diagram to depict its architecture [20]. Activity diagrams present a series of activities a system progresses through within a use-session, including branching paths different sessions may take. ...
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COMPLEX-IT is a case-based, mixed-methods platform for applied social inquiry into complex data/ systems, designed to increase non-expert access to the tools of computational social science (i.e., cluster analysis, artificial intelligence, data visualization, data forecasting, and scenario simulation). In particular, COMPLEX-IT aids applied social inquiry though a heavy emphasis on learning about the complex data/ system under study, which it does by (a) identifying and forecasting major and minor clusters/trends; (b) visualizing their complex causality; and (c) simulating scenarios for potential interventions. COMPLEX-IT is accessible through the web or can be run locally and is powered by R and the Shiny web framework.
... Semua aspek kehidupan seperti pendidikan, perbankan, transportasi, perpajakan, pengelolaan energi, mitigasi bencana, pengelolaan dan pengembangan wilayah, dan lain-lain sangat memerlukan ketersediaan data dan informasi yang tepat dan akurat sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusannya. Model adalah simplikasi realitas (Booch et al. 1999). Model juga merupakan representasi aspekaspek yang dianggap penting dalam satu sisi pandang dari realitas dan memandang sederhana aspek yang lain (Rumbough, et al. 2004 A cadastre is the core or basis of a land administration system and is defined as a par par par par parcel based and up-to cel based and up-to cel based and up-to cel based and up-to cel based and up-to-date -date -date -date -date land information system land information system land information system land information system land information system containing a record of interests in land (e.g. ...
... Unified modelling language adalah bahasa umum pemodelan visual yang digunakan untuk menentukan, memvisualisasikan, membangun, dan mendokumentasikan dokumentasi dari sebuah sistem perangkat lunak. UML [17]. ...
Kepolisian Resor Kota (Polresta) Pekanbaru adalah struktur komando Kepolisian Republik Indonesia didaerah kabupaten/kota. Menurut data BPS Kota Pekanbaru tahun 2016, jumlah penyelesaian tindak pidana di Kota Pekanbaru adalah sebesar 1065 kasus dari jumlah kasus sebesar 1614 kasus. Dengan begitu ada 549 kasus yang belum dapat terselesaikan oleh pihak Polresta Pekanbaru dikarenakan beberapa hal seperti minimnya informasi kriminalitas dijalanan yang belum dapat disampaikan secara cepat oleh korban, sehingga menyulitkan polisi dalam memberikan pertolongan cepat, sehingga mengakibatkan kurang optimalnya pelayanan dalam hal pertolongan cepat yang diberikan kepada masyarakat. Sistem yang dibangun meliputi aplikasi public panic button dan police panic button yang menerapakan Location Based Service, serta sistem berbasis website yang menggunakan framework CodeIgniter untuk mengelola seluruh data aplikasi panic button yang menggunakan database MySQL. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan User Acceptance Test, dihasil persentase kelayakan sistem sebesar 93,7 % (Sangat Setuju). Dengan adanya sistem ini diharapkan dapat mengoptimalkan kinerja pihak Polresta Pekanbaru dalam memberikan pelayanan cepat tanggap kepada masyarakat dan mempermudah polisi untuk mengetahui lokasi kejadian kriminalitas.
... FSM and W method are widely used to test software. In this section, we briefly discuss the UML (Unified Modeling Language) [19,20], FSM, and W method as background techniques. ...
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Finite-state machines (FSMs) and the W method have been widely used in software testing. However, the W method fails to detect post-processing errors in the implementation under test (IUT) because it ends testing when it encounters a previously visited state. To alleviate this issue, we propose an enhanced fault-detection W method. The proposed method does not stop the test, even if it has reached a previously visited state; it continues to test and check the points that the W method misses. Through various case studies, we demonstrated software testing using the W method and the proposed method. From the results, it can be inferred that the proposed method can more explicitly determine the consistency between design and implementation, and it is a better option for testing larger software. Unfortunately, the testing time of the proposed method is approximately 1.4 times longer than that of the W method because of the added paths. However, our method is more appropriate than the W method for software testing in safety-critical systems, even if this method is time consuming. This is because the error-free characteristics of a safety-critical system are more important than anything else. As a result, our method can be used to increase software reliability in safety-critical embedded systems.
... La creación de un modelo supone una abstracción y simplificación de la realidad que, en el caso de los SIG, es implementado finalmente mediante un software que permitirá su análisis y explotación (Scholten H et al, 2000). El modelo debe permitir la visualización del sistema, especificar la estructura de su comportamiento, servir como plantilla en la construcción de un sistema y documentar los criterios adoptados (Booch et al, 1998). Para ello es necesario utilizar un lenguaje que pueda ser entendido por las personas implicadas en el proceso, y al mismo tiempo por las herramientas informáticas en las que vaya a ser procesado. ...
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Las redes colectivas de riego localizado a presión constituyen una forma de modernizar los regadíos para el ahorro de agua, comúnmente adoptada en el litoral mediterráneo. Estudios de campo demuestran que los niveles de eficiencia real de esta técnica de riego están lejos de ser los deseados, ante la falta de una gestión eficaz por parte de las comunidades de regantes de todos los procesos agronómicos e hidráulicos que ocurren durante su explotación. Dada la gran cantidad de componentes de carácter espacial que intervienen en la gestión de las redes de riego, los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) se nos ofrecen como una herramienta ideal para la modelización y simulación de estos procesos. El soporte sobre el que se basa una aplicación SIG es el modelo de datos, que permite capturar los datos reales y almacenarlos para su posterior utilización e interpretación. La construcción del modelo presenta una serie de etapas y herramientas, cuya finalidad es la creación de un modelo de datos robusto, capaz de incorporar información y suministrar resultados de una manera abierta y estandarizada. El presente artículo muestra las herramientas generales que existen para la creación de un modelo de datos para la gestión agronómica e hidráulica del riego en comunidades de regantes. Finalmente se tratan las distintas posibilidades de implementación de dicho modelo de datos en un SIG comercial como es ArcGIS
... COMPLEX-IT (shown in Figure 1) was built with the R programming language and Shiny, a web-framework for R. It can be accessed through a browser for the server hosted version or downloaded and run with a localhost through the RStudio IDE. We use a Unified Modelling Language (UML) activity diagram to depict its architecture [20]. Activity diagrams present a series of activities a system progresses through within a use-session, including branching paths different sessions may take. ...
COMPLEX-IT is a case-based, mixed-methods platform for social inquiry into complex data/systems, designed to increase non-expert access to the tools of computational social science (i.e., cluster analysis, artificial intelligence, data visualization, data forecasting, and scenario simulation). In particular, COMPLEX-IT aids social inquiry though a heavy emphasis on learning about the complex data/system under study, which it does by (a) identifying and forecasting major and minor clusters/trends; (b) visualizing their complex causality; and (c) simulating scenarios for potential interventions. COMPLEX-IT is accessible through the web or can be run locally and is powered by R and the Shiny web framework.
... Data model is the systematic extraction and abstraction of real-world characteristics, through which a adequate simulated expression could be obtained to describe its real-world counterpart [9]. According to the analysis of railway data lines, the data model should contain two types of data: signal attribute data and spatial topological data. ...
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The research on upgrading and modification of the existing railway signal system found that the existing line basic datasheet and line data engineering datasheet cannot satisfy the application requirement, and it is necessary to study data optimization on the existing railway line. This paper presents a method for railway line data optimization and generation process verification. Based on the analysis of railway line data and the research of data update requirements, the hierarchical block storage model of line data is established by expanding the engineering datasheet, and design the data model generation process. The formal model of generation process is established by the model verification method combining UML with NuSMV model, which verifies the activity, certainty and transference of the important attributes in the model. The data model and generating process are improved by counterexample analysis to meet the requirements of signal system. The discussion of this paper provides useful solutions for the key problems encountered in the research and development of the existing railway signal system.
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Laundry merupakan sebuah usaha yang berkaitan dengan jasa cuci pakaian menggunakan mesin cuci. Di era modern seperti sekarang, usaha laundry berkembang sangat pesat, usaha ini cukup mudah di temui pada kota-kota besar terlebih di sekitar kost atau kontrakan yang dihuni oleh mahasiswa maupun para pekerja yang terlalu sibuk sampai tidak sempat mencuci pakainya. Aris laundry adalah sebuah usaha rumahan di bidang jasa cuci pakaian yang terletak di Desa Mruwak Rt.2, Rw.1 Kecamatan Dagangan kabupaten Madiun. Meskipun terletak di Desa, usaha ini cukup di banjiri konsumen. Seiring berkembangnya usaha, pemilik sampai kewalahan untuk melayani konsumen karena pemilik usaha masih menggunakan sistem pencatatan manual. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan sering terjadinya kesalahan pencatatan yang berdampak pada laporan pendapatan. Mengacu pada pernyataan tersebut, penulis akan membangun sebuah sistem informasi laundry berbasis website. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode waterfall sehingga analisis dan desain dapat dilakukan di awal agar penelitian lebih terstruktur, serta pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan metode black-box testing. Tujuan dari penelitian tugas akhir ini adalah membuat sebuah sistem informasi laundry berbasis web agar mempermudah pemilik usaha laundry dalam pengelolaan data transaksi dan pencetakan laporan. Sistem yang di buat dapat menampilkan data konsumen, data peket cucian, data transaksi, mencetak invoice dan mencetak laporan.
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This thesis aims to design an Android application specifically developed for attendance activities at the Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) Putri Hijau District North Bengkulu, using the MIT App Inventor platform. This application is expected to be more efficient than the old application and can provide convenience for employees who want to run attendance and make it easier for the admin to recap attendance data. To achieve this research, researchers use the Prototype method with code block programming development in MIT App Inventor and use Googel maps assistance in validating attendance locations. In the implementation process, the author will focus on designing an interface that is simple and easy to understand, ensuring compatibility with Android devices, and integrating features that are relevant to the needs of Attendance and Licensing. The importance of creating an application that can be accessed without difficulty by users without a conventional programming background is a major concern. Therefore, this research will prioritize the use of visual programming provided by MIT Inventor, enabling application development without the need for in-depth knowledge in programming. The result of this research is an Android Attendance application design that can be used by Admin and Employees at the Office of Religious Affairs Putri Hijau District, North Bengkulu. This application is expected to provide benefits for KUA Admins and Employees in terms of reducing the number of employees.
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Este libro no proporciona planes de estudios específicos para cada disciplina de las CS y su relación con las matemáticas. En cambio, sugiere y ofrece muchas oportunidades, entre las que se incluyen actualizar el paradigma de la enseñanza y la educación con base en el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, pasar del conocimiento por competencias a los logros de aprendizaje e involucrar a los graduados para explotar los beneficios de las habilidades, destrezas y capacidades en el lugar de trabajo. El libro es el resultado de un esfuerzo cooperativo sin precedentes entre varias redes académico-científicas que abarcan diversos países. Como uno de los trabajos que buscan el objetivo mencionado, proporciona introspección y análisis de diversas disciplinas informáticas basadas en directrices curriculares actuales relacionadas con las matemáticas, y que son producto de muchos años de experimentación y refinamiento por actores de la industria, profesores, investigadores y facultades de otras disciplinas.
Technical Report
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Designing a database is a process that involves decision-making. We live in a world where a large portion of data assumes a hierarchical structure. Despite this, relational databases, which are one of the main types of databases used today, do not directly support inheritance, generalization or specialization relationships. Specific techniques are required to map these conceptual structures to a format supported by the database. It is then up to the developer to choose the most suitable strategy for implementing hierarchical structures in databases for a given project among the many available. Although various strategies have already been published in the literature, there is an apparent lack of formal comparisons between strategies to guide the decision-making process. This work aims to identify different strategies for implementing hierarchical structures in databases, implement these strategies in a DBMS, and perform tests for data insertion, retrieval, update, and deletion in each one to identify their positive and negative aspects, providing insights and greater understanding so that the decision-making process can be carried out in a more informed confident way.
The article discusses the main factors determining the modern reconstruction work of buildings, the idea is formed that modern reconstruction work requires a number of specialized skills, including historical research, architectural design, engineering and construction. Training and skill development programs conducted by a team of qualified professionals will help ensure that complex projects are completed in the future. Important historical landmarks, if done right, future generations will be proud of and appreciate the hard work of previous generations.
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During the past years and due to coronavirus pandemics, the online business of the companies has been increased, and people are working from the home through high-speed Internet connectivity. Daily, large amount of database is getting space over the cloud servers, but when one is accessing the desired information from the various search engines, customers are not getting accurate information within minimum time frame. Therefore, present work is an attempt to use of the data cube technology for representation of large amount of the database and faster accessing of desired database as per the customer’s requirements. A sample of database of the Life Insurance of India (LIC), which is a largest leading company working in the insurance sector, is selected for validation of the proposed system model which is designed through the unified modeling language (UML), and the computed results are depicted in the form of the tables and graphs.
Conference Paper
O presente artigo descreve a elaboração da disciplina de Pensamento Computacional (PC) em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior pública. A disciplina é oferecida em um formato de ensino a distância (EaD) e é destinada a todos os cursos da Instituição no primeiro semestre. Examina-se dois planos de ensino distintos e os desafios na aceitação dos conteúdos, especialmente para alunos de cursos não relacionados à computação, constatando-se as barreiras pedagógicas que o oferecimento do Pensamento Computacional como disciplina base ainda apresenta. Por hora, conclui-se que o melhor plano de ação é remover Pensamento Computacional do núcleo comum e implementar planos de ensino distintos para cada eixo (área de conhecimento) da Instituição.
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AbstrakAyam Presto Cabe Hijo Cabang Medan merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang kuliner di Kota Medan. Namun kondisi perusahaan saat ini menurut evaluasi bulanan memiliki hasil pendapatan yang kurang maksimal, karena proses penjualan menu restoran yang ditawarkan kepada pelanggan kurang maksimal. Menu yang dijual kepada pelanggan di restoran tidak terjual secara merata. Menu yang tidak terjual habis mengakibatkan stock menu di restoran mengalami penumpukan bahan baku makanan, sehingga mengakibatkan kerusakan bahan makanan yang telah lama di stock. Sehingga di butuhkan solusi berupa pengelompokan data transaksi pelanggan yang dilakukan penambangan informasi. Cara ini dikenal dengan istilah data mining. Data Mining adalah suatu istilah yang digunakan untuk menguraikan penemuan pengetahuan didalam database atau sering disebut Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD).Dari hasil penambangan tersebut, maka akan akan dibuat promosi paket menu dimana akan dilakukan penggabungan makanan dan minuman yang diminati oleh pelanggan dan yang kurang diminati, sehingga penjualan makanan dan minuman akan menjadi seimbang dan bisa meningkatkan penjualan. Dengan menggunakan algoritma apriori dapat mengetahui berapa banyak yang terjual makanan dan minuman yang muncul bersamaan dalam suatu transaksi.AbstractChicken Presto Cabe Hijo Medan Branch is a company engaged in the culinary field in the city of Medan. However, based on the monthly evaluation, the company's current condition is that revenue is not optimal, because the restaurant menu sales process offered to customers is not optimal. Menus sold to customers in restaurants are not sold evenly. Menus that are not sold out cause menu stock in restaurants to accumulate food raw materials, resulting in damage to food ingredients that have been in stock for a long time. So a solution is needed in the form of grouping customer transaction data carried out by information mining. This method is known as data mining. Data Mining is a term used to describe the discovery of knowledge in databases or often called Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD). From the mining results a menu package promotion will be made that will combine food and beverages that are of interest to customers and those that are less desirable, so that food and beverage sales are balanced and can increase sales. By using the a priori algorithm, you can find out how much food and drink that is sold appears together in a transaction.
The first chapter presents a broad overview of software engineering, and the birth of the discipline was at the Garmisch conference in Germany in the late 1960s. We discuss various software lifecycles and the phases in software development. We discuss requirements gathering and specification, software design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. The lightweight Agile methodology is introduced, and it has become very popular in industry. Mathematics may potentially assist software engineers in delivering high-quality software products that are safe to use, and the extent to which mathematics should be employed remains a topic of active debate.
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This project includes a thorough analysis of the tour and travel management system. The major goals of this website are to learn about travel packages that have the greatest amenities and the most recent deals. It will be quite simple to search. The necessary data may be fetched with only one click. There are several travel packages available nowadays from numerous websites to almost every region in the globe. A consumer illustrates how difficult and time-consuming it is to look for a variety of packages across important websites, in touch with travel agents, and via other means, all of which use passive methods. This project will help travellers choose the best vacation package out of all the available options by providing them with useful details about the destinations they wish to visit, including a picture, a hotel's amenities, a Google map, a transportation option, and a description. The management system for tours and travel will be useful for the tourist industry. The current work focuses on creating an object-oriented traveller management system using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) (TMS). This paper's major goal is to provide a flexible and dependable environment for travellers who wish to travel for various reasons, like sightseeing , shopping, business meetings, etc. The TMS offers the traveller the information they need when they need it without wasting any time, and the system provides them with the right information. UML Classes, Sequence Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, and Use Case Diagrams are also built for the TMS in this study.
Perkembangan teknologi saat ini mengakibatkan semakin mudah pertukaran informasi. Citra merupakan data yang bersifat informatif, bahkan mengandung informasi penting bagi sebagian pihak. Keamanan terhadap kerahasiaan informasi atau data dari citra harus terjaga dan terjamin keasliannya sehingga tidak terjadi penyalahgunaan informasi oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Pada penelitian tugas akhir ini membahas tentang kriptografi citra digital menggunakan algoritma Hill Cipher dan Affine Cipher berbasis Android. Algoritma Hill Cipher dipilih karena salah satu dari algoritma kriptografi klasik yang cukup aman dan tidak mudah dipecahkan. Algoritma Affine Cipher dipilih karena sederhana dan mudah dalam pengimplementasiannya. Aplikasi ini dapat melakukan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi pada perangkat smartphone yang menggunakan sistem operasi android. Hasil dari aplikasi ini adalah citra rekayasa yang telah diolah berdasarkan kunci yang dimasukkan. Durasi lama waktu proses enkripsi dan dekripsi tergantung pada kombinasi kunci serta dimensi ukuran citra. Semakin besar dimensi ukuran citra yang dimasukkan maka semakin lama waktu pemrosesan. Aplikasi kriptografi citra digital ini telah diuji dengan membandingkan dengan aplikasi serupa yang hanya menggunakan algoritma Hill Cipher atau Affine Cipher saja. Hasil pengujian nilai Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) dengan menggabungkan kedua algoritma menghasilkan nilai rata- rata PSNR yang lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan aplikasi yang hanya menggunakan algoritma Hill Cipher atau algoritma Affine Cipher saja.
Kap. 13 ist das erste Kapitel des Teils D. Es befasst sich mit dem Entwicklungsmanagement. In Abb. 13.1 ist die Einordnung des Kap. 13 in den Teil D dargestellt.
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In the Era of Computer Technology, We need to communicate and accelerate our life with the help of Information and Technology (ICT). We all require certain types of services on online, which require less workout or interference of Human being. Mobile payment is very significant and critical resolution for mobile commerce. A user-friendly mobile payment solution is robustly needed to carry mobile users to conduct secure and reliable payment transactions using mobile devices. This paper presents a modern mobile payment system based on 2-Dimentional (2D) barcodes called QR-codes for mobile users to recover mobile user experience in mobile payment. Unlike other existing mobile payment systems, the projected payment answer provides distinct advantages to support buy-and-sale products along with services based on QR codes. Safe QR-Pay scheme based on QR-code by expressing 2 dimensional can pay things between User and Merchant.
The growing use of mobile devices that are available everywhere can blur the boundaries between life domains work and life. The increasing number of notifications on smartphones leads to interruptions that might be unrelated to the current life domain and task and are therefore disruptive. Despite some tools there is a gap between the preferred and the actual separation of life domains. In this paper we show how concepts from the field of boundary management can be applied for notification management on mobile devices. We present a formal model of the semantic structure of life domains, which is based on the concepts of integration and segmentation from boundary theory. We introduce an app for the management of notifications on Android smartphones that leverages on this formal model. In a field study we evaluated the app with real-life notifications. The results show a significant reduction of the gap between actual and preferred boundary management.
To release developers from time-consuming software development, many approaches have been proposed to generate source code automatically according to software requirements. With significant advances in deep learning and natural language processing, deep learning-based approaches are proposed to generate source code from natural language descriptions. The key insight is that given a large corpus of software requirements and their corresponding implementations, advanced deep learning techniques may learn how to translate software requirements into source code that fulfill such requirements. Although such approaches are reported to be highly accurate, they are evaluated on datasets that are rather small, lack of diversity, and significantly different from real-world software requirements. To this end, we build a large scale dataset that is composed of longer requirements as well as validated implementations. We evaluate the state-of-the-art approaches on this new dataset, and the results suggest that their performance on our dataset is significantly lower than that on existing datasets concerning the common metrics, i.e. BLEU. Evaluation results also suggest that the generated programs often contain syntactic and semantical errors, and none of them can pass even a single predefined test case. Further analysis reveals that the state-of-the-art approaches learn little from software requirements, and most of the successfully generated statements are popular statements in the training programs. Based on this finding, we propose a popularity-based approach that always generates the most popular statements in training programs regardless of the input (software requirements). Evaluation results suggest that none of the state-of-the-art approaches can outperform this simple statistics-based approach. As a conclusion, deep learning-based program generation requires significant improvement in the future, and our dataset may serve as a basis for future research in this direction.
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ABSTRACT: Objective: A mobile computerised system for handling the activities and services of the library provides a comprehensive way to lessen physical labour, reduce human error and grant access to information materials anywhere and anytime. This research work aimed to design and implement an Android Mobile Library Management System that university libraries can use to overcome the human and other challenges that prevent them from providing services on the go. Methodology: The research work was guided by four objectives and four research questions. The Android Mobile Library Management System was designed and implemented using the Android studio which contains XML (extensible mark-up language) and Java. At the back-end Firebase Services were used. The system was tested after the development and found suitable for meeting all the requirements specified. The system has capacity to add to the integrity of the library, ease the activities of the librarian and eliminate the stress related with the current process of searching for library books. Result and Future Direction: this application tends to make work on all the organizational or institutional tasks from anywhere for every different situation that may happen day-to-day life and especially when there is a definite need during pandemic situation like now-a-days to perform every task from applications. These tasks such as online classes, online chat rooms, online meeting rooms. Keywords: Android Mobile Library Management System, XML, mobile computerised system
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