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Bill Gaver
Computer Related Design
Royal College of Art
‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’
– popular saying
The advent of graphical interfaces, more than fifteen years ago, revolutionised the way we think
about computers. The desktop metaphor had such a complete inner logic that it seemed to dismiss
offhand the tedious call-and-response interfaces that had prevailed. The computer as concept
expanded from a tool to a virtual environment, from a clumsy machine to a place for exploration and
experimentation. Research on interaction also expanded, as people sought new perspectives from
which to understand this newly-discovered territory – from cognition, to perceptual, to ethnographic
and anthropological. As our appreciation of computing’s potential grew, so did our appreciation of
the aspects of humanity it mirrors.
Now we are on the brink of another revolution, as computers invade our everyday lives. The point is
not that computers are becoming ubiquitous or ambient or disappearing altogether. Nor am I saying
that interaction will be tangible, or that the virtual will merge with the physical. These things may
happen, but they’re symptoms — attempts to shortcut technologically the challenges we face. The
real revolution is that computing is leaving the confines of task-oriented, rational, ‘left-brain’ work,
and is set to join us in our homes, on the street, at parties, on lonely mountaintops – everywhere, in
short, where ‘work’ is the stuff we want to get done so we can do what we really want to do.
The effects of this new revolution will, I believe, be as radical as the move to graphical interfaces,
causing us to rethink computers, research, and even ourselves. However, we have been slow to
appreciate the implications of technology’s incursion into our everyday lives. As computing has
emerged from the office and laboratory, it seems to have brought along values of the workplace:
concerns for clarity, efficiency and productivity; a preoccupation with finding solutions to problems.
If, as ethnographers suggest, it takes a lot of work to achieve an ordinary life, then new
technologies will help us take care of it. In this vision, internet-enabled refrigerators will automatical-
ly update our shopping lists. We will use our microwave ovens to do our banking as well as to heat
ready-made meals. Mobile devices will allow us to coordinate our schedules, download information,
update records on the move. We will be surrounded by technology devoted to taking care of our
everyday chores, giving us the leisure to pursue whatever activities we really value.
But what if technologies helped us pursue those activities now, directly, rather than merely helping
us get the chores done? What if computing helped us pursue our lives, not just our work?
o o o
‘We are here on Earth to fart around.’
– Kurt Vonnegut
The idea of Homo Ludens – humans defined as playful creatures (Huizinga, J., 1950) – is an antidote
to assumptions that technology should provide clear, efficient solutions to practical problems. From
this perspective, we are characterised not just by our thinking or achievements, but by our playful-
ness: our curiosity, our love of diversion, our explorations, inventions and wonder. An aimless walk in
the city centre, a moment of awe, a short-lived obsession, a joke – all are defining and valuable
facets of our humanity, as worthy of respect as planning, logic or study. Play is not just mindless
entertainment, but an essential way of engaging with and learning about our world and ourselves —
for adults as well as children. As we toy with things and ideas, as we chat and daydream, we find
new perspectives and new ways to create, new ambitions, relationships, and ideals. Play goes well
beyond entertainment: it’s a serious business.
What sorts of computational device might appeal to Homo Ludens?
An essay for I3 Magazine
to appear 2002
The Pillow, by Tony Dunne (Dunne, 1999; Gaver &
Dunne, 1996; see Figure 1) might be an example. This is
a clear inflatable pillow, enclosing a translucent plastic
block with holes cut in it, exposing patterns of colour as
they play over an LCD screen. As the light suffuses the
object, it creates a much softer, more imprecise display
than we usually associate with computers. But the Pillow
isn’t just an aesthetic object; it is a strange form of
radio in which lighting reflects bits of electromagnetic
information from radio stations, passing taxis or nearby
baby alarms. And more than a radio, it is a poser of soci-
ocultural questions, pointing out the degree to which our
homes and even our bodies are permeated by wireless
communications. It casts its viewers as meditative
voyeurs, providing them with a gentle electronic experi-
ence while subtly eliciting unease about the communica-
tions that feed it. It is an object which invites a relation-
ship, not as a pet, but perhaps as a sort of computation-
al alien sharing one’s home (Dunne, 1999).
Some of the designs developed in the I3 Presence
Project, too, might speak to Homo Ludens (see Gaver &
Hooker, 2001). At the RCA, Tony Dunne, Ben Hooker,
Shona Kitchen, Brendan Walker and I explored ways that
technology might increase the presence of older people
in three communities: a hilltop village in Tuscany, an
affluent district of Oslo, and a huge housing estate in the
Netherlands. Our designs took a wide and playful view of
‘presence’. In Italy, we proposed a ‘radioscape’ that
would transmit sounds from the countryside to the vil-
lage, encouraging the older people to enjoy their pastoral
landscape in new ways (Figure 2). In Oslo, we suggested
that the older people might use a ‘digital boudouir’ to
craft questions for their fellow citizens, to be displayed
on trams or in cafés, or relayed to public phones (Figure
3). In the Netherlands, we proposed and built the
Projected Realities system, which disseminated people’s
attitudes from their private flats, through local neigh-
bourhoods, to the roads and railways surrounding this
notorious area. With visible elements including ‘slogan-
benches’ (Figure 4a) and an ‘imagebank’ (Figure 4b), the
Projected Realities system allowed passers-by to
encounter the words and images of their older neigh-
bours in a way that was not didactic or demanding, but
quietly suggestive.
Ludic appeal might also be found in the proposals that
Heather Martin and I developed for the Alternatives proj-
ect (Gaver & Martin, 1999). Funded by Hewlett Packard,
the Alternatives project was part of the Appliance
Design Studio, a collaborative investigation of informa-
tion appliances. In investigating the field, Heather and I
found ourselves uninspired by current examples, and
developed a series of sketch proposals to expand the
group’s thinking. For instance, the Dawn Chorus (Figure
5a) was a birdfeeder that would use operant conditioning
principles to teach local songbirds new tunes. The
(De)tour Guide would be an audio-only device using GPS
and an electronic compass to lead people through the
city – and to support them in getting lost for a predeter-
Figure 1: The Pillow suggests a kind of ambient voyeurism.
Figure 2: Peccioli’s Radioscape would bring the countryside into a
Tuscan village.
Figure 3: The Digital Boudouir suggested that older people could
lead a political conversation distributed through Oslo.
mined interval. The Intimate View camera (Figure 5b),
later developed as a prototype, linked separated lovers
by allowing them to capture and transmit small, highly
magnified pictures to encourage moments of intensely
shared focus. The Dream Communicator allowed distant
lovers to use sounds or speech to influence one anoth-
er’s dreams. Finally, the Telegotchi was an electronic pet
with no buttons that relied on psionic communication for
happiness (Figure 5c), and the Prayer Device (Figure 5d)
would be found on streets, like a new sort of telephone
booth, waiting to transmit one’s voice to the sky. The
appeal of many of these proposals, in particular, was
that they didn’t demand belief so much as a suspension
of disbelief. They encouraged an attitude of speculation
that in itself might be enjoyable.
The examples described here may be pleasurable to
experience, but it should be clear that they go beyond
mere entertainment. Each raises issues and asks ques-
tions, ranging from the effects of pervasive electromag-
netic communication, to possibilities for inter-genera-
tional communication, to the ethics of taming nature, the
value of getting lost, or the status of psychic or spiritual
experiences. They raise these issues, but don’t provide
answers. Instead, they offer ways for people to experi-
ence life from new perspectives, thereby testing
hypotheses about who we might be or what we might
care about. They hint at possibilities for technologies
that we could use in our everyday life, not to accomplish
well-defined tasks, but to expand in undefined directions.
Open-ended and personal, they encourage us to play –
seriously – with experiences, ideas and other people.
o o o
‘…work is play for mortal stakes…’
- Robert Frost
What does designing for Homo Ludens imply for our
methodologies? How can we invent and develop systems
that legitimise wonder, even encourage it? How do we
encourage people to meander, rather than to accomplish
tasks with speed?
First, scientific approaches to design need to be comple-
mented by more subjective, idiosyncratic ones. It is diffi-
cult to conceive of a task analysis for goofing around, or
to think of exploration as a problem to be solved, or to
determine usability requirements for systems meant to
spark new perceptions. Instead, designers need to use
their personal experiences as sounding boards for the
systems they create. Balancing this, they need to
engage in, and often lead, a conversation with the peo-
ple for whom they are developing, lest their designs
become purely self-indulgent. Traditional requirements
capture or ethnographic methods may be useful in this,
but more ambiguous, open-ended forms of engagement
can also produce inspiring results. For instance, the
Cultural Probes developed for Presence (Gaver et al.,
1999; see Figure 6) used provocative questions and
Figure 4. Slaganbenches and an Imagebank expressed older peo-
ple’s attitudes in a notorious Dutch housing estate.
Figure 5. Concept proposals from the Alternatives project.
tasks to elicit informative materials from volunteers. The
returns were never definitive, but they were evocative,
allowing us to create semi-factual narratives about the com-
munities for whom we were designing, and to develop design
ideas that furthered these stories.
Second, designing for Homo Ludens means allowing room for
people to appropriate technologies. Playing involves pursuing
one’s inner narratives in safe situations, through perceptual
projection or, ideally, action. If computational devices chan-
nel people’s activities and perceptions too closely, then peo-
ple have to live out somebody else’s story, not their own
(c.f. Wejchert, 2001). This might be an interesting possibili-
ty – as Dunne (1999) suggests, people might approach
computational devices the way they do cinema, borrowing
the identities and values they suggest for a short period of
time – but in general we should give people the ability to
own technology, to bring it into their own complex life sto-
ries. I know two primary tactics for doing this. The first is
to create ‘suggestive media’ – suggestive in that they are
designed to encourage or impel ludic activity, and media in that they are tools through which people
experience, create, or communicate freely. The second is to employ ambiguity at all phases of
design. Contrary to traditional thinking about interaction, ambiguity is an invaluable tool because it
allows people to find their own meaning in uncertain situations. Used in design processes, concepts
and products, ambiguity gives space for people to intermesh their own stories with those hinted at
by technologies.
Third, and most important, pleasure comes before performance, and engagement before clarity.
Designing for Homo Ludens requires a new focus that seeks intrigue and delight at all levels of
design, from the aesthetics of form and interaction, to functionality, to conceptual implications at
psychological, social and cultural levels. Not only should technologies reinforce pleasures that people
know, but they should suggest new ones. The designer’s role in this is not like that of a doctor, pre-
scribing cures for people’s ills; nor is the designer a kind of servant, developing technologies that
people know they want. Instead, designers should be provocateurs, seeking out new possibilities for
play and crafting technologies that entice people to explore them. In the end, designers themselves
need to be Homo Ludens. They need to recognise that they are playful creatures, and that their
work depends on their play.
I am grateful to Jake Beaver, Anne Schlottmann, and Jakub Wejchert for their comments and suggestions.
Dunne, A. (1999). Hertzian tales: Electronic products, aesthetic experience and critical design. London: RCA:CRD
Research Publications.
Dunne, A. & Gaver, W. W. (1997). The Pillow: Artist-designers in the digital age. Conference Companion for CHI’97.
Gaver, W.W., Dunne, A., and Pacenti, E.. (1999) Cultural Probes. interactions magazine. vi(1), pp. 21 - 29.
Gaver, W., and Hooker, B. (2001). The Presence Project. London: RCA:CRD Research Publications.
Gaver, W., and Martin, H. (2000). Alternatives: Exploring information appliances through conceptual design propos-
als. Proceedings of CHI'00 (Den Haag). New York, ACM Press.
Huizinga, J. (1950). Homo Ludens: A study of the play-element in culture. Boston: The Beacon Press.
Wejchert, J. (2001). The Dreaming. Informatik/Informatique 5/2001.
Figure 6: Cultural probes are provocative materials eliciting inspir-
ing responses.
... In fact, it appears that when considering the range of activities that relate to adult play, greater emphasis has been given to gamification (Deterding et al., 2011;Jagoda, 2013) and application of games in learning and training (Sawyer, 2002;Sawyer & Smith, 2008). Games have been presented as an effective means of persuasion (Bogost, 2007;Flanagan, 2009Flanagan, /2013 and complex problem-solving. The proceduralist approach argues that games, and video games in particular, are effective in building meanings, driving transformations, and fostering the emergence of creative solutions thanks to the algorithmic structure of rules they are built upon. ...
... In fact, it appears that when considering the range of activities that relate to adult play, greater emphasis has been given to gamification (Deterding et al., 2011;Jagoda, 2013) and application of games in learning and training (Sawyer, 2002;Sawyer & Smith, 2008). Games have been presented as an effective means of persuasion (Bogost, 2007;Flanagan, 2009Flanagan, /2013 and complex problem-solving. The proceduralist approach argues that games, and video games in particular, are effective in building meanings, driving transformations, and fostering the emergence of creative solutions thanks to the algorithmic structure of rules they are built upon. ...
... It has been contested that such an understanding of games pretends to predict players' behaviors, giving too much emphasis on the role of designers without considering the actual moment of play and the importance of players' interactions (Sicart, 2011). Following a play-centric approach, Ludic Design has been proposed as an alternative attitude to address design issues (Gaver, 2002;Morrison et al., 2007). Instead of pursuing persuasion and aiming toward problem solutions through play mechanics, a ludic approach offers an alternative attitude to design that is more open to questions and doubts, encouraging cooperation and participation through playfulness. ...
... For instance, one study speculated on a series of IoT devices that activate a playful mode when the home loses internet connection, such as a vacuum cleaner dancing around the floor or a lightbulb turning into party mode [77]. Other studies focused on deploying discovery-driven prototypes [62] to develop ludic design artifacts [38,40] through ambiguous use and personal interpretation. In one of these studies, the researchers installed the Table-non-table in participants' homes, where the artifact's presence and unpredictable movements prompted them to reconsider the layout of their living spaces [46]. ...
... To facilitate this continuity, one participant (P2) proposed restructuring the home environment to resemble a clock-like mechanism (SPP12). This idea aligns with prior research on the reappropriation of everyday objects [10,38]. Echoing P2's idea, one study speculated on transforming a regular coat rack into a device that adjusts the home's digital connectivity based on the presence of family members at home [77]. ...
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While there's growing interest in eliciting situated playful interactions with technologies in different contexts, how these interactions might shape everyday spaces still needs to be fully explored. To address this gap, this article aims to guide the architectural spatial changes by exploring everyday playful interactions of technology-adopted users in domestic spaces. We present our contributions in a two-fold study: First, through an extensive diary study involving 13 technology-adopted residents in gated communities, where distinct boundaries offer increased opportunities for playful interactions, we identified four playful themes: (1) creating and expanding play-spaces, (2) balancing play and comfort, (3) intertwining imagination with spatial experience, and (4) gamifying household interactions. Secondly, by building on these themes, we outline three design implications to inform architectural design processes, aiming to translate everyday playful interactions into tangible spatial changes. These implications include adapting shape-changing and wearable technologies for playful flexibility, embedding new forms of communications within infrastructures, and turning homes into interactive entities with multi-sensory technologies. While these findings provide a starting point for exploring new architectural design possibilities in similar environments, further research with architects, policymakers, and design researchers in the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Human-Building Interaction (HBI) fields is essential to actualizing these changes.
... Fast-paced contemporary life usually makes people miss out on wonderful moments [37]. After observations in public spaces and embodied design workshops, the designers have applied the principles of ludic design [18] and created BubbleBot: bursting bubbles at passers-by to invite for serendipitous interactions [36]. With this project, the aim was to trigger conversations about the future roles and interaction paradigms of urban robots. ...
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In this paper, we investigate how to elicit new perspectives in research-through-design (RtD) studies through annotated portfolios. Situating the usage in human-robot interaction (HRI), we used two robotic artefacts as a case study: we first created our own annotated portfolio and subsequently ran online workshops during which we asked HRI experts to annotate our robotic artefacts. We report on the different aspects revealed about the value, use, and further improvements of the robotic artefacts through using the annotated portfolio technique ourselves versus using it with experts. We suggest that annotated portfolios - when performed by external experts - allow design researchers to obtain a form of creative and generative peer critique. Our paper offers methodological considerations for conducting expert annotation sessions. Further, we discuss the use of annotated portfolios to unveil designerly HRI knowledge in RtD studies.
... Because of this, play has an essential place in the growth and education of humans. The fact that Huizinga described man as "playing creatures" (Homo Ludens) highlights the fact that the relationship between man and game is present in all aspects of existence (Gaver, 2002). According to the definition generally accepted in the field of research, a game is an action carried out voluntarily and accompanied by a sense of tension and joy. ...
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Digital Games and Gamification in Education Editors Dr. Nurullah Taş, Dr. Yusuf İslam Bolat In the "Digital Games and Gamification in Education" pages, readers embark on a captivating journey through a landscape where traditional education converges with the engaging world of digital games and gamification. This comprehensive volume is designed to provide a rich and multifaceted exploration of this transformative trend reshaping our educational systems' very fabric. As readers journey through the chapters of "Digital Games and Gamification in Education," they are invited to explore the dynamic fusion of play and education that holds the potential to revolutionize the future of learning. This book is an essential guide for educators, scholars, and enthusiasts, offering insights, strategies, and practical examples that illuminate the path to a more engaging and practical educational experience. Citation Taş, N. & Bolat, Y. İ. (Eds.). (2023). Digital Games and Gamification in Education. ISTES Organization.
Conference Paper
Using Research through Design, this paper explores how to design a technology augmented outdoor playground installation that utilizes storytelling to create engagement for local wildlife and ecosystems. Through a multisectorial design project a permanent playground installation was developed, implemented, tested and evaluated over a period of six years. The installation is a small play hut, integrated in the natural landscape and augmented with interactive audio stories. The installation was found to invite extended and recurring use, for children and families. The stories and their content seemed to engage children, and they also readapted them through story-informed play. Creating meaningful interactivity proved challenging, as it caused confusion and broke storytelling immersion. We suggest the strong concepts of designing for Story-Informed Play and the Unique Opportunity Effect. Other design implications include to design for; qualitative story content, robustness, playification, screen-free interaction, ambiguity, malleability, intuitive use, multi-user, and extending the experience beyond the installation.
Les matériaux, en plus de leurs caractéristiques physiques, culturelles et politiques, servent de médiums dans lesquels les univers subjectifs des designers peuvent s’incarner. Cette hypothèse s’appuie sur la théorie de l’agir créatif de Winnicott, qui souligne comment notre rapport au monde est à la fois tangible et imaginaire, ce qui nous permet de reconfigurer les éléments matériels de nos environnements. Dans la continuité des travaux de Winnicott, les psychanalystes Marion Milner et Denis Roussillon ont approfondi le questionnement sur les propriétés des médiums qui peuvent soutenir cette activité créative de projection subjective. Ils avancent le concept de « médiums malléables » et proposent cinq propriétés qui, d’après eux, caractérisent ces médiums capables de soutenir une activité créative : l’indestructibilité, l’extrême sensibilité, l’indéfinie transformation, l’inconditionnelle disponibilité et enfin, l’animation propre. Leurs travaux éclairent les rapports aux matériaux dans l’activité créative et permettent de mieux comprendre la dynamique des médiums comme milieux et matrices de formation accueillant des projections du monde intérieur des designers.
The design of digital technologies for older adults is often premised on deficit models of ageing that position older people as a homogenous group and as passive users of technology, with an overwhelming focus on meeting practical needs in older age. In response, a growing number of scholars in HCI and Science and Technology Studies (STS) are engaging with processes of co-design that situate older adults as experts in their own lives and as central to the design process. These scholars highlight how an essential first phase of co-design is understanding and foregrounding the lifeworlds, experiences and expertise of older adults. This paper responds to these calls, alongside the lack of consideration of minoritised older adults in co-design. It draws on the empirical findings from the first phase of the Connecting Through Culture As We Age project, which places twenty minoritised older adults who identify as disabled, and/or racially and/or socio-economically minoritised, at the centre of a digital innovation process. Through a case study approach, we focus on two of the minoritised older adults involved, to demonstrate the value of bringing together participatory methods with an interdisciplinary lifecourse lens. We highlight the power of this approach for understanding minoritised older adults' relationships with technology, as shaped by experiences across the lifecourse, for building relationships, and ensuring their agency and voice underpin the co-design process.
Conference Paper
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The Pillow is a treated LCD screen which shows changing patterns in response to ambient electromagnetic radiation, challenging viewers to consider our constant invasion by electronic information. It is proposed as a product for mass-production, one that people would purchase for home use. In this paper, we describe how this admittedly impractical value fiction illustrates some of the ways that designers can pursue research.
Conference Paper
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As a way of mapping a design space for a project on information appliances, we produced a workbook describing about twenty conceptual design proposals. On the one hand, they serve as suggestions that digital devices might embody values apart from those traditionally associated with functionality and usefulness. On the other, they are examples of research through design, balancing concreteness with openness to spur the imagination, and using multiplicity to allow the emergence of a new design space. Here we describe them both in terms of content and process, discussing first the values they address and then how they were crafted to encourage a broad discussion with our partners that could inform future stages of design.
Hertzian tales: Electronic products, aesthetic experience and critical design
  • A Dunne
Dunne, A. (1999). Hertzian tales: Electronic products, aesthetic experience and critical design. London: RCA:CRD Research Publications.
The Presence Project
  • W Gaver
  • B Hooker
Gaver, W., and Hooker, B. (2001). The Presence Project. London: RCA:CRD Research Publications.
The Dreaming. Informatik/Informatique 5/2001. Figure 6: Cultural probes are provocative materials eliciting inspiring responses
  • J Wejchert
Wejchert, J. (2001). The Dreaming. Informatik/Informatique 5/2001. Figure 6: Cultural probes are provocative materials eliciting inspiring responses.