Dangerous goods that have not been correctly declared when offered for transport have contributed to some serious accidents
at sea. Safe handling, stowage, and segregation of packaged dangerous goods cannot be carried out if there is no knowledge
of the presence of dangerous goods inside the cargo transport unit (container and/or trailer), or if the goods have been incorrectly
declared. Although
... [Show full abstract] undeclared dangerous goods are recognized as a safety issue in the shipping industry, there is little information
available on the extent of the risk involved. The study described in this paper was carried out to investigate the extent
and potential consequences of the maritime transport of undeclared dangerous goods. Dangerous goods incident and inspection
reports and ship casualty data were reviewed and analysed. A generic qualitative model was constructed to illustrate contributing
factors and potential consequences in incidents involving undeclared dangerous goods.
Key wordsDangerous Goods–Risk–Maritime Transport–Marine Safety–Incident Analysis